The Best & Worst Fast Food Places | PKA

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and we're live watch some old arnold schwarzenegger movies or something there you go christ the barbarian because i'm never going to look half like that he can control his eating there's also a lot of deanna ball and a lot of things that's true this is all natural really body by wendy's yep yeah you can you can get your macros pretty cheap on those dollar for ten nugs uh that would be like a fun you know someone's probably already done this but like uh that 30 days later or whatever that mcdonald's documentary was remember that super simple yeah if they did one like that but it's like a bodybuilder who has to maintain gains on mcdonald's and that's it for like two months and i don't think any of them would agree to it because that's a lot of work to throw down the pisser if you've already worked at that point but that'd be interesting to see how much like some of those bodybuilders like they don't eat clean like they eat very very like they go into fast food restaurants all the time they're just like hey i just eat just to eat really i thought that was like a power lifter thing because you'll see those guys with the guy i thought i've seen like jay cutler and everything like he'll even talk about like he'll go to restaurants and they have like meals named after them and when you see them when you see them bring out one of those meals that's not a clean meal at all that's true but with a body like his how many how many calories is he burning if he had to lay in bed all day four thousand four or five thousand more than probably five thousand or six thousand even like he's so he's got so much muscle and his metabolism is just crazy enhanced and then all of the steroids on top of it that just help it mm-hmm yeah yeah he's killing it he can eat it [ __ ] wants you'd be okay at mcdonald's if you got the grilled chicken though oh that's fair no he had no grilled chicken he's not here for grilled chicken only big macs what would you be there for taylor what would you get at mcdonald's oh i mean if i go i just get like like a double cheeseburger or something nothing that much why what's wrong with that what's [ __ ] wrong with it with a double cheeseburger or a uh a quarter pounder with cheese there you go yeah what's wrong with that the quarter pounder cheese has the best actual patty of anything there the the big mac i don't want no red that's not so much bread dude no no all i get are big macs and i'm always disappointed that barely ever actually if i go to mcdonald's it's for breakfast all i care about them all i don't have i mean i've had like three in the last five years but that's all i would order i love them i love the big mac i like the crunch of the pickles and the onions i like the special sauce special sauce big macs are [ __ ] delicious i do not i i've only eaten one quarter pounder for mcdonald's in my entire [ __ ] life it is a shitty grade of beef and that's saying something because i'm comparing it to the beef they put on a big mac um do you think these are chicken arms they're bringing in the cows from it's a different oh my god we almost let a cow into the one this needs to be in the quarterback look at him he thinks he's a kangaroo the chicken sandwiches there are pretty good like not the make chicken but like the buttermilk chicken sandwich that's pretty decent that's right but but i don't like mcdonald's in general their fries are their best thing if they're if i was if they're hot i don't get cold fries from anywhere but um you know if i'm gonna eat fast food it's probably gonna be uh you hate you hate burger king but i actually like those flame broiled whoppers i think those are absolutely [ __ ] tasty no that's the only redeemable thing about burger king the whopper absolutely blows away the big mac but everything else about burger king is trash it's me yeah like burger king yeah their meat is not my cup of tea yeah you don't like that smoky taste but it's to me it's the best part of it and uh i like their pickles too i don't know they're [ __ ] good um wendy's i only get the chicken sandwich if i go there spicy chicken sandwich always a spicy chicken sandwich nothing else yeah i pony up the extra 10 cents what about five guys oh that's easy you just get the [ __ ] cheeseburger and fry and cajun fries small fry by the way though small yeah [Laughter] it's great i don't even i don't even feel like five guys belongs in the same conversation no it's not fast food it's not fast food fast food the same way like chipotle is fast food like they're on a different you're a level above of fast food everybody knows chick-fil-a is the best everyone knows i'm i'm having a hard time disagreeing uh i like taco bell if i'm [ __ ] stoned but like i can't even talk about sober like that that's just craziness it's cool yeah that you have to be stoned i don't know we don't have cook out here oh cookout's really [ __ ] good but like it it's a whole experience i just like how they do their combos you know it's like everywhere else is like oh it's burger fries or chicken sandwich and fries there they're like what kind of quesadilla you want with that you're like wait what yeah it comes with a quesadilla an apple pie and an empanada yes and i don't i don't eat a lot of milkshakes i swear i don't but for some reason at cookout that is the normal drink like there's like a little mention of coke on the menu and then 80 or 90 milkshake flavors like like that's what obviously you're supposed to be doing here so i usually get a mint chocolate chip or something but isn't that the best when you go into like a place like that like a culver's or whatever where you want the milkshake but you feel like a fat ass you don't want to order it but then they have to the employees have to ask would you like to add a shake and you're like if you're going to twist my arm no just bring out the entire gallon robin i think i have a knack for sales they don't even ask if you want the milkshake what size milkshake would you like yeah right no do you have one of those home depot buckets or even a bag canadian they drink their milk out of bags and it is [ __ ] weird and they'll pretend that it's not but it is it is no other countries drink that milk out of bags as far as i know i've never checked i don't know either yeah we've got the best milk here but a lot of places that are regional are just super overrated um whataburger is so overrated like everybody in texas actually freaks out people think jesus is in and out's also overrated yeah now in and out and experience though go on so to me like i like coming from i'm from michigan right okay so when i joined the marine corps i went out to california and 13 weeks of boot camp all the dudes from california were like hey look like you have to go to in-n-out and i'm like what's in and out they're like it's kind of like a fast food place but it's not so i was like all right cool so when i went to in-n-out like it was the whole presentation like that they make the burger right there in front of you there they put the potato on the thing they pop it through to make all your french fries you know the animal style like that was all like something that was just like it was really cool to see it come together so like when i first ate it i was like man this is this is definitely the best thing i've ever had at a fast food restaurant but then the second one i was like yeah yeah i've only i've had it maybe once or twice uh and i wasn't blown away by it my my friend uh midi that i play a lot of games with he's from minnesota and uh he's out waiting he's out in sacramento right now uh staying with chizz for for a couple of months and they they had in and out for the first time she has introduced him to it and he's like this is garbage and jesus is like no it's not it's the best what about the fries he's like you can't just put sauce on bad fries and make them good they're bad fries you just now they're just wet bad fries covered in sauce it's like they're still bad [ __ ] fries live guys blows in and out out of the water you talked about the in-n-out experience you know what experience is too much for me my local cold stone like the [ __ ] is happening with there there's all these like i don't wanna you are you bar what preacher the choir what he's about to be racist all right go keep going no they're i'm trying to paint the picture without being an [ __ ] but i'll just say it soy boys working at coldstone okay and one of them starts singing zippity-doo-dah as he's working the ice cream on that cold stone with this different like slicing apparatus and then the whole like not the store but all the staff jumps in and sings zippity-doo-dah together synchronized and i'm like this is [ __ ] over the top i like my my estrogen's spiking here i lost my appetite are you sure sir it is terrible when they when you walk into any kind of establishment and they really they just don't want you to purchase their goods and services they want you to be part of the gang and it's like no don't make me sing don't fur don't sing at me and also don't i you know you don't pay attention at coldstone when they're doing their little scoop like grab the ice cream slap it on there throw some reese's in there and they start scooping around you know i always would look away who cares and i assume they're doing some sort of well just like look at other people in line people watching don't really care but like i assume they're doing some sort of ice cream magic some hibachi restaurant style thing one time i actually watched him and i was like you just you're just moving the ice cream back and forth first in the same area and you're slapping them around like your suzuki yamaguchi then it has a purpose right if you're like hey i would like chopped up snickers bars or something then they just start working that in the ice cream so but i guess if you get plain ice cream it's just a show yeah you know what they should do is anybody who puts gummy bears in their ice cream should be sent to re-education camps what the [ __ ] that about who wants gummy worms in their [ __ ] rocky roads people that go to cold stone i guess people that aspire to work there put gummy bear put gummy bears in their ice cream you got gummy bears they got a bunch of [ __ ] there you can tell that the bad ones have been sitting in there forever i never i never go to those ice cream places but like like years ago i went to one of those like frozen yogurt places where you do everything yourself and then you weigh your final product i like that a lot better because then i don't have to that's nice you can go like expensive it's a little expensive it's like eight dollars a pint or something like that but you know you can go over there and like get all the oreos you want or whatever the [ __ ] you actually want you're at your eyes i'm not being judged though right that's the problem if you say woody you can have any ingredient you want go bonkers i put together like you know what i like chocolate sauce and marshmallow sauce and they have caramel here and a little more chocolate and marshmallows are good as well as gummies and nuts and maraschino cherries and this that and i end up with this like slop that a pig would turn his nose at and i think this is going to be this great like concoction that's never been conceived you're gonna call this the woody after i leave sorry uh you forgot the yogurt take a picture so we can recreate this and then i eat it and it actually you know banana splits are are timeless for a reason yeah better than more than any ice cream i would just rather eat an entire tube of cookie dough oh 100 yeah it's so much worse for it well yeah yeah it is but it's i don't even know i don't know we're stack breaking cookie dough against ice cream this is like clash of the titans here neither these are good foods there's an easy answer your cookie dough ice cream that well that's the best kind of ice cream that's the only kind i ever get but i'd still rather just eat hunks of cookie dough out of like one of those giant things they have the places now that you can go eat uh cookie dough like it's like an ice cream parlor but it's just cookie dough yeah why would you tell me that you're sabotaging me this is your fault taylor starts typing if we go parlor st louis the nearest one where's the nearest one to me where i'm gonna eat cookie dough at a bar somebody bought cookie dough ice cream on reddit got all the cookie dough out of it and made the worst cookie ever yeah that's not good cookie dough in there no oh my god half baked cookie dough this is all right bookmark google maps starred put it in my gps tomorrow no that looks pretty great though that's whatever whenever i have a 24 joint i'm sorry whenever i got out of prison one of the one one of the things i really wanted was ice cream because they did they had ice cream in prison honestly but i didn't eat it and it was like cheap like you know nice ice yeah it was cheap ice cream and uh i made maple walnut that was so [ __ ] good because i like i made it myself with like real maple syrup and real you know making walnuts yeah we do too we haven't used it in a couple years yeah i haven't i just used it that one time to make the the [ __ ] maple walnut ice cream what was the uh meal that you were hungry for when you got fajitas fajitas yeah i want fajitas yeah i i don't know i i like fajitas a lot you know there's a lot going on with fajitas yeah yeah there's a lot of stuff that's part about fajitas if you order it at a restaurant everyone else wishes they got fajitas they did yeah everyone like look at that sizzling goes by the table smelling so good uh-huh nate did you have a meal you were thirsting for man i really wanted a pizza pizza i feel you there just a ton of food and it's basic wait was that weird how do you feel about pineapple and pizza nate i love pineapple on pizza christ hey i recently just just switched it up though so i do pineapple and pepperoni isn't that the normal one though oh pepperoni instead of the ham pineapple and ham is the way i i've always had it my entire life and occasionally i'll get bacon put on it you know but i just switched it up you know people dog on pineapple pizza but it's nice to put a little sweet in there yeah no i want all savory almost i'm fine with it i just i would just never order it like like i i only eat pineapple on pizza if i'm at something where like someone's ordered a dozen different kinds of pizza and it's just there to have a slice of but i would never order a whole pie of just a pineapple and anything well it's a good way to make sure that there's pizza left after the first second third no one's gonna be pilfering the pepperoni and or the ham and pineapple pizza i don't really like regular pizza anyway like i like that deep dish chicago stuff yeah but that's lasagna sure all right then well i like lasagna i love lasagna too call it what it is stop trying to trick me all right here's your pizza and here's a fork and knife no no no no no no no what is that uh deep dish chicago deep dish uh pizza place like giovanni's or something giovanni's and illuminati's are yeah your favorite ones yeah i went there one time man i was so like i love pizza i was so upset by that that's not pizza does it take hours to cook this is like a scheduling involvement you can't just show up and order it am i crazy we showed up in order oh it took like 45 minutes to get pizza i mean it takes a while it's not like a like you know thin crust pizza can if you've got a brick oven is literally like an hour it's like eight i don't know five minutes eight minutes something like that the thing that we had to be baked when me you and joe went and uh didn't i think we had an issue with the bartender an issue with the bartender yeah i think i think he didn't bring woody's root beer fast enough for something he's making this karen ah no i'm not trying to it may have been me that had the problem i'm not trying to i do remember the root beer thing you're talking about and it wasn't giovanni's it was uh i think it was a place that sold lots of like odd food like they had moose or something like that and uh oh the deal was i guess i ordered a root beer but it took over like 20 or 30 minutes to get there because other people ordered alcohol and they had to have an actual bartender serve that but they held up my rupert for like 30 minutes or so it was pretty long that would piss me off too and be like hey you know you can see the root beer tap i can do it give me the cup like it's right there [Music] and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 23,408
Rating: 4.8972602 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, PKA 502 - Nate Burrell Of 60 Days In - Blade's Rotten Teeth, High School Stories, PKA 502, PKA 502 Clips, PKA 502 Highlights, 60 Days In, PKA 60 Days In, PKA Prison, Prison, food, fast food, mcdonalds, wendy's, burger king, fries
Id: 203ITzOdnkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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