Best Pistols For Range, Carry & Home Defense! Which Guns Deliver?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so I get this question a lot when I ask somebody they say they want to get their first gun normally what I hear is something like this so what do you want the gun to be for I want it to be able to do everything range home defense and carry now that lends itself to be very difficult at that point so what we've put together here is your home your range and your concealed carry gun we're gonna put together the best class that is a do-it-all type of pistol we got a four different classes here you got your micro subcompact guns you have your single stack guns right here you have your subcompact double stack guns you have your small full size guns normally labeled as a compact keep in mind when you're looking at compact subcompact full-size a lot of these names can be very misleading because they're talking in terms of their own line so for instance this is the MMP compact it's the compact in their line when you look at their lineup and then you go to a subcompact and and so on and so forth don't pay attention too much to those labels on the guns but you have your small full-size guns and then you have your big heavier guns down here so basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna rate them one to ten on various things capacity shoot ability attachments weights aftermarket triggers and the caliber that you choose so let's start with the small subcompact guns here this right here is a Glock 42 keep in mind too we may not go over every single gun here I just want to show you the different classes and what you may be looking at if you go into a gun shop or if you're looking online so with the small subcompact guns these are definitely aimed at concealed carry capacity on this gun is six plus one in the chamber so a total of seven rounds in the gun and then plus your spare magazine shoot ability with the gun is going to be a lot more difficult than what it looks like I hear so many people especially with their wives I don't know what it is but people were late when with small guns normally it's actually not the best thing to do a gun like this is going to be pretty snappy in your hand a 380 is generally a soft shooting round but a small gun like this there's not a lot to hold on to its really gonna snap a lot in your hand you will really notice that with the LCP - now I have small hands so you know this gun is very small something like this it actually hurts to shoot very good to carry concealed because it's so small I think this gun is like 10 ounces unloaded but shoot ability is not going to be something you're going to take to the range and say oh my god I had a great time with that gun you're gonna be thinking the complete opposite with this one attachments there are especially on the Glock 42 there are laser attachments and things like that that you can put on there it's a little bit more work to do it because you don't have a rail or anything like that wait again the weight on these guns is really nothing this one's like 10 ounces the 42 is like 13 ounces so you're gonna be doing very good on your weight aftermarket aftermarket support anything that says Glock you're gonna be able to find aftermarket items no doubt Ruger is another good one where you're going to be able to find quite a bit in the aftermarket magazines triggers all that good stuff the triggers on these guns generally depending if you buy a hammer fired or strike a fire gun this one is kind of a hybrid striker fired gun it does have a hammer back here but it's kind of like pre cocked so you actually get a decent more like a striker fire pull out of this gun it's pretty much on target whenever you shoot and caliber and these a lot of these guns are going to be chambered in 380 keep in mind 380 not only is it not as hard hitting with flesh and tissue and things like that it's actually more expensive to shoot so if you buy a bunch of rounds and you want to practice you're going to be spending that extra money on the 380 it's not as popular either so just keep that in mind the subcompact guns as far as a do-it-all pistol and rating these these are probably going to be a maybe a - so not the best choice for a do-it-all now let's step it up to the single stacks all of these are nine-millimeter and most of these options you can get nine forty and forty five okay it's going with the shield the new M 2.0 review coming very soon by the way capacity you're now going to get seven rounds of 9-millimeter so you're jumping up an extra round and also you're gonna have that that better heart hitting nine millimeter caliber shoot ability on these guns once you step up to the single stacks you're going to be able to fill your hand a lot more the controllability the shoot ability it's going to be much more enjoyable typically you're going to get better sights on here this one actually has the the night sights straight from Smith & Wesson I believe these are church icons and you're gonna get a much better sight line up and a much easier gun to handle and shoot when you start talking about attachments this one is the PPS this one actually has six round magazines standard and then you have a seven round extended on the M&P shield you actually have an eighth round extended so this one has the same amount of rounds as the LCP or the glock 42 but again you have that nine millimeter caliber that is again easier to shoot and it's cheaper to shoot again awesome pair of sights so you can get your sights lined up on your attachments you again have most of these guns are going to use a trigger guard attachment so your light laser combos most of the time that's what you're going to have to use to get your attachments on there wait when you jump up to something like this compared to the LCP you really start to notice a difference mrs. headshot she really likes carrying the 42 compared to her shield because it's much easier for it to conceal something like this compared to something like this again that's just talking about carry and all that kind of stuff but you really start to notice a little bit of a weight difference that LCP 2 is 10 ounces where this will be somewhere in the range of 19 ounces alright doesn't sound like a lot but inside the waistband inside of a purse don't recommend it but if you are carrying in a purse you're gonna notice that weight a little bit more and then also you have your 45 shield this gun six rounds in the magazine not even comparison though when you talk about caliber because it's 45 it really hits hard but it's a pleasure to shoot this is one of those the better smaller 45 single Stax options as far as striker-fired guns go after market anything M&P you're going to be able to find plenty of aftermarket support trigger sights whatever you want and also on the Walther you're going to be able to find some good aftermarket options as well triggers on these guns generally they're going to be a little bit better again it depends if you choose a striker fired or hammer fired double action the same election whatever you go with the triggers are generally going to be pretty good pretty crisp and you know on these shields they are definitely good triggers and the PPS is no slouch when it comes to a good trigger this thing is actually pretty amazing as far as how small this gun is it shoots like a dream and it has a great trigger you know a lot of these single stack single stack nines obviously they're chambered in 9 but like I said you can get them 40 45 whatever your taste is we prefer 9 millimeter because you get so much bang for your buck pun intended there so the single stacks are a great option as far as being a do-it-all home range carry type of gun you're going to be somewhere around a 4 definitely not the best gun for the range or really home defense really at the range you're going to be reloading a lot even if you have your extra magazine a lot of reloading is involved there and then home defense you have your limited attachments so you know and limited capacity as well now we're stepping it up to the subcompact double stack type of options again these are really hard to label because the manufacturers call this a subcompact well really this is a subcompact this is a micro gun so this isn't really a subcompact but in their line of the p320 it is the subcompact gun all right now stepping up to these guns you're gonna feel a significant difference in your hand compared to the single stacks now you have a double step magazine all right so literally inside the magazine they kind of zigzag back and forth so you can get typically twice as many rounds in these guns which means you also have a thicker grip compared to the PPS you can see how thin the PPS over here on the right is you can see how thin that is great for inside the waistband carry but again it's not going to fill your hand up nearly as good as the double stacks we'll talking about capacity let's go ahead and mention that this one actually has a 12 round magazine this is the sig p320 subcompact this is going to give you great capacity for the size of gun that we're talking about shoot ability this gun it shoots like a bear gun it really does you're gonna notice yourself probably being a little bit more comfortable with something like this not as much recoil because you have a heavier gun that's something you really want to keep in mind especially if you're shopping for somebody else your wife's significant other whatever you really want to keep that in mind the heavier the gun typically the easier it is to handle the recoil all right what about the HK vp9 SK this gun again you're going to get 10 round magazines with this one you're going to get a luminous its sights alright so they look pretty good in the daytime they don't do you any good at night but still you one good thing about these guns is not only do you get decent capacity but generally you get the same features from your full-size brothers on the compact type of line here so you have your front and rear slide serrations you have your little charging ears right there you have your full customizable grip all the way around side panels all of that this is a German style gun you have the magazine paddle release in the trigger guard there and you also have your rail so that goes two attachments now you can just attach a light or a laser whatever you want to right here it makes it very simple and that's something these guns are great at is giving you that balance between Karrie and range and the full-size features weight on these guns again coming up from the single sex you're gonna notice a pretty big jump this gun obviously it feels heavier feels more top-heavy carrying these guns inside the waistband if you carried this for a week and carried this for a week you would think this is almost like a really Micro type of gun that's what kind of difference we're talking about all right speaking of carry here really quick a gun belt and a good holster those are gonna make all the differences in the world for my first I don't know year of actually carrying every single day I thought guns like this and especially guns like this we're pretty much impossible for me to carry we hooked up with a good holster company tolst err holster and now that problem has been remedied with a good holster and along with a good gun belt we also have a good gun belt company we work with if you guys are interested I'll leave the links down below so you can check the holster and the gun belt company out there's also discount codes there as you're building up your collection you can save yourself some money on these products but it's gonna it's going to make the biggest difference when you get a good set up for carry and that's gonna allow you to carry something probably bigger than what you thought you would so the HK v p9 SK great gun also the Glock 26 probably the most popular gun in this size aftermarket sport anything Glock HK is kind of limited sig you have a good amount as well but aftermarket support on your Glock you can see here I have the trigger con hd's really awesome setup for the sights so a good aftermarket support for Glock and then your triggers on these guns are gonna be pretty different than most of the other smaller guns that we've talked about a lot of them have a little bit lighter triggers especially the HK vp9 SK it's not necessarily a really light trigger but it's just crisp and in your hand you really feel confident with a trigger like this and even the p320 subcompact this thing has an amazing trigger shoots great and then your caliber choice is pretty much is unlimited 940 45 there are some bigger guns chambered in 380 in this range right here I would stay away from anything that isn't nine-millimeter and up of course we're just talking about striker fire guns and hammer fire guns I would stay with nine-millimeter and up in this range because you're already getting a heavier gun a bigger gun you might as well go up to the 9 millimeter at least Oh as far as the grade on home defence range and carry these guns are gonna be right at 1/8 you know that's my opinion because you have your you're able to attach your lights for home defense you're able to get your night site you can get night sights on any of these but a lot of them come standard like the p3 28 comes with your night sights at the range you're not gonna be reloading nearly as much because you have almost double the capacity and being able to carry them like I said a good holster good gun belt you can carry these guns comfortably every single day they strike an amazing balance of what I feel a lot of people were able to carry in a good home and range gun for sure stepping up to the small full size type of guns these are gonna be your pretty much optimal range guns all right sig p320 Rx this is their compact not really a compact at all as you can see this is a compact subcompact pretty much this is not really a compact this one already comes with an optic it comes with the high night sights these guns are really really geared at home and range type of guns but we'll talk about concealed carry here in a minute 15 round magazines let's go and talk about capacity now you're gonna get anywhere from three to six round difference from your subcompact to your to your full-size type of guns this one has 15 round magazines so it's 5 rounds more than the then the Glock 26 there so you gonna get a definitely more rounds out of the gun and this is going to be great like I said for the range you don't have to reload as much so it's definitely a good thing there and also home defense I mean let's be serious and honest with each other just because you have you know let's say six rounds in the magazine doesn't mean you're gonna hit an attacker every single time we're multiple attackers you know the more rounds especially for self defense is definitely a good thing I don't care what anybody says if somebody tells you they only need one round of 45 because they can shoot them in a big toe and they'll bleed out I would probably not listen to those people just saying capacity on these are great shoot ability it doesn't get a lot better than this because you have a gun now you start to get out of the I can't fit my pinkie on there I hear that a lot from you know a lot of new shooters and I understand because I was there but a lot of these guns you have to tuck your pinkie on the smaller guns it's just the way it is on these guns you get out of that so now you can get all your fingers on the grip if that's something that definitely bugs you but that also is going to hurt you and we'll talk about that here in a minute so shoot ability is great here is the new M 2.0 compact the Glock 19 sized MFP that we've all been one for a long time great size great controllability the way it shoots the trigger everything is great your attachments again you have your rails on all of these guns now so you can just attach whatever kind of light or laser or the combos that you want now the weight jumping up to these guns I think it's a little less significant than our jump ups and our progression thus far so jumping up from something like this to this you actually don't notice a whole lot of difference really where you're gonna notice that and I'll kind of show you guys here when we're talking about carry and this hex shot will show you now you start to see the difference down there okay your grip length your grip length is what is going to allow you to easily conceal your gun inside the waistband this may not seem like a lot you have what about an inch but inside the waistband this is going to print much easier than something like this we'll all right so that's something you have to keep in mind those extra rounds come with a price and that is that cost aftermarket support for pretty much all of these is pretty good the Kanak is kind of limited but after Marc's support MP Glock Sig they're all pretty good and your triggers are pretty much going to be the same as your counterparts with your with your subcompact or compact type of guns they're gonna be pretty much the same so that is nice you have consistency for the most part across the board when it comes to that a speaking of triggers so let me go ahead and say this canik tp9 SF elite it is so crisp dude it's one of the best striker fire triggers I think I've ever pulled literally have no take up and there's a reset this thing is great if you want a gun that is on target with an a great trigger this is gonna be a good gun and then your new Gen 5 Glock 19 kind of under impressed I've actually talked to our local dealer that we get guns shipped into all the time allied Arms if you guys are in the Charleston area check them out great guys but I was talking to those guys in there and they said they have not actually seen a lot of sales you know they've seen some but definitely a lot less than what they were expecting I don't know that I don't know how you guys feel about the new gen 5 Glocks you know let us know down below but I'm kind of under impressed needless to say but 15 round magazines you get three of these like I said you're after marks support is going to be great trigger shoot ability everything on this gun is great and from here you again nine-millimeter 4045 that's gonna that's going to be up to you just my personal opinion here really quick nine-millimeter you get more rounds it's cheaper to shoot modern nine-millimeter is amazing it really is an amazing round 40 I'm not a fan of it all and I believe that 45 is my second favorite round because it's a hard-hitting slug that you can throw out there and we control as well it just kind of pushes you it doesn't really snap like the 40 does but you also have 357 sig and there's all kinds of rounds out there depending on what you want to go with now last but not least we're going to our big boys and really the best example of my big gun is the FNX 45 tactical just a all-around awesome zombie killer I mean this is what this gun reminds me of it's just a big ol 45 15 round magazines all right so you're gonna be jumping up to - quite a big capacity let's say you go with a Glock 17 instead of the 19 you're gonna get 17 rounds in the mag if you go with the glue MMP full-size 17 round mags so if you jump up a size from this you're gonna have even more rounds anywhere from two to four rounds more than what you do in the small full-size guns but this gun is huge I have small hands and you can tell it right here in the grip you're gonna have a very shootable gun depending on what caliber you go with now if you go with a nine or 40 or 45 in this size it's going to be able you're going to be able to shoot this thing with a heck of a lot of confidence because it's so big and it's so heavy it's gonna suck up a lot of that recoil attachments you're going to be able to attach pretty much anything this one is actually milled for an R&R so you can put a red dot on here you can put your attach you can put your your light combo you can put your suppressor on here and suppressors are important for inside your home because if you shoot a bunch of rounds without it you may suffer permanent hearing loss alright so attachments are very important wait you're gonna feel quite a bit of way difference now this gun is big I mean it's just unfair to compare it with really anything on this table but let's go to the sig Legion alright sig Legion it's an all-metal gun alright it's actually a double DES single action type of pull so when you jump up from a metal gun from a polymer striker fire gun you're gonna feel quite a bit of weight difference you know you definitely feel that in your hand and you're gonna feel that inside the waistband but it's just one of those things it depends on how important it is to you triggers on these guns if you go with a double to single action gun the double action pull it takes some getting used to and this is why I'm not a huge fan of this for concealed carry because whenever you pull this out you have a round chambered you drop your hammer when you pull this out on that first shot you have a really long double action pull it is smooth but it's long so that's something you want to keep in mind you want to for me concealed carry knowing how nervous and and your adrenalin rushing and everything I feel like for me it's it's more important to have a more consistent trigger pull each and every shot but with that being said there is nothing like a single action trigger and this thing is just beautiful a little bit of take-up and it just breaks it's an awesome trigger and I really like it a lot so when you jump up to these guns like said the trigger is amazing the way this gun shoots in the hand is amazing for a gun to start out with if you're a brand new shooter a heavier gun like this is going to feel really good whenever you're firing because again it sucks up a lot of that recoil alright this is a great shooting gun you guys have asked me in the past how the discoloration has been going with this gun and I have noticed underneath the rail section here you can see the discoloration and at some point somewhere along the way I got some some water on this thing and I don't I don't know when the last time I cleaned it is but I definitely need to do that because this is an expensive gun I mean you're talking about $1,200 for a handgun it's very expensive but I do see some surfaced rust on here starting to starting to happen so that's something I definitely need to take care of that kind of kind of makes me nervous a little bit need needless to say and then also the grip texturing or the grips themselves have been discolored somewhere along the way we got something on there so I'm definitely definitely see what you guys are saying as far as discoloration and different things happening hopefully I can get rid of us because I really really love this gun not just because I bought it but it's just an awesome overall looking and shooting gun for sure all right so what about the scale from one to ten on the small full-size you know you're gonna be somewhere at a at an eight as well I think I would bump these up probably to a nine because they strike such a good balance there these would be at a seven or an eight it depends on your body size it depends on your tolerance again a holster and a gun belt is gonna be able to allow you to be able to carry a bigger gun for sure something like this that I really never thought about carrying I'm not carrying every single day so you know really just depends on your setup but then when you go to your bigger guns like this this is gonna be a 1 a 2 I mean you know it's just not really practical to carry something like this every day and even the légion I know a lot of you guys have said you carry the légion on a daily basis to me this is just too much weight when you can go with something like this save yourself that weight and still have the same capacity and everything so you guys have a lot to think about good luck because you know that the market is loaded and this isn't even you know 1/4 or 1/8 of the options that are out there but this gives you some things to think about some things to look forward to whenever you're going to make your decision you definitely want to keep in mind that as you go up and down the scale you're gonna be losing and gaining things as you as you go along my recommendation check out some of our other videos reviews on these guns go to your local gun shop and put some of these in your hand and definitely fire them if they have a range where you can rent some of these get in there you know invest a little bit of money into it and you know see what you come out with and what you like the best but that gives you some things to look at whenever you're going to make your decision let me know if you guys can help some of the newer shooters down in the comments below my subscribers I appreciate everything you guys do for us we will see in the next one and as always holding down
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 506,146
Rating: 4.7362638 out of 5
Keywords: best pistol for range and concealed carry, best gun for range and carry, best pistol for range, best do it all pistol, best pistol for carry, best gun for home defense, best concelaed carry gun at the range, best gun for at the range, best concealed carry gun
Id: bvTo11dvddU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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