Best Budget Gun For Your 1st Gun & Ones To Stay Away From

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[Music] it's in our nature to protect the ones we love to stand up to any danger to be strong and courageous to always be prepared to keep our family safe to be the first line of the [Music] that what's up and welcome to the channel my name is headshot and thank you for joining us today we're gonna talk about the best budget brands for the new shooter and wants to stay away from so we are going to be generalizing some of these firearms and just giving you our opinions on what we really like in the budget minded sphere so if you asked me what my favorite carry gun right now is it's gonna be the P 365 but keep in mind that that is a very expensive carry gun I like cigs in general so does mrs. heck shot but they are super expensive in the scheme of things so we're gonna try to keep everything four hundred dollars in under this is very subjective depending on where you shop and all that kind of stuff and I'm not even gonna go there but what I'm gonna tell you is generally speaking these guns are on the budget end of things and again we're gonna try to keep it under 400 bucks when we think about this so videos seem playing before our video started is from the US CCA every law abiding gun owner in America check them out okay check out the link down in the description box below they are supporter of our channel and they will support you in your time of need and before all kinds of training tools and everything to help you as a law-abiding gun owner and if you ever need their services you will be glad that you did it's it's a crazy time right now and all law-abiding gun owners you need somebody on your side for financial and legal protection okay very important all gun owners check that link out so let's go ahead and get started with our budget series here okay what we're thinking about here is the new shooter obviously so typically Safety's things like that are a big concern we don't want to focus too much on small guns there are gonna be some honorable mentions and some ones that personally we just don't care for maybe we've had some bad taste in our mouths from the past or whatever the case may be so let's go and get started with number five which I put as the tourist series of firearms specifically the g3 and the g2 which is a little bit smaller than this one so we've had some experience with these I I wasn't really sold on Taurus at all I'm starting to warm up to them what do you think about tourists now that we've shot the g2 and the g3 has a lot of features on it for the price of the gun so you get the really ergonomic grip it's got a really cool pattern to it you have the finger grooves on the side where your finger should lay you know and then it's got the Picatinny rail on the bottom and then you have the slide serrations and then you have the safety so it comes with a lot of really good features and the trigger was really good as well for the price of the gun yeah it has a restrike a pulse of that round does not go off for whatever reason the first time you can pull the trigger again you don't have to rack the slide which may go against any kind of training that you really have because a lot of places teach if you have a malfunction tap rack and try it again you know but it has that feature built in which in a self-defense situation are you going to remember to tap rack bang some it depends on what level training you have maybe you will maybe you won't but it has that feature now one cool thing about tourists too is that they do come with a manual safety it's it's not really what we prefer but the cool thing about it is it's so positive if you decide to keep it off you could do that now keep in mind that any mechanical part on a firearm can fail so if you are going to buy a gun with a safety make sure you're training yourself to sweep that off every time you unholster or whatever the case may be however you're going to decide to carry or if it's home defense or whatever that's one thing we wanted to make sure we did too is we don't want to focus just on concealed carry because if you're just now getting started you may not be comfortable with that thought yet you may just want something for your house and there's nothing wrong with that typically on a gun like this you want a bigger gun something with a with less recoil 9 millimeters our preferred round because of the advancements and 9 mil is just great capacity wise all that good stuff but you want you don't want something that's gonna beat you up and something that you're scared to shoot you want something a decent size and the g3 is definitely a decent sized viewport and you know one thing about Taurus is again I haven't trusted them for a long time but the g2 and the g3 have been awesome firearms and I there's not a really bad things I can say about them not a big fan of their sights and things like that yeah but for what you get around 200 bucks whatever the case may be this is an awesome option for a new shooter next brand we're gonna move to is Kanak and this one is the TP 9 SF elite this is an awesome awesome gun and this is really on they do have some higher-end firearms so don't get me wrong but generally speaking Kanak makes a budget-minded gun or a budget-friendly gun I should say what do you like about the tepee 9 SF elite specifically which is really our only representation of Kanak at this moment the thing I like that about the Kanak was the sights it was the fact that it's a really good size you know and it's very easy to rag the slides really smooth a 15 count in your mags so that was really good again the grip was really great it's just the for me the bigger the gun the easier it is to shoot and I really liked it yeah definitely Kanak almost gives you like a like especially in this model they almost give you like a Performance Center type of gun where you get a really nice trigger in it you get these these stitched areas where your thumbs will go at least on the left side of the gun nice grip texturing back strap options really nice finish and like mystique shot said the sights the the the serrations on them you get a lot for your money this is a Turkish made gun so it's not made in America but man at this price point it's really hard to beat now you're going to be going up from tourists as far as your prices but man you can have these things for for really good prices and you're gonna get an awesome gun when it comes to the Kanak series again they do make some more expensive guns but a lot of most of their stuff is budget-friendly for sure just notice while he was talking it also has that striker indicator on the back and it also alerted chamber indicator on it as well and that I mean it's a really good price for all that yeah so as opposed to and safety is a big thing with new shooters it should be for all shooters really but new shooters specifically want to know is there around in that chain so it's Horace you actually get a little viewport with this can explode to chamber indicator on top I'll take some pictures for y'all but basically that is a visual indicator on top that hey there is a round in the chamber also there's an indicator on the back that shows you whether the striker has actually dropped yet or not so that's another safety kind of built into the gun that gives you some really nice indicators as far as whether it is a it's loaded or not obviously it's always recommended that you visually check the chamber because that's the safest and best way to do it but just some extra little things right there for you so the next brand we're going to talk about is Walther this is one of my all-time favorite guns and this specifically the PPS is probably one of my all-time favorite carry guns pair to today's standards as far as round count it's a little lacking but hopefully Walther will release something soon to compete with the 365 and the Hellcat and other things like that but still this guns awesome so what do you like about Walther thinking about the PP cues and and things like that in the past that we've reviewed I always thought that the Walther brand is it's just such a nice gun to shoot it's so smooth the grip is really soft again it has a lot of features for the price you got the slide serrations you got the extended mag you have the really soft stippling on the grip and again it's thin it's kind of thin profile the grip is really short so I could carry it if I wanted to and again I think Walter has always been a gun that's been really easy to shoot yeah definitely and if you don't go if you go with like maybe a ppq which is the Big Brother to the PPS some consider the best trigger on a striker fire gun ever and I tend to agree because it is absolutely awesome there's only a few brands that I think even rival it the HK vp9 on the Kanak has a really really close trigger to the ppq series of guns which again can be had for at really good prices but Walter in general they just make a very solid gun I can't even remember having a single issue ever with these guns and it's what you want you want something reliable she did mention the grip texturing and this is like the perfect balance of just not being overly aggressive but just being aggressive enough to where it just stays locked in your hand Walther does an amazing job with these guns again they're more on the more budget-friendly side of things which we can all appreciate Walther makes an awesome gun and one other thing Walter again has that striker indicator in the back and most of the time you're gonna find a loaded viewport on top again we want to visually check that chamber make sure we're being safe at all times and all that good stuff but just a fantastic brand and that's gonna lead us into our next brand and we only have one representation right now of this gun but we have the sr9 that we've shot we have the lc9s Pro that we've shot and owned both guns we've shot knowned and this doesn't just cover mainly this is pistols because I I believe that pistols are a great way to be introduced it's something that most of the time from what I've seen is that a lot of new shooters they they want to have okay because it gives you a lot of options for home defense and going on the range and all this kind of stuff this is one of the only brands that I can think of that we have on the table that they actually have some of the bigger pistols that you can add braces and things like that on that are even easier to shoot so Ruger is always thinking about budget-friendly I mean pretty much all of their guns are budget minded and they have some great features so just thinking about Ruger as a whole what do you like about them the thing I think I like the most about Ruger is the fact that a lot I mean you don't really see repetition in their in their brand where there's always something different with their gun each gun looks different you don't have the same looking gun over and over and over again with one feature at it yeah I really find that Ruger they're versatile but they're also they're great price and they have a lot of features on their guns and they're really really fun to shoot no matter you know the ones that we've done over the years I think they've all been reliable and they've all been great well we've had but it's see like with ruler like with this one the PC charger that we just had we had issues with within a hundred rounds so sometimes when you buy a new gun the first hundred rounds typically is what people say you need to run at least a hundred rounds to it just kind of work out the kinks sometimes I mean I know that sounds weird but it's absolutely true and it has been for the 57 for the PC charger that's right across the way over there and it's just one of those things you definitely want to take them to the range make sure it's going to shoot whatever kind of ammo you're gonna put in it but Ruger like she said does give you a lot of variety so you have their PC charger the carbines just all different types I mean obviously revolvers they make them too but generally Ruger because they're budget-friendly it doesn't really seem like they lack on the quality we also have the LC p2 which is one of the smallest carry guns we have it sucks to shoot but again it gives you a really small very small karya balapan I'm just not a pleasure to shoot but the sr9 series is a great series of guns and that's one thing that's cool too so if you say man I want to buy a pistol but then I want my my pistol to have compatible mags with my pistol with a brace or something like that pcc whatever you want to call it then a lot of times with Ruger you can actually do that so that's a pretty cool thing that they have going for them american-made and just awesome guns in general the Ruger 57 we had a blast with it I don't I don't know that we'll send this one back because it was so much fun and again compared to the competition with this gun it's it's way cheaper so very nice features grip texturing on this gun and on a lot of their guns are absolutely great the Ruger American was the other one that we had but that one had kind of a squared off back and it was kind of uncomfortable to shoot the very first time and I think we took it out the second time and it was a little bit better so they have a lot of variety of firearms and all of them have been pretty dang good from what we've seen yeah there are smaller sized guns I've been really good too compared to other smaller sized guns I've shot I've preferred the rigors before we move up to our last option I want to mention some honor we'll mention so the Stoeger STR 9 I believe so I am on a te waiting list for that one specifically it looks like a fantastic gun but until I actually get it in my hands I don't want to say too much about it sky series of firearms is actually pretty awesome man from what I hear and I am again on a TNT waiting list for that model as well and from what I know their warranty is amazing just an awesome company PSA dagger is another one that's coming out PSA has you know pretty pretty reasonable prices for a lot of their stuff some brands that I would stay away from so here's one thing that I like I like the Diamondback db9 this this is the Gen 4 version and this has been a fantastic carry gun not great to shoot I know you don't like to shoot it but when it comes to a six-round carry herbal small option a jogging type of gun or you know something like that where you need something super small this gun was great they're diving back am too we had some issues with I did a video on that and I have a good relationship with Diamondback but I it's a Diamondback am2 gun has I think that gun besides the apx has I don't think there's another gun that's made me as mad as the Diamondback came to because it questions me a question it makes me question my shooting abilities I don't know why I don't jive with it but I don't so that's one of my guns I I cannot support but Diamondback if the db9 I really love it and they have some new ones coming out that I think are really cool ARS and all kinds of stuff Diamondbacks and does some really good budget stuff I just can't get behind the am too I just don't like it I feel like if you are on a serious tight budget to me I'm one of those people if you need a firearm no matter it needs to be reliable it needs to work and that that's the whole point of it it doesn't matter how much money you have the the Second Amendment is all about human rights it's not any particular people or race or gender or whatever it's a human okay so that's where I stand with that so if you need something super cheap and there's there was a time in our lives where 300 bucks no way no way that I could spend 300 400 dollars so it depends on who you are and what your budget is and I've been throughout all different types of economic levels except the top 1% we haven't been there but you know what I'm saying I mean I've been I've been super broken time so I that's why I want to put this gun on the list I don't have personal experience with it but we need to get one this year and get one and that's the high point high point makes super cheap guns but their customer service is great their guns seem to be pretty dang reliable and their warranties are unmatched so I would be almost irresponsible to not mention high point because they offer a gun that a lot of people can afford and that's a good thing especially when it's a reliable one keep in mind reliability is key here so now that we've gone through all that and I've give you some of my opinions on some other guns that I've some that I've shot some that I haven't let's talk about the number one budget brand in our opinion and that's Smith & Wesson so when you if you want a variety of pistol types Smith & Wesson mystech shot says they all look the same which they are all very similar but when it comes to like the shield to your full size to their shield easy you get a good variety and also a lot of the mags and stuff are compatible at least the double stack ones are so there's a lot of features on these and for the price points you know a lot of manufacturers you have to wait for then the next generation or you have to buy used in order to get a good deal Smith & Wesson right out of the gate most of the time depending on where you buy you can get them out of the gate for really good prices and what I like is that they came out with the shield easy so I was able to get one of these very early on and the gun is not exactly what I was expecting I was expecting a 10 or 12 round shield but these guys were like there are a lot of shooters and they kind of almost foreseen this there's a lot of new shooters a lot of women shooters elderly people that are shooting and they need something that they can hopefully carry and protect themselves with as well and the shield easy was their answer to that so it's super easy to rack the slide on this gun compared to a normal striker fire gun and this is it took me by surprise how many people liked this gun and how many people have they probably sold a ton because they just they kind of seen this that there was a need for a gun like this whereas other manufacturers releasing a gun with a grip safety like this or a super easy internal hammer fired gun or like will kind of pass on that so I appreciate that about them they have a little bit of something for everyone that the shield is probably one of their best selling guns of all time I would imagine they have a couple different iterations of that and then you go to their full size lineup or their M 2.0 lineup specifically this is like the subcompact now and again you get a feature packed gun with or without a safety so for new shooters that's that's really a good option typically the bigger the gun the easier it's gonna be to shoot and you just have a variety of different options with Smith and Wesson lifetime warranty but that's just our opinion I think Smith & Wesson makes the best budget gun generally speaking so I want to hear what your favorite budget brand is down in the comments below or if there's any specific budget brand that you're looking at maybe as a new shooter trying to come in let us know what you like down the comments below thank you for watching we'll see you in the next one and as always hold them down [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 83,002
Rating: 4.8343949 out of 5
Keywords: best budget guns, best first budget gun, best budget handgun, best 1st budget handgun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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