How to make The BEST Authentic Flour Tortillas From Scratch Recipe + SECRET TIP

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and boom done friends you will all be able to achieve super soft and fluffy tortillas hello and welcome to the views kitchen on today's help wednesday you have been asking me steph how do you make your tortillas so soft and fluffy mines look like a map mines are hard how do you store them well friends today we are going to go over how to get these tortillas nice and soft just like how our family makes it so that you can make it comfortable for your home but guess what we have to go over the ingredients all-purpose flour salt and today i'm using this salty lady right here because this is going to give you the best flavor in your tortillas make sure to look in the description area for more details lard and warm water to your all-purpose flour add your salt mix that around add your lard what you want to do with this lard is you want to break it into the flour i start off by giving it a good squeeze to introduce [Music] and then i start pinching this should take you about a minute to two and you just want to make sure that you combine it fully okay until you don't see any of the clumps and it's all incorporated into your flour you get a lot of questions about what kind of uh fat to use and your sophia's you've explored with a lot of different facts but i'm not going to say but but but what can you tell us about the different kinds of facts that you've explored and that you have to make it comfortable for your home pretty much i know that when i use shortening it gives me a really bad heartburn okay and when i use lard i'm able to process that a lot better okay it's going to be up to you friends you may have to experiment with the quantities of the fat yes okay for example if you're using butter you have to make sure like that you work with it little by little and it might not work out the first time for you but the second time you're going to know exactly what to do because butter sometimes has more water content than we'd like so it changes a little bit of what you're making and also for all my friends in colorado or in high altitude places you guys know you need an altitude girl anyways cloud get on get on point here okay okay focus focus focus so what i'm saying it's gonna the moisture in here is gonna have a huge difference so you're gonna have to work this recipe and i don't want you to think i'm never gonna make it again because it didn't work out the first time well let me tell you this recipe i'm about to show is gonna be boom boom done okay and when we were younger um aside from i'm talking about at home not at the like a tortilla factory because i think people don't know that that we actually grew up in one yes for many many years my childhood was spent when i wasn't in school i was in a tortilla factory that's right and um what i was going to say is what many people don't know that even at home are moms you didn't start off by doing these steps you sat there at a bench and you watched so your first part of learning is listening and watching a couple of times so you may have to watch all the tortilla videos that we have until you feel ready to do it yes that is true some of you watch the video recipe for example thank you all that watched and you watched it three times just until you can get it exact and the outcome of that was very very different because you were able to master it and i think that i think i can walk you through here and you're going to be very successful with this step that i'm about to give you so pay attention we knew we were ready when your mom said all right you're putting in the water yep this is this is go time this is the time where you want to have your hair back you tell your kids you're not touching anything you need to have a little buddy there that's gonna get anything extra that you need because your hands are gonna get sticky okay let me show you the consistency of our flour once you incorporate the lard into the flour okay it almost feels like when you're gonna do a crumble or like a pie crust and you can make shapes out of it when you squeeze it no that's a good tip there you go so now that you have your flour and your lard combined well you're gonna make a little well right here okay you're gonna add your amount of water not gradually all at one time and again that's warm water warm water it's not super hot it's warm did you guys hear me it's not super hot you don't want to cook it just warm enough to hydrate it like a baby bottle your water should be about 90 degrees tends to work for me and if you see my motion i have a very heavy hand friends just squeeze fold it in and make sure it's nice and sticky and gooey develop your own rhythm too yes our bodies are very very different you can start with my rhythm until you find your own groove okay there is no right and wrong when you're mixing you just gotta do what works for you this is an important step okay friends do you see how it's all hydrated nice and wet you're gonna say steph why are you gonna add more water let me show you add about two tablespoons of water that's also warm water right here you can see how this kind of looks like oatmeal that gooeyness that's a consistency you want at this moment it doesn't all have to be completely like that but on the outside you're going to notice that you have a smooth oatmeal looking dough look at how sticky that is yep it's almost like we're gonna make a pinata now this is nice and soft all this flour is hydrated and we noticed that if we try to make a tortilla this we wouldn't be able to so now this is where the part they're gonna be like why stephanie because this is how you make sonoran style flower tortillas to this amazing hydrated dough you're gonna add some of your all-purpose flour and start mixing it around since our water was nice and warm and we hydrated our flour your mixing time is going to be a lot less and to make your life even better exact measurements are in the description area once you incorporate that last bit of flour you can do two things you can continue to knead your dough for another eight to ten minutes until it's not sticky or for those of you that don't have the time or you have certain eggs you can place it into your stand mixer and continue to mix until it doesn't stick to your bowl you can take it off into the surface or you can continue to mix in your bowl you'll be able to do this [Music] after you knead your dough it should feel supple it should feel like when you put moisturizer on your cheeks and it's nice and soft and you can feel how light they are in cushion you just won't touch your cheeks that's how your mask should feel so what we're going to do now is we're just going to lather a little bit of lard on our hands rub it all over our dough and we're going to let it rest for 10 minutes now we're going to make sure that our dough is nice and moisturized so that it doesn't get dry on us okay after you lather your dough with the lard and it's nice and soft and it's not going to dry out on us we still want it to rest in a warm place so what i'm going to do is i'm going to place it in my oven with the light on at zero degrees just so it's nice and warm so just set this in a place in your in your home where it's nice and warm okay in my bed okay and after 10 minutes we have a nice dough that's ready to make into little balls sorry but i have a question how do you know this muscle is ready to be formed into a balls the longer you let it rest the better your dough is going to be for stretching your tortillas it's just going to get nice and soft kind of like this we needed it enough so you rested the dough for 10 minutes which that's how we were taught but what if someone forgets it's okay all right i there's been times when i've been cleaning or doing the class work with my kids and i leave it there for about two hours i come back it's just really nice and soft and it's just gives it a a better stretch because it's been there setting it's warm um so it's nothing's gonna happen you're gonna be okay now we're gonna make our balls 60 grams is a great size for your table tortillas or for the small burritos that you guys see us make here on the channel all the time like the wet burrito they work great so just squeeze squeeze and about 60 grams is going to do the trick so you don't have to have a scale but if you want to have a set amount of tortillas it works there we go 60 grams looks like that and the wonderful part about weighing them is that this makes it fun for the kids because you're like oh can i get it this one this is what i do with my kids so you guys can have a little fun come in squeeze it and we try to see how close we can get to the 60 grams oh 61. you guys see that so that's how we have fun in the kitchen i'm going to continue to make the rest of these uh balls so hang tight yeah if you make the process fun kids are more likely to carry on the tradition yeah anywhere from uh 60 grams to 63 should be okay [Applause] if you love balls come through just kidding not again not again friends but yes we mean it you're gonna end up with anywhere between two to three dozen and dozens and it'll depend on how much flour you add depending on your region okay there is no perfect way but you can perfect it and make it comfortable for your home so what you want to do at this point you want to lather your hands and i know more lard more shortening yes you're going to make the best tortillas anybody has ever had in their life so make sure to coat them make them look like they're little halloween costumes hair sticking out yes we're gonna start rolling the first two uh balls that we formed okay these are the last ones and you always end up with two that are a little bit smaller and i just split them up for the babies well they're not babies but you know and all we're gonna do is make them into little balls okay see that boom done now if your hands hurt doing that and pinching you can get one by one cup it your flat hand get the ball and put it on the ball of your hand that's exactly what you do balls on balls balls on balls balls and balls everywhere i don't know how many of your partners are gonna walk in when i just said that i'm sorry guys if you walked into that so you can do it that way or the way that i taught you okay if when you're rolling your balls they feel a little bit dry just get a little bit more lard and continue see how smooth that is just how you guys see it on my instagram all the time if you have a little bit of the dough and the lard that get on your counter not to worry just just continue and if it bothers you just clean it up move it to the side get a little bit of lard and cover them i turned on my command my cast iron pan and now for those of you that have a kitchen that's a little bit cold do the same process place them in your oven with the light on at zero degrees so that we can keep our bolitas our little balls nice and warm before we start rolling them out and i like to turn my pan on my cast iron for at least 10 to 15 minutes on a low heat just so that it can warm up and give us the heat that we need to make these tortillas because you guys know that when cloud and i make these tortillas in about 20 30 minutes we can have 30 uh three dozens 30. oh my no no no no we can have them back to those days we can have about three dozens uh rolled out for the family because everybody when they eat the tortillas ate about three so you want a bowl of all-purpose flour and you want to start with the first one that you rolled because that's going to be the softest one it's already been setting there okay make sure to keep it covered so that they don't dry out you're gonna press one two three and you're gonna press with about this right here you see and press it down good don't be scared of that flower i'm going to show you two ways half of this i'm going to do the way that my mom does it which is she pins right pinches right here at the ends i know why but why do you pinch at the ends when you roll out your tortillas you're gonna notice that the edges tend to be thicker for a lot of people that that are not familiar with tortillas okay so that allows for a smooth tortilla equally so just do that all the way around and if you need more in-depth practice for this i do have quite so a variety of videos for you to look at that are going to help you and what i do is i just press it down like that with this part with the ball of her hand yes like this she just doesn't want to keep saying ball you guys i don't look cloud does so now let me show you what i do when my hands are aching okay because you guys know that i have arthritis i'm almost gonna be 40 friends [Laughter] we're gonna press it down the same way that i taught you and i press like this like i'm pinching like this the key is whatever feels good for you with whatever part of your hand to help you do the job yeah and if you see sometimes i press in here too you know you have to develop the techniques that work for you and your hands and we're not all made the same yet we're all the same [Laughter] so it's not too different it just depends on how you do it okay so now we're ready to roll them out just some flour on your counter and i'm starting halfway rolling it out halfway rolling it down i had a family member i tried to make a tortilla and it came out as a square and i was able to fix it and make it into a circle and it was not me so don't it wasn't don't say in the comments don't do it it wasn't cloud okay so once you have a chancla a sandal looking thing in that length you're gonna flip it over to the side just like that i start here in the middle up down up down up down and if you see sometimes it'll stick and if it sticks just flip it over it's going to help you out get a little bit of flour can you tell us how much pressure you're adding to this don't play girl quit playing are you serious i'm very serious right now it's very light it's light you guys this is not extra you should not be showing your strength here it's like very very light because if you press really hard you're just gonna smear the tortilla you notice i just bring a little flour and these are habits that you kind of just create naturally there's not nobody can tell you like you can do this or that the next one i'll show you guys a little bit faster and most of my tortillas do come out perfect they really do because they taste great it's not so much the shape but if you want to make your shape perfect then you can just give it a practicing practice but give it a gentle and then continue another good tip is do not compare your tortillas to anyone else's you are unique to your technique you're unique to what your family likes don't compare your tortillas to anyone i did that i compared my tortillas to my mother's and now i have my mother's technique but they're my tortillas with her technique so and nobody's trying to replace your mama see and i'm just being whatever here just rolling it out not trying to be perfect for you guys so that you guys can see at home how easy this dough is to work with okay and you'd be surprised how much you can stretch this particular mixture of dough look at that you can actually see through it i'm going to give it one more stretch because once you pick it up it'll shrink just a bit i think the one thing that can get in the way of you making uh your tortillas round is putting a lot of pressure on yourself emotionally being sad oh yeah that's nice and thin already what else do you think can get in the way frustration yeah if you're trying to be perfect right now what you should be working on is trying to get that flavor of the tortillas to work because your salt adjustment is going to be slightly different every time until you perfect it to what you like and what your family likes so when you make it for your family ask them do you think i needed more salt less salt did you like them so this is this is my take on these tortillas you know that i try to be pretty exact with the things that i'm telling you and it's just it's gonna vary with like himalayan salt table salt those things make a huge difference in your food now let's go and cook this and don't forget if we can do it so can you you can do it i want to say my friends but i want to see my babies because i am a mother and i love you all like a mother and i know that sounds strange because we're virtual friends and we hang out all the time but this is what i'm going to say to you because i care about you now i know you want to show up with your ego and show your family how great your tortillas are the tortillas are going to speak for themselves i want you to take care of your hands you've been working this dough with your hands you've been moving your joints and you're going to be making these tortillas on a hot comal or your cast iron or your pan whatever you do when you're done making these tortillas do not wash your hands the other thing i want to tell you is that for my mexican people even if you use a spatula that's not going to change the fact of your ethnicity you're still mexican okay so if you want to flip it with your hand just to learn that way you can please be very very careful and if you want to flip it with a spatula and get all spongebob on it do it make it comfortable for your home because your health is important and the older we get our body changes okay so for those of you that say it's too much work let me tell you yeah it is work when you first started doing it but after so many times that you do it it's just going to come naturally to you so remember if you don't use those muscles they stop working so it's important for you even if you do this once a month that you work those muscles so that you can keep functioning at an 80 90 year old age that's the way i see it you guys let me know cheers mom's done mom's done let's cook thank you for looking out for those special little hands out there yes be very very careful friends dj tortilla friends you talk about having maps it's okay if you see me stretching it it was just a gentle it wasn't a big pool okay it was just gentle so um can you show us how to repair a tear because i know that was the purpose of that one so thank you so much just squeeze it together questions about tears just like you patch up your bike boom done and when you cook these you can just see a bubble up and you can't really tell once you get all these grooves that you might be stressing about when you're making your tortilla you just you know just make sure that at that final roll that you do that you pick it up and place it back down because you're going to see it shrink in size and if you feel like you need your tortilla a little bit bigger guess what it is so forgiving that it'll stretch a little bit more for you and remember tortillas are like your kids and children and people they're not all created equal okay so let them do what they're gonna do the flavor is gonna be there our cast iron is nice and hot and i say nice because it's gonna give us some great tortillas we are gonna lay this tortilla from north to cell okay we're gonna lay it halfway down and then we're gonna flip it you're going to put that tip north flip it always honor the direction your ancestors came in that's right from the north [Music] ready flip and you only want to cook them a few seconds if you're going to be reheating them because if you're going to serve them right now cook them fully but you just need a little bit the other thing you don't want is you don't want those big bubbles so you can just release that air one more time we're gonna place it down from north to south whew friends you're gonna notice with flower tortillas you do not want to create a huge bubble it's very different than corn tortillas you create that bubble in the middle it's going to separate the bottom and top layer and that is just ridiculous nobody wants their tortilla to be separate that way we want a nice full tortilla to hold everything [Music] okay this is really exciting so it just takes a few seconds do not overcook it on the first phase if you're going to reheat these for dinner and then you can just the tip with your spatula and if you're doing it by hand then i guess you're going to have to work with the bubbles we're ready when you place your tortillas you want to place them with the side that you started cooking first we cooked that side first and that side second so lay that one facing down and that way when you set your pile of tortillas you set a nice beautiful pile that you can impress your swag and your kids they're nice and fluffy the soya won't say anything to you after you make these tortillas friends did you drop a mica on your towel you know what i'm doing my own dyes on my on my rags they're kitchen ranks and boom done friends you will all be able to achieve super soft and fluffy tortillas some of you say well they turned flat after you cook them no once you warm them up you're going to see they'll fluff right up again and also just keep in mind these are not tortillas that we use baking soda this is how we make them in sonora and i hope that you guys are excited with your new tip to achieve perfect tortillas and to store your tortillas fold them in half like this make sure that they are room temperature before you store them and a ziploc bag usually does the work make sure to recycle your ziploc bag right tortilla bag on here and that way you can just continue to reuse it and that measurement is pretty good to fit into one large gallon ziploc bag so i'm going to keep mine open just so it can air out it'll get too sticky and boom done say ah as always views clement bell notification squad cloud and i are wishing you the best we absolutely adore you and we want to give a special shout out to all of you that are making a conscious effort to take care of the grandest mother of all earth and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow bye friends later i'm going to show you how to make these and stretch them by hand yeah perfect and these will be done quickly i can eat about 26 of these they're so amazing [Music] i know i'm having a moment with this tortilla anything you add to this tortilla is going to be great this is the this is the meal when your mom says we have food at the house yeah when you have food at the house and you don't need anything else you know these tortillas are great for uh for wraps and my older son now for lunch he can actually make his own lunch like he'll say oh no mom do we have any tortillas and he'll make himself a wrap he'll put some deli meat on there or whatever he wants to put at the time and it was just it just made me so happy and that's what i'm thinking about while making these tortillas because these are going to be good to feed a lot of people i like the way you look today you look like georgie thank you i wanted to cheer you up my little ninety days and my georgie not proposed to me i'm hopeful give me that right you even did the top of your hair like him and you're welcome [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on georgie we're in the confessional with georgie what is it like to date darcy she's the most beautiful sweet kind of woman and she has hands on an angel for my head oh my gosh i don't know i feel like you need to do a bunny dance now like from one end to the other another side one she's going to bulgaria bulgaria wouldn't it be cool to go there one day we will wonder if anyone has the plug i don't know if we have any bulgarian friends this is dorsey beach thank you if you're from bulgaria please let us know we actually love your country if you would like to adopt us take care of us feed us help us and the bulgarian friend thank you bye cloud once in bulgaria that's not true that's not true now they know now you know why my earring was like this last time someone said that they can't picture me dancing girl you're gonna have to bring it for the holidays that's all we do in here so you can dance and cook yep our cast iron is nice and hot nice and hat drop it like his hat
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 487,368
Rating: 4.9008865 out of 5
Id: BSQNPWi-zxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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