10 UNKILLABLE Money Making Methods (Hypixel SkyBlock Tutorial / Guide)

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hey guys we're back for another video and welcome to hypixel skyblock and today i'm back for another money making video all right so today we're gonna talk about coin methods but this one's special because i decided after playing three months of my hardcore profile i realized that every single money making method that i talk about in a video gets ruined by the sheer amount of people that do it so today i decided to put together a collection of all the money making methods that you can do that will never die never they will survive and the reason why is because they generate coins from the void and they generate materials from the void either that or there is some other factor that will make a price never drop below a certain point so anyway with that let's go so the most obvious of all of these money making methods would be picking a minion that has a good npc sell price for its materials now as you can see on my hardcore profile where i'm not allowed to interact with the economy this is the best shot that i have and that's clay minions clay minions are extremely cheap they only take i would say a day's worth of uh materials to upgrade and you could just you could produce a ton of them if i wanted i could have 29 tier 11 clay minions and it would not cost me it would basically make me back the money i spent after like a few days as with any minion i would suggest enchanted lava buckets super compact or diamond spreading and of course if you can get your hands on them snow is slightly better not by much though it's only like a 10 to 20 increase in profits same upgrades selling enchanted snow and enchanted diamonds especially the diamonds do not underestimate the diamond spreading that's where most of your profits come from um but yeah anyway with minions my favorite thing to do is to grab a refined stonk for that extra mining xp or in this case i'm actually gonna bring out the dolphin and get some fishing xp from the clay anyway all you do is just collect all your minions i'm not going to collect all of them because well there's a lot of stuff here and then you head to the hub and the reason why this method will never die is because if you click here 30 000 coins per stack of enchanted clay and a stack of a chain of diamonds goes for almost 82 000 coins this will never change unless the admins do something but the markets are never going to affect this so even years from now you could be collecting your minions constantly selling to npc constantly and this method will never die you'll always make a consistent and frankly a very high amount of coins so that would be my first suggestion melon is also not bad but it's not as good as either clay or snow but the benefit of melon is that you get a lot of farming xp which could be attractive to some people okay so the next method it kind of goes against what i said about price is changing but i'm gonna let it slide because it's kind of just free money so you might have noticed when i was collecting the minions i was leveling up my dolphin pet right well it turns out that collecting minions eve especially with a stonk and if i wanted to go even further i could eat a cookie and go with mining xp boost uh potions leveling up pets with minion drops is basically free money everybody wants level 100 pets the price will vary though but the thing is it doesn't require any extra effort to just equip a pet as you're collecting your minions so it is free money would highly suggest you do that even though the price will change a lot it's kind of just in addition to the minions 1.6 million coins not bad not bad at all 20 million in my balance from a profile where i cannot use the bazaar or the auction house okay so the next one is fairly obvious uh but it's worth mentioning because i don't think people really understand how good this concept is so uh you might have noticed this is actually really convenient on my hardcore i literally just now hit 20 million bank balance now this is significant because if i were to scroll down here time until interest is 2 hours and 12 minutes so if we scroll over here i have the starter account which is not good you want to have the gold account so it's gonna cost money it'll cost five million coins plus one enchanted gold block but this is good because it gives you 300 000 coins every like day and a half it's a lot more significant than you would think just having 20 million coins in your bank sitting there with the second bank account unlocked giving 300 000 coins a day you will make oh anyway the banker rewards you every 31 hours with interest so if i were to do the math 10 000 coins per hour times 24. okay so this you get 2.3 million coins 2.3 million coins you get 230 thousand 230 000 coins a day extra now what does that mean why the dynamic pool er it is the equivalent two and a half snow minions tier 11 with enchanted lava buckets and diamond spreading that's significant it's basically two and a half free minion slots so don't underestimate bank interest because it will give you a lot now of course if you had a ton of money and you didn't really care about the initial investment or in it for the long term obviously upgrading the bank even further will give you i mean if you get the 50 million and 50 enchanted gold blocks when you're kind of a psychopath but you would be getting 500 000 coins every 31 hours which is ridiculous not worth it at all i would say the maximum you should get that's worth it is probably the deluxe account which gives you 350 000 coins every 31 hours so again if i were to do that math 270 000 coins per day so that's significant okay another fairly obvious one is in the community center uh oh i should probably mention with the minion slots one you have zero excuse not to get all five of the minion slot upgrades it's it's free money five million slots is that's a significant amount you should have at least 25 million slots in total 20 collection 20 from collection 5 from this but anyway that's not why i'm here coin allowance is another one of those just free money things so this is also significant because it's just like interest you just get money for playing the game and not even playing the game as long as you log in like once a day you get that so if let's say let's say we got a deluxe bank account right and we get 350 000 coins every 31 hours or 270 000 coins a day if we add on to that 50 000 coins we get 320 000 coins a day just because just those coins are coming from the void it will never change it will never be affected by the market you just get 320 000 coins per day just for existing and it's consistent it's forever and that's that's pretty significant at that point i mean as i said snow minions they make about 80 000 coins a day so that is the equivalent of four tier 11 snow minions with enchanted lava bucket and diamond spreading four so if you had 29 minion slots plus the bank interest plus the coin allowance you effectively have 33 minion slots worth of income so there's a money making method that is actually you'd be surprised it bottoms out for a weird reason so leaching crystal frags from dragon fights is actually one of the most consistent money-making methods in the game now that might weird you out why is that the case 30 virus the catalysts which come from crystal frags are a bizarre item the price is of course going to fluctuate but here's the thing it will always bottom out at a specific price now the reason for that is people love to use catalysts as a way of either making profit if the price is extremely low or getting massive amounts of xp so let's say somebody had 29 tier 11 snow minions and they wanted to get mining xp to the point where they get mining 50 or they level up some pets they're gonna buy the crap out of the crystal frags and it's gonna make the price go up which is good for you because you're grinding them uh so you just sit in an end lobby and once a dragon spawns which it doesn't look like anyone's doing dragons but you know during dragon fights ender crystals will appear typically in like a spot like over there over here there's some up there uh maybe if as you can find it in some of the previous episodes i was getting crystal frags but uh it's also good to have a sniper bell the one from dungeons because the arrow just instantaneously zooms over it's like a well it's a sniper but um getting crystal frags consistently just sitting in end lobbies and leeching uh the crystal frags will get you a ton of money but anyway the thing is the reason why crystal frags are such a safe money-making method is that let's say the price drops a lot well if it goes too far people are going to see an opportunity hey if i have 29 tier 11 melon minions and i give them all catalysts i'll make three million coins profit a day that happened at one point by the way but if that happens then people are gonna buy up the crystal franks and the price is gonna go back up this dude just can't get out of my face because of that the price will always bottom out this is why if you were to sell snow to bizarre you might notice that the price always bottoms out because it's a money making method to buy below npc price from the bazaar and then sell back to npc uh same goes for crystal frags instead of the npc it's profiting from minions that bottoms out the price so yeah anyway farm crystal frags it's a great way of getting money and if there's a dragon fight going on and no one's going for crystals that's just wasted coins so yeah and it barely requires any effort you just gotta sit there do your own thing if a dragon spawns boom you're in now this is one that i've taken advantage of so much remember how i had 20 million coins on my hardcore profile well that is mostly because of my blessed touring sugarcane hoe i built three full width layers of sugarcane farm so there was a recent update as of recording this video that added jacob and he has these jacobs events and these are great because they basically every i think it's the 15th minute of every hour you will get the opportunity to compete with other players to destroy crops cactus carrot potato in an hour and a half i can't see what this one is because it's too big it looks like cocoa beans melon and carrot participating in these events rewards you with jacob's tickets and if you go up here you can spend those tickets on uh varying types of hoes axes seed pouches i would suggest the first one you go for is the sugarcane one because just like with the minion drops sugarcane has gotten so low in value that you could just sell it to npc to make the most profit now that sounds like a bad thing oh sugarcane prices died but there's a good reason for that because you get so much of it so this is what a maxed out turning sugar cane hoe looks like technically there's a hidden upgrade if you get a 100 million collection then you will actually get a buff to logarithmic counter and collection analysis but we're not going to talk about that maxing out this hoe took about two days of work i didn't invest any coins but if you wanted you could getting this hell from jacob and then doing this event will reward you with a lot and i mean a lot of money and it's consistent let me show you how quick it is to get one enchanted sugar cane so i'm farming at 295 speed a little too fast but that's fine i typically do 290 speed because you break more cane than you miss and if you have three layers then you can infinitely farm this way so it's just more efficient for getting cane but anyway the reason why this method works is because the sugar cane hoe gives you so much extra oh wait hold on hold on i didn't even have my elephant pet out but yeah the elephant pet that's almost required at this point so this one does require a bit of an investment i would say more than most of the methods i've talked about so far but a uh and a legendary elephant pet gives you double drop chance right a high forming level gives you a high double drop chance the hoe same thing the blustery forge in the house same thing as you can see i'm getting enchanted cane extremely quickly i mean well look at that enchanted sugar i estimated that if you were to have the pet out and you were doing optimal speed and everything you get about one enchanted cane per minute that means about a stack an hour that's a lot of freaking money uh it could actually get a bit more efficient as the farming level goes up i know my main profile the solo see there we go we just got an enchanted king but on my solo profile i have farming 50. so this is going to be a much higher amount but just from a minute i made 50 000 coins now might have been a bit more than a minute because i didn't have the uh elephant pet equipped but you see my point right i mean 50 000 coins a minute and i estimated in a real test where you know there were little mistakes i was captured multiple times i would get roughly three million coins an hour now this is my stash of cane i've been collecting the past few days i didn't put that much time into it about two and a half hours not even but yeah this will make a consistent three million coins an hour if you're set up fully it's not hard during derpy i spent like two days maybe three days doing sugarcane farming i started from nothing and here i am now with this so no one has an excuse if you want consistently good money sugarcane is not a bad option now uh three million coins an hour is great don't get me wrong it's awesome but there's a crop that's better i'm actually reluctant to put this one on the list in this video because it's so good that i think the admins might intervene but at the moment farming netherwort and selling for npc price with a maxed out hull and a high farming level an elephant pet you can get supposedly six million coins per hour selling to npc that sounds like it it sounds like black magic i know it sounds like some like ridiculous like oh money making people hate him he makes six million coins an hour with just a hoe but apparently you can do that now again uh i'm not sure if it's going to stay that way forever because that seems a little lp to just be generating six million coins and putting them into the economy with no consequences per player uh it's kind of ridiculous but there is a downside to netherwart you actually don't get farming xp you only get alchemy xp so you have to already have a high farming level for it to be worth it so i would suggest again going crazy with kane until you hit like farming 40 or something and then i think netherwort will be if you just want money netherwar is the way to go and i guess an added benefit is you can theoretically you can get alchemy 50 that way i mean you could put an xp share on something like i don't know a parrot but parrots are worthless now because god pots so more likely a sheep but uh but yeah anyways farming is a very powerful tool for making consistent coins that will never be affected by the economy although stafford intervention is a possibility with netherwart so i'd be careful okay i can't demonstrate this one because it's not happening right now but jerry events are actually a great way to make consistent money now why is that because snow minions i said before that snow minions are the best in the game for consistent money and that's true 29 tier 11 snow minions makes like 2 million coins a day and if you were to have for example on my solo profile here this is ridiculous but i mean if you have all of this then you make you make about two million coins a day and now if you add the other methods i said uh the bank balance the coin allowance i'm getting like two and a half million coins a day just just because just because i set it up that way so snow minions drive up the price of gifts now if we go to over here yes you have to sell the bazaar but just like with the crystal frags the demand for gifts is always going to be high and considering that getting gifts is so ridiculously easy in the jerry event you just need a gift compass you collect that's not a gift company 20 free white gifts and then once you collect all 20 of the white gifts you get one free green gift jerry events are pretty nice for just free coins it takes like literally a few minutes and then if you want to participate in an event you can also get red gifts more green gifts more white gifts and you only have to put 100 damage into the the mobs so i would say it's worth it just go to a jerry event get 100 damage and then just well don't leave the lobby but just kind of walk away and do your own thing while you're waiting maybe fish or something uh it's a really easy way to get coins now this one kind of goes against the title of the video it will fluctuate in price but it's just so easy and it is very profitable i think you can make like i mean correct me if i'm wrong but you can make like 600 000 coins so if you don't have a farm and you're just starting out especially if you're just starting out if you're a fresh player jerry event's the way to go to get free money very easy okay here's one that's actually quite neat so we all know about slayers now this immediately dates the video my being in this building because the new slayer of the adding uh revs is gonna come soon so this is the last we're gonna see of this building as it is maddox doesn't look like a steve but anyway uh doing tier two slayers of any type actually is profit believe it or not with npc price because there are 20 drops for example in the case of revenants or revs you get foul flesh in the case of tarantula you get toxic arrow poison this one's actually the most valuable spends you get hamster wheels but anyway doing tier 2 of any slayer costs 10 000 coins per uh slayer and again with the 20 drops you should make back more than that when you're selling to the npc now again you could sell the bazaar probably for more money but if you had to you can sell the npc and the price will never change and you know it's a way to profit while also getting farming xps art farming xp combat xp and you could level up something like a wolf pet it's not a bad option and yeah the combat xp makes it somewhat worth it it's just a little slow now there is a mare called aatrox that has a perk that makes slayers cheaper and it also makes the 20 drops more common so with that in mind you can actually do tier threes and profit and if you're doing tier threes and profiting absolutely tarantulas the way to go because then you have the chance to get a tarantula talisman which whoo that's profit but anyway yeah so doing slayers especially during aatrox if it's not it trucks do tier 2 if it is due to three consistent never changing money making method that will it'll always bottom out at a point where it's still kind of worth it okay so this one is going to be a hard sell for a lot of people so first of all before i even talk about this look how old my solo profile is one year two months that is about how long it would take for this particular method to become worth it yeah you'd have to you'd have to make such a long-term investment that you're confident that in a year and two to three months you will still be playing skyblock and if you are then this will eventually pay itself off and you'll make money and that is the plasma bucket so the enchanted lava bucket gives a 25 boost to minion speed but if you upgrade it twice using uh what is it two heat cores and three more enchanted lava buckets you will get a plasma bucket this is not really worth it unless you are confident that you're gonna be playing the game like a year and three months from whenever you make the investment because it's gonna cost you like 60 million coins i can't say it's worth it it's kind of you have to be a psychopath just like with the bank upgrade but if you intend on playing that long then yeah it's actually worth it surprisingly um it's it'll take a year and three months to pay off but once you have finally paid it off at least with snow minions then you'll get an additional 10 percent on your entire minion setup which again 29 million slots 10 of 29 is 2.9 so that's practically three extra minions now if you want to go with the estimate from before the premium bank account let's say you went nuts and you have the 500 um thousand every 31 hours hold on let's let's do some math here having the maxed out bank account plasma buckets in every million maxed out coin allowance you will make 677 000 coins per day extra for absolutely no reason other than you invested well so if you were to add that on top of the typical i would say two million coins a day you're making 2.7 million coins a day just for existing you don't even have to play the game and then of course if you were to put an hour a day into cane you're gonna double that if you put an hour a day into into another war you're gonna triple that so imagine making seven wait no six seventy almost nine million coins a day for an hour of work you could do that so yeah these methods are very powerful and again they're never gonna change the market's not going to shift and make the plasma bucket um it's not gonna make the plasma bucket any less powerful now what i predict could happen is that the investment might get quite high so i'm gonna warn you my estimation with a year and three months to pay it off is dependent on heat course so if we look at heat core values right now i got them at about 600 to 700 000 coins so if it goes higher than this i would suggest a lot of people buy cookies and then you know use the cookies and then get the heat cores themselves through this but yeah anyways extremely long-term investment but technically after a while i think between all of these methods you could literally make like three million coins a day for no reason so and it's not changing it'll never change all right so i have one last suggestion for you guys now this again kind of it's going to change a lot but it is free money and it's consistent free money as long as you're smart and it's timing the market so what does that mean timing the market well for example on this profile you might notice i have 42 million coins how did that happen a week ago i only had 10 million coins i timed the market so me and fezzy did something that's actually illegal in real life but we're not going to talk about that get that to my face we did something that's illegal in real life but in skyblock no such rules exist so we talked about how good werewolf armor was on stream right and at the time of streaming the price of a stack of if we were to go to spooky werewolf skin i think it's died down a bit nope it still has not okay at the time werewolf skin was about two million coins per stack when we talked about it so we streamed showed off how ridiculously op werewolf armor is with a tiger pet right that was nuts a lot of people were like whoa but then the price went up a little bit but then it died down again and it went back to two million coins now if you knew this little tip i'm about to show you then you can make millions tens of millions in a few minutes okay so me and fez did the stream talking about werewolf armor that means it's gonna eventually become a video because this channel for right now is a live stream highlights channel alongside tutorials like this one so if you subscribe and put the notifications on i know hear me out this is actually advice this is not just me selling out although getting subs would be nice but if you were to check by my channel every i would say 15 minute i i uploaded 15 minute intervals so either the earliest i'll do is 11 a.m eastern standard time and then there's 15 minute increments after that as to when i'll upload if me and fezia are late if you were to catch an upload just as it happens for example like i did uh this market manipulation i knew that the video was coming out that day and it was going to be talking about werewolf armor so i collected my minions i sold some stuff in the auction house i collected about 10 million coins i threw it all into werewolf skin invested it at 2 million coins a stack and then the video dropped i scrambled to get my money together and purchased the werewolf skin and 10 minutes after the upload the price went from 2 million a stack to 8 million a stack and then i instant sold all of it and made four times profit haley added and sure i had an advantage because i'm the one uploading the video but that doesn't mean that you can't again it took 10 minutes for that to happen so if you were to catch the video early then you could invest you can only buy the werewolf skin but then you could sell it as the price explodes so anyway timing the market through my own uploads and streams is an actual money making method now is it gonna die absolutely but then it's going to change depending on what the video is so consistently and frequently there are going to be different markets that get quote ruined as things get exposed and uh yeah so that's the final suggestion i guess so if you were to join the discord which is in the pinned comment uh discord dot gg slash 30 virus and then you can have uh me seeks or whichever bot we use i think it's a 30 virus bot or something virus bot it will it will tell you when the video comes out so you don't even have to check by every 15 minutes you could just wait until you get the ping every morning and then yes check if the video has anything to do with the market in it but um also of course pressing that subscribe button down below and enabling notifications helps me out a ton i'm trying to hit 300k by the end of this year we only have like two and a half weeks chat let's do it chat well anyway that's it for this video guys if you did everything exactly to my specifications and you are confident that in a theoretical scenario you could technically get three million coins a day for free and then you could put one hour into farming something like netherwort and get an additional six million uh so that's nine million if you put two hours you could get 15 million coins a day in total and then if you time the market put those 15 million coins that you got in two hours into something i talk about in a video then you could potentially turn it into 60 or 70 million if you're smart anyways i guess that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys later [Music] do
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 734,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: 0G1ndgFlT64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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