The Bizarre Lore of Moshi Monsters

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Moshi Monsters is a game that was popular in the 2010s and beloved by millions of players however throughout the years the game went from one of the biggest names online to essentially a corpse of a series so join me today as we go back and take a look at what truly happened to this enormous franchise hi everybody I'm here in a ferris wheel I think someone died to death or threw up or something at the bottom because I've been stuck up here for a good while and now I'm here looking out for Ferris wheel Eagles that are responsible for more casualties than sharks are where I'm from at least so the Moshi Monsters Series is a unique case for me because I'm not necessarily a massive fan of the series coming into it I've been told it's basically Animal Jam for Europeans and the mere thought of that kind of already upsets me starting off the first point of this timeline takes place in the grunge age which is basically like your Stoner Medieval Age we don't really know the specifics but it gets mentioned that life here was pretty lame everyone was sad and wheels didn't exist and that's about it it's really just Europe but worse already besides that very specific point Moshi Monsters takes place in monstro city and that's found on the mashi spear planet and would truly come into existence when the game really released on April 16th of 2008 when you start the game you're given the chance to adopt one of six monsters from six different species you got zomer pop it Mamet you this one and kitsuma which is the one I went with and apparently a ton of other people did because looking at these rooms I don't see a lot of those like flying little Cherry freaks these are also the six main characters technically and then soon after the game just drops you into its role it's just like okay good luck kiddo figure it out but really it's about what you would expect it's like playing mini games decorating your house and all that stuff until about December 6th of 2010 to February 8th of 2013 where we would be introduced to the missions imagine the spy missions from Club Penguin but again in arguably slightly worse these are your point-and-click adventures where you need to solve problems of anyone you encounter and there's like 50 of them in game there's some side missions where you climb up Beanstalk and collect film for a movie but the main meat in SpaghettiOs are the super missions consisting of three seasons of Adventures and this is where a majority of the in-game story takes place so at least a little bit before December 6 2010 by at least a couple days this is the L Elder furry don't laugh before he was an elder he was a college student studying Moshling algae in superness along with his pal lavender Troggs they were the best of friends until they decided not to in lavender Troggs became doctor strangeglove the most evilest evil stir who is now a clumped up hominidad which basically is as stupid as it sounds but essentially in the Moshi world there's a class of species called the Moshlings and these are specifically the thing I would argue made the game popular basically they're a Pokemon or in-game pet equivalent like there's 300 of these little fellas in your adopted monster adopts these monsters while you're adopting them so it's like a weird adoption interception but hey now these monsters are Moshi Monsters so it's like the name from the thing it's like the thing of the thing if mushlings are exposed to too many bad vibes they turn into glumps so now we gotta protect Moshlings like snaster wobbleson snaster wobble Sun Marcel who I don't trust hocus the wonky wizard gurgle and Simon Cowell on moshi Monster's missions your objective is to make Dr Strangelove knock that off as he also captures is the elder furry and basically every conflict the dude is pretty bad at not being a hostage along the way you meet new Pals the gate new marshlings and find out that Dr Strange glove is part of clunk which is short for a criminal League of naughty Critters led by this guy we don't even know who they are or anything or anything about them they're just a bad guy with gloves other members said you need to stop the plans of include Sweet Tooth Commander sassafras and Marcel again this is the face of a killer but eventually you stop their Antics by preventing them from capturing Moshlings and slash or blowing up the sun just about everything this league does correlates with something in between in between missions your main monster can enjoy wonderful and silly activities such as buying things and playing some decent flash games in fact there's a location called the Moshi fun park with a bunch of flash games totally unrelated to Moshi Monsters like the Kung Fu Panda 2 Kung Fu hula challenge game for the movie Kung Fu Panda 2 releasing in May of 2011 where I played for 45 minutes straight and eventually got a higher score than anyone in the world if you think otherwise you are wrong and stupid and probably maybe not right otherwise this section almost acted as a mini cool math game this area comes from another site called Moshi games which is actually just a mini cool math games featuring some pretty big names actually like balloons and even Papa's Pizzeria so you know what that means it's all Cannon to the Papa's Universe everywhere I go I see space I can't leave me alone friends were another decently important aspect of this game you can't really interact with specific players which in my opinion the severe lack of multiplayer is by far the greatest harm of this series the most you can do is send gifts and messages to players but for my knowledge I was unable to directly interact with people through games and stuff which I think was massively a missed opportunity still though there's like this Nick Jr animation charm and everything which goes two ways where they need to spell out everything going on to this stupid insignificant babies playing the game that this is meant for playing Moshi Monsters as an adult felt like I was trying to binge watch Team Umizoomi in one sitting it's nice but after a while you realize that you're probably not the demographic of tiny unsmart Hobbit people that buy Moshi Monsters memberships speaking of which from what I can tell this game was super manipulative in convincing children to get numbers ships the cast system in any game with a membership is pretty bad but here it's like very far away from each other it's it's super awful with the membership you can go from a few default monster colors to everything on the hex and ooze with drippy drip and colorful colors this is about my fourth time seeing memberships constantly being shoved in my face in like the past three months but here especially it's excessive like fire and it's in my opinion this is the thing that Moshi Monsters did the worst and eventually the game was temporarily blacklisted in some places for this specific reason and that's arguably worse than fire ants and for a game where you need to get a parent's permission and email to play in a game where you can make cupcakes look like this in a game where characters eyes and loading screen will follow wherever your mouse is in a game that where there's a Watergate question in the puzzle Palace and in a game where there's a location called the puzzle Palace you shouldn't have things worse than fire ants and a game involving these doesn't need to cause any drama and a game involved 2011. a decent amount of Moshlings and in-game content exists to parody other pre-existing properties in people there's already Simon growl but we got SpongeBob Harry Potter Ikea but the most infamous example needs to temporarily be postponed because I need to tell you a story when I was a young youngster so young that I was in the appropriate age demographic for this game the age where I ate cat food because I couldn't reach the food on the kitchen counter and nobody helped me thanks Mom Dad I still I still won't forgive you for that one you remember 2008 I do yeah you remember when I ate cat food yep yep I saw my sibling playing the game with a blue consumer in their house and in their house I saw Moshling one that would forever slightly irritate me for its mere existence that being lady goo goo I watched the baby as it began to groove when clicked upon I asked sibling why is the baby grooving only to be told it's lady goo goo you goddamn sponge cake which is an insult I have yet to recover from to this day but yeah lady goo goo is quite literally a stupid child made for stupid children music videos were another major Moshi Monster product and they all sure do exist the one song starring lady goo goo called the mashi dance legally can't exist anymore because Lady Gaga took legal action for this character in part because lady Gaga didn't want this to feel like some sort of official collaboration which was far from the case she didn't want to be associated with this thing which justifiably so look at it eventually lady goo goo would be permanently removed from the game in any capacity being replaced by baby rocks which is also a thing I wish was in a blender this is also around the time when the Moshi Monsters franchise was truly growing into this powerful figure of powerfulness for the next couple years the game would see numerous major updates and over 50 million unique players in the span of two years it would gain merch new content and you know me I love reading but unfortunately I couldn't pick up these books I mean as cool as they might be I'm gonna have to avoid the reading this time at least but of course there would be spin-offs and new major entries that would each expand on certain aspects of the world and those are all worth taking at least a little bit of a gandaret so let's have a lightning round of all the games that came out at this time but like slower not a not not exactly a lightning round like a um this is the Thunder from a few miles away round November 6 2011 Moshling Zoo this is something that already existed in the computer game but essentially this is Moshi Monsters DS Buster Bumble chops is a character who is by far the most interested in finding and studying moshlinks here you need to help him find all the Moshlings you can for them and it's about the same as before and eventually this became one of the top sellers on the Nintendo DS Cool October 26 2012 Moshling theme park is another game on the DS which serves about the same purpose as the previous game Bumble chops takes over the zoo now that you've helped them enough but now he's like holy hot fudge and Fuddruckers I want to die more than usual let's go on a vacay so you contact this shopkeeper named Dewey who is also a pilot just not a very good one as the plane also just goes down and explodes but miraculously everyone knew that he was a dog pilot and had parachutes already now the rest of the game involves you getting everyone back together and rebuilding the theme park to its former glory ending this adventure by finding Buster after he makes you do extra work to find him like he goes out of his way to make you do more and he he kind of sucks October 11 2013 Moshi Monsters kitsuma Unleashed is a DS and 3DS game about the default monsters who were all supposed to be the main characters getting captured by strange glove all you do here is go on an adventure as the most popular guy rescuing everybody else slowly getting their powers along the way eventually you rescue the Elder furry unless you didn't 100 the game in that case they'll be riding in a cage until the end of time because you were too lazy to get all the coins December 4th 2013 marshalling rescue is a Candy Crush type game it's rated for ages 100 plus most of us are never even gonna be allowed to play this one if it was still available December 18 2013 Moshi Monsters Villages your generic mobile game based on a pre-existing Series where you just build up a town there's not much to it it's shut down in 2017 but hey moving along December 20 2013 alrighty fellas I was just as surprised as you're about to be did you know that there's just emoshi Monsters movie like when I saw the poster I was like yeah it's one of those fake generic deviantART posters for movies and that might this that's kind of neat like no this is just a movie it just exists in fact it has so little cultural impact that I spent like 45 minutes trying to find a way to watch it only to land on this YouTube video where the camera is slightly zoomed in in it and it's like sped up by 1.1 times and it's titled watch Moshi Monsters the movie watch movies online free and then I watched it and in my genuine opinion it's just a harmless silly not very good kids movie it's like a 2.5 out of 10 if I'm being generous but it's fascinating to me that this movie from a series worth millions of dollars had so little impact in any way it's not my place to look at what happened here so if you want to look at it look into it see see why this exists everything before after be my guest with that being said the movie follows kusuma pop it and all the other little goblins as they star in a movie in monstro city until a strange glove steals the great Moshling egg from Bumble chops after his expedition to Moshi Pichu which is also a place that exists in a bunch of the games and here is just near generic fetch Quest movie where they have 12 hours to do everything they go to a jungle they go to a candy place they go to jollywood which you would think is Hollywood but no it's Bollywood and there's an adoptable Moshling that's just a tiny man for some reason it's just a slightly less interesting doogle and Google already sucks like how do you look bad against doogle it's animated like I was the one who animated it one of the Collectibles is microwave wavable Ramen that they almost die for the best part was watching this stupid elephant fall from a high place this was in theaters the only Silver Lining if I'm being totally honest was strange glove he's your average Goofy cartoon villain like a lot of media so it's really hard to mess that up he's just a guy who likes playing chess and dancing and trying to blow up the sun there's nothing wrong with that otherwise this movie is their same motion Antics as before Strange Love is beaten there's a dance party ending for all the kind of annoying characters but this movie actually features one of the greatest potential story tidbits from a goddamn throwaway line like eight minutes in basically Bumble chops is being interviewed after finding this egg and he mentions the great Custer flood of 9999.5 now if you're good at math like I am you might recognize that the number 2013 and 9999.5 are pretty dang far away from each other meaning that this world is currently at minimum in the year 100 000 and for a minute I thought like how is this going to impact the timeline and no it doesn't it really doesn't like like at all we already knew that the Moshi sphere was an alien planet and in fact there's aliens and that was already a major aspect of season two of the Moshi super Mission so like I don't think it really does matter at all it's purely a coincidence that Bali would in Indian culture also became a thing here so maybe that's just like a universal thing between all planets But ultimately no this major Revelation is extremely minimal and and not at all important but if you want to translate our years into their years just add 100 000 to whatever the current year is for example December 21st 100 0013 to December 13th 100 000 19th a big chunk of Moshi Monsters just kind of Blends together during this period which is a tad odd since it takes up about half of its current time as a series the whole series begins to see a Slowdown at this point we went from having half a dozen things to release within a couple years to sort of not really that older players begin to move on just simply because of growing up and thinking that this was a game for kids and they would not be wrong in this case I mean look at it with things like the decline mining player base and by proxy less revenue streams mind candy the developer of the series nearly went bankrupt from everything yet somehow they managed to survive and beyond that made a few more games in the series throughout this period February 12 2014 Moshi Monsters cart is your generic endless runner at Subway Surfers but worse February 14th 2014 a talking puppet it's Talking Tom if I really need to explain it that maybe you are in the Target demographic for this game on October 26 2016 there would be Moshi Monsters egg hunt the six playable monsters are completely gone at this point as we only see Bumble chops this giant roster of Moshlings and glumps it's essentially just mobile Moshi Monsters otherwise it's just streamlined down with a little bit of fat trimmed you still got houses still collect mostly still play a ton of the same games like honestly they could have just gone the extra mile and made this the mobile version of The Flash game and it probably would have done really well it's still available but from what I can tell it hasn't been updated in years so I suppose bundle chops is once again left alone to die this is like the fourth time it's happened though so it's whatever and then you got the classic kids fly MMO tragic tragedy on December of 2019. the game would be abruptly shut down in part due to the shutdown of Adobe Flash you already know what the shutdown of adobe is yada yada lots of games use Flash no flash no game simple as that on one hand alright whatever it's the flash game Purge another victim on another hand I feel like the original game being lost could have been easily avoided in the past I've talked about some big flash games finding some workarounds to live on and I think Moshi could have quite easily took the landing maybe they just didn't have the resources or time to do it so on the 19th that was that no celebration no direct continuation announced or planned just a fallen Empire and honestly that really sucks the Egg Hunt mobile game is still available but I think in part this has a chance of being taken off the App Store at the moment at least so if you want an official continuation of the classic game this is about the best you can get the DS games movie all that Gunk is still technically available but again this is more like finding the remains of a golden age Moshi Monsters Rewritten is still out there yet with a lot of Rewritten things by fans you still gotta take it with a grain of salt though before the full shutdown mine candy took a complete 180 which somehow managed to work shockingly enough in 2018 there would be the release of a wellness app called Moshi Monster sleep it exists so kids can have help sleeping and overall benefiting their health and I know I ragged on them before I know their old way of pressuring people into memberships and buying stuff was kinda shitty but honestly I can praise this for what this is It's seemingly harmless at the moment Moshi Monsters has just been rebranded to Moshi and Moshi sleep has been rebranded into Moshi kids so it can help in multiple ways and that's basically Moshi Monsters it's kind of neat watching how all these online games evolved and survived of the times this one specifically kind of retired which makes sense but it's still out there but not at the levels of the power at its Heyday it's like when Disney Channel stars leave acting and do totally different things but when you look back at their lives you go oh that was Zach from Zack and Cody that that's where he is now and though a lot of it was little baby be gibberish and that's what the in-game language sounds like it sounds like a mix of German and simlish they say words like flurbus and Fifi and Scoopy and doofy and Marcel just a bunch of made up words but in my honest heartfelt little heart-shaped opinion I can kind of understand why people like this game honestly besides Club Penguin this had the most content and I I I could see myself coming back to this though I feel like this game had a similar issue to Animal Jam where I feel like you can kind of experience everything a membership could offer within a month like the missions maybe a few of the rare Moshlings all that they it really it really wasn't that much if you want to play this game in any capacity just about all major entries for that matter are still accessible I would recommend maybe checking out some of them if that's your thing but that's really that I don't even know if it's pronounced mashi or Moshi um whichever whichever whichever one you think you're right otherwise I'm all hunky-dory now this adventure has come to a close I hope you enjoyed my exotic ramble I hope you you find yourself seeing more here's my obligatory statistics follow me on every social media I'm probably there even meavers until it's shut down I wasn't I'm not on Miiverse anymore uh drink some water ask three before me uh eat your vegetables unless you want to become a vegetable and most of all whoa whoa is that a ferris wheel Eagle oh no oh oh that really that was really scary hello oh I gotta look out for those jeez Louise that was that was close but yes see you all next time oh no it's coming back foreign
Channel: choopo
Views: 461,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizarre lore, Choopo, Flash game lore, Lady googoo, Moshi monsters gameplay, Moshi monsters katsuma, Moshi monsters moshlings, Moshi monsters movie, Moshlings, Poppet, The bizarre lore of moshi monsters, Why are you looking at the tags, flash games, katsuma, lore, microsoft paint, microsoft paint animation, monsters, moshi, moshi monsters, moshi monsters egg hunt, moshi monsters the movie, ms paint, ms paint animation, my singing monsters, papa's games
Id: mN_jfWjXtSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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