Chicken Enchiladas Recipe | Enchiladas Made Easy

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling but today we're getting ready to make enchiladas and we getting ready to do with me a B then you guys seen the thumbnails so you know it's gonna turn out right you know that so look I'm gonna just say it like this so that I don't over talk it listen you guys can put whatever you want to put in there I'm gonna try to stay close to as possible as uh making it like you know a traditional style enchilada and then when it comes to the sauce I'm using the canned sauce you know what this is like my favorite brand but if you look down into the description box below I'll show you how you know when I have the time and when I want to just go ahead and make you from scratch I'll give you that recipe - I'm not gonna overtalk it we finna get right into this video so we can eat okay look see now you guys can just see Higa love their ingredients right I'll start with the obvious you guys can see right here you know what this is just a Mexican fort for cheese blend right here I don't really want to put no no Cup on it you know like the exact measurements reason being listen you guys can put as much cheese or you know whatever so I'm just saying make sure you got it like at least a couple of cups and then I'll have you covered and they're right here I got a can just a can of black beans and then I had a small red onion I like red onions you guys can use red onion yellow onion this is up to you you can even use a white onion we're gonna go ahead and take some of this olive oil and we're gonna saute that down you know saute the onions down anyway and we gonna put that in there now this right here these are olives right everybody don't eat olive some people don't even put them in the enchiladas but I do this right here is like super easy it's real customizable you know for you to do your own thing and then right here I got just a half a teaspoon of garlic powder right that's just to wake up some of this chick now right here these are just corn tortillas it's up to you you can use corn tortillas or if you want to use the larger flour you can do those too and when I say customizable this is customizable but when I tell you this right here is gonna get you what you need trust me hey and trust that process now you can look right here and you'll see that I have listen this is just one of those store-bought rotisserie chickens right hey this is ready to go it's already season I'm gonna shred this down all the way and then I'm gonna use all of that needs even an extra meat that I have I'm gonna put it I might even sprinkle it over the top then add my cheese but you get yourself one of these and then I'm gonna tell you this because I'm filming it'll be a little longer but this whole meal if you were making this at home you can have this whole thing together with a store-bought rotisserie chicken or if you made it yourself you should be able to have this together in 20 minutes and it should be already you know in the oven now I'm showing this right here this is chicken broth right you can use chicken broth or chicken truck chicken stock and you can use to you know just two large chicken breasts you can boil them together I'm gonna put everything down at the description box below so you guys can see so you got two options this being the easiest and fastest and if you want to go ahead and boil your own chicken breasts you can do that too now this right here this is my diced tomatoes I like diced tomatoes you know right here I'm using this one right here what you see it says with green chilies right hey listen this guy's like a nice little bite to it not too spicy but this is just real nice and smooth and here this is my favorite brand of enchilada sauce right this is just too easy for me to just go ahead and pick it up it tastes good you guys can use your favorite or you can look down in the description box below and I'll show you how I put a recipe down there so you guys can just see how easy it is to make you could just store it together and you can use that now we're gonna be using a 13 by 9 you know pyrex dish right here that's this one right here I'm probably gonna have some overflow then you want to get yourself a large bowl or a bowl right you know that's so when we shred it we have you know we can work with it right here so we're gonna shred put all our pieces right here and ensure that they shred it small and go from there outside of that you see it we got a red onion black beans cheese olives garlic powder we got our hints a lot of sauce our tomatoes and listen we good so let's go ahead and let's get it cooking all right so remember I talked about the bowl right so got the bowl here what I'm doing is I'm just starting to stretch some of this chicken what I'm doing is listen it's already like tremendously soft right it's up to you if you guys want to use the you know the breasts or the chicken parts without the skin on that you can I like everything in my enchilada it doesn't make no difference so I'm gonna put it all in there but you guys can do it the way you want to so let me go ahead and get it broke down and then we're gonna go ahead and start that shredding process okay look got it all broke down right and not what you got to let me know down in the comment section below hey are you guys gonna mix the dark with the UH the dark meat with the white meat tell me how you're gonna do it so now look I'm just gonna take this I'm going through it and I'm taking my hand and I'm just starting to shred it right you can go ahead and get yourself like two forks and do it that way I do like it you know what the skin or whatever and all the pieces if I can get it small enough I will if I can't I'll take it out but right now we're just going to get it broke down you know just the way you see right here you just shred it the way you want to I'm gonna go ahead and continue to break this down the way you see some of these pieces would be smaller and then when we're done we're gonna go ahead and get you tortillas ready you're done I mean that we're gonna go from there okay so here's the breakdown that's the size or the texture that I'm looking for right you guys if you want to go smaller you can look at that right there I'm gonna go ahead and just hit it like this move it around so you can just see and I like it to be all different sides to like you'll see this one to be in a little bit bigger you know I mean then you'll see some other parts that look like there's more like a shred you know I mean it's really totally up to you now remember this was a store-bought rotisserie chicken right I got that half a teaspoon of garlic powder I'm just going to sprinkle this in here we're gonna mix it all up it's just good like this sort of transferred all of the chicken you know what just trust me to like you know on this flavor right here this profile right here is fire got it mixed up I'm gonna set this off to the side just right here now we getting ready to get set up so that we can start warming these up whoa before we want these up what I want to do is I want to saute my onions okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of this olive oil in here maybe like a tablespoon yeah that's enough really can't tell you I'm just saying good a generous tablespoon right I'm gonna go ahead and set this on medium-high heat we're gonna start this once this oil once the olive oil comes up to temp then we're gonna go ahead and then we're gonna saute now once your oil you know it's up to temp go ahead and just go ahead and put in your onions in and then listen you just want to saute on for about three minutes three minutes only okay there's been three minutes right I like the way this is look I'm not trying to caramelize them and break them all the way down this is Jess right so what I'm getting ready to do is go to level up you guys we friend of sprinkles someone just yeah I'm laughing right now because look I know you guys you can see it this is where it starts to become flavorful I mean there's already a level up using a rotisserie chicken right well we're gonna go ahead and just work this in like this and we're not gonna do it long we just want to get everything coated you know what I mean to share and marinade you know with each other's flavors now I want you guys to let me know I mean y'all been making enchiladas like this ooh and then I'm putting that our black bean in it - all right line - y'all when I tell you uh he's got my mouth watering you're sure he does okay look we're still in that medium heat I like the way this is looking this is what you want to look for you know what you can start to see like by it being on the you know the pan it starts to loosen up the chicken because we had the chicken sitting around right so it's warming it up and there's loosens loosening up some of the oils that's in the chicken and it's starting to absorb some of that flavor you know from the onion right so I'm gonna go ahead and take it off I'm gonna cut it off right now and then what we gonna do is you remember the bowl we took our chicken from we're gonna go ahead and add this back to our bowl look now now that that's done go ahead get your olive oil and just go ahead and you know coat the bottom of your pan right so look then when that comes up to temperature we'll go ahead and put your tortillas in the pan just like you see right there and listen we just want to cook them for about 30 seconds on each side you know it's super simple and we don't want it to be hard because don't forget we're gonna roll them up right so then you want to put them you let them drain and then you put them on a paper line please okay so look now we set up right got my diced onions you know me with the green chilies got these here I put them in the bowl and then you know what I did I used Forks because listen we're gonna take these out I use the fork so it can drain some of the juice right so I'm gonna go here what I do is I take one of my tortillas and I Pat it you know get off any excess grease this is up to you if you guys want to do that but I'm doing it right so first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and just get me a little bit of the hints a lot of sauce and i'ma start like just like this right it's real simple then I'm gonna go ahead and get me some diced tomatoes all right we just want to line it don't forget we got to put that chicken in there so we don't want it to be you know too big because we got to roll it up right so just like that we're gonna get ourselves some of these black beans just like you see right here right then we're gonna go ahead and get some chicken now we take the chicken and we just align it just like you see and don't forget you guys you got to treat it like it's a burrito you know we gonna make it we're gonna roll it right so we don't want to make it to be then we go ahead we get ourselves some you know some of this cheese and here's where you guys have to thank me get on a minion for going ahead and cooking these tortillas down because you don't want to retire so all you want to do is just roll them over like this and there you have it you gonna lose a little bit but that's okay because I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do at the end now what we gonna do is we gonna repeat the process again get ourselves another tortilla go ahead and just give it a little pat get off some of this excess you know oil right scoot that over then we just start it all over again it's just an assembly line you guys set it up whereas you know functional for you okay so now you can see got them all rolled up had a extra one here then I got another smaller pyrex dish you know what I mean so I got five you know five right here so got these now here's where we're gonna do it like this I'm gonna take the enchilada sauce right and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour a little bit on the top like this you can't listen don't worry you ain't gotta pour it all in there but you just want to make sure it's all coated right like this just like you see right here now this is what I do I take some cheese now there is no right way or wrong way to do this you guys look we're just gonna start adding this on top like this you want to have a lot of cheese that's all I can tell you if you like cheese like we do in this household go ahead and do it like this you know what I mean I put cheese now put it everywhere cuz look we want it to be good it looked like I'm being spent you know doing this apparently right now but it's a reason why so I just like to coat it just a little bit like this this right here fire pitcher huh now we're gonna take some Hollies we're gonna go ahead and sprinkle a few of these on here like this and don't forget this step right here is optional you know I mean you make them like how you want to make them but make sure you make those in size the way I told you that right there is gonna be fire I promise you they look it doesn't make no difference if they if some of these I love to get down here on the side cuz we gonna put cheese everywhere and you know when you dig in here with your spatula you know what everybody gonna do they gonna get all the heads and get all the cheese too so then I come back and start coating on top again so when I tell you it's not enough you can't put enough cheese on it you don't I mean now you're starting to get the picture I'm gonna do these already got my oven it's already has 400 degrees then we're gonna put them in there now when I put them in the oven I gotta say this listen we don't want to put them in there cover we don't put them in uncover it for 20 minutes remember that uncover because we want to melt this cook the inside get those tomatoes nice and saw get everything nice and heated up and then we're gonna bring them out then we go take a look at them okay so look now you get a chance to see what they look like when they come out right look the cheese is melted everything is just nice and gooey what I did was I went ahead and chopped up some some green onions right so I used the green onion tops and then I went ahead and use it for a garnish that's up to you guys you guys can use cilantro parsley whatever you would like I just like to taste of these green onions hey so look now we just cut them and then we go ahead and put them on a plate and as you can see looking nice and soft and you know they're crispy around the edge and that there is that fire hey so tell me what you guys think about this one here you know what this is just another extremely super easy recipe to put together hey listen it's real customizable you know what you put your flavors inside of it you roll it up you put it in the oven and listen how many meals can you have this ready to go between 35 and 40 minutes you know I mean 20 minutes worth of prep time and 20 minutes in the oven and then if you multitask and you can go and get yourself some uh Mexican rice even if you get something like rice-a-roni or something like that just go ahead and make that so everything is done at the same time and boom you got a fiesta folks hey so with that being said listen I'm gonna go ahead and uh I gonna lie to you listen I've been I didn't eat one already get some people behind here listen we didn't already like beat it up I'm gonna go ahead and give me another one you're not I mean put a little sour cream on it hey I can just tell you right now it's fire so I don't know if you guys gonna get that that explosion that you know you'd be looking for but I'm head and hit it again hmm almost made me cousin hold on hey listen I'm gonna tell you right now I got another two of these with my name on them I've had two already and I got another two and I'm probably saying that just because I'm on this you know camera right here but that's not my heat as many as I want you know what cuz I made them and these are the fruits from my labor hey what that being said if you new to my channel let me just say this listen welcome to my channel don't forget to like this video and subscribe and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said if you guys been with me for a minute you know how I'm gonna get out of here folks peace [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 523,409
Rating: 4.9418445 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, chicken enchiladas, enchiladas chicken recipe, Chicken Enchiladas Recipe, chicken recipe, chicken enchiladas recipe with red sauce, easy recipes, how to make chicken enchiladas, red sauce recipe, cooking chicken enchiladas, easy chicken enchiladas, how to make enchiladas, the best chicken enchiladas, recipe, best chicken enchiladas, enchilada, tex mex enchiladas, dinner, recipes, enchiladas, enchiladas recipe, chicken, mexican food, food, easy
Id: 7e9FU1Lf8Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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