The 5 BEST Money Making Methods (Hypixel SkyBlock Tutorial)

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hey guys i'm back for another video and today i'm back for another high pixel sky block tutorial and this is an exciting one i'm back for the five best money making methods in the game and this is the upper echelon of hypixel skyblock this isn't your oh early game methods mid game methods things that'll get you your first million coins no this is the top best of the best so it's gonna be expensive to set up but it will be worth it so anyways by the way real quick before this video starts if you could click that subscribe button and the notification bell it would mean a lot to me whether or not people are notified of the videos actually makes a massive difference rippling through weeks even months of video performance because of how it performed in the first day and weeks so if you're there right away it would help me out a lot anyways let's get on with the video so first off the first money-making method on the list the fifth best is eight million coins an hour through what i would like to call worm fishing so the way this works is that the crystal hollows which is where i'm at right now added a new money making method to the game because basically in order to get the devons armor maxed out you need to unlock gemstone slots which is done with the drops of a certain mob that only spawns in the precursor ruins from lava that's a rare condition to me you have to look around see on the right side there says precursor remnants and there's lava anyways this is what's called lava fishing so what we need to do we need to catch worms and then sell membranes on the auction house from these worms now the official way to do the strategy would be to get your again this is the best possible setup you can have for this in the game it's going to be expensive maxed out submerged shark scale armor i have legion five on it but actually for a strat like this you don't want people to be around a lot of people do this secretively anyways i also have my talismans all enriched with sea creature chants and of course i've got a maxed out lucky rod of the sea here so what i have at the moment is an 87 sea creature chance now this is pretty much as good as you can get without having more people around you or you can actually get a 100 sea creature chance if you were to do the same exact strat during marina as you can see this is how it works boom i wait what so i just hit a little bit of confusion there it turns out that at why level 64 is when the biome changes from precursor remnants to lava fields so i found a crappy spot i actually found this hole here but there was no one here and i think i know why it's because this lava needs to be one block higher in order to actually have the worms spawn so let's find a better spot here i'm actually at y level 70 what is that 78 anyways the way you want to do this is set up a little spot where you can fish and then fish the mobs into or the worms into a hole so let's set that up right now so we have our we have our lava here there this is exactly what you want it looks like this a little chamber you go like this and there you go i just caught a flaming worm and what you want is to trap the worms behind you in a hole and you keep doing this now it's kind of like barn fishing in the sense that you want to collect as many of these as possible and then kill them all at once with better stats so let's imagine it's been five minutes there's only two worms here but let's say they were like you know i don't know 10 of them 15 of them you switch to black cat pet and sorrow armor and then you kill them now i didn't get anything there but if you had enough of them is there's a chance for them to drop worm membranes and you can sell those in the auction house basically you just get the maximum sea creature chance that you can have your shark armor out you could also set up an auto pet roll if you change your armor to each of these things equip the proper pet so you know i just forgot to go to ammonite there so you know but anyways yeah so you just fish here constantly for five minutes and then turn around and kill all the worms with maximum magic find and then once you've done that you go back to your maximum sea creature chance and you repeat sell all the membranes you should be making eight mil an hour the hardest part is definitely finding the spot precursor remnants this next money-making method is going to be very nostalgic for a lot of you and that is grinding ghosts that's right this money making method is back on the table because even though there was the strength nerf you can actually put one for all on a soulwhip and if you've seen my previous video about money making methods you probably remember this you basically put down an orb run in circles right click with the soul whip kill everything and you know i mean stats are so much better now because of adding gemstones to armor and various buffs to damage along the way you still do need a lot of stuff to do this so basically the basic idea is you just you place down an orb spin around it in circles while right clicking the soul whip that's literally all there is to the method you have a an rng chance to get a million coins it's pretty rare but it happens it used to be a bag of coins but they turned into a million coins and you also have a rare chance to drop sorrows which is a a very valuable item each one at the moment is worth about 500 000 coins i suspect that's going to change once this video comes out and you could use it to craft sorrow armor which as you know from the previous suggestion is that it's the best set for magic find so it's going to be very good it's also a decent mining set as well so there is a lot of demand for sorrows and you know most people have terrible stats which is why actually this method might not be ruined as bad as the first time i talked about it because you basically need three fourths necron armor with a warden helmet ancient on everything recommend i even have my armor gemstoned as well two jasper perfect jasper gemstones for each of these and i also of course have a maxed out soul whip minus the stars obviously but that doesn't matter one for all with fabled hot potato book fuming potato booked art of war it's very expensive a lot more expensive than the last method which is still very expensive because you need basically maxed out a submerged shark scale armor which is not very easy to get and you know but still this is much higher of a cost but you should be making roughly 10 million to 11 million coins an hour so it is significantly better than worm fishing by about three mil an hour which makes a pretty big difference now of course just like the last suggestion needing diana to be better this suggestion actually if diana's mayor which actually diana is mayor right now you can make money from leveling up combat pets let's say you were to purchase a level one dragon pet from the auction house let's say you're rich and you could afford to do that you can level it to level 100 doing ghost farming of course i'm using mithril golem pit right now which is why my damage is fairly good but again if diana's mayor then you get more pet xp with that perk and of course that's a big money-making method driver unfortunately there has been a massive nerf to this strategy because of strength nerf you need one for all on your soul whip which means you don't get uh scavenger anymore but it still does make very good money simply because of how high the prices of sorrow are sorrows and leveling the pets makes really good money especially during diana if you were to get a dragon pet from zero to 100 a golden dragon from one to 200 i don't know what kind of maniac would do that but technically you couldn't anyways uh on to the next method okay this one is fairly annoying to do basically what you need to do is put on your mana set whether it's wise or in my case storm equip a sheet pet and then head over to the void cult terror supulture i have a summoning ring here with two zombie knights in it now you could have four zombie uh tank zombies is what i would recommend from master mode dungeons you place them down those are your bodyguards you probably already know where i'm going with this it is enderman slayer so i'm going to use the maddox bat phone here and while i'm describing what we need to do here i'm going to do a tier three so basically what you want to get is a uh an atom split katana and i'm talking maxed out why am i oh i didn't switch my armor oh and also you need to make sure that with the warden helmet you have maximum speed oh oh my am i really about to there we go anyways uh you want to make sure in the active effects that speed is enabled because i know that sometimes it gets okay it's on but anyways uh doing void glimpse layers tier threes or tier fours can make anywhere from eight mil to 12 mil an hour and the reason why is basically this slayer gives you a lot of null spheres and it's the most consistent of the money-making methods on this list probably because there's not a lot of rng involved it's just null spheres which you're guaranteed to get from killing the mob now i'm not gonna kill this one yet because i have to describe everything else so just like the last method you're going to want a warden helmet uh sometimes instead of necron you're gonna want final destination so for example i could do three-fourths final destination with warden helmet you could also do some combination so basically what you need right is a lot of defense against enderman so what i've seen people do is have a necron chest plate and a half final destination warden helmet some people that are really risky just have final destination boots and some maniacs which i don't know how the hell they do it have just three-fourths necron with warden helmet but this is a very difficult boss to kill you also are definitely absolutely positively gonna want an ender relic if you don't have like almost every maxed out talisman in the game this slayer is not going to go well for you also gemstones on your armor you're going to want you're probably going to want a suspicious cilla aka associate you need a necron blade with wither impact on it for the healing it's very expensive and of course an ultimate wise wand of atonement is a great thing to have as well so anyways here's how i do this slayer i'm gonna demonstrate it on a tier three which is gonna be pretty overkill but whatever you spawn the boss place down a power orb and then you use the atom split katana ability right click smack it constantly and then every five seconds cilla one of atonement then you keep slapping it with the atoms like katana your bodyguards are basically going to take care of the hits phase then you do this boom boom i don't have to do that because you know this is a tier 3 it's fairly weak and i would also highly recommend having some mods installed that will have for example bad line will make your screen red it'll it'll showcase where the heads are it'll showcase where the beacons are and there you go i just killed it basically as soon as he spawns put down an orb right click with the cilla one of atonement use the atom split katana ability and then slap it constantly and i'd recommend it b-max as well one for all gemstones art of war fabled with recom and all of that the cilla you're going to obviously want to have ultimate wise you don't need any enchantments on it it's just for the healing i mean anything that increases crit damage i guess so you know critical could be an important enchantment there have your talismans i would recommend your talismans to be enriched with ferocity or crit damage to get more healing i still haven't see creature chance because of the first method but yeah so you just put down this boom boom slap it you could back off during the hit space again with four tank zombies instead of zombie nights as soon as the hit space is over go back in every five seconds you do this the right clicking this make sure to watch your health i would suggest if you're using blc like i am that you have the vanilla health enabled so you can see how many absorption hearts and regular hearts you have and i would highly recommend some sort of mod to assist and tell you when there's a beacon have a waypoint showing you where it is there's a lot of things to focus on all at once it's really annoying and then of course if you get caught off guard and you don't know where the beacon is you can actually right click with the withered cloak sword and then the beacon will blow up and you'll survive but you have to have a really good reaction time but like i said 8 mil to 12 mil an hour if you're doing tier 3s you can get a lot more money doing tier 4s because more null spheres for the amount of time invested and you actually have a chance to get you know judgment core or lucky dice or these two talismans the espresso machine and the blood chalice there's a lot of in smarty pants enchantment so tier fours have a lot of rng drops but they are very very difficult and you basically need to be in the upper echelon of sky block like combat 60 like you need the best damage possible even a high forging level probably matters all of your talisman's recommend it's going to be a massive investment it's i only recently got the best skier in the game and i still can't consistently do it because the ender relic is bugged and it doesn't give you the plus 25 damage reduction but even then i still need the solver or the blc mod to showcase where the beacons are because it just takes so long to kill and the beacons wear you down with your your attention span it could make much more than 12 an hour if you're doing to your force and you you know of course at that point it's up to rng you could get 500 million coins if you get a a judgment core okay this method i'm gonna have other footage that's been recorded before to showcase this one the second best money making method in the game right now in my opinion is catacombs master mode runs for master stars so m3 to m6 and of course when m7 comes out that will probably be a great money making method as well because of necron handles and master star tens but for now uh we only have the what is it the sixth to the ninth master stars before you watch the next 30 seconds of the video remember this is 30 virus giving you catacombs advice so unless you want to take that risk you should probably look up some tutorials on this but i'm going to sum it up in the best way i can so basically the name of the game is fast runs and getting lucky with master star drops the market consistently changes places prices fluctuate sometimes m3 might be the best for floor completion speed according to guild actually m4 profit is best because everyone hates that 4 because of how toxic the boss fight is in master mode which i agree again this is not a tutorial on fast dungeon runs there are so many resources out there on youtube for this but um i'm not the expert but from what i know you want to have one person rushing blood room you want to be able to get the bare minimum secrets uh s instead of s plus up to m five you wanna know secret routes you wanna be able to use the stonk to cheese secrets obviously not dying you wanna use solvers for the puzzles you want to cheese puzzles and boss fights all of these things and of course if paul is mare then one of his perks actually makes it so that you need a lesser score to get s plus which could you know make your runs a lot faster therefore more money per hour uh i wish i could demonstrate slash you know have the absolute expert opinion i do think i was at least 90 right with what i just said but just to be safe look up some tutorials on fast dungeon runs that i can tell you fast runs just get get to the loot chests as fast as possible that i think is uh pretty solid advice i don't think i'm saying anything incorrect there you just want to get the boss fight done and over with and get master stars especially if you get a master mode like star they sell for quite a bit of money even just the first master star is like a solid like 13 million profit sometimes so if we were to look for example the third master stars these are very expensive these are the ones you get uh from m5 i believe i mean 40 million and second master stars are like 25 million so yeah master stars make a lot of freaking money um also you didn't hear this for me but guild has a ridiculous i'm gonna i don't know if it's even allowed so i'm a little scared to say i don't officially recommend this but i've heard guild mates say they can make a hundred mil an hour having an entire co-op go at once uh they may or may not be alts but if an entire co-op does a run at once in let's say master mode floor i don't know six it gets a really fast run and then they all re-roll the chests they might get master stars um i don't officially recommend that especially not the alts thing i guess if you're on one co-op that's fair but yeah anyway this could be a very powerful money making method you know if you get a master star that's immediately like 13 million profit in in m3 if you're doing like m4s to m6 you can make a lot more uh assuming like one master skull an hour you're making like 12 to 15 mil an hour if you get lucky it could be more but anyways now we're off to the best money making method in the game this is gonna be exciting okay so i'm gonna call this the 1.5 best method in the game so best method 1.5 not officially the top spot but i think it's like an honorable mention it's mithril mining believe it or not with the maximum gear now i'm gonna describe what maximum mining gear means in the number one money making method segment but let's just assume best mining gear in the game but what do you need to do for mithril mining well basically you want your heart of the mountain tree to look something like this well if you're just doing metro all that matters is really this well actually that's not true uh mining speed up here is pretty important for mithra mining and so is powder buff but anyways you want to have this heart of the mountain configuration and surprisingly no titanium insanium so basically they made a change i think it was when dwarven er when crystal hollows came out they made it so that efficient miner which is that thing that breaks multiple blocks in a radius does not affect titanium so because of that you do not want to have titanium insaniam anymore in terms of what to level up with heart of the mountain don't do what i did and go straight for mining fortune and mining speed you want to max out your efficient miner as soon as possible and once you've done that you can of course do mining fortune mining speed mining speed 2 with gemstone powder if you have it uh these three perks are really great mining speed boost is a must don't even be don't even pay attention to the right side of the heart of mountain tree you could do seasoned mind man if you wanted but i really don't recommend it daily powder don't even bother leveling up uh anyways you want to have uh maxed out mining gear as well i'm gonna describe what that means later and of course you know having cole's mining fiesta perk active or his event active will give you i believe it's either double or triple i don't remember the amount of stuff and you can make double or triple money this money making method makes about 15 million coins an hour if you have a maxed out setup now the catch is a maxed out mining setup is probably the most expensive thing you're possibly going to need in this game oh yeah did i mention that the dungeons master mode stuff basically requires master stars of your own so it's just as if not more expensive than void glooms but mining is much much much worse and here's why so the best money making method in hypixel skyblock right now is gemstone mining anyone who's been paying any attention whatsoever probably expected me to say that well why is that well it's because of pristine mostly but also a bunch of other there's a lot of things involved here so i'm going to describe to you what it means to have maximum mining stats what i have is not maximum so here we go you need a 5 out of 5 chambered devons armor set which is this i have that but you also need a maxed out artifact of power which i also have every gemstone in here recommend enriched whatever with every single gemstone speaking of gemstones you need to have between your armor and your talisman seven perfect topaz 11 perfect amber eleven perfect jade basically the maxed out every single gemstone perfect version of each one so five per armor set which makes 20 and then of course the artifact of power has another seven so you need seven gemstones in the artifact of power as well as 20 in your armor and it's very very very expensive and then of course you want to put five gemstones on the drill this is the drill you need by the way auspicious devons drill is what you want uh of course compact 10 experience efficiency you could get efficiency 10 if you wanted you can get a fortune to the highest amount if you wanted i think it's either four or six i don't remember uh pristine enchantment you also want an amber polished drill engine which basically gives you a lot of mining fortune and you also want a perfectly cut fuel tank i mean that's just for fuel capacity but you know it's probably very useful i'd imagine and you have the choice of either blue cheese or sunny side goblin omelets they're fairly similar in how good they are the blue cheese is more expensive and it basically gives you more fortune whereas the sunny side gives more speed i asked guild and like they went back and forth and were pretty divided on it so you could just go either way but if i had to pick probably the uh blue cheese would be slightly better for like certain gemstones only but overall i mean sunny side is cheaper and you know it's very divisive a lot of people are going to tell you to go one way or the other so that i'm going to leave that choice up to you to put on your devon's drill in addition to all of that you're also going to want a uh if you're going to be mining ruby or topaz in the magma fields obviously you want a bow pet maxed out level 100 and you could put a quick claw on it which this is the max efficiency so i guess you could do that even though it's like 100 mil right now but for any other gemstone you're going to want a an epic skate the pet with a quick claw which just that is probably up in the 700 million range just want to point that out we're talking to max out your stuff did i mention that every single gemstone altogether is probably over 100 mil and you need to do that for four pieces of armor a drill and a talisman not to mention the devon set itself is very expensive expensive with the jaded reforge and then you know the drill itself is over a bill the drill engine and the drill tank is hundreds of millions i had guild estimate the maximum mining equipment is like 7 billion it's ridiculous like and again this is the best money-making method in the game 35 million coins an hour so you need to make a big investment to make big money unfortunately also in addition to money you also need a lot of stuff so obviously in terms of the heart of the mountain progression here i still recommend this configuration so you want a fortunate mole powder buff professional lonesome minor mining speed you don't need any of this you don't need any of it it's not it's not good it's not that good at all it's not worth it in my opinion but anyways the things that you need to well first of all you want to max everything but if you had to prioritize something it would probably be powder buff fortunate of course down at the bottom here mining fortune mining speed are both very important efficient minor doesn't really matter in the crystal hollows because it doesn't work on gemstones mining speed 2 is very good obviously you don't really need lonesome miner all that much it's probably the the worst of all of these you really don't need it actually but it is nice to get mining speed to yeah so that's the heart of the mountain progression you're gonna need a lot of gemstone powder as well so powder grinding is in your future if you want to do gemstone grinding this is oh it's exhausting just talking about how much work is required to get this method to work where you mine is important so again i spawned in the mithril deposits if i wanted to do for example topaz we would take out the pets i would head down to the magma fields oh by the way the best gemstone by far is jasper but that being said it's very difficult to find the fairies grotto which is a very rare biome it's where the butterflies spawn it's like this is extremely rare but that's where jasper gemstones spawn and it's by far the most expensive of all of the gemstones because it has the most useful effect which gives you strength and here you go mining speed boost i can use on these gems now pay attention to the pristine there pristine is by far the most important part of gemstone mining if you had to max anything out first on your armor your drill whatever it would be your pristine so obviously the pristine enchantment obviously you're going to need the topaz gemstones on your equipment and just like with mithril mining this especially works well if mayor cole's mining fiesta is active you get double stuff so it goes from 35 mil you correct me if i'm wrong it's a 70 mil this makes a lot of freaking money so anyways that's it for this tutorial guys those are the top five money making methods in hypixel skyblock what i recommend any of them um the worm fishing seems easy enough to get into it's only like 200 mil worth of stuff so you know only the ghost farming it used to be the best money making method in the game because of how low the barrier to entry was which it still was pretty expensive you needed at least necron and warden helmet but now you need necron warden helmet one for all gemstones and you're probably limited in your pet it's very expensive uh void glooms would absolutely recommend doing tier threes tier fours take a lot of work and attention but you know if you can manage it it's very good catacombs master mode for master mode for three i would recommend you don't even need master stars to be good at it especially if you're using a juju short bow as an archer it's actually quite fast so that's probably the lowest barrier to entry other than worms the second most low buried entry and then of course mining is absolutely ridiculous like if you want to actually make the 35 mil an hour you're gonna need to put a solid like 400 hours into just collecting i don't know powder and coin more than that for coin you have to basically do the other money making methods to approach the mining but anyways again hit that subscribe button and the notification bell if you want more tutorials from the thirty virus oh did i mention before that void glooms are made better by aatrox that kind of goes without saying but you know anyways i guess that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys later [Music] me [Music]
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 387,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: vKxRBNa7pNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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