The Top 3 Best First Handguns!

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Good selection.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ravendon 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2014 🗫︎ replies
hey guys how's it going it Chad here with green legs shooting today we're at salvo guns and I kinda want to show you a few options for you know a first-time handgun owner I don't love you out there are you know looking to get into shooting or have been in the shooting for a while and you want to get your own handgun I'm just not sure which way to go so today I just want to give you a quick overview of a few options out there that I would recommend so when I'm working sales I have someone come in and they say you know it's their first handgun and they want to pick something up these are usually the options I show them the the questions I start out with are you know is this gonna be a at home protection gun is it gonna be a concealed gun is it gonna be a range gun is there gonna be just strictly a fun gun you know there's a couple different options there and most of the time the answer is yes meaning you know they want a gun that suits everything they want something that will be at home they can carry maybe sometime in the future to get their permit something like that so it's kind of hard to find something that's you know perfect like that but there are a few good options probably my favorite option and the option I'll start out with is going to be this Springfield XD m9 now this one like I said is chambered in 9 millimeter they make them in 40 and 45 I would recommend 9 starting out but you know that's I mean if you shot before and you're comfortable with the other calibers go with you like calibers go through comfortable go with what you're comfortable with but if you haven't shot before a nine is a great place to start okay so a little bit few options about this gun a few features so first off it's got this you can see that that's a grip safety so that has to be engaged for that trigger to pull trigger has a safety as well on the front here so if that trigger doesn't come all the way from the front it won't pull through or if this back isn't engaged that trigger won't pull through another nice thing about it is you got this little notch on top there what that does is that's a loaded chamber indicator so when I have a bullet in the chamber this will actually pop up so I can see it or if I'm in the dark I can run my finger over it and feel if I'm loaded or not and then another safety feature is this indicator so that little silver part that's sticking out there if I pull this trigger and shoot it through that's no longer out so I know I'm not cocked anymore so I know if I have this popping up and that out this gun is chambered and ready to fire another cool thing about it is it's got two magazines that comes with one magazine is this extended one here this one holds I think like 19 rounds might be 17 but the nice thing is it gives you kind of that full grip you know you can go to the range you can shoot it if you're at home or something like that or size is an issue it gives you a full solid grip on the gun so you can shoot it comfortably if also comes with another magazine which will stop right here has fewer rounds but the advantage to that is it's a lot easier to carry so when you have you know you're losing one inch and a half off there so that's vital when you're you know concealed carrying the gun so if you get this gun and somewhere down the road you decide that you want to get your concealed carry permit this will you know work for you just great the other often people like about it is if I lock this back I've got this little notch here if I flip this up that's how easy to just take apart so now it's apart I've got my spring out and my barrel that's a fully filled stripped handgun super easy to maintain super easy to take care of and it's just a gun that'll last you a long time it's not gonna you know be a super high maintenance gun it's just a really easy to handle fun gun great first gun [Music] finally with this gun the nice thing is it comes with a whole kit so check this out with that gun you get a nice big case you get two magazines like I was saying you get a holster you get a magazine holster back straps a speed loader a lock all your manuals you know it's just a great really great first time handgun kit so alright so next up after that Springfield is a Glock specifically a Glock 19 that's kind of your compact size in the nine-millimeter you've got a bigger size in a smaller size from this so if you don't like the way it feels you can go up or down the reason I chose this this size in particular because because it's a great size for both carry and comfort of shooting so you want to go to the range you can still get a full hand grip on it shoot comfortably if you want to carry it it's still small enough to conceal relatively easily and it's just Glocks are known for their durability I mean you know these things are meant to stand up to anything and still shoot they're super easy to use they don't have all those fancy safety features like the XD has but it still does have that trigger so basically what it is is this little notch on the front of that trigger makes it so your finger has to pull this trigger okay this is kind of like the thing I'll say in the other video I can if I have this gun loaded I can drop it I can throw it I can run it over I can do whatever I want to it and this gun will not fire until that trigger is pulled so just always handle the gun like this and you'll be just fine what's nice about it is comes with three magazines this is a generation four so comes with three magazines of 15 rounds it's got a nice aggressive stippling on the grip so you can always have a good positive grip comes with adjustable back straps for different sized hands a much larger magazine release than the other generations and internally we've got a dual spring setup so something's supposed to keep your recoil down accuracy a little bit better and it's also just going to last a lot longer than the older Springs same thing here take out the magnet or take out the spring take out the barrel you've got a fluid-filled stripped pistol again super super easy to maintain and you know just keeping shooting order also you know in the future if you want to make modifications to this gun it's really easy you know you get trigger kits for like 25 bucks you can do all sorts of stuff for a Glock you know sights are really easy all sorts of stuff what's going on here hold on a second all right now that we got that figured out let's move on next up we have px4 storm so these guns are really great though I only have a full-size right now they do make a compact they make them again an 940 and I think 45 so see what's out there you know whatever you're comfortable with caliber wise that's the one to go with this one's a little bit different than the other two being that the other two were striker-fired this one has your hammer so it's got two different trigger poles on this guy so first option I'm going to tell you about it's got 17 rounds comes with two magazines so you have plenty of firepower there but the interesting about this one is it's double and single action so what that means is if I pull this trigger back see how that hammer is coming back and slamming forward so it's doing two actions so it's a little bit longer pool I think it's 12 pounds of pressure to pull that through every shot after that first shucks if you think about it you pull that through if this was loaded this slide would slam back and come forward so your your hammer is always gonna be back after that first shot so that's only gonna take four pounds of pressure since it's only doing one action so you've got 12 pounds on the first pull four pounds every single pullout for that so your follow-up shots really crisp and really easy to get back on target that being said if I load this magazine rack this slide now my Hammers back so if I want to carry this in a holster or concealed or in a bag or something like that it's kind of scary because this hammers back it's only gonna take a touch to set this trigger off so what's nice about is they have a safety here which is fully ambidextrous if I set this safety down it actually moves the out of the way puts that hammer back up so now I have a bullet in the chamber and I'm completely unsafe even if I take it off of safe I now have that 12 pound pull still so it's not something that's going to accidentally go off all right so another cool option about this gun is you'll see this this alright so another cool option about this gun is you'll see this barrel here it's kind of that weird little square thing sticking out so what that does it's bread as new design so you can kind of see it when I pull the slide back that barrel moves I think it's 45 degrees it moves which is awesome because what it's doing right there is it's taking up more energy from that from the shot so it's gonna be less recoil another thing that's gonna do is kicking out all the dust and debris and everything that builds up inside your barrel so less recoil keeping it cleaner kind of a self-cleaning system so it really is a great design to take this guy down just like the other super easy take out your magazine make sure we're clear take the pressure off the spring you've got a notch here and a notch there pulling that down and push for me I can access that spring and that barrel super easy to maintain again just a really easy with that safety feature so so thanks for watching guys obviously there's gonna be lots of other options out there for first-time handgun owners these three are just a good solid foundation to start from you know I would recommend coming out to your local range getting some rental time in and you know really just seeing what feels best to you you know if you have any further questions or comments or anything like that definitely leave them in the comments below or send me an email and you know what happy to help you out there so again thanks so much for watching stay tuned as we do you know more I release more videos every single Monday we'll have reviews on different guns we'll have how-to tutorials and competition shooting stuff so thanks so much for watching green light shooting and we will see you next week
Channel: Chad Christopher
Views: 3,920,040
Rating: 4.6731453 out of 5
Keywords: top, best, handguns, handgun, gun, firearm, review, glock, xd, springfield, beretta, px4, storm, how, to, advice, first, beginner, new, green, light, shooting, greenlightshooting, salvo, guns, salvoguns, Shooting Sport (Sport), Favorite, Range, Greatest
Id: Flbga8ous0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2013
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