How to get GOLD in every Jacob's Contest (Hypixel SkyBlock Complete Tutorial / Guide)

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hey guys we're back for another video and welcome to high pixel sky block for another tutorial and today we're going to be talking about jacob's contests these are a feature that was added in the game and not really that recently anymore i would say as of recording this what two months ago anyways it is one of the best money making methods in the game minus dungeons and it also provides other benefits such as a higher farming level unlocking collections extremely fast but mostly it's for money anyways the way these work is that every hour every 15th minute of every hour there are some contests that are run as you can see here it says uh jacob's festival or jacob's contest but of course i can't see it because my gy scale's too big but anyway then it lists three crops in this case it's cactus carrot and potato so when you partake in these contests you well as you could expect farm those crops and you compete with basically everybody else on the network at the time if you just so happen to be in the top five percent then you get what is called a gold medal as you can see here for netherwar i managed 663 0001 netherwork collected in the 20-minute span of the festival and that placed me well within the top five percent now if you were to get in the top 25 percent you would be awarded a silver medal which again in this case is 303 000 and then of course in the top 60 percent you get bronze which is just over a hundred thousand you also get as a reward a turbo crop enchantment and a certain amount of jacob's tickets you you get more tickets the higher your placement is anyways uh the benefit of this is well as you get more tickets you can get more and medals medals and tickets i forgot to mention that you get awarded well i mean of course you get awarded both like the medals are used for something it's not just a cosmetic thing anyway the tickets and metals are used to then purchase better tools to further increase your efficiency at farming so uh in this tutorial i'm going to be teaching you how to progress in these jacobs contests and how to get the top gear mostly for the purpose of making massive amounts of coins and of course getting your farming level up if you're so inclined to do that so how do you get started well first of all the absolute first thing i would recommend you do is build a decently sized sugar cane farm investing in a builder's wand or an in and an infinite dirt wand is a smart move early on just ignore everything on my island except for what i'm about to show you building a sugar cane farm as follows that is a full width uh farm layer of your island is going to be a big benefit to you anyways uh you have one layer of water with slabs not the immediate black above but another block above two blocks dirt water with slab two blocks of dirt and you just it's a straight line keeps going going going to the end of the farm of course my island is 2.2 times larger than a normal island so this is a bit farther than usual but yeah building a cane farm is the best way to start with uh jacob's festivals in my opinion at least in the long term there are strategies in the short term that might be quicker but anyways to build that farm i would suggest purchasing a builder's wand this you can get in the community center shop for 12 000 bits but if you don't have that many bits you can go to the auction and of course people are gonna be selling these right now the cheapest builders want is going for 2.8 million coins so yeah purchase a builder's wand and then of course you can go up here and purchase what is called the infinider one which only costs one jacob's ticket which you can grab from the bazaar over here and they cost about 21 000 coins each so yeah getting both of these items you can actually take a builder's wand and you can put an infinite dirt wand inside of it and once you've done that you can then place lots and lots of dirt extremely quickly and again placing in that pattern that i showed you it should not take long to build a full width sugar cane farm now of course in addition to that there are items that will make it easier to build these farms uh for example up here if we were to make our way upstairs to anita prisma pumps are nice but they do require a bronze medal in one of the events so if you could for example hop lobbies and farm cane or not can you hop lobbies and farm wheat using a rookie hoe with harvesting five telekinesis then maybe you can get a bronze or silver medal then you can get prisma pumps but anyway i would say the first the absolute first step is building a cane farm unfortunately as of right now there's no items to quickly place cane so you're gonna have to place it manually but placing the dirt and the slabs in the water should be relatively easy with a builder's wand or just using an a magical water bucket it's not terrible placing all the water yourself it's the dirt the dirt is the biggest part or it was but now it is i guess planting the cane's the biggest part of that process anyways this is gonna be tough for some of you to hear but if you want to be successful in jacob's festivals you need to get a legendary elephant pet not necessarily a level 100 and then you need to put a farming xp boost on it so if we head over to the auction yet again you guys might know that the elephant pet is a uh is something you can get from a ringo's traveling zoo event if i were to search up elephant there we go and then i sort by legendary lowest price level one legendary elephant is going for 16.5 million coins it is a hefty price it's gonna be painful you might not even be able to afford it and if that's the case you can still farm without an elephant pet just know that you are wasting so much farming xp that you could be dumping into the pet and so much double drop chance that could be giving you more money but if you're too uh poor then you could you could farm cane without an elephant pet but you're it's gonna be slow i would suggest if you have a full with cane farm well first of all one full with cane farms not gonna be enough if you want on a default island to farm infinitely you need two and a half layers that's a lot of farm dude i know it's terrible but this is this is the environment we're in now i i find it hard to officially recommend any specific crops or strategies that involve lobbies because these things can change whereas kane is very very consistent as you can see here with my 2.2 times default island size i can get away with one full width layer actually i really can't for infinite i should be uh going to the layer below here planting half but anyway yeah so once you have your cane form built you can form it so you can afford a legendary elephant or if you just have the coins lying around you can purchase a legendary elephant as well a nice bonus is also the rancher's boots which allow you to change the speed in which you farm which is going to be helpful for varying crop types it's not necessary you could use a knobby chest plate and a personal compactor the rancher boots are pretty nice also there's some other equipment that you might need for example young dragon armor is really good for getting high speeds i can't really recommend speedster armor for the price it's still pretty terrible if you can't afford rancher boots pharma boots are nice too you just can't control your speed and i would highly recommend at least the lowest level of personal compactor i think it's three thousand i have a 7 000 but obviously you don't need something that fancy just being able to enchant one type of item will make it possible to farm a whole festival unless uh unless you're doing we in which case you need uh two slots because compacting into hay bales and enchanted hay bales but anyways uh yeah i would highly recommend a personal compactor at least the first tier but if you can manage it the second tier anyways once you've collected all these items and you have a full width cane farm set up preferably two and a half if you have the time two and a half layers will benefit you greatly anyways let's move on to the next step that's basically the prep phase once you have done that uh the most important thing is to level up your farming skill this is by far the most important way to get double drop chance you get four percent performing level while leveling your elephant pet you can not only give yourself double drop chance through the pets level but you're giving yourself farming xp which gets you more double drop chance as you can see i have farming level 51 which is ridiculous by the way 60 is the maximum at the moment for each and every level you get four percent double drop chance which is huge uh and it adds up really quickly you can easily get into the 30s in farming level within a couple days of doing sugarcane farming so would highly recommend i mean like getting for example right forming 51 i have a 100 chance to get triple drops and 4 chance for quadruple drops and that's plus whatever double drop chance i get from the elephant pen uh once you've collected a whole bunch of cane and gotten yourself up into the i would say the 30s in farming level then you can move on to the next step and that is getting easy medals to start so i would suggest trying to get bronze in any crop a couple times to be able to afford some quality of life stuff when building more farms like tillinghoes prisma palms seed baskets don't focus on a specific tool just yet you first need that double drop chance and farm setup now that being said uh lacking the sugarcane hoe is going to unfortunately cost you a lot of coins so i would suggest the problem is right you need a gold medal to get the cane hoe and that is not gonna happen until you're a high farming level so it is unfortunate but you might just have to get to farming 35 without the benefit of a cane hull which is really unfortunate but i don't think there's really a way to get around it uh unless you build something like again the meta could change but right now there is one way to circumvent that problem and it's to build a i would say a full width wheat farm so take this with a grain of salt the meta changes all the time and this might not work but as of right this second when uploading the video you can build a full width layer of wheat and then use the rookie hoe with replenish and you can get gold in wheat which could allow you to then get the special hoe for kane so maybe that's another way to do it but anyway then sure if you can get that quickly that gold medal at a low farming level then yeah then you could well the reason why by the way that wheat is really easy to get golden is because people lobby hop all the time in an attempt to get bronze and silver medals so if you have a farm built on your island you can easily get gold the most important thing right now is to build up some bronze and silver medals don't focus on gold just yet just focus on building up your farming level collecting tickets one by one get a bronze hit metal here and there just make consistent progress towards getting more medals uh the harsh reality is that farming contests are going to get more competitive as time goes on so most likely you're going to have to try hard each crop individually to get gold and sometimes you can only manage silver until you get up into farming 50. as i'm saying this the update's only been out for two months i can only imagine a year from now how competitive these crops will be which is why i'm hesitant to recommend the wheat thing because who knows maybe you'll get to the point where you can't even get a bronze medal unless you're on your own island with a farm you built yourself who knows that being said there might be an easy way to get a gold medal that none of us have considered yet and that might be mushroom now here's why mushrooms are not a great crop to build farms there are designs out there if fezzy wants you to put a screenshot on the screen right now i think it's sweet booties island or something like that there are designs for mushroom farms but they are very very slow and honestly i think anybody with a lot of minion slots for example if i replace every single snowmen in here with a mushroom minion uh and then give them foul flesh and then i have let's say i don't know rookie hoe with harvesting five i don't know if that works on mushrooms collecting all of the mushrooms from the minions could potentially get you a gold medal no matter what and basically at that point it would only come down to the level of your mushroom minions and uh what fuel you put in it again foul flesh is pretty good for one farming festival so maybe you can get away with a gold medal quickly with mushroom which could then allow you to get the hoe to do more cane and get more money and then afford more stuff which you can use to get better in all the events anyway yeah so um that might be good i would just suggest doing whatever you can to at least get bronze in any crops in this game it doesn't have to just be a cane it could be cocoa bean if you have replenish on a diamond or gold axe not diamond then you can do cocoa bean so anyway we're going to move on assuming that you've managed to get at least one gold medal in something but mostly like i'm talking just one gold medal but mostly you managed to get bronze and silver anyway that being said i'm going to show you my setup for every crop in the game there might be like slightly better designs out there that are like five percent more efficient but if you want something that's consistent and it's fairly easy then uh here you go so we're gonna start off with crop farms now obviously uh crops involve carrots potato wheat there is a really easy strategy for this let's see let's say i got my goss carrot hole here and i got myself to i don't know 350 speed 270 might be the ideal speed here anyways what you do is you build a farm in such a way that there are four blocks of tilled soil with one row of water underneath uh some light source sea lanterns glow stone whatever and what you do is you just walk at i don't know two seventy percent speed seems okay you just missed some crops but that's fine and you basically lean on the sea lanterns and do this i would say try and maintain mostly a 90 degree angle but maybe a little towards where you're heading because if you go completely 90 degrees you're gonna miss a lot more crops which might not be ideal and then what you do is you switch sides and then you do the other side of prop oh and would you look at that the carat event is happening right now it ends in 11 minutes so i'm probably not getting uh bronze but you can see i am catching up relatively quickly but anyways uh this is a low-level hoe carrot's one of my least priority crops uh if you look at the hose here my priorities are first one was kane second one was netherwort uh but we don't do that yet that trust me this is you save this one for last but anyway that's how you do the crop farms now let's quickly show how to do pumpkin and melon they also i would say are ideal at 270 speed i have what's called a pumpkin dicer at the start you do not need one of these just a golden axe with efficiency 5 and telekinesis will do and all you do to seventy percent speed you build the farm with you could just place a full layer of dirt and then you till one layer of blocks like so well you could just till the whole thing as well using something like the hoe of greater tilling you could till the whole thing but what ends up happening is that one row is going to have stems with slabs of course you put the slabs on top of the stems you leave two blocks open here and then two blocks of stems two blocks open two blocks of stems two blocks open make sure to put slabs on top at every stem and then eventually what's gonna happen is the pumpkins or melons will grow in the middle and it will leave these little rows here and then you know 270 speed you press the w and d keys and you just walk forward on a diagonal and you should get everything at 270 percent speed and this is ideal again for pumpkin and melon and i've already gotten gold in both of these crops and actually with my pumpkin dicer i still managed to get gold in melon because my farming level's so high and because my strategy is pretty close to the maximum there are again slightly better ways that are way more sweaty and they depend on an exact angle but it's really not friendly anyway that's how you do pumpkin melon the next one is bean which i actually can't show because i have not gotten gold in being on this profile yet but the premise is actually a little different so what you do is you don't have any armor on uh one thirty percent speed is more than fine and what you do is you get an axe with replenish on it this does not have replenish on it so i'm not going to use it and you have you maintain an angle similar to this then you just walk forward like this and you'll break all the beans and they'll be replaced with beans that are not fully grown yet and then there you go using a cocoa chopper you can easily get gold if you have a decent farming level and then of course you swap around like let's say you make it to the end of a row turn around just maintain this angle something like this at like 120 to 130 percent speed no armor on and there you go cactus i wouldn't recommend doing cactus unless you're on the hunt for gold medals specifically because it's not that helpful of a crop you don't get any coins really for doing this and you also there's not any good crafting recipes this is kind of a waste of money the cactus knife but i mean well i mean you need it for this because it instant chops cactus no other tools do that 350 speed 90 90 degree angle the way you build this is you have one two three four five six blocks of sand with alternating cactus planting the cactus is gonna be terrible by the way and then you have three blocks of cobble or any other block with a row in the middle here making a pattern that looks like this just repeating over and over again and the way you form this you stand up against the block and then 90 degree angle and you just walk forward or to the side like this as you can see i'm getting only two so maybe if you lower your speed then you can get three out but then anyways once you make it to the end here then what you do is let's say you finish this row right then you go around and then lean on the next block let's say i'm doing this and then you go boom that's how you do cactus again i wouldn't really recommend this unless you're on the hunt for every single crop gold next is my personal favorite of all the crops this is netherwort i would not suggest doing this until again like you pretty much need farming 50 for this to be worth it now this one is going to be a bit difficult to demonstrate because i'm in 1.8.9 right now this you need 1.12.2 or better of a you need to change your minecraft version to form this the most efficiently now here's why as you can see the hitbox is the same size for a tier one netherwart versus a fully grown one in 112 this is not the case the fully grown ones have a bigger hitbox so what you do is you you hold down left click and fly to the left like this and what that'll do is it'll break this and then it will leave the space open which allows you to break this which allows you to break this and this whereas m18 you're kind of limited to how laggy you are well you still kind of get two but you don't get up to three so you might miss some warts but anyway that's how you farm netherware you just do this assume let's just assume him in one twelve i'm in one twelve one point twelve point two and my mouse is higher up than it is right now and then what happens is once you make it to the end of the row here then you turn around do the next row these are floating layers that are five blocks wide of netherwort with warts planted on top of them and you can actually put them directly on top of each other like this you can have two full width farms in only like a four block space with just make sure you have one block free below because you will be flying to do this so really compact making full width netherwork farms and then finally there's shroom like i said before just put down a bunch of minions i would not suggest building a full width layer of mushroom it just it does not seem worth it it's very slow and minions you'll get more so typically with minions you get more so yeah that's how you build every single farm for hypixel skyblock so these are the tools this next segment is getting the tools in consistent gold medals i would suggest that once you find a crop that works for you grind it until you get gold this is most likely in the current meta like i said before gonna be wheat uh pumpkin and melons actually not as competitive as you would think probably because they're not very profitable that being said cactus is probably also a really safe bet because there's no purpose for farming cactus other than doing well in jacob's festivals that is a good way to gauge whether or not something is a good thing to go for is whether or not it's profit because if it's not profit then there'll be less people competing with you so yeah that might be a good option something that is extremely useful it's an essential tool basically is if you head to the hub and then you go to the blacksmith if you go to smithmonger here you're going to want to buy a blessed fruit for every single tool that you end up buying to farm with all of them if you notice right my nether warehouse blessed the caneho blessed uh potato carrot cactus pumpkin all blessed and once i get a coco chopper that too will be blessed but yeah it basically gives you double drop chance it is very good would highly recommend oh and of course uh all the hoes you would want to give harvesting five some of them require replenish uh the cane one does not because you're breaking the second block not the first one and of course telekinesis i mean obviously but basically all of these except for uh cane and cactus and shroom are gonna need to replenish the like those are the ones that won't need it but the rest do like cocoa bean one will absolutely another work if you can't get gold right away keep grinding farming levels and elephant pet xp if you get bronze in a crop apply turbo crop the turbo crop enchant up to tier four tier tool for more drops in the case of i mean if you look in my bag here i have turbo potato and carrot five prepared for these two hoes here uh because i've gotten i mean i've gotten gold in both of these so i don't have to worry about it but if you maintain if you get a bronze just a bronze medal you can apply turbo potato four for example to the potato ho if you got silver then you can apply turbo potato five which gives a 25 increase in potato it's ridiculous so very very very good i would highly recommend but yeah that's a good way to pull ahead if you're struggling to get uh silver or gold it would be the turbo enchants i mean that makes sense if you consistently get gold in your main crop if it isn't kane buy the cane hoe and work towards maxing that farming cane gives a ton of coins and you can use either that you can use either to buy tickets in the bazaar or you can buy upgrades for your tools for example let's say i wanted to upgrade my cane ho i would have to buy a whole bunch of uh enchanted cane which is a lot and i accidentally earned bronze in the carrot contest somehow which does not make sense to me how did that happen i think i bugged the game out because i definitely did not deserve you can use that cane to buy more tickets and to buy more upgrades for your tools unless you're upgrading the cane home which case keep the cane obviously but if you want to upgrade another ward hell which i would not suggest until you're farming 50 you could go in here and buy mutant nether wart if you're trying to upgrade potato you can buy enchanted baked potatoes but anyway yeah cane is obvious it is the obvious choice it is the way to go 100 because it will get you coins to buy everything else with uh so very very very important and they can pay for recommends in the future forgot to mention that or bless fruit or anything you need anyway i would suggest farming cane until you hit 10 million collection on the ho and then you maxed it out with again blessed reforged harvesting five turbo cane five uh 10 million collection get silver into the vents so that turbo can actually works recommend if possible getting a max out kaneho is going to be your route to not only getting the xp for farming 50 plus but also the the coins for affording all of your other tools but yeah once you've done that your goals can shift a bit uh so the next step after getting consistent gold medals i would suggest i would say at this point you could probably get gold in every cane event you participate in once you get a high enough farming level and you have your pet you have your how everything's all set up right uh once you have a surplus of gold medals and tickets and your cane hoe is max spend the rest on double drop chance in the anita shop which if we go over here you can find that over here if you notice i only have eight percent double drop chance in here that's because i already had farming 50 before the update even dropped so a lot of the xp was not put into jacob's events which is a real shame but uh anyway i would suggest putting a lot into those double drops once you have the cane home maxed out if you want more tickets since your main crop might not appear every time you can invest in multiple crops again pumpkin and melon is fine cane absolutely wheat is super consistent uh cactus is super consistent at least in the current meta i wouldn't really suggest carrot or potato they're both really competitive so yeah i would not recommend that anyways if you want to collect consistent metals like all the time technically speaking you need to build every full width layer farm actually i didn't even mention this i probably should now for jacob's festivals you need a full width layer of a particular farm for crops so carrot uh potato wheat for cane you need two layers for pumpkin and melon you need two layers for cactus you need two layers for another wart you also need i think it's three layers for a whole i think three layers is for infinite with another word actually i think just for so that's well it's two but anyway yeah it's a ridiculous amount of forms that you have to build but anyway if you want to get metal or if you want to get tickets every hour then you are gonna have to go nuts and build a bunch of farms the bilges wand and the prisma pumps are going to be your best friend here although there are going to be some things that cannot be helped like placing a straight line of blocks a builder's one's not going to make that more efficient which is annoying but um this is basically how to get maxed farming level at this point oh and as i said multiple times at this point would not recommend farming netherwar until you are farming 50 because you are not going to get farming xp from farming these i don't know if i said that but uh you don't if you form another word you get alchemy xp which is kind of dumb but that's just how it works all right so now let's assume that you've gotten almost every tool at least upgraded to i would say rare and you have gold tickets in almost every crop now how is it how do you profit now well if you have nothing else to dump tickets into start investing in the netherware how it's very expensive i think it costs like 25 mil with everything to max this guy turbo warts is a very expensive enchantment four stacks of mutant netherwort is very expensive a recom is expensive uh bless fruits it's kind of pricey replenish kind of pricey so it's gonna be expensive but i mean it's worth it but yeah if you're at like say farming 50 you want to finally cash out and get your money then there you go you craft that a running wart gets the farming xp like i said it's only for veterans and uh yeah there you go that's the full jacobs festival guy jesus this thing is a mess good luck to fezzy for putting it together in a cohesive way but uh long story short uh don't be too worried about getting high placement in the events just if you can get bronze you can eventually get gold uh and if you can't get bronze then while you need a farming levels i mean that's and and a pet that's basically it and you're gonna need to do a ton of farming uh and just to prove that i know what the hell i'm talking about again i already showed him farming level 51 and i've gotten if i go over here i've gotten gold in every festival except for mushroom because i didn't i was too lazy to place the minions cocoa beans because i didn't buy the cocoa chopper but i already have the stuff to easily do a first try and carrot because i just bought the whole last stream and i have not gotten it to rare yet as you can see the counter is only 12 000. but yeah in the coming weeks i would say i will probably have uh bro or i'll have gold and everything and so will you if you follow this tutorial anyways i apologize for this being such a freaking mess but farming is actually a bit more complicated than people give it credit for well anyways i guess that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 345,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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