New Mexico Red Chile Enchiladas

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hello everyone how are you this is a quick just a quick bra dinner I decided we decided to eat some enchiladas and stuff so I said I'm gonna blend some chili real quick and have some hamburger meat already already all defrosted so we're gonna put this in the pan Riley and make a quick chili today I'm so excited because I have a camera crew today like southern law David is here so everybody say hello to Jamie he won't he's not gonna show himself but he's he is trying to get me to do this you know I'm good angle so you can see what I'm doing so I'm just matching up the meat for now and then I'm gonna start the oil for my enchiladas and I use the bueno I have some and I also use the Albuquerque 30 that's what I have so that's what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put the oil on so that it can start to heat up to cook our tortillas or corn tortillas and then what I'm gonna do in the meantime is I'm gonna blend the chili so come on over and check out the chili so I already had it Sookie and I had watched it once and now it's just soaking okay so I soaked it in hot hot water and I'm just letting some chili and it's hot let me tell you so this one is a 7 cup it's a 7 cup and guess what I forgot to do I forgot to put the Do Not Disturb on and stabbed my fault so you may end up hearing a few uh a few things going off but well it's blending I'll do I think I can do that do not disturb me maybe Chili's hot so this is seven cup this is a seven cup blender so empty at all and then I do empty whatever water that the chilli that my mom always taught us to use clean water even if we wash the chilli she always taught us to do that so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to fill it up fill it up with with water and I could have gone I'm with to the seven cups put it on and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add co2 enough I'm gonna add three teeth garlic teeth fresh garlic mom always uses fresh garlic and I'm gonna add some salt so look at how pretty it looks so this chilli let me tell you my father-in-law this chilli came from my father-in-law and from his best friend Nick they know that I love hot chilli so give me a second you guys and then we're going to go and cut vegetables so it's gonna get loud I i jus I just blend it really well come on but it's okay that way you know that I'm really doing this stuff I'm getting to an let's read our key and you know what there's nothing like good many old Ichi [Music] already and I want to show you the difference that right you guys have a watch party welcome to markets all these recipes my website New Mexico we define an Amazon under New Mexico no no it's a little monogamy familia and there's the cover of the cookbook right over there we like to look at it and my books are in so all the books are going to be going out in the next few days I tell you I'm filling up if it's not chilly so I have some like I said it's a straight cheese there's nothing like good shredded cheese or your or your enchiladas I was trying to keep everything you know enchiladas are such an easy recipe to do so to call they're just wonderful there's nothing like a good entry battles and thanks to my son hada is helping me with today to get a different and stuff in my you know she's inviting everyone to a watch party you guys invite everyone to a watch party get on my youtube subscribe to my youtube channel market kitchen on YouTube subscribe and don't you think thumbs up and invite all your family your friends your neighbors everybody to my website and to my YouTube I actually feel a lot more comfortable in or yet my 10 ml l feel even when you like doing stuff like this both my son-in-law a tech savvy when it comes we're here for cheap revenge [Applause] so it's my future name it's a little different [Applause] a little bit and I love their much you can go to the meat okay I'm going to turn off the blender now look at how beautiful my chili looks it is just incredible I just I love blending chili that is a trait Armand taught us how to do because that lady will blend three sacks of red chili and that's specially more so when my father was alive because he loves he loves chili and so she they would they were taking all kinds of East us as a matter of fact that he says in the front of my cookbook are my dad's and stuff so they were mom and dad did all the did all the Reese's and stuff then you know it's just priceless you know this pictures are priceless so I could thanks to my son oh my damn it that loves to do pictures and and stuff and he captured my dad that day and I'm so grateful you know just so grateful to be able to have that and again it's Comey doesn't meet by me you have to Sundays to son it is my New Mexico cookbook and it's authentic all those recipes have been handed down from generation to generation and I'm just excited you know my second my second huge shipment is coming in and I'm just excited about it you know with all this Co been going on we late because we don't go to bed until late and so that's okay so with everybody you know working from home and I'm um less that my children do live close by our other daughter Rachel her and Ed are practicing more of the distancing than me I guess that we have because victoria and David live close next to not too far from us so that's the difference there with them is that we do see them more often and Zachary he loves being here at Kearney and Papas just like Logan does in Ireland and and stuff so anyways so here's my my guess was ready hey this is quick and so when you're making your red chili the next thing you're gonna do is I'm gonna do the lettuce first because you know lettuce tomatoes are wet so I had a little bit of tomatoes left so I don't have too many and I already washed all my vegetables so with mine I'm gonna do the same night you know it's okay so you're just gonna shred you know at the same time that you're just shredding your lettuce that's how you're cutting it you're just shredding it huh excuse me but anyways so that's what you're doing so yes I look terrible we've been home all day and I just didn't get myself all dressed up so excuse the way I did I look but it's been one of those relaxing days and you know oh we had the best lunch we got to eat at slow-roasted Bucca delis I think it's called and uh I'm out on the Food Network or the Food Network and oh my god I had her heard Ruben because I am a corned-beef person my son-in-law had the Cuban Cubano I think it's called and then our my daughter and I both have the same thing Jesse had the green chili burger lord have mercy that burger was huge so you guys you know what um you're dying to to have something to eat they deliver from self lady hunting it's called and so it was nice so it was really really nice that we were able to you know get something to eat and support a local business that's owned by a local and stuff and so anyways but which is really nice so anyway so I tell you you guys have to try it it is wonderful and Zachary had a had a grilled cheese because Zachary doesn't like food he only likes beans and stuff but he will eat a grilled cheese maybe and so anyways but yeah so we've you know so that's what we had today so anyways as you can tell again your knife three fingers your thumb and here I've always said you don't want to my husband says you don't want to be a caveman when you're when you're using a knife so you know like this it's hard cuz you don't have control so sometimes all up lettuce sometimes I will I will do it the other way so you could see the difference just so you could see it real quick and then I go back to this real fast so anyways here's Tomatoes and Kemeny you guys are hungry come and eat you know we'll give you to go play and stuff we have plenty of paper plates you get a napkin we're going to do the chili real quick so it can foil and then we'll start on everything else isn't this nice and quick you know and with enchiladas you just need your eggs and you're done so with that I'm gonna get I have the flour so this is done and this is about a half a cup of flour so I put it in my chili a little less than half is what I used so then what you're gonna do is I'm gonna get a little bit of this hot oil from here because we buy a really hot you can tell anyways we buy of you know lean hamburger and stuff but anyways so what you're gonna do is you're gonna make like you're making like a roof so you're just gonna mix in your flour really well let it cook for just a second it's just nice and this is how I like my meat some people really cook their meat more and more and more until it's really crumb really toasted I don't this is the way we we enjoy it so there's that now I'm gonna get the red chili and the whole thing will fit in there look it up beautiful my chili is and I don't strain it there's no reason to if you have a good blender you shouldn't have to strain your chili ever why do you want it all to go to waste and it went in I knew it would so I'm gonna put a little bit of water in here and I just use a very lukewarm to almost cool water so I just kind of mix it around you guys subscribe to my channel I'd appreciate it so much so see look oh my gosh you just start to mix it really well and this is your chili for your in Chula we're doing Stockton she loved us so usually we get that sort of Theo we soak it in it we just dip it in here and then get more and you put it on top but put just a little bit more water so just a minute ago I put a total of let me see I was about two cups of water and here is about another cup so now we're gonna let it come to a boil once it comes to a nice boil put it on simmer and then oh look at that doesn't that look amazing [Music] um I'm gonna use this and I'm gonna just so you can see it tasted great mmm that was delicious the perfect bite look at this amazing chili okay now let's do the onions this in the sink now like I've always said how do you cut your onions you cut them site tail to tail so this way you control the knife going down but when you're slicing anything else you hold your knife so Whitgift I'm gonna do the same thing cut the main part off you always leave the root you want you want to cut your onion that's the best way to cut it uh like I said we all learned from our mothers or our grandmothers and some of us had to learn on our own some people had to learn on their own but in my case you know I have very good teachers and stuff I watched I watch everybody you know how they do everything so again you just like see how nice you have control of your knife this way if I was doing this guess what I'd cut the whole thing off and you don't want to do that see so if you do it this way hold it together you didn't go to the end and once this is done guess what we're done so I you know what how does everybody feel we're gonna have a few more wet three more weeks of of being staying put we are getting fever not not like that but we're getting fever we want to do something and I don't know why I mean we do do stuff I mean but so many things have been canceled where our granddaughters supposed to graduate from volcano Vista on the 15th of May and now that's been postponed not sure what they're gonna do and so you know it's so disappointing because we had big plans for her graduation celebration and guess what it's all changing so anyways and then my niece Alex she's graduating from Hyland University and with her bachelor's and that got changed and so it's just crazy crazy crazy crazy and then of course our good friend Raphael he is he was supposed to graduate as well from George Washington University in in Georgetown in Washington DC and but anyway so it's just a little nuts because you know parents grandparents everybody was plans you know and so but you know we're this in a way it's kind of been a good thing because of the fact is that for some it's brought families together you know families that have had to work and their kids are you know with babysitters and stuff you know what I think it's been good because parents are able to be parents and know what it's like to be full-time errands and not working outside the house having to work at home yes of course it's up it's tough and everything else but you gotta say you know what it's been good first for these kids a lot of the kids you know that parents do work full-time and stuff so they're not able to just be there and so they're able to see what their kids really do and you know how hard that they work and things like that so you know I think it's okay to a point you know I feel bad for these mom-and-pop places oh my god you know that has to be that has to be hard on them you know but anyways so here is here are all the onions look at that you know and we like I told you the other day we love onions you know except Zachary doesn't like onions Zachary doesn't like any of that stuff and stuff he just like simple cheese as America he asked me he goes gommi can I can I go on camera with you and I go sure you can and so but I'm gonna worried that he's out there somewhere he was in the pool earlier so anyway so here and all this so now that's mix mix our chili whoa it's coming to a nice boil mix it up nice look at that look at that wonderful wonderful wonderful so I'm going to turn the heat down just a little bit because it's where we want it and now we're gonna do our tortillas so usually I'll do two or three corn tortillas at a time cuz you're just really soaking them you know cooking them just a little bit this like I said this is how we this is exactly how I learned and stuff so not saying it about anybody else this is how I learned how we make tortillas how we how we do all this stuff is how we were taught and stuff so everybody is taught differently we were taught that you use clean water in your chili and it gets this beautiful red flavor in we were taught not to put cumin in our chili because that's how my mom my grandmother's mostly everybody a lot of my aunt's none of them cooked with cumin so this is how I learned so this is how I'm showing you and again check out my cookbook Coby doesn't mean familia this song has to someday I am so proud of my cookbook and you know I get on my website onions some people put their beans again you know people a lot of people will put beans I've noticed this is how we do it so again if everybody's choice on how they do things look at that ooh I put some civil yeah a little bit more more of the cheese okay in the meantime let me get my egg out okay so I'm gonna put my eggs in real quick so when I pile the next one and again this is our the way we were taught how to make enchiladas mom never put beans on it and nothing like that you know that was just not mom that's not how she did it so let's let that cook just for a second and in the meantime we're gonna get our other sort the up as you can tell look at that it's just good wine so we're gonna get more onions and you can omit the onions but onions are part of your enchiladas and I have a really one of my oldest and dearest friends the Lotus she does most BOM enchiladas and but she adds up dice dill pickles to her enchiladas look at this so then oh sorry forgot to wait for my eggs oh nice they're coming out great I love to splash the oil on top make such a beautiful beautiful okay now I'm gonna do my lettuce Mike them up there Mike okay and then my egg I like egg so I picked you and there you have it my enchiladas I'm going to get a fork so that we can test it out and usually I'll put just a tad of chilli first some more chili okay I love chili so I'll put it on top of my eggs what do you think everyone isn't this divine so I am gonna look at how beautiful it is so these are my enchiladas you get just a piece of egg hmm oh my god these are amazing check it out hmm now these are New Mexico stocked and chill all this just wonderful thank you everybody thank you for tuning into my page you know what share share share please you remember to go to my youtube channel didn't your thumbs up and subscribe to my channel you can order my cookbook call me doesn't mean familia to some mr. song did from Amazon look for it there or you can get on my website WWE meri Ibaka calm you guys thank you thank you so much now I'm gonna get to eating and making the rest for the rest of the family blend stuff so thank you once again thank you my son and I love you thank you everybody and god bless you bye
Channel: Margaret’s Kitchen NM
Views: 54,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jld6j68LumU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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