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I always love his methods. Instead of an instant read thermometer, I use a thermometer that links to my phone, so I don’t ever have to open the oven until it’s done. I also pull mine at 110 and then put it on a grill to 130 so I get good grill marks. This will be the next meal I teach my son.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/starkypuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

No need for the bacon honestly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InclusivePhitness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is why I don’t like bacon wrapped things, you can only cook one of them correctly. I like the bacon to be more crispy than this. Sam said you get more bacon flavor but I’d never eat it like that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/monkeyman80 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve never been so disappointed as when I first had a bacon wrapped filet.

It sounds great but in reality I find them too busy, rather just eat the filet and bacon by itself or better yet a new york strip.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/la727 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi i'm sam you know it's weird we were talking about this i'm very happy wearing shirts with like my face logo on it but my name and it just seems weird to me oh wait i got it speaking of shirts with your face or logo on it yeah you were spotted by somebody going to i think sam burgers on the vespa wearing a shirt with your face on it and i'll put that picture up right now that's on yelp so this is my point my point is i'm okay with my face on my chest but my name hi i'm sam hi i'm sam i don't know why is this weird is it weird that it bugs me i want it to be in black oh no it's weird that it bugs you the sam isn't weird wait sharpie no why not come on you're just gonna ruin it now i have to continue this no look i think it'll be good you're still gonna see it a little bit of white is gonna come through it's actually looking better yep it's just a little subtle yeah it doesn't just look messy now hi i'm sam before in the white it was hi i'm sam now it's hi i'm sam you see what i mean boys yeah what are you cooking today yeah so you're going to dig this it's very simple we're taking that most the delicious of little steaks the fillet wrapping it with bacon and cooking it and that by itself will be great but then while it's cooking we're gonna make this tremendous super simple little compound butter that will go on top of it when it's all done cooking so then the heat of the steak will melt the butter and it will run down and that will bring big fat flavor you good with that oh sorry are you guys good at that and by the way the uh the sound you're hearing is some roofing or something going on over there i said roofing i know a lot of people say roofing chance what do you say i say roofing i think max roofing max says it for sure because he grew up having it said at the breakfast table as roofing we did talk about roofing every morning vas or vase vase vaz what chance face vase yes foyer or foyer can you get the balls please um excuse me kelly can you please bring the balls into the dining room we have steaks to cook please so a filet is a delicious cut but you can see there's not a lot of fat super tender hence the name tenderloin but not a lot of fat so we're going to give it fats by adding some bacon to it cool very cool but first we have to season and we're going to do this kosher salt and fresh ground pepper and we're going to season liberally why boys they're fat steaks because they're fat steaks exactly both sides the little extra fat that's on these no big deal and season the sides you could just roll it in here gordon ramsay use the steak to roll and mop up the seasoning that's on the cutting board you [ __ ] idiots okay but now i have an idea i want to do one more thing before we wrap it dijon mustard little paint brush we're going to paint just the sides of it where the bacon will go that'll help the bacon stick a little bit we'll also use string but but i like this idea i think it'll be good you know my mom taught me to make a roast beef one of the only things that would go on the outside of it was yellow mustard and it didn't taste like mustard in the end it just brought more delicious flavor to it so i'm looking at this thinking it's no way that this could ever be a bad thing right boys right we know just to say to you whatever you're saying you guys are the best seriously okay now the bacon right so i'm using a reasonably thick bacon i don't want that super thin stuff and i'm gonna go like this all the way around if you can just leave like a little just like a little ridge that would be great okay so it's wrapped let me do this other one come on buddy there we go very nice very nice all right next we're going to come in with some string we're going to go around two times i'll just tie a little don't move on me bud and then you go like this then you bring it back a second time and you go like that there you go don't need to do anything but to cut and it's good all right let's get this other one wrapped up huh duh we tighten and we cut these off look at that you know what we do next we bring out our rack like this you should have one of these things like we've got a link below and stuff you got to buy but what i like about this is it elevates the stake the heat goes all the way around and underneath and cooks beautifully we've talked about this before we're going to reverse sear them they're going to go into a preheated 275 degree oven wait hold for the sound of freedom and we know it's the sound of freedom because uh commercial airlines don't uh follow this route this is just planes from uh mcas miramar that's that way about 15 miles or something maybe yes so 275 until it's a hundred and uh we'll say 130 to 132 inside okay it'll be medium rare it'll be perfect it will be as i've said a thousand times here perfect medium rare top to bottom side to side and end to end which frankly is the way you want it so let me go put it inside when i come back we make some compound butter [ __ ] right yeah yep so that's in the oven again 275 i don't know your oven i know in my oven it'll be about 45-50 minutes for a steak that thick best thing to do start checking it a half an hour instant read thermometer get it where you want it pull it out and then follow along from the rest of the stuff that we're gonna do all right next our compound butter recipe today comes courtesy of oh sam the cooking guy recipes with intentional leftovers and in the book if you had it or if you buy it you'll see there's three compound butters look how gorgeous they are jalapeno cilantro in the middle and the herb garlic one on the uh left sorry right is that right on our right yeah all right yes no all right not you're right our right no my right you're right say you're right you're right there you go you're wrong anyway we're making this one it's delicious and the beautiful thing about compound butters is once you make them you just keep in the fridge then when you want to add huge flavor to something you slice a little piece off boom in it goes anything eggs mushrooms onions on top of a steak here's how you make it all right we're going to start with eight tablespoons of butter there's like that and you know what i wish it was a little softer but we're gonna be okay i didn't take it out early enough now we need about three tablespoons of herbs so in front of me as you can see we've got uh parsley that we'll put in we've got rosemary chopped up we've got thyme if you had uh oh i don't know cilantro could you use it yes anything you've got any little sage would be delicious right i mean but who's got fresh sage around oh you can buy it but all right next of course some salt and pepper not too too much some garlic nice big-ass clove beautiful and now the fun part some lemon zest and we're using a microplane zester we've talked about this before you just do this and you get the highly fragrant most flavorful part of the lemon the zest on the outside and we want about oh half a lemon's worth when you've got that scrape out this middle part add it and we can mix oh yeah oh god i'm gonna wish it stand by okay i gave it about uh 10 15 seconds at oh god it's too much at 60 percent power i should have not i will be okay so get it all mixed i mean you don't want liquid butter here folks oh but you can smell the herbs the garlic fantastic and when it's mixed up the way you want let's make it into a tube and that looks like this you know we've had trouble with the plastic wrap before and our friend paula sent us this one and we like it because it has a cutter so look what you do you spread it out and then you use this little slide thing here and you go and it's perfect now you take your butter you get your butter right there make sure you get it all because it's very valuable spread it out a little bit and then the saran goes over the top like you're rolling a cigar or some sushi right like this roll it roll it roll it and then twist the ends and look what you've got you've got this perfect little tube cigar shape thing that now can go into your fridge for about an hour i have less time so i'm going to put this in the freezer to get it to firm and here they are got to admit they're pretty but they're not as pretty as they're going to be they're going to get a little sear on top and bottom they're going to get this that just came out of my freezer it's going to be great should we get them happening when you guys are ready i'm ready my cast iron pan is hot by the way there's a cast iron in our future ladies and gentlemen and now i'm gonna grease it a bit and i'm using my favorite beef tallow you know this is just rendered beef fat oh that you might as well it's just gonna only intensify this beefy flavor so let's get this obviously my grill is not completely flat so we'll just do this and now and we'll go and remember presentation side is this we always go face down into the pan first with that and we're going to give this maybe a minute aside that's about it this is about color and crust and deliciousness i say it all the time if texture and color didn't matter we just cook all our [ __ ] in a microwave and we don't for this reason you smell the beef tallow just doing amazing stuff in there it's been like 30 seconds you want to see what it looks like yeah okay that's stupid oh the little edge we're getting on the bacon all right this side done we'll give them a turn gorgeous and this little crisping of the bacon around the outside around the outside around the outside it's a very good thing you see the bacon for me is at that spot where it's cooked but it's still kind of fatty and this is when you're going to get that big beautiful bacony flavor crisp bacon i think you lose the flavor of the bacon when you do that it just tastes burnt to me and when they're where you want them out they come so let's take these kids off oh the juices on top or just perfecto all right i've got my cast removing scissors here so we don't jack the whole thing up so take the strings out oh god don't worry i'm okay i feel like those guys that uh disarm bombs i know right red wire blue wire hurt locker green yeah wow that was a great movie huh hurt locker cooking guy style the stakes are really high this time the stakes i got that i actually didn't mean to do that all right oh damn okay fellas you know what's next our cpb and that looks like this so here's the easiest thing to do take your little four inch sand the cooking guy paring knife we want flat discs for this so cut a nice coin like this and like this they call them coins in the food world that kid's gonna sit there this kid's gonna sit there beautiful i can see this guy starting to melt a little bit let's just wait for it all right so let's give these guys a little melty help by using our our big boy torch if we weren't shooting for a video the second these came out of the cast iron pan the butter would go on i'd cover them up with foil but because we take time to rearrange the cameras and stuff it cooled down a little bit so we're just helping it along man oh man honestly see this little pool you know what that is oh that's compound butter right there so the butter i mean just do that just make it everywhere and now the real test this is always this i this part i always hold my breath because i want to just make sure that it's boom perfect and oh what a surprise it is and once again it's not me well it's me in the sense that i cooked it but it's the reverse sear method that makes this perfect i that could not be any prettier i swear to god all right so this calls for a bite let's just turn our little kid like this and here's our bite this the color up here it's still the melting butter look at that it feels so soft oh my gosh come on now garlic herbs melt in your mouth delicious well look that's a fillet that's the whole reason you buy filets because you want not a lot of fat but super tender and delicious we've added the the mouth feel of the fat by adding the bacon and then the compound butter the only thing you need for excellence in this dish is what chance max i actually didn't hear the question is in instant read digital thermometer we pulled these guys out at about a hundred and twenty nine thirty maybe 131 if you wanted a little more go a couple more degrees but this reverse sear method and an instant read thermometer guarantees this perfection this is a special meal for you and someone you love it's impressive it's very impressive a little salad some garlic bread recipes on the website we've done it here before what more do you need you want a little side of pasta a little gnocchi you could do that it's simple look i love to cook i really do and i hope it comes across we're trying to get your mindset you thinking the same way don't think about food like my mother-in-law patricia does for her food is a necessity to keep you going sustenance she sustenance thank you she eats to live we boys am i right we live to eat that's what it should be all right tell them to subscribe what told them to subscribe they're already subscribers all of you are subscribers am i right uh oh i saw a few faces that were like so join the cool kids that's that's them that's max and chance it's not me but become a subscriber we want you to be part of the team be part of the team okay that's it for me today i could cry i'm very emotional about all of this especially this and we are about to uh pig out i mean enjoy these steaks that are right here thanks for hanging out with us if you've liked this subscribe hit the notification bell tell us what you want to see leave a comment i got nothing else anybody anything [Music] there we go i think i fixed this it's much better now see ya you
Views: 357,992
Rating: 4.9468079 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, filet mignon, best filet mignon, best bacon, bacon wrapped, best filet, sam the cooking guy filet mignon, sam the cooking guy best, sam the cooking guy best filet mignon, sam the cooking guy compound butter, compound butter, butter, best butter, best cooking, cooking filet mignon, cooking filet
Id: Bo5hCQFwuzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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