Plastic Surgery and Hot Girl Privelege | PKA

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what's your watch cam girls I don't think any of that stuff's interesting I just watched a straight-up porn I don't actually even follow any porn stars just look at the thumbnail and just click on it you know what I mean like I think Fay Regan fan myself yeah I've never understood the following of an individual person either the exploration here is that it's just something new every time where it's just like there's so much stimulus don't even know what to do like I guess that's what happened to me I used to agree with you but but reddit has this this this way of letting the cream rise to the top right and time and time again you start to see familiar faces you start to see that there are a few porn stars who are just the best of the best they're gonna alexis texas fay reagan like these porn stars are really gonna rise to the top and they're gonna appear on lots of these aggregated subreddits and and and and even with and then they're gonna rise to the top and so I didn't use to have any favorite porn stars but I just do now scuzz because I just see so much Remy Lacroix hey Reagan and and the like on on reddit you know just always find the best of the best well this is kind of mulching over the same place over know what it is for me is it's usually a porn star that's really really hot like I've said this before that like I think this girl is beautiful but you know I walked through UNC's campus and I see 12 of them every so often there's a porn star where it's like oh my god like that's whatever my particular version of like you don't see this but only if you let yourself fall into that trap because go down to the [ __ ] like stream settings crank that [ __ ] up to 1080 and then tell me because then you're like oh my god yet that that's a human being that's person that's know see that's when you do see the difference you [ __ ] crank that [ __ ] up to 4k you go to Naughty America and you find the [ __ ] that look good in 4k those are just an those are another there's human beings and then there's no gir those girls though they're just a level of perfection that you don't normally see dude I mean maybe some guys probably not we were touring knowledge housing last weekend right so hope and I are walking around and there's like a tour guide who like shows you the model rooms and whatever and we went down to the fitness center there's a couple guys work it out or whatever but then there's this girl on the this is like a standing elliptical machine or something and she's yeah she's working out hard and she's an eleven like she's just ridiculous hot and she's wearing I guess not panties but like boy shorts almost yeah yeah like just one step away from panties and a bra and she's working out on this thing and there's like long strides he was like edging us in this tour group you know like a bunch of parents and incoming freshmen in college students yeah and I'm looking around well it's like we all just get up pretend there's not a [ __ ] 11 right here like yeah yeah everyone's just like oh yeah you're the free weights here's this this is yo this today if you went to the other building the fitness center would vary in this way and it's like if you were to walk any other room in this entire campus they'd be like you need to get out like we need to go redress this thing were these students and parents choosing whether they're gonna go to UNC this was for people who've been accepted to you in oh I was gonna say cuz otherwise like maybe she's an aunt like like maybe at that group what leaves the room I got a 45 year old white guy walks ever peels off three hundred of hands it to her and he's like thank you so much to these admissions are up eight hundred percent all everybody's like all these these like new up-and-coming female youtubers that are like super hot and they just get like big just because they have huge tits and a big ass it's just like it's so great because every time you go to a youtuber party now there's like all these hot chicks that are like way over like tens like there's some of the hottest like I never saw those those girls my high school or my college like so [ __ ] hot and they're all in like these youtuber parties now they're just like normal people at these youtuber parties like nobody even talked [ __ ] on that like no one's even angry with you talk [ __ ] if it was twitch like they would they would just talk about her constantly all the only reason she's popular is this and that dude no one cares now like all these youtubers are just I spent the weekend like a couple weeks ago in LA with like a bunch of these female youtubers and these girls all like easily tens and stuff and it's just like just seeing the amount of attention that girls get actually it really ruins your confidence like after that weekend I hated my life because like literally like every single person that came up to them with just complimenting them constantly just throwing compliments I'm like god damn like I wish I was a hot chick like literally no matter what but I know that the underlying factor is that everyone wants to [ __ ] them so I understand that it's like okay well it does kind of stuff because in reality the reason why they're getting these compliments is because they're hot you know yeah but if you're like with them somewhere and like you're talking and then that you walk over you say hi to someone else it's almost interesting to get a you know through the looking-glass peak exactly friendly the world is if you're if I walk up to someone in a party anywhere they're never like even if it's an old friend from my grad school they're never like oh my god like just doing stuff like that but like some hot chick and they'll be like oh my god I haven't seen you for six seven minutes like Mike I know and it really ruins your confidence because I was I was I stayed with them like for the whole weekend and just that whole time just sucked because are we lost his audio first thing did you guys lose his audio too yes so like I went to one of these like youtuber events with like a bunch of fans and stuff and like this girl had like one-third my subscribers but everyone wanted to get pictures of their and I realized no one want to get autographs murder they all want to get autographs from like me and stuff but they just wanted to get pictures of their like it was so funny but there was more people that went up to her than me and it's like I just I was so intrigued like if she had way less subscribers than me but it's like people who just [ __ ] love hot chicks so I did this and was worse because they were guys so I went to this thing in New York longtime listeners of her parts of this but um the other people who went on stage to this thing was called like digit or or something they were all like aspiring Justin Bieber's and if you've never been around like a young pop star it's easy to underestimate just how well put together they are like they're extra long sideburns are just so perfectly done every blue hairs is dyed and put in place just as it should be I saw them back in the green room like there was a hallway to the green room and it was narrow like the hallway and they're climbing around and [ __ ] like spider-man I can't do that thinking and I'm I'm wait I'm dressed like someone ready to mow the yard and they go onstage and thousands of girls just start screaming like shrill like like ridiculous stuff and it's just like man like I'll never have that kids like Molly there's just one kid I don't actually I don't think I want to say is now unless there any drama but we went to Vegas two months ago and like what this one penthouse party from this one kid he's like friends with camera Dallas like he's one of those guys all right and that like you know kind of teen he pops door kind of thing like you know Jacob sartorius Cameron Dallas and stuff and and dude all like he was so awkward in front of all the girls like he didn't want to talk then he was just constantly on his phone and stuff and it was just like I was the only one talking to all these like there's so many hot chicks they brought there and it was like none of them even knew how to talk then it was actually really awkward and it was probably one of the worst part is ever been to bodyguards to help them get through this sea of women who would like grab their clothes and stuff and it was just like I don't really need that I'm able to walk freely amongst these yeah like have my security go in as like a hidden flanking maneuver behind the girls and push them into well like like if you just had girls like coming up to you everywhere like if you're cameron dallas figure you start taking that for granted and like you just wouldn't give a [ __ ] anymore you know the whole like you were saying like they people give in twitch streamers [ __ ] like oh people are you're only doing this because you're hot if you ugly nobody would care you wouldn't be able to do this like I the only reason to like really hate that or dislike it is just cuz you're jelly you know like it's just someone who drew laying the hand they're dealt it's a good I dislike lots of people who I'm jealous of it's very natural but it's it's like being like God you know what if Shaq was six foot one instead of seven foot one he never would have played in the NBA it's like yeah no [ __ ] because that guy at six one wouldn't be the powerhouse he was at seven one he'd be hey this slow kind of tubby guy really isn't putting up the shots we need him to no no get out of here you know go be a plumber but you gotta play the hand you're dealt honestly I think that like if you're like an ugly chick it's more like because you focus more on maybe school or something else because I feel like most girls with enough makeup and enough plastic surgery oh yeah I just got my butt done last week and like they're all talking about how and I'm just like damn like and they should we a good part we're losing audio on yeah what are they showing you right let's make it we need to know what the way they robbed their little boy shorts and where are the pictures I bet he has pictures or video no piece that'll be some limit she'll send us after the show I don't film real I hear come the links down that's better is it [ __ ] on yeah okay yeah what are you doing a webcam nook or something I mean a [ __ ] blue snowball right now I don't use a blue snowball I used that when I was like you [ __ ] modern warfare 2 comma theories but like you know I have a Norman TLM 103 but it's in the other room because this is my studio where I'd like make videos and stuff so don't want to take it and put it in here that pissed me out there you guys did my [ __ ] how was it that Norman tml annoy men no I'm in seola TLM 103 it's one of the ones that PewDiePie used to use it's like a it's like 1.1 K I think market value yeah but uh I forgot was gonna say oh you were they were thinking they're getting their butts done and they were showing you oh yes yes oh they're just yes they're just talking about like they sir show me pictures of them before they had all this plastic surgery like only two years ago and they literally look like completely different people like you couldn't show if you show me picture them and you show me that my be like that's not you like that's your ugly sister or something like that you know what I mean like honestly it's crazy how much lipo or something because dude like it's they all told me they all got light though like all these girls were like a ton of weight beforehand and they all just got lipo and they're all super skinny now and I'm going to do it Bruce Buffer dude we got it real quick we got it we gotta talk scare us off this ledge of life of I make so much money I don't even need it and I'm a young guy and I'm just gonna [ __ ] get lipo cuz you know I want to keep eating like when you're sleeping in like the same bed with a bunch of girls for a weekend that all had plastic surgery you start you start kind of wanting it did like they're they they kind of convinced me to get a nose job I'm like [ __ ] you know what that sounds like a great idea by the end of it yeah obviously now I'm like wow I feel like a [ __ ] idiot I probably was really high when they were saying that or something but dude do it it report back let's have you on the show for like episode 520 India coming on my video with a [ __ ] up nose and I just paid like a couple thousand dollars for they I would never do that you'd get lipo I'd want to have you back on to talk about it because I've only seen the videos of it where it's assumed that after you get it done there's a lot of soreness like that to stick under your skin I always imagined that be a lot more gentle of getting the fat out trying not to puncture you they are in and out so fast I you always think that you can see the tip going right up against the skin almost like it's gonna disappear yeah and and and my friend was telling me she's like oh yeah it was a little bit of pain I'm like okay how much pain did you have and how long was it for she's like oh yeah it took about you know eight nine months for the pain to really stop like Fairley was super tender for like nine months where did she get the lipo I don't know she I mean she's good yeah that could be different too right like like she might be like you know what both sides of my hips and I've got this little bit of a pooch in my belly and have that room yeah she I mean she wasn't that fat great right just like a little bit you're just like where is like I don't know if I were to go in there and be like you know what like just shrink the whole thing down by like 15 bring that on back it's a good question I just could have one plastic surgery done for free and it's not you can't say you don't you you you won't do it you have to take one what would it be uh what this button Brett's what I want I feel like so I love this yeah yeah yeah so most of my life I spent sitting anyway I figured let's just add our ice-t's and a cushion to this model right like I feel like it hurt yeah I'm imagining a flooding plan seems like afterwards that recovery it's the worst ever because you're not people to say you're gonna have to stand everywhere have you seen those videos of these girls going through those recoveries but they have to sit on like a [ __ ] like like raw nut yeah or something something like that I don't know but they have to sit on something like special and it's like when you're in public it's like you can't sit down without having that under your butt so like you're gonna have to if you go on like a bus or something and I put that under your butt you look like a [ __ ] weirdo dude for my kids cheeks have you seen those when they get accidentally flipped and it like almost becomes angular on the outside of the skin like when the whole implant like the rounded part right side and it's like a yeah let's I wouldn't want that Taylor what surgery would you get oh man well my nose is perfect so I couldn't do that maybe like a skull and small mint [Laughter] up your skull give it a little make a little tighter thing is that with you yeah I have to make it longer though but I can't just make it go away so they've got to squeeze it from the sides and make it longer stupid ooh I would do selective deboning done a lot of research trip across your whole head we have one eyebrow scared she go next what would you get oh yes so well I have a deviated septum on my nose like this side of my face looks [ __ ] horrible cuz it's like all crooked this out of my face looks fine so it's like I would just get that bump removed get the get the deviance cuz I actually went I did a checkup and I actually went to a plastic surgery and he gave me a consultation so this was a couple months ago I haven't told anyone about this is pretty embarrassing as a dude we won't tell but I want this consultation and I guess this I mean honestly most Plastic Surgeons are [ __ ] hustlers dude because this dude the whole time he's like oh I can actually and I can get you lipo and I could get you this I can get you that oh yeah just the second no mature of your face yeah exactly and and apparently he was like the best guy in New York or something like I don't know I and he um and he was telling me he could actually I guess get my deviated septum fixed at the same time as getting me a nose job and it would literally be the same recovery process so and most people actually do that so I was thinking why don't I don't even breathe that well I breathe pretty badly because this deviated septum sucks no it's probably a really quick how long is the recovery process like six month or two months well 10 days until you take the bandages off and then it's gonna be tender for a couple months but yeah I was younger I got like a horrible deviated septum fixed which someone on the pka read it this is like months ago they were like hey you know Taylor has a giant head he's talked about getting his deviated septum fixed turns out sometimes that can cause head lateral growth or something and I was like that makes me feel really awful but it's pretty funny but who knows if that's true or not but I it was so bad for me that as a kid my head that my neuro my my deviated septum was that like my dad stopped chewing with your mouth open it's disgusting and I was like how is everyone else around me every other human on the planet able to chew food and breathe at the same time because I was always like next and I was like oh oh all these smug [ __ ] like and eaten [ __ ] up that's why but uh when I was in there my mom just said a bump on my nose like more of like not as straight nose at the time and my mom was just like hey while you're in there just go ahead blow that out take the care of that and the guy was like all right whatever y'all fix this set and now even even now dude you're convincing me right now taken care of like the breathing difference you'll find do you still feel like gifted almost yeah like like when I sleep I like with my mouth open because if I if I have my mouth closed it's like sometimes I have those those weird things where I just like wake up and I'm like like that doesn't happen to anyone else I thought that happened to everyone when I was younger I thought that was just a normal thing like I thought you just start hyperventilating while you're trying to sleep that's gonna happen yeah when I was younger like my lips would always be so [ __ ] dry and cracked cuz I was breathing through my mouth every night and like you're saying I'd wake up sometimes to try cracked lips just like you know silly me fell asleep with my mouth closed how are these the rest of these people figuring this out but uh yeah it's so you don't realize what in the nose is until you get yours working properly and you're like that there's a reason good lord put these here too my list is so much long to look down I first of all the whole sleeping thing I have that now it still sucks I keep like chapstick in water by the bed so I can like just fix this stuff throughout the night something else well it's the whole snoring mouth open nose like it's a [ __ ] mess oh yes the fact I've been going to like sleep studies and [ __ ] to get this like resolved and my sleep apnea apparently is very severe people look every doctor that looks at my stuff is like whoa wow like yeah you know this is really bad yeah we could actually get really what do you guys 18 20 times a night my blood oxygen level drops to 68 that's like a [ __ ] guy on the side of Everest like 18,000 feet up baby see it like everything like you don't look like somebody with sleep apnea like this because most people who have sleep apnea at my level are way big right but or dead or dead yet so uh so I've got that going on that's awesome and and like you said like the dry lips the dead dry mouth cracked it that's it's just something that I like this is life for me but throughout time like I've wanted to get the nose fixed yeah used to really not like my nose I thought it was my worst feature but now it's like you know if it's just kind of [ __ ] own a proud nose I think your face looks right at the camera no yeah right if I turn sideways the profile from my like chin to my throat I don't like very much and so that's a surgery you could do it just like a whole body lipo there's a bunch I gotta take it into the shop I wish I could like go in stasis for six months where I could like take my body into the shop haven't fix it all up be like you know what I've let a few things accumulate if I could fix this and then I'll come out but really one of the big drawbacks is well there's a little risk I guess but it's mostly the pain I don't want to be in pain for like six months to get [ __ ] dealt with people have had lipo say it's better to starve yeah yeah there's no way I'd do lipo i I think that lipo is a lipo doesn't make any sense for especially for us hypo might make more sense like it well let's say there's a girl it's all targeted though you know like cuz you know area go for it but the problem is like it's not like a [ __ ] sniper it's like we're gonna [ __ ] up just this area of your body okay if you see those like they actually stick these huge and he doesn't even they start like sucking out all the fat it just looks like it must really [ __ ] up you're like something I don't know just depends what you're going for but you can achieve most of those results you know by running I think what you need to do before you do life but I don't mean you you I mean anyone who's like us like you scare slate like before you would do that is like oh I've actually been losing weight recently like and I took I take you Kyle I take your advice so much like actually all of you guys cuz all you guys are so harsh no no well I still eat I still eat fast food but it's good in moderation and like really really small portions like I have like a cheeseburger maybe once a week or something
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 50,534
Rating: 4.9577093 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 324 w/Scarce - Scarce does Coke, Handicap Handies, Trans Wrestler, scarce, youtube drama, PKA 324, PKA 324 Clips, PKA 324 Highlights, surgery, health, plastic surgery, model, models, instagram models, hot girl, girl, girls, women
Id: NZtzAvvtJ64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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