I Tested How Smart BadBoyHalo Is...

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what is up guys today i decided to torture wait no today i decided to make a puzzle map for batboy halo will he end up figuring it out i guess you'll see but before we get into it make sure to like subscribe like the video that would be sick if you're not that's that's okay too i forgive you just today though all right enjoy all right so we have designed a quiz slash iq test for bad boy halo himself so if you go over here you can read the sign read it out all right puzzle map made by pdl the other side there you go press the start press to start all right here we go all right wait a minute did you forget how how to right click is this part of the iq test to not press it oh my god i'm gonna press it for you if you don't press it okay okay all right let's go the diamond factory okay i see so i'm gonna fly around you while you basically just figure out what to do okay oh wait and i need you to record but yeah recording you should have stopped your time i'll pause your time i'll pause your time all right your time is resumed thank you do i have like to finish as fast as possible your goal is to finish as fast as you can yes that is your goal but are you going to finish just like possible power up that's what over think can i not build you think you can build over there but you still have no idea what to do this is funny oh oh okay okay so now i need to check okay yeah oh oh okay okay okay what's going mirror i see sneaky okay okay okay i was like that's too high so it's gotta be something else so how did you know that at places on the other side i just guessed i was like okay i'll check over here yeah but like you're kind of trapping yourself now aren't you am i you're kind of trapping yourself wait i can just go up here now i guess you could but then what then what huh that's right oh no you're right you're not there you're trapped you're all just lonely and isolated how do i get up there oh i don't know you have to figure it out okay there's no way to get up there there is a way if there's a will there's a way have you never heard of saying no that's not a real saying it is a real saying and you need to apply the real saying it is not a real it's very real okay whatever all right so let's just go this way then okay all right let me see babble hey let's see if he's cheating oh my god you have all those blocks and you still haven't figured it out what else am i all those blocks and another right ax and you're just stuck and you're just down bad what why do you say oh like you know what's going on wait what the [ __ ] how am i supposed to get over there i don't know but you better figure it out because it's already been two minutes all right well chill you're gonna like get a worse time than me i feel like you're trying to throw me off no no no i'm just talking because i like talking and i think you're doing like a really really [ __ ] job language hey you know what what if i do this what oh oh what what would that do why would you do that i'm just doing it to figure out all the way to the top you know how long that would take okay so how am i gonna get over there oh you're so slow if i go up even higher that should work okay oh did you figure it out i think the snail himself figured out the bill okay you want you are an absolute muffin head you know that right now what you place that okay and okay you're going further away yeah you think that i know that aha oh okay okay okay i respect it i respect it i respect that that was pretty clever i i can't remember where it is three minutes later leave me alone okay how am i still far are you moving it higher oh this is actually really funny okay okay okay oh my goodness okay okay i figured it out i just wasn't sure i'm editing it it goes higher every time you go back no and now you better not be saying that come on all these blocks and you just oh don't go that way oh yeah okay okay okay okay maybe going that way helps all right you got it you got it you got it boom you got it boom that should be it boom yeah that should be it right yeah yeah right he's so what happens if mad die then you have to go back and restart you can make that you can make that you got that i can probably make that you're right oh oh wait the whole thing do i have to restart everything it all disappears are you serious all right all right all right let's see are you actually serious don't die bad don't die oh that is not cool you just place one of the blocks no way no way i didn't think you had that i'm a genius that was pretty poggy plays right there all right nailed it all right okay all right [Laughter] what oh it's so funny okay you're so lucky to respond back here this isn't grass though it's red oh my god ah okay so i jump here oh you wanna you want to touch that one again okay i already figured it out i'm supposed to figure it out yeah i figured it out big brother good job i am so smart you are a muffin head nailed it okay all right you made it in the house what did you get levitation potion that should be helpful i should probably like i don't know drink that they need it where do i need to go i don't know probably need to get oh i see have you tried reading what's around you or no it says the diamond factor yeah cause it's a diamond factory made of steppies made of caffeine you're wasting your time you're wasting my time i'm not wasting your time i'm giving you tips i'm actually distracted you're trying to make me lose oh oh muffins okay hey am i supposed to go that way oh i want to hit you on that so bad oh no don't do that i can't tell where i'm supposed to go now oh come on it's so obvious all right i'm going that way all right levitation oh oh are you hacking ah oh and he fell nailed it okay this should be good this is just not your strong suit is it light there's nothing in here there's things everywhere you're just not using your eyes properly you're not using your eyes probably oh trust me i'm using my eyes real well right now okay i see there's wood okay am i supposed to parkour from the trees am i supposed to go over there it would have been smart if you didn't waste your levitation potion well can i beat it again oh you're just not good at this wait a minute oh and now you start over again but the stupid red things insta kill me i thought you knew that i figured they killed me but i wasn't sure if they insta killed me great and i don't have more potential it's gone you don't get another one well then i i can't beat this you should have used it wisely or oh what are you doing you should have used it wisely i knew what to do from the beginning so i am wiselier than you are no you're an absolute muffin head i just know that's not scary you're not allowed oh you just woke up it's like seven o'clock there's an exit over there yeah of course you didn't see that give me another levitation no i'm not giving you another one it's cheating go figure it out by yourself i would have levitated that that house well you should have not seen it oh my gosh you should touch that one no you should touch it no you should no you should you should just touch it see what happens why do you think opening a third time it's just opening it again and again it might have happened to get over there that's impossible it is very possible no it's not i would oh it's so impossible but i'm not giving you any hints today no if i touch the grass i die no you don't you just take damage yeah it's impossible to run all the way over there oh it's very possible hey you know what i'm gonna wait then i'm fully healed up oh you're just gonna waste your own irish i have don't wait skeppy waste your time then i'm not complaining i'll get a better time than you fine i'm gonna go all right go wow you figured it out good job oh my gosh i had a job so long that literally took you way too long you are the definition of annoying you when you look up annoying in the dictionary oh look it's scary hey that's cheating you're editing the puzzle you living jerk no get rid of all of it build me a bridge now you have to build me a bridge of safety what are you doing i'm not i'm not i'm not you are you're making some modifications oh my gosh all right nailed it okay now i'm gonna wait i'm gonna be extra safe all right ma'am why didn't i look around and see that stupid doorway i don't know you wasted way too much time talk to me don't fully talk i'm gonna talk to you i'm gonna talk to you i don't want you to join me and you're gonna listen i don't want you to talk to me there you go but there's two different doors i don't know i won't choose one is the same door i don't know it could be does it matter it could it couldn't i don't know that looks like they're the same door education can you heal chemistry physics red carpet kill me what is not no that's cheating you're cheating you're ruining my time i get a redo that does not impact your time nailed it nice good job oh you're such a muffin head okay let's check in here there's nothing in here let me look all right there's a face there's nothing d card required i don't have a key card and there's diamonds down there yup yup yup i'm supposed to obviously get a key card any key card okay there's a lift right here helmet required a helmet they need a helmet you need to get a helmet oh this looks familiar i built it yeah it's just built by you on it yeah it is built by me all right so i need a key card key card usually get in here let me guess there's a helmet in here i don't have a key card well you should try figuring out what you need what do you need a helmet and a key card it doesn't really do anything sorry buddy that's just decoration just some decoration what the fudge okay so i can't go up there i'll give you one hint if you want it what am i supposed to look somewhere that i'm not looking well if you take the hint you're admitting you're bad but if you want the hair we'll forget you i'm not taking that okay cause i'm not admitting anything okay no way to get in this lift without a helmet without a helmet i don't have a helmet okay i have a theory what's your theory that you're gonna craft the helmet your theory's wrong sorry wait where did the thing go oh i punched it wow okay okay [Music] what am i missing you're missing something vital yeah yeah what what are you missing look at it no i'm thinking i don't want your stupid hand i'll give you i can't wait to see how much you've struggled for this oh i did amazing there's probably like another way in here oh bad boy yeah i'm gonna do that i think there's another way in here because when you want your hand i'll give you your hands yeah yeah you know i better i know you're gonna ask for it eventually so and you know you're gonna ask for it too so you might just all right in order to claim your hand you have to say i am trash at puzzle maps skippy is trash no no no i'm not giving you a hit it's gone it's gone wait no you have to you have to say it what skippy is trash no no hi batboy halo i've had my halo and trash at falls of apps and needs scuffy's heads yeah i'm amazing no no no no no fine i'm trash it puzzled out i need scabies hint and i hate him and say hello oh whoa all right your hint is when you came in here you could have chosen from either door what does that mean that's your hand it's a pretty good hint not gonna lie nothing happens it's a good hint i'm just saying okay i see it there's a way down over there i see yeah so you're not utilizing my hint i went out and came in the other door utilize my hand further please i flipping hate you oh my god oh my god shut up just shut up what that's so stupid i wasn't looking i thought i had figured it out you're an absolute muffin head you're an absolute that would have taken you like an hour if i never told you you would still be running around because i [ __ ] craft the helmet that part of the puzzle that's when you go oh here we go going up this is really cool i like this fact i'm glad you like this yeah i'm sure you had nothing to do with designing this oh i designed the entire thing and i built it with my bare hands by scratch every block okay i'm just gonna get my dum-dum key card great i've got the key card there's a random picture of cats classy okay i'm going down yeah that's right yeah that's right yeah while you go down i'll go down like this the cool way no this is the cool way it is it looks so fancy i'm just like i know you're literally so fancy you know why it's a golden helmet right why i'm not saying why you should know why yes wow you put my precious helmet here you don't even care for your helmet oh oh okay okay boom boom so i will say this is the last one i guessed as much because i'm a professional at everything i wonder if you're gonna be able to do it first time though hmm don't let in planks okay so i will say and this is not a lie i did it first time i'm gonna guess i needed those i'm gonna guess you needed those okay part of me was wondering if i was supposed to use those to get saplings okay i'm guessing not dude i made a noise as soon as i saw you i was like oh and i just gave it away but that's okay yeah you did give that's okay that's okay you need the hints okay okay oh my gosh there you go my name is could be even my opinion okay i don't sound like that my name's bad i ate muffins but it's not even my favorite food now leave you're taking my puzzle idea and using your puzzle idea i i came up with this in my dreams yeah in your dreams is the only place you could come up with okay buddy let's just see you go to the other side i bet you can't no i bet you can't just build a cross no just build a cross it's not that hard i'm thinking what the best strategy is here think harder there's obsidian hair oh hello oh okay but sand isn't like gravitationally pulling the ground up you ever think about that uh-huh no no no no your brain would never think about that oh okay oh look at that look at all this sand i've got what am i gonna do with it yeah i don't know you could you could go upwards i'm gonna do stuff with it cause it's stand and they call me in there okay okay i will say that was smart that was a little bit smart i guess you're sitting there going oh bad beat our puzzle he beat our puzzle i did so good i didn't think you would do that yeah i didn't think you were gonna do that you know what i bet you didn't i i didn't do that but i did it a smarter way oh yeah the sandy way oh look at me my new skippy i'm sandy that was pretty smart ben all right come on give me give me the goods i'm gonna take you my stuff you ruined my breaking time you're adding time to this okay like two seconds you're basically cheating it is the definition she did that i'm just kind of mad that you yeah you're mad that i'm so much better at this than you you're not you're not you're all right you know how long you took on the grassy fields so long okay okay you know what i'm hearing i'm hearing a lot of complaining whatever muffins nice good job good job flipping steve give me that back okay this is so scary you're taking way too long yeah you're a flipping jerk i don't even care i'm going okay go dude oh look at that look at that professional builder bad boy halo not gonna have enough actually i'll probably have enough because i am a professional are you gonna have enough are you gonna have enough i will i will are you gonna have enough though oh i probably will are you gonna have enough no i don't think you have enough to go back gotta go and get one more one more right here here it is the gem skippy and look i've even got four more sands whatever bad whatever i don't want to hear it i don't want you literally hey hey hey that is cheap no it's just gold you you want i could have even made it i had a cauldron still i literally laid that boom boom but i beat your time and the time you did it in was 20 minutes and 20 seconds minus like 10 seconds that i took so 20 minutes and 10 seconds was your time congrats okay and for for just waking up that's pretty good shut up i was sleepy no i don't want to hear it i was well gigi wait i hope you enjoyed this my time was better than yours wait what is it it doesn't matter but mine was better so i hope everyone enjoyed and bye tell me 14 minutes
Channel: Skep
Views: 292,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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