Tex Mex Restaurant Style Enchiladas

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[Music] hey everybody it's mark from 12 tomatoes and today i'm going to show you how to make authentic tex-mex style restaurant enchiladas the whole plate from scratch we got mexican rice refried beans enchilada sauce the beef the enchiladas themselves covered in cheese it's going to be delicious if you're anything like me you love getting beef enchiladas at your favorite mexican restaurant so i set out to recreate that amazing dish and the results are fantastic i think you're going to like it a lot and here we go we're going to start with the mexican rice all right we're going to start out by heating our skillet to medium-high heat and adding just some vegetable oil or canola oil [Music] when your oil is nice and hot you're going to add the rice and you're going to stir that constantly until that rice is a nice golden brown color you don't want it to burn [Music] but you get wanted to get nice and toasted oh some of mine some of mine on the bottom there are starting to get a little bit charred and uh definitely don't want that when they're at the golden brown level that you desire you're gonna pour in two and a half cups of warm water eight ounces of tomato sauce got some chili powder garlic about two cloves more if you want it garlicky and then we have tomato bouillon this isn't an ingredient that i was very familiar with before but uh got some and uh looks like this it's very flavorful and tasty it smells like tomato soup i'm gonna mix that all together bring this to a boil you want to season it with salt to taste now we got it almost coming to a boil here now i'm going to turn the heat down there we go that's about the simmer that i want so i'm going to cover it and let it do its thing for about 20 minutes looking good let's fluff it up with a fork yeah that's exactly what we want at that nice deep red color beautiful now i'm going to show you how to make refried beans now this is one of the easier ways to make refried beans obviously not as easy as buying a can of refried beans we're going to use canned whole pinto beans the legit way to make refried beans takes a very long time so we're going to simplify it a little bit but hopefully elevate it above the can of refried beans that you might buy at the store we're going to start by heating the skillet at medium heat and you can use lard or canola oil i'm gonna use lard this is not an ingredient i use very often uh i think that it'll add more of a rich flavor and i think it's uh from what i understand more of an authentic way to go about it now that our lard is melted and heated i'm gonna add two cloves of garlic and we're gonna heat those until they're browned on both sides let's check on them there we go there's some nice browning there's that nice color that we're going for we want to make sure they're soft enough to smash with a fork in a minute oh we got some burning might have gone a little far with these all right now i'm going to smash them now i'm going to pour in my pinto beans [Music] now i did not drain the pinto beans some methods call for draining them and adding water i thought i'd experiment with just utilizing the liquid within the cams already i think that that would be better flavor but we're gonna see now we're going to add chili powder [Music] cumin oregano now i saw in my pantry i had mexican oregano i don't know the difference personally maybe you guys can tell me in the comments but i thought hey i'm making a tex-mex dish maybe i should try using the mexican oregano and then we're going to do some salt and mix those all together make sure the beans are nice and heated through before we mash them i'm afraid i burned the garlic a little bit just having my back turned but it happens huh that large certainly splattered everywhere when i poured in the beans i mean i should have assumed that would happen that's a lot of liquid suddenly going into oil but we're learning together all right i think i'm ready to mash the beans and just do this until you reach your desired consistency so for me that's pretty smooth so i'm going to be doing this for a little bit my refried beans are far too liquidy my uh not draining the beans gamble did not work how i wanted so i'm going to end up simmering off some of that water some of that liquid is definitely starting to come off but i think i'm going to make a cornstarch slurry to thicken that up for those who don't know a slurry is usually around equal parts water and cornstarch so i have a tablespoon of water a tablespoon of cornstarch i'm going to mix those together this will blend a lot better and then just pour that in hopefully this will solve my issue that's getting better but it's still too liquidy i'm sure many of you at home are going that looks like soup my bad mess that up a little bit lesson learned at home you might want to drain the beans or at least drain one of them if you if you drain both cans of beans you're going to want to introduce some water maybe half cup all right i got the beans to uh what what's my desired consistency but it might be different than for you you might like it a little less runny than i do that's just fine but yeah those beans should be good to go now we are going to make what is in my opinion the star of the whole dish and that is the enchilada sauce for the enchilada sauce first we're going to heat up several tablespoons of olive oil on medium heat now when your oil is nice and hot you're going to add all of your seasonings first we start with flour garlic powder cumin chili powder and salt we're going to whisk that around [Music] until it's nice and fragrant and deepened in color that's smelling really good very fragrant you want to whisk constantly so you don't burn any of this i think it's ready now for the next steps we just add two cups of chicken broth [Music] and two tablespoons of tomato paste and you want to whisk that so there's no lumps [Music] when it's nice and smooth we're going to raise it to medium-high heat and bring it to a nice simmer and we're going to simmer this for about five to seven minutes look at that nice deep rich color this smells amazing you want to whisk often during the simmering process all right it's been about five minutes maybe seven i'm going to test the thickness of this it'll thicken up more as it cools as well you're gonna set this aside until you're actually ready to assemble your enchiladas i'm gonna turn off the heat and then i'm gonna add a little bit of apple cider vinegar [Music] that's gonna bring a tanginess now that it's off the heat i'm gonna season it to taste with some salt and pepper and like i said this will thicken up as it cools and there's your enchilada sauce one of the last steps of our enchilada process is the beef so i'm going to heat the skillet to medium got about a pound of beef here i personally like to use uh 20 fat so 80 20 some people like it more lean at 90 or 92. it's up to you i find the fattier beefs to be more flavorful if you use a higher fat content beef like i do you're definitely going to want to drain this before you add all our spices and seasonings it looks like our ground beef is browned so i'm just gonna drain it real quick [Music] now we're gonna add our seasonings we got chili powder you guys notice a theme lots of chili powder today as well as cumin onion powder garlic powder and this is smoked paprika it's smelling amazing you guys let me season that with a little bit of salt as well now i'm going to put just about a half cup of our enchilada sauce in this the enchilada sauce has thickened up quite a bit as it's been sitting that seems good to me and our ground beef is done now i'm just shredding my cheese for the enchiladas cheese is definitely an important part of them you can use any kind of cheese you want i like to use cheddar and monterey jack one thing i recommend is shredding your own cheese instead of buying the pre-shredded cheese at the stores if you shred it yourself it melts a lot better because those pre-shredded cheeses are actually covered in potato starch and other starches so that they won't stick together in the bag however that means that they don't quite get as melty they still melt it's a little more of a pain to shred your own but i think it's worth it now it's time for the fun part assembling the enchiladas first you want to spread a thin layer of enchilada sauce on the bottom of your baking dish you can use any tortillas you want but i recommend corn tortillas and especially these ones from guerrero you want to heat them up beforehand whether you fry them for a minute in a pan or you can microwave them reason being they won't crack that way when you roll them tightly the reason i recommend corn tortillas over flour it's a personal preference but flour tortillas when they're covered in the enchilada sauce and they bake and everything they tend to come out soggy and slimy in my opinion some people like flour better the traditional way to serve enchiladas is corn so i highly recommend white corn tortillas from guerrero i've taken the easy way out and i just heated them in the microwave i assume that this is going to use about eight tortillas or so i'm just heating them in a stack for about 30 seconds to a minute that way they're more pliable you can already tell they're not going to break assembly is pretty easy just a couple spoonfuls of your meat and then place them seam down all right i think eight was the perfect amount for this size baking dish now we're going to cover all the enchiladas with our enchilada sauce see how much that's thickened up can't waste a drop this stuff is delicious [Music] now we're just going to top with our cheese can you ever have enough cheese at first when i was shredding i was thinking i think i might have gone a bit overboard but is that even possible with cheese we got our cheddar and our monterey jack all we have left is a bacon you're going to bake this at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes until everything is nice and melty all right guys the oven timer just went off and check out these enchiladas look at that i'm gonna go ahead and make a full tex-mex restaurant style enchilada plate check out my tex-mex restaurant enchiladas plate i am so hungry now does that not make you hungry i'm just going to top the beans with a little cotija because obviously there wasn't enough cheese now check out my glamour shots i'm about to pick up this right now and then we're going to come back and i'm going to finally try it [Music] all right the moment of truth it's time to try it it's so good it's so good you guys have to make this i promise you if you do everything i did today just how i did it you will blow away your friends and family whoever you're cooking for will be very very happy i highly recommend you guys trying this authentic tex-mex restaurant style enchilada plate dish thing i hope you guys uh had fun watching and tune in next time 12 tomatoes
Channel: 12 Tomatoes
Views: 32,918
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Id: 4vlf2ziVz1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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