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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love in today's video i'm going to be making some delicious cheese enchiladas tex-mex style now this is the way i had them growing up and i'm going to share my recipe with you now good enchiladas start with a good sauce and i'm gonna take you through it step by step so let's get started so i'm gonna be using my cast iron skillet and i've got my heat set just a little bit below medium i'm gonna put in two tablespoons of butter and one tablespoon of cooking oil now the reason i'm doing that is because the oil makes it easier for me to whisk and the butter gives me the good flavor but you can use all oil or you can use all butter now i'm gonna put in three tablespoons of all purpose flour now the reason why i'm making a roux first is because the roux is your thickening agent now take your time when you're whisking it because you want your flour to cook you don't want to use raw flour when you're making your enchilada sauce as it cooks and it turns colors into a nice light golden brown it's going to get a real nice nutty flavor and that's what adds to your sauce so you don't want to just start dumping everything in there you want to take your time and you want to wait so i just continue whisking it like this and slowly you're going to start seeing the changing colors now as you can see our flour has gotten to a nice golden color now i'm ready for my chili powder now i'm going to be posting all the ingredients and amounts on the screen and below in the description box so you'll know exactly what i'm putting in here and how much okay now i'm going to add my paprika and i'm going to stir them together like this now my onion powder [Music] continue stirring non-stop now my garlic powder just like that now my cumin it's all getting nice and toasty see it's like when you toast your dry chilis so they can so you can bring out the flavor the same thing here so now i'm going to add my oregano now i'm going to add a little bit of my chicken broth just like that and i'm going to continue whisking about a little bit more and continue whisking now i've got some tomato paste right here i like putting in tomato paste because it gives it a really nice rich flavor in there and i'm going to continue whisking it like this and you have to be patient when you're doing this because you want to make sure that all the seasoning that you're putting in is releasing its flavor in with the heat of your skillet so now i'm going to add more of my chicken broth and you want to continue whisking it until you break up all those little clumps now i've got a little bit of chicken bouillon i'm going to go ahead and add it in there you can add as much as you want now i'm going to go ahead and add my sugar just like that now your sugar is going to balance out the flavor of your chili powder and your paprika in there i'm gonna add the rest of my chicken broth like that and i'm gonna continue whisking this until it comes up to a very low bubble now as you can see it's starting to bubble really really low so i'm going to lower my temperature all the way down just like that and i'm going to go ahead and place my lid because i don't want the steam to escape and i'm going to let it simmer on the lowest setting but every minute or so i'm going to come and i'm going to whisk it up a little bit so that that skin doesn't form on top so in this small skillet i've got about a half a cup of vegetable oil i'm going to go ahead and run my tortillas in through it now some of you may want to put them in the microwave or just warm them up up here it's not the same when you put them in through the oil it gives it a totally different taste so i'm going to put them in like this until they bubble up see those little bubbles and then i'm going to take it out just like that i'm going to do another one just until you see the bubbles just like that now if you take them out a lot sooner and if your oil is not that hot they could tear on you so that's why i like to do it with our oil nice and hot and i just wait for the little bubbles to form like that and then i take it out and your tortillas will not tear like that at least mine don't now i'm going to continue doing this with all my tortillas now i've got my tortillas already done i'm just gonna go ahead and whisk this up a little bit say this would be a good time for you to taste it and adjust the salt i think mine is perfect but it's delicious i'm going to be putting in some cheese you know when i roll them up and the cheese is salty so you want to make sure that you taste it here and do your adjusting but remember that you're going to put your cheese in there so you don't want to overdo it with your salt and you see how it doesn't get that skin on top because every minute or so i come in here and i give it a nice little whisk like that so i'm going to go ahead and replace the lid and i'm going to let it continue simmering on super low like that while i get my things ready to start rolling our enchiladas so i'm going to be using american cheese as you can see i've got it in a nice little block like this i go to the deli at the grocery store and i just ask them to give me three-fourths of a pound or half a pound just depends how many enchiladas you're gonna make now i like american cheese because this is what my mom always used when she made enchiladas and i like them but you can use cheddar any type of cheese that you like so i'm going to go ahead and shred this cheese just like this so now i'm ready to roll so i've got everything ready here for my enchiladas now as you can see i went ahead and patted dry all the tortillas and removed all the oil but they're still real nice and soft so i'm going to put some of this enchilada sauce on the bottom of my dish just like this and just run it through just like that [Music] now i'm going to get my tortillas and pass them in through my sauce like this i'm going to put in my cheese and i'm going to put in some diced onions like this we like the onions in here but you can leave them out if you want then i'm going to roll it over like this and i'm going to bring them over and set them right here in my dish pass them through my sauce like this add some of the grated cheese put in some of my diced onions like this roll it over and then pick them up like this from the sides and put it into my dish now i like to give it just a little bit of room in between just a little bit and this way it'll be easier to pick up you know when you're gonna serve them and now as you can see these enchiladas look nice and fat but they're gonna go down when they melt because the cheese still has to melt and i'm to continue rolling until i have them all filled here so this is my last one right here i had two extra so i'm going to put them into this dish just like that see that now i like to make sure that they get real nice and covered like this see and i've got some of my grated cheese i'm gonna go ahead and put some of this cheese on top and i'm going to put some more of the onions on top you know your onions are optional you don't have to use them if you don't like i just think it gives the ancient as a delicious taste just like that i've got a piece of aluminum foil i'm gonna go ahead and cover now i've got my oven set at 375 degrees i'm just gonna put them in there for about 15 minutes or so just until your cheese is nice and melted oh my enchiladas just came out of the oven so traditionally we always have rice and beans you know but you can side them with anything that you want oh man look how pretty these look see now i went ahead and made some pico de gallo so i like to put some of my pico de gallo on top like this see see how cheesy they are look at this with a little bit of rice oh my goodness oh these are so delicious they remind me of when i was growing up this is exactly the way my mom would make them then a little bit of beans a little bit of rice unbelievable super super i give them a 10. now if you like my video don't just like it but press that little thumb going up okay i would appreciate that share with your friends send me a comment and tell me what you think thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 599,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LiTyikVl7ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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