How I got immersed in Baldur's Gate 3

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my partner had one day off work and it was the day balder's Gate 3 was releasing they told me Mo all I want to do is play boulder Escape 3 all day I was like that sounds awesome let's stream it so we can be a little productive and this game quickly became a problem I was hyper fixating and sweating thinking about how long I had been playing it and how much I was enjoying it so I gave myself one last night to play it I gave madakis good night I said I would be up in a bit and then I proceeded to play Baldur's Gate until the sun came up I got a lot of tick tock comments it's like oh look at the way that they're lovingly holding them but my mic was off right I was just wondering if you could give me a reenactment of you finding me after my all night Baldur's Gate binge oh you dumb sack of [ __ ] hey everybody [ __ ] you doing is this a behavior I am proud of and trying to encourage uh absolutely not but it was hard to get myself to stop because I knew that after that night that was it I would have to go back to working all the time the next day no more Baldur's Gate in order to accomplish any task I had to have Baldur's Gate 3 Ambiance on in the background Matt would come home from work and play our game of Baldur's Gate on the TV by themselves and then I would work on my laptop this whiteboard has become a permanent fixture of our living room because eventually I lost the plot and had to have it explained to me all I know is that there is a man named gortash and he is mayor of Baldur's Gate this is my first year as a full-time Creator and it's been incredibly fulfilling and also one of the most stressful experiences of my entire life when people ask me Mo what's it like to take a hobby that you used to do out of love and fun and now do to pay the bills I say Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell I do want to clarify that you guys and being able to make things for you all the time because of the support that you have given me that's the heaven part I'm just scared of letting you guys down like I'm working all the time because I love making things and I want to try and make this work like this is my choice I feel like I'm always working and if I am not working it's because I need to lie down for a second and then I'm panicking because I'm thinking about how I'm not actively working it's hard to play music for fun anymore because I'm thinking I should always be improving I should be recording I should be putting my songs on Spotify I should be promoting them on Tick Tock video editing has always been my passion but now there's this new pressure to it I feel like I have to be working faster and every video has to be better and if it's not good I will not eat I can't even play video games anymore because now twitch is a stream of income for me that one night I was playing Baldur's Gate I was recording it because I thought somehow later I must be able to monetize off of this I should be streaming this I should be posting this surely there's a way that I can play Baldur's Gate and still make rent I'm so sorry guys one sec I got an email I love Baldur's Gates so much dude I don't know if I've ever played a video game that has satisfied me so much with its mechanics but still felt like a living breathing world it's so high fantasy and takes itself so seriously but still manages to make me laugh I love that it feels like the most accessible way I've ever played D like all the Spells are icon art they're separated by color if I can't do something it just Fades to gray I can't click on it and I don't feel overloaded or overwhelmed by all the information like I can look at things one thing at a time and all the important stuff is bolded I love that if your character faces consequences it still rewards you as a player like I did a bar crawl of all the jails I could get sent to because there's always a fun little escape room in there for you last time Matt was playing our game they pissed off a genie and it turned him into cheese and it's just so goofy he was just rolling around his cheese but the cheese had like a special power I love that you can turn on turn-based mode at any time like if I find myself in a sticky situation I don't have to panic I can go into bullet time and think okay hell we getting out of this one I love that the battles can either feel like a fight or a puzzle like it allows me to be strategic or creative if I wanted to be I love how the conversations feel like conversations and not just like a predictable BuzzFeed quiz and there are so many dialogue options like not just the ones that face value like you get special dialogue options based on your class your background if you play a t-plane other tieflings will bring up the fact that you're achieving and talk to you like you're a tiefling step back go join the other tieflings this says I am a druid person in a tiefling second so not hold up hold on they not only considered tiefling specific options and Druid specific answers this is an answer for if you are both a druid and a t-plane and that's not even including speak with dead speak with animals to put into perspective while I was editing this I found a YouTube video that had all of the vampire man's lines it's run time is over nine hours long one character has fully voice acted lines that when put together are over nine hours long I love how many different ways it seemingly lets you solve the exact same problem here are some examples I asked my viewers how they got through the goblin camp for context one of the first missions you're given is to go rescue this man halson in the middle of a goblin Camp goblins are chilled with drow so when Matt and I played we disguised ourselves as drow so we could sneak in during my all-nighter I gathered all the Goblins by playing a little ditty and then carefully planned on an ambush so I could attack them all at once a lot of other people also planned out an ambush by putting grease on the stairs ice on the bridge using a spell that locks all the doors someone fully sold out the good guy location so they could assassinate the leader once they were left alone someone was attempting to Ambush everyone but then got caught freeing a prisoner and had to fight their way out someone woke up the drunk goblins and then gave them more booze so they'd pass out again and this person poisoned the punch bowl at the party I did not even realize that it was a thing you could do some people threw their enemies into the spider pit other people befriended the spiders and caused a spider Uprising including Luxy games who wait Lexi games one of twitch's top female streamers Lexi games oh oh no shot I cannot believe the spiders are working for us that's that's the best uh this is the best game some people tried to charm all the Goblins other people placed a bunch of oil barrels and then blew everything up some of these answers mentioned oh I brought salsa along and I was like wait who the hell is saza and then I remembered salsa is this random Goblin that you meet at the good guy camp for like two minutes this person was playing with their partner who got arrested and then turned into a cat to go rescue them I also got arrested because I misclicked but then I was like wait I got thrown in the dungeon the place we're supposed to be rescuing house in from so when I tell you I reloaded that save so many times because I was so determined that the narrative was going to be that me and house and fought our way out of the dungeon together and met up with the rest of the party I just love when a plan comes together in the playthrough you are going to see I met a character named Priestess gut she gave me a sleeping potion I passed out I wake up in a dungeon in Chains however when Brizzy voices was in the exact same scenario Brizzy voices voice actress and content creator Anna Brisbane Brizzy voices why does it say drow drink the potion when she was in the exact same scenario she was given the sleeping potion but was playing a drow and apparently sleeping potions do not work on drow so Priestess got mad and attacked her Apple what's the [ __ ] problem I drank your potion the [ __ ] but then someone else said they defeated Priestess got by dropping a chandelier on her and someone apparently seduced her and killed her in her bedroom some people sided with the goblins by accident a lot of people sided with the goblins on purpose which means there's an alternate timeline out there where the Goblins are just hanging out in the good guy Zone and in my current playthrough I got through the goblin camp by smearing [ __ ] on my face I can't believe you did it you stupid idiot go on mate enjoy the festivities you earned it in all of the Goblins in the camp acknowledged that I had poo on my face you and why are you doing here with that stick I would open up my menu and there would be poo on my face and flies buzzing around my head I had a status effect for the poo on my face and I would like to remind you that that is just one mission that is one Quest in the entire area of act one and that's just the gameplay can we talk about like the characters and the story I'm so invested in the plot and I love all these characters and I originally wasn't even that interested in Romancing them I just find Romancing in video games like kind of shallow this is the opinion of a woman who has an entire page in her virtual bullet Journal just dedicated to which gifts to give the stardew valley villagers by the way it just feels like oh you chose the obvious dialogue option you Googled what gifts to give them achievement unlocked you see a pair of tits but the romance scenes I've seen are like way more than just fan service it's such like a tender and intimate look into who this character is like you earn it by getting to know them as a person and you're rewarded with a moment of vulnerability with them and it does consent so well which I appreciate because I'm awkward as hell like every time it's about to escalate it asks you hey do you want to keep going and I have the option to say yes or no may I have this dance like I never feel trapped in a vulgar cut scene I never feel uncomfortable and I get a glimpse as to who this character is behind closed doors I am controlling it maybe I break up with him no you wouldn't and when I found out I was gonna be making a video about Baldur's Gate I asked people on Twitter Hey when did you feel most immersed in Baldur's Gate a lot of the answers were oh this story beat with this character so the original concept for this video was it was going to be a challenge I was going to romance all of the Baldur's Gate characters in three days [Music] welcome to Baldur's date let's meet our lucky bachelors and bachelorettes this is will the blade of Frontiers he is literally the prince charming archetype and makes me swoon every single time I think you all are sleeping on him trust me his Camp clothes are just bad it really looks like they just shrunk in the wash and he's wearing them anyway however they look great on my character because it is a crop top tank top and capri pants what were we talking about meet Shadow heart everyone's favorite quirky big titty goth girl while will is my favorite romance Carlock is my favorite character I think she is the only character at camp that I would actually want to hang out with when Larry in studio released stats of the game upon its initial release Gail was one of the most popular characters I saw a tweet once that said he was a stopping wet boy and I cannot explain why but that is correct he likes when you find peaceful alternatives for problems and when you give him snacks spoiler-free snacks this is lizelle your new gift Yankee friend who in my mind are just Dragon riding Space frogs you'll win her heart if you're a bloodthirsty combatant and show aggression and violence every chance you get especially towards those pesky mind players and the absolute that's it that's all the companions there is no one else just kidding it is time for everyone's favorite cannibalistic heartthrob a Starion I know everyone on Earth is in love with this vampire I cannot get past the fact that he is a gay man who hates me a Starion likes if you let him drink your blood are mean to humans and have an appreciation for the Finer Things in life what a list of green flags will I be Romancing him one day absolutely Shane was my first pick in stardew Valley I love vampires as much as any other woman that lived through the Twilight Saga and I can fix him halsin the Druid Daddy to romance house and you must lift the shadow curse and show an affinity for nature if you long to romance menthara the spider MILF you must side with the goblins Jahira mazora harlip the emperor if you're freaky the draw and dry out of the Baldur's Gate brothel and Minsk [Music] wait who's Minsk Matt played our game in front of us while I did research and wrote scripts choosing to fight the Goblins will make minthera hostile and the relationship cannot be recovered after this point Fair set your boundaries I made myself a strict schedule and I had notes for every character I was going to create am I just writing smut it really feels like I'm just making self-insert fan fiction that is what's happening I was up at the crack of dawn which very clearly I was thrilled about so I think today we're gonna start with Shadow heart I'm not a morning person if that is not clear I followed my notes I sped through character creation I skipped every cutscene except for Shadow Hearts yes my man so we are about two hours into Romancing Shadow heart I think I'm in love with her and then I just remembered in order to romance Allison I have to fully get to like the other map so I'm just gonna try and like speedrun the goblin Camp give shadow heart a little kiss on the lips and then tonight I'm gonna try and romance halson now I was looking forward to Romancing halson when Matt and I were playing I loved the tension it felt very much like it is unspoken how much I am in love with you but my responsibilities as a first Druid are too much to bear but then out of curiosity while I was cleaning the kitchen one day I looked up the cutscenes on YouTube foreign still correct in that sentence was the word bear anyway I go get groceries I come back I put them away I put food on I take a shower I answer some emails I cleaned my office I decided to treat myself a little bit so I have an Arizona green tea I have a face mask on I have a candle lit and I sit down so I can quickly bang at a character so we can get going on all of these romances and that song kicks in thank you it makes your heart with mine let your sleeping Soul take flight take me through the night down and I'm linked and the timer on my stream Labs recording said I had been there for two hours uh just just character in it just character Jesus yeah Boris loves lavov has written some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard Maria anastasova's vocals are beautiful and haunting and according to tick tock she follows me and is a larper one of us I know that we all make jokes about how it Loops during character creation but man it fills me with such a sense of wonder and adventure ah yes I'm a [ __ ] nerd I am a very emotional nerd life is hard and it's chaotic and and crazy and stressful video games to me when I'm getting the most out of them can feel like meditation it's a chance for me to sit and breathe and convince myself that just for a moment I'm somewhere else entirely and weirdly enough whenever I allow myself a night like that I'm always excited just to get back to it so this video is going to be a little silly so if you will allow me I would like to share with you 10 ways that I get fully immersed in Baldur's Gate 3. but before we begin my numbered list I'd like to share with you the first tip which is the word immersive is meaningless I know that I'm kind of coming for my own brand by saying that but that's part of why I call myself an immersive experienced Creator like theater experiences theme parks larps or in a lot of cases just a lot of projectors like it's so vague and covers so many vases and I have since been told that is bad branding I would like to point you towards this video essay the main thesis of it being they're calling a game immersive is the same thing as calling it good like go on we need more information than that I agree with it and the only definition I can give to something being immersive is that feeling when the rest of the world washes away you could say it's like oh it's when you get really sucked into the world of a story but I find beat saber immersive beat saber makes me feel like the rest of the world washes away but there's no story I just get really sucked into Rhythm games and that feeling happens in different ways for everyone like I felt it at concerts too I imagine you'd feel it when you're reading a good book or watching a good movie going on a nice hike petting your dog painting I am saying this because I too forgot to follow my fun and that's what I want to encourage and also a lot of this video may seem very silly to you because maybe for you you feel immersed by challenge you like crunching the numbers mid-maxing and some people are going to get immersed when they're relaxed calm and into the story like do you like to explore or progress check in with yourself every once in a while and be like is this the most fun I could be having first and foremost you should be chasing your own experience of escapism but this is my little list of how I personally feel immersed foreign hey you yeah you you dummy have you ever wanted to flush out your tab do you want that good old emotional bleed when something bad or good happens to your character do you want to daydream so hard you feel like you've shifted into the sword coast probably not who would want to do that that'd be weird because now for the low low price of nothing I'm going to tell you 10 ways to get fully immersed in the world of Baldur's Gate 3. actually I think it's just nine now because we already did the first one call the number at the bottom of your screen we're just gonna ignore the fact that it's very clearly a hair wash day I thought that would work for our greasy boy Gail so it's probably best to start at the beginning but for me that's before I even boot up the game I'm going to call this ritual casting of all the experiences that I have done the ones where I felt the most in it always had some sort of transitional period whether that be a group meditation a walk to the location or even something as simple as an announcement to tell everyone to turn off their phone and I do that when I'm settling in for a nice little self-care night before Matt and I put on a movie I'm really excited about we'll make popcorn we'll turn off the light sometimes if I'm feeling real weird I'll pull up the DVD menu on YouTube and have it on a loop while we're getting ready I accidentally did this the other night with the candle in the face mask for me I get the most out of a night of gaming when I prepare my space and I do yoga I focus on my breathing I stretch myself out my body feels good my brain feels good I am ready to transport myself I mean that's what I do you can do whatever you want make yourself a nice snack go for a walk look up the latest Baldur's Gate memes hop on a Discord call with your friends and ask them how their week's been obviously in moderation but maybe treat yourself to a little bit of a cheeky legal substance it doesn't really matter what it is I would just recommend giving yourselves like five minutes to mentally transition just to chill and tell yourself okay it is Baldur's Gate time now and then we will hop into the character creator the Character Creator screen to me is more than just a stat block or a doll maker it's a chance to wonder what kind of person I'm making not just what they look like but who they are why did they decide to cut their hair this way does this tattoo have significance to them are they proud or self-conscious of their eye color I really like this hairstyle that covered half of her face I'm like oh it makes her look like very gentle very very shy and then I put a scar on the left side of her face and I was like what if she's like self-conscious about this scar so she she always hides it with her hair at the beginning of the day is your character the kind of person to wake up braid their hair put makeup on or roll out of bed and splash their face with river water I live my life on one end of that Spectrum or the other do the mechanics of the noble look cool to you what did their life as a noble look like did they ever dream of getting away from it all or did they thrive in A pompous environment if pouring all your stats into dexterity sounds fun for you maybe think was there something that happened in this character's life that made dexterity integral to their survival her stats are ridiculous she was like no Constitution no dexterity what are you doing no strength uh tiefling druid Blackheath blesses me this day mechanics build the story this is to say there are no mistakes only happy accidents and pretty much every failed role I've had in Baldur's Gate 3 leads to something really interesting happening everything all right out there think I'm stupid don't know who you are or what you've done with the boss but if you come through that door again and I noticed that the voice actor put an inflection on that door and I was like so We snuck up around the back lo and behold I get to this room and they're all looking like they're all stuck looking at that one door when my sweet baby Bean Faith Flora fails a strength check that's not a loss baby that's just the story happening she goes down so easily for the first little bit of the game I basically just kind of had to like run away and hide which narratively I think is so cute I like this idea that like she has never been on an adventure before like this is kind of her first rodeo so for the first little bit she literally had to run away in a hide so I wouldn't just like go down in one hit every single time she misses in combat which is a lot I'm like oh classic baby Bean for the Flora but let me tell you I don't think there's a persuasion check out there that little Miss Faith Flora could not ace I mean push that's right three two one push I encourage you to embrace the failures because flaws are what flesh out a character so you know how every run we've done Roselle is usually like leave it don't touch anything that you don't recognize my perception is produced I like my mic so I just run in and I hear her beginning to speak and without thinking I just hit the switch two people just like a fight the cultists yeah I was like oh my God that's so funny allow yourself to get swept up in your story if it is not clear at this point I am a loser and I embarrass myself a lot because of how into things I get but it brings me so much joy such completely harmless joy and it and in this economy I don't think we can afford to deny ourselves any joy that shiver betrays your fear to press it it is useless we we landed and you know that mind player that's like um it's like your brains get away from that thing I was like I'm playing naive little cutie dummy I'm did you [ __ ] go to kiss him instantly died yeah and for the first time in your life you're perfectly happy but I was like you know what I want to see this through because I just think that'd be neat but he insta kills you in the cutscene yeah I know and then she revives me and then I started running away it was just a pattern of like her hitting me healing her hitting me healing and then she dies my players coming after me he's only got like a little bit of Health left I'll show you the video it's like oh it was so fun he's coming for me like bit by bit and I'm going to the edge of a cliff and then I'm like wait a second I just learned how to uh wild shake I haven't wild shaped yet and so like I'm on the edge of a cliff and my life's coming for me it turns into a spider for the first time it kills on my plans [Music] how many people have we kissed today none because no one except the Mind player that's a stop this game is cool it is cool how many stories you can build with it all I'm saying is if you think your tab is cool they are if you think a fight was awesome it's because it was awesome if you make yourself cute little bullet journal pages to document your tav's journey if you feel some emotional bleed during the romance scenes and get a little blushy no I'm not talking from personal experience at all there if you have a head Canon that's different from the plot if you write fan fiction for that headcanon if you draw art of that headcanon I think that is the coolest thing in the world if this game makes you feel happy and creative and puts a little bounce in your step let the bounce stay there and send me links to your art and your fan fiction because I want to stew [Music] this tip's a little different also yes I'm a Starion I'm the sexy one but you can either have the fangs or a voice that is in any way attractive darling do is the quintessential fantasy meal it is full of healthy ingredients and it is the easiest thing in the world to make in a pot I just threw in some boxed broth boxed boxed broth garlic onions carrots potatoes and a big old hunk of beef then I just put a little bit of seasoning on it and forgot about it for six hours it was delicious that night and when I put the rest in containers and threw them in the freezer it was good for the rest of the week too how many characters do we need to make before we finish the basic list I don't want to do that I want I want I want to go on an adventure I'm having so much fun I want to sit and smell the Mur grass yeah life is fast fast-paced I would have to take these out that's better you paid good money for this game it's not a race unless you want it to be so go ahead read the books sort your inventory listen to the cutscenes like can we talk about just how beautiful the opening cutscene is or maybe even just admire the pile of Noel corpses you have left in your wake and pat yourself on the back for a job well done this game is incredibly expansive and there is so much to do I know that when you're busy and you're taking care of yourself your window for video game time can feel small and I know I'm always tempted to get as much done as possible but this this is a break for myself and sometimes I forget to treat it like one because to know I will be the night that I will fall for you yes I have combined two bad wigs in an attempt to do a shadow heart look it is giving spirit Halloween College Au take breaks stopping to smell the mirror grass really only has an impact on me if I have stopped to touch real grass recently think of it like lomba spread from Lord of the Rings wearing small quantities yummy fulfilling in large quantities I can end up just feeling sick sometimes I'll set myself a timer for 20 minutes even if I intend to play longer than that every 20 minutes I just check in with myself refill my water go to the bathroom step outside get some fresh air all right Moe you ready to go even funny story when Matt and I took this break to walk in the park a group of guys walked past us and one of the guys very clearly said oh I was attacking the Goblins but then I accidentally hit the tiefling and then the tieflings were all aggroed on me it gave me that feeling I got that one summer where Pokemon go was super popular oh what's up you seem stressed I just got a lot on my mind that was fun I wasn't expecting that at all don't do that another benefit of breaks especially long-term ones is the suspense when I was a kid I played a lot of Kingdom Hearts and there was this one boss fight and this one cut scene that would always play beforehand where sower would go there's no way you're taking Kyrie's heart and I could not get past this boss fight definitely not in one sitting I just remember furiously scribbling on my schoolwork thinking about all the strategies I could Implement once I got home and there was so much build up that once I finally beat that boss God a wave of euphoria and the Goblin Camp gave me that same feeling right before going to the goblin Camp I walked away to get some work done and I just remember being like man how am I gonna take down that Priestess gut and it gave me energy through the day and so when I finally sat down to do it I was so excited cultivate your experience mechanically I have way more fun with Rogues than I do clerics so gave Withers 100 gold Wham boom bam Shadow Hearts a rogue down I made Lizella Ranger I just found I was always using her her archery and anyway this drives my partner absolutely up the wall I imagine it also might drive a couple commenters up the wall Matt's always like that's bananas to me like being a cleric is such a huge part of her story I don't know I've just rewired it in my brain so that the story is the same she just sneaks and I have a lot more fun in the fights as a result well you know what Matt it's it's Bonkers to me that you don't sort your inventory like at all everything's just everywhere all the time all at once as I have said the soundtrack to this game is phenomenal but sometimes I'm just in the mood for Ambient sound sometimes I want to add my own soundtrack like fantasy Lo-Fi fantasy meditation or bad reputation by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts sometimes I'm craving a challenge and I want to give my brain a workout and other times I might only have a couple minutes and I just want to relax which is why I really appreciate the wording of the different difficulty levels I have been shamed a lot for playing games on easy mode I have internalized in myself that I am not good at video games which is why I really appreciate that Baldur's Gate has categorized its difficulty Levels by ideal experience like it's not easy mode it's the easiest mode so you can have a more story driven experience get in and I'm having a grand old time just looking around I'm super chill I'm like oh my God this reminds me so much of those like Disney Interactive story books that you're simply as a kid because there's no throw it at the Huns on the stairs and then a few hours in when I decided I wanted to multi-class and that was something that was only available in balanced mode it just let me change it the customization in this game goes Way Beyond dyeing your clothes don't be afraid to adopt your experience based on your personal wants and needs Ponder your answers Baldur's Gate gives you so many interesting dialogue options beyond the persuasion checks or the Rogue specific answers sometimes it presents you with a character question that I really enjoy pausing to think about like lizelle asked me have you ever seen a gift Yankee before I expect I am your first and I had the options to say yes I'd only ever heard of them or no and I stopped and thought has my character ever seen a give Yankee because at the time I didn't really have an answer I was like I don't really see them as a world traveler type so they probably haven't seen any but I imagine that she's sheltered but reads a lot so maybe she's read about the gift Yankee but hasn't seen them I suppose I am as alien to you as you are to me I love little prompts like this and the little workout that it gives your imagination that look in your eyes something terrible has happened to you and I know that this seems small at the time but when those answers all build up it can get you really invested in your character's story like if your character is the kind of person to have never seen a gethanki before imagine their emotional response to the rest of the [ __ ] they're about to experience and so there we go that's it my little Baldur's Gate 3 Journey comes to an end again for now but I cannot wait for the next time I get maybe just an hour of free time and I can go visit the sword Coast again oh [Music] thank you so much to Larry and Studios for sponsoring this video and giving me a moment to talk about how much I love this game I don't think anything could have picked up my spirits more than getting a sponsorship email from a game I was already in love with thank you to you the viewers social media algorithms are a terrifying Cryptid mystery to me but I have been told that people watching a video till the very end helps so you helped thank you thank you so much to my patrons this year has been so stressful but every time I update you guys there and I'm like this is what I'm dealing with this is what I'm working on I'm so sorry I wish I could be doing more I get like oh the most supportive comments in the world uh keeps me going I'm able to buy groceries and my medication because of your support if you're interested in becoming a patron as in Kaza you may know them from other videos completely gave it a makeover azerai also has a patreon and also has ADHD and so helped me make sure that my patreon was ADHD safe they cleaned up all of the reward tiers so that it can work with my executive dysfunction so most of the rewards like merch and stuff ship out automatically but I will still hop on there with updates and works in progress there's a video I filmed in 2018 that I am still working on that patrons have seen the entire progress of if you're interested in seeing me play more Baldur's Gate I've gotten into twitch recently I got a USB extender so I can be your real life Lo-Fi girl and the camera does not have to be directly on my face I mostly do Pomodoro streams because I am busy and I like being an accountability buddy for the people in my chat but occasionally I will break and we will just play some video games I am Momo underscore O'Brien there and if you could follow me on social media that would be neat oh I guess that's it I guess we're done hooray I mean it's already open I could play for like a little bit right why is it always a million trillion degrees whenever I need to be wearing makeup elf ears and be under a hot light to film a video I feel like I'm just forever cursed to not be in Focus oh I love for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth my two front teeth the bangs are so bad uh I have not yet in this game found a flower crown now if anybody out there knows where one is drop that information in the comments for me this is not a green screen this is four pieces of Dollar Store bristol board he was that sound everybody look was going down Discord curious what a precarious chord poop meditation walk to the location immersive experience I am gonna go shower now
Channel: Mo Mo O'Brien
Views: 301,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JB850eEy7sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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