The Best Fast Food Burger in America | PKA

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and we're live pka if you think i enjoy drinking what are you like if if a fan really wanted to get together with woody i feel like the right move would be like hey let's get together cold stone creamery on me and then we're going and then we're going to the [ __ ] trail mix section of whatever store we're here and you buy whatever you want big loss you just want the one with the m m's the one with the raisins they're all yours [ __ ] we're going to get woody and a bunch of nuts and treats i'm going to pull the handle on the trail mix machine you hold the bag and you tell me when to let go and i'll let go two seconds after that because it's like he [Laughter] he's the guy at the cashew stand with a hefty flex bag attached to it [Laughter] she can't text no more captain she cannot yeah offering to buy woody a beer is like someone saying to me like hey let's hang out i'll take you to sunday mass yeah yeah it's like someone going to me hey you want a salad no it's not like any salads like even the ones that have like tons of chicken in it and stuff oh no i was more just joking like yeah i eat salads with tons of chicken or salmon i didn't realize it i learned post 40 that some salads are actually good meals i thought salads would just lettuce and tomatoes and the other things it all depends if they pile a bunch of meat onto a salad it's not a bad meal yeah it's not bad at all yeah good first day first aid to id healthy uh i was in the middle of uh i was in the middle of nowhere uh delhi new york and uh trying to trying to go to a gig and uh i went to this i went to this restaurant and i asked for i was like let me get a salad and i wasn't happy about it to begin with i was like let me get a salad and it was like some you know chicken salad or whatever and i had to ask him i was like grilled chicken please no bacon and i was like do you have any uh i was like what kind of dressings do you have they're like well we have ranch i'm like do you have any like uh you know olive oil and vinegar or anything they're like well we have light ranch [Laughter] light buttermilk perfect it was uh me asking them me asking them for no dressing i may as well have been like where can i try on my prom dress like the reaction they gave me they couldn't give you hey do you have the ingredients vinegar and oil back there just do that let's do that well that sounds absolutely ridiculous you don't want double thick ranch there's chunks in it [Laughter] i don't like that we have non-bacon ranch we have sausage bacon ranch now i'm trying to eat healthy tonight i'm going to get a salad with a double bacon ranch on it and then triple the bake and then they're frosting reason the reason i i started eating healthy in the first place was i got a fa i got a false positive um for being pre-diabetic like basically borderline diabetic it was just i had a blood sugar spike that day and when i took when i i was getting life insurance when i took the test again it was like oh yeah it was just a blood sugar spike you're fine but for two weeks i was worried that i was pre-diabetic and i was like examining every choice i had or whatever so i i went to this uh so we were there for you know day and a half whatever and then i went to a grocery store and i was curious this is actually where i was like looking at all the cereals and found the all the [ __ ] healthy cereals had more sugar and uh and so i i was talking to the clerk she gave me a weird look because i put like i put a bunch of grapes down i think i bought like i bought like grapes i forget whatever else it was it was just like fresh fruit and she gave me like a weird look and i was like i'm just trying to eat a little healthy she goes yeah yeah you know that's good you know like sometimes when i want to eat healthy you know like i might do like a diet coke and a diet slim fast and i'm just like oh my god everybody here is going to die exactly i get i get those diet cigarettes you know now i'm trying to get the light ones i hear there's fewer calories in the marlborough light and then a full and i also want to be like three hours from new york city how do you have a southern accent where the [ __ ] are you pennsylvania the light cigarettes are better for you are they i mean yeah they taught us in school that people who use the light cigarettes use more does that sound that tie into your life experience no no like but but it's more of a comparison my understanding kyle probably knows more is that like a light cigarette is like low sodium bacon where it's like you're still not consuming something that's good for you you're just consuming a s this much much better version for you well as we all know sodium's not bad for you anyway um if you know what i mean science neither is fat but the uh the light cigarettes have both less nicotine and i think less of uh like the tar and the like the the stuff that you actually don't want because we've gone through this before but like nicotine is not bad for you it's uh yeah the other [ __ ] in there actually why i put the light cigarettes on salad you know nicotine is totally bad for you but carry on ah i don't know i don't believe that nicotine is is bad for you insofar as it's addictive and the usual way to deliver that chemical to you uh being a vasoconstrictor isn't necessarily bad you know it yeah it could actually be it could actually have underlying health heart problems which is another side effect of cigarettes so yeah that that can be bad but for the most part it seems like they're you know i mean anything about anything in moderation is not bad for you the trick is how much of it becomes moderation like sodium you could have a good you could have a decent amount without it being bad for you if you have way too much it becomes bad for you glass hardly any [Laughter] what you're eating yeah that's absolutely true i mean but but you know caffeine is addictive as well i've just been for sure ramping up my sodium intake my entire life so i built a tolerance that's how that works yes it's sugar too that's why i'm not diabetic huh just have more and more [Laughter] perfect points i always tried doing a i tried doing a joke for like a year i kept trying to make this joke work about type 2 diabetes is the only disease that you have that you can just once you have it you can just decide not to have it anymore yeah yeah there are other diseases there are cures for diabetes type 2 obviously type 1 is terrible but type 2 is the type where you get it you can just be like and just change your lifestyle and not have it anymore and there are still people who are just like all right so how do i just take the medicine then and just keep i'm just going to inject every day or can you really talk to someone absolutely yeah like lung cancer i thought once you i'm sorry taylor i thought once you got hippies you kind of had it and it's like oh [ __ ] you broke that seal and now it's broken no not at all you can fix it you are no no what if you you are right in a way there is a level of type 2 that once you break that upper seal you can't go back but i think what steve's saying is like they're more commonly there's a level of type 2 where they're like oh my god like you're eating so much sugar you're so overweight either you lose weight and you eat better or this is your new life yeah i know my grandmother like reversed her diabetes yeah that's common if you catch it early and you start acting immediately you really got to ask yourself how much do i like my foot yeah yeah how important is this almost as much as sugar yeah well i know i hate walking and that's all i use it for i'm a big fan of that's actually where the nickname sugarfoot comes from it's originally triggered good ass barbecue place yeah peggy sugar foots it's delicious piggy sugar foots yeah it's great weird that there are people and i understand like that part of the joke i tried to do was because i would talk about it and immediately you get in trouble because you're you know oh you know you're mocking you're mocking fat people and how dare you and i one of the points i tried to make with it was that everyone has their [ __ ] and your [ __ ] is no more important than anybody else's so like if if your [ __ ] is that you come from a background where you're undereducated um you're you're poor you didn't have the money to eat healthy i get why you got there but you now know that you can get out of it and you're choosing not to like that was the the point and i was trying to use humor to make the point but it was the point that was pissed off it wasn't even the jokes is there anyone in america that's like getting a whopper and blown away that it's bad for them at this point though it's a lot of pros everybody knows you get it you get it without it's really not that much protein look at the i know the ratio the the calories to protein ratio horrific that we like didn't know a lot of that [ __ ] it became so common such common knowledge and were were okay with it the bit that did work that i would do was about how like we changed so much because of 9 11 and yet you know 3 000 people died in 9 11 600 000 people are killed by heart disease and we'll go through airport security and as soon as we give up all those freedoms going through airport security we'll take a left and go into mcdonald's like we we don't give a [ __ ] if we live or die we just don't want to die randomly yeah well that's fair enough like if they were flying heart disease planes into mcdonald's around the country you would see a plummeting of sales they didn't take the towers down with cholesterol all right no i'm going to take them their hpl is too high i haven't had a whopper in so [ __ ] long i don't want one right now not me i don't like that i know what he hates him yeah i get a fixed tower seven with a bypass burger king has like an aftertaste or like a coating or something you like some people that's why that's the best part i love the the the the the taste whatever that is it's that they they flame broil those things i know that that's probably it yeah that like the burger king burgers taste different than any other burger they've got this like smoky kind of taste i love that it's my favorite part they're better than other burgers they're like like of the fast food burgers burger king is one of my favorite ones steve and taylor what's your burger fast food burger and you can't choose five guys that's cheating no you're right there's no drive through if there's no drive through you can't choose that there has to be a drive through okay then in and out okay honestly the one i like the most and they're closing up all over the place are steak and shake like i love a good steak and shake burger especially i usually get a frisco melt just a couple of [ __ ] hard pressed right on that flat grill top and then they douse it in thousand island like a bunch of cheese slices in there oh it's so good i [ __ ] love taylor that is the highest calorie food item on the menu at steak and shake look at my body [Laughter] three of those [ __ ] on a whim yeah bun you if you take if you took the bun of the frisco melt from steak and shake and oh there's some butter there's so much butter it's you can bring it out it's juicy and and that thousand island cheese sauce that they put on there is incredible uh but but even even when you're driving up to a restaurant me anyway if i i pull up to a restaurant called steak and shake which is referring to their 80 [ __ ] milkshakes that they make oh yeah and i look at that and i'm just like i'm just going to get the hot dog i have a dumb question is steak and shake it all related to cookout no they seem the same no they're not a different company um all over the south do you not have steak and chicken yeah yeah really out here and and so i don't know steak and chicken i can't say it's better but cookout sounds the same to me they also have i don't know 30 80 milkshakes like they have an entire board just for the milkshakes and [ __ ] it's next level uh early on when i was on the road and i was still like i still gave a [ __ ] about like kosher somewhat so i wouldn't mix meat and milk my friends used to call that steak or shake it so you can't have cheeseburgers in that world huh well in that world yeah now i don't give a [ __ ] i mean yeah but that's like i also threw away that sheet with a hole in it and now he's eating cheese you can't eat meat and cheese in the same sandwich this is america we need to make kosher eating illegal or at least make them change that rule that's absurd you can here's the thing about that that's not american so the dumbest thing about that rule the reason for that rule every every law that has to do with being kosher comes from being either healthy or being humane the idea of not mixing meat and milk had to do with the fact that people were eating off their own farm often and and the the translation of it is you don't risk stewing a calf in the milk of its mother that was the that was the premise yeah that's dumb but yeah but it's even dumber because then because people were dumb enough to not understand they then outlawed can't have cheese and chicken it's like but that that's not about it that doesn't come from there but then you can have chicken and eggs it's like but that's the same exact [ __ ] thing and like once i was old enough to like really understand that i was like oh [ __ ] this this is still so weird can you not milk a chicken i've milked the chicken right kyle's milk chickens before chicken milk is a thing probably so it's the best milk it's like almond milk but it's a little salty are you sure you didn't jerk off a chicken um first of all you cannot milk a chicken they are birds i've learned from uh the [ __ ] that wait kyle why can't you jerk a rooster off because they don't have penis because it doesn't have a penis because it doesn't [ __ ] it's true i remember this i think we talked about this once oh that was the they do uh it was only a victory for you because of like like usually once people say dumb luck they mean it's hyperbole this is literal dumb luck it's a dumb thing you said and you lucked into it being somehow factually correct no shut up [ __ ] i was right you're like oh yeah i knew about the clue equal kiss the whole time i'm a real big husband and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 20,655
Rating: 4.9124727 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, PKA 501 Steve Hofstetter Stolen Beans, Car Buying Storeis, Rental Cars Mishaps, PKA 501, PKA 501 Clips, PKA 501 Highlights, PKA 501 Steve Hofstetter, Steve Hofstetter PKA, food, fast food, burger king, mcdonalds, wendy's, burger
Id: KSpnSGX0pQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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