The Best Moments From Season 28 | The Graham Norton Show Part One

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you've had people that we sadly missed along the way you had the great prince on your show uh i have a good i have a great prince story prince one time prince is coming on the show and his his manager calls and says hey prince uh would love a ping pong to play ping pong on the show i go okay uh we'll get a ping-pong table no problem so he comes on the show we have the never brings up ping pong doesn't talk about it never brings it up doesn't even mention it i go whatever he crack he crushes he's awesome he's great that's the end of that and a month later i'm at dinner and i get a text and i go it says from hi this is prince's manager prince wants to meet you right now at a club called spin in new york city uh it's a nightclub it's a ping pong nightclub wow what so i go to my friend go i gotta go prince wants to play me in ping pong he wants to meet me on 23rd and i go i gotta go so i get in the cab i go to this place i go down the steps uh downstairs and i go hi i'm i'm here to see um in the girls print yeah he's in this the private room back there behind the curtain i go okay so i go in i open this curtain and who's standing there a prince in a double-breasted uh like crushed velvet suit and uh he's holding a ping-pong paddle and he goes you ready for and i go uh yeah this is so surreal there's no one else in the room just me and prince so i go uh oh i guess i go he goes do you want to warm up i go it doesn't matter i mean i'm not even good at ping pong but i'll play with you and he's like uh oh here we go and so he's he's he serves and he gets the point and he goes one's it i go oh we're going to talk smack here we go let's go prince let's go let's play now now i'm like ready to play prince i'm like let's go so i'm trying to play back i'm not good at ping pong long story long uh he's crushing so he's like game point i go okay and he hits the serve and it's like and it's one of those perfect ping-pong the things are spinning flames are coming off the ball and it's coming and it hits that one corner of the ping-pong table you know that's impossible to hit back and he hits the thing and go and he goes i go oh my gosh you won you won you know let me go so i look over to pick up the ball i come back and uh he's gone he's gone and i don't know that well so i'm like prince great and then is he hiding under the table so like print prince it was so weird i go and i walk out and there's like a velvet rope and it was kind of swinging back and forth a little bit it sounds like batman was there or something and then questlove who's our band leader here you know from the roots heard about this ping-pong game and took a cab over it and he actually saw prince's limo uh outside and uh he went up to it and he goes uh wait did you guys already play what happened prince rolled his window down he goes ask your boy and then they just peeled off and then i i never saw him again i love that you're kind of in a ping-pong basement like you're calling a dog just going prince [Laughter] i didn't know i didn't know if he was hiding or what it was bizarre bizarre when we heard about richard we were promised it was going to be like this you know really raunchy sexy and i was watching it where is the sex but my god once you pull the rip cord it's it's non-stop there's a bit i mean even you must have been kind of you know at the table reed you must have been going up i haven't spoken for pages well i got my mouth full half a time which i was consistent because i think that's important to see on tv as well because that is uncommon that you see that kind of power dynamic in rauchi scenes and that's part of the way that we did want to modernize the show so the duke does have his mouth full and he's proud of it um but yes there was there was a fair bit um to be done on the show because you're really going for it but you're going for it in kind of beautiful locations i mean like and occasionally very uncomfortable locations well yeah those library steps didn't look easy um yeah the chiropractor but did you have didn't you have room monitors in the stately homes well this is a problem because the set as usual is more valuable than any of the actors so if you're in like you know a 200 year old bed or a 400 year old four poster um it has to have a reminder like you know when people kind of bring very expensive jewelry around they have to have a bodyguard there's a bodyguard for the room and so all times you know you've got this minimal set everyone gets very quiet very respectful and you kind of you de-robe and you hit the bed and then there's also just like fran in the corner who's just standing there just kind of deciding whether or not to look she's like i have to look i'm not allowed to look i have to look could you please go easy on the bed it's very very hard it's not quite so enthusiastic oh do go on that's the inner monologue that i imagine is going on in the corner of the room i'll stop them in a minute and presumably you had to have the awkward kind of family conversation before yeah a little bit um i mean we've got a family whatsapp group so there's a couple of you know flash and red light emojis and the peach emoji um certain people have threatened to rate my peach um but we missed a couple of family lenders and so people enjoy the fact that like a couple of cousins missed the memo um and so they're watching the show and i got a very stern message in my my instagram dms enough just going there really needs to be a cousin warming i had to make so many tactical cups of tea and i left the room and made my tactical cup of tea and came back and you were still going so you had to start doing pots of tea you know you had to kind of kind of keep building up the three-course meal a tasting menu but it's a proper western i mean we see tom hanks guntoten which we rarely see well i don't have i don't wear one i am given one later on so it's not like you know i'm not doing the root and tooting kind of but i i i i ride a horse and um i drive a wagon and i've discovered so i'm not a i'm not a writer per se but i did learn i i had a fabulous got to know a fabulous horp named wimpy who was my horse wimpy was my heart and um i don't know if anybody here is has ridden a lot or made a western emily has a couple of westerns under her belt as i recall emily my darling how are you wonderful to see it's good to see you you know i'm about to do a western like next january i'm doing a six-part western and we were just discussing how allergic i am to horses and i do every scene with a horse you know i'm gonna be antihistamined up to my eyeball do you have to kiss the horse isn't that what happens in western to make out with your horse you you develop an affection for those beasts every which you sort of have to do because i have a feeling that horses honestly they would much rather live in a world without human beings climbing on top of them and they know the moment you climb on their back that you're terrible at riding like i mean i've been learning right now and i'm in london now rehearsing for it and i go riding three times a week and every time they give me a different horse to see you know how you fare oh with one that's more spoilery or one that's less of a ferrari and i got on one the other day called rusty oh my god they almost took off with me it was terrifying i couldn't walk the next day rusty did me in rusty did her in rusty did man oh wow is that the name of the film let's spare thought for emma carr because there are scenes no there are scenes in the crown of diana which one diana alone in that big ballroom which is below oh yeah doing her dancing i know that she dances to elton john and things well yes in the series i danced elton john oh okay but when we were filming it um i remember ben the director saying the day i before i do some ballet in that episode as well very bad badly and i had some lessons for that and he said okay at the end of the day let's choreograph something for um you're like so because i meant to like lose myself and just like go mad and just dance in this space and he said let's choreograph something and i said is if it is okay if we don't i'd just kind of like to feel it i could turn them thinking oh no and then and then i was like and it's all right if i pick the song he was like yeah but obviously if it's not from the period we can't use it and i said that's fine i'm just gonna pick a song and it's fine just just for the day and so i'm actually dancing to share do you believe oh yeah good trivia when you're watching at home yeah instead of soundtrack don't do that but i remember we um but it must have been was it mortifying just having to go okay here we go i'm dancing alone to share i quite it was actually quite freeing i quite liked it um i kind of just went for it but i really went for it and they just kind of like played the music and these on these huge speakers in this massive room for like three minutes and i danced the whole thing and i really threw myself into it and i was like going mad i remember they called cart and i like ended by like like going down to the floor i think that's made it into the show i remember the silence and everyone was like wow bit like tonight and then ben just went emma that was wow yeah that was great um we're gonna have to do it again though because you kept mouthing the lyrics [Music] he is like the sweetest individual in the world uh yes he played harry his name's harry melling and you i mean that was exciting for you to do a scene with harry melling it's moment yeah yeah harry manning was her rihanna tell us why tell us why he meant so much to you well i learned to speak english reading the harry potter books so as lame as it sounds those characters really were my first friends um so still a big fan of the harry potter franchise love the movies oh my god look at him he played dudley dursley i mean he's not an obvious one but so many people don't come up to him all the time he's still part of the universe and so what what language were you speaking when you learned to speak english through harry potter spanish oh okay and yeah so when did you come to london when i was six but i only learned english when i was eight because i was convinced that if i didn't speak the language my parents would have to take me home and that failed miserably so i had to learn one of the things i found really moving in the book was the way you paid tribute to the achievements of your children was it sam who helped you with a bit of online trolling with the virtual world uh with the whole online thing so my daughter doing my instagram they're doing my instagram posts and my son is there to kind of troubleshoot for me and very early on and i was it was my daughter explained to me what fomo meant because that was my whole life i was fearful missing out because i couldn't catch up with everybody and uh so i i i she taught me that but then i got i got in trouble on twitter somebody who said something nasty about parkinson's and i usually let that stuff just go by me it doesn't happen that often when it does that don't really care about it but i just i wanted to answer this guy in some way so my son said just do this do smh and i said why don't he ask me he said just just trust me do smh so i answered the guy back smh and he answered me back it's the funniest thing i've ever read in my life you're the king of the internet i apologize for anything i said to you blah blah blah blah and i said to my son what the did you say and he said shaking my head [Laughter] this film sees you reunited with uh lokite stanfield from get out so like when you're out and about people must have loved it seeing the two of you together again yeah no yeah it was we went to a bowling alley in cleveland because we shot in cleveland and then like people just coming up to the cube doing like flashing stuff and doing something and i thought man i thought it just happened to me i felt less alone i was like oh man oh man you know that's cool that's cool but like i kind of sometimes just sit in the corner with my hat level and just pretend i don't exist to myself though so like i try to keep in the shadows and stuff so is it you rachel's watching how many you've watched it a few times two or three times yeah yeah we loved it so much and i'm sure this is the point of the film but we literally sat there going get out get out of there you must get out yeah when i have conversations now i have to say leave leave and like that film did so well i mean it took hundreds of millions of dollars around the world but is it true that you and why did this happen that you you didn't go to the premiere you weren't invited to the premiere no they they didn't invite me bro they didn't no that can't be true on the sundance world premiere yeah i was in atlanta because i was shooting panther i was shooting panther and i was chilling and i was like i cleared my schedule i was like y'all really wanted it and then just didn't they just didn't get the invite man just didn't get it i didn't i wasn't i wasn't afraid so i was just in my bed someone texts me it's gone really well i'm like alright that's cool that's all right that's the industry graham no this is the girl somebody up has this come up since then like have you asked them about it no no you don't if i don't ask questions i just ah i get it man that's cool like i i like i'm very good i i would send a stern left-handed note but you mentioned you mentioned black panther there and i it black panther ii am i writing that is now happening that's what the streets are saying groom that's what the streets are saying yeah okay which will be very exciting but also kind of tinged with terrible sadness because of course chadwick boseman's no longer with us yeah yeah man it's you know i don't i don't even understand how like it's gonna it's gonna we're gonna have to honor him you know honor him and honor give as much to his legacy as much as he gave to us because he gave us everything yeah you know stayed here to give us everything and like an incredible man an incredible song you you play lots of instruments but am i right you've learned a new instrument in life i did um a couple of things yeah i learned a couple of instruments i i sort of really got to grips with the didgeridoo and um i um are you serious do you want to judge your dude i don't think we do and um uh i got a lot of complaints actually from neighbours um people thought there was a swarm of bees uh but um i i actually also taught i've been teaching myself this instrument here which is um uh it's it's something i've i've wanted to play for a long time i play it occasionally you know um but it's it's a mandola and it's like a mandolin but it's a deeper sound it makes a lovely sort of like uh a deeper sound i'll give you a little oh yeah i'll give you a demo oh yeah um i've written actually i've been practicing with an irish real so i don't know if you uh this brings back any memories i'll chat i'll start our feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh something like that oh my dad would have loved you you'd have come right through the door you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 598,027
Rating: 4.9276924 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton 2020, The Graham Norton Show 2020, The Graham Norton Show new, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, emily blunt, tom hanks, Bridgerton, Regé-Jean Page, jimmy fallon, Anya Taylor-Joy, Josh O'Connor, Emma Corrin, the crown
Id: 5M0pXpZpVtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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