Inaccuracies in The Game of Life

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hi everybody I'm here in a coffin if you're wondering why long story short I was speeding in a school zone and I faked my death to get out of community service today man what a life full of Wacky Adventures and some definitely regrettable decisions regarding my finances but that's okay I also brought this here board game to pass the time only for me to realize two things that this game needs two players to actually be played and then it kind of gets some things wrong about life life came to life in 1860 when this nice fellow named Milton Bradley felt like living the life of making the game of life and went ahead to go do that and he also named the game the checkered Game of Life a century and a half later the game has definitely rebranded a little bit The Game of Life was basically unrecognizable but the creators were happy with it probably not the 1860 guy he he probably he probably died and the board game went from Checkers to not Checkers and they even got rid of glove spaces like poverty gambling and oh oh oh oh that's yeah that's that was probably a good call on their part regardless because it's a board game there's obviously limitations and creative choices which means that the Game of Life in any version could be considered a bit inconsistent and I hate being inconsistent so now I think I'll go ahead and play that iconic game right now on my carpeted coffin floor space I'll be playing the 2021 version since that was the only one I could find at my local Target I'm sorry if you like the Super Mario edition of The Game of Life but I could not find it and because this game needs two players I'll be playing as the blue car and the pink car but we want the blue car to win and the pink one to not do that specific thing and to make it even more realistic how about some live action first impressions of live action it's pretty cool how fluid my arm is but I don't appreciate just five fingers per hand so here is The Game of Life I wonder if this counts as a tax write-off after carefully opening the game box I already have a few questions how do I live what's that thing where do I get the lemons I'm reading the rules right now and basically I just play the game earn the most money and hope pink card doesn't do that well right off the start you choose either college or career which I guess you could argue that's where life begins but the ability to go like 30 spaces living as a kid and having that weird phase in middle school that you eventually come to hate and will end up following you until the end of time would have been nice at the very least also all players get 250 000 at the start of the game which is insane to think about because you normally don't get that money at that age unless you're good at gambling or stealing so that's gonna dock a few accuracy points already to start off I put the pink car on the career path gave them the top card and spun a nine for them and they already got a Payday there's only like 12 payday spaces and you get money every time you pass them so I don't know if it's like a yearly paycheck a really bad payment amounts but either way that's not good I think meanwhile I go to college so I need to pay one hundred thousand dollars in tuition fees because I want to do that so already I'm down by one hundred and fifty thousand dollars against pink car which is in fact bad because we were trying to see who gets the most money at the end I get a one and pull an action card giving the option to earn twenty thousand dollars or get a dog obviously I want this breed and I claim it not my turn once again pink spins a four and oh God damn it he ain't got another payday if you land on a Payday space you get a slight bonus which is weird but I would argue that it's like a bonus that you could see an athlete getting in some instances I don't I don't no I'm not I'm not an athlete look I'm in a coffin I Go Again get a chunky 10 and I get told to stop the rules say if I spin a one or two I fail and I don't finish college alrighty that seems fairly accurate though I will say this ratio of one-fifth of students dropping out of college it feels wrong it doesn't feel accurate because it's actually higher more people drop out of college than the game insinuates but I didn't do that and I actually finish and I get a degree out of my career options I decided to go with being a veterinarian because I already have my lovable green dog which I have decided to name pickle chips and that dog on that card looks like it knows where I live and it will rip out my tongue if I don't pick it Pink goes again and stops at the marriage options where they have to make this major decision of getting married and not being able to do it later which again you know it's a game and accuracy it's it's weird that you can only get married here but I would like to believe that the pink car is a soulless corporate beef tenderloin droopy Peg car person that would never find a significant other and love of their life a tragic tale for this plastic little card so obviously they are not getting married if you don't marry you get to go again pink car gets a seven they land on the house space and they get a high-rise Penthouse which isn't too bad for a professional athlete now I don't know much about real estate but I don't know if that's accurate in my little humble little opinion again I've never legitimately purchased an asset like this but the economy of this children's board game feels like it's pretty dang scuffed on a power trip Pink goes again and decides to have a loving family is what I would have said if they actually went and had a loving family look at them do you really think this miserable plastic flesh bag is gonna have a loving family with a husband or wife and children of course not it's a stupid pink piece of plastic but I still feel bad for pink car and let them go a fourth time and while we they landed on an investment space that's fun hey stupid children watching this while eating dinner investing is this thing that I'm not at all qualified to give advice about in the slightest but it's basically this thing that lets you get real real big amounts of money over Year's worth of time you should probably do it maybe I don't know I don't know anything about investing I'm just a cartoon on the internet why are you even listening to me with financial advice in The Game of Life you spin a wheel and anytime someone lands on the number that you spun for your investment card you get more money the more it's fun the more you earn so I think that's a pretty good decent all right job think it's an 8 meaning that they invest in a fashion brand I'll go again because I forgot that I had a car and I'll crackers that's the opposite of what I want another action space this time I need to ride a roller coaster to give at least 50k to the bank why is a roller coaster worth half of my college tuition Pink goes once again in now there's two games of life I want to stop being a part of pink has the option to change careers I don't know how many athletes skills you can translate into fashion design so I'd assume they don't go for the less profitable career path because again cold the husk of plastic right here meanwhile I don't think I won't be not marrying because the only thing that scares me more than Scrat from Ice Age is dying alone so now I have another meat bag to worry about besides my lovable dog pickle chips just to make it fair I broke the laws of living to spin immediately after being married and from this I get to be on pink car's live stream and I'm pleased to say that that idiot owes me 50 schmuckeroos I get a 9 which is a number that sure exists and I get a cool house now so I get to draw a card and I hope it's neat now don't get me wrong it's cheaper but why the hell would I want to live in a houseboat I'm an aspiring veterinarian for Christ's sake I can't live like this geez Louise passed me the mac and cheese if you please I'm feeling like the mayor of frowntown right now at least it can only get better from here and it does because pink card is having a midlife crisis how embarrassing but they do get a pet of their own and I think that's a cat at this point I'm losing by a decent amount stupid pink idiot is rolling in 450 Grand while I'm falling stupidly far behind because I only have two hundred thousand dollars graduated college and working as a veterinarian I'm happily married and I own a loyal and potentially Immortal dog because they've been living pretty pretty long they haven't died yet and I don't want to live like this I want to outclass the other player who happens to be controlled by me but sucks more because pink is an exceptionally average color back to my car it costs 50k in this terrible board game Universe to have children which is cheaper than normal I think but do I want kids well pickle chips Maul them if I do I don't know what breed it is so I I hope not will pink car get jealous pink heart is gonna get jealous I'm gonna have kids ping gets another house and buys a beach hut but who even cares Beach Huts can't fill that empty Loveless void in that one vital organ we call the heart oh meanwhile guess what I got whoa whoa another eight awesome and now I have twins which sure is something I forgot what joke I was gonna say here and pink it's a 10 and then you get the option to retire early and you know what why not good job you retired early and you aren't living anymore since this game makes it look like you die right after retirement which is only sometimes true and just like nothing happening at the start of the game until you turn 18 being able to go 20 more spaces and then die would have been nice I hope you have a slightly below average retirement and work part-time at Kroger to pass the time since you have no family this stupid Peg head and since I'm like a hundred more spaces away I'm just gonna have like a Time skip or something it took me three hours but I did it I retired and I cheated a little bit there's no footage so it can't be proven otherwise eyes in every space I landed on only gave me more money I didn't lose any money for the rest of the game so yeah I won the game of Life against myself so that's cool though I think this silly game is like I won but I didn't win I had pickle chips the dog along with three children in a Boathouse and a lovely wife or partner I I haven't decided yet and I went on a 50 000 roller coaster but that's basically it my life kind of seemed a little bit basic out of that as a person with life I can assure you that this is like six percent accurate one it could be at least nine it was more of a demo than the full thing because I don't think a lifelong journey can be portrayed in any way besides experiencing it yourself in Forrest Gump in the first 10 minutes of up but but that's it now I would go ahead and compare this game of life to my own experiences but I haven't retired yet and I also don't want you guys to know my weaknesses like how I never learned how to play hopscotch I put mustard on my spaghetti and the reason I never faced right is because wait why am I sharing this with you the point is if you're watching this there's a very good possibility that you are alive and eventually that living thing we all got going on just kind of stops I think my biggest takeaway and accuracy of this experience is just like the game Life is gonna end but it's not a competition like I've been treating it like I could be saying all this to rub it into the pink car that I want more fake board game money than them but it really isn't a competition I'm sure in some screwed up way Pinkard had a fulfilling life with their beach hut and high-rise Penthouse and not going to college-ness ultimately I think the biggest failing in all of this is that every life is different for everyone and even though there's all of these action cards and career choices there's way more things that could happen in our short little living experiences besides gaining losing money and again these stupid cards that I mean they tried they really did earlier today I faked my death and that got me into this coffin and though I regret speeding near that elementary school zone that would buy proxy forced me into community service I can appreciate how that experience and those untimely deaths taught me the valuable lessons about appreciating life so yeah that's about all go out there and do some stuff you kooky character enjoy this goofy old game while you can I'm just gonna wait down here until some Palace of Mind dig me out so uh yeah all right bye bye buckaroos you know what just occurred to me I completely forgot about oxygen down here oh [Music]
Channel: choopo
Views: 232,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board game funny, Board game video games, Board games, Choopo, Coffin, Inaccuracies, Inaccuracy, Innacuracies in the game of life, Innacurate, Innacurate game of life, Microsoft paint, The game of life, Why are you looking at the tags, game of life, game of life 2, microsoft paint, microsoft paint animation, microsoft paint art, ms paint, ms paint animation, real life, the game of life, the game of life 2
Id: ZFY9eJqsx1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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