How to make The BEST Enchiladas Rojas | Views on the road Enchiladas

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hello and welcome to the views club I'm about to show you how I make my family's delicious super easy and Chile's they are really easy let me show you what they look like tada these just came out of the oven they are chicken enchiladas and I also made cheese so keep watching if you want to learn how to make these enchiladas okay before I continue with the recipe I'll have the time one of the recipe starts somewhere right here and I just want to share with you guys that the chilli powder that I do use on here I do not own it like through some comments in there there was a little confusion I do not own that company I'm just a huge fan and I support small companies with great products and this chili powder has definitely transformed the way that I cook so I wanted to share that with you guys also if you guys use this chili make sure that you don't burn it when you get to the oil process because that's gonna make either it's burning it's done and it's not gonna work or you're gonna get a bitter style of sauce if your sauce tastes bitter that means that you did something wrong through the process if you don't get it done right the first time I really suggest you try it again until you just get it right because this is gonna be key for you guys to cook quick and easy and delicious food for your family also you guys I am NOT a trained chef I learned how to cook by watching my mother by watching people on Food Network reading recipes and I really do enjoy cooking at home and if this recipe doesn't turn out for you I'd say give it another try and if it doesn't work at that point do what I do I move it along so thank you guys so much for joining me for this recipe now let me go ahead and show you how I make the enchiladas for my family and it's gonna be step-by-step exactly how I make it you're more than welcome to incorporate whatever ingredients you like whether it's garlic oregano cumin and make it comfortable for your home so let me show you okay what you're gonna do first is you're gonna use about three to four tablespoons three or four tablespoons of oil do you want to put your pen on a very low heat this is a very important part in this sauce it is very important because if you burned this your sauce is over so we got to keep low heat to cook the chili all right so I have the chili powder that I use is the Santa Cruz chili powder and company and I really like this one so I'm gonna start off with half a cup of chili powder and this part you need to practice and move it along quickly the reason I like this chili powder is because I notice a lot of Americanized recipes they add flour and other things in here and that's not necessary with this kind of chili you got to make sure that it cooks cooks doesn't burn okay if your chili is a little bit dry everywhere then you might need to add a little bit of oil just make sure you saturate it enough and if you don't want to use oil you don't have to just toast it a little bit on a very low heat if you don't cook this chili proper you're gonna get a bitter taste and there's nothing that's gonna take that bitter taste away Oh third is starting to smell good smells like nice chili for my linking I'm gonna add a little bit more oil those another tablespoon of oil because when you're hot when you can see the oil in here you can kind of see it bubbling and that's how you know if it's cooking or not hey sweetheart you're gonna say hi what's up hi good Azimut you work out yeah okay you were jogging Wow okay boys just keep it off I can finish this recipe okay so that took about a minute or so depending on the heat of your pan just remember don't burn it what you're gonna do here now is you're gonna add about let me see how many cups of water variety okay so that's about three cups of water and bring it to a medium heat make sure you don't have any chili crumbled up now make sure it's very well diluted in all of it I like a thick enchilada sauce so that's why I really like this chili powder once your chili comes to a boil that's when you're gonna add half a can of tomato sauce the Hun's tomato sauce is what makes this combination taste good if you don't have it you can make it but i really suggest paint a few extra cents for this for this hon sauce so pay the extra cents and try it with this one it's gonna make the difference in your enchilada sauce so go ahead and add half of that you guys already know my Holy Grail the Knorr chicken bouillon and then add it accordingly to your taste buds if you eat it a little bit saltier go ahead and add that this is just my easy go-to recipe if you have fresh chicken broth go ahead and add that but you're also gonna need a little bit of this to achieve the flavor which I have chicken broth but I'm saving that for some other soup recipe so this is how I make it put it in a medium low heat and make sure to come in and stir it so it doesn't stick at the bottom I'm gonna repeat this guys you don't need flour for this recipe no flour you guys know I always say make it comfortable for your home because that's exactly what you need to do make it comfortable for your home if it doesn't turn out and you guys don't like it and you use different ingredients and I did that's probably it you guys want to try these ingredients all everything will be in the description below so I'm gonna put this in a low heat I'm gonna let it cook a little bit longer and I'm gonna show you the next step I'm making mine Chile's at a chicken what I put in here is three chicken breasts I filled it to cover the chicken with water I put a little bit of salt and half of an onion and that's all I did and I boiled it for I think it cooked for about 3045 minutes at a medium low heat all right I've taken most I'm still taking off the bones off my chicken I took them all off and you just kind of shred it like this because once you boil it for at least 45 minutes it's just falls apart the longer you boil it the softer it gets one tip is as soon as you make your chicken and you're gonna use it to be have shredded chicken like this like this is where you want to do it when it's really hot and steamy because that way you don't have to worry about it getting tough and it's just soft do you see that okay so I have the shredded chicken to that shredded chicken this is what I'm gonna filled enchiladas with I chopped about half of an onion really fine yeah you guys didn't need to see me cry so just pour that in there if you don't like onions keep it out if you want extra seat to the season your chicken a little bit extra just sprinkle some garlic powder you can also keep it out my chicken is already salty enough from what I boiled it and mix it around and that's all you need what's up peace hey that's it that's what you say every time but no how are you guys doing you guys man missed you guys hope you guys enjoy this recipe Kannamma tears oh yeah let's get back to cooking so you want to warm them up here just enough to soften them kind of like flimsy like this cuz even though they are soft and you fold them they're gonna crack so these right here won't crack so I'm gonna do this for all my throat Diaz if you make this with real our talk to us it's gonna get mushy if you like that go for it you guys know I don't like discouraging you from the kitchen and I'm I like to mess around in the kitchen and try different things so I'll be the first one that encourages you to get wild and then just keep it going okay when you turn this off you're gonna get a little bit of a crust on the top do not worry just come and scrape the plate mix it around it's not gonna harm you I promise just mix it around so let me see you buddy good good that's runny yet dick that's where you want to keep it up okay so what you're gonna do now is you're gonna get your tortilla you're gonna dip it in you're scared to do - you're too dirty your hands use a utensil of sorts all right yeah I'm sorry my mouth is watering right now okay so make sure you dip it really good and then bring it over here let's do it again this sauce does stain it is it does it's just naturally this red I do not own the company I repeat I do not own this company I'm just a fan of their product okay let's go over here so I can show you the next steps before you begin making your enchiladas make sure that your oven is preheated at 380 degrees okay so with this chili sauce you have there you want to put some in the bottom of your baking dish I use this glass one for so many things that I kind of just use this one but use whatever baking dish you have I don't want you guys to stress that you can't make it just because you don't have the exact dish you can put it in there make sure that it's a steep one so it doesn't drip over do not use a baking a baking sheet that's not gonna work so that's how we have that set up you're gonna add some cheese add as much cheese as you want how'd your chicken roll it up like this place it right there this is a cheese that I use from Costco it's a Mexican blend but you can use cheddar you can use whatever cheese's you like I really like this blend actually it's a staple in our family just roll up when I warm up the tortillas my tortillas don't crack thinking great because my older son if he sees it that it's broken he'd be like I don't wanna eat it like tacos I break the half-shell then he doesn't want to eat it has to be done a particular way [Music] I think that this sauce you should be able to freeze it and take it out when you need it as long as you don't have onion in there I think you should be okay because I know onion tends to spoil [Music] [Music] I actually really like how my hands turn red when I do this like getting my hands really in there I really enjoy that so for those reasons yes when I cook my tea I wash my hands often [Music] [Music] I have a little bit left over so what I'm gonna do with this one I'm just gonna sprinkle it over the top like this because I just don't want it to go to waste and if I put it away I probably won't end up using it so I just put it on here so now what you guys are gonna do you're gonna pour the rest of your chilli sauce over the top of your enchiladas that's why you need to kind of calculate how many enchiladas you're you're making so that you have enough sauce cuz you're gonna need it all looking at this I wish I would have done more sauce but I don't have it I can make some more real quick you saw how easy that was which is what I have to do because I got this cheese one to do all right I'm back with some more sauce so go ahead and pour it on here all the adjustments that I do on here I'm gonna make sure I put in the description area for you guys so make sure to check that part out so just go ahead and spread it over like that I guess this is the Mexican like lasagna right that's what it does it ends up being okay so when you're done with this you want to add you can leave it out but this is how I make it add some cheese to the top like this you know this sauce taste is very much like chili it's not a tomato based sauce completely it they're enchiladas enchilada means were like it's really spicy you know but these aren't spicy you know put foil over it okay now we're gonna put it in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes so we're gonna come and check this again in about 20 minutes guys it's been in here for 20 minutes so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this foil off right there that's what we got right now I'm gonna put it in for the next 10 minutes on its own and then we're gonna come and check to make sure that it is solid all right we're gonna come and check this in about 10 minutes okay guys I'm gonna show you how I eat my enchiladas once they're made because I'm gonna be doing a mukbang with these and also feeding my family so I'm just gonna show you one one right here so we have something like that like no joke shout out to food for welcoming to me to their family I'll show you guys at the end if you guys are interested too interested to see what they sent me they are so sweet so I'm gonna use some of this Kissel I chose this is gas open vanilla it's a little bit tougher than the queso fresco but I'm trying something different for my kids see if they're interested hold on where am I so I'm gonna put a little bit of lettuce right here and then you put your onions my kids like this Daisy sour cream I like it normally but for my enchiladas I really like that I'm a crema fresca which just looks like this just drizzle it over the top oh yeah and then if you want you can use the other cheese that we put in the top that we put inside put it over the top or you can use Kissel for this score or this guess we'll find a lie that I'm trying out with the intial of us today all right I have a taker here that's gonna taste this he's actually been like roaming over here to try it and see what he can cut and I he brought his shirt because I know you guys were getting offended by it I've been drooling over this fall they says you started how they came out today cuz you don't like it sometimes depends on what mood you're in in your cooking like that's what you're putting into your food so that feels nice doesn't I also don't like to cook for you guys when I'm being a moody jerk you know I'm human but so good get down in the kitchen she hooks it up I mean who doesn't be such a good month on yeah thank you guys so much for for loving my family for joining the channel and I'll see you guys on the next one hey any of us did it close by hmm let me show everybody what okay what he's eating let me share this with you guys this is pretty much my first PR we're just out of their kindness of their heart they decided to send this to me hold on and I'm just I'm just so grateful um and my heart's filled by their their kindness sometimes you don't know how you're doing but that they reached out to me I really appreciate it says at views on the road the secret ingredient is always cheese I got that right yep say cheese from funny USA so laughs Amelia food that's how you say it Spanish food sent me this lovely package cook it and it's always lovely to link enjoy companies that put love back into their communities you know they don't just advertise go buy it and don't acknowledge like that we the people or what makes these companies so it says but welcome to la familia look at this guy's like how beautiful and fun is this so I'm excited to use this for my mug bunk and yeah we're moving up we're moving on up youth club we're doing this so thank you guys so much I know you guys enjoyed this as much as I did
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 1,749,765
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Keywords: enchiladas, enchiladas rojas, red enchilas, enchiladas rojas de pollo, how to make chicken enchiladas, views on the road, mexicanfood, how to make enchiladas, how to make chicken enchiladas easy, how to make enchilada sauce, oven baked enchiladas, enchilada cesserole, views on the road enchiladas, chicken enchiladas, enchiladas recipe, views on the road kitchen, views kitchen, mexican food recipes, enchilada recipe, mexican casserole recipes with corn tortillas, mexican food
Id: 4SJR2l0vM7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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