The Best Calzone (Pizza Pocket) Recipe | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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mmm-hmm what do you get when you make your own pizza dough with jalapeno in the crust and then stuff it with an amazing combination of spicy sausage ricotta cheese mozzarella mushrooms and spinach you get one [ __ ] amazing calzone sorry didn't mean to swear I'm very excited about this and full disclosure never made it before it's fun to go out on the limb try something new Mac said let's make a calzone I said no problem I know how to make pizza dough and a quick version - that won't take you 17 years and 40 hours of kneading that being said the actual pieces the components I haven't done so be something of an experiment but I believe we're gonna be in very good shape by the end of this when I'm eating and you're watching we'll start with our dough into a processor we put 2 cups of flour 1 - 1 packet of fast-acting instant yeast 1 teaspoon of sugar teaspoon of kosher salt Louis a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil this next part is not traditional but I had to shoot something today using a jalapeno pepper but I only use like that much of it and I thought could we put this jalapeno in the crust what what's the worst thing that happens you don't taste it or you do taste it and it's amazing it's going in let's chop it up so oops hmm we'll just take out the middle I don't I don't know how much heat probably won't be bad but we'll leave out the seeds and just cut the rest of it up so clean out the insides it's going into a processor so you don't have to make this stuff too small but I'll just give it a nice little chop then it goes let's throw the lid on and give it a little mix so next we needs three-quarters of a cup of warm water but if it's too hot it'll kill the yeast ideally you want it between 120 and 130 degrees and we are right in the middle and trying to bring this into a bowl so we don't want it to sticking we don't want it to dry which feels just like that I'm not getting really anything on my fingers it's perfect so we take it out oh wait wait wait nobody move you see the green flecks we may have just invented jalapeno pizza dough we take it make it a nice little ball out of it scrunch up the bottom put it into a bowl that we've greased with oil and we'll cover it up with some cling film saran wrap what are there's other words for this the toys a pain in the ass to deal with I can never get off my hands seal it tight and then this goes into a relatively warm spot in your house not an oven it's a nice little corner for about 45 minutes till it doubles in size while we're waiting I'm going to make the stuffing for our calzone so we start with a little oil in a pan and some spicy Italian sausage lovely and I'm using a wooden spoon thing that I have a collection of that I hardly ever use so this we just break up treat this like ground beef we cook it for a few minutes until it's done breaking up as we go grab any stragglers put them back in in the meantime let's cut some shitake mushrooms so I take the stems off and then I just cut them this way nice and thin perfect stem off look you could use any mushrooms you want I just shiitakes to me or or just really luxurious I just love the way that they taste and they they feel when you eat them okay I mean I say you can use any mushrooms except the dreaded white button mushroom look if you're a white button mushroom farmer much respect I appreciate what you do I appreciate what any farmers do I'm just saying I'm not a fan of the white button mushroom they're just full of water they're basically water in the shape of a mushroom I don't know how they do that that's where you watch that science fiction [ __ ] what does that called warp something morph changing whatever they're not really food they're just water in the shape of a mushroom creamy nice fine portobellos fine brown mushrooms anything and now I've pissed off some white button mushroom farmer from somewhere if you're a white button mushroom farmer reach out to us well we'll we'll do something special for you because now we feel bad no I feel bad that I've maligned your entire industry I didn't mean to say that the white button mushroom Lobby is gonna come after the white button mushroom one I know I'm just I know I'm gonna be pissed now they're gonna hate me I don't don't hate me but come back to this because this is almost done and when you like the way that it looks and it's broken up nicely we're gonna take this out and put it in a bowl to cool the pan goes back on and now we're ready to cook the mushrooms there's a beauty of a wide blade ladies and gentlemen okay so to the mushrooms we add a little more oil and some sliced red onion oh boy do I like red onion and over the next 3-4 minutes these guys are gonna just cook down beautifully they'll soften or caramelize we're doing so well remember as I said after a couple minutes these things would would soften beautifully and look at them I mean they're gorgeous that's the thing about shiitake mushrooms they get like that I mean you might use the word slippery which sounds gross but they're pretty freakin incredible right now so a couple things we're gonna add we're gonna add a little salt and pepper just a little then ready for this boom a big-ass handful of baby spinach and you're gonna see like over the next two minutes this will go from this big-ass pile to nothing it will incorporate gorgeously it will add color flavor and vitamins and some of you may not care about vitamins but I care about it for you let it heat through and watch the magic happen okay so remember I told you the spinach would go from here to here it just deflates have a look perfect gorgeous right gorgeous okay let's add something clear a little space add a little shot of oil and then some garlic let that do its thing and in about 45 seconds that will become super fragrant aromatic we'll give it a mix and we take it out and add it to the sausage they'll let that cool so we'll let this cool now then we add our cheese's hold for the slow-moving plain yeah you guys never caught it like I love ricotta yes love that hear that call that the sound of freedom unless you're a mother terrorists and then it's the sound of ah alright let's deal with what we've created remember there was no recipe for this there still is no recipe for this but I want you to look at this for a second and marvel but maybe it's just me but this is amazing smelling and okay fine I just had a bite or two and this could go in scrambled eggs it could go in almost anything but it's going into our calzone not without cheese though and we're not adding one cheese or two cheese max how many cheese's are we heading three three Jesus starting with ricotta one of my favorites so what goes in haha as does some parmesan and some mozzarella and set max and we mix we mix wait not quite do it a little shot of olive oil first now we mix max Oh God there's moments when I say I'm not a religious person but if I was this could be my church or my synagogue because what's going on here is that it's all slippery good lord look at this this is craziness I think we're ready for the dough but not before we have one little taste everything's cooked by the way I'm getting the dough two words holy holy and here's our dough looking beautiful and doubled in size check this kid over all the smell the yeast is delicious it's a it's fantastic and have a look there's those little green specks that I hope we're not too hot but will be amazing I think so take it out we'll start by putting some flour on our board and then bring this little gentle kiddo a little extra flour beautiful right it's beautiful so that would make one big-ass pizza we do not need all that there's no reason to do that I just really like it so let's cut it in half okay now I'm thinking remember there's no recipe here so here we go let's take this guy and now we're gonna roll this kid out and by the way when I say kid clearly that's because the gender is not clear to me at this point I don't know what this is so you want these things about 1/8 of an inch thick so just keep rolling rolling smoothing rolling until you get it where you want it if it starts to stick a bit just give it a little bit more flour on the top but you don't want too much flour so so be gentle we're starting to get there this is gonna be gorgeous these little green flecks are just really fantastic and I hope they do everything about flavor that I'm wishing that they would do okay so I think we're there so here's how we're gonna do this now we take some of our filling the ricotta sausage spinach garlic shiitake 3 cheese we make a really nice of it here you want to give yourself about an inch border all the way around right because you got a seal this puppy up this puppy by the way calling it a puppy still makes it sexually ambiguous to me I don't really know what it is yet perhaps it will come to me in a bit okay let's wrap this kid up now I want to take just a little bit of water just wet the edges you know like you're doing a pie like a kind of dough thing you just want to make sure that this seals properly and now we go like this we take our we take this this extra piece oh we've left all this space you bring it over the top and we seal right here but wait don't stop there because now we're gonna seal like this hello darling look at that we take our knife make a couple little vent holes like that we give it a tiny bit of oil over the top it will help color it a bit as it's baking we're set take our baking sheet and put a little cornmeal on it cornmeal is gonna help this guy just you know slide on and off beautifully we put him on top of it extra seal 500 degrees 15 minutes 15 minutes and look let's take it off ahh okay look beautiful nicely tucked in we didn't lose any moisture liquid the bottom you can hear it the bottom perfect look I like to give it a tiny tiny tiny coating of olive oil just to make it pretty at this point right I think it looks better let's do this in the kitchen before you bring it out and your friends will be like mama mia what have you done this is freaking gorgeous and you'd be like no of course it's gorgeous this is how I work to go where'd you get the recipe you're welcome to say me or you're welcome to just call it your own what do I care as long as you're cooking and eating better that's our goal okay so there she is there she is now let me show you how I want to serve this you could serve it just like that cut it open and eat it but I like to serve it with this okay not just a little cast-iron pot but with the most amazing tomato sauce that we've made before we'll put a link to it cuz you're gonna want to dip right in that now we're talking you know how we say and we mix well and we cut oh boy oh stop it now what's going on in here are you kidding the smell that just rose from that is unbelievable it's time let's have a mother frickin bites here's the one right here let's go would I tell you that each time I get right here my cell my salivary yes salivary that's what school thinks a salivary salivary glands like go insane they go insane so first the bite but look what we've got the sausage the the spinach the ricotta the mozzarella the parmesan the the shiitake mushrooms the red onion it's too the garlic come on come on people please one bite I know you squeeze it watch oh stop it now you just go back to Nebraska or wherever you came from because this is [ __ ] ridiculous look crispy outside which is perfect but the cornmeal that it baked on is giving extra crunch that I'm loving the sausage is fantastic but it's the ricotta the the parmesan the mozzarella that have melts it together to give it just this right here check look right here tell me when that just give it this creamy gooey texture that is exactly what you want look I've had calzones before that we're dry this oh there's nothing dry about this this is heavenly it's a must make it is a must make and of course a dipping bite because because why wouldn't you it's there and the sauce is tremendous but someone who comment the other day said they called they basically called BS on the way I eat like oh you're just making this [ __ ] up it's it can't be that good and he's just making it over the top so people will make it for watching it's not a restaurant I can't prove to you how good this is until you make it so make it just follow what I did cuz there is no recipe but the point of this whole thing is that you can make stuff you just have to try it get out of your comfort zone try something you haven't done before make the dough which by the way took nothing three minutes yes it's at 4:40 but but then you're ready to go you could do anything you can make a flatbread with it on the grill you could you could do this you could make a pizza but it's the best thanks for being here thanks for watching thanks for commenting thanks for liking thanks for subscribing thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you half a heart because I can't make a how to make a heart with these here but I thank you that's all I can say you guys are the best yeah
Views: 942,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calzone, calzone pizza, calzone recipe, pizza, how to make calzone, how to make calzone dough, calzones, calzone dough, how to make a calzone, calzone dough recipe, pizza calzone, pizza recipe, calzone pizza dough, calzone pizza recipe, calzone pizza dough recipe, pizza dough recipes, easy calzone recipe, recipe for calzone, homemade calzone recipe, homemade pizza, homemade pizza dough, homemade pizza recipe, sam the cooking guy, best calzone, best calzone recipe
Id: 6E42nIgOtv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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