Perfect Filet Mignon Steakhouse Dinner | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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it's mini Steakhouse day and we're having three of my favorites we're cooking a fillet we're making a Bearnaise sauce to go on top of it and we're making creamed spinach oh it's all so good and the star of our show ladies and gentlemen is this beautiful little filet I mean there's a lot you can do but but filet is kind of classic in the Bearnaise sauce and did I mention there will be crab oh there will be crab we'll start by getting this cooked perfectly and we're using the reverse sear method that means we cook it in the oven at a lower temperature cooks it perfectly so when you cut it it's wall-to-wall top to bottom side to side perfect temperature no gray no pink Center pink everywhere then it comes out it gets a quick sear and we're almost there we have to season it first so we'll put it on our rack and it gets the following it's a little neutral oil and we've done this before I like avocado oil don't waste expensive extra-virgin olive oil here because it's not necessary to start with kosher salt and it's a big thick piece of steak so you can be aggressive you'll be fine all the way around fresh ground pepper and a little garlic powder not necessary but I think it's a great add not too much and then it's set let's go to the oven so that's a 275 oven it's gonna cook it perfectly could you cook it at 500 Sam you could and it would cook much faster but it wouldn't cook the way we want so just go with me on this I think it's gonna be probably 45 maybe 50 minutes so we'll start checking temperature but you know 35 minutes in see where we want and I want to pull it out about 128 between 128 and 130 will give us the kind of medium-rare that I'm looking for next up creamed spinach don't move and we're starting with two packs of frozen spinach and just let me put an end to the haters right now weren't you using real spinach okay well it is real spinach it's very easy to keep these in the freezer and then just deal with them so but they need to be defrosted and I've let these defrost now here's what we do so start by putting down a clean kitchen towel like this take out the spinach on the towel like that perfect we want the spinach we don't want the water so now fold it up like a little knapsack gather up the corners and watch before I even squeeze it's all right starting to come out this would make the worst creamed spinach ever so just turn and squeeze and when you think you've about squeezed out all the water we're ready to move on to about four slices of three-quarters of the way cooked bacon will add about a quarter of an onion and get this starting to cook together mmm tell you something smell of Bacon's and onion cooking I could wake up to every day and after a couple of minutes when the onions have softened we can add the rest of the things it's a spinach that looks like this oh boy houston we have a problem I just too small of a pan stand by ready for the swap out I do not know what I was thinking much better next will be a cup of regular milk followed by a cup of whipping cream followed by a quarter cup of Parmesan cheese some red pepper flake and kosher salt and we mix so you got to break up the spinach of course try not to make a mess over the edge like I'm already doing just incorporate everything take your time I know you might be thinking Sam I I'm not buying into this yet well I'm just telling you just bear with me because this becomes freaking fabulous in about two minutes of stirring nicely everything in its place looking much better but now it just has to thicken and it's the thickening that really makes this wonderful so just leave it alone and when it starts to get some beautiful bubbling just turn it down a bit we don't want to boil it we just want to simmer it know it can make some burn a sauce the fillet almost there the creamed spinach behind me almost there and now we make the Bernays and you're gonna love this in our blender we start with three egg yolks just the yolks please about a tablespoon of white wine vinegar so it looks like that put our lid on and we start to blend and at this point what we're looking for is for the yolks to turn pale yellow and it's only gonna take about a minute or so you can see it's already happening and then with the lid off we're gonna slowly drizzle in one stick of butter melted of course and you'll hear the sound changes that starts to become a sauce like that keep it going we had a couple more things some diced shallot chopped tarragon that will help give it its distinctive flavor and of course in salt and pepper and lit it back up give it a faster blends and we should taste oh my all right the vinegar which takes the place in the burn a sauce where lemon juice would be in hollandaise gives it that just that gorgeous little [Music] let's temp our steak we're at 135 I wanted it over already here we go let's get it let's take it out gosh so the pan that I use that was too small for the creamed spinach I'm heating up I want to sear my steak in this so here's the steak and it looks beautiful but it doesn't have that crust on it and I want that the only way to get that is with the sear so this hot cast-iron pan will now help deliver that and we don't want to cook it through we're only looking for color at this point so we'll give it maybe 30 seconds aside and we can flip there we go that's pretty let's go so first the steak will go down just leave it for a second let's get the creamed spinach look how nice so we'll put some of this in a little ramekin we're little cook hearts as they say hello set that guy down nelson crab for our steak oh that's gonna be crazy and of course our gorgeous bearnaise little fresh ground pepper never hurt anybody look it's like mini Steakhouse day and we should probably try a bite right we do I believe that is what I promise ladies and gentlemen therein lies the benefit of the reverse sear it's perfect what I say top to bottom side to side and end to end the mail bite let's get crap let's get the internees let's get that perfect steak excuse me I just want just another droplet or two mmm-hmm it's one of the greatest combinations ever steak crab bearnaise one of the greatest combinations ever I don't know one bent did it but they should get a knighthood sorry wrong country creamed spinach bacon it's just I mean I don't know how you don't do this we've given you the keys recipes are below well the links to the recipes are below while you're there check out the make America cook again not a political statement where clothing hats whatever leave a comment thanks for hanging out we I got nothing to say I just want to eat okay [Music]
Views: 1,211,043
Rating: 4.9063034 out of 5
Keywords: filet mignon, filet mignon steak, filet mignon steakhouse, steakhouse dinner, filet mignon dinner, perfect filet mignon, filet mignon and Béarnaise sauce, sam the cooking guy steak, steak, perfect steak, sam the cooking guy, cook filet mignon, how to cook filet mignon, steak filet mignon, filet mignon recipe, best filet mignon, how to cook a filet mignon, how to make filet mignon, cooking filet mignon, best steak, bearnaise sauce, creamed spinach, steakhouse creamed spinach
Id: GtqSWqv0hls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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