25 unique tips for progression in Hypixel SkyBlock

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hey guys we're back for another video and welcome to hypixel skyblock for another tutorial and this one is a little different instead of uh focusing on a single topic i've collected 25 tips for high pixel skyblock progression so let's get right into it oh before we get into the tips you should totally download the 30 virus bad line cloak link in the pin comment description look at that ding all right anyway let's get to this tutorial so when adding to reforge uh stones to any piece of equipment it's important to hold off before you recombobulate or otherwise upgrade the piece of gear for example a tactician sword with a wooden singularity a recombinator on armor so to demonstrate i'm going to take a strong dragon helmet we're going to go into advanced reforging and as you can see applying the dragon scales reforge costs 600 000 coins at legendary rarity right so boom six hundred thousand coins now if we were to recombobulate the strong helmet to make it mythic and then put on the dragon scales you'll notice it costs twice as much 1.2 mil so uh make sure that when you do this that you add the reforged stone first because upgrading it preserves the reforge that was a really expensive demonstration i don't know why i did that in the early game it's a struggle to get your gravel collection all the way to 10 000 which is the minimum required for the critical potion now to do that most people use minions but it turns out lobby hopping between the spiders then and the end until you find a private lobby is the ideal way to get the collection really fast as you can see i have a flint shovel with efficiency five telekinesis one and this is not a empty lobby but if there was an empty lobby you would see every single spot filled up with flint i would say three to four empty lobbies worth of gravel should be enough to get you all the way to that collection so it's really fast would highly recommend don't bother wasting a minion on gravel just go and do the grinding yourself it'll take maybe an hour or two it's very much worth it to get crit 3 potions in early game without minions just like with the flint shovel it turns out there's also a really easy way to get netherwarts now again you don't need to waste a minion slot on netherwork when you could just go to the blazing fortress and go to all these spots i'm about to show and get yourself a harvesting five telekinesis one rookie hoe and as you can see there are netherwarts all over the place uh you can get if you're lucky a lobby like this one where again no one's been here everything's full oh there is a guy but he actually isn't here for these perfect but yeah you can get yourself all the way to potion affinity artifact without actually putting down another wart minion let me show you all the spots just in case you don't know them luckily i have an aspect at the end with a bajillion million teleports so the other spot is right here next one is that guy's just getting destroyed over here and there's a hidden spot not a lot of people know about and that's down here underneath [Music] and the last spots right here and then once you've collected all the netherwarts you actually can just make your way back to the beginning and then you go on the jump pad back to the spiders then and then you go back to the blazing fortress to generate a new lobby and then you could start all over again and then over and over and over again you can go for the netherwarts and then before you know you'll have the collection done just like with the netherwort and the gravel you can actually if you have a rank you can right click on the little compass there to get a private hub lobby now this is useful because you can get private potatoes unharvested potatoes there's a lot of them over here i mean just there i got like almost six stacks and then in the caves over here you can get yourself some carrots basically you don't need a minion for any of these except maybe potato because there's not a heck of a lot of it but like the amount of carrots that you can get from this is more than an inventory's fault of course there's another spot over there in addition to that there is a ridiculous amount of wheat there's a spot here there's a spot here three four five six uh you definitely do not need a wheat minion i would say within like 10 or 20 lobbies you will have a wheat tier 11 minion unlocked you'll even be able to get the agronomy sack which is if you don't know what that is it's one of these it stores all of your crops i don't have one it's filling my inventory with a bunch of junk but yeah so you could use this method and of course once you've gotten everything you can select the new lobby this one has no players in it as well and everything will be fresh unharvested you can do that over and over again in place of minions to get all these collections done really quickly and without any equipment or coins so when you're in the process of crafting mastiff armor first of course you need to make growth armor so if we go into here so when you're in the process of crafting mass deformity you have to make growth armor first now before you go and do that crafting all your mastiff armor it turns out if you put all of it on you get an achievement [Music] so to increase the efficiency of all experience models i would suggest that you make an experience potion first this will make it so you get more bang for your buck now obviously you don't have to use these ridiculously expensive ingredients i would suggest just the enchanted glowstone powder enchanted redstone powder and then using that you can actually increase the amount of experience you get from grand and titanic xp bottles now this actually makes a huge difference now we'll just you know we'll show what happens with the best possible experience potion with a titanic experience bottle so first let's see how much xp we get from one titanic experience bottle with no uh experience potion 237 levels all right not bad now with the experience potion 258 levels which doesn't sound like that big a difference but remember when you get up into the 200s with levels that is a ridiculous difference when collecting minions make sure you have a pet equip that's the same type for free pet xp it turns out this is a lot so if i were to equip my level 70 dolphin pet here and then collect my fish minion [Music] in addition to my fishing level i also leveled up the dolphin now it only gave me one level but again it's because it's like a level 70 something but it's a nice bonus especially with mining minions if you got 24 tier 11 snow minions going that's pretty much the only way to realistically level up a mining pet trust me so there's this cool little trick you can do with the tree capitator or a jungle axe and a swedax if you were to break some logs with the tree cap and then quickly sword swap to the sweet axe you'll get free apples now why is this useful well it turns out a lot of crafting recipes use apples well not a lot of them there's really a there's a few all right and one of which is lifesteal books now i'm lazy so i try and find little efficiencies everywhere this is a really miniscule example of that i mean look at that 17 apples already 24. i mean i have to craft saving graces on my hardcore profile and this makes it really easy maybe if you run a business where you make maxed out sword books this might be a quick way to get all the apples you need so normally to get into here you need to use uh super boom tnt which is 5 000 coins of pop which doesn't sound that bad until it turns out a lot of people are trying to find a lobby that has no one in it and if you're one of those people it might be expensive to spend 5 000 coins every time you're entering one so you can use a horse pet to actually glitch right through you don't need to spend the 5 000 coins every time and wow i wish i got this lucky in my hardcore what the hell here's another piece of advice do not craft pets seriously don't craft pets there are people with taming 50 and pet luck potions who craft legendary pets as a money-making method yes those people exist there's always going to be somebody for every single money-making method anyways it would be way more efficient of your time and coins to just buy from them because again they're taming 50 and they have pet luck potions they're going to get way more legendaries than you would which means they could sell their pets at a much lower price so yeah instead of spending i don't know 50 mil on the chance to get a legendary blaze pet just spend 60 mil on a blaze pet you know trust me it's worth it you don't want to spend 100 mil failing to get a legendary and then upgrading it a cat for like three weeks it's not worth at all here's another tip for you never craft growth five books just enchant your armor directly at level 60 it will guaranteed give you growth five and thorns three as long as you search for growth five i use skyblock add-ons uh here's that helmet from earlier if we search up growth five and then we butterfly click here there you go growth five and it comes with thorns three every time turns out thorns isn't actually a bad enchantment anymore so uh you don't have to feel any remorse for doing that uh but yeah it takes like five minutes to get 60 levels all you have to do is head to a preferably a private lobby but you know i'm just demonstrating here so it's not that important if you head over to the crypt killing ghouls gets you a lot of xp so long as your sword has the is it even on here well i don't even have experience on these swords but yeah you get levels super fast again i'm at level 191 it doesn't really look like it's going up by much but 10 kills will get you to like level 30. it is very fast so yeah never never craft growth it's not worth 16 enchanted uh dark oak just to get one piece of armor to growth five it's ridiculously expensive so when you make your way to cat and you're planning on upgrading a minion make sure you level it up first uh for example i have two skeleton pets here one level one one level 36 i would suggest just get it all the way to level 100 before you upgrade it because if you look right the level one is going to cost me 249 000 coins which for a skeleton pet is really cheap most of the price is going into the bone but there's other minions for example enderman which require all coins and they cost a ton to upgrade but anyway keep in mind that 249 250 coins i think that's because i have seal the family uh as you can see this is cheaper 223 000. uh you get i think it's a 30 discount whenever you decide to upgrade a pet that already has a higher level so long story short just upgrade your pets or try and level up your pets before you upgrade their rarity especially if they require coins instead of materials to upgrade a really quick way to survive the fire trial is actually to go and grab yourself a titanic mushroom set with growth 5 on it using the method i described before 60 levels per piece boom easy growth but anyway uh titanic mushroom armor during the night gives you quite a lot of hp as you can see over 2 000 and make sure to equip a rock pet preferably high level only common is all you need uh a lot of mining in the deep caverns will give you one of these but anyway yeah it is extremely easy to survive the fire trial all the way up until epic rarity just with this now you might need like one or two health potions for the higher levels but it will get you all the way to the point where you can upgrade your um campfire initiate badge to epic rarity i think most of us know this because i've talked about it in like four or five videos but it is really helpful but yeah you can get this guy all the way to epic i'm not gonna do that but um if you need health potions uh chances are you probably will need at least one or two for the last trial before getting it to epic uh here's where you can get the materials alchemist as you can see they are selling glistening melon it's by a whole bunch i guess there you go then you can make enchanted glistening melon which is used to make instant health potions uh but yeah so if you need potions there's where you get the materials just put enchanted redstone enchanted glowstone in there you'll make potions powerful enough to keep you alive for epic rarity and of course if you want to get to legendary rarity you're going to need mastiff armor uh make sure you have mastiff on strong reforge as well as hurtful on as many talismans as you can find and try and get a sword that gives a lot of crit chance and then put spicy on it the best one in the game for that would be pigman sword but you can also use something like a shaman sword or even an aspect at the end but preferably something with a stronger reforge than that sit on spicy it'll give you the most hp possible for a legendary rarity so this one i'm just gonna have to explain i don't have a visual but uh to reduce the price of leveling up your alchemy with enchanted sugarcane you can actually equip any sort of alchemy pet for example a sheep and then level it up to level 100 and then immediately flip it on the auction house i would suggest a sheep because they are highly sought after for mages in dungeons uh buy yours at level one from the auction house level it up to level 100 with your cane as you're leveling your uh alchemy and then immediately resell it for probably i would say a profit of maybe 10 20 mil each probably 10 mil each if i'm gonna be honest i bet a lot of people have been doing this but anyway to further reduce the cost you can also give every potion an enchanted glowstone which actually increases the or enchanted glowstone dust not block don't worry you can increase the value of all your potions that way and then sell them to the npc to make back a bunch of your money so yeah cheap alchemy 50. so with the next suggestion uh if there's a stubborn collection that you really don't want to complete but you have to for example ice is notorious for this 250 000 ice collection just to get the auger rod seems pretty nice but not nice enough but anyway if you do want to get it all the way to ice collection 10 i would suggest investing in some hyper catalyst they're actually fairly cheap only about 40 000 coins apiece from what i remember and if you want to unlock your collection quickly and just plop them in a minion you only really need one because it's basically going to turn this guy into four of himself for and if you have eight of them for two days so yeah very quick way to unlock collections i would invest in doing this for all the stubborn ones uh another one would be the farming minions but just farm manually but anyway yeah hyper catalysts are a lot more useful than people seem to give them credit for for unlocking collections and trust me it's worth it you don't want to spend three weeks grinding to get the greater backpack recipe nah just give your cow minion hyper catalyst trust me you'll be thanking me in like two days instead of three weeks blaze minions spider quartz all those other ones could use it if you're struggling with the dungeons hub races one suggestion that could help you is crafting a saddle equipping a high level horse or skeleton horse pet this one is level 64. i give him the saddle and then if you go into i don't know the most difficult one is crystal core nothing at all race turns out nothing at all actually means uh at least you can use pets so if i go here as you can see this guy's pretty dang fast because he's a level 64. but the real value comes in with the saddle which gives him an increased jump height so let's go down here you might remember to get to the crystal core you need to jump up here so boom the saddle allows me to jump over all obstacles and beat the race in a really fast time so you invest in a horse pet with a saddle it'll make things so much easier for completing all your races i'm actually taking a visit to my hardcore profile where i can show you this this is a pumpkin and melon farm that i'm gonna call the hybrid design so we all know there's two camps with farming melons and pumpkins and that's water or no water well i took the compact design of a no water farm and i poked holes once every eight blocks in a grid and added water with carpet on top as you can see right here this is a happy medium between the two styles because most people that use water in their farms would do something like two slabs two uh pumpkin or melon one slab and then they'll put water and then another slab two pumpkin melon slab water slab you waste a whole row of blocks every other row and it adds up you don't get as many pumpkins or melons for the amount of farm you're building so this is way more compact and you're only missing a pumpkin once every i would say average of 16 blocks because some rows are not affected at all but yeah the hybrid design is the best one for pumpkins or melon by far so this is another talking suggestion so uh one thing in skyblock that is very important to do is to maximize what i will call your passive income so i would say get at least 24 million slots i actually already made a tutorial on this i'll leave a link in the card in the top right hand corner optimize your minion slot setup get to 24 slots and then invest in snow minions with diamond spreading or if the market's you know going crazy get yourself some minions that will make you a lot of profit right uh that isn't any new news but i want to stress how important bank interest is if you were to have a bank account that's been upgraded i think it's once then you'll get 30 300 000 coins every i think it's 30 hours for free just because you have interest just because you have money and then if you store at least 20 million coins in your bank you get 300 000 coins every interest cycle so that is really important to get uh free money and it turns out that's actually the equivalent of about three snow minions with enchanted lava buckets all going at the same time so that adds up and of course if you go to the community center over here there is a little upgrade that you can get called coin allowance which gives you a lot less but you can get it for uh free you don't have to spend any money and it's literally just free coins you can upgrade it up to tier 5 i think that's another 50 000 coins so you'll go from 300 000 to 350 000 coins per day just because you have money and because you have the allowance which is really good uh another little thing you can do is to if i were to go over here to the bazaar and then purchase a cookie right we get a booster cookie we eat it now it's actually a money-making method because of the cookies to sit afk on your island yup you sit on your island and then you collect bits and you can spend those bits on uh little upgrades that you could then resell in the auction house now it's not always going to be profit doing that because of course it costs money to get the cookie but if you play your cards right you purchase your cookies at the right time then you can make some money but of course that's passive you just sit here and do nothing and then you basically just get free coins uh also another thing that you could do is make those little uh cobblestone with flowing water forms with the netherware crystals and i think it's farming crystals this time dio's design from way back in the day turns out that still works nowadays and if you're gonna be afk on your island the whole time to gather up bits might as well also be getting a whole bunch of netherwart and wii for no reason other than just your afk and to take it a step further if there is a mob based minion that makes a whole lot of money for example sheep turns out you can make a little grinder for it so if i were to switch my profile over to my solo you'll see a great design that i came up with for mob based minions look at this monstrosity every piece of glass will have a minion next to it and if you wanted to fill this with sheep minions you could and they'll all flow into the middle they'll die in the lava and then all the drops will go down into the hopper system that uh then they could be collected later and you know by doing this the minions are only expending a minion action to spawn the mobs not kill them so it is almost double efficiency but the thing is there is a 10 percent debuff if the minion doesn't kill the mob and it has to spawn another one so technically 1.9 times efficiency not two times efficiency but yeah all those things combined makes for a whole lot of passive income oh and you know what there is one other passive income that i'll get into this is technically a different suggestion altogether you can build a massive cactus farm on your island if you wanted it's going to lag up your island really bad but theoretically speaking with all the island upgrades and the massive amount of space on a typical island that doesn't have anything placed on it like these this beautiful bed wars map here if there was nothing here other than cactus farm you can make 10 million coins a day selling to the npc i wish i was kidding i'm not i would suggest looking up finster's video on it it's ridiculous you can actually make stupid amounts of cactus and then sell to the npc and basically break the economy but your island will be pretty laggy just warning you and it takes a ton of work to build obviously which is why you don't see anybody doing it but it is the ultimate passive income farm so let's say you had a new sword like this rogue sword here and you wanted to max it out would not suggest doing that but if you wanted to max out something more reasonable like an aspect of the end well it's gonna take a lot of time to have to go kill goals go back to the enchantment table level 60 engine uh combine a bunch of books together to save anvil uses throw it all together spend a bunch of levels or turns out you can go in here and look up sharp we go into the auction house we go to the consumable section and we sort by bin and then we uh scroll down a bit because these are very expensive let's go to like page i don't know there we go look at this look at all of these so it turns out it's a business to craft these quote semi-god bush books i'm gonna call them demigod books so they are basically the perfect little book to throw on your sword and it's already put together with it looks like four to five anvil uses uh this one seems to have these ones up here seem to have the most enchants on it for 445 000 coins i can grab this massive thing sharpness critical first strike giant killer execute lethality anderson cubism everything all together you don't even have to think about it all i have to do now is get some grands chuck them on the floor and i'll get like 90 levels rogue sword god book ooh it's 177 levels it is cheaper to apply the one book than it would be to go nuts with making a bajillion of them boom now we have a maxed out rogue sword for whatever reason but uh yeah so it is a business for people to make these god books it is gonna be difficult to get the levels maybe it'd be a good idea to get a titanic but uh if you're lazy and you want to enchant your weapon really quickly there's a business out there for that so yeah save some time if you got the coins for it obviously if you want to craft it yourself you're going to save some money but you know if you're someone like me with 78 million coins in their purse it barely matters oh here's another talking point because there's no spooky festival going on right now but if you want to get yourself a private spider's den lobby for the purpose i said before with getting your crit recipe then all you got to do and same goes for end lobbies as well if there's a spooky festival going on don't leave the lobby when the event ends most people are going to leave because they want to go to the auction house or bizarre to sell all the stuff they got well if you stay in the lobby chances are it's going to become a private lobby now private lobbies are especially valuable in the end because if you can imagine right you go to the dragon's nest in a private end lobby imagine no sweats running around killing the zealots you get them all to yourself you can get theoretically like 20 30 summoning eyes from one lobby if you're prepared for it and if you're in a spider's den lobby you can get uh your potion recipe you can farm for brood mother spawns to get a luxurious spool or a spider talisman but uh yeah private and lobbies are extremely valuable and just sitting in one after a uh spooky festival's done you might be able to get one they're pretty hard to find though there might be other people in your lobby trying to do the same thing so that might ruin it but uh you could get lucky honestly that's the best way to do it i don't think there's much if you're to randomly search for a private end lobby you probably never find one but just after a spooky event maybe oh here's another weird one turns out uh during the season of jerry event there's a lot of magma cubes and they chuck fireballs at you and they do tons of knockback there's actually a way to get around that all you got to do is sit on a horse or a rock pet and with the horse you have the added mobility which is nice but uh yeah you don't take knock back while sitting on a pit so a season of jerry event don't want to take knock back sit on a pit or you can go on those cannon things but this is you know you get to stay on the ground and not get knocked all over the place one thing that's special about uh badline client is this little feature called the waypoints mod now if you enable waypoints there's actually a great little system that i've set up on my profile here that will map out the location of every fairy soul in the game now it's not updated for the hub the new hub yet but let's ignore that but yeah most of the hub souls uh and all the souls in the other locations you can actually pinpoint their exact location and instead of referring to a video and you know fidgeting around for three hours to get all the fairy souls you can get every single one in the game theoretically in less than an hour me and fizzy prove this in our uh lemon let's play of high pixel skyblock we use this system yeah so bad bad line waypoints mod extremely useful i actually made a video on how to download and install my waypoints in bad lines so i'd suggest clicking on that video in the top right hand corner in the cards but yeah extremely useful what are you what are you trying to do if you're having trouble leveling up your obsidian collection you can go to the end and you can kill obsidian defenders to get very quick uh obsidian collection so if we were to wait in typically this line right here especially this back segment there are a lot of obsidian defenders now i can't one shot for some reason i think that's because my crit chance is too low but yeah get 100 crit chance you can uh kill the obsidian defenders as you can see i got 35 obsidian it's way faster than just manually mining obsidian or using a minion you could do this for i don't know uh five six hours and you'll get the you'll get everything you'll need like a tree capitator for example i did this on my hardcore profile and you might as a bonus get a knobby chest plate which is really good for speed and it will make it easier to get more kills on hobby defenders but yeah farming these guys is actually pretty great if you don't have the money for abi or you just want to get your ender chest size up to the maximum that's one of the most common reasons why people farm obsidian defenders alright so this is the last point in the video and it's actually another talking point so whenever the game updates sell everything to do with that update as soon as you get it no exceptions immediately sell sell sell because people are stupid people are dumb and they will pay whatever it takes to get the update items first now you as a smart entrepreneurial type of player will realize hey this value is probably going to be like 1 10 the price it is now in about a week so what if i optimized how quickly i can get these items and immediately sold it on the auction house or bazaar before the price tanked sometimes it takes 10 minutes for the price to tank other times it takes like several hours uh for example with the mythological event the price of griffin feathers and let me see if we go over here mythological event yeah griffin feathers were almost 600k a piece and now they're down to 1 6 of that the ancient claw was worth about 30 000 coins each now they're 1 000 coins each just be smart with updates don't buy update items on day one wait until the price levels off and people know how rare they are and if you want to make some money on the side take advantage of people being stupid and immediately buying update items and just throw things on the bazaar or even the auction house and people will overpay massively well anyway uh that's it for this tutorial guys this is an hour long recording for one video my god um but yeah this has been 25 tips for progression in high pixel skyblock i hope you enjoyed and benefited from at least half of these even the most seasoned of skyblock players probably haven't heard of i would say at least a third like if you've been playing this game since release i still bet you there's a third of these things you didn't even know so anyway uh yeah i guess that that's it again if you want to walk around with style you can get yourself the 30 virus badly cloak link in the pin comment and description and might as well do that on your way to getting the waypoints mod to get all your fairy souls well anyway i guess that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 635,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: jXUnfh2J6dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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