The Best Celebs of 2022! | Part Two | The Graham Norton Show

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you also appeared in now what is one of the biggest films of all time as Spider-Man no way home [Applause] everyone loves it everyone loves Spider-Man yeah I went to see in the cinema and when you guys appeared the cheer was amazing you know you went to see it's so cool yeah I mean it's so you know I I finished playing I'm far too old to be playing Spider-Man now but they they asked me back and and it's the sweetest thing ever um because I put that to bed I was like no that's I'm I'm good I'm done that's that's lovely um and Tom Holland is just the best so I just kind of became a fan again and then and then they asked me to do it and and Toby was doing it as well it's Toby's I'm I've got to do it Toby's doing it as much and at least you're at the oldest exactly but he's my but he's my Spider-Man so it's like you know I I would practice his lines in the mirror when I was at drama school like I was very high at the time but my friend Terry McGinnis who and he would he would crack up and he would look at me like yeah but me and me and Toby we um we became friends and we We snuck in to a theater in Los Angeles um on the opening weekend and we were just too you know middle-aged white guys and baseball hats and masks and we just kind of yeah absorbed them I was yeah you know special special things in the middle of a pandemic and it's one of those things I mean when you've had a big success in a role like that going back to it did it feel like a high risk thing to do yeah it was a stupid idea scary thing to attempt yeah especially just the costume oh God 38 year old man in a spandex they are unforgiving those costumes [Laughter] but I heard you talking somewhere isn't there how your height difference makes those stunts more complicated thank you Graeme I didn't say it Zendaya said it now that is a good story it's like the story well you see there's there's a particular stunt there I don't know if it's in this but there's a you know he Spider-Man swings us on top of a bridge and he places me there that's the bridge yeah that's the bridge we eventually jump off of them yeah um so he's supposed to gently you know rest MJ on the bridge and walk away from her it because of our height difference I obviously if we're on the same like points we were attached I would land before him because my feet obviously hit the ground before he does so what would happen well there's like it's called a bottom Mark isn't it and the bottom Mark is to basically it's a thing that they do in stunts that is basically designed to stop you shattering your kneecaps oh yeah so Zendaya would land and I'm the superhero I'm supposed to look cool and she would land and then I would sort of land like this and my feet would swing from underneath me and then she would catch me but you're actually very very lovely about you were like oh my gosh thank you it's so nice to be caught for a change as actors I know do you need to be more careful about what you say and do because Johnny I heard it because presumably because you're Johnny Depp like I read a story about was it because you were coming from Lima to Miami I think when you were stopped at Customs oh yeah yeah and and if you hadn't been Johnny Depp they probably wouldn't have stopped you would they well it's kind of an interesting route anyway Lima Peru to Miami it does sound like a drug Rod they're already expecting things and I did have some things and uh yeah there was a kind of a soft bag and and the Customs guy said would you mind opening this up I said he said he said first he said what is in there I said uh stuffed piranhas I'm sorry stuffed piranhas and some vampire bats unzipped and then there just happened to be some sort of vitamin powder that I was taking at the time yeah I mean in all seriously because I'd still be in jail when I unzipped it poof you know and then with these piranhas and bats covered in white powder never mind the cocaine right sorry why did you have piranhas and bad it was important to have them I had to bring them home yeah but the guy thought he found the motherlode you know he must have been so excited oh God it was oh having a two-hander he didn't go through with it just so you know so what did you how did you say it was still a virgin oh I was a virgin until Ricky you say do you say that's a vitamin powder don't worry about it and he believed you is that is that real they really do that not believe me no right so what do they do get everybody came out with guns and things like that but did you put a knife in your and go up the rigging you do do that thing so you when you begin an album you bring it out and you do the promo and you normally do a tour or in this case it was going to be the Vegas residency and then yeah so what are your plans for this Vanishing and do you know how long how long you're going to be vanished for um well I definitely will vanish again um but I'm trying to like make a really conscious effort to stop being so anal with my privacy like I mean say that I'm still [ __ ] private I'm trying to not always be two completely different versions of myself because it's exhausting like you know switching on and switching off and some of that so that's sort of why I'm sort of like I go out for dinner a bit more now even which I know sounds pathetic but like what's the Worst That Could Happen nothing yeah so um yes I will be disappearing in terms of my music but you might see a glimpse of me every now and then I won't be in complete hiding you know but do you disappear to like recharge yeah and it takes me a while yeah it really takes me a while like you know it takes me about three years yeah and then I've got to like rev myself up to go into the studio and then it takes me a good year and a bit to finish an album no you hosted the Golden Globes is it five times five times over ten years yeah okay because I don't know if you guys know you probably don't know that the Golden Globes have just sort of vanished they didn't they didn't happen this year for for local because of you because yeah I'm getting that I'm getting the blame for it I know I am yeah it was I really it changed as well because the first time I did it like 10 years ago the sort of press particularly the industry press in America was like how why is he saying these awful things to the most beautiful people you know and then by the fifth time right they were going good give it to him we're sick of celebrities so it was quite Zeitgeist it sort of hit a mark last time and that but I'm really glad I did it but I think that's enough okay you must were you in the audience if any of Ricky's several times it was a little bit I think it cuts to you in one of them I think when you talk about Jeffrey Epstein yeah to me yeah but it's but it's a little bit like the experience of being in the room with you at the Golden Globes is a little bit like the tail end of a family Christmas yes where you know it's drunk uncle yeah yeah do we show him where the bathroom is did we just let him I can feel that and I can see the tension and then when I do a joke about them they think oh that was all right like Leo DiCaprio was laughing thinking he could have said a lot worse you know that's the lovely thing for us watching as well as the jokes are obviously funny but then it's seen the faces in there and how they how they take it did you always say every joke or did you did you ever stop yourself no I know I uh no I I went there you know yeah you know that's my adrenaline rush I'm not a brave person you know so that's that's my only that's my only extreme sport I do saying things that everything's in front of them I just wondered if there was a guy who thought oh no that's gone a bit far oh yeah I mean most of them you think the things I say are terrible think of the things I think the punk band when you were on the same were you backstage with Madonna when you were in a punk band uh the punk band was in uh Atlanta Georgia okay when I started out but uh Madonna stuff that was New York in the early 80s and was she like a fan of yours uh no she was a fan of no ones but Madonna's yeah a fan of hers yeah didn't you audition for Madonna Benedict oh God yes I did and uh yeah yeah she just sort of came in a briefly very late and uh had a clipboard in hand when I said yeah Benedict Cumberbatch is that really your name and I went yes it is Madonna laughs this is a breakthrough role for you jack because an American accent yes I was doing an American accent well in that clip yeah I feel the Oscar bars you see what a lot of actors do when they do an American accent is they tend to just go for like one region of America and they commit to a single American accent I decided with this role that I would take Sonata around all 50 states but sometimes in the same scene I thought why just do one where you can show off them all I've seen talking like I was from New York and then all of a sudden I'm suddenly speaking like I'm a Cali girl and by the end of the scene they're stopping me because it sounds like I'm from The Dukes of Hazard all over the place but I thought you know just show off your skills [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 977,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audience laughter, Audience participation, British celebrity, British comedy talk show, British humor, Celebrity TV, Celebrity discussion, Celebrity guests, Celebrity news, Celebrity stories, Celebrity talk show moments, Comedy show, Entertainment, Fun moments, GrahamNortonShow, Iconic moments, Late-night comedy, Late-night show, TV funny, TV viral moments, The Graham Norton Show
Id: U1ElV0blZ6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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