Jennifer Lawrence funniest moments ever (MUST WATCH)

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it's a big night for you Jennifer but it's gonna be okay you just have to relax have fun and don't say the f-word I can't say never right unfortunately not for the whole show correct not even once okay maybe once all right yeah everybody I think everybody thinks that they've witnessed my most embarrassing moments yes I fell on my face yeah getting an Oscar and then I fell the next year on a cone you the fall on the way up to the stage was that on purpose what happened I know what do you mean what happened look at my dress I tried to walk upstairs in this dress that's what happened I don't actually yeah I did I think I just stepped on the fabric and and they wax the stairs thank you what was going to remind when you foot down and you must what went through my mind all down a bad word that I can't say that starts with F [Applause] as I was getting ready for the show this afternoon I suddenly got very nervous about hosting but then I remembered the advice my mom gave me about overcoming stage fright so I drank an entire box of Chardonnay and I feel much better I get nervous that I'm gonna say something and then I'm nervous I'm like whoop I better drink that doesn't help don't go on TV and say something silly you look so great today great dress what was the process of getting ready how many people helped you very happy I'm just cross-eyed how many people helped you what was the process today to get to the big moment the process today was so stressful I felt yeah well what was the process I don't know I just woke up and tried on the dress and it fit thank God and and then I took a shower and I don't know what I was that's what I did then I got my hair and makeup done and then I came to the Oscars I'm sorry I did a shot here I am an MTV best kiss Award winner but I really am just a regular person I don't get caught up at all the celebrity BS I don't care that I've never been named People magazine's most beautiful woman in the world or that Julia Roberts has gotten at five times I think there'd be like some kind of limit you gotta go wish you go to karaoke Jack uh midnight train to Georgia actually lately it's been beautiful by Christina Aguilera oh you like to slow it down honestly you can't even tell the difference between the two of us I'm sure you don't know who's singing is it christina is it Jennifer I don't know I've been saying I ran up to people on the street and asked them to name five movies I've been in simple if you have low enough self-esteem the point was to put them on the spot and humiliate myself and guess what both Adam can you name I have Jennifer Lawrence movies oh gosh um please blady did you see that movie nope nope didn't see it do you know that Jennifer Lawrence's this is the worst day of my life for Lawrence do you smoke weed sometimes yeah yeah when you smoke weed do you ever watch Jennifer Lawrence movies no can you name five Jennifer Lawrence movies five Jennifer Lawrence no Jennifer Aniston is way better than words do you agree yeah prettier funnier yeah yeah movies yeah yeah yeah yeah overall I'm Jennifer Lawrence Archer I agree are you uh-huh I was in one of those the blue you were like the blue yeah yeah excellent it's the coldest season of the year yeah can you name five movies I've been in my movie yeah five movies I've been in not just five movies a hunger game okay there we go that's a movie Joey Wow you're doing pretty well x-men oh my gosh caramel that passenger oh my god and and winter bones oh my god I see my great work oh wow I'm so honored that you're my biggest fan boy I love you movies in and I am and I love you too Oh yeah my most embarrassing moment was during silver linings here like award season it was one of those you know parties and yeah and so I'm just like in a corner like drinking champagne like an older woman approached me it was being really really nice really complimentary and in my head I just went this is Elizabeth Taylor who was dead at the time he was still dead yeah since passed yeah I didn't know that no no oh my god all right we didn't say anything she's coming meeting me and I was like it was like me no I mean you your movies that I can't name and your fashion moments and I don't know I'm like you're unbelievable and then my friend walks by and I grabbed her and I was like this is Elizabeth Taylor and she was like no it's not there's been two social situations where I just like go oh and then I just sprinted and my shoes fell off and I hid behind like this yeah there's smoke coming out of it if you could only drink one cocktail for the rest of your life what would it be really no gin martini really dark and stormy what's that I don't know what it is I'm gonna say a red wine that's what I'll say it's not a cocktail otherwise I would have said red wine too okay I am so sorry I will say tequila you okay with that Jen vision son it's awfully young to have so much success so far do you feel that this is it a good thing that it's coming so early in the career I hope so yeah I mean I who knows I guess we'll see you don't worry about being peaking too soon oh no I who's a better kisser at Liam Hemsworth or Bradley Cooper close your eyes and try to remember okay and I'm four dresses with the zips and everything and I'm sure I saw Francis Ford Coppola but it actually was Francis Ford Coppola he was by George it really was it really was Francis Brad I mean come on yeah I know so I was like oh I debated the whole time like if I go up to him and then finally I was like I have to are all regret up at the recipes that arrest me at a restaurant in Paris and he's at a giant group of people and they take out most of them it's a huge table of people and I started walking and I noticed I was barefoot but I was like oh maybe the woman I probably won't notice and so I'm barefoot and but I like introduced myself I was like it's such a huge Vienna wall and like we Don and then introduce myself to the whole table hi I'm Jennifer Lawrence they had no idea who I was and we went back to the table my entire dress was unzipped and my thong that was out so I was barefoot and my whole ass without she does look very you've called yourself a hypochondriac what was the last illness you were sure that you had a stroke it wasn't like a disease but I thought I was having a stroke what were the symptoms just headache I love my own room
Channel: Yeah that's so it
Views: 3,848,513
Rating: 4.9414353 out of 5
Id: KfGymftI8CI
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Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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