The BEST 8 money making methods in Hypixel SkyBlock | Tutorial / Guide

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hey guys back for another video and welcome to hypixel sky block 4 another money making tutorial and today i'm gonna be showing off the top eight ways to get money in this game i'm gonna be ranking these methods from worst to best so you're going to get the eighth best method right here and now and that is rose runs now if you guys don't know i am not a dungeons player so i don't do this but according to my guild this is a pretty good method to get money so the way it works is you hop into a floor six dungeon so you get your party together you run a floor six you get no secrets you basically just clear every room and then get to the boss fight in floor six you rush over to the golems kill them immediately and then get their roses which would be used presumably to craft one of these a flower of truth and supposedly if you do this really quickly and just do runs over and over and over again only getting the roses from the golems then you supposedly make three million coins an hour do i see this as a long-term strategy no i think flower truth at some point is going to get overtaken by something else but at the current moment in the meta the flower truth is a pretty good weapon especially for berserkers and uh yeah so three million coins an hour not bad for number eight the next best way to make money is by doing a little strategy that i'd like to call the forwards backwards method while farming sugarcane so this method makes about 3.5 million coins an hour obviously you're gonna want a blessed turning sugar cane hoe and if you want maximum efficiency cultivating 10 i'm only at seven so far harvesting six turbo cane five get the counter to at least ten mil but most sweats can get it to a hundred mil nowadays and of course recombobulated and then as for the pet of course you want money so elephant pet level 100 legendary and then get yourself some rancher boots and then you set the speed to a very specific number that speed being 327 so once you have your rancher boots on with 327 percent speed first of all you got to build a farm that looks somewhat similar to this there's water on each side two blocks of dirt in the middle two more blocks of dirt water two more blocks of dirt water with slabs and i've actually updated my farm design here so you might notice every other row is blocked off so it's made in a snake-like pattern where it goes up and then back up and then back so on the other side there's an opening in this spot but then this spot is covered up so it's in a pattern where you just go back and forth like this and what you do for the forward backwards method is in my case i'm holding the a and s keys so what you want to do is hold the two buttons and keep adjusting your mouse until you stop moving so i've just about stopped moving now what that means is that i'm at a 45 degree angle and of course it's not perfect so you will move a little bit it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect and now you don't move your mouse and you left click and then you press a in my case and then as you can see i am breaking all of the cane well i'm gonna miss a couple inevitably but for the most part i am getting all of the cane all right we're making it to the end and then i switch to pressing s and then as you can see i'm breaking all the cane behind me so the benefit of this strategy is that it's really really lazy you can actually bind the left click to the space bar and not touch your mouse having the perfect 45 degree angle and just switch between in my case the a and s keys or for some people the s and d keys depending on how you built your farm you can literally sit here and do this for hours and still have access to your right hand which is nice because then you can browse your phone you can watch movies you basically don't really need to do anything other than make sure that you're swapping between a and s and the space and hold the space bar the whole time we're gonna head up here to the top of my farms and show off the next thing which is carrot so although cane is a great crop carrots at the current moment in the meta do make a lot more money on average four to five million coins an hour so with this what i would suggest doing is actually lowering the speed to something like i don't know maybe 300 and then you do this so you hold i have like rows set up where it's four dirt water four dirt water even though it's not the most space efficient like technically you only need a water once every eight blocks in like a grid pattern having lines like this makes it way faster to harvest and when you have a massive island like mine or multiple layers it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter if you're wasting space because by the time you make it to the end the beginning is fully grown again but anyways uh this is my method it's probably not the best i've tried going diagonally like this similar to the uh sugar cane but it is it turns out it's faster just to do this you're gonna miss a lot of carrots leaning on the wall and just breaking you might notice i'm breaking right here where the hitbox ends so i do get some of the ones in the back and all the ones in the front and supposedly this makes four to five million coins an hour if i didn't say that already four to five million coins an hour if sold to the bazaar so with the cane you want to sell it to the npc with this you want to sell it to bizarre and i think the reason is most likely due to carrot candy oh by the way if you can click that subscribe button that would be incredible my channel these videos everything depends on you right here right now pressing that button without the subscribe button i don't know if people get notified of my videos so yeah go and do that if you want to see some more high pixel skyblock tutorials and let's play content then uh then this is the channel for you and if you've been here for a while make sure that you are subbed because sometimes people watch like 10 20 30 videos and it turns out they're not even subscribed so make sure you seal the deal and press the button anyways moving on okay so this next money making method is actually really complicated and i frankly am not qualified to tell you guys how it works so i'm just gonna say it now it's ink fishing which at this current moment makes four to five million an hour but it is very sweaty and most likely the price of ink is going to drop a little bit so it might fall below farming carrots i don't think it's gonna fall below sugarcane in terms of how much you make per hour if you want to max out your setup for fishing obviously what i have is not enough so what you actually want is 3 4 submerged shark scale armor re-combed with legion five which is not at all what i have and uh renowned legion five squid hat as well as a treacherous rod of the sea with expertise ten recombobulated again i'm not into fishing i just kind of have enough to do it but not max it out you're also going to want a maxed out flying fish squid and epic dolphin pet apparently you also want your talismans enriched to sea creature chance you want to consume the century cake for sea creature chance and have your beacon on sea creature chance which gets you like up into the 90-something percent range which is insane uh but anyways you got a triple pet swap in this area with rain active you get a lot of squids now i'm gonna link a full tutorial on how to do this in the description it's funny because the guy who made the tutorial really doesn't like me he's in my guild but i'm just going to be honest with you chat he knows a lot more about fishing than i do so i'm just going to leave it to him despite the fact that he doesn't like me anyways moving on okay back to something i actually know and that's wart farming so it turns out farming that the warts still does make a pretty good amount of money there is a caveat here obviously on top of the normal farming equipment where you need to get a a special hell for it which i didn't mention by the way with the carrots but yes carrot has its own hoe that you want to max out as well as a level 100 legendary elephant pet the problem is right not only do you need this a maxed out nether warthole not only do you need the elephant pet but you're also going to want farming 60. the problem with wart is that it does not give you farming xp so basically you don't get better at farming by farming and on top of that it's got a really weird way of farming so first of all you want to farm while flying so to build this farm you want for soul sand and then you just keep going a big row of four of them and then you have a space and then four more then a space the thing i like about wart though is you can stack them on top of each other like this but it is quite annoying because you have to fly to farm the wart now there is a way to make this more efficient and that's by playing in either a modern version or by using something called patcher to basically fix the hitboxes i'm playing at 1.8 right now and the hitboxes are quite short and it's actually the same no matter if the netherwart is fully grown or if it's a little stub like that but if you were to have patcher or if you were to have a modern version installed then there's a bigger hitbox which means you can hit the netherwart from higher and then it will get out of your way allowing you to hit the one behind it and then the one behind that and then there you go if you have farming 60 and if you've maxed out the farming area if i go back to the swan here if you max out the anita shop which i have not done oh here we go i currently have a plus 22 extra farming drops uh buff active there's it's very very expensive but if you were to max everything out you could theoretically make about six five six million coins an hour and it is quite lazy which could be appealing because you know making six million coins an hour passively is quite nice but it's gonna take you over 100 million coins to prepare then again if you were to farm to farming 60 you would make that 100 million coins like if you were doing for example kane but it's a lot of time and effort to invest in a money-making method but these are the best not the most convenient so there you go okay this next one is in the dwarven mines so obviously if you're gonna be doing mining you want a really good pick and armor i have the armor and that's sorrow and unfortunately there's no reforges or anything else that gives you mining speed but i do have a fleet refined titanium pickaxe this is not the best you can do i used to own the best mining tool in the game and that was a fleet titanium drill drx555 which you get by while crafting it in the forge here the thing about that though is it is very expensive and of course you can reforge it so that fleet gives you more speed you can also give it a drill engine upgrade but nobody does that because it's ridiculously expensive it would be worth adding a fuel tank to it in my opinion and i would suggest not adding a goblin omelet because it resets the item meta every 30 seconds which will cancel your block break which is really annoying you don't even want to really bother with commissions with high level mining so this is probably the most difficult money making method to set up for and the reason for that is if you go to heart of the mountain you basically want to have this orientation of perks except you want your efficient miner at 100 this is going to take several months of non-stop grinding to get efficient miner 100 but if you were to theoretically do that there are some people including the guy i said earlier that doesn't like me uh has done this if you were to get efficient minor 100 and then of course level up the rest of your perks adequately i'd say at least like mining speed 30 uh mining fortune's really important for money so i'd get that up too if you were to theoretically max out all of these perks you would make probably six to seven million coins an hour in just mithril and titanium if you were just to do this it would be extremely time consuming getting all of those perks together but yeah you could make quite a bit of money doing this and right now i'm mining the gray blocks but as you get to the higher levels of efficient miner and speed you can actually focus on the blue blocks now i would say until you get your efficient miner and mining speed really high it would make a lot of sense to go for the grey blocks but like i said once you get towards the peak you're gonna want to break these and you're gonna want it to not be so slow but yeah it's you get the most mithril from these blocks you get a good amount of mithral powder as well but will just upgrade your stuff even more but it's gonna be difficult i honestly would not recommend this money making method just because it will take months of your life to set up for just to get six to seven million coins an hour which is going to eventually decrease i would imagine because as time goes on more and more people are going to be mining which brings the value of these items down so i don't i don't know i don't know if it's worth it it's worth it up until where i got which is mining 60. these are the perks i ended up with in mining 60. i made a good amount of money while leveling basically every single uh mighty minion or mining pet in the game to level 100 legendary so that was a great way to progress but i don't know as a long-term money-making method the viability of this one oh and i also should add you get so much mining xp from this process that if you were to take any pet for example a lion even though it's a foraging pet you can give it a mining xp boost and you can level it fairly fast by mining that's what i did with my black cat it's currently level 96 so yeah it's a good way to level pets if you want to make money by selling leveled up pets but we'll get into that later there's actually a better way to do that so the number two money making method on this list is another dungeons one and it's floor seven frag runs so basically what a frag run is is a you rush the blood room and kill the giants on floor 7 for diamante's handle and then you leave and void the run so no secrets no room clearing really beyond just the absolute necessity picking up the keys for the doors and uh if you do it really really efficiently you can get six to seven million coins per hour and i've heard that absolute sweat parties could do it they can get eight to ten million coins an hour now obviously this is a dungeons money-making method which means it's not going to be consistent diamante's handle is basically the biggest profit you can get bigfoot's lasso is worth nothing the laser eyes are worth only 200 000 coins only diamante's handle at this point is profitable so i don't know if i'd recommend this money making method because there's better ways and you know all these other methods give you some form of xp alongside it with this you're really getting just a little bit of combat xp and that's it so i don't know it could make good money if you're really really really efficient but i would more so recommend this last one the number one money making method on my list is sorrow farming so why is sorrow farming the best money-making method right now in hypixel skyblock first of all in raw numbers it is not quite as good as floor 7 frag runs right now but i predict as time goes on frag runs are going to become less and less profitable there's going to be no reason to really do the run other than raw coins by selling diamante's handles in the auction house whereas with sorrows you get combat xp you can level combat pets you get bags of coins which literally sell for a million at npcs you can get sorrows which sell for one to two hundred thousand coins each and can craft the best armor in the game for mining and if you're set up efficiently for it you can get a ton of coins from scavenger as well there's an extra little bonus thing here for you this is extremely efficient at leveling pets just like mining you can actually level up any pet in the game with a combat xp boost and while killing sorrows so for example i have a lion pet equipped right now and i'm doing six hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand damage a hit depending on how many of these things are near me and i'm killing them in two to three hits typically two hits actually uh but yeah i can get so many kills in such a short amount of time a ton of coins from all of the methods i just said right there so if you look here i have a warden helmet with three fourths and necron armor all with prop 6 growth 6 except for the helmet and it's on ancient as well as a withered soul whip swarm 5. i would like to think i'm pretty much max the thing with this method is that you absolutely need to invest a ton of money just the helmet alone is 170 mil accounting for all the upgrades i've added to it and the soul whip was 20 mil it's very expensive but you can make seven to eight million coins an hour leveling uh for example if you had the money to invest you could buy a level one legendary griffin pen and level it all the way to 100. you can do the same thing with a dragon pet i'm going to use it to get my line to level 100 because it's a foraging pet and i'm never going to forage to get xp but yeah leveling combat pets in general will make you a ton of money with this method i wouldn't even recommend using mithril golem like technically right mithril golem will get you a ton of damage i mean look at this over a million damage a hit but most of the money you would make from this method would be by leveling a pet and honestly leveling a mithril golem is not going to make you that much money because there's a ton of people already leveling it by mining but it is i guess a cool flex to do over a million damage a hit to sorrows but anyways chad that's it for this tutorial i hope you enjoyed those were the top eight money-making methods in this game as of recording obviously the things are going to change in the coming months i would like to think that this method in particular is pretty sturdy it's not going to really change that much because like i said a majority of the coins are from either drops which can only change if they're nerfed and from scavenger which again can only really change if it's nerfed and everyone's always going to want to level their combat pets so yeah again if you haven't subscribed yet please do that it would help me out a ton and i promise you there are going to be more oh this guy's right here you should subscribe for more hypixel skyblock content well anyways i guess that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 480,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: YE0jPd0EVSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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