Top 4 BEST First Handguns (2018 Edition)

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what's up guys chad here with green light shooting and welcome to this new video today we are talking about the top three three or four I'm not sure three or four best first handguns now I did a video on this a while ago like 2014 and I got a ton of use a ton of engagement people really seem to enjoy it so I thought I'd kind of remake it for 2018 with all the new things that have come out there's a lot of great options out there so before we dive in I do want to mention I am at TT guns and range in Murray Utah absolutely one of my favorite ranges the service is great here the selection is fantastic the actual ranges themselves are off the charts so if you're local make sure to check them out otherwise their information is down in the video description below and another thing I want to mention is the give rise goodies are now in stock be sure to check those out premium fit fantastic materials they run a little bit longer than than normal hoodies to help you concealed carry they also have a hidden mag pouch inside your of your front pouch there to help you carry an extra bag so awesome hoodies 50 bucks plus free shipping check those out if you're interested now let's get into it as I mentioned we're talking about the top three or four best first hand guns now when I say first hand guns like when I ask someone what are you looking for in a first hand gun usually they'll say they kind of want a jack-of-all-trades right they want something that they can shoot at the range comfortably they can use for home defense but also something that they can conceal carry down the road if they choose to and it's kind of hard to find a gun that will fit all those options but I'm gonna do my best to give you some good good options keep in mind though that you know as you progress you may want to go with a gun that's specific to each of those categories but as I said I'm gonna do my best give you some good options to start out with so let's dive in so to start out with we are talking about the Smith & Wesson M&P compact 2.0 now the MMP series has been around for a long time it's a fantastic gun just so many good features about it the 2.0 they upgraded a lot of good stuff and the compact is actually a new addition to that line and I'm absolutely stoked on it so a couple things to point out first off is I really like how they have an external safety option now they make it with and without this safety but you know for the beginner for your first handgun some time's it's nice to have an external safety something that actually requires your thumb to hit it off before the gun will fire just gives you an extra a little bit of peace of mind if you want to carry this in a holster or something like that you know you can feel a little bit better about it knowing that Safety's on or you know if you're a little bit more advanced and don't need that then they offer it without that moving our way down here this grip the ergonomics of MMPs are fantastic they're one of the absolute best on the market in my opinion and one of the big reasons for that is what they call their palms well which is right here it's a big rounded back to the gun which fills the swell in your palm right here so they have I'm gonna say like three different options that come with the gun so bigger and smaller sizes than this so yeah any size hand it'll help to fill that up gives you a good positive grip on the gun I love it there is stippling across the entire grip even up to the front of the trigger here which I love it's not so aggressive that it's gonna hurt your hand over time or be digging into you but it's enough that you're gonna as I mentioned get a really good positive grip on this gun every time you hold it moving down to the magazine this one is chambered in nine millimeter by the way they do have different calibers I think nine is an awesome option as a first caliber to get used to it's easy enough to shoot but it still has a good amount of power for concealed carry and stuff like that so this mag will hold 15 rounds I think that's a big deal because you know if you're at the range shooting you got a couple mags loaded you don't have to stop and reload your mag every couple of rounds you shoot the other thing is if you decide to conceal carry this or users home defense or whatever you've got a lot of rounds to throw downrange so I think that's really important moving up here to the trigger they have improved the trigger with the 2.0 and let me tell you it's a pretty good improvement this trigger you can pull back to a very nice crisp wall and once you pull past that wall it's got a very clean break and beyond that on your reset when you let the trigger out there's a loud audible click when you hit your reset so I love this trigger first of all because I mean it's a good trigger but beyond that it's gonna help you learn your fundamentals as a shooter very very well you can get used to your double taps hitting that reset and not having to let all the way out and kind of slapping the trigger so fantastic trigger to really learn on and grow with and even you grow and get more advanced you're still going to respect this trigger as you move up on the gun right here there is a tactical rail so for home defense and stuff like that if you want to use it for you know a strobe or a light or whatever you have that option and then up top first sights we're just looking at the three white dots simple easy to use straightforward last thing I want to mention is cleaning this gun it's very very simple taking it down so if I drop this mag out there's a takedown lever right here so I just need to lock that slide back and push the takedown lever all the way down and there we go so we're completely disassembled we're we're field stripped you can take out the the spring and the barrel there and you're ready to go and clean it so really really easy to take care of putting it together it's just the opposite they'll lock that slide back flip that down and you're ready to go again that is the M&P 2.0 compact by the way compact size means that it's gonna be a little bit shorter than like barrel sizes a quarter inch shorter and the grip size is a little bit smaller than the full size that's just gonna help you conceal carry a little bit easier but it's still long enough like if you're at the range it's gonna be pretty comfortable to shoot still it's just given you that option to concealed carry so that's why I'm saying this is kind of a jack-of-all-trades gun it's really a fantastic option for any skill level I would be stoked on this gun so I hope you guys are too this one MSRP right now is running you 569 dollars now that is MSRP depending on where you get it when you get it you can probably find it for quite a bit cheaper than that I'm just gonna say the MSRP on these guns though so you have sort of a baseline to work off of okay that's the mmp9 compact 2.0 let's move on next up we are talking about the cz po7 so this is a pretty fantastic gun again it's in that compact size range very similar to that last MMP gun and very similar to like Glock 19 size so it's a it's that kind of sweet sweet realm for kind of jack-of-all-trades it's still gonna be comfortable to shoot at the range is still gonna be accurate but it is small enough to conceal carry for the most part it's kind of the biggest feature that I want to talk about on this one is the fact that it's hammer fired and it's a double or a single action gun what that means you have two different styles of pull on the trigger number one is this long hard pool which kind of acts as a safety in and of itself because nothing's gonna accidentally pull this trigger all the way back right the other option is after you fired at once everything's gonna be in single action so what that means is you have a really crisp short trigger pull like that now this also comes with a decocker which is acts as your safety so once you load this up right so you load this magazine up put it in the gun you chamber around now all of a sudden you're in single action so if I just touch this trigger once it's pulled back it's gonna fire so in order to bring this hammer forward I can actually pull this lever down and it's gonna act as a decocker so that D cocked my hammer which brings me back to that hard double action pool so it's safe but I don't have to have I don't have to do any additional steps to pull the trigger if I pull this out and need to fire I can just pull the trigger back and it just needs all that force to pull it then once it does fire you know if this was loaded that slide would rack back my hammers back and my follow-up shots would all be that short single action pool so it's kind of awesome that it gives you those two different styles of shooting the magazine here it does hold 15 rounds again so as I mentioned here at the range it gives you lots of rounds to practice with self-defense whatever you have a lot of rounds to use this one is chambered a nine-millimeter I'm gonna keep it all nine-millimeter just because as I mentioned I think that's a fantastic starting round the grip does have a little bit of kind of sibling along the sides kind of some interesting ridges along the back here the grip I'm gonna say isn't quite as as good feeling as that MMP but it's not bad either I mean it's it's fine and it does come with a couple different adjustable back straps here for different sized hands your trigger pull by the way I believe it's called their Omega trigger with that double and single action pull it's a good trigger it's good to learn on once again it does have the tactical rail here if you want to you know throw on a light throw on a strobe anything like that you can do that taking this thing down to clean is a little bit more difficult but it's not bad there's a line on the frame here and a line on the slide that you need to line up once those are lined up you've got a pin here that'll just push through this comes out and then it'll it'll come down and it's it's the same thing from there as any other you know this style gun so that is the cz po7 it's a fantastic option that once again kind of carries across all those different modes MSRP on this one's 509 I want to say usually you'll find it kind of for that for 8500 price range next up we're talking about the HK vp9 now HK is kind of well renowned for making really really high quality stuff and this one is no exception but it does come in a little bit more affordable price range I want to say MSRP is like 700 ish on this one so what is pricier but the ergonomics the just everything about this gun is absolutely high-end so check this out the slide release here is really it's kind of low-profile everything about this gun is a little bit low profile so the slide release here is low profile on this side it also has one over here for ambidextrous so you can hit it over here you can hit it over here next up down here is the mag release which is kind of interesting so the mag release as opposed to being right here with your thumb it's on the base of the trigger guard and it takes some getting used to you either kind of have to reach your thumb around to hit it and you're hitting it down by the way or over here you can kind of get used to using like the middle finger or something like that to drop it and it's odd at first but once you get used to it I kind of like it it makes mag changes really really fast the biggest thing I love about this gun though is the grip it's stupid how comfortable this thing is it feels so good so you've got these kind of finger bevels here where your fingers fit in even on the base of the trigger guard it comes up to kind of just hug your finger it's dealt on the back here you've got that palms well again that's kind of really coming out to fill up your entire palm it does come with different options for you know adjusting the grip size itself and then once again you've got some nice stippling across the entirety of the grip so very positive good feeling grip across the board I think this is truly probably the best economics in any handgun in this price range mag wise here we are holding 15 rounds 15 rounds is pretty stereotypical as you've seen for kind of this compact range of guns but it's a you know it's more than enough keep your shooting a long time you guys know the drill with that one next up is this trigger so it does have a little bit as a safety here on the trigger they call it their latch safety I believe so it just makes it so that something can't pull the trigger from the side like you see that little part that's sticking out if something were to kind of reach in here and try and pull the trigger back without touching this first trigger won't pull back so you know if you're in an old leather holster or something like that or somehow something gets in your trigger guard attempts to pull your trigger back it's not going to actually be able to unless it's a finger coming all the way from the front of the trigger and pulling straight back on the trigger so that's a nice little option a nice little extra safety feature one thing also with this latches Glocks have this but Glocks once you pull that back you can really feel kind of the the opening in the base trigger itself and it tends to dig into your finger at least my finger I know it is for some people as well this one when you pull this latch back the trigger is dead smooth you're not getting any of that digging into your finger at all huge huge plus it'll keep your shooting all day long practicing all day long it's fantastic as far as the trigger itself it's got kind of a really short kind of take up once you hit that wall and then a really clean break as for the reset you can kind of feel it it's not gonna be near as audible it's kind of you know that MMP 2.0 but you can definitely feel it you can still definitely train on this one the trigger pull is really really short so again it's one of those that you're gonna be able to grow with and really kind of appreciate in years to come next up on this rail here this one is actually an extended rail so there are some items you won't be able to get onto a compact size Picatinny rail this one they've extended a little bit further so that you can get bigger options on here if you want a real big surefire light or something like that you'll be able to mount it on their sights wise I believe these are night sights yeah all HK stuff usually comes with stock night sights so they glow in the dark for home offense and stuff like that obviously that's a huge thing and one thing I want to point out by the way back here is it have a little bit of a kind of like a little notch that sticks out here on the slide that just going to help you just pull back on the slide so nice little touch and then on the back here when it's cocked can you see that red dot there so if I pull this trigger that red dots gone that's kind of act as a loaded chamber indicator so if you want to look down while the guns in your holster whatever make sure that you're loaded you can immediately see that you're loaded that you're to go and yeah one last thing is the takedown on this gun so drop the mag lock the slide back again with that takedown lever just pull straight down and you're all the way there so super simple super easy to take care of just an overall really really good gun man this is probably one of my favorite feeling one of my favorite guns to shoot it's a good gun it's hard to say anything bad about agent K stuff in general but the vp9 in its price range is absolutely one of the best out there and again it's one of the best out there for beginners to start out with it's gonna teach you all your fundamentals well but as you grow and become an intermediate advanced shooter you're still gonna love this gun as I mentioned MSRP on it is something around seven hundred bucks you can find it for a little bit cheaper but expect to pay a little bit more for this quality a gun and finally for all the wheel gun lovers out there I had to include a revolver you know they're they're hard to deny they're hard to say anything bad about because they're so simple they're so easy to use so today I'm including the Ruger SP at 101 this was chambered in 357 Magnum and that's what I'd recommend chambering in because you can also load it with 38 specials which is a little bit lighter round you can practice with those get used to them and then work your way up to 357 and carry with 357 for a little bit extra power when you're you know concealed carry stuff like that so anyways the Ruger SP 101 we've got five rounds in the cylinder here you're just gonna push this button right here push the cylinder out with your other hand and you can see we've got five rounds to empty those out when you're done you just push this right here it drops those out a little five more shut this and you're ready to go this one's gonna act similar to that cz in that it's double and single action what that means is anytime I pull this trigger it's gonna fire so right now even though the Hammers up if I pull this trigger it's a long hard pull which is acting as my safety but it's it's you can see the cylinder is rotating hammers coming back and it fires now I can also if I want to be a little more accurate I'm going for bull's eyes or something like that I can pull this hammer back and you can see it brings my trigger all the way back to here it's already rotated that cylinder so when I pull the trigger it just needs a touch and I can be really accurate with those shots so a really cool option one thing to keep in mind with this as opposed to the cz is whereas this isn't a semi-automatic every single shot if I don't pull this hammer back at all every single shot is double action so you're never gonna you're not going to get that hard first pull and then every shot after that's going to be single action easy pool everything's double action unless you physically pull this hammer back each time yeah so other than that the barrel is two and a quarter inches which is really short but I went with that style so that you can still conceal carry this if you want to in the future longer barrels are gonna be a little bit easier to shoot but this is a solid steel frame the biggest reason I went with that is because it's gonna help to take up some of that recoil you know it's a little bit heavier gun so you get those real light kind of air weight revolvers they look great they sound great and then once you fire them they kick like crazy because they're so light there's nothing to take up that power so this being solid steel is gonna help you kind of shoot a little bit easier it's gonna help you get used to it a little bit better and not be so afraid of that snappy recoil so yeah there's not too much to talk about this one I believe MSRP is seven hundred and nineteen dollars pretty pricey but once again you can find that for a decent amount cheaper if you kind of shop around so anyways the Ruger SP 101 chambered in 357 is probably my best first revolver option for you for kind of jack-of-all-trades anyways so anyways that's gonna do it for our top 4 best hand guns video I think there was a lot of good options for you in there man I think any of those options you're gonna be happy with you're gonna be able to grow with you know years down the line you're still gonna be proud of they're still gonna be usable if you have any questions you know leave them down in the comments below I'm sure a lot of people are gonna be kind of chiming in and letting other people know what they think is the best options out there it's a good community out here so please leave your feedback down in the comments below yeah I don't know what else to say I hope you enjoyed this video if it helped you out please hit that thumbs up button that really does help me out a bunch share the video if you think it can help some other people out subscribe to the channel we got a lot more good stuff coming and yeah we'll see you next time on green light shooting
Channel: Chad Christopher
Views: 1,413,444
Rating: 4.7453675 out of 5
Keywords: best, handgun, handguns, top, beginner, review, concealed carry, home defense, self defense, smith and wesson, m&p, 2.0, cz, p07, p-07, hk, vp9, ruger, sp101, revolver, semi-automatic, 9mm, 357 magnum, .357, easy, tips and tricks, how to, price, shooting sport, shooting range, green light shooting, tnt guns and range, tnt, range
Id: xp1obnNeO34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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