Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope: The Extended Complete Run

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some of my favorite Mario games have always been spin-offs of the main series Super Mario RPG Paper Mario Mario Golf tennis Mario and Luigi and more recently Mario and rabbits I remember when Mario and Rabbids Kingdom battle was first leaked and like many the first question on my mind was why well it didn't matter why because it went on to become a beloved swish title and proved many people like me wrong because I played through the whole damn first game and I loved every minute of it so with Sparks of Hope finally here you can imagine the excitement as we not only got another entry in the Tactical RPG series but one that is bounds beyond the original and if you're a fan of the games and similar titles I'm gonna be playing through the entire game as well as any DLC Adventures that release so be sure to subscribe because chances are a lot of you got to this point in the video and you're like oh I'm not subscribed to the best Channel on YouTube I'd better fix that just kidding kind of but please subscribe it's my dream to hit a million one day Mario relief to see you it's my best speech impression are we gonna go find a rabid Mario's overalls oh good grief he's naked oh if I catch the thief who took my overalls where are they all right the Mushroom Kingdom is in peace time right now and during that time we're just searching for rabid Mario's overalls in here no maybe I'll just follow the money that money is always right hmm I wonder which Bush it's in I don't know comment section which Bush do you think rabbit Mario's overalls are in oh look they're nice and folded too so whoever stole them at least they're neat maybe it was Marie kondo oh hey Luigi how you doing rabbit Luigi you stole rabbit Mario's overalls but why I wanted to be the only Reb uh jealousy he's like there's only enough room for one overall wearing rabid and it's gonna be me Tada back in business I like how they made rabid Mario sound like Captain Lou Albano I'm Captain Lou Albano talking about drugs kids don't be afraid to say no we can now kick back and relax safe in the knowledge that everything is under control good point bibo we should probably relax now that nothing Galaxy shattering is gonna happen to us or anything two seconds later oh no oh I spoke too soon [Music] he's like oh it's a loom I remember those oh God it's ugly no I kind of like like another rabbit Loom is the Sparks oh my God what are you stop ew you're gonna get it on the castle he's like hang on I'm going live on Instagram you're up and she's gone pandemonium peaches like everyone just relax this happens at least once a month yo no way she's gonna just alley-oop him oh oh you just went in like the oh he's just like a moving wormhole man this entire game is just so well animated up sticks to Landing nice job rabbit you didn't need my help I love the design of these enemies too like these eyeballs on the Manta it really reminds me of like Wind Waker using dash dash into those eggs shaped eyeball protuberance I'm just gonna like Peg it right in the cornea boom there you go oh no this thing's gonna crash hey uh Mario even how to Pilot this thing oh God oh look how Nimble Mario is rabbit Peach in the other hand broke every bone in her face like we're getting back on we really we don't know what else to do we entered a wormhole it's a very pretty Wormhole what is this this is chaos zero just kidding it's cursa which is actually a really badass boss design they call it cursive because they say the f word a lot no don't look that thing in the eye all right we're gonna get vaporized huh what is this [Music] would you get that thing listen I know Peach has money but she's not Bulma foreign [Music] Butterfingers does anyone else but me nostalgic for The Simpsons Butterfinger commercials from back in the 90s and early 2000s specifically Butterfinger BBs Butterfinger babies just eat them so I'm I'm so happy that they decided to go like the Luma route for this and the Mario Galaxy root because those are my favorite Mario games I don't know if that's why I'm so attached to Sparks of Hope or just because I love the first game so much oh look at that thing the closest planet within range is Beacon Beach the dark mess has already spread there not enough data to define the level of danger alright so we'll be heading off to Beacon Beach soon but first we need to pick our level of difficulty do I go demanding do do I do it I'm doing it poof Right Through the Wormhole oh if we go to Beacon Beach Hey where's that water going rev Louise like I just want to play in the puddles oh God what is this oh no not a cardboard Morning Star if you're here to cause trouble we're at our limit already look at his necklace it's held together with Scotch tape that's silly Taurus hero Heroes you mean like to put yourselves in serious danger to help total strangers that's very specific of you where are you going with this see that Lighthouse up there yeah I don't know it was working yesterday um and then like some Intergalactic goop Venom monster it's like took it over the sun disappeared and now I'm sad for some reason that thing is a darkmas tentacle by eliminating it not only can we reverse its ill it's illex on the weather purify its Darkness energy and use it to create a warp tunnel to our next destination yeah let's do that all right we're gonna save Beacon Tower but first let's head over to the shop and see what we can buy from uh sales Bud 9.99 plus tax I don't know you seem kind of uh Shady [Laughter] so uh playing this game on demanding because I feel like I had to do it there's no other way and I don't know what demanding means but let's jump into our first battle and I'm probably gonna find out still early game so we're fine do I use the spark and power up everyone you know what we're gonna go with the hero site parasite has always been broken It's Gonna Pop My Man twice that's it I can't get a dash in but I can if I use a team jump drop down here boom I'm just gonna splatter this dude's brains against the wall private Mario brought the hands look it's like [Laughter] it easy are they bunching up yeah come on over here hey come on what are you afraid hiding behind a wall you cowards everyone's just attacking poor rabbit Mario wait till I get my hands on that but bomb you're done okay uh you're hurting me how many of you are there let's use a pal block let's throw this over here and I'll just take care of that oh that actually I'm going with that take one of you down take you down oh that dude's almost dead let's see it might be able to hit the quote right oh yeah hang on every Dash I supposed to hit both of them yeah the attacks in this game are way more satisfying oh I did it I probably should have looked at the clear conditions because it was probably like hey just defeat like not all of them but some of them enough to be threatening okay this one is defeat all rabbit Mario you're a little low on health how many is all four no problem all right now you die two birds at one stone or one of the bomb in this case can I reach you I can't I not only can I reach you I can one shot you this guy completely ruined his day you see now because there's so much to do as a content creator I need to strike a good balance between doing side quests and furthering the story because I could easily just stay here forever and do everything all right here we go let's do this without getting hit that's dead oh not quite oh I can pick you up uh I'm so sorry okay unaware that I can just unlimited enemies you just toss them to their death what kind of monster are you Mario but the thing is uh the Goombas I like I don't think you could throw them at other Goomba oh you can I was just like a little didn't even do anything that is a lot of range why do I have so much range to buy from League of Legends this four they're all gonna die right now rabbit Mario goes to the arcade and he punches that giant punching bag game and he maxes out you know what I'm talking about all right we're gonna head up to the beacon Tower but first we need to save this Village from this singular bomb he's like uh Maria I'm locked out could you oh God they're here Quick Time Event Don't Mind If I Do hey you awake nice work getting rid of that bomb I was worried it Kaboom the poor creature I found see the door to the lighthouse can only be unlocked by the sun with it gone we can't get inside normally uh hey what's what's the bag pal he's like oh I found this creature and I just decided to I don't know throw it in a bag and try and seal it he's like oh god oh I could breathe the sun please it's just it's gonna just phase into this thing don't mind me oh how about that these are solar powered panels are uh pretty impressive all right Patrick we did it the city is saved what now we're gonna head to the sunrise Temple but first i'm just gonna pick up this stack of coins that totally doesn't belong to anyone else yeah what happened to this place it's disgusting [Music] I'm just not waiting for a challenge I picked the hardest difficulty they didn't know they were going up against professional Mario and Rabbids player and oh look at this a new spark you gotta win this battle so I can leave with you else I'm stuck here here's a tip the bad guys on this particular Battlefield are pretty apathetic get to the other end of the battlefield and they'll give up you can analyze enemies and we probably should see what's going on over here who are you guys scopers High Mobility long range just need to make sure they don't shoot rapid Mario who just doesn't have a lot of Health right now to begin with okay just here just you know take a bath you had to swim they don't know how to swim they have no arms this is actually pretty cruel oh come on he's right there with I couldn't hit all of them are you kidding here we go crowd surfing just like a really awkward situation to ask someone to like start you they're pretty apathetic I'm just gonna like casually stroll into the safe Zone and they're like oh damn it well we're not getting paid enough for this guess they can go free oh here's Edge looks like I saw nothing also I'm peeing where you going come back here he's like I'm searching for the one piece he's like oh God they're here please please I have a family he's like no don't worry I'm Mario you may have heard of me he's like oh yeah you also voiced Emmett oh God all right just leap through the waterfall no clue what's on the other side that's not dangerous at all especially when you just saw a giant ink tentacle come through it uh-oh hey don't swing that thing around you could hurt somebody all right as tempted as I am to just use Mario what if uh what if we switched it out and for the first time ever we don't use Mario but I should probably get some healing in here all right no lie I'm actually kind of nervous going into this because I don't have Mario and Mario is definitely my comfort zone but Luigi is uh he's a sneak attacker with some range so we might be able to hit some of them from back here I can reach them Dash in there uh so they're weak against fire which means I should use fire light him up oh he saw that one coming and he could do nothing about it and he goes poof all right so I need a good old-fashioned chalk Redemption Arc here because we're coming up on a boss and when I played the game at the Mario and Rabbids event I died and then I wasn't able to retry because I ran out of time but not here I love this weapon because it's never obstructed you can just wherever whenever just fire rockets in the air okay so maybe it was a little obstructed don't say anything it's like it'll hit him but like not all of them will you on the other hand hold these Rockets yo okay there's only room for one sharp shooter yo yo yo yo please please don't let me get to the boss first before I get washed man let's go over here let's heal Luigi so we took a Healer you just pull out my healing app what is rabbit of peach sound like she's from uh Like Home Star Runners teen girl squad you guys ever watch those videos oh I heard that cheerleader you're looking so good why are we not killing die thank you I feel like this took too many turns because I'm not using Mario I just need to reach it okay fine just drop me in all right you're safe we crossed the finish line foreign I guess these guys didn't get the memo it's fine it's just a misunderstanding we're just gonna talk to each he punched them out of existence hey back off [Music] oh my God it's a good thing they're not made of Flesh that would be horrifying if she comes the star of the show who people are speculating that edge is going to be rabid Bowser because it's kind of got the color scheme [Music] I want to know what Edge's deal is yeah besides being rabid Cloud stripe we're having Mario's in love okay that was sick even the second time around uh what's that oh my God the big kitty is back and this time I'm going to win [Music] all right I'm going back to using Mario because I'm comfortable with Mario all right I'm not going to get Edge kill to frame one this time I promise you hear that Ubisoft all right Tony the Tiger just step on over here for a second I want to talk to you you and I we got off on the wrong foot last time oh no people I know all about them I don't know if I can get over there you know please please don't oh Christ oh and she's like right out of range all right anyway it was nice having her on my team it's like defeat wild claw yeah I would like to do that but uh he massacred Edge in two hits oh God oh Jesus dude I thought I was playing it careful too what can I do here I gotta be able to do something it's not over until the last man falls and I'm not giving up just because all of my teammates are dead all right doing okay he's gonna stay alive he's not reaching me I got mushrooms and stuff I'm okay I'm Mario look he's gonna go around we got him like I could tank hits from these dudes all day long look I could just do this all day he's got to go around to hit me look you can't get me you're afraid of water you can't get me look you got all these minions around you and Mario solos easy hang on I also got uh they gotta hear a site back up just gonna get as far away as I can by going on the opposite side of the lake and while she's gonna move now we got two more shots you know he's getting frustrated I might have to pop a mushroom oh God wait hang on I'm I might tank too many hits here please be the last one please no one else hit me please no one else no one else no one else no one no no no no stop stop stop stop stop no okay that was a bad idea yeah no I know I know about the darkness portals okay so uh I did not redeem myself but I definitely put up more of a fight also to be fair I'm playing on hard difficulty now no Johns every time oh my God 600 Edge cannot catch a break it's actually comical he really just is about using these uh pools to your advantage because he has to go all the way around them there's not dealing enough damage I gotta deal more damage in fact I probably need to kill him before there's too many of these things or I should probably kill some of them you know that might be a good idea too for a big man here uh gets too close to me despite what you may think you can't play this thing super glass Cannon as fun as that would be trying to just rush him down it doesn't work please die give me one less thing to worry about not die oh crap uh didn't really want to use that let's throw this over here I guess uh using a pal block and then dropping it might be a cool strategy for uh having three actions on the next one might be able to take him down maybe yeah there we go give Peach like some time to actually get some attacks in but I gotta get out of here it'll be enough to kill but it hurt you pretty badly oh my God I'm so close I'm gonna take some shots and if I die I'm gonna take some shots I shouldn't get the double move oh God it's getting close I can smell him and it smells like Cheetos it's popping mushroom all right back to the original strategy he's uh he's almost dead now we can make it happen this time third time is actually the charm because this would be the third time very nice kitty hashtag kill thank you oh God we're finally gonna beat him this has haunted me for uh a month now all right see you in hell unless of course you have eight more lives in which case I'll see oh your Edge is alive she's gonna do the the spinal Fantasy 7 Victory fanfare all right the beach is saved or I guess almost saved halfway saved cool I can unlock the lighthouse watch I'll meet you there here I go baby I love Augie now we can have three Heroes permanently so this is actually new content for me just like I said uh I didn't beat wild claw in my playthrough when I tested the game so I really don't know what to expect here what is this locked pipe Sparks required we need 12 Sparks so it does look like there's a bunch of areas you won't be able to access until you come back later in the game which is pretty cool oh spooky a lighthouse with seasonal depression ooh did I make that joke already yeah but it doesn't count so this is a new game all right here we go oh just disappeared into the lighthouse he's like hang on I'll turn the lights on for you sorry but that's all I can do I'm no good at fighting like you are alright bye I mean it just floats away okay hey how you doing don't mind me there's enemies all over the place light your fire wait I see Wild Claw is he back you can't just casually throw him in oh a new spark I think this is a splash or uh or push watch The Flaming Stooges oh so we need to Fight Fire with water oh okay probably should have gotten better line of sight there why is he back I killed him how'd that not kill him please die no one wants to die all right fine you can use all my abilities all right oh okay so he's not wild claw he's like a mini version but he's still kind of scary these dudes are just throwing fireballs oh Mario you are completely exposed Mario's like I didn't Crouch down you didn't give me a chance to crouch down because you're little I can Dash and I can run I got The High Ground baby I gotta help my homies they need me see I'm not really worried about Mario because that other enemy is almost dead in fact he's about to die light him up real fast oh no that wasn't enough wait a second you're smaller than wild claw you can't deal as much damage that's not cool you know I said I wasn't worried about Mario 530. oh Jesus it's funny that I have to like team jump like right over here because I can't reach just to get that let's take this dude out it's like right here okay that's that's my whole turn oh wait storm blade I gotta keep remembering that there's things that I can use even though my turn really is over like he's over there he's not getting anybody you you're dying though about to hit you with the swiftness how did you not die see here's the thing about flying blade I have to use Edge to kind of line enemies up because I can hit more than one enemy if they're in the right line of sight and I haven't really been doing that so I just got to be a little a little more cognizant of where I'm standing and if I can hit multiple enemies because it'll really be helpful as opposed to me just kind of wasting turns I didn't mean to do that hit the wrong button down real fast another mushroomless and broke speaking of broke I like how they just evaporate when they die oh here's the egg guarding the egg the whole time so we gotta grab that and then we have to just like destroy this eyeball all right so we Ascend to the top Lighthouse who's at the top I actually don't even know probably maybe like Willem Dafoe or something you're fond of me Lobster oh okay there's a lot of stairs here because put like an elevator in all right we gotta almost be there right oh here's the door all right a light in the darkness okay let's change the team out just a little bit so you know to get some healthy people in here let's put rapid Mario and you know what let's try actual Peach all right here we go with light in the darkness that that's us we're the light in the darkness let's destroy all the eyes just show an electric Soldier Porygon a couple times that'll do it we get Shockwave here aka the Slimer of the Sparks he's like please I I drank way too much Ecto Cooler private Mario's strong in this game when he was strong in the last game too but I think I have some AOE with peach yeah that's that's what I'm talking oh my God all right we destroyed four eyes and that's not an insult just trying to find out how to get as many as possible with the boom brella that's such a cool weapon he's like um did everyone else leave no no no we're wrapping up here all right that's all the eyeballs hang on that is a really cool Victory screen edges like you around and you know what you found out Mario's like huh still raining but we did it we cleared the lighthouse and I guess that affects the weather look at these shut-ins no one wanted to leave their house because of a little bit of rain almost uh there's still a little bit of uh some stuff over there you're my you see there's a word where I come from it means chosen family you're my colloqua now oh you're my Kaluka too Augie all right we did it we gathered the purified dark mesh crystals so Beacon Beach has been saved and on to pristine Peaks there is a darkmas tentacle north of us in the mountains the likely source of this misery inducing blizzard I don't know maybe it's just like miserable here regardless of the darkness like how do we know polar bear swim rather he's like whoa polar bear swim where's the lake it would be frozen although I did the Polar Plunge one year and that was miserable don't know why I opted into that there will be a warden here somewhere as with Augie on Beacon Beach but so far I can detect no sign of them however I can confirm there is a life form hidden in that tree hiding up there go see what that is okay get out of there are you okay oh man this spark has a concussion they're so cute I didn't think I would like the Rabid Loomis but it works oh gesundheit by any chance uh is this the space heater spark because we could use one of those but then again we do have pyro star hurray thank goodness you found me my name is decibel oh you make noise yes yes we can hear you just fine so you know he's like he yelling ha ha sorry is that you know I'm not even gonna yell excuse me sir why are you yelling he's like well when people want to sound smart they talk loud correct oh I think I just got the ability oh bibo just got that firmware patch bridge if I can use my new Sonic Powers too hey PayPal keep it down that's loud I'm gonna cause an avalanche so I was wondering when they would give us this because I had it in the second part of uh my preview so you kind of just walk up to stuff you can break things you can I mean I feel like we could have just pushed that over I like looking at the wildlife like look at this guy he's like hey hey you subscribe all right bye shake this they say money doesn't grow on trees well they lied to you another dark mess puddle Don't Mind If I Do all right we gotta get all the way over there no problem oh look at this guy please win this battle you heroes are my only way out of here just leave man you can fly deep freezes will freeze you in your tracks with their blizzard burst technique when they are defeated you'll set off a frozen explosion very Petty that they self-destruct after they die like that one person that has to get the last word in he's clearing the way can't be stopped now he killed him with the funny number see this is where rabbit Mario's gonna come in you got no targets and range hang on I gotta get closer this is really gonna piss him off do I care not really it's not bring it let's see that uh let's see that self-destructibility just in case I love the boomrella so much it's such a cool weapon hey you tried okay try it again that was cute get the free Dash in there though um you know what before I make any decisions let's get edge with the team because while I feel like I like Edge a lot in this game I'm doing her no justice I just keep getting her killed just stay over there don't come near me I want to know what his uh his AOE is what's his range on his explosion who just missed oh he's weak to fire we're gonna burn him right into the storm blade perfect yeah run away it's funny because the bombs are just gonna show up they're gonna get real close I'm just gonna like Dash into them and throw them well I'm frozen oh that's not good there we go that's what I'm talking about oh crap that's not good you know what it will be fine see the bombs they'll walk across the entire map they're like all right we're gonna get Mario and it'll take them like an hour and then we like throw a pebble at them and then they just lay there all helpless here catch please tell me we can make it come on Bounce right off oh I know there were gonna be like an inch off that's okay we made it though and Edge didn't die that's all that counts oh wow hang on look at this perk for Luigi ghost bullet projectile passes through any obstacle taking that one cold mouth of the mountain we shall enter whose mouth is this because they probably want to see a dentist I think you guys are also gonna see me change teams a lot because I don't necessarily feel locked to any particular characters and being that everyone also levels up you know kind of the XP share route I kind of want to try more team compositions and just see what I like like I got no healing right now but I got like a sick offense uh yes wouldn't be a Snowy Mountain without like a creaky Old Bridge oh you want to fight ah defeat all oh this is kind of spooky oh no I didn't equip a spark for Luigi did I not equip Sparks for anybody I must not have given Mario and Luigi anything whoops all right let's take care of the big guy I might be able to take this dude down and like this turn especially if I just unleash every thing it was gonna move oh that was wasted oh Luigi hit him with the swiftness you're dead he's gonna take care of this guy now ow who's left oh I think it's just that one guy I love this spark so much I think has real big potential to be broken you're dead Mario's gonna finish him on this turn I don't even need to move oh what does he have like one Health ten just someone spit on him or something like he's gonna come over here now oh he just exploded that was good now let me actually equip some Sparks the wolf at the door oh another one ethering we got like a ghost Lumen now we gotta watch out because these lone wolves they have basically hero sight got an idea we're gonna camp out right here and I think I can hit these three with yep shock wave it's not all over them I equipped the uh the ability like I spent crystals on it but I'm wondering if it just says zero I'm afraid to waste this shot to find out because I don't know if I've used it yet but the only one way to find out yep that didn't work nope she's like hey I was gonna do that it's activated now I just can't move at all oh damn it can we leave Edge alone can we start a petition leave Edge alone stop lighter on fire we have nothing to lose now all right let's finish him off we just got that reach all right we had none of those look at the accuracy the Precision look at these campers just wait don't don't all right Edge sorry let me just jump up here I wonder what happens if like you don't make it like if you're just over the stream like do I take damage I mean probably right probably use a mushroom just Mario's looking a little low and I'm afraid of these dudes you guys remember an MMO called WildStar that came out and uh walked right into it see it's dangerous because they make you move when you don't want to these dudes up here they remind me of I think it was one of the races that you could be in WildStar it's either that or they remind me of like Rumble from League of Legends come on hit him there we go makes my life easier the look of fear as Luigi stares him down through the crosshairs three enemies left they're all Sharpshooters oh yeah this sucks I can't even step out if I step out I'm gonna get lit up I'm gonna use burn alongside Steely stare and I'm just gonna let them do the work I just I gotta play this one close to the chest because I don't have any more heels okay move oh no don't don't oh my god that hurt can you guys yeah walk just go for a walk oh he just evaporated I just I gotta go with the 50 50. that's all I got man that's gonna hit though the wall it's gonna hit the wall man I hate this please miss thank you this thing ever run out with hero sight and then I'll just activate turbocharged this is all I got you guys got to move eventually I'll take a step take a step take a step take a step take a step I hate you both bro they're just camping me out one shot I'm dead I gotta stand here and take the shot there we go but like I'm I'm wide open right now but now you move now I hate you come on please all right you got no cover though which means you're gonna move to cover which means you're gonna get shot that's right stay right there Bingo I'm winning this game man wait does he not have his side up wait that's huge that's Monumental he just allowed me to reposition I'm playing the ultimate game of chicken here but I am going to win you know why because I am more Petty it's it's 50 50. he's going no oh I can't even move I can't this is do or die how much health do you have 237 I have to land this this is the buzzer beater Mario I've never asked anything of you my entire life but I need you to hit this shot oh we were so close please miss please miss please oh we can still do it and hold up hold up you're done you're done say good night I'm putting the controller down walking away that's my swan song that's where the video should end damn look at everyone's Health better hit him with that cheap healthcare all right we continue I was going for hiking that scary looking tentacle appeared and the weather suddenly became dangerous I think the scariest thing about uh the dark messes that they can change the weather you can have outdoor plans then the next thing you know it's raining sideways the ethering the hero turns invisible for one turn and can't directly be targeted oh that's interesting you should give that to Edge who continues to die you know what let's let's try it out but I'm keeping Shockwave wait hang on let's get to the bottom of this pull up Luigi's skill tree yeah ghost bullet projectile passes through any obstacle oh it's only Steely stare I thought it was just any shot okay that makes sense from this point onward each of you can equip a second spark before engaging in college oh so okay this is something cool that you can do too now I can have two Sparks per person the icy breath of winter winter is coming Mario and we're gonna say it for six seasons look at this doofus electroid all right let's mix it up a little bit let's get Mario out of here he's Gravely wounded spring Edge back in let's give everyone some more Sparks too Luigi it's your lucky day we're gonna give you actually Splash might actually work pretty well with his long range we'll put fire on rabbit Peach all right let's go I'm double sparked up flying oh that'll clear what what is dying behind oh is it just like the mouth I'm throwing it oh you can break those guys I gotta come clean what better medium to do it than episode two of Mario and rabid Sparks of Hope play through I need to make a public apology to the fruit Community I used to wrongfully talk bad about apples so I was like yeah Apple's a kind of a trash tier fruit but uh I've really come around on apples lately I've been cutting up apples myself as a snack you know trying to eat more fruit and I was wrong apples are not trashed here I mean they're not pineapples in fact I'm gonna have a nice happy slice right now while I'm playing cut up myself a nice honey crisp what better content than me eating directly into the microphones that's not gonna piss anywhere off all right you die coming on like that guy I'm gonna take care of him and as a reward I will have another Apple slice good stuff oh crap all right Luigi just running into Danger oh wow we gotta go a long ass way Luigi's like dead right here all right let's try um I could use unseen but I mean I think I'm kind of covered well you know for the first time in a long time uh I am playing a game that I think I actually want 100 most of the time I just don't have the time to do everything because life I could use my unseen ability now I mean I don't know she looks pretty seen to me this guy stinks so I'm getting closer he's gonna destroy that big guy over there Luigi just uh he took one too many hits come on finish him off I mean that's a lot of burn damage burnt to a crisp now it's just me and the 18 bombs stand off to the side that's why everyone leaves me alone I like how we Throw like a little knife and we just crumble Pride Rock Luigi my guy I don't know what you think you're doing but you are dead all right we did it and they say global warming isn't real explain this oh oh that's how he sees himself I like how rabid Mario is just very vain always flexing all right let's uh let's completely mix it up let's get rabid Luigi in here because Luigi has failed us let's get rabid Mario and let's do a full rabid team man I went from despising Rabbids to playing a full team of them if that ain't a glow up then I don't know what is wanted Mansion down there we should probably go check that out let's do the quick green coin challenge give me the OverWatch loot box they had a bunch left over because they didn't count him over to two yep this guy was frozen hey hey pal that's a that's a push door Great Horn Spoon she's just like the Squidward meme where it's just SpongeBob and Patrick running outside [Music] right we're here cold greeting to be 12 minutes this will be easy I've already done this look oh my God it's Goku let's do this let's stand back here charge everyone up I'm Gonna Knock these two out turn one we only have to kill 10. bam finish him off grabbing Luigi hit him with the stink juice all right where do we go now let's uh let's go left wow okay I can hit three of them there let's take you this way I love that this will just bounce off all three of them rabbit Luigi's just like an ultimate frisbee player she's reflect save us a little bit of damage because there's quite a few of them over here uh let's see if I take anyone out all right they're gonna Dash into me now all right gonna deal with this now take it easy oh some of you said you didn't like the boys acting I don't know I think it's great all right this is trouble I'm like out in the open now I'm Inked Peach is almost dead I gotta heal now in fact I probably got a double heal they need some backup over here oh I can't reach and send rabid Mario on his own solo Mission pow block over here there's something that's just like super satisfying about the cow block sound effect you out you out that might kill I'm lucky how much health 22. all right let's use on the scene save myself for a couple turns I like how he just pulls the Danny Phantom he's like I'm going ghost yes that's right spawn right here that's such a good attack now we wait we have to wait for other homies to be born all right you're gonna get countered right now a little late on the counter oh damn don't do it don't do it d-e-d dead five more make it four like where's probably the best place for me to stand I guess maybe over here right that puts me so close to the edge but I'm like full health I might be able to withstand let's just heal up real fast I think I'll be okay because rabbit Mario is pretty strong and I have a lot of utility with rabbit Luigi so I can stay on the stage he's getting launched yo leave the man alone Turbo Charge rapid Mario is ridiculously overpowered um you did you killed three more that's doable two are almost dead by rabid Mario [Music] 700 damage on this turn it's gonna be real close yeah you better run all right as long as you don't reach me right now or at least rabid Luigi I think we're okay we're having Mario he can withstand another attacker too it's gonna be real nail biter I only have to kill 12 of them no don't don't you dare throw another one he killed me by one I'm gonna scream because now I gotta heal so I can't get over there there's another one that's like almost dead over there he's dead oh my God the good news is I don't think anyone else can reach me because they're like all stacked over here they all went for rabid Mario so all right here we go spoiler alert didn't catch it all right now I just gotta chase down that one dude where is he he's on he's on the left side I'm gonna scream this is so frustrating it's probably more frustrating to watch burning through mushrooms here like I have the luxury I'm wondering let me use unseen and maybe I'll just like be okay for this turn do they not know where I am this is fantastic oh he's coming this way dumb idiot I don't know how I keep doing it but I managed to do it over and over again my stupid ass pulls off wins in battles that I I clearly should be losing I saw yeah so what do you live in my gun for all right we saved pirageddon we did it before we go through the door let's see is there anything up here oh just some coins I don't know if we should touch the coins in the uh the spooky Mansion and I think like a ghost follows us like for the rest of our lives it torches our family or something all right then we're just gonna crack open the uh the memory Turtle what do we like shuck it like an oyster then we just suck the memories out that's how it works in Chalk's head Cannon here she is Ghost waifu so it's funny because when I was playing the game I was like oh engine her have a history they must be friends and everyone in the comment section was like uh friends you mean ex-lovers and I was like I was recording in front of a developer so I didn't want to be like yeah totally they used to bang I just like I'll handle this I know her the way they look at each other so I want to know what the actual backstory is okay give her a little smooch she's like but I've moved on I mean clearly because you're dead Edge you're here I knew you would show yourself eventually let the girl go midnight ride with us it's the smart plane you know it hell yeah I want a ghost on the team although I don't know if that would fly right with Luigi see we were friends once perhaps we still are friends how Edge is like all right let's end it there it's complicated Luigi's like but you were dating a ghost how could you honest I couldn't make the girl leave if I wanted to see real friends don't just up and ghost you edge ghost you ghost she's a ghost Once Upon a Time oh this book sucks you know what I actually hate reading oh people I've been here for years [Music] oh damn it you got yourself trapped go over there and think about what you've done grabbed Rosalina is like a hang on she pulls out her gun all right so rabid Rosalina has this ability to kind of like lock in place with stasis now I don't have a Healer which might pose itself to be a problem I hope not let's let's like chill right here I'm not gonna get too close I'm gonna lock her down because she'll run if I don't concentrate rabid Rosa read them a boring ass story so they fall asleep if I take out as many enemies as I can no longer locked down but storm blade it won't hit her because she teleports as we learned with like ghosts in the last game yeah she ain't run me yet steals much damage as I can on this turn but she's gonna move I mean is it a bad idea to just completely unload on the boss yeah probably considering there's a ton of enemies on the board he has no right being this strong see we just we leave rabbit Mario for all the peasants how heavy you think that thing is oh you ain't now without taking some damage however you think a swamp is 600 pounds oh hello what did you do to me what are you doing to me oh god well it was fun having one turn with rabbit Rosalina oh that's right gotta get those Dash attacks in if I go this way can I hit them both he's like all right there we go I was gonna say he's right on the edge [Applause] that shot honestly I'm gonna rip right through her first phase second phase pretty easy I don't really know about the third phase you're done oh I think I might have wasted that that's okay we'll give him a little shock a little static electricity okay so I'm gonna get I'm gonna meet you both here rabbit Mario counter attack oh maybe uh maybe like eat a mushroom can't be killing all the new characters frame one Ubisoft just watching these videos like that hair looks very flammable probably a ton of hairspray in there all right she's gonna you're gonna get her to run all the way up the stairs at this rate that's not good Midnight On The Run yeah let's all right let's get to phase two she's like damn it I wasn't expecting you to do it this quickly clearly you've done this before but now I'm mad now I'm gonna de-alphabetize the books the librarian's worst nightmare all right phase two running out of mushrooms probably should have taken a Healer but I'm like nah we don't need a Healer I can just go glass Cannon because I can get all up in there and then the best part is I can also be a ghost can't do anything about it team jump oh wait hang on now you fly I'm gonna get some High Ground sword we better start the next turn because rabbit Rose is taking a nap I should play more careful because I don't have any more heels so that's why I'm gonna fail this rni all right how much can you walk dude yeah I messed up not having a Healer is it's a problem and I can't move Mario says wait as he gets sniped off the grassy knoll can I move freely if I have this activated I can't that's good news oh yeah she's like almost dead already Hang On by Turbo Charge can we get to the third phase off this I can throw her ass against the bookshelf she's throwing a temper tantrum she's throwing a Harry Potter books at me there was some anger behind that Chamber of Secrets toss all right so the cool thing is everyone's uh alive so what I'm gonna have to do is the characters that I know are going to die like Mario and Edge I gotta get them up there now I gotta try to make something happen you're weak to ooze I'll do some damage here for sure then I could probably 2V1 I can hit you how how is that possible cool all right now we hope for the best because I don't know what's gonna happen here I do know that I have two characters that's overkilled he's gonna shoot Mario all right Overkill that's fine now we can save this turn yet light them up squeal for me piggy come on I'm like Right In Harm's Way we'll see how it fares for me cause I'm still on scene for another turn like I'm just completely ignoring her take your shot if you shoot Edge she might live okay Rose is dead expected oh wow like everyone here is almost dead I feel like if I angle this right I could do all three oh there it is Mario so stupid broken I think that's everyone now it's just just midnight [Music] this is it this is the Boost to end it this is the Spirit Bomb that Goku used to kill hid Buu it's only fit wait are you still alive okay it's only fitting that edge ends it too best friend more like ex-best friend or just X I free him he's free very wholesome so you think that's like rabid Rose is dead he's very emotional boy yo gross get up any last words you know she's a ghost right she's already dead she's gonna apologize nope just gonna leave yo rabbit Rosa needs a nap please let her sleep sorry for wandering off Orion hems that's Captain Orion last time I checked though it seems I needed to have worried no sad excuse for a siren can torpedo my rabid Rosalina I don't have time I need to find a way to get to Rosalina the real Rosalina I'm just cosplaying as her you get what I mean yeah that's what it is it's enthusiasm but now we have enough purified Darkness energy we could create a warp tunnel it's a pallet Prime the ship launch upon your Bridge please gather your things and remember that you're allowed one carry-on and one personal item unless it's Spirit Airlines in which we charge you a hundred and twenty dollars for a carry-on yup that's what I'm doing this weekend wait look how rabid Rosa runs like everyone has these Looney Tune ass run animations alright so we're on our way to pellet Prime known him for the warm orange and yellow foliage of its Woodlands the presence of Darkness energy on this planet has obstructed natural actives that's all that's a lot of big words also pumpkin spice is overrated [Laughter] I'm not a big pumpkin anything really except for maybe like pumpkin donuts and pumpkin beers like this is the best season for beers if you're into craft Brews but uh pumpkin spice not not really my jam let's skip it and let's get to like the peppermint of oh wow California it looks much worse than I thought who who is this on the throne mmm what have you Leaf Halo 10 bosom friend arboreal wisdom to recommend oh it's dead oh hello hello loyal Beast what Solace do you bring Arias of hope you hope to sing sing I feel like this is the closest we're getting to a musical number but I like this dude but what is this flies on Eagles swing yes it is I am here to save you the shape of this rabid Woodrow he's kind of freaking me out a little bit the trees are being drained of the anthocyanin pigmentation hey remember the Deku Tree this is what he looks like now feel old yet anyway we uh we should probably head over there and fix this mess the color grading is all off the bridge to the plaza oh but conveniently the bridge is broken we could like shimmy across that right side just be really careful the only other access is through a secret passage underneath Woodrow's home really that's the only other way we could do it let's see what are the townsfolk have to say curse's minions busted our bridge and now I can't bring my Wares to Market please I have zero other skills we got in there just leaves okay what's in here come on come out of there I see you hiding what what is that I mean I know it's an enemy and I'm afraid to go near it this guy over here is just unfazed Woodrow's plays over the bridge and straight if you can get past that evil creature me I think I'll just sit over here and eat my apple and defeat The Magicians yo he's like a disco ball his name is glitter look out for The Magicians they can heal their allies and put up barriers to protect them they even have shock super effect that spreads from its original Target that's great considering I just put shock spark on Luigi so that's gonna be useless I could actually probably check first We're The Magicians where where are you at where are you hiding there's a lot of Goomba here yeah they're shock resistant so hang on before we start anything let's go ahead and get rid of that kill all these Goomba the boom bro imagine someone pulling one on you and it's this thing it's time to ooze all over everybody actually that sounds kind of disgusting bam ah how much damage Luigi gonna take from a couple of Goomba easy battle anyway wait he moved all right that's what I'm talking about zero damn barrier the boomers are just like he's shocked rattle them boys all right Luigi I put You In Harm's Way and I'm very sorry it worked out worked out oh my God look at the fat squirrel over there I love him oh he's so close the farther the target more damage it deals so I can get max if I just go over here thanks for the assist Rosa oh my God I'm gonna blast all of these dudes or I can just make it rain Hellfire a little chaos never hurt anybody except for these six Goomba in particular everyone's on fire except me and they turn to Ash all right we just gotta kill one more he's almost dead ouch that is a violent shock all right how many threes are there let's just torch this dude just end it Luigi one Health he's like I helped so what can glitter do exactly what does glitter's thing besides being made of glass all right here we go inside Woodrow's house who knows what we're gonna find in here oh the dead oh my God this is so depressing I think the only house I've been in that looks worse is my GameCube Animal Crossing house after like 15 years and he would have a secret passage behind the bookshelf very cliche oh wow this is this is huge oh path to the Village Plaza is blocked by a Chasm okay so it is pronounced Chasm every time I see the word I'm like huh Chasm twinkle looks like I lit upon you just in time then Here Comes twinkle saved the day I like how Derpy the Sparks are all right do your thing oh BPO got another firmware update oh we can see invisible things scan around ah come on thank you all right the blight at the end of the tunnel let's save this town defeat the depleters what the hell is a depleter what can you do oh they're just Dementors they just suck the life out of you we should heal Luigi right oh I don't have any items oh great fantastic let's give him a charge if he's gonna die he at least needs to be useful first how many shots do I have I only have two charges but I guess that's better than just taking one shot they can warp I think I guess let's find out but they do have to walk it's like hey how you doing Dash in there and then you know what I'm gonna dip the missions to keep Luigi alive I think there's another one how are you still alive another one over here we need to unload on him Point Blank just gonna keep using these Dash attacks free damage they can sap some life but how hard do they hit oh my God I'm gonna kill what five of them they're like scattered throughout the map too y'all aren't safe not from my Hell Fire or my regular fire just pull out the Rabid umbrella in someone's face it just has like the two teeth the last thing you see is this SpongeBob looking ass ow yo what the f Luigi is somehow like still in it it's gonna be another close match but I feel like I might be able to got more turns out of Luigi than I thought I was gonna all right Rosie you gotta take down two of these guys probably not gonna happen yeah you're gonna die right now all right let's see we gotta do some team management here this is not working okay let's try this a little different this time I'm gonna try to also keep everyone together especially because I have Mario's new ability and I didn't use it yet where I could shoot from the air personally I'd prefer the air and make quick work of these guys you need to Nuke this guy in one shot oh my God so many hits now now you see me now you don't honestly rapid Mario clears he's gonna do this on his own I'm gonna hit them both you know what I'm talking about gotta maximize these attacks go on don't say go on where they're gonna hit you for 660. oh my God what it's a good thing grabbing Mario's oh Jesus God almighty [Music] anyone know how to turn these things off just gotta play a little smarter is all I play way too glass Cannon oh my God yeah all right kill him no I agree wait you just spawned you should have summoning sickness like in Magic the Gathering where you shouldn't be able to attack for your first turn that should be a rule I mean I'm in stating it right now what do I have to kill two more I mean if anyone can do it I'm Gonna Leave You guys in disbelief that I'm going to do this I'm good for two turns now you're like oh where'd he go what do we do now no one knows what to do all right you did your rabbit Mario solos that's the title of the video rabbit Mario is broken I left you guys in disbelief you didn't think that I was gonna do it you're like Chuck's gonna die again he sucks at games well let me tell you that is 100 true all right let's change up the team again look how rabid Peach can go from like all happy and carefree to Serious in a second bibo's got some Nifty new upgrades I hope he keeps them in future games you guys think this is gonna be a Trilogy I mean It's gotta be right where the hell is sales bot I gotta buy some stuff what is this what is destroying the town [Music] whatever it is the team's formidable oh it's bouncy Bowser I didn't know when and he's thrown down with some Minecraft Enemy [Music] I'm gonna take her down he look he just wants to impress Mario [Music] yeah hit her with that F tilt [Music] she's got the diamond armor though hang on Bowser you can't die here and into the ink you go that round Villa a friend of yours so is The Edge supposed to be rabid Bowser I feel like that makes the most sense we could ask you the same about that stone face but oddly attractive woman spark Hunter named Bedrock she's no friend of mine oh yeah I made the Minecraft joke but if I didn't make it there it was going to make itself eventually there's a lot of kidnapping a Princess Peach still we can't leave him to the darkness can we I gotta do it I just I gotta go into the darkness I gotta save Bowser all his strength even the mighty Bowser is helpless in the darkness Dimension without a spark power all right he's got like giant Claws and a shell and he can breathe fire hey you saw the Mario movie trailer we do have a weapon we can spare it was designed for rabid Mario but proved too heavy for him to wield effectively no no no no no like we have a weapon for him it was too heavy for rabbit Mario's like oh no it chafed my skin I was allergic I I have a wrist issue whoa that is a big gun it's like this will do nicely so the name of this battle is blast through the Bedrock and uh the enemy's name is bedrocks I mean we're gonna do like a Dragon Ball Z Wrath of the dragon dragon fist and like punch a hole in her Bedrock is too strong for our attacks to cause much damage try luring her onto those explosive traps or the ones that are covered with like a couple leaves yo what can Bowser do this is sick you are my Goombas you should listen to me I got rabid Mecca Koopas you can kill everybody damn that's insane she's like I'll kill the rest allow me all right so where the traps are over here so we got Hey listen you don't want to be over here I'll spare your life just kidding I'm assuming I probably don't want to stand on them let's try let's see what happens come here it didn't do much damage but she's like I'm coming for you all right let's see what happens let's see who she's gonna attack Bowser leave him alone he's at this rate I'm not even gonna get to see with the barrel explosion does come on come after me come here I'll sacrifice myself I get it now I get it I don't know if this will work if I'm invisible do it get up and do it nope she can't see me all right let's try it again come on dude ground pound thing we go oh that hurt me a lot and Bowser's dead so I'm just gonna restart wait just a second I didn't know we could equip Sparks to Bowser this early hang on what is what is your weakness do you have any weak to show okay we're about to have a shockingly easy time with this you can't keep getting away with this all right different approach this time hold on I want to see this all right made battles are super badass in this game oh my God those are nightmare fuel I I hate them oh my God scatter the Goomba just clear as much as I can here dead gotta keep lowering him all right I learned my lesson I'm keeping the whole Squad together from the get-go okay that's the first one oh I figured it out now and I really wasn't utilizing the jump pads for the mobility as I should have been because you can go anywhere all right that's right you're going the right way now ow poor Edge do I split them up now I probably should right I was like yeah let me keep everyone together immediately splits up after the first phase I'm just trying to be ahead of the game so I get set up for the next turn all right do a big jump oh she's not going to she's in perfect position though don't say go on because they're gonna go They're gonna go on they're gonna hurt you for 600 damage this is a thousand enemies oh all those Goomba everyone's gonna be in the crossfire nine Goomba that are gonna perish right now Red Rocks like don't throw it because you know I'm gonna do it you guys get out of here all right come on come this way you exactly as I want you to do that never close enough let's see just come over here it might like be right on the edge ah not close enough I'm gonna not attack because I want her to move forward I don't want her to get double movement here you know what in turn let's see what happens [Music] I didn't think you're gonna move that much okay it's all going downhill now sacrifices will have to be made oh crap I swear to God if you kill rabbit peace right now you son of a look at Bowser retreating it's a sad day when Bowser the king of the Koopa has to retreat this was very frustrating this fight like what the rabbit Mario by himself of course I make the same mistake over and over again is I underestimate how strong the non-bosses are just the regular enemies and that's what's getting me killed time and time again I'm just I'm not counting on them to deal a lot of damage and then like six of them hit you and it adds up I ain't taking it no more all right we eliminated a lot of those enemies oh no yep knew that was gonna happen all right almost there just got to get the right angle oh you know Bowser's gonna finish this off they're right in the middle finally got you right where I want you and boom there he is the king himself [Music] well deserved nothing but respect for my king of the Koopas it took entirely too long to beat this stupid Minecraft boss oh huh people's here to pick us up already well we don't want to leave yet hang on that's not people what is this who was that Bowser hit the dark mess with that fair well wimps a thank you would be nice I did save your lives just now true Bowser so an explanation I'm looking for curses same as you it corrupted my Army of weak-minded imbeciles and I want them back those are my idiots he's like when I see them I'm gonna pound them flat can this be like Hollow Knight can I just like Park my ass on the bench for a second and refill health all right in we go to the ghostly Sunset actually sounds kind of nice all right on today's episode of chalk eats while playing video games I went to Wendy's before recording and I got myself uh who is this Zephyr Quake it looks kind of like a Greek god or Hedonism bot Zephyr Quake looks like he just wants to lay on a chair and be fed grapes from above so as I was saying I just got some spicy nuggies from Wendy's with some ghost pepper ranch but that's not the star of the show here I ate those already I'm now trying the new strawberry Frosty but I didn't want to give up chocolate because I'm a chocolate frosty guy just in case I didn't really like it so I mixed chocolate and strawberry which I didn't know that you could do I didn't no they did that but the uh the strawberry Frosty it's uh pretty good don't kill me I'm enjoying my Frosty I'm trying to find the chocolate in here though I like strawberry things and strawberry ice cream but the strawberry Frost is pretty good and let me know in the comment section what's your Frosty flavor of choice I like the idea of a frosty too someone at Wendy's one day was like Hey let that ice cream just melt a little bit and then sell it I gotta get over there and I gotta do the business beat the entire crap out of these dudes 13 and he's here I love these young these jump heads they make you so mobile he could almost One-Shot enemies did the developers know that rabid Mario is this broken honestly there's a lot of enemies left but I have rabbit Mario it's gonna bulldoze through everybody although this would have been a really good map for Luigi Luigi would have thrived here Bowser on the other hand he's in trouble I gotta get him to Peach Pronto don't mind me just scraping the bottom of uh my Frosty you know when you get to the the end you got like the frosty soup the broth let's see who can rabbit Mario Pummel into Oblivion next I guess I'll get started on these guys I can Turbo Charge the mecca Koopa I didn't know I could do that depth in this game unmatched rabbit Mario he's kind of a Sitting Duck with it oh no oh no what have you done as I say he's kind of a Sitting Duck without counter blow or unseen but he'll be fine he's a tough cookie look at this bunching up just a little old me I like how it's called the Bazooka yeah cower in fear your days are numbered that's it too easy all right we enter well no one told me the woods were downstairs it's those underground Woods my instruments are unable to find the safest Passage through the Labyrinthian Forest to the darkness tentacle like destroy the forest he's the opposite of Team trees um I don't care the battle ahead will require endurance Princess Peach's safeguarding of squad Mates is the key to Victory oh they're gonna make us use Princess Peach and Reb is this gonna be a peach only fight he just healed talents of course the princess and the Primadonna I guess I probably should have uh oh the goal is to survive six turns I could survive six turns that's easy this is a bunch of enemies easy six turns I know you're resistance of fire but if I could just get like a little bit of extra damage in there oh I destroyed everything okay that's that's probably bad and then we protect get under my boom Brella I mean they didn't say I couldn't fight back right uh yeah I'm not gonna deal with this oh I can't stop it someone warned me about like the Buckethead Goomba battle they said it was tough and I guess if it's along the lines of something like this then I could see it being hard if you don't have healing see you're spawning out of there that's one of these guys all right it's okay no problem I I should really just get up in there though just blast them from point blank probably safe at least one of my characters okay that hurt more than I thought it was going to how many more turns do we have three more turns I need to just play like a coward all right I have protection up so I should be able to Breeze through this turn at least because I think I can take what three hits per person one that's two that peach you are likely going to die this is gonna be two enemies that spawn now do I need to save everyone or just one person oh you're going the other way like it matters ouch took like six attacks resisting my ass not that many enemies left I just gotta survive two more turns I'm getting healed back up you missed that thank you I noticed when they say a voice line that's usually when they get hit wow seriously oh crap okay wait I got the heel I need to live one turn one I have nowhere to hide it just comes down to do I want to kill that person or do I wanna heal up and then hope for the best because I'm gonna take one two three four probably five attacks six I'm gonna die in the last turn here this sucks all right let's uh good luck I will let RNG do its thing okay that's one that's missed every other attack is gonna land I just need to hope it's not enough damage I'm oh I'm resistant to fire that's gonna help me a little bit no no oh I'm so close hang on wait wait if it's two fire enemies if that who's coming out of the portal who is it I think I did it I think I did it come on oh my God that's everyone right [Music] so damn lucky I got a steampunk of umbrella hey you know I'm equipping that one look at this thing all right we gotta be coming up on uh on like a boss fight or something I'm pretty sure this is the end of this area we're gonna help that creepy ass tall poet dude there it is the roots of corruption and it's our job to uncorrupt it oh that's it we just kind of defeat this little it looks dead already I like how all of these dudes fly in on nimbuses Electro get in pretty metal I don't mean to tell you your business but you need to destroy that Darkness Taproot to descend alright so this will clearly be very easy you just have to that's it this just became a beat em up elevator stage oh now it's survive cool let me just protect the homies they're gonna try it and they're gonna lose because I'm stacked right now wait a big man spawned in oh come on not Luigi oh my God all right I'm gonna survive I'm gonna do it Mario's like I'll finish it with the dash don't worry and the battle's over defeat Darkness Taproot tell me I'm low on health Darkness Taproot if we destroy all three of them the color will be restored okay so that's probably all we have to do this might be challenging given the fact that I don't have much health once again everything is on rapid Mario's shoulders oh I can take that down from here I'm gonna have to use Luigi for the long ones let's see what can we make happen over here oh that'll give us some jump pads if I'm able to open this up there we go that's helpful and that's also very bright oh that's right they don't trigger the hero abilities forgot Mario you dead man you're gonna die oh geez I need a Healer here I hope if I lose I don't have to redo the entire fight like from the elevator because that would suck this is foreshadowing isn't it sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious gotta do what I can here is Mario's gonna die I mean Willie I can heal him and hope straight up Massacre him I might not have to use my spark yet I could probably hang on to it a little bit longer because all I have to do is take down what like two more eyeballs okay Mario's dead to nobody's surprise grabbing Mario is gonna take a little bit of damage I mean there's probably gonna be another phase after this if I had to guess couch I have to like get over there and hit that last eyeball too healing would be nice about now I'm just now noticing on bifo the line that shows you how much you have left I didn't notice that before all right now's the time to go invisible I'm going ghost oh come on be kind got Luigi killed yep gonna cut my losses here oh current objective okay all right Squad if we're doing this we're doing it together no man gets left behind or rabid let's fortify everybody just in case okay that's good that's good hang in there everyone we can do this we're a team and we're going to do this the route's about to drop out it's more than two pounds all right let's finish it off die watch there be another phase oh man that'll suck oh thank God Luigi's got an epic ass Victory screen we did it we saved the forest gee and they say humans are destroying the earth look at this little raccoon fun fact about me I like cute things I.E basically all of this the little warthogs we now have enough purified Darkness energy to create a new warp tunnel to Terra floor all right terraflora it is go into the next World we should however make time to reconvene with Woodrow even with palette Prime's Darkness tentacles gone he is in dire need of our help hey uh buddy I took care of the the forest play grief the bridge oh yeah that's right the bridge fine sweet little Peck he can fix it all right I can't leave without fixing the bridge that would kind of Be a Jerk thing to do oh who's this is the the dude we're trying to wait you're trying to chop wood with a broom what are you just blowing from stupid town [Music] come on I like this man look how that works yep that's him I am but if you're here for anything but a Pinecone bird feeder you're out of luck I run an Etsy store in my spare time us to have you repair the bridge well then I'll just take my imaginary action and fill some imaginary trees so I can Mill some imaginary Lumber what are you saying vampastra oh I need to get this spark this is life steal I need that anyway follow me to the Village I know who stole it where are we going where's the thief stealing is bad it's the house on the hill the door's locked this is the right house I saw the thief headed for it with the ax in hand at least I think I did and now you're making accusations we need hard proof here handle this interrogations require ments we'll do this the hard way if we have to play good cop bad cop hinky oh yeah where's your warrant how about probable cause habeas corpus I'm calling a lawyer anyway you didn't hear from me but the Villager at the pumpkin house is bringing about his new ax ah you're a rat [Music] are you absolutely kidding me that we just ran in a big ass Circle I'm gonna kick the door down we have guns what are we doing all right I'll sign a full confession just get in here and help me what's going on in there you think he's being held at like knife point oh it's stuck in the how'd you get this in your house the little icon of the darkness in the text bubble you guys ever have the Swiss fudge cookies from Stella de Oro you know what I'm talking about those are good it's like a top five cookie for me all right I guess we'll help them stolen ax this is a big map oh we gotta reach the giant ax that's kratos's ax take that down give me a quick work of it we have a bridge to fix wow wow how much 40 we almost one shot you evaporated all right I'm making it happen your rabbit Mario a chance to beat down this guy I love how animated a lot of these characters in the game are is great oh God yep he's down it's rev Mario again as always I think I have some heels though yeah we got a mushroom bag now do that I can't leave it to only one character all the time his back is starting to hurt you know it sucked getting like all the way to the end and dying especially on a stage like this you know rabbit Mario would really benefit from having some life steal as if he's not broken enough that my friend was based I swear I better get a crazy amount of XP for this or money there better be like some kind of insane reward this is so long you have to be me I should probably just try and kill him right do something remember no man Left Behind except for Luigi he gets left behind oh there's the eye I wouldn't even thought to hit that no come on because Mario's standing on it I can't use it it's a waste of a turn [Music] is not supposed to be a team jump I got like one left then we're gonna secure kratos's ax this is actually a really good time for me to promote my DX Channel where we're gonna be playing some God of War and Ragnarok so you can go subscribe there because you'll definitely see more of kratos's EX on that channel just need to not die on this turn rabbit Mario is in the clear some are somehow Mario survived that but falling off is what got him killed that's it it's done if I would have gotten to the end here and died and would have to do this all over again I probably would just end the series it would have been all over all right you got it back now my ex my beautiful ax is she okay did the thief oil the blade after each use to avoid micro abrasions hey look me in the eyes when you apologize all right I'm here after the longest Wild Goose days of my life I went to talk things out with the dryads so I could have her blessing to fill some trees let me guess she didn't want you to do that huh dry your dreams near Crystal Lake should not be seen unawares asleep or awake I know exactly what I have to do but first let me collect all this money ah I found you oh my God look at the little [Music] hi yeah uh can we you're just sleeping on a spark yeah hi can we fix the bridge please no always taking still fail to understand the devastating consequences of your profession she's like this is my kingdom and you're destroying it where you going is that like uh my Nest no should not be here get out who moved it yeah how do you move something like that foreign oh God this is never ending this Quest all right we gotta protect it at all costs why do they oh it has a health bar how many enemies are there just eight turns I gotta protect it no problem I can't allow you to harm that Cornucopia they want to attack it so badly all right Luigi's is a thing one down it's slow though so I feel like we could do this hit me don't hit the thing Hit Me No you bastard you're gonna pay for that nice shot here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try and lure them away oh wait I probably shouldn't have did that if I want to lure them away whoops all right all this if I unload might kill him just don't turn around he's like I don't know which way to go they're bullying me oh poor Luigi and real close we're gonna protect the planet it's Burning uh you know I don't even need to say it you know what has to be done die peasant he didn't die okay we're gonna do this okay get him over here come here kitty kitty here kitty kitty oh Luigi's dead okay this is gonna be a problem oh wait he ended up dying because he attacked me okay hold up hold up hold up three more turns not many more the things are burning and we're just here casually just whatever like it'll be fine these guys are the problem I gotta get over there and I gotta kill that dude because I'm gonna keep attacking the tree actually I'm getting kind of worried gotta lore him stay away from that thing oh all right I'm just gonna hit it there's like two turns left so even if oh no yeah hit Mario that's fine oh no you're gonna hit the tree you're attacking it oh we just gotta get through this turn one turn who to attack I need the dash attack here so here's what I gotta do Dash attack then I have to jump back up here because I need to kill this guy Mario can kill him because it has two health I gotta one shot this guy you know what I'm gonna back up a little bit in case I need to use a pal block to finish him in case this doesn't do the trick and it didn't so if I would have lost here to this we've been real mad and I think that's it I think it was just this one enemy I think we're good tree is saved even though it's still burning and I can smell it we did it we saved it wait that that squirrel just disappeared but the seeds they're gone you must find this oh my God how many things do I have to do how many seeds do I gotta find now three seeds okay all right we did it found all the seeds thank you Heroes for bringing my seeds Home it may seem Smalls compared to saving the Galaxy but inside every seed is not one tree but many what's the real lesson here that we are small in the grand scheme of things all right now let's cut them down never wait how are you gonna fix the bridge you must use to fix the sweetie pie honey snookums Bridge we could have agreed on this from the start all right so the bridge is fixed you want to do a nice thing for somebody and it turns out to be the longest side quest of your life and I helped the creepy guy too I don't even like him I like Rusty Spoons and then they became friends or whatever Genie's like people we gotta get the hell out of here I'm starting to catch feelings we did it and we got barely any experience out of it oh God get me out of here pallet Prime done onward to terraflora which looks Lush and beautiful and bright and not depressing how to naturally sparkling mineral water Springs go for a nice sparkling mineral water right now actually you know what I lied I don't like sparkling water curse of stronghold is now in range of our ship's instruments I'll give Kurt an instrument constructed barrier of Darkness [Music] you must know way what how's that yeah Edge you're an ex-spark Hunter how are we getting there you [Music] you not to tell us listen listen this is the big twist even if there was it'd be my business and trust me you all don't want my business to be your business understand Landing meanwhile at curses Lair everyone's like oh we gotta go tell boss we messed up who's this we didn't meet you yet keep deviantART away from this one you pocketed three of them you're like oh we're out of here I'm not talking to Galactic space monster uh what are you what are you doing to them [Music] what did you do to them oh you took their power what are you all for one [Music] red eye that's bad leave him alone they didn't do anything I like the design of curse I think curse is a really cool boss it's very Paper Mario for me or Mario and Luigi which is really why I think that the Mario Luigi series like many people have said lives on through this series foreign just some of the character designs are really dope I want to know who this is pinheaded plant rabid oh it's it's very colorful here I really thought we were gonna show up to like a dilapidated Planet because Kara's a wiggler train this must be where we fight the wiggler boss and there's the elder tree whatever the hell it's called there's always a giant tree that's very important a drought is looming terraflora's famous water volcano mount in that voice what Peerless Beauty is it that has vexed me with soul-consuming fire does this rabbit have like the hots for our floating Diamond I mean they say you've bound this poor creature to this flying the frontery by what one ton Justice actually while enjoyment of my duties is immaterial I find them quite pleasurable Mr cast me for an unmanerly Peak forgive me my manners sweetest Genie I am Sullivan chief engineer of the wiggler Express Railway I would love nothing more than to prove to you my this guy's got a weird Kink but he's got a killer mustache we will visit the everbloom tree Rider oh the everbloom tree called it the elder tree all right we're gonna go pay a visit to the tree just spend some cash over it uh sales Bots you're not from the galactic robot Regulatory Commission are you because we're doing some illegal stuff here there's a rumor going around that because my prices are so low I must be insane guy really knows how to sell stuff I'm gonna go with the the bag it's on sale I'll get two of those and then I'll get a a cool down reset can we finally or we can we could finally give rabid Mario the No Limits perk so basically we can attack and then we can move as if he's not broken enough foul attraction what is this look at these barrels I assume if they explode let's see oh yeah I can definitely blow that up magnafoul oh wow you do a lot of damage 12 30. I mean I'm gonna do this I don't know if that's gonna make him move oh we knocked him up okay perfect it's still move this is great send out some rabid Mecha Koopas I'm a big fan of them because if he all nine all right no problem go get back get back I said this before but I really like the design of like the little basic rabid enemies I think it's cool all right you're weak to ooze which means ooze all over you I was just like ooze in time punch your lights out it's like toad says at the beginning of uh Mario RPG if he asks about time to tax and you say yes he's like you hear that better watch out he's gonna punch your lights out hit him with the rat tattoo you know what Rosa might take some damage here oh okay we gotta back up good thing she has a vamp okay maybe not all right didn't need you gonna do it my own way oh they're right in there we are going to hit all three of them they're all going to die ready here we go gather rounds everyone in story time you protect he attack but he mostly just wants his minions back watch out for this guy getting a little too close for comfort I hear tracks and I'm like I think I have an idea of who composed that one this one sounds very Kingdom Hearts oh you're on my list sir there we go bonus damage I'm gonna beat the hell out of this guy and I'm just gonna dip and peace awesome Bowser could take the hit he's a big guy maybe not like too many hits though that tickles I'm going up here I didn't have like great line of sight but it's enough half the fun of using rabid Mario is like where should I stand so I can kill as many people as possible he still doesn't know I'm here oh yeah they know you had that [Music] Health back thank you Mama so he'll survive hit the barrel too for fun it's a barrel left um whoops I also have uh unseen up now so we got this just gotta make sure I don't hit myself with the the barrel again oh that'll kill him GG scared myself here the rabbit Mario carries as always get into the tree it looks sick have we tried watering it who are you oh there's a voice coming from inside it must be the spirit of the everbloom tree itself do you want we're uh we're gardeners this is Bowser he has a green thumb low on health I'm gonna get some coins so I can heal everybody listen I hear the cries I hear jock why don't you just grind because I want to play through the story not having to grind I like the challenge of it yeah so you see the reason why I don't grind is because I like just playing through the story without having to spend time just leveling up and doing side missions like if I don't want to do that if I want to go back to that half the fun of gaming is when it's a challenge anyone can grind and get stronger to beat something speaking of which I should probably heal it smells like poor in here well the everbloom tree is deceptively large it looks so much smaller from the outside typical I get halfway to the top of the tree only to forget what I was going up there for big mood relatable ooze inside the everbloom it's like grandpa I don't want to learn about the Mayan temples don't you have Math Blaster wait what are These Guys these are the um these are the oozers the resistant to ooze but they're we I don't know if I have any gust on me Bowser summoning the mecca Coopers are so powerful you know we're gonna get some some reinforcements stasis time for the bonus damage it's really taking me my entire team to take down just one it's gonna be a long fight I'm worried about the damage that they deal let's see should be whoa what'd you do what was that that's right Bowser's resisting because he has an ooze spark oh I can't attack that's really inconvenient you know what let's just let's protect everybody we got Shackles on these wrists well at least we get some Dash attacks in um you guys saw that right you saw that Bowser Walking on Air can't kill but we can come close or maybe he will die yeah he's dead so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna send all of them out and oh I didn't think that was gonna reach them I was gonna say I'll have rad Mario throw him into range I'll do that now just hand them off nope that's how Ollie runs around the house like mock speed and Ollie's a big cat so when he's running around the house you hear him running around the house I love AOE attacks being able to like Nuke an entire team damn it Shackled again so baby pull me closer so I can spread this ooze all over uh let's let's use her Vamp ability I haven't used it yet let's get a little bit back that's a lot of lifesteal you know what I kind of want them to attack me so let's do this let's use counter blow because truth believes somebody wants to attack rabid Mario more power to them and not Bowser leave him alone oh it's a good thing he's sturdy yeah watch and with the win punch okay wait if you kill him then I can't win and I like winning oh no he's dead oh they're like little buttons I didn't notice that if that while claw can reach me we'll lose Bowser I don't think he can oh he can oh he can reach both of us please don't don't it's not letting me press the Y button to end my turn it's also not letting me continue oh my God tell me I glitched the damn game this is the second time honestly I can't believe that happened to me or I mean I can believe it because it literally happened in the last game too I just this is what I do I I break Mario and Rabbids games that was uh that was nerve-wracking all right but I've messed around long enough we gotta get Luigi back in here as well as rabid Peach this is probably the strongest Team all right onward oh look at this look at this look at this big rabbit bee with pigtails who is this spark ah hello welcome to my hive oh your name is B how creative yo what a great spirit of the everbloom oh honey I'm zozari honey that was just okay that's gonna get old really quick Mount spout is run dry our flowers cannot Bloom and their voices are stifled like mine drizzle oh my God I love drizzle oh we get another power up here Powers upgraded I see why you called him drizzle he certainly made a splash with me no all right you heard the lady time to get watering terraflora really reminds me of the Mushroom Kingdom area from the first game just a little bit let's see all right we gotta talk to Sullivan cruel vindictive perfidious Fates what ill luck betide me okay watch this look watch Magic cool Isn't that cool he didn't seem impressed all right we made it we're at the station where are we going Sullivan at long last come friends we shall write expressly to mount spout as I am alarmingly behind schedule can ignore every stop like the D train Sullivan about the darkness tentacle on the tracks he's like don't worry about that that's where you guys come in I plan on doing nothing oh wait just kidding he's gonna run the train right through him he's like don't worry I have the power of steam shall we set forth mightily for the glory of terraflora hell yeah all aboard the Subscribe train I swear you hit the Subscribe button if you haven't yet this seems incredibly dangerous we pissed the wiggler off he's like hey buddy you blew dirt in my lunch fight this way oh we're gonna go into a portal you know we're not alone you know that Wiggler's coming hey pal maybe look at the road the tracks maybe oh God but right behind you guys [Music] I was like let me Adam I know this guy he put in a job application and I didn't hire him he was under qualified I'm not a monster I promise that is one big ass wiggler destroy the darkness eye within 12 turns all right hey hey hey hey hey that's dangerous oh he's okay he's got the dark mess on him so he just like shooting and stuff do we have to do in like one turn I'm gonna get over there we got Luigi the goat I mean truthfully I probably shouldn't even be this far up uh oh we got Sharpshooters be careful of that I stupid you moved where do you think you're going get deleted I feel like Luigi you might actually be the perfect character for this if I can just reach that eyeball from all the way over here not if I'm Shackled though ow yo Champ what that was delayed all right he's moving back that's perfect I can't do anything oh here we just rain Hell Fire we just do that burn the eyeball you know they're growing back they make a cream for that you know but here watch this come here you can't resist the power of music yay Luigi's Not Gonna Die let me just first order a burrito and GrubHub up just spawning behind me I'm screwed oh don't manage oh God they're surrounding me now come on I wonder if I could do it out Luigi I probably just don't have enough turns to be honest see I was just using that first try to figure out how this works as well that's it this actually works out because I can get three of them for the price of one okay doing okay so far different strategy Don't just run in guns of Blazing like I always do oh we can blast that so how many we got left oh three more no problem and we got nine turns that's just one turn for rabbit Mario Luigi you've done your duty you can go now we hereby release you you're free and I hit all three yes I can just like walked right into my line of sight easy boss battle celebrate Luigi you've earned it Angie wiggler no longer Angie oh he's so cute no you'll be mean to him understood that's a cool boss fight though all right next stop the frame rate Express and check our tickets either that's where I was completely free we made it dearest Genie honey sweet for whom I die of love this is fate decree that our time together end here right well thank you for I could feel the sexual tension here come on die Decay realize we had that kind of power you want to go in here I guess we want to go and mount spout there's nowhere else to go let's watch out for spiders scale Mount spout from within what is beautiful in here I want to take my time see anything hidden around here I feel like there might be you see I'm I'm so smart sometimes that it might come off as dumb that's just how it works just blazing through this volcano actually it's unfair to the volcano someone clearly set up very elaborate puzzles and traps but I'm stumped by none of them free item super mushroom chest DX there's only one DX you need in your life and that's my second channel that you should be also subscribed to we're gonna go up here now we're gonna cut down this dark mess tentacle metal heads all my best friends are metal heads see if anyone gets that reference oh it's just armored Goomba that's it it's a lot of them though if I hit them with the push will that flip them it probably won't right I should probably slide into them and then I don't know let's see funk I guess I need to hang on let me see let's try it out oh okay and then what I'm gonna do next is they can't reach me is I'll just do this poor Goomba man I cook a decent meal oh we're gonna get a two for here bye-bye I'm going for the three up there oh crap I forgot that's right we can heal look at this this is oh this is so satisfying a lot chef's kiss whoa whoa okay and that's that nice and easy where do you think they all ended up [Applause] all right we made it to the next dark mess tentacle sits on the spring that normally feeds Mount spout show caution the the buildup of water pressure will be like you know like when you eat Chipotle and it doesn't really agree with your stomach people's like oh yes I know it all too well [Music] oh hang on this track is epic all the music in this game is fantastic but when you have three god-tier composers who is this park is so different Pulsar it's got a little heart I'm stuck here for now but if you win this battle I'm at your service I will die for you Pulsar we're gonna destroy three we don't have any turn limit that's fine I'm gonna stay back Luigi's gonna do his thing from back here send rabid Mario to the front lines easy close all right done I'm gonna have to use rabid Mario to move now because they got this area covered because there's so many enemies all right I'm assuming this works similar to the bombs where I'm just gonna run up here grab this Chuck it over here boom that wasn't what I needed to destroy though all right I'll take care of that one it's like using a laxative please kill there we go you are nothing but dust all right intern let's see what happens we probably have to go to the next vials and get more can they not reach me this guy ow but that was nothing though Chuck that over there all right the water's going it's a flowing let's grab uh grab another vial oh my God we're just out here tenderizing our meat wait no it's because the because Pig pork you know the joke I was trying to make right you're finally gonna start taking shots at me [Music] you guys aren't even anywhere close no one is taking a shot at me yet please someone hit me you watch I'm gonna Vamp that life right back but I can't attack you guys just now you're glowing actually I can hit them which kind of sucks I could team jump over there I can actually probably just do this right now that's it we're done ah much better once you break the seal you got to go every few minutes they say all right the volcano saved oh this seems bad we should probably go it's not a volcano right oh look at this bubbling this new Super Mario Brothers Wii all right here we go water all the plants bring everything back to life it was just having a little drought all you needed was a little water the tree was thirsty I don't know if it works that fast but fine whatever ah here is sweet the everloom lives up to its name once more honey sweetie honey sweetie there's a galaxy of pent-up emotions out there oh God what are you saying we're behind on flower orders as for you as for you if any of you get married go to a prom or win a beauty pageant my flowers are yours all right lady we're just looking to get out of here our ship is going to need some heavy Firepower if we're going to breach curse's Hideout yeah we gotta get to curse's Hideout we're almost done with this game we have one more planet and I think the final area Mama they almost seeketh the fair and delicate Mama flower of barendale Mesa and a mechanical genius most rare we have just enough purified Darkness energy to create a warp tunnel to her location too farewell my love I will see you in my dreams promise I won't cheat on you with other shapes This Is The Love Story of the Year you know but uh I didn't see any lava all right it's done terraflora is saved old NATO is just a little bit of rain just a little drought all right let the adventure to barondale Mesa commence you're approaching Baron Del Mesa once known as a cradle of abundance throughout the Galaxy fortunately Mama the mechanic is still on the planet if that's right the downright sneakiest dirtiest most devious of the spark hunters will be waiting for us down there but whoever this mama is she better hope that we find her first it kind of looks like Boba Fett's ship he's no good to me dead there is a massive electrogeomagnetic storm on the surface we will have to jump thankfully we're just a few meters off the ground all right everyone get out grab your parachutes he's like come on everyone everything's okay oh uh he went he jumped okay and we're just blindly gonna be like this our Bowser's like all right out of my way everybody and we're all cool with this Rose is like it's okay I knew death would come for us one day [Music] oh it's okay they bounced on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon and here comes Bowser to pop it hey hey oh it's that's Mama great gibbity goobers you're what about my balloon uh uh meteorite with the technology to penetrate the shields around Casa's stronghold her mission is sunk I mean to be fair that's not really her problem you're gonna Buffalo cursor you ain't even got the sense to not Skydive without a parachute you are right you're right about that all right we gotta restore the power here whatever storm is uh Brewing it's messing with the power but if you get my windmill working properly I'll see what I can do about your spaceship all right it seems pretty simple enough we just gotta go stop this storm and uh fix the windmill that's it the goal survive oh hello gargantu fan this dude's waving the tattered red flag around so survive no problem let's get up there and let's uh let's give him hell the Mario Brothers movie just came out and holy crap this movie looks amazing I got my reactions out on it if you want to go watch those but it just it looks incredible I could honestly not be happier with the way it's coming out it looks so good magic Koopa please die don't Empower anybody survive you guys can't even get near me look at this we just nuking Magikoopa I see you hiding behind there you're not safe you think you're safe the fact of the matter is nobody is safe out here turning enemies to dust like you're gonna move you're gonna get shot oh my God uh hello oh no silly stare because he's dead crap shoot me oh my God how how many enemies what is happening yeah might have underestimated uh what was happening here all right I got everyone on the defense try to move try to attack I gotta watch out for magic Cooper now didn't realize he was that dangerous he's like no please don't shoot too bad I'm shooting what do you weak to Magikoopa being called a nerd you're resistant to everything all right doing much better this time around because I wasn't expecting an entire Army to come out of that portal all right only three more turns to go all right come on two more turns must survive one pound him into dust you have 42 Health you couldn't just die and we survived two more turns I think we can they're not even next to me I'll say knock Luigi off the stage a few more times Luigi's you're probably gonna die I'm in this stupid ink oh he missed all right well that's a wrap you guys tried Valiant effort it was cute I can't do anything again might as well heal I'm gonna need it anyway and I'll just Camp my ass in the corner oh my God that hurts so much no please don't come over and do the same thing oh thank God what we do next I mean The Logical answer is probably heal or or change out my oh crap uh I'm just gonna ignore him you don't see me I don't see you kick that down so I'm spinning it around throw that thing in a circle and we go to the windmill it's even scarier up close this is Big Mama Colin balloon buffoon I feel like they could also be referring to Luigi there being that he does like the balloon World thing I still owe you guys a new episode on that don't I maybe one day we'll do another balloon World video who's still making Luigi's balloon World content in 2023. all right I gotta change my team out here I can't go in like this except you rabbit Mario you stay oh wait a second wait a second wait a second this is a cameo of rabbit Kong creates a wave in all directions yeah let's use him whoa Pulsar is a revive no idea a foul windmill blows protect the Turning mechanisms all right so we just gotta fend off these uh these slow boys see that'll be easy so I'll just Chuck Mecca Koopas all right I'll just let everyone do their thing oh look at that they ran into four land mines with faces oh crap please stop pulling Bowser closer run away Bowser's uh getting destroyed up here don't attack it we need that okay it looks like it could only take about three hits so I I cannot let it get any closer all right that'll uh be a significant amount of damage then I gotta dip let's do a quick heals these for Bowser feel bad he's hurting up there perhaps it's not the big guys I should worry about but uh the smaller rabbit enemies because they're just gonna like from far away attack these things do I have to save all four or do I just have to save one make sure all of them don't die they have like five turns left I can kind of knock both you out very very close oh God to the dash attack first all right we're gonna lose something here yeah I wonder if it's all four of it just you have to keep one alive all right so it looks like I haven't lost yet is anything I ever revived I'm gonna try and go revive rapid Mario all right that's two this one's bad very fast uh don't worry I'm coming back for you two get up rabbit Mario your job here is not finished let's try the new attack this does like a push I think yes there he is Channel your inner rabbit Kong I got two left I'm just trying to save them damn it gotta send in the big guns for this one don't even think about it oh damn I could have did that and then electrocuted them to death that would have been way better oh well we might just protect this thing yet three more turns well we have one left it's not gonna last is it it's on the other side though can I protect it for two whole turns probably not especially when everyone out here is getting massacred I go there's so many of them I mean turns two turns Jesus Christ people spawning over there that's gonna be a problem I don't know why I'm trying at this point like something's gonna happen come on we can do it I know there's a lot of enemies spawning in no way we're good we're good we're good we're okay we're okay we're okay they don't have a they don't have it in range we did it good job team got the darkness energy Crystal now windmill seems to be working uh normally again the balloon is somehow fixed don't know how that happened here hello dearest friends I'm ever so grateful to see you have repaired my wind machine I thought we could elaborate with some cucumber water and pimento cheese sandwiches see you at my garage it sounds pretty nice actually you go for lunch we've worked up an appetite Bowser's like just bring me the cow all right I got a really bad feeling about this what are we opening the door to the lights are flickering if you're a demogorgon nearby oh mama we're back mama hang on who's that what is that oh it's the it's the vine chick I forgot about you this is the mo oh God you got the whole ass building we're all gonna die aren't we it's like a piranha plant fused with oh they got her trapped it's like a piranha plant fused with a rabbit to make a nightmare then they somehow named her Daphne Daphne is a crack shot from a distance you bum rusher and we're fishing a barrel you don't want to bum rush her she's all the way over there she's got 4 000 Health there's a lot of Goomba speaking of bum rushing you know who can do that with like no consequence rabid Mario hey watch I can just like straight I'll get these guys nuked right now too strong man just if they don't die he's gonna kill him look at that it all worked out so who's left on the field is it just the Goomba all right I'm comfortable with that turn what are you guys gonna do oh wow she can reach anywhere grabbing Mario's gonna clean up here now I can get you so I don't think rabid Mario is a good choice here because I don't think I can get him up there to do anything because I think if I team jump and throw them up I'll just get like oozed off I'll try it let's see how this goes I don't even know if I could be up there to be honest I can ah okay all right never mind what no way oh there's no way how many more forms you got I know deviantart's been busy or she can move the moon uh it's the next day let's just change the entire landscape of the battle we'll make it work here piggy piggy you know what play it safe don't go crazy you're done because how many phases do you think she has two three try three oh damn oh boy I gotta keep Mario alive because he's the one that has the revive what's uh let's get a mushroom in him he's actually incredibly valuable this he not only has a revive it's it's a mass revive is anyone in the area gets revived kind of broken she's pretty weak I know she has like a lot of Health but she goes down pretty fast it's just the whole thing about this fight is you got to be able to get back there you get back there you're good oh you hit nobody okay speak that ass die stupid ass house plant all right gotta go to phase three now the next day oh nope there's there's another phase indeed she's way up there now got some Prime real estate I'm fairly certain we can do this on like the next two turns oh wow where'd you come from um here see what else do we have got hero sight up sorry Luigi I need to get Mario closer I can really damage her good Mario's got another charge yep we're gonna do it on this turn well we did it okay I was gonna say if that didn't kill her she's like all right I'm done stick is Shifting around this battlefield anyway all right Luigi you get to hold the darkness Crystal for a little while and then it's Mario's turn I like Daphne I think out of like all the spark Hunters she might be my favorite and here's cursa like up all right now it's my turn foreign Rosalina we knew it was coming don't act like you didn't Rosa best princess everyone knows it out oh God the darkness got her we gotta go in there we gotta do it that thing is cursor and yes Rosalina is firmly under its control this is not her doing rabbit Rosalina do we have to fight Rosalina and kersa because that's pretty sick I think I know how you feel because I feel it too but I also feel something else while I am sad I am also determined optimistic even all right Sans you feel hope that's hope oh it's the spark of hope that he said it he said it all right we gotta do this get that Shield Buster on the ship and we're going to save Rosalina it's a duck The Shield Buster is a rubber ducky not exactly the Firepower I was expecting but but I trust you implicitly Mama remember this it ain't my shield Buster that's Gonna Save Rosalina you all have hope but you gotta stick together and be the Sparks of Hope the final descent curses stronghold imagine being an Intergalactic space monster and your strongholds can be penetrated by Rubber Ducky anal beads all right here we go oh it's the comet observatory I know they said that earlier but I didn't think that's where we were going right now holy there it is all right oh we just gotta cross all of this first the king of Darkness oh it's Bowser dark mess Bowser yo he's menacing this is a big map all right defeat Dark Miss Bowser Darkness Bowser just looks like Bowser's Fury Bowser kind of Bowser's like hell yeah I'm gonna kick my own ass hey mofos uh what are you doing I didn't tell you you could take a break foreign abilities that sucks oh hello hit the barrel that'll damage him nice oh wait hang on I can bring everyone closer I might be able to do something here I made dark Miss Bowser just like hop off he's like I'm coming sweetheart yo they're right up there beat their ass powered him up I'm screwed he's leaving I'm coming up there though so the good thing is I can attack and I can leave attack him and I can bounce he's powered up though so I'm a little afraid of that let's get Luigi in there too one brother goes the other brother's coming he needs backup never leave a plumber behind I have a ton of opportunity attacks here he does decide he wants to attack me all right well let's see what happens that's like half of me playing the game yeah we'll see what happens crap that's what I'm afraid of that's all right we'll take care of it kind of wish I wasn't wasting them all here but at least uh come on move yeah that's right Mama I think I get an attack for that no or is it only a shot oh geez good news is he's like right on top of that Barrel it's not gonna do anything really but I just want to get out of the way so it doesn't hit me dark mess Bowser's on the run but he's actually getting his ass beat like like no he's actually getting wrecked I don't think he has another phase this seems like a normal fight here come all the Goomba oh my God that was so much Bowser's got to do it it's his clone no sorry about you weren't strong enough oh can't say we didn't give you the opportunity next battle we're almost there deep dark secret Bowser collects anime pillows or dark mess Edge she looks kind of sick though all right we need one dark mess character I could feed a second I also I have a terrible heartburn right now I had some spicy uh Sri Lankan food for dinner it is not sitting well all right lighter up Luigi focus on Darkness Edge there we go no wrong character okay all right now we're doing something jeez I can't attack but I can still go unseen once more into The Fray the last good fight I'll ever know live and die on this day live and die on this day kapow block that's uh that's actually a pretty good option here I can't really do anything else all right let's see I have like all my abilities coming up on the next turn so I can do some big damage I could really end this in two turns if I want because not dealing with a ton of damage I gotta I got some good protection it's like it's all these little guys the the little damage it heads up though I'll just keep doing it make sure that she's getting focused this is the big brain Chuck that you know and love that everything do I have more your Darkness days are done I give Edge the killing blow oh sorry rabbit Mario collateral damage Edge is there something that you would like to say it's true that cursor brought me into this world what about that twist oh my God you are a spark Hunter we had no idea we thought you just knew all the other oh to the leader okay I didn't know that much I was gonna say just coincidentally knew all the other spark Hunters kersa gave me an edge with just enough free will to lead to think that edge let me see cursor for what it is a black hole of greed leading to a bottomless pit of misery Hunters Bedrock midnight Daphne I tried to turn them to the light instead they turned on me and so so I hit the road tried to save what sparks I could where they got their hands on them and that's the truth of it I mean we have no choice but to forgive you here all right big hug all right now we gotta get to cursa very nice of Kirsten to set up the golden uh Cannon for us it's like the red carpet of boss battles a spaceship a steam train and now finally a cannon takes us to our final destination gang If We All Die Here you're the finest crew I've ever had the chance of working with everyone everyone gather around I got some light it's a little dark in here curse is just chilling just walking around the place nude like it owns it uh not this time cursor that's the whole thing the Wellspring of all Darkness cursa though we are divided amongst three battlefields our only chances to work together oh we have three battlefields worth of characters itself is too far to reach but it's astral arm is not focus on that uh okay I would like to heal my team but I can't afford it I think I gotta make this pop up right this turns into a spike uh what what the hell I thought I was like supposed to make it hit the spike or something nice give everyone a little protect bam I almost blew the thing away Master Hand eat your heart out this is galactic hand okay we're protected peaches barrier is pretty op not gonna be able to move though that kind of sucks all right what are you gonna do to me are you leaving all right see you later yeah I was a little confused with these trampolines I guess maybe if I just stand here I don't even know I seem to be misunderstanding what they want me to do with it all right now come with me yeah I'm going for a walk come on a couple more all right we're just gonna defeat the actual arms gotta avoid everything else they want us to use everyone here not my choice of characters grouped but I guess it's fine I feel like I should be able to get through this though and then it'll hopefully Auto heal me fight Master Hand and Crazy Hand over here getting PTSD from my Nuzlocke running ultimate no one here needs healing of course with the character that I can heal with or I feel like this section of the fight is potentially very easy all right cannot move here that sucks fortunately you might be able to kill you here so I think I'm okay they can't even see her that would yeah that was definitely the move all right well this hand's going down I don't even need to move sorry I got I got the revive over here so if Mario dies I'll just bring him back and then the hands like screw you guys I'm going home oh I can hit everybody it's probably gonna send this guy over here oh I didn't hit the one character I needed to hit fantastic just Lord him over okay um I feel like I might have killed him if I would have hit the right character yeah people are bound to fall we're bound to have some casualties This is war after all good news is uh I'll probably kill them both on this turn that's one hand damn that does damage oh curse I thought you had hands guess not what what is that defeat cursor I will kind of just did so how do we fail this does like one group have to lose by this box curse cursor captured everything's just full of Sparks it will still be saved set them free by hitting the star without the power Casa will weaken all right so we just gotta beat the Sparks out of it literally how are we doing this how are we beating the Sparks out of it I gotta get pretty close I need to worry about them too I can't just ignore them unfortunately holy crap no oh we got a team barrier charge nice being a team barrier let's do that can't believe we're at the final boss fight I've been enjoying this game so much now I gotta wait for the DLC and potentially the uh the next game this I feel like this will probably be a Trilogy it should be all right oh you got big ass lasers that might be your whole turn though I mean you have all these like tendrils up I'm Gonna Change Focus now I didn't know I was gonna have to control all the characters how is the grouping decided you're like get rabid Mario away from rabbit Peach they're too powerful together this boss fight here this song this is totally a grand Kirk Oak joint it sounds very like Banjo-Kazooie that's gonna piss him off you're gonna come over here no you scared you might not live to see the next turn if he takes a step because Luigi's gonna do him in Bingo dead 2300 holy gotta make sure I'm behind cover that's right turn away you're scared everybody hears good everyone here is healthy okay this is gonna be a problem I can't go anywhere to take you out can I can I take a step oh I didn't mean to do that out all right well that deactivated that good God damn that's right turn away I'm gonna get to you eventually just being really safe about it wait I might actually finally get in there to attack this thing there we go oh that's a lot of Health gotta do it though come on cough up those Sparks I can nail that thing from here finally getting some attacks in Let's uh heal up no healing over here oh damn I mean no one's died yet knock on wood damage everybody they're all just in the way battles between cursa and I let's see oh good we're resistant not to that though ah please don't kill rabbit Peach she's got healing oh crap turn away don't look at me don't look at my shame no power everyone up I gotta start dealing real damage here just at this rate I'm never gonna kill Kirsten okay that's good Mario's pretty safe it's about to be flanked hard oh this is going bad as long as Peach stays alive though but I'm not gonna be able to go anywhere like I am where I am it's all that I am or whatever Pop I said I gotta say this entire playthrough I've not used rapid Luigi that much he just doesn't seem as powerful as he was I could be completely wrong so fast if you've been kicking ass with rabbit Luigi let me know the one character I didn't want you to attack and now he's out in the open God damn it yep he's gonna oh I'm gonna send out the robots take care of some of these little guys the robots okay this is good honestly I can kill both of them with this at least maybe will they die thank you if I only have to deal with cursor right now not so bad I mean yeah cursor does like a 2 000 damage laser beam but it's only one attack and revive Rosa fires like uh you could use that on me if I died this is all about protection this turn and health I'm all about protection we're gonna take the double shot Come on load it up Luigi let's activate Vamp attack get a little bit of Life steal I really really do think you're gonna have another life bar it doesn't make sense that you wouldn't because this seems too easy I say as I have been struggling here comes some more enemies oh yikes if he gets shot by cursor it's over he's the only one out too rest in peace do we make Rosie do it it only feels fair to have rabbit Rosalina okay maybe not 20 health will you just give her a moment all right spit him out like oh gotta poop does anything like a blowhole that that is a lot of Sparks oh wait Rose is here hey uh Rosalina look out right behind you [Music] she's like uh-uh not this time [Music] it's a really cool form so that's what was under the hood do we get to use Rosalina or she's in the bubble he's gotta like save her this is it this is the final battle let's kick this bitch's ass now the question is is cursa attack here probably right well we gotta charge up Rosalina hopefully she's USBC compatible because I feel like we could charge her a lot faster these first couple turns all about positioning here we go I have two more shots I kind of don't want to waste rabid Mario's attack on like that much health and Luigi can get two more shots off so oh damn I might have to I just put rabid Luigi in a really bad spot he is is likely going to die though given the circumstances we'll make it work I've been in tighter positions yikes thank you protection same attack just one laser all right so you can eat Sparks but like how do you get to become the big bad if like that's your only attack I gotta get some charge in there because right now I got nothing it was nine percent not bad I'm gonna get hit anyway might as well just do it just stand front and center we're just we're charging up like a Rosalina Spirit Bomb oh wow okay I can't not take that shot it's like a 25 charge wait this turn right here this can be huge Turbo Charge everybody everyone just gets one good attack in there look we're all front and center I mean Rose oh my God we'll do this on this turn unless we have to do this multiple times because cursor has 7 200 health and I have a feeling we got to do this four times ain't no way we're doing this once all right you're charged do your thing Rosalina oh wait we dropped the shield I can't turn down a charge this big let's do it here's the juice all right curse is burning right now curse is hurting you can't let up he may not have much health but it's got like three Shields oh you're gonna spawn right here holy crap man that was extremely unfortunate oh no all right secret weapon time AKA desperation to keep rabbit Mario alive that'll charge that I think this is the last time we have to get one of these attacks in 96 so I think after this attack we have to deal like 7 200 directly to cursa that's all going to come from like rabbit Rosa oh how'd you like that personally was like oh that was nothing only a fraction of my power all right here we go the squatting up now versus like Psych what are we doing dance off Quick Time Event here come all oh those are terrifying this is like how another game ended that I just played and oh we broke the mask gonna fight the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera now all right this is an anime intro [Music] shot everything all at once all the weapons it's one giant love Arrow die you monstrosity oh that's it I thought we're gonna have to take down the health bar is that really it no gotcha no more phases oh no that was it because the sun came out and we all know good weather means the threat has been neutralized Mario you and your friends saved the Galaxy and in doing so saved me as well but most importantly you saved me by the way you uh the cosplayer over there you're welcome to remain with me in the Sparks for as long as you would like even forever we might get a smile out of her yeah I do want that I mean but it turns out I have a family of my own already she's talking about us she's just okay hey guys she's talking about us go as for you Steward of Sparks well with curse are gone my old Pals will find themselves a new profession so this is the squad for the next game they might even expand maybe rabbit yoshi'll come back since uh it's not coming back in the DLC I really thought we're gonna get like a Yoshi's Island DLC which would have been cool uh what about you Bowser aren't you happy to learn any problem can be solved when we work together he's like hell no he's seething right now Coke Bowser mauled even just like that things are back to normal a few moments later so it appears our story is not yet over everyone's just chilling on the ship bored are we even moving oh Genie what just wanted the open Channel broadcast for the Milana Gardens melodic Gardens that's the new area that we're gonna head to right now flash by Anthony the songs of the natural world the songs of the natural world you say [Music] Mesa did give us the opportunity to decisively defeat the last of the spark Hunters except it's not the last because the title of this DLC is the last spark Hunter so there's got to be one more I have a double and triple check the signal the melodic Gardens have gone completely silent oh no music is dead Non-Stop and you're just like laying in your bed bloodshot eyes you're like oh damn it I need to go to sleep they've just been doing a Jazz Ensemble for the last three hours a lot of gardens is looking a little smoggy they also affected by the Canadian wildfires horse rabbit Luigi would be clapping when the plane lands nothing will be normal here until we rent them a lot of God into the darkness how do I wanna play well it's got to be demanding of course this level of difficulty could change at any point during our mission I played the entire game on demanding you think I'm gonna let up now now let's hurry before we attract any unwanted attention so this has to take place before the ending right because we defeated cursa already all right gotta remember how to do this because it's been six months but actually kind of hyped to get back into it now hello berserk you're going to need to use the cannon to make it out of here thankfully you've got me to show you the ropes see that button on the ground plate there are two of them see that yeah I see them in this battle and I'll be free to join you what is that correct we will soon see a new and terrible fall apart from the shell like chrysalises they will return to their egg State and a man's rejuvenated unless you dash them while they're in the egg all right so we gotta destroy them before they're even born got it it's gonna go ahead and uh Dash into you oh God Bowser you crushed it no really though I gotta remember how to play the game because it's uh it's been a minute who's our hero site because you know these dudes are gonna move there we go you should yeah you're dead you feel some damage let me tell you good night feels good to be back let's release the boys okay go for a stroll just in case anyone's thinking about coming over here oh hang on I got a wild claw too you're coming out finally I got one of these on my team all right let's see what's gonna happen here you're gonna hey Mario why don't you take your shot oh oh wow they're huge I thought they're gonna be these little guys you guys know my play Style by now we're gonna run in gun see that was the plan I wanted to get Mario as far away as possible that's absolutely what I wanted to do here I need to get some backup over there let's see what can we do here Sniper I'm pretty worried about actually I could probably get up quick quick rabbit Kong coming and do your thing oh nice see I can take these two out or like almost kind of hoping I would have created there actually I just got it whoa I got your back Mario or you know whatever he would say something like that big man's over there you don't have a huge range do we need to kill it and then we need to destroy an egg form okay I can do that thank you [Music] don't worry rabbit Peach backup is on the way she's good captain oh I can't jump on you okay that's fine so hero site is just a given here again I have a question if you're playing this as DLC but could you play through the original game does it kind of just shoehorn it in being that it kind of fits like before the end of the story all right got some uh some rabid Mecca Koopa who were completely useless last time but it's fine I'm not worried about the little one I'm afraid of what the the Golem can do okay so I didn't destroy the egg I was out of moves okay so confirm the Golem hurts so let's give everyone a buff Mario tips his hat before uh allowing everyone to shoot harder don't bullet Peach take care of this okay so now he's gonna revert back to egg form now I can't do anything and I don't know how many turns before he comes back so you know what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna use my extra dashes just to do that only because I don't know if he's gonna immediately respawn that would suck wild Claw is so far back where is wild claw what is wild claw doing sir you are part of the team all right let's let's get a big blast out there one could say Bowser's big blast we firmly believe that Bowser's big blast is one of the best Mario Party mini games because I definitely do oh my God all right he knocked me way off but I'm back and I need to go press that button so I gotta get somebody up there yeah come closer Watch What Happens oh did I burn you Cooley or is more where that came from okay I am a I'm dangerously close I can't sum a wild claw because he's gone I can't get a dash in there because right here it doesn't need some backup all right you die right now then we need to I gotta get a little closer so I can destroy the egg dust you shall return and uh you know what girl freshen everyone up a little bit top everyone off oh wild claw thank you so much for moving and doing something I appreciate that all right let's go press this button I'm so happy that Mario and Bowser are working together but I'm even more excited for Super Mario RPG to finally return and for them to work together again all right time to go press the second button now I'm gonna be truthful here I know they said sales were a little disappointing for this game so I hope that doesn't negate the opportunity to get a third game I think a Trilogy would be awesome ow fighting the last uh Elemental over here yeah yeah good job wild claw keep doing your thing you guys know my feelings on this series I was not expecting to like it as much as I did because I didn't really care for the oh Rabbids thing early on the game has so much charm and it just it works so well it'd be a shame to not get one more game I do think with games like this though people are probably waiting for the full package to be out and for it to be on sale I mean I didn't pick up Kingdom battle until like six years later I might have to change Bowser out solely for his movement speed just because he's so slow gotta get someone in there who can match more my play style here you go we can leave now we have turned on the pink and yellow pork buns God I love pork buns have you guys ever had those um you're like a sesame ball dim sum more like a dessert dim sum I guess what I'm trying to say is I like dim sum since we [Music] all right we made a roster change I'm bringing a rabid Luigi into this solely for the fact that it can bounce off eyeballs is three like the max I think three is the max that I can hit but it also should make use of my dashes and also uh you know rabid Mario is just gonna mess people up like if I do this I have two dashes so I could do oh you can't Dash into these okay well that kind of sucks Luigi is one of my secret weapons in Kingdom battle so not to bring that energy blow that up now remember rabbit Mario is super broken should be able to crushed two of those eyeballs you know what let's activate Luigi's Steely stare because I think with rabid Mario I have gather rounds so I can pull in some people [Applause] free shot you're dead oh he's not dead that sucks Luigi's that all you got can't even ooze attack okay I can kill him so I'll at least do that here come the bombs there's a lot of them I don't have any heels at all Luigi has a vampire spark but like that's pretty much it I might be grossly underprepared listen I'm still getting my chops back oh there's so many enemies okay we're good still good don't worry about it everything's fine bro there's 18 000 enemies how are you supposed here is really to just use the bombs I gotta do this again okay let's do this for real I need to get my hands on the bombs that's what needs to happen here get your hands on the bombs and everything else should be much easier Mario can do anything look at this I can still move I guess I can't move did my tree get reset Luigi summon your new pal yo okay right out the gate huh you die and uh just to be safe go invisible I like how they're focused on the sniper and actually that kind of makes things a little bit easier now to wait about uh 15 minutes for my turn ouch that hurt oh good I finally get another turn okay yo half of the sniper is actually pretty good because he's just taking things down all right another eyeball down poke it right inside I am already doing better nobody has died yet whoa hang on I get plus eight percent for each enemy in range hang on it's actually kind of crazy I can hit a lot of people right now all right hey let's see if I can make this work [Music] Luigi time take it easy okay hit him with the counter blow go ahead look at those air punches okay okay yo hang on sniper might be the MVP of this entire battle I have to destroy 10 more though two more eyeballs down just want to talk oh I didn't see that dude behind there okay he's dead that should reach right to read something for Luigi to to snipe swore I had two shots I gotta look at the skill tree because I don't know if everything was Auto assigned so I'm pretty sure rapid Mario was able to run after he attacked because he might be in deep doo-doo now that he's surrounded and doesn't have his uh his unseen spark up oh that's bad someone's gonna have to get revived oh okay I have unseen up good so nice and now you see me now you don't I'm gonna just take these two down and hope for the best come on don't kill anybody I need everyone for this next turn there's so many enemies creating more that can have have turns talk old boy what did you get yourself into oh wait I can get them both I take that one down there's two over there which I'm pretty sure rabid Mario can get to if he could stay unseen for like one more turn I'm gonna plant my feet and we're gonna hope for the best oh okay all right now we see what happens that's right yeah focus on him I have nothing to heal so I kind of just need this to work there's gonna be some casualties I gotta go all in that's all I got I'm like so close to reaching both he is an inch away from ending this and I'm probably gonna end up dying now unless let me try something a little big brained over here I can move hammock I might be able to get a bounce from rabid Luigi oh my God I am so fat brained it's not even funny I'm a genius I'm a round of applause my IQ is at least four digits we're gonna show everyone a little love here so let's get Edge in here let's get I'm Gonna Keep rabbit Mario because he's broken as hell get some healing you know what let's uh let's use Rapid Rosa actually oh rabid team see I don't know what happened here but I don't have my No Limits perk so I kind of need to get that back I don't need that give me this quick heal since I got some money and press ZR multiple times to grow Vines that was fast why can't the plants in my studio do that I've been watering them and they're just dying they're just actively dying I do not have a green thumb at all all right we made it to who are you we a little tuning fork Mario's like eh whatever oh what is this place is trippy oh yeah that that is a big mess this is the thought I sponsored how many pictures I've seen is or was the well our job to fix it no one else is gonna I am detecting several rabid life forms within that Darkness puddle that's a big ass puddle too the melodic Gardens award-winning musicians like the weekend we need to free the rabbit musicians from their cages but look at this dude flying over on his purple Nimbus you're here to save those rabbits right you can free them by dashing into the switches oh there's like um this is kind of like the first game look at that guy who was massive dude a rudimentary implant they can create small pools of poisonous Darkness all right we got a free 17 musicians no problem let's wipe out some Goomba bring my homies ooh you got a lot of Health that's kind of scary I'm gonna attack him you can write his little belly button oh he fell down okay to preserve rabid Mario go invisible just in case then Rosa we're gonna freeze these enemies to you know they don't attack me a lot of a lot of Darkness pool okay that you're free actually we can kill him you think rabbit Mario might do it on his own we're close though all right safe 6 out of 17 oh all the rest are down there okay no problem play it safe I don't enjoy playing it safe but I do what you gotta do I'm just gonna like unload on him Point Blank actually I can kill you dude these Splash guys are so annoying got a mushroom chest this that I want to can I do that I guess I can oh there's like a ton of enemies over there I feel like I should probably go invisible I'm gonna have to waste it safety precautions just in case they all hop down and just like Rush rabid Mario that one out and oh I destroyed my cover seven to go ah all right we'll leave it all in the hands of rabbit Mario again because I don't have any healing oh my God the Goomba really stomped her out okay I gotta do my best there's six to go no this is it isn't it this is where I go down again okay so what I ended up actually doing was I respect all my skill trees I don't know what happened in between like the main game and the DLC but uh my skill trees became dog so I redid everything from scratch and I gave two of my characters some summons so I have a sniper running around we have an oozer it just it helps it adds extra turns I mean I don't remember my skill trees from my main playthrough but I respected what I felt was appropriate like Luigi needed to have three Steely snare shots it was non-negotiable yeah cause Luigi in combination with rabid Mario and rabid Peach healing is just it it has become easy mode the summon Sparks honestly don't sleep on them they're pretty good wow that was easy so yeah I uh I implore you if you're playing the DLC check your skill tree I don't know if it's Auto assigned but it definitely wasn't what I would have chosen all right you're all free now Play Freebird oh here comes tuning fork girl internet are you behaving yourselves with this one [Music] oh good she's friendly she's not gonna skewer us Allegra Warden of the melodic Gardens surely you can forgive my caution after all you do not appear to be typical Heroes now do you no we are blue colored workers but they are heroes too you ever have a really bad clog in your toilet do you want to deal with that spark Hunter here not possible we took care of them all of them I cannot say only that they put my dear musicians in danger and terrorize the fallen stars Beyond this gate is a little used passage that I hope shall see me find my friend unharmed oh that's cool I think I found my squad for the rest of this and the important question now is where's sales bot because I actually have some money finally like for the first time you know though he's probably through the the leaf door I know sales bot I know the shenanigans he could get himself into he's back here he's gotta be that sales bot always get himself into hijinks who is this oh I know the who this is I remember from the uh from the key art you you are terrifying Anya oh I have been looking forward to this counting on it actually I heard a lot about the Galaxy's toughest Fighters Mario Bowser Edge what about the rest of us houses like let me add her funny because I never heard of you yeah it's Kanye all caps don't forget it it's you you should back off not one of Casa spark contest has proven capable of stopping us yet yeah what bibo said I know spark Hunter I'm no puppet of curses I've got my own plans for those Sparks and cursa isn't a part of it wherever you are you will release my friend at once leave the Sparks here alone and be gone you got it not you my watch thinks that I'm telling Carter to go away um forgive me I'm sorry I truly am I gotta go bye oh where was I oh yeah the difference between me and cursa I've got a king-sized vision for my future Mecca King but here he comes this might be the dopest boss in the entire game and I haven't even fought him yet just the whole design is awesome all right here we go head on defeat Proto Mecca King the bomb that is a mouthful who who are you Electro Quake until you do something with that giant robot Shield it's practically invulnerable you need to use but bombs to do that kind of poetic don't you think indeed all right first things first where are the bombs where where the hell are they I don't think they spawned yet speaking of spawning let's spawn some of our own okay that was a waste you're an idiot all right team let's get in position first things first really stare on watch this I can get those shots off how right in the ass bam and we'll just have rabid Mario like do his thing that was easy I can't really do much yet so let's let's end turn and see what happens got these big dudes coming over all right Louise you can take them out from far away oh my God all right you got one shot that sucks it's funny that like the Mecha King of Obama is also like a rabbit but a robot dude like that'll be great when the Armor's down if you can just like I don't know wait a second we are going to get rabid Mario down there this dude can move it didn't deal any damage so that's I'm gonna have to get rid of these big guys for now I think I'm just gonna deal with them because if they get close enough it's over got rapid Mario surrounded yo what what was that ring okay okay did I I think I think I hit my teammate there we go oh wait hang on I have another Dash I just use all of the bombs oh crap I should have dashed into okay that's fine I can fix this because we don't want these guys coming back I'm about to beat some cheeks and dip okay let's spread out not all on top of each other Luigi has Steely stare activate I'm actually doing very well oh nice he's dead there's no way I'm reaching him though intern keep walking keep walking definitely get over to that other guy let's see oh my God that hurts all right we're good all's good rabbit Mario has so much movement I can just I can go anywhere we'll use him to get out of there I'm throwing fire punches now you oh okay you could reach me you're where are you going what are you doing that didn't even hurt okay this might though oh my God where did you come from she had oh my God she had the revive I gotta do this without her I have a heel and he's already half health and let's see let's see and Salvage this no I can wipe him out here piggy piggy all right I have to go invisible here and then next turn I have to heal I have a couple healing items so I'll be all right there Steely stairs really on my best option here can't damage you yet hurt you quite a bit all right you're gonna walk you die you turn to uh you turn into an egg God all right it's okay we're good bombs can't reach me another Piggy okay you're done MVP MVP you got it he really is though abolishing everybody I mean it kind of sucks that every time he's using an attack he's resistant though no he is the only one left we'll get max distance so we get Max damage and reach me with those bombs though can you can you like wait just imagine how much more helpful it would be if he actually waited can I not jump on this because he's standing on it that's stupid all right that's okay 7 000 elf we could kill him on this turn there we go before Steely stare probably gonna use one on the bomb or not or we're just gonna take him down Oh short circuiting well well well you've done it you took down my Proto Mecca robot King the bomb can probably shorten the name did Kanye's reaction to losing the battle appear on to you it was almost as if she were pleased yeah it was it that's like a classic villain Trope oh we have uh we got a puzzle here I am detecting two life forms Beyond this gate one significantly larger than the other oh Genie you can sense power levels ah no traditional locks on this door that top one is definitely the Reddit alien it has a symbiotic relationship with the musical entities known as melospheres I was a melosphere where would I be okay who called it who's that doc Mass puddle tell me the melospheres don't look like something out of Castle Crashers that looks like it could be a Castle Crashers pet okay A friend in need is a friend in darkness or however the Toy Story song goes oh my God they're here they won't be safe until we rescue them and bring them to their nest okay so this is an escort Mission all right you know what I'm just gonna have everybody move together did we split up I think that's where things start to get hairy oh wait hang on let me just I need rabbit Mario to be a little closer God ghost bullet is so good hear that actually actually hang on one second how how do I make this work come on come on come on come on come on kill him damn if I kill him he comes back at full health I mean I guess I probably should right you see it sucks because I can't do anything he's just gonna respawn immediately there should be at least one turn of cooldown hang on let's take him down down for the count scramble the eggs oh my God rabbit and Mario can run all right let's go get our little froggy boy and bring him to safety okay good I can jump with him no don't drop them this is so cute you want to throw hands with him again just smack him in the nose thank you and these guys don't have uh the movement speed so I'm just gonna have them meet them on the other side we'll flank them really it's just no one guarding him over here I really you know I'm gonna hold off let's do Steely stare and we'll just take a shot at the barrel this LDL way more damage yeah move move I dare you [Music] is out here one shot in dudes I feel really safe having these dudes I mean you can't possibly have a better bodyguard than rabid Mario he's the best in the business wait does it make a noise [Music] I'm just gonna carry him into the end zone here you are buddy nice and safe with your little friends head go be free live your lives how do they float do they have wings if they do their like really tiny wings oh gates open right here we go into the Gates of Hell or what I assume is gonna be the last boss fight this feels very final boss fighty look is that a Plessy well she's in a cage free her I know rapid Mario it's too much to look at how are you back we destroyed you oh you're a mick you're not just a robot what do you think hope you like it after all you helped Build It come on oh we were just uh the focus group for the first build by the time I'm done with this planet the only Symphony you'll hear will be one of chainsaws in Factory forges Anya is a boot licker he's like I can't wait to open an Amazon warehouse enough talk okay let the final battle commence part one oh sorry Dory not Plessy there's no use fighting the mecca King for the time being it's invulnerable even to its own belongs got a firmware update I see to that Dory when there are Darkness blobs sitting on the ground buttons we need to activate uh-huh we'll use the Box destroy the darkness blast innovation here at Mario and Rabbids Incorporated we are constantly innovating okay go press the button launch the nukes rabbit Mario can he can run so we're gonna take this and go all the way over here I'm just kind of happy I don't have to deal with an escort Mission Again oh can I real okay that's free actually works out nicely because now I can just do this I can gather around the big man can Luigi actually stop him No Lack of a bombs I I kind of need some more oh no okay so they're all they're all wasted can I get that over there more importantly can I get it over there in time it's just gonna reach okay got it gotta let it go sorry we'll take a chance here so I get extra dashes if I do this oh it's not dead yet hang on we can fix this I shouldn't have wasted that probably should have just used Robin Mario in the first place as long as the bombs don't reach me oh God easy easy does it are they gonna go through the thing they go through yep okay stop moving stop stop stop stop stop stop stop why can you go so far big heal for everyone what can we do here [Music] watch now they're gonna be too far away will that hit wait hang on Luigi you can finish them off now it should not be 50 oh my God Luigi you suck gonna make me waste this now [Applause] God uh I don't want to kill them now I have to wait for King the bomb to come over here or for this lone little bomb to make the longest journey you know what we're gonna wait a little longer now wait for him to come up here a little closer a little bit closer okay there's gonna be too many bomb Oh wait maybe we can only have four out okay that's good I was gonna say if there's like eight bomb I think I might be in trouble that out of the water it's funny because we just have to bathe them we just gotta kite them all the way over here my 11 years or 12 years of League of Legends experience has prepared me for this moment a lot of that time spent bot Lane please don't okay no really please don't I think we'll leave one more switch or two more switches we're getting close look at the bombs all just waiting in line like we want to try the new chicken sandwich now because rabid Mario has like six miles of movement we're gonna take one and bring them over here and the last switch throw some hands let's end this kick both your asses turn to dust oh God I'm gonna use the extra Dash thing I need one of the bombs I really think we just wait I don't know if there's anything else that can be done here those other enemies are just trapped on an island just gotta wait for these little explosives to Mosey on over playing a game of hot potato with ourselves come on come on come on come on come on boom Dory you're free then what you want to do is you want to ground pound on her back to make her head go up and down off the mecca King ba bomb part two defeat him the tide has turned and we have Dory support activate them we can free the antenna and the Dory to use it to get us past the mega Kingdom of arms Shield all right so we gotta clear more blobs to get buttons to and you know how it is okay [Music] is the shield down hey go hold this right in your mechanads okay but seriously you have a lot of health so I am going to back off I like how these uh these blocks are all kinda patterns like Yoshi eggs so Yoshi's kind to here right there's a bunch of enemies back there so I just want to watch out for that let's deal as much damage as we can on this turn they can oozer out all right let's see a lot of big baddies this is the one that brings all the goop are there more buttons or is that it what what why you got the Donkey Kong upbeat oh okay so I need to get further away oh my God Shield's still down though oh you don't have that much health we can do this in like a couple turns I'm just kidding there's gonna be more switches just just lobbing crap at me fortunately I feel like they don't do that much damage a good one no no no that's the bombs and destroy me oh no Luigi don't die where's the fourth one come from you know I gotta get Peach over there Luigi needs a res can I just press this one I can right the thing exploded uh hello he's got the bombs like out the ass well they're not all gonna attack me right they're not all four of them just gonna walk over and I only have one dash but I can knock both of these out I only need one this one actually I think I can ah all right full health come on we just gotta make it to Luigi I'm gonna take the user out take a couple hits you know oh good wait I could heal and I can go invisible I think I'm set up for a nice uh nice next turn here once we get Luigi back on his feet I'll be in business I'll be cooking all right I got heal coming back up survive a little bit longer this might kill me it's killed me I'm screwed no coming back from this oh God he's got what was coming out yeah I'm dead no shot [Music] they can't reach me I can run Luigi my love I'm coming all right take him up pick him up pick him up I didn't get to press the button but I guess that's fine right just Omega heel now I'm back in business all right this battle is over unless there's a phase three we got this in the bag you got nobody left King the bomb nobody just you little the bombs and that's it oh that was a satisfying Chain Reaction last one all right oh that's close it's a little a little too close pulling the bombs out of his butt you're butt for bombs okay so Peach is dead that's fine though it's still okay just gotta get a little distance Steely stares up that's cool yeah I can finish him on this turn absolutely is that plus rabid Mario's attack plus me using gather rounds finish him off Luigi and with the old one too is he T posing wait when I use gather around you don't have to attack me you can just walk how much health do you have do you have thousand that's it I need distance if Luigi dies we had one more why didn't you use it okay I'm afraid now but there's no way three bombs can kill everybody so oh we did it and she took herself down it's like oh damn I pulled out the USBC hey wait it's not charging anymore [Music] I guess I'll just hit the ejector seat do we do it do we save melodic Gardens on behalf of the melodic Gardens I offer my heartfelt gratitude for saving my friends rating us of our Dark Shadow Our Heroes did it and Bowser's just standing there awkwardly like someone is singing happy birthday to him oh interesting [Music] Dory seemed to like that a lot okay so it looks like melodic Gardens is back to being melodic and the day is saved once again and Mario and the Gang well you finally did it Ubisoft you brought Rayman back oh look he's got a ticket to Willy Wonka's factory all right let's see Rayman punch so I can wind up and just oh I missed I can't say that I've really played any Rayman games aside from a little bit of Rayman Legends with the side quest boys but for the fans I hope this is the start of something new and fresh for Rayman I hope he comes back a lot of people love him so the premise of this is It's a play and it's called The Phantom show and I'm putting two and two together here and I just I can't wait to hear the diss track it's very nice of Ubisoft to pair Rayman up with uh some more popular characters like the Rabbids aha I knew that invitation was fishy and that somehow a rabbit was behind it oh well back to The Fray we're going demanding we've done the entire thing demanding I'm not backing down now can I just wind up punch him from here all right here we go look at Rayman standing next to the uh to the Goomba all right hook so we got some new mechanics here so I can hook into like a Glide I got a blaster plunger guard summons two guards which fire two projectiles at any moving targets within range let's take a shot right here and let's see let's see what the cards do what's that like grape robots again walk into the circle you stupid okay also pick them up all right oh you're lucky I can't come over there he look at him he's got the Blaster to his forehead no he turned it sideways Kill Shot he's like go back to Ubisoft and tell him to bring me back learning to Glide do I have more mechanics when do I meet up with rapid Mario you can now equip the vortex costume okay that's cool oh wow we have some good range with that so let's see all right pull them all in Vortex pull come on come on everybody gather round I'm gonna tell you a story oh okay I thought that was gonna do more damage than that so I might be in trouble all right the Goomba can't reach me those little legs can only go so far in fact I'll probably take no damage here [Applause] all right so now I have a rocket costume are these costumes Canon and Rayman games because like I said haven't played a Rayman game aside from a little bit of Legends so does he have different costumes is that a thing okay so if I use this oh yeah okay oh wow I can just like ride around on it oh that's cool die what's the cooldown on that because it's pretty broken also I'm immune to other effects when uh I have this costume on all right I'll switch costumes I should Vortex pull kind of get them on this side come here we have tornadoes Dash into you two I'm probably better off just like summoning some Vortex cards oh each costume has its own guards too okay that's that's cool you guys get over there and I'll put you over here and I'm kind of like out in the open which sucks but hey why did my guard guard me this guy this guy over here is gone now he's getting a raise you you're fired I don't even work here all right there you go nice job we made it the goal all right I feel like I learned the mechanics of how Rayman works so Raymond is I guess a part of some play [Music] oh here's rabbit Peach and Rapid Mario getting big Dynamite heady vibes from this you guys ever played Dynamite heady it's a Sega Genesis game where you play as like a dude who throws his head who kind of looks a little bit like Rayman Rayman is taller than I imagined he took his hands Raven why you got no limbs or or a neck four rabbits uh bibo did you talk to the Space Opera Network about security I specifically said no meet and greets you talk if I may well I understand your reaction rest assured these are not run-of-the-mill rabbits these are hero yes sir rabbit Heroes what are you doing here exclusive invitation is the VIP area you might want to have a moose before you get in trouble I I was also invited my name is oh look out Mr edada oh what is that short for eggplant well Mr eggplant I suggest we can acquainted later all right the unlikely team up it's happening it's finally happening time to defeat all all right I was gonna say I'll customize my skill tree but I have nothing wait we have some new ones selfie spawn a controllable copy of its hero with 15 of their HP we will keep that one but hang on a second you know that one's got to go to rabid Mario as well as his normal ethering so he can be invisible and rabbit Peach is gonna get pulser and then we're gonna have a scoper master and let's do it all right we'll attack the closest I need to remember that rapid Mario is not what he was because he has nothing so he's not his broken self yet but he will be let's get a scoper out here why not so do I control the shadow clone or is it just does it act on its own is it sentient I guess we're gonna find it oh I do control it look at him wearing blue it's kind of cool and he's got two action points oh wow okay that is useful you guys out I can't move um all right counter blow I have a lot of minions helping me right now uh unfortunately Shadow rabid Mario is about to get decimated he's got counter blow up though I should go invisible first you know just in case all right here we go rocket time this is op as hell get you off or we have two enemies left okay there's one over here and one over there I'll kill this one because uh the other one can't reach anyone on my team wow amazing job you were real close now catch this three piece wow you weren't kidding you really are heroes I'm Rayman as I was saying my name is Rayman uh maybe you've heard of me but he is a formidable fighter all right so it appears we all got gold tickets I don't see a chocolate factory anywhere only broken glass you don't want to eat the broken glass though uh-oh what's this [Music] an elevator here he comes I love that they brought Tom fan back [Music] Tom Finn my beloved [Music] are we gonna do the number right now they're like hey I know you oh good morning companions to my humble Cinema Tech he must have brought us here to get revenge for humiliating him my dearest people Maya culpa I am a changed phantom for the better I was in a dark place then real depressed susceptible to the mega bugs influence you Heroes taught me a valuable lesson that day I remember it like it was yesterday oh yeah it's like oh you shot me in my junk and I swore to use my talents for good that's why I'm here to help these rapid artists spread joy throughout the Galaxy Mr Phantom why do you need us adventurous types for that I'm no actor I mean I do have a certain quality as you may have observed the vicitudes of Fate have not been kind to the Space Opera Network of late is everyone on strike because that would be very very meta and weirdly predicted I don't speak French so I'm just I'm not even gonna try anymore say no more show me the contract I'll sign without reading I've been there I've done that read the contract also our warp portal is now malfunctioning so cannot send you home at present I'm really going to trust the Phantom he did try to destroy us you know really insulting way too he told us he explains it was the bug everyone's good now people should you choose to heed the call to Fame and Fortune my understanding will be equaled only by my gratitude it is said now that there are three sound stages needing your dramaturgical gifts you may choose which to Embark upon first all right so it looks like we have a bunch of different sets here or we have at least two but regardless it's telling us to choose the Western set so I shall oh my God I love this it's like a corny ass Carnival Welcome to The Ballad of plunger hands mcmurty a story of romance mystery Vengeance loss rebirth and toilet humor punch all of the wood cut out Bandits okay [Music] I'll punch every Bandit some of these some of these seven can I punch this oh there we go I see hiding back there Pinhead uh uh oh we have to fight a gunslinger slap leather yo sidewind and dry gulching lunk-headed mangy no good yellow-bellied Barrel board and Polecat good in rob rabbit Mario damn that was good Bravo I'm waiting for it I'm waiting for the Kirby mini game hey hey you're gonna Dash into me all right Boston bravados is Downy big enough for the two of us I only needs to beat three of them okay no problem all right there's only three of them but there's a billion other enemies I could try and rush them and make the same mistakes I always make which is exactly what I'm gonna do Nice Shot I feel so weak I'm gonna have to throw some orbs around after this that'll knock him off though so wait hang on a second now probably do the Rocket Ride all right no idea I want to go down there go back up get him get him we actually kind of did get him though he's he's almost dead all right I got one right next to Rabbit Peach they're focusing on the sniper for some reason wait a second did the one that was almost dead just heal oh my God [Music] is a bad spot this is the worst spot all right I guess I'm gonna just do something really stupid while going down with me although this one kind of feels like unlock [Music] oh wait he actually kind of pushed me out of the way that might have helped kind of all right one down thank you Shadow rabbit Mario oh you fool you brought me closer and this is gonna be problematic but we're gonna make it I promise we're gonna make it oh I got the rocket again okay hold up it's over [Music] just I just gotta follow him let's see I can heal Raymond from here I just gotta live long enough to to kill this one bravado uh you know what let's do that we hit him the other one dies oh that's right he's gonna shoot me though all right let's see what happens here ow yeah okay Raymond's rayman's going down sorry I got the revive though range and also not die stop oh no do I get to go now no come on no more no more no more we might just make this happen get up you bag of bones just try to figure out how to get rabid Mario over there somehow we need all the backup oh my God this just reaches okay team jump let's go oh my God we're we're like traversing the entire we're gonna do it I'm gonna do the damn thing hang on look for it I do that let me summon my self-service because as soon as I attack him he's gonna shoot me all right squeaking by here but we're getting the job done watch this watch this guys everyone watch this I'm afraid that won't kill hang on let me let me make sure rayman's in range surely that won't miss right right okay we win what is going on uh viewership numbers have officially risen from disastrous to nearly disastrous the early numbers are through the roof even the professional fish chucking contest organizer demographic is up two questions when do I get my own spin-off series when can your publicist find me a date to the galactivision awards I just want to hear this diss track you know there's gonna be one can't have this man in this game without having a diss track all right Western set is done oh hey look look look it's my editor you may be finished here but I still have to de-rig the set and then spend all night editing all right it looks like this way is the pirate set you think SpongeBob's here I would complete the crossover anchors away the sails do set the friends we have lost we shall never forget welcome to Captain Opera beard and the bubbling brigands of toilet water Bay ew that's disgusting Pirates have drip Admiral rpach reporting for Duty prepare to serve looks being a serving looks we're gonna have to clear some of these eyeballs he's like that's your job though peace all right let's go destroy these cracking eyes cracking eyes I'm about to be cracking skulls take these eggs what you do is throw them at the eyeball just like throw the hand out there and do like the cartoon like two finger poking each eye there's got to be something in here okay that's that's good all right put this in here that'll open those up I'm assuming that the other three eggs are probably like or this is gonna take us I grab that put that in here okay this take us up here on a long way to get some eggs ahead and Joint that get out of here all right so one to go there's quite a bit we didn't do over here yet ah I like the the wind-up punch why did Rayman get into smash that's something that absolutely should have happened don't worry buddy your chances are still alive for the next game like a certain other little blue boy that I know all right let's push this off here hopefully no one's under that yeah this one then like paper mache it just disappears uh let's pick this up last one destroy the Kraken eye I got you it's like on his eye too there you go all better uh uh oh I think the ship's toilet is backed up boys looks like we'd best get Kraken get it all right crack in time are we gonna fight the actual Kraken sorry he's made a cardboard no big deal are we still possessed by these dark Miss eyes though that's literally me that's me a kraken we got it for a song after its last four films flopped we added a bit of Darkness to it for realism we had to take care of this oh interactive okay let's see I really I gotta get to the other side idiot so I guess the tactic here is probably let's keep everyone together you know so no one dies and then this will be uh this will be a cakewalk immediately after I say we should keep everyone together I split up that's okay because I think Raymond is actually kind of broken let's look at this Mobility how far can I actually go I think that might be it I think I probably yeah I hit my limit here we're gonna use my rocket ride because uh it's fun I'm gonna take care of these guys and also you know what screw this guy too oh wait hang on I could still summon my shadow all right let's see what happens what can you do it's gonna be Splash related oh it is okay so it looks like if you're on the lower platforms you can get splashed off it's a good thing I have resistance to every element when I have the rocket costume on so I gotta know we've had two of these now these DLC Adventures we've had Donkey Kong and Rayman let me know in the comments which one do you guys like better I mean as of now I think I still like the DK one better but this one's cool so far all right if I can take out the swamp Pig then that'll save me a lot of pain in this next move I gotta get Raymond back because if I want to heal him he's gonna have to make it on his own actually there's oh God there's one about to spawn oh I burned my turn okay shouldn't have did that uh you know here's another thing I probably could do I could just like just Escape just go back to the start it's not a bad idea right and just like hole up over here or something rabbit Peach is gonna need some backup though she's gonna take a beating all right instead of using unseen I'm gonna use counter blow and uh hopefully I don't get tormented on this next turn oh he's angry again the sea was angry that day my friends I haven't even gotten to oh they had the eyes they're facing this way now ouch oh there's so many enemies there's too many let's see what can I what can I do here I can I can get to those eyes I can fix him oh hang on I could take him both out here Peach could take one and then who knows what'll happen that's three where's the rest unless they're gonna respawn on the next turn which is probably what's gonna happen uh okay do a little bit healing here I guess we'll go unseen try and save face a little bit I do have a revive so if Rayman dies he dies all right I think they're gonna respawn now I think what I have to do is I gotta do this probably three times let's see oh here they come wait so what's stopping me from just staying here I actually might be able to reach that with this let's see take you out on the way you out I hit one we go two it's crazy how close I am but how I'm probably going to die if I don't get Peach out of here right now so gotta go back to the pirate ship they're Splash boys I'm gonna try using this but I don't have much health I have two turns on cooldown for healing I might be out of luck on this I might have to do this again take it easy [Applause] oh boy can I squeak it out oh my God that's right I got the revive I got the robot I can make it happen all right I'm gonna go for it what is it you say the W but what I need to do is I need to keep Rayman and Peach in the same range just hoping for the best here because I'm heal coming up I have res but here's what we do pick you up everyone gets kisses on their boo-boos all right and then we immediately have to leave again oh crap now we just gotta pick uh rabbit Mario back up it's possible right oh wait I could summon another uh another scoper take the bait take the bait why would you why would you do that I actually might be able to save rabid Peach hang on I could use the rocket ride again just go in circles till I knock these guys out oh 19 Health okay he knocked her behind the thing though so she might be safe from this guy I think what's Happening Here is I'm kind of just buying time for myself but I don't know let's see let's see can we make it happen is the dream dead I think the dream is still very much alive I just need to group everyone together I didn't see him oh God he got dusted [Music] okay okay protect Rayman which I think I'm doing an okay job with unless they get sniped oh no my God this is the Friday Night Lights of Mario and Rabbids battles heel is up I repeat heel is up unfortunately I still have another turn on res so we're gonna heal right now I take you out let's see who else is around I'm just gonna take some more guards out just in case I feel pretty safe though absolutely no way is this happening right now that I'm Reviving him and I got the full Squad back this shouldn't even work but it is you thought you'd never see me again didn't you well too bad oh wait I have another rocket okay the Rocket Ride I should be able to just finish off this eye I hope can I am I just gonna like plunk into it oh come on ouch oh boy how's that heel back up again almost oh wait hang on a sec hang on Rayman can we get over there can I can't hit the eye it's gonna have to be the next turn is this a stupid idea maybe but also maybe not or maybe my most brilliant idea yet see what happens all right you shouldn't stand a chance at all you're gone this is the dude I'm worried about if he lands this shot which he of course did is that remake he could tank those hits here's what's gotta happen now peaches heal up can we all get to Rayman so he's kind of tanky though we're gonna be just fine don't worry oh three for action all right sorry Raymond you're gonna have to take one for the team here I'll Rez you I promise all right the final three dark mess eyes which should be a walk in the park everyone's decently healthy there's not that many enemies left rocket rides up my favorite come on I should be able to I should be able to get that one I think I'm pretty safe I don't think any enemies can reach me here okay next turn will be the turn speaking of turning he's he's turning can I AOE these from here if I use the rocket ability yes Rayman you go it just it got annoying because he kept turning oh meter's going up our ratings are out of the basement or at least out of the sub basement which reminds me you should subscribe all right pirate set down I guess we have one more set I don't have any more sets but medieval sets next so let's head there all right the medieval set oh this one seems like this could be my favorite yet the costume is my only armor my Battlefield the stage Shakespeare said that right Mummers travadors welcome to the double marriage of the careless shepherdist a tragic comedy in 16 Parts oh look at that monster in the back we gotta fight that thing merely a ferocious dragon deadly but an audience favorite oh good great all right so we gotta clear the path we gotta find these two keys hey wait a second all right all right now if we go up here we'll get this ball all right that one's done I'm gonna go to the other side find out where the hide in that one all right let's grab this block from the fire oh hot hot hot hot hot all right just pop that in there and then we're ready to defeat the dragon right oh this is a big set destroy the darkness gate only but bombs can be used to destroy the gate if that scares you good I assume we blow that up with the bombs as well guess not I probably just need to step on this so I can get all my homies through [Applause] oh oops I was right in the middle of it got plenty of backup just making this pretty easy so if I stand on this type of bombs they'll be able to come through just probably what I want to top everyone off good turn got a lot done there no I need to step on the button we're wiping the floor with these guys I mean this is probably only stage one of whatever is coming next are there any other enemies left did we kill everyone oh they can come over now [Music] no stop come on little guy all right gotta act fast all right go go go go go go go there we go the dragon that wasn't oh that's the dragon the giant flaming stooge I thought it was gonna be something cool which is a big rabbit he's like we didn't have it in the budget we had to work what we got oh that is actually why there was a budget constraint all right so I'm just assuming we grab one of these guys and we throw this over there and everyone blows up and it's over oh my God just like that nice and easy you know I probably shouldn't do let's use my rocket let's just use my pocket rocket oh that was stupid I gotta take the big man out first Shadow you're in will this kill him guess so oh he can move I don't know why I thought he was just gonna stand still how much damage that's a pretty good amount of damage what are you gonna do about it I can just go invisible bye look at him afraid three times my size now if they come down they shouldn't be able to get up oh yeah that's that's real close that's that's very close just don't burn me and move me towards them oh what'd you do what'd you do rayman's gonna die isn't he oh yeah sorry we'll pick him up he just falls apart when Rayman dies he just Falls like a dry bones right like a pile of Limbs I don't know why I'm trying to get the bombs it's honestly I just take him down like this I just want to throw one bomb it's fun to throw the bombs for a second I thought it was gonna light it again we're good Elemental resistance oh we know that's the other one oh come on I think rabid Mario can you like not kill all of them at the same time but I don't know I feel like he can probably do a lot of damage here he killed two of them actually with the combination of both of these should be pretty easy and you know what I'm just gonna go for the kill because he's much weaker than I thought he would be I really thought it was gonna be a bigger pain in the ass but it's just just a larger regular enemy very Monday night combat energy you guys ever play that game that was like one of my go-to Xbox 360 arcade games all right and now we hope for the best as soon as the big guy moves he's dead so throw whatever you want at me because he's just gonna look at me the wrong way and he's gonna explode huh huh oh it's a oh God where'd the big guy come from all right time to finish the fight Rayman would you like to do the honors all right Phantom it's done we slayed the dragon ratings are up meet me by the elevator in the main Warehouse as soon as you are ready to join me for the rap party God I hope it's catered starving the network Executives will be bursting at the seams to share their heartfelt appreciation all right medieval set is done all right go into the wrap party we all know what's gonna happen here he's gonna be like surprised you're gonna fight me now I wonder before we begin the festivities would you do me the honor of one more little performance I'm getting paid for this right welcome my control room as director I must focus on the big picture something stars or too much self-absorbed for Phantom really and to say that in all you know you truly did save the network I couldn't pay audiences to watch before you all arrived of course having Studio overrun by Darkness didn't help but then I thought of something what if the self some Heroes at whose hand I suffered unjustified humiliation got rid of the dark mess for me oh yes that's it it's a brilliant plan or if I broadcast it so Millions would tune in to Bear witness giving me unlimited power after I stole their spotlight confused are these lines no you imbecile I've been plotting my revenge did we really think he was just gonna let everything blow over after last time oh he said no no word oh he's gonna sing a song he's gonna do a diss track ever a thing right man [Music] ray man he's a gangly goofy brainless [Music] oh he has his head [Music] holy man [Music] he really straight up said the rabbits have replaced you light makes me must be nice a flash in the pan thick and Fiddle [Music] Ubisoft is just like taking shots at their own mascot all right that's that time to kick your ass yeah I know how the light bulbs work just like last time not me underneath you're all the same Phantom all right big final boss energy I like this a lot it's very like game show line them up that's right I have to unleash my minions all right might as well take a rocket ride around let's try and clear out anyone else because the fewer enemies I have to deal with the better we're going all out for this first one because we have uh let's see one there's one up here oh it's just two for this round there's nobody left [Music] it's a really cool stage poor rabid Mario clone getting his ass handed to him all right let's see turn that off yeah I won't you get away from me uh unfortunately I don't have another Dash so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna call out some more of the uh the guards and just throw them down here this is gonna get everyone in position for when I turn the lights off uh if I actually use Vortex pull it'll force him to move and then he'll get shot bounce on out of here if I had to guess the next round will probably have harder enemies because if it's just like this it's going to be too easy we'll Breeze right through it here look he's like oh my belly you deserve this I'm gonna say is that it that's all you got you've had years to train for this sir the little guys are hitting harder than you I should have wrote a diss track back nice nice oh maybe his uh his health is gonna refill after this that's the only thing I can think of because this can't be his only health bar yeah no shot four healthy you kidding all right I guess uh I guess we just see what happens on the next turn ow I'm gonna have to heal just in case because you know there's gonna be another phase oh you're running all right let's see get everyone in range do a nice heel kiss everyone's boo-boos eh they're gonna want that hospital friend oh that's cool different genres of music for each phase enjoying getting burned you'll love act two it's a five alarm Inferno of ear piercing riff driven metal Thunder all right we'll see about that first things first okay how many we have four lights one two three and four okay no problem one holy crap this soundtrack is pretty damn good foreign [Music] just getting everyone in line because you know we're about to turn the lights off and I'm sorry sir but you're too big to carry home oh there's a big guy up there I'll just push him back a little bit let's see what are you doing what are you doing come on hey gross I see I don't like burn based attacks because they relocate you like I have a strategy of I'm gonna stay here and they're like Ah that's not happening but at least there's not that many enemies that's three I can get up there pretty easy I just I need a little bit of overlap I need to make sure that I do a team jump and nothing else because I got a lot of air time there we go oh you're exposed oh I'm gooped can't do anything do you get everybody and rev and Mario's good I can get all up in there get real personal think of it like a meet and greet uh I could use my rocket I guess it's not that much but it'll do something I'm more afraid of him than I am a phantom the big guys they always hit so hard here he goes again you will not silence me thank you all right come on take the shot no not him that's fine I guess don't worry Ray man I'm coming you need a heel I got you I got everyone Moon Prism Power I made that joke in the first game didn't I I don't know if it's gonna be this turn we can definitely take him down the next one if it's not this one [Music] it's one lone rabbit here all right let's end this all right this phase I guess I can't use my hands oh my God how many people got silenced I really have to wait until the next turn now it's all right because this guy's dead smack smack die oh no Peach is dead no one else better die because she has the res rabbit Mario get in there let them know he's gonna need a stunt double after this [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ER to be a vacuum cleaner it looked like one you're tall can kill the fart he rose your car pick up your zeros I can't take it anymore I'm sick of the lousy for the eggplant the social light the weakling and the boar you're nerve people turn red after that one he said activate anger.exe I don't know this track's a little weak all right operatic shutdown this has to be the last phase defeat final Phantom you got it once and for all all right here we go one final push Ray Man's like I can't wait to kick these rabbits ass once and for all got so many enemies now I gotta play this a little safer I don't have a dash I probably should have used a Rayman instead of wasting him here you know what I'm gonna restart the battle oh so I accidentally did something stupid and what I did was I restarted the battle and not current objective so I had to do the entire fight over again it wasn't that bad though could have been much worse turn that one off that'll open the next group of lights and we'll get back to safety rayman's Mobility is a lifesaver I just I wish he had a second Dash I don't know if that was an option but I should have definitely given him one I'm certain I could at least get over there hell I can even get both if I play my cards right because if I do that and I take out self-service I can cross oh that one's not okay hang on a second where's the other one oh it's up here it's fine then I'll just go up there see anything's possible two lifts rapid Mario still has a dash I go in here that one out I might be able to just get them all in the first uh actually no that's it pretty much all I can do all right now where are the threats if I have the Rabid Mario's just work together they're actually kind of op Rayman we're going back in your homies need you check it out big brain and play is right here clear that out feel like that should have probably uh turned that light off oh wow I can take out five enemies I mean they're only Goomba but bodies are bodies I think that was a good first turn these sniper is gonna be an issue oh God that sucks do I just tank the hit I probably should just tank the hit right because now I could just stand still and go ape I go invisible I'm safe though since this you're a loser as long as the lights don't come back on we're in pretty good shape oh [Music] oh come on you weren't even close enough oh Peach is getting massacred okay he moved no problem just gotta get everybody over there and rabbit Peach not being over there kind of sucks might as well heal okay feel some big damage right now big damage to the big man here have a knuckle sandwich courtesy of the catering Department uh rayman's being bullied and I don't like it okay he's back in the middle now he's got his force field up I kind of want the invisibility back so I'm gonna have Rayman just reset cooldowns for everybody okay just for him that's fine I guess I can use this that's not what I wanted to do I hit the wrong button can I float I'm probably gonna take some damage if I do this right yeah let's see that's not so bad to deactivate that not terrible I might just have to hide on this turn that was a bad place to hide fortunately these snipers are kind of weak let's see Rayman are you gonna die now will I have to pick you back up I think we're good here you go you don't have that much help left I give him two turns Max let's see though rabbit Mario can you get over there your assistance is needed okay maybe one turn cause I got both of the boys now I mean Rayman we let you do the honors right line up the shot say good night Phantom Rayman gets the last laugh tonight oh my God very dramatic bravo bravo the ratings are through the roof and the academy award goes to his first name is right it's a Raymond Mann that's his full name goodness not so I had any more Rapids tuned in to watch but he wasn't in fact we stopped him [Music] it's fully functioning too no surprise me for this entire time can you imagine yeah yeah totally he thought he was fooling us that's it thank you friends well I guess I'll be going home now I'm glad we met it was nice to fight alongside rabbits for once oh Mr eggplant we'll never forget you if you need anything just shout and we'll be there that's a promise feel like Ubisoft is trying to say something here but what could it be well friends I guess this is goodbye how do you hug Rayman just hug a floating torso [Music] shouldn't have hey oh he got you something too I didn't know we were doing gift exchange all right so that's Rayman in the Phantom show I'm sad to say that we're fully done with another Mario and Rabbids game but hopefully another game is in the works because I need more oh look I know Nintendo's probably like no Rayman and Mario could not be in the same picture but we will let him wear Mario's hat and we'll see you next time thank you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 814,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choctopus, choctopus sparks of hope, sparks of hope full playthrough, sparks of hope, mario and rabbids sparks of hope, choctopus mario and rabbids, sparks of hope gameplay, mario + rabbids sparks of hope, sparks of hope all bosses, sparks of hope all cutscenes, sparks of hope all sparks, mario + rabbids sparks of hope all bosses, mario + rabbids sparks of hope all characters, sparks of hope rayman, sparks of hope dlc, mario and rabbids rayman, rayman phantom show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 41sec (12701 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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