The Ultimate Steak Sandwich (Giant Party Sub!) | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jsavage420 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

“Lid down! Unless you don’t have a lid, theennn F$#! it...”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RedditeRRetiddeR 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

So does the mean a epic macaroni salad recipe is coming soon?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/slowride_326 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

What do you guys think the size of the skirt steak was in oz? Sam mentions to only cook it a few minutes per side— would 4 per side be too long for med or med rare?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_YOUR_OUIJA 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
today is the result of putting together sweet spicy beefy oniony red peppery into a sandwich and the results well you'll just have to wait and see sweet and spicy skirt steak turned into an amazing sandwich it's gonna be off the chain or is it off the hook are there any other ones this is gonna be dopest said the elder statesman of the YouTube cooking community but you're gonna like this it starts with a very simple let me think now one two three four five or six ingredient marinade you'll be wanting to use for everything right let's go I said sweet and spicy and for the spicy component we're using chipotle peppers not sponsored just the ones I buy so to remind you they are large smoked jalapenos and they're gorgeous look at their plump in they're tender and they're creepy talking about these things like they're tender so this is a seven ounce can let's go for half a can and as I've told you before if you don't want the full heat that they have which is not crazy but definitely pretty good you can use just the sauce in here that's called adobo sauce okay we left seeds in there won't be quite as spicy so there you go that's the spicy part for the sweet part we're using brown sugar and we put about a half a cup in that my mind looks about like that okay okay we're gonna use about a bunch of green onions like this that I've trimmed down I'm just gonna make it easier for my blender chop them up a bit and they'll go of course we need a big pinch of kosher salt and finally because you need liquid OJ about a cup like that and what would we say here max and actually and we blend and we blend got you lid on down up we go you want one smooth blend of all the ingredients there's absolutely no reason for this I just like to play with it we've done get our steak skirt steak it comes from the plate of the cow so if this is the cow and here's his head it's from the sort of the lower belly part right here you can totally get this from my description right from about here oh and here is where it comes from kind of down here it's it's it's it's sort of in the same category ish as flank steak but not and it's not the most tender cut to by itself so we're gonna cut it thin when we turn it into the sandwich but it's hugely beefy and amazing flavor here's what I like about it the length [Music] now that's a piece of meat all right there's a piece of meat I took my knife and I got rid of some of the excess fat I could probably do a little bit more but I'll be honest I don't mind a little fat what do we say fat is like this we say fat is flavor so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take our marinade and a ziplock bag and now and now not getting my beef hand on the Ziploc will open this I like to fold it a bit it's a bit of a challenge with one hand but but I've done it cause I don't want mess on the edge because it's hard to zip when you know it's messy now I will take my marinade I'm going to reserve a little bit for brushing after this we'll go in and then this long-ass piece of skirt like this then you go and you go and you go and you go and now I want to make sure it's all covered so I'm gonna turn it around I could cut it into smaller pieces that could be something that you would do but I like the look of the whole big ass thing drilling all at once and the smell is fantastic you do get the spicy you do get a little sweet from the brown sugar but what would its gonna end up being is all good okay you now have one disgusting hand that you can't touch you can't zip this up really like this so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this inside I'm gonna clean this hand I'm gonna seal this up with most of the air out I'm gonna put it my fridge it's gonna live there 45 minutes an hour once again if you've got three hours give it three hours you're not gonna hurt it at all you're only gonna make it better then I'm gonna come back get the rest of our stuff ready and we'll continue for the bottom of the sandwich I want some vegetables and that will become a combination of red peppers and yellow onion that I will soften a bit on the flattop so we just have to cut these into thin strips that into thin strips get it going and we're making our vegetables stupid and then we continue on and for today's precision work I've chosen a pig gutting knife I've just chopped I don't don't ask why it's a beast man so here's what I like I like to take the sides off yes you can take this little membrane out will kill you if you leave it and then I like to just cut these guys fairly thin so I imagine through the magic of television or the internet what do you call it these days you wouldn't say the magic of television anymore max what would you say through the magic of editing yes through the magic of editing max will make this happen very quickly because is you get bored right out of your [ __ ] mind in about a second if all you saw was dress that's done so I just want to cut them in half like that they'll sit here and now some onion so I cut an onion lengthwise from top to bottom like that I leave the root so it doesn't fall apart I cut there I pull off the outside and then when I've got it like this I just cut like here if it starts to get really wide here just make a cut like that your pieces will be shorter and perhaps easier to deal with when you got your onions and your peppers ready throw a little oil on the flattop so I let my dog in who's going I'm coming for you baby oh you too there's both of you here waiting we're [ __ ] hot bad let us in going booth going little oil on the flattop and on they go and then over the next few minutes these will soften and become magical you don't need to Jack with them too much they just need to do their thing on the grill ok these guys are ready and they are in a state referred to as being still crisp tender there's some body and some crunch to them like leave them long enough and they'll become like shoelaces Wibbly in live which would be fine but I want a little texture with them so we'll take them off here off we go these guys will know just [ __ ] while we get ready for now we make a little sauce and then we cook okay I'm heating this to get ready for the grilling of the skirt we always heat with the lid down lid down unless you don't have a lid bin just heat it the way it is but you're gonna concentrate more heat inside and that's what you want you want those bars getting super hot and at the same time we're kind of cleaning off the the leftover stuff from the last time we grow this is the time to do that what after you cook before you cook the next time and last before we grill we make a little sauce that consists of sour cream a little hello Japanese now last but not least green salsa also known as the salsa verde you can buy it you can make it hell you can also bite and that's what I like to do now we mix creamy thick Mayo we tangy from the sour cream delicious from the salsa these are great simple ingredients to keep around the house for last-minute anything all right let's check out our skirt steak and there we are it's all covered nicely been marinating away this is a great thing to take to somebody's house when they're having like a barbecue or something they go hey will you bring something and they're expecting you're gonna walk in with maybe some of that pasta salad now as I say that I realize there's probably wonderful pasta salads that are being made out there I'm just sorry I've been too far to many parties where the backyard pasta salad was what was just like some mayonnaise and you know I don't know a little celery or something thrown in nothing exciting nothing great added well sometimes people go crazy and they use those tri-colored curly noodles so one more bite of those [ __ ] tri-colored curly noodles with a boring pasta salad blend in and I'll just go nuts but they won't be expecting this you go walking in and go hey would you bring you go sweet and spicy skirt steak to be like hey man you already got hotdogs or whatever going to go hey that's cool that's cool I just thought we know you're done we could throw this on you're gonna be better than there 95% of the time unless they got some crazy ass tricks going on or they're following some of our other recipes and even if there's no bread or bun or sandwich or tortilla to put it in just bites of this mount it up on a platter you walk around go hey you wanna charlie someone tries people take a bite you bite it bite it bite you'll be the hit of the party it works every time okay so now we check we look and you look inside and yes it's boring of course right now it's boring because nothing's happened to it the goal is make it beautiful and just before we throw the skirt on we're gonna cut our baguette cuz this is what I want to serve it on because it's a party sandwich for a bunch of people cut into little pieces or two Cheech and Chong like guys eat this at 4:20 in the afternoon probably for 21 or for 22 anyway for this you need a good serrated knife serrated knife is for cutting bread ladies and gentlemen and tomatoes that's pretty much all so nice neat cut all the way through the goal is always one foot so cut all the way through nope yep look at that do you effing know how close that was how did I do that that's your piece of bread right there yeah the bloody one God I don't know how I did that slow-mo yes while I continue trying not to F myself up I never went to culinary school by the way say by the way not that it would have necessarily made a difference I know many really great chefs that do [ __ ] like this all the time all the time well they did a pretty nice job there's relatively even I'm happy with this so I'm just gonna put a little avocado oil on this just let it sit soak in a bit and then when the state comes off we give it a little posting okay so just a little you guys can live like that you're gonna get toasted in a sec now the steak let's go so when you lift the lid it's hot as F but now you can see there's the remnants that have burned from the last time you cooked out here so this is the time to clean it off before I throw on the steak give it a little spray to keep things from sticking and of course it makes that fire which is amazing don't be scared I've never seen the fire jump into the can don't be scared I've never seen the fire jump into the can and blow up I suppose is the first time for everything but I'm not to blame if it does grab an end if you can find it here we go grab your end bring the kid up out of the bag slowly and on it goes Wow that's impressive look it's not thick it is not gonna take that long but definitely what you want is some charring because those little charred bits mean flavors happening you take a look that ladies and gentlemen is exactly what you want that is the flavor what do we say well we say fat is flavor and this is less about that right now but so you're gonna be honestly like a couple of minutes aside that's not much more than that and when it looks like that give it a turn Wow it's gonna be unbelievable I'm telling you I wish you could smell it but remember that little bit of reserved sauce that we had let's paint it on clearly somebody made off with my proper like silicon silicon whatever it is when is plastic one is breasts that I'm not ever sure which one but somebody made off with that brush so I had to use a brand new paintbrush out of my garage which you know you do what you do in a pinch doesn't hurt to close it up a little bit while you're waiting that's a magic happen inside you just we're going for a lovely medium rare if you poke your temperature probe and it says one hundred thirty hundred thirty one hundred thirty two hundred thirty three hundred thirty-five pull it off we could check should we check let's check I know it's not gonna be there yet in the thickest part we're 106 okay that's cool that's cool that's cool change it up remember this the a wok grill pan that we used from vegetables that day and other things let's just do this we'll put the vegetables back into here and when the steaks come off and the bread goes on we'll give these a quick warm up now we check our steak I'm 33 perfect row 34 yes we're coming up let's go we let this rest you deal with the bread and while it rests is the perfect time to give it one more beautiful coat because it's hot or just like sucking all the liquid and the flavor and okay we're almost there next thing we'll throw the bread on get it toasty marks and we build and here we go oh it's hot damn it's hot don't burn pieces don't you burn my bread that guy's really asking for trouble man thank you don't with me you [ __ ] with me I [ __ ] with you let's give it a little pressure help get some nice color in here nice hey hey beautiful okay well those are finishing it's gonna turn the heat off just let it get a little crispy on the bottom we will slice our skirt steak okay so here's the thing you can see which way the grain runs we've talked about it you always cut against the grain because when you do you shorten up those fibers in it's way more tender you don't want pieces this long that's ridiculous to eat so we'll cut here and then see how we did and you can't see how that is because it's it's it's got so much beautiful of this chipotle sauce and stuff so now we'll do this and that we'll cut this way again right but before we do we need to take a bite because it's going to be insane mother effer if only you knew the the spice level is about a six and a half because it's been brought down by the sweet of the brown sugar and that orange juice the flavor profile of this is amazing it's so good ah that's what I'm telling you you walk around with bytes of this for people they'll be like oh I'm coming to your house next time and maybe you don't want that but if you do this the way to go okay so let's keep slicing so we get enough for our sandwich okay and you see medium rare there right it's and you want to go thin the color clearly is being affected by all this delicious Chipotle in the brown sugar a bit and this little charring on the outside folks this is why you cook it on a grill because that's where the flame is doing its best work but we need to make enough for this whole thing so against yes that's my Canadian I think against I think people say against it's not spelled against thin thin thin thin that's what you want I think we're there so when you think you have enough meat for however big of sandwich you're gonna make and this is pretty friggin good ok so just before we build let's get our vegetables back on the heat just bring them up to temperature little bits and while they're warming we start to build so this didn't look this beautifully medium-rare when I was cutting it because all the sauce was dripping down and the darker the Chipotle and the brown sugar didn't expose this beautiful medium-rare ness but but we're ready now to build we start with our bread next is our sauce and what's the stupid line I use don't be cheap and don't have your phone on when you're shooting Sam I'm gonna need a bigger cutting board then we're only gonna go sauce on one side ok now our vegetables let's see if they're warm yet lovely huh and on the go good call look it's diversity of flavor it's crunch it's a it's a texture its color its flavor I say flavor twice it's everything good you oh boy just put that stupid thing on so somebody wants me real bad could you do this without the vegetables absolutely should you absolutely not why would you do that could you have put a bed of sauteed arugula on here yes mushrooms yes anything you want just do it this is a whole onion and one giant one large red pepper and look it did the whole thing the whole thing okay now a steak I think I cut enough mother-effer so how many people could this feed in a dia four six is that could that be six I think so it depends if they're all like my wife ten okay I'm gonna give it one last thing I think I'm in good shape here one last thing some fresh ground pepper and I know there's Capote lay in this this is not about the spice at this point this is about the flavor of the pepper and what it adds because I really love it and ladies and gentlemen only thing left to do now as we say in the business put that [ __ ] lid on Oh Lord look at that how'd we do max so holding steady mmm look at it I suddenly feel like Vanna White nobody you not getting yeah he is I just everything there is so much at work here it's unbelievable and the first thing did hit you right in the face make that mouth is the crispness of the bread it's fantastic it works could this be on soft yes does the crispy crunchy exterior of the bread and the soft inside make it better I absolutely believe it does you get the the spicy of the Chipotle what it's done to the meat the sweet but also then the vegetables come and then that little green salsa verde sauce underneath with a sour cream a little bit of this in the mail meats falling out you have friends coming over this is your play I really think it is on my effing God let me tell you something we crossed over a million subscribers last night it was the craziest moment we celebrated dinner at dinner last night my birthday which was the seventh Max's birthday which was the six my anniversary which was the fourth the whole family there's seven of us Max and his two brothers there's two wives and then there's me and Kelly that's seven we came in three separate cars to the same restaurant we thought we would hit the million while we were at dinner we didn't realize it would happen before dinner so we said let's get there early just in case we were in traffic they were in traffic max got to the restaurant ii couldn't find a place to park left this car at the side of the road and jumped out and started recording from his phone to his laptop Kelly and I drove up within 10 seconds of Kelly and I jumping out of the car boom it went over a million and it went over a million in the craziest way possible sometimes you'll see the number and it will subtract one I mean somebody's unsubscribed but watch what it does in the final seconds between nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety three and then over a million if second goes up and down and up and down and up and out and I think people were unsubscribing and subscribing again so they could be the millionth person we don't really have any way of knowing that but what we know is this you guys made it happen for us we almost cried it was honestly like one of the most fun celebrations ever and this is all you guys thank you we promise we're gonna do something final announce that in a week or so and and and all of you that are here are going to be able to do it what's the word everybody have a chance have a chance anyway so thank you thank you you've got the weekend ahead of you if you're watching this on Friday make this it's the perfect weather for it have fun don't eat the same thing all the time and we mean it from the bottom of our hearts you guys helped us get here it makes us want to give you better entertainment every time we shoot and when we hope we do that and if you hate my guts well then you hate my guts and then I hate your guts [Music]
Views: 1,503,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak sandwich, steak sandwich recipes, ultimate steak recipe, ultimate steak sandwich, best steak sandwich, best steak sandwich recipe, how to make steak sandwich, steak recipes, best steak, best sandwich, best sandwich recipes, party sub, party sandwiches, party sandwich recipe, party sub sandwich, party sub sandwich recipes, cooking steak, how to make party sub sandwiches, how to make party sandwiches, sandwich recipe, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak
Id: FL-KTQi6yeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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