The Best Homemade Big Mac (with Wagyu Beef!) | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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This looked so damn good. Might have to make it this weekend

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MicheGawd 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
ah yes the iconic Big Mac two ways to get one you can either buy one at a McDonald's or like we're doing today you can make your own there it is to 100% pure beef patties they are thin as [ __ ] oops but we're gonna make this today with a couple upgrades and our first upgrade is gonna be the beef look we could go and just buy regular 80/20 80/20 means 20% is fat and we all know that means flavor you buy these below but that would be boring I mean look if you're trying to make a Big Mac just like this there's only so many changes you can make the buns the bun the lettuce is the lettuce the cheese is the cheese what have you got you've got sauce and you've got the beef and so for our beef today ladies and gentlemen I'm using Snake River farms American Wagyu beef this is not $6.99 a pound it's not $8.99 a pound it's not 1099 a pound it's Freddie it's silly it's 34 dollars and 99 cents a pound and of course isn't that big a piece it's only a half a pound it's gonna be enough for our burgers but nothing it's too good for you seriously wag you is the American version of Kobe beef the beef that they have in Japan that's super fatty and amazing marbling and look at the marbling in here this these these veins of fat that run through here are gonna add to the flavor hence the shirt not necessarily just talking about this but that's the world of food that means flavor so Wagyu beef in this country Co Bay in Japan is extra fatty there's rumors that the cows are massaged and they're they're fed beer and they're they're sung to at night and you know they got little beds of hay and it's all lovely whatever it is it's amazing and we're gonna upgrade today with this and our sauce and by the way this is not an ad Snake River farms own they'll cover up their name has paid us nothing for this we'd like them to at some point down the road because they got great stuff but for today never mind this is just using this product and we're gonna grind it ourselves because you can't go from this to a burger without grinding but the best thing you should do is throw this in the freezer for about 20-25 minutes colder is better let me go throw it in I'll come back all right look we ordered weirder or McDonald's from post mates and you can't get a Big Mac without getting my favorite of flavors like you can there's no rules but if you got them being delivered matters will get what you get you might be one of the only people in America that's favorite that whose favorite thing and the McDonald's menu is a fillet of fish how's that possible I like it okay wait okay we got an Egg McMuffin we made an Egg McMuffin the other day and we upgraded it we didn't have what we made our own English muffins I made five Egg McMuffin we did a great job so this is okay I mean I gotta say if I was on a boat and I could only save one egg McMuffin and my choices were the McDonald's one or one of the ones who made the other day I'm throwing the McDonald's Egg McMuffin overboard sorry little guy can't save you but I can't have a bite now you know what huh they don't comparison no comparison that's pretty good everybody loves this let's get going but first things first we make the Big Mac sauce and we start with mayo and we add a little ketchup and in my version I like a little spice so we're gonna add some Cholula hot sauce a little pickle that we'll cut up and then of course a little extra pickle juice and some salt and pepper and it is Jenna from Wisconsin likes to say we say a lot and we mix oh yes this is gonna be fantastic next the lettuce and we're using iceberg lettuce that we will shred thinly and then cut like this perfect next we deal with the bun so here's the deal everybody would recognize that a Big Mac has three sections top bun bottom bun and middle bun and now I need to make a middle bun and I think I will make it out of a bottom bun from one of these existing ones look I'm not a baker I can hear it now or just watch it's good to go something like this dear Sam your pieces she made a McDonald's Big Mac but you didn't make your own but hey [ __ ] why can't you make a bun you say you're a great cook hey idiot face you're stupid you're dumb I hate everything about your life even though I've watched 47 hours of your YouTube channel over the last week but what's up with you not making your own vine can't you bake as well as cook save it I know what's gonna be said I don't care look if you're grinding your own freakin beef and making your own sauce and cooking the do you have to make your own bun I don't think so this show is not called Sam the cooking guy from freaking scratch grow your own goddamn wheat and in the thing and get the goods what are they sickle witty chopped wheat down okay sky sky the thing where those big tractor things with the rotating deals and whatever and then you grind it and then you we're not doing that you're not a farmer that's not a farmer this is not farm-to-table and everything in between you have to do yourself show Sam the cooking guy I'm a guy that cooks and sometimes I will use a store-bought epic bun if I want to I hope I don't have a heart attack one day because I'm so angry about you like tits you doing this on camera if I have a heart attack I promise I will have it on camera speaking of ailments I have a CT scan on Thursday today's Tuesday for what is going on here that I'm taking an Advil for every hour and a half probably not great but that's as soon as I can get in join us my toe I mean it's not that bad yet it's gonna get worse I don't know I'll come to you I dropped a cast iron cooking plate last night in the garage on it you see the color do you see what's happening here okay there's a regular toe and there's not a regular toe and I'm imagining in the next couple days that's gonna go all black yeah sorry for life I mean at least we didn't show you that just before I took a bite of this fantastic fake Big Mac right okay but back to the bun so here's what I have I have a top I have a bottom I need a middle or as they say in the McDonald's world the club I could just take this and put it here but I feel like I've got to shave something off that so I'll do it with my straight it just a little bit and by its pretty close just clean this edge up it's not bad huh I mean it's maybe a little thicker but I can deal and these are gonna have to be toasted at some points so let's just give them a little butter shall we and maybe McDonald's doesn't give a little butter but I do think a little butter adds a little extra flavor so why wouldn't we a little bit here a little bit here and a little bit here okay buns are ready lettuce is ready cheese is ready sauce is ready what's missing the beef let's get the beef the pickles we got to get the pickles ready a couple of dill pickle chips I think they call it belong in a Big Mac and you notice that they're wavy cut well let's check not there look at that there there there's two pickles what the [ __ ] are they thinking one bite gone nothing else gets that's insane I mean that's insane so they're not I can just cut them but we're not just cutting to pieces but what the f is that please here's our pickles it look like that right by the way hey McDonald's you don't make enough money you can't put more than two pickle slices in a freaking Big Mac like your most famous burger can't have three Oh what maybe four double it but I say triple it so at least there's a chance of every bite getting a piece of pickle who's that guy in a board meeting one day no two pickles per Big Mac nothing more I don't care what anybody says I'm laying down the law right now two pickles per Big Mac and in somebody some accountants four seats away goes oh my god Alan just saved us 64 million dollars a year he's a genius he's gonna get the employee the Month award on his tombstone Alan good husband Great Father loving brother and son and he was the guy that said only two pickles on a McDonald's Big Mac you want that to be your legacy Alan do you more pickles that's what I say I'm gonna have a hard cut I'm gonna have a heart attack I swear okay we get the beef we grind it and we're like almost there and now the beef and here's what we've got it's been in the freezer check this out here look my $35 a pound American Wagyu rib eye that it's it's just a little bit firm and the point of making it firm is that when you grind it it won't be mush it will keep some of its what's the word I want max you went to college I didn't it will keep some of its integrity thank you so we'll put it through in sort of smallish chunks we'll cut this way then we'll do this and then we're set so we move this away we bring in our mixer and we set it up for grinding we lift we take the bowl off put that down we remove this little plate we add our grinding attachment that's been in the fridge because we want this little plate right here to be as cold as possible so when we grind it cuts through quickly and nicely oh boy that's not what we wanted hold on my dad let me think about this we tighten it down yes we tighten it down so when we turn it on its upside down let's try this again one of them there we go we tighten it down of course and being so stupid there we go we turn it on this is cold everything comes out beautifully and here we go my bowl goes here and we're ready and we have a there's a thing by the way we'll put a link to this grinding attachment if you have a KitchenAid I don't know what else that fits it fits a KitchenAid that we'll also put a link to because it really is the gold standard in in in what are these called stand mixers thing stupid thank gosh darn it's okay we're set everybody ready here we go let's start grinding we'll take the pieces one at a time and drop them in I don't know it's an awesome light I don't know okay I'm just gonna grind it we drop the pieces one at a time here we go [Music] oh thank you that's a big piece there we go there we go and the last one comes out like this hello fantastic alright let's get rid of this part of me so McDonald's says their patties are 1 point 2 ounces each which is pretty much nothing look but let's have a look we'll give them their due let's have a look so we'll put up we'll put a piece of wax paper on here oh come on now don't do this to me as long as it registers zero let's put one point two ounces on and see what it comes up to this is a patty in the McDonald's world ladies and gentlemen this is a patty well let's look does that look like that it does I can't do this I cannot in good conscience do that I can't can I make them bigger oh yes all right fine so that's one point - let's just go two ounces each how's that right is that so bad okay that's it we're making two ounce patties okay so there's one jeez Louise this is insane there we go okay we got two patties fine let's make them and call it a day so the key is to make these round and I don't really I can't find my thing I have this little circle thing that makes these round I just don't know where they are so I gotta fake it but I want them big enough the patties are not smaller than the buns cuz you know they're gonna shrink okay I'm feeling good about these who wants to cook burgers you ready let's go before they go on Deebo gets a little oil and on they go 1 & 2 a little salt and pepper on the top of each and they cook and they do not take long I'll tell you this they certainly smell amazing at this point I mean they're just burgers but who doesn't like just a burger cooking right sorry pardon me for saying they're just burgers they're not they're Wagyu beef burgers let's flip them that crust that's what you want ok we're almost ready time to put the buns on and we're happening bottom Middle top ok burgers are ready let's take them off and we build with the bottom bun look how gorgeous that is that little extra bit of butter is gonna be flavor folks that you are going to like now get some of our amazing sauce and when it comes to sauce like I always say don't be cheap alright and I don't know if McDonald's has the pickle in it like this but I would put pickles in because why the heck not and then we get some onion not too much they look they really hold back on the McDonald's it's that Allen guy from accounting again we forgot to cut the I mean sorry I completely forgot about the onion chili reminded me Thank You Julie ok onion ready for lettuce it looks like this I can hear Allen from accounting going do much lettuce too much lettuce we're losing money you're not losing money ever and now what I find is a weird move is the cheese goes on the lettuce call me crazy I would have put it on the burger but it is what it is so now we follow with our Wagyu beef burger 2 ounces because we decided not to go with their 1.2 ounces and now this middle bun that they call the club sits right on top it gets some of the sauce Wow it's kind of looking legit isn't it it's looking legit but better I'll be honest I'm not saying that cuz I'm doing this I'm just saying it cuz honestly that's how the freaking thing looks a little more I need on here we're following the order of the proper Big Mac of course and then more lettuce and what I find is weird is that there's not another piece of cheese on here I don't know how that is but we're gonna go with it because we want to do the right thing so we'll take our second patty 2 ounces not 1 point 2 ounces and our top bun that's been toasted goes on and looks like this ladies and gentlemen there you have it the homemade Sam the cooking guy Wagyu beef Big Mac with a much better sauce so here's your choice you can have our homemade version as simple as it is or there's there's ours there's ours it's crazy right and as beautiful as it is I forgot the pickles so hold on I don't know where they even go I'm going like this Alan puts two I've got three four five six seven eight that's the right number Alan now it's time to taste our work to see if this beats this certainly beats in looks I mean come on but it's all about the taste right it's all about the taste and then we go it smells so good Oh mmm sauce pickles which which by the way if you'd eaten maybe the wrong side on this one you wouldn't get pickle because Alan only puts in two but let's talk about the beef the wag you the the extra fatty extra tasteful unctuous there's that word again beef oh my god and the sauce their sauce is fine my sauce delicious extra pickle in there and there's that little hot sauce that just takes it from here to here all come on now it's crazy good I'm the only thing I would add and only because we ordered one out is a hut hash bound that will just go like this we'll take we'll put and now by now we go right here we have a look how this is and then we taste it with very Richard Nixon of me I didn't mean to do that insane insane make it exactly as we've made it you'll be fine whether the hash browns in there or not it's still a way better version than this cardboard box version ladies and gentlemen we're glad that you're there we love that you're here we love that you watch and you comment and you interact with us and it's all good we want you to eat better that's our goal let's take out less fast food less Road it's that simple
Views: 2,471,624
Rating: 4.8270435 out of 5
Keywords: best homemade big mac, homemade big mac, big mac, mcdonalds, mcdonald's big mac, best big mac, best big mac recipe, big mac recipe, how to make mcdonald's, how to make mcdonald's big mac, how to make mcdonald's burger, best burger, best burger ever, wagyu, wagyu beef, wagyu burger, wagyu beef burger, best wagyu burger, how to make big mac sauce, how to make big mac, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy burger, burger recipe, best burger recipe, cooking mcdonalds
Id: zxVmyC5xqUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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