The Best Egg Salad Sandwich with Shrimp and Bacon | SAM THE COOKING GUY

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a little hold on let me think this through for a second here what are you gonna pour it yourself well I just you sound like your throat's a little dry good along no it's been no it's been a long day and I just had all right you know what somebody put this on crushed have we not had this conversation before the ice crushed I hate crushed ice in a cocktail oh you know that's a lot that's it oh my god I am my father's son it drove my dad insane when that happily insane one measure of white bottled substance one one measure of white puddle substance yeah it's my cup that's your cut yes I just feel like I don't know I just got off a conference call and and I feel like I need something so I'll do this we should title the show to welcome to Sam's house you guys can have those beers outside probably grab you're welcome to have anything you want you know the rules there are no rules you deserve it this guy received a huge honor today I was honored today we were at the national philanthropy lunch basically it's national philanthropy day and today was the San Diego Chapter with 1,200 people in downtown this guy was one of nine people honored he was the celebrity honoree it was a big [ __ ] deal it was great it was awesome it was very cool I'm very honored Congrats dad we're proud of you Congrats Sam thank you we could probably cut a picture into this yeah we should one you guys yeah as my selfie said that the instagrams said this the chicken was good the table are they didn't know my brother and I were coming and they didn't put us at the table so we ended up and basically the most least VIP so here's what happened let's let's go to the board so you got a giant room right like this yeah and the stage was in the middle and there were screens here right and 1,200 people so these dots are you know tables 1200 people's a lot 1200 people so that's uh so 100 tables times 10 would be a thousand so like I guess tables of 12 I don't know whatever yeah there's a hundred table whatever was there's a lot more dots than I've made it out to be and we were here we were like at this table and then they didn't realize because we didn't plan on you guys coming to you last minute so when I got there today they go oh you're this table and they go it's open seating I go great my kids and then my brother drove down from LA for and they went oh no not open seating like that like sit wherever you want at the table but everybody has their own table number on their badge thing yeah so then we had they had to scramble which she probably didn't want to do fortunately I was an honoree and here's where we ended up we end up in this state yeah but as far away from it I mean it doesn't look that far maybe here as far away from everything right by all the server stations back here the bathroom doors right but it was great because we sat together yes it was really nice all right so it's egg day still right yeah I was trying to think what we could do we did the we did the steak and the truffle eggs mm-hmm that was fantastic if you're wondering why we're doing the eggs our 500th episode week is because this guy's my favorite thing had these eggs I think if I had to eat one thing the rest of my life I think would probably be eggs I could go there because I real liked them as mom would say and so we did that and then we did the the veggie the vegetable benedict with the sriracha hollandaise yes if this is the first time you've ever watched the same live cast just go find the blender hollandaise recipe because it's so simple squeeze a little sriracha into it you'll be in heaven and this roasted this vegetable benedict I didn't even miss the bacon speaking of speaking out of here's bacon right here it's like it's ready to that's ready because what we're gonna do well this is ready let me just put it on a plate Shelly because because you don't want bake in the city in fact I was gonna say do you are you sure about that like the fat I agree wipe it off I I don't want my thing dripping grease but I feel like if you leave it on there it just kind of soaks up a little more juice yeah you know I don't know if Shh hey for all you veggie people out there I cook my my fiance Julie's veggie bacon side by side with my real bacon the liver I guess of a non finicky vegetarian right I think there's gonna be plenty of vegetarians out there that wouldn't be down yeah by the way I think this was 20 minutes maybe 20 minutes in the oven start to finish it's a great way to do bacon a great way to do bit what temperature 350 the universal temperature a universal temperature whenever you don't know 350 always works okay so we've got that I could save that bacon grease yeah I I add some grease that I made for something the other day I saved in here so now that's about it now just when I need a little bit of flavor um I'll use that okay so here's what we're making we're making a a shrimp egg salad sandwich shrimp and egg salad sandwich egg salad one of my favorite things ever love shrimp wanted to give it give the eggs a little bit more and so here's what we're doing we're starting off with raw shrimp right here you can see that nothing's been done to them apart from the fact that they've been shelled and deveined that's it so we're gonna poach these guys right and poaching shrimp happens very quickly and this is a really good thing to know especially this time of year because if you're if you could holiday stuff happening at your house and you want to do like the little shrimp cocktail thing and we've done this and shown this before in the live cast go find the episode because this will just kick the crap out of those precooked little wig those little pink gross shrimp in the supermarket with the shitty cocktail sauce yeah those are bad go go go nice so here's what we do we could flavor the water you don't have to flavor the water but the water if it's flavored will flavor the shrimp and as I always say everything should have some seasoning to it right so what we're gonna use is we're gonna go a little old-school we're gonna use some old bay here and we're getting some lemon I don't care put someone in here so old bay first so it's just like putting salt in water exactly just giving us some flavor I'm giving it flavor with oh my gosh there we go okay so maybe it's teaspoon of you old bay right the lemon juice oh my god the lemon juice made it like rear up yeah you put a little bit more in here a little witches cauldron which is cauldron just the color of this light above that's making it that it's actually like a yellow liquid now and now I will use this thing to lured them in this cold the Chinese fishing net yeah not the Chinese people really use these things because I'm guessing they probably don't no no I don't remember street food in Hong Kong things beans no I may hit the fish oh yeah I don't think they usually seems to fish so look this is now I mean the water come down I don't want the water boiling I just want it simmering and I can smell the old bay I can smell the lemon from here we should probably think about cooling this stuff down those things are gonna go they're gonna go very fast so just let me throw some ice in here I know they're all ready thing look I think sorry for the noise I think one of the beautiful things about this show if I do say so myself is the casual nature of it oh yeah nothing really is prepared I mean I've got eggs and I've got shrimp but it's not like things are pre-cut or you know that kind of thing I think it's easy to watch this and get a sense that you can do these things simply yourself at home that's the goal so look at how long have they been in oops I dropped one all the way in maybe not even so these guys are ready what look it I got a couple that aren't I'm just gonna give it a little stir but look it you can see see this guy's not ready right because you can see that he's still translucent this guy not ready but this guy ready these guys ready this guy not ready we'll give it about another 30 seconds each everybody including this guy that I dropped down here my guys definitely ready now like is there so the ice bath right here is simply to put the shrimp into to stop them from cooking cause I don't want more cooking out of the shrimp so now I think I'm just gonna go for I'm gonna call them done look at them there's a couple that could maybe use it but I might yank out like this guys good this guy could probably using another moment let's see who else is in here I think that's the last one so now I will just casually leave this anybody home see good nick is gonna get another couple of seconds oh they look great and that's it and then I'll take them out and we'll drive them yeah you know I'm not gonna lie sometimes I find like those little cocktail shrimps like just when they're kind of not uncooked but you know pink yeah I find that a little unappetizing sometimes but those limbs look amazing who's gonna be and they're gonna be even better once they get into this I can't find him there it is still a boy dip in the jacuzzi right there there we go okay that stops cooking right these guys are great now they're all gone they're cool and come up here so this is about a pound of shrimp and I've got I've got a half a dozen eggs I think the ratio should be okay we'll find out very soon this is off my my grill flat griddle is on because of the bread product that we're gonna use I want to crisp up some bread I want it I want it to be crispy of course I do are you getting ready to go back to London town yes Sunday have you been practicing your accent I know you do it every morning in the mirror please all right so eggs by the way you like DAGs eggs mm-hmm yeah max just quoted a line from the movie snatch if you haven't seen the movie snatch one of the greatest movies of all time big time and I'm like it's probably a guy movie what do you think Lynne right I watched it was Stacy and she seemed to like it yeah I mean there's a lot of good-looking guys in there that's you know that's for the women yeah but you know what I mean I mean it's a dude movie yeah okay so you look at look at what I've done here you notice what's missing from this the gray edge right there is no gray ring around here the gray ring comes when you overcook an egg in the hard-boiling process that you can go online cooking DICOM and so I'm just gonna just rough chop these guys yeah and find out how to hard-boiled eggs but here's what we do we put them in coal water we let the water come to a boil when it comes to a rolling boil we leave it for two minutes at the rolling boil we turn off the water we put the lid on we take it off the heat and wait look at this one's just being just worse you know there's a little membrane that you need to get ya pulled off that makes it easy and sometimes on new eggs you just can't do that older eggs are much better to use here's a question yeah wait okay so you see this you see how this is all shining here yeah this thing's gonna be easy to peel let me here's here's a technical so you see here shiny egg right I don't know if I can show you this properly right here I'm gonna put the knife under this little membrane oh yeah to see the motor when you can't get under this when you can't get that membrane off this is what happens and it's a pain in the ass and this is not what you want when you see this shiny egg then they peel like a dream these are all the same age eggs I mean at least they're out of the same box so why why one is struggling we'll see how the other ones do that imagine the rest of them are gonna be okay this was my question yes if you don't care about the yolks like if you're not gonna eat them yes doesn't can't you technically just kind of leave them in the boiling water for not I mean I guess not as long as you want but it's not like saving as much it's not like sous-vide and why wouldn't you care about the yolk yeah who does all your jelly oh she doesn't eat the yolk is anything else she died boiler her up eggs well then yeah but then I would say that you're eating the yolk so you should care about them I guess not really you know when I when I eat are you worried about what's wrong no I like yes no I'm I like yolks all the time I just not when they're hard-boiled but when I love like a runny yolk on my breakfast or do not eat do not like deviled eggs no I loved Oh see I'm just referring to when I just straight hard-boiled eggs I don't need to yell well you don't I don't know why I guess maybe just I've always in my head remembered hearing that the yolks are cholesterol not necessarily great for you yeah well that's all changed really the government I mean if you believe the government the medicalization 911 zone yep well it's true they have completely changed their position on cholesterol being bad for you when it comes to well I guess when a cholesterol specifically a-okay and it's no longer on like the hit list of you will no longer see an egg yolk on the wall of the post office along with like the bad bank robbers and stuff like that right yeah it's changed so you don't have a couple of eggs a day in the morning have a couple of eggs a day in the morning and you're fine it's a completely different world you know what the enjoyable part of a hard-boiled egg for me was never the yolk it was always just everything else that's weird yeah right land that's that's real weird man I mean that's like the best part man yeah I think yes so now that I think about it the yolk on like a runny eggs benedict is my favor a little bit right so why you would like it on one another oh no I think I know the texture of it in hard form is a little bit weird to me it's too weird for you it's a little like oh it definitely is chalky but here's the deal it's way less chalky when it's cooked at the right temperature to the right time right guys then if you're just you know if you throw it in there and leave it for six hours yeah just six eggs no this will be six eggs I should probably do it just don't try and get this off see this egg is not cooperating at all f it no I can do it I mean more some is better than none so just cuz the people know we actually do have a hard-boiled egg recipe on the website yeah I started getting to that so here's the deal in the cold water or did I do it huh did I say the whole thing no I said oh I started to say in cold water bring it to a boil let it come to a when it comes to a full rolling boil count 2 minutes turn it put a lid on it leave it for ten minutes no heat covered up okay then take him and put him in cold water to stop them from cooking and they'll be fine I'm looking for my big-ass snake belly button Hong Kong this knife was like 25 dollars in Hong Kong I was so proud of it and so happy I found it because there's not a lot of money for a knife then I came back here and I found virtually the same thing for like 22 that's like I have my special little like Buddhas that I got on like the street markets it alone calling and I came back and like all my friends have them they're like oh we got a mess like you know whatever not in Hong Kong exactly okay so here's our shrimp and our shrimp are mmm lightly flavored super delicious but I don't want this to be like big chunks so I want to like this I want them to be similar sized pieces to what the the eggs are right like this oh yeah you want everything to be the same size which I found out to my detriment when I showed up with all different size Brussels sprouts well the problem is is that with things don't cook the same that's the problem and the master chef in the other room will tell you that won't you master chef absolutely you know I can quite go without that nickname now I don't think I'm the master stuff anymore no nickname it's been it's been a long time sir you know like the little kid that craps his pants in like third grade and everybody calls him shitty and he grows up with the nickname of shitty I don't think that ever changes wait who do you know what that nickname I don't know anybody but I just had to him ever I just had to come up with right how about this well I think the best nickname ever that we've heard we've talked about on this show is the Meltz kid what's his first name who the melts kid his last name is melts no idea what you're talking about calls me Danny Danny melts this awesome is melt any LTZ his name is cheesy and his sister patty melts no that's so funny that's so funny but his nickname is cheesy and I think that's like I wish I had that nickname that's a good nickname you don't have a nickname do you I don't have a nickname no no one has every gift sambacooking guy never had never had one in the cooking guys know the nickname oh so you have chief yeah and I've called you master chef chef since you were on the show and slappy I've done that too slappy I have a chef jacket this is slappy on it we call Lynn slappy because he's got size 15s are they yeah and I have no walking etiquette apparently and when he walks he makes a lot of noise when he walks they're actually size thirteen thirteen thirteen fifteen at that point does it make any noise not really their boats they're really boats all right so this is your goal right this is not taken very long you know how to look if you wanted to make this and you were being completely lazy and it was a weekend and you wanted to do no work I mean I would say don't buy cooked shrimp cooked sure if you can cook and even if you didn't want to do this to the shrimp a pretty little poaching thing like we've just done you could just like peel devein them throw them in a pan and grill them you know you don't have to do fancy stuff to them like we did not that poaching like we just did is fancy in any sense but again if you want to be like super like chill and no work the supermarket sells pre hard-boiled eggs these days you know I think a lot of people would consider poaching the shrimp like that a little bit dancing wrongly but the term I think the term makes its rocket ya wrongly it was easier than grilling ship I think right hmm what would you rate this this on the scale of shrimp cooking you know like poaching grilling well you know it's funny because you said grill and I know I said grill but when I said grill I didn't mean like grill like putting them on a grill pan or integral thing I meant like just throwing them like it's like stir-fry sauteing there yeah yeah mm-hmm all right here's what we need I've been doing a lot of cutting we need green onion we need celery let me just set my list creating celery that's it for for this you don't need to watch that part so let's do this let's take a break come back and just to show you that things aren't already prepped here's my celery here's my green ice boom produce I love you know me yeah you go always got to have green onion around and you know I also I'm gonna use I'll add this part when we come back the celery leaves a really nice celery flavor really nice but I want crunch from the celery because I won't get too much from this okay let's do this we'll take a quick break we'll come back that stuff will be prepped in here then we'll make it and then we'll finish it off I'll start grilling the the but here's the buns that I've got I want to do a little I guess go active a better term this thing this crispy little roll cut it in half butterfly it and I throw it on the grill let it get crispy on the outside that's gonna be great little bit they'll be like the shrimp egg salad bacon sliders yeah be a good way to end egg week 500th episode weeks and there we are here's the celery that I was chopping here's the green onion I said I would put in the eggs and they go down here and here's the shrimp right so kind of our main pieces at this point this is what we need we need Mayo you know my fallback my go-to not even fallback that implies something else my go-to is Japanese mayonnaise QP comes in a bottle a squeeze bottle like this it's amazing I say if you're gonna use Mayo which is basically fat might as well use one that tastes great and this Japanese mayonnaise that you can get it any Asian markets online from Amazon all kinds of places is really the one to use qpk ewp ie it's really famous salt because everything needs salt pepper because almost everything needs pepper mmm here's these these celery leaves just for a little garnet sort of no we're just gonna throw them in because I like the way that that goes I'm gonna put a Cholula in this noise so we get to tube we got a pound of shrimp we've got six eggs we've got probably a third of a cup of diced celery we've got a quarter cup of green onion I don't know how much Mayo was maybe the third of a cup quarter to a third of a cup and now we'll try like a like a teaspoon of Cholula hot sauce not too much more it always looks like it's more and now is just the mixed part this looks so good doesn't it look good so good I like the textural component of the celery in this I told Kelly what she was really making a lot cast her this she was a great dinner like a weight because you know she's got food issues I don't mean food issues I mean there's just things that I make that she's not a fan of and I go how does that sound to you there's a while that sounds fantastic you gotta taste along the way which would be now wait when does it bacon go in bacon doesn't go in bacon goes on Oh so let's cut this guy ain't that nice like this I like the crustiness here Oh God we've just been lazy and not wanting to now pick out another thing to do this with yeah there we go at this point the whole goal is that in the break we were talking about I said I like to cook I say to Kelly what's it like to have a cook and she was great it'll then ask me would I be okay with having a having somebody cook for me I'm gonna put a little bit more chilli in the Cholula isn't is a option as an amount that you need to determine yourself I use chilli look because on a typical hot sauce heat scale it skews definitely in the middle but I find that it has more flavor than heat and that's why I like it but you use what you want and you put in as much as you like I would start with maybe a teaspoon and then add from there I know a lot of people don't do the hot thing so you make it any way you want you can always take some out for you after you've mixed it and then add more hot sauce for other people in your family or whoever you're cooking for so we started talking about this was it called max blue apron blue apron yeah it's a service that you go online and you see a salmon dinner with roasted broccoli and I don't know what else is there yeah glazed carrots recipe and then they sent you choose everything they send you all the ingredients ready to cook yet measured right with instructions with instructions which is which I guess is I mean it here is it for people who want to do some sort of cooking for themselves but don't necessarily want to go to the store run around get everything on the right measurements get you know maybe you don't want to buy have to go out and spend $50 on seasonings and oils and things that you're only gonna use maybe one time so I would use it once for each food item and then I would know how to make it the next time I sell mm-hmm yeah that's a good point I guess I don't know that I see it as a sustainable business model but it's pretty popular is it how do you know you know it's popular cuz you see it I mean how many you have friends that use it we see the loves yes so no she's that's your quit yeah I'll pull it up but I I know a few people who actually use it and they seem to really like it and it's I mean to me I guess that sounds like it's really popular I've also seen on so many news outlets I'm thinking they have enough advertising dollars you know I think it's you can come have a bite kill I think what it is Lin is it's I think you see it on news outlets not because of the advertising dollars just because it's a unique business model perhaps yeah so a lot of internet businesses these days okay so let's do this we're not really even advertising we're just showing you know we think we think we're a better way to cook I think so too right okay so look yeah there's mayonnaise in it there's gonna be a little bit more cuz that's just the way that this has to happen I'm eating this that's my spoon so please don't anybody freak out how we roll we're going to walk down a little green a little crunch look at I'm using I'm using this baby artisan romaine cute it's amazing looks perfect it is perfect look at it it's basically perfect that's crazy yeah Kel come now watch Kelly look we'll put this on top hold on good I'm gonna turn this guy around so there's like a cup a receptacle for him killer I know the bacon on top if you eat all the bacon I'm not gonna have any more and that's that when you have a bite shrimp and egg salad shrimp egg salad bacon Sam you got to get some you having another bite well I guess we'll just end the live cast like this it gets a tooth that doesn't get two thumbs up from you I told you she said she liked the idea of it when we were talking about it today we'll make one to take a picture of him and all the rest is yours can we give it so I can eat this you have lunch at work tomorrow she's happy it's not a big deal I mean we've taken a long time because we've been chatting and chopping and blah blah blah blah blah but you can do this at home this is a very simple thing to do want you make everything we made on egg week this week 500 episode 500 episode 8 week make all this stuff thanks for hanging out with us come back Monday let me think about what I'm making windy Monday I'm making mussels mussels with curry oh wow and 50% of the people in this area right now will enjoy them mmm mmm that'd be me and Lynn and Lynn so tall maybe he makes it another ten percent sixty percent of the people here will enjoy them Kelly and Max will not have even one but that's okay they're not for everybody but when they are for you these things are gonna frickin rock thanks for being here tell your friends make the food don't go - what's it called blue blue apron don't go to blue apron come here we can do it see ya
Views: 436,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrimp and egg salad, shrimp, egg, shrimp salad, egg salad, sam the cooking guy, bacon, egg salad recipe, best egg salad, egg salad sandwich, best egg salad sandwich, best sandwich, best egg salad ever, bacon egg salad, best bacon, bacon sandwich, sandwich with bacon, shrimp and bacon, shrimp sandwich
Id: fh2GsyI-l5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 31 2014
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