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Hey Sam love your show. My young boys learn all there dirty language from you. But that's ok because now those 2 lazy mother fuckers can cook. 5 and 7 year olds

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gunter_grass ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thanks for the inspirations, Sam! My hubs and I have been cooking more thanks to your show. We made the fried mini tacos with the cilantro-avocado-lime dipping sauce and it was out of this world. Can't wait to try more!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MomoniFeliyador ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm already planning a grocery pick up so I can do this, made me want chili dogs so badly.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Pactra ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone know what knife he uses in this video to cut the hot dogs?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mruiz82525 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
frankly there's nothing more to say than chili dogs and we're making our own chili it'll be easy I should clarify that we're making our own a hot dog chili and there's a difference to me what is it excuse me Tim thank you regular chili has beans big chunks of onions tomato pieces pepper pieces that kind of stuff to me hot dog chili is finely ground beef in the chili sauce that's kind of it so there's a little bacon in mind who really cares but it's meant to be just this amazing kind of thing on top it's great I got bacon in the pan we're starting there and to about a third of a pound of pretty finely chopped up bacon that at this point is about so halfway between not cooked and getting crispy we're gonna add a pound of ground beef boom like that and just start to mix it in and by mixing it in I want this pretty finely ground up you know what I mean like I don't want big chunks of this I want this as bite as small as you can get it let's take your time over the next 3-4 minutes it'll start to cook and then you'll just break it up along the way this is the perfect spot for you to flex your own individuality if you don't want to use beef you could use a chicken you could use ground turkey you could use ground lamb you could use ground Italian sausage you could use a pretend beef like the Beyond or the impossible brands could you use Oh tofu max no yes I suppose I suppose you could I don't know that you would get it the way yeah you probably could would it be the same I don't know but but feel free to change this up the way you want and back to the beef when it's a spot as chopped up as you can get it for now and brown for me this is the perfect point to start adding the dry ingredients and those will be onion powder about a teaspoon garlic powder about a teaspoon chili powder about 1/2 a tablespoon big pinch of kosher salt we'll mix this in nail some wet ingredients 8 ounces of tomato sauce a couple of big tablespoons of ketchup tablespoon of Dijon about a tablespoon of diced minced chipotle peppers YUM and a good splash of richer shyer say it max say it thank you thank you slept bar Wow let this do its thing for a couple minutes and then we'll add one more little ingredient our final ingredients some beer now I know you're looking at this you're thinking Sam that is an awful lot of beer to add well I shan't be adding all of this I'll be adding about a quarter of a cup that looks like that and then drinking the rest you got a problem time my house my beer my rules and then max you don't we do we mix it in we mix this in so now just let it simmer away here obviously it's too liquidy to be chili the way we want it for a dog but in about Oh 20 minutes this is gonna be majestic and just before that we'll come back and start prepping our dogs after about 20 minutes there we have it look it all that moisture is evaporated we've got perfect hot dog chili just waiting to be used so let's get happening with our hot dogs and here we are big beautiful beef dogs here's what I like to do a little slice will make three and I could put these just like this on the Evo and get them going or my preferred way I like to put little slits in the open up it looks cool and I think it helps get a little bit of the chili inside makes them a better dog you can also do them in twos like this do not want to cut all the way through just little slits and on start with tiny bit of oil and on they go oh hey and now look you can see right away the side that's cut down is starting to open up that's fantastic it's fantastic so the dogs are cooking the chili is done and ready we have buns to get happening and we're there you got it man that's one fine-looking hot dog right and all I've done so far is put those little slits in it it's the best trick ever thank you and here is our bun of choice it's a brioche bun a little sweeter that will counteract the uber savoriness of what is about to go in it but you can see they're split on the top much like you would get if it was a lobster roll kind of bun what I like is the way this sets you up for perfect chillydog presentation so we're gonna open them up like this and now the obvious thing to do would be to put butter on here and then get them golden on the flattop correct max oh yeah well we're not using butter today do you know what we're using we're using Mayo you hadn't even seen it yet and there's two reasons why we're using Mayo well it's not just that I'm obsessed it's that it will show people that this will cook just like any fat and not be over the top mayo wised that's one and two more importantly I'm absolutely out of butter and so this is the moment Jeff to step up and do something with what you've got okay let's get these on and we're almost there we let those get golden and life's about to get really delicious gorgeous gorgeous and a couple SEC's these guys are coming off and we're building Macs oh here we go let's get these guys off perfection perfection all right dogs next 1 2 & 3 beautiful huh max I forgot onion so hold on let's just do this I don't need a lot perfect it's chilly time done we go and by the way if you like our work hit the like button the notification bill but more importantly tell a friend we love new people well I do max doesn't but I love new people max a little combo cheese ice a little I mean a little let's give these a little melt okay do it just a little a few like if people are gonna give me [ __ ] before anything is because I didn't just dump a truckload of cheese on top of it this is not a chili cheese dog does the chili dog with some cheese you make it the way you want but this is perfect for me just a little and they'll be micro red onion and there you have it my favorites chili dog scratch but dog simple chili just waiting to be consumed lightly toasted bun slightly melted cheese snap of the red onion life will be great at this point we have one decision to make Max and it's called eeny meeny miny shall we eeny meeny miny moe catch a hot dog by its toe if you I'm just taking this one for damn sakes and like it feels good this is the thing the textural difference is crispy here crispy in sight but the brioche is a soft delicious bun this is cooked beautiful that come on qui just eat this too much talking
Views: 1,414,655
Rating: 4.9255342 out of 5
Keywords: chili dogs, chili, best chili, best chili dogs, sam the cooking guy, best chili dogs ever, sam the cooking guy hot dogs, sam the cooking guy dogs, best dogs, best, best ever, best ever chili
Id: Pk1q_i76oSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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