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a proper shepherd's pie with some changes may be unnecessary and may be not proper then but still delicious there's no better way to start an episode than with cooking bacon allow me to show you look what we have here max do you recognize this this is it's maybe a half a pound of chopped up bacon and it's exactly the way I want it not overly crispy not underly Wibbly just perfect and it's done so now we're gonna take it out of the pan it's gonna show up later I'm just gonna put it on this plate come on guys your videos with a little bit of the grease come on why not it'll just help keep it moist and delicious later but now this is too much grease for our next step so we're gonna pour some of this off like that leave maybe a couple tablespoons in give it a little wipe put it back on the heat and now we prep our veggies couple carrots half a yellow onion the goal is simple we just want to chop these guys up pretty fine pretty pretty fine so using my Sam the cooking guy knife come on it looks good just look good doesn't it look how nice last night my fave you know what I've been thinking it go ahead and most important night you'll ever buy oh my god good huh max it's so dramatic but I love it so all we want we're gonna just chop ruff and then just get finer and finer and finer look you could you put this in a processor yes but honestly it's a pain in the ass to clean so when I don't have to use one and I can just use a knife I'm all about that I want these fairly small and here's the thing whether you using my knife or anybody else's knife this is very good practice for you when will the people be able to pre-order max just ask when you can order this Sam knife you can right now I would say the link would be in the description but I said that in a recent video and got fun slammed by the tool behind the camera he goes oh he doesn't understand what this part of the screen is for so I don't know where the to tell you to look but you can order it and it's a damn good knife why'd you have to call me out I thought everything went below you saw that I saw that you saw that I see everything Oh your father knocks on door father yes I saw everything he would continue cutting the onions please please so when it gets down to like a reasonable size which this to me looks like a reasonable size we push it off and we do the same with our carrots so cuts cut cut cut cut cut so same thing with these right and look knives are sharp this knife especially when you first get it is ridiculously sharp take your time there's no need to rush honestly the times I've cut myself have more often been because I was rushing so just take your time here's something important cutting a round object is a little difficult at times so here's what I like to do cut one piece off now it's flat now you don't worry that when you go to cut it's gonna roll on you because that's when danger happens so now you can cut these little planks off the sides like this and then if you want you can stack them and now cut again these guys over here now you turn your little bundle like this you chop up and now you come in for the major chop and when I do this I chop I bring it back into the group I go over it again when all your carrots are cut up we could take them in the onions and go to the bacon grease in the pan nice and we miss and by the way this pan is what we will make our shepherd's pie in hence the reason for the bacon before it will now enhance the flavors of the carrots and the onion so now over the next 3-4 minutes this will start to soften you'll start a bit and it will become glorious what's your carrot and onion are nicely softened but still with a little crunch let's give it some garlic shall we a couple cloves boom right there in the middle knock that off a little avocado oil thank you chosen foods the only avocado oil anybody should be using I might add and wait for it to get a little fragrant that's your key that's when you know it's time to move on so after a minute or so of oh my god so smelling delicious we mix in the garlic and then we add the one thing that makes it a true shepherd's pie ground lamb just start to work it in how great is this so here's the deal shepherd's pie is made with lamb everybody got that cottage pie is made with ground beef does it really matter if you interchange the names I don't think so but our munchies episode we did for the Superbowl mighty munchies munchies budget eat my budget munchies the sequel return of the munchies much he's the sequel the return of the munchies I'm annoying him today I tend to be a fly you know when you're trying to sleep at night in this mosquito and you guys are shot and you're all like and then there's this that's me poking poking poking I do that and he knows I do that and yet it still annoys him and his money he I'm sure he's thinking Sam is intentionally [ __ ] with me and it shouldn't bother me but I'm so good at it that it does get him doesn't it yes so what I'm saying is this is shepherd's pie with lamb the munchies version I called shepherd's pie it was with ground beef it was a quick episode I didn't want to start the whole explanation so for those of you that corrected me thank you for those of you that called me a dick because I didn't know the name well whatever I water off a duck's back I don't take nearly as much offense to like that as Oh max wood or Jilly wood for being called a [ __ ] bong was that it or bong slight slight bong gotta get my insults proper and with me being abused and Max being abused and Jilly being a slap on the only one that is escaped criticism so far this chance the assistant chance nation it's just his eyes they're so dreamy alright could we get back to this just continue to work in the lamb for the shepherd's pie not the cottage pie Shepherd's [ __ ] pie beautiful I'm loving this and remember as I as I mix this through the onion the carrots and now the lamb are cooking in that leftover grease from the bacon that's called layering flavors you don't even have to know you're doing it to end up with something amazing so all we want right now is for this lamb to be cooked all the way through I'm almost there I want to take like a dozen beaten eggs and just pour it into this and turn it into the most ridiculously amazing breakfast ever and when the lamb is cooked and the pink is gone here's what we do we're gonna add a couple tablespoons of flour this is going to help thicken what we're gonna add so we mix it through and then for our liquids if we had about a half a cup of red wine not too much half a cup of beef broth and we mix look you could use all beef broth I don't think you should use all wine but the idea that the two together are gonna make this really beautiful rich and luscious so just let it happen while its continuing to thicken we're gonna add a few things little Wurster sauce some tomato paste a big clunk of salt and pepper that we haven't done yet some fresh thyme picked off these stems by Jilly thank you very much it's her new job some dried rosemary I would have used fresh if I had it but I don't and this will mix there's one more thing coming it's a bit of a left turn it will piss somebody off I'm quite certain so this is just getting better and better the more you add the more time it simmers and when it's all mixed through I'm gonna throw one more thing in which is a giant effing handful of spinach oh and I know there's people out there that went oh the dude just [ __ ] it up oh let me tell you the dude didn't just [ __ ] it up because yes this is an unexpected ingredient yes this is not traditional to shepherd's pie but I don't think the bacon is so kiss my ass for that I'm just telling you this will make it better this spinach will wilt down you're gonna see over the next couple minutes while this thickens while it richens the spinach will become one with this and we'll just make an amazing addition okay and you get some extra vitamin whatever this is what vitamin is this B and when the spinach has been absorbed into this in the most delicious amazing way the last thing we need before we can put it in the oven or the mashed potatoes and they look like this all right potato time look what we've got in here max look what we've got in here these are Yukon Gold potatoes that I peeled I sliced into similar thick slices and cooked for about 20 minutes until they were this tender look super tender right everybody's tender just basically falls off that's what we want okay so good Lois we're gonna drain these guys just like this well everybody fit come on beautiful we don't want them wet so we'll let them continue to drain for a couple seconds and we'll start our buttercream that will go into these so beside our beautifully finishing shepherd's pie insides gonna put about a quarter of a cup of butter and that will melt with about 3/4 of a cup of whipping cream it's fantastic isn't it how gorgeous that is while we let that melt max let's come back to the potatoes so using our potato ricer which is just like the world's largest garlic press we're going to take some of our potatoes and just throw them in here and then squeeze down there by creating potato that looks like little pieces of rice this is really the best way to get beautifully smooth mashed potatoes and just continue with the rest until you're done like this and like this like this and when we're done max chance Jilly we're gonna take our big spoon and add some of our melted cream and butter there we go and we mix we add a big pinch of salt and pepper because potatoes are bland they need that Wow oh so sorry let that mess oh my god and three secret ingredients are you ready for them [Music] first is a little smoked paprika because it's just gonna give that little obviously smoky but beautiful flavor next in this little package max is roasted garlic I put this in the oven about 30 minutes ago just cloves with the paper that will squeeze out like this and this little brown part is freaking amazing the garlic gets sweet and so delicious this roasted garlic is gonna change the face of these mashed potatoes on top in a really luscious sword away and here's a whole clove by itself just ready to be mashed in let's mix these so mash them in as they go the color gets crazy beautiful oh my god the garlic smell is the best one more thing you're ready for it some Parmesan cheese and I'm using a microplane zester that's good for cheese citrus anything now we mix this in now we can make our shepherd's pie and here we go I'm gonna be honest with you the smell right here is pretty frickin insane lamb is is just so fragrant by itself but with all these other amazing things added to it we're in very good shape now we just need to add the mashed potatoes and it's gonna look like this look at that little extra color to them because of the smoked paprika one more thing remember this bacon oh my god that I had a little extra grease on oh my god no gorgeous this is gonna be now we take our spoon then we start to spread out the potatoes should we bake it and do we bake ovens at 400 30 to 40 minutes look everything is cooked you could eat it right now what you want is the color on top of the mashed potatoes if you're in a hurry just slam the thing up to broil put it this far away and it will do its thing but I think a gentle warming and then a gentle coloring on top is probably the way to go and when we come out where do you see how this looks oh holy Sh it's gonna be something else and after about 30 minutes in the oven and five minutes under the broiler there's our guy gorgeous beautiful little crispy bits on top colored by the smoked paprika in the mashed potato and the only thing now it needs is a little green that looks like this holy Shh I want to break into that more than I'd want to break into Fort Knox it's time for a bite oh [ __ ] look look damn it holy s and look with the gardeners serenading us in the background we've got this amazing lamb with the spinach the onion the garlic the tomato paste everything made this sort of rich and wonderful and then the potatoes with the smoked paprika and the Parmesan cheese the Parmesan cheese grated into it holy s steaming lovingly beautiful and we have a bite [Music] the bacon I forgot about the bacon and it's not overwhelming it's just there in kind of an ultra-rich sort of deliciousness oh it doesn't compete with the lamb no my friends it enhances the lamb look at that bite and you know what enhances this the sound of the gardener what is that thing that that weed Walker no it's like it's nipple of blower thing the leaf blower Thank You chance chance nation the leaf blower nothing's better was an amazing bite of perfect shepherd's pie than the sound of a leaf blower let me just tell you something I'm gonna put this as delicately as I can and the spinach there's spinach in this oh I know there's people out there going spinach Fu Sam why would you do that you wrecked the whole thing well listen I enhanced it I didn't wreck it let me put this as delicately as I can to sum up what we've done here today this thing's stupid [Music]
Views: 1,192,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qmUPJhL55bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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