Chicken Enchiladas with White Cream Sauce Recipe Over 1 Million Pins!

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hey guys so today I wanted to do a video to showing you my very favorite recipe ever that I can give ever made my kids love it peasant love that we all love it it's great for picky eaters and it's great for not picky eaters I like onions and things but I still love this recipe there are no onions in action no worries but I wanted to share it with you guys I'm just going to show you how I make it as my most popular recipe I have over 1 million pins on Pinterest on it repin so it's amazing you guys will love it and I will show you how I make it what I do so let's get started by the way there's nothing what it was so it's called chicken enchiladas with white sour cream sauce oh my gosh it is amazing you guys will love it so let's get started ok so here are the ingredients that you guys are going to need you're going to need these flour tortillas they are not the smaller ones they are not the big ones they are just like the medium size flour tortillas you are going to need some butter some sour cream flour a rotisserie chicken you can also use chicken breasts that you've shredded up any kind of chicken you shred it up it doesn't really matter I just like to do the rotisserie chicken and then shredded cheese and then a count of green chilies and some chicken broth and that's it like really seriously that's all need and it comes out delicious ok so the first thing you want to do is start your oven and preheat it to 350 degrees then you want to take your rotisserie chicken and just shred it up into pieces or whatever chicken you decide to use if you like a breast of chicken or leg or whatever you're gonna do just shred it up into pieces just depending on how big you want them you could also do chumps we just like it shredded price linux thing you want to do is take your cheese when you're going to take about two cuts I could just eyeball it pending on how much cheese I want I kind of like them cheesy since I use a little bit perhaps but if you want measurements I would start out with two cups of cheese in your bowl I just use any kind of cheese it doesn't really matter whatever your favorite cheese is so you're going to use about two and a half cups of shredded chicken two and a half to three cups that's depending on how much you have we usually just do about a full of hair pink a whole entire rotisserie chicken that's two cups for now he's still shredding it then you're just going to mix it together with the cheese okay so here's the third cup like I said just mix it all better that's about the ratio that you want your chicken and cheese right here the next step you're going to spray your pan you're going to get a a big old black bag with some chambray or just nonstick spray eeeh start making your enchilada what you do need to take your pure thing and I usually count 10 out so I kind of how many I have 1 2 3 by ten and actually makes a little bit more than out but I start with ten just to see how it goes and then you're going to take about a handful this inside is stop seeing the chicken and the cheese and then just put on your tortilla like that roll it up is probably a little bit too much you can stuff these however you want them we usually don't stop them too much we light it more and just keep doing it all ten of them and then when you're done is to come in your pan with the you all right so as you guys saw I ran out of room touch just come in there at the enchiladas done now we're going to make the sauce which is the best part so I'm going to take you over by the stove this is where we make the salsa your first step is to melt your butter so it's true all right so you want to put your stove on about low heat just because you don't want to burn anything that you're going to do these next steps so you're going to melt six tablespoons of butter I actually have the recipe a little bit writing a little bit differently on the side just because that is like the original way to make it however I've tweaked it some because we actually like extra sauce so I've tweaked it so that we have some extra sauce and doubled the recipe okay so you just want to melt your butter remember you don't want the heat up too high don't want to burn your flour in this next step all right so the next step is really important make sure your heat is down low and you're going to want to put in six tablespoons of flour however when you're doing it you want to make sure that you're stirring consistently all right and it will not and you're going to want to whisk it for one minute obviously you're creating a room here which is going to help them help thicken your sauce then you're going to add in your chicken broth I just use two cans of this you can try to heat up a little bit when I step great once it's whisk to that together you can just let it sit there for a minute and you won't find and it's going to serve with a bubble in a minute it's going to thicken up and follow so give it just a minute to do that all right news tell it is pretty much thick now as thick as it's going to get so that's good now what you're going to do is take it off of the heat and just let it sit for a few minutes because you don't want to add the sour cream to it when it's hot otherwise it will curdle your sour cream it's still going to be pretty warm when you add your sour cream as well it's not just right off of the heat you'll be fine so I just let my set for about five minutes all right so it's been about five minutes and as you can see it's not piping hot anymore you still want to make sure that you put your sour cream in and stir it right away so that it doesn't curdle so next you're going to add about two cups of sour cream like I said I pretty much doubled my sauce recipe what I have on my website which I will post a link in the description but I pretty much double the sauce part out just because we like it lots of sauce so if you and we make ours a little bit smaller so if you make your sticker and you want less sauce then go ahead and follow the directions on my site but if you want yours with some more sauce you tend to fill them not as full then you can totally copy this and double and do what I'm doing in the video so here is one cup and I'm going to do a second cup I do a little bit less than a cup on the second one stirring it right we put it in there so it's kind of a good thing that the sauce is hot and I totally just fill them aside but it's a good thing that the sauce is hot because it helps to melt the sour cream so you can actually stir it in there otherwise it gets a little bit tough okay and then you're going to add your green chillies so most of you're probably going to want to add the whole entire can however you usually just add about half of the can because we're not huge fans of the green chili but what's good about it maybe a little bit more than happy what's good about a green chili is even if you don't like it it actually gives it like a little bit of a cess of flavor so even if you're kind of scared of green chillies I recommend adding it in my husband's very very picky and he doesn't mind them he actually he likes the flavor he just pulls out the green chili itself so he's not eating the green chili but it does give it a nice flavor so now we're just going to pour it over and geladas or the green sauce and make sure you get lots of it just make sure you cover all of it okay and then what I like to do is just take a spoon and make sure that it gets in between each enchilada the sauce so I don't know you don't have to do this I'm just kind of picky and I like it to make sure that all the tortilla gives the sauce on it spin and do that all of them snake all over it do the same over here alright now we're going to add about a cup of cheese and you guys can measure and this addict you want I just like to add it on there and I do add it right now and then I what you're going to do is cook them for about 20 to 25 minutes and then you're going to broil it a theme-park that's what makes the cheese kind of just melt and get bubbly and brown and just yummy crispy cheese so you can just kind of add however much you want that one's done and then this these are super filling you guys I probably only eat like two of them one to two so you will be surprised at how filling they are ok now we're a stick in the oven then you want to put it in the oven at 350 degrees usually too long okay so here is what we're doing next I just put it on broil very important in the step that you watch your enchiladas very carefully because they will start to turn brown very quickly and you will ruin them if you're not watching you can see they're already starting to turn brown it looks more Brown in the video than it really is okay so I just pulled this one out it's bubbling and it's cheesy it's got tons of soft Soho yummy okay now the other ones done and they're so yummy I'll show you when we played at how good that is all right guys thank you so much for watching to help you enjoy this video and I hope that you guys like those enchiladas and if you do be sure to give a thumbs up thanks for watching bye but if I get a lot of times up I will be making more recipe videos if you guys like them up you know if I can make more
Channel: Table of 6
Views: 2,635,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recipes, recipe, chicken enchiladas recipe, chicken enchiladas, table of 6, raining hot coupons, chicken recipe, enchiladas recipe, how to make enchiladas, how to make chicken enchiladas, enchiladas with white sauce
Id: UWyyp9L88Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2016
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