Acquiring The ATOMSPLIT KATANA! - Hypixel Skyblock

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hello gamers and welcome back to another hot pixel skyblock video fine i'll do it in my last video i said if i get 3 000 likes within three days i'll start a brand new profile where i can't buy armor tools or weapons until i defeat the hardest boss in the game the tier 4 enderman boss within 24 hours that video has gotten 5 000 likes but before i start a brand new profile i first have to defeat it on my main profile i somehow managed to defeat the tier 3 enderman boss without the warden helmet the tier 4 though is a completely different story while the tier 3 has 66 million hp the tier 4 has 300 million so the 200 000 damage i was doing per hit is gonna be nowhere near enough and instead of the 12 000 damage the tier 3 does this one does 21 000 so i'm gonna have to increase my defense as well which is where the final destination armor comes into play so before i start upgrading my weapons and grinding for the warden helmet again i need to get my boots to 10 000 enderman kills at least while i can kill the tier 3 when i try my best it's still pretty scuffed so while grinding kills on my armor i'm only going to do g2s i'm less than 2000 xp away from the next level which is going to unlock this i can upgrade my current weapon to do even more damage since i need slightly over 4400 kills on my boots and it takes me around 70 kills to spawn each boss in total i'm gonna get around 1500 xp only a couple tier three is after that and i will unlock the next enemy level this boss is honestly super easy now compared to when i first started doing it because i got one for all on my weapon which increased the damage by a ton and i have a reaper mask which doubles my healing so instead of healing 170 per second from the wand of a tournament i'm actually healing 340. [Music] there's six thousand kills seven thousand eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand i'm only four tier three bosses away from leveling up my enderman's lair and only like 40k xp from the next combat level but before i continue the grind i want to upgrade my weapon a little bit it's finally time that i applied the fuming potato book to this thing it's gonna cost me 5.6 million coins unlike a normal floor this one requires 20 gemstones which is going to cost me 1.4 million to unlock the second slot i'm gonna need 40 sapphire gemstones and 100k i'm also going to get the ruby power scroll for both my sword and my wand of a tournament whenever i right click an item with that scroll i'm going to regenerate one percent of my health at no cost i think the cooldown depends on the item because on the wand it's only a second but on the sword it's 4 seconds oh and by the way while grinding the tier 2s the admins actually fixed the final destination armor so the defense bonus actually works which is why i'll be using the final destination boots instead of the necron boots although i do need to get wisdom on these it's 4.2 million coins i've been also bullied on my streams like 15 times because i don't have ultimate wise five on my aspect of the end so i'll get that as well which is an extra 3.9 million hopefully the 310 defense i'm gonna get from these boots is gonna help me against the tier three all right time for the final oh my god they're here again i swear they only show up whenever i spawn the boss bro i didn't even get the chance to spawn the beacon and i got a man of steel book i actually did not know this is how you get mana steal but now i do how much are these 40k okay they're kind of cheap anyways thanks to unintentionally getting carried i can now claim that the next level is gonna require four times the amount of xp i have right now but it's also when i unlock the gyrokinesic wand the aspect of the void and most importantly the atom split katana the final form of my weapon but for now i need to craft myself the vorpal katana i'm going to need eight mole of voids eight refined mithril a null edge and of course the void edge katana i think i need 32 inch standard obsidian pernal ovoid so i need four stacks i don't even have to buy all the null spheres because of all the tier twos i did i have more than enough next is going to be the mithril which is gonna cost me 2.6 million coins that is a lot more than i expected finally the null edge is three stacks of enchanted mithril and three null atoms i already got one from one of the bosses so i only need to buy two they're super cheap never mind three stacks of this time to do that that that that that this this this and finally this i'm really excited to see how much damage i'm going to do now previously i did around 200k damage per head but now i'm going to do 350k okay that's pretty good that's still nowhere near the damage i need to get rid of 300 million hp before the boss despawns so this weapon is only going to make the tier 3s easier i still have to grind to end of manchester level 6 so that i can craft the atom split katana according to bad lion's calculations it's going to take me 150 tier 3 kills which is going to cost me 3 million coins and take me 15 hours i'm not sure how long they think the bosses will take individually but hopefully it doesn't take 15 hours that would be painful and that's assuming i don't fail a single time which is very unlikely right time for the first boss with the new sword and there is someone helping bro alright time for the first actual solo one hopefully they don't help again all right that's the head phase i'm just gonna let the zombies do it i'm already noticing a huge damage difference to be honest okay got a little bit low there oh there's a skull somewhere i think i already looked at it by mistake out of here oh my god it's already at 30 million hp there is a colossal damage difference beacon nope okay out of here look at the skull and it's dead it took me like three minutes so i'm just gonna do some simple math to see how long it's gonna take to do the remaining 174. 7.3 hours that is half of what badland predicted but it's still seven hours that's a very long time believe it or not i'm actually making money just by doing these layers even if i don't get any drops yeah then all spheres are just that expensive i have my stacks full right now and if i sell them i'm gonna get nearly 5 million coins these next clips were actually streamed right here on youtube so if you missed this stream and you don't want to miss the next one then make sure to subscribe and hit the bell it's free and you can always change your mind i haven't done that in a while but 65 of my viewers are not even subscribed on the topic of subscribing though thank you all so much recently at 50k and it just it blew my mind so again thank you by using every single brain cell my brain has to offer i think i found a way to spawn three tanks without ultimate wise so thanks to this stupidly opi sword i get 200 intelligence right so if i just get rid of my necron and get wise i now have 1363 right and then i can apply my guardian pet 1463 i'm like 50 mana away but don't worry i can get even more currently i have the very wise reforged which is basically wise but because the dragon set itself is called wisely changed it to very wise anyways if i get into crotic on this thing i'm going to get 75 extra mana yeah there it is 50k each let's just uh advance reforging 300k per okay that is a lot of money that hurts that genuinely hurts ouch ah my purse okay anyways there it is 1538 mana boom three tanks with no ultimate wise and now i can just get rid of this wear this again and i have three tanks i'm a genius i know before i go back to grounding the enderman i want to collect these because they're getting full and also it's about time that i sell this stuff honestly it's getting pretty out of control i'm just going to sell this stuff i know i can make a lot more if i sell it to nbc or even just setting up sell offer but that's gonna take a lot longer and i don't wanna waste time money time money yes i'm able to speak listen i used all of my intelligence on that trick to spawn three zombies all right oh my god bruh i was at like what 47 mil no i think i was at 49 actually but this is nuts i made a lot more money than i thought how much are these each oh my god okay so if i sell all of these i'm gonna make nearly 50 mil all right if i'm ever desperate for money i know where to go if i'm ever desperate for money i know where to go i just remembered i wanted to set a buy order for a recombiler where are these things watch it be in front of me and i'm just blind oh it's a steve ed okay thank you high pixel i was going to set a buy order of one of these for my boots because i'm going to be using this forever oh it instantly failed i'll be using them forever so you know i might as well recombine them there we go slightly better stats definitely worth it plasma is like 30 mil you mean 300 is it actually 300 mil plasma flux done low surprise bro bro i sold mine for 238 where's the beacon where's the beacon no no no no no no no no no oh my god okay okay yeah that was definitely meant to happen don't worry about it wait where's my boss uh what oh hello there bruh most scuffed boss ever and [Applause] death okay let's just claim that and there we go 5000 xp until the next level wow i'm too tapping these what what pet do i have wolf why am i tree tapping them what oh i just jinxed it good job me you did it i want to mess with my accessory bag a little bit and i plan on buying two new ones and upgrading three of my old ones first one is the lucky hoof uh lowest price it's kind of cheap i'm surprised i didn't get this earlier it's only 150k so a free uncommon accessory thank you i'm also gonna get the pocket espresso machine how do you spell this thing uh it's 500k again another pretty cheap talisman the next ones i'm going to upgrade i already set a buy order for four great white shark teeth because um i'm gonna upgrade my uh shark accessory thing i bought these during the festival so they weren't as expensive but they were still like three million coins actually i think more like 2.7 anyhow i am also planning to upgrade my personal deleter so that's two legendary accessories uh wait isn't this the crafting recipe don't tell me i messed this up please it is okay why didn't they show up i don't know what is the other one right soul flow thing where is it here it is i crafted this yesterday off stream and i'm gonna upgrade it today all right quick craft is broken oh i see wait why isn't it okay it really is broken okay that's a rare accessory thank you very cool oh my order filled so i can just get this and where is my deleter and you go i need seven of these there we go all right i only have four remaining slots that's pretty good i got two more accessories and upgraded three so that's pretty popular wait did i just [Music] four zombies overflow mana oh you're right i forgot to deactivate that thing yeah you're right you're right it is overflow mana okay uh how are you gonna buy atom splits 83 million i'm gonna craft it wait it's 83 mil bruh i'm gonna be broke by the end of this stream i won't even have enough money to spawn to cheer for no auto slayer no but i am about to unlock it i actually just realized that because i'm gonna get enervance layer six so i can use autoslayer again what is happening i can't even speak properly anymore okay last beacon where is it where is it okay death geez that was the last one boom enderman's layer tier six i can finally do this thank you game very cool i'm going to get on this thing asap i'm going to need two stacks of null ovoids six of these two stacks of enchanted quartz blocks i'm gonna set a buy order for these while i work on the other stuff 128 20 million coins oh god ah that hurt by the way this is everything i got from the grind so far you know i'm gonna sell this stuff actually i don't need it start with summoning eyes slash bazaar that's a free 5 million coins 5.4 these are like 120k per stack i think where's mana steal 3. 200k each okay that's fine that's like one mil that's not too bad anyways nearly 2 million coins to claim don't mind if i do all right i'm gonna keep these because i need them to craft the other thing this is all the null spheres i have over three double chests so i'm just gonna fill my inventory with enchanted obby like that that is not how you fill your inventory 3.7 million and that's not even all the obsidian i'm going to need this is gonna be super expensive i need two stacks of this stuff dude i i don't have nearly enough to craft two stacks but i just want to bring the cost a little bit uh down personal compactor right i'm smart i knew that thing existed i need to buy 45 of these things okay oh god 40.6 mil ah that hurt that physically hurt okay what else do i need all right the two stacks of quartz did i get any items i got 12. i'll i'll instant sell these i mean instant buy builds last because they're super expensive i think i need three of these for each so i need i need 18 no items i need to buy eight more these are probably the cheapest thing at 321k i'm also gonna need a bunch of enchanted mithril there it is enchanted mythol specifically 1152 that is nearly two million coins just in mithril now i can do this give me and you go give me and you go give me all right i just need the quartz now so i'm just going to instantly buy them i got 12 more that's fine 104 and by 104 done 17 actually 18 million i can't even buy them okay i got them oh my god i i bought 14 more i'm smart now i just need to wait no what am i doing i need to do that that that and that right now blade number one now blade number two place that there place that there place that there and there it is the atom split katana we did it gamers we did it can i one shot these i can't that is not a damage that to be fair what if i get full necron please tell me i can one shot them with at least full necron i can't i'm gonna have to use griffin pat bruh how much damage do i do this 918k one mil one mil actually i'll do one tier four just one tier four i'm gonna melt against this thing but i wanna try it i'm gonna get final destination leggings for that extra survivability oh zombies right i almost forgot give me give me give me this is not a tier three i can't do this without a ton of zombies also because this thing gives more intelligence than the previous weapon i don't need to switch to the uh intelligence bet anymore i can just spawn three zombies just by holding the sword in my hand and wearing necron i mean uh wise anyways i'm just gonna do the boss i don't need four tanks because i'm gonna die either way i mean hey on the bright side i can at least two shot these now instead of three uh okay i guess the server doesn't want me to do tier four the server knows that i will die instantly it's trying to save me but i'm a stubborn gamer i refuse to give up i mean i will give up when it one zaps me but for now i at least want to do it once oh okay okay okay it's happening it's happening i don't have mana to spawn my overflux no okay okay okey-dokey no no no no this was a mistake i'm not melting do i have a chance question mark i can do this no cap okay big cap i'm out of mana i'm dead i got it the beacon phase in the first attempt beacon out of here okay it's that but it did get help which sucks because i wanted to solo i could genuinely solo it though it will despawn before will it though i did 100 ml before it hit two minutes so if i can do 100ml in a minute i can definitely kill it and stone sword yeah yeah i'm going to get that actually slash auction house that's a weapon i can't buy it oh my god i almost failed my challenge how do i craft that thing i need to stack up and chat with instagram and a stick okay there we go your damage is too low for end stone you need at least 2.5 mil okay never mind then i'm not even going to try it dude if i defeat this boss i don't have to grind for a warden helmet i can just give up and live peacefully at a matter of fact i don't have an under my back i have like an epic one or something it's pointless what does it even do where is it take 18 percent less damage from end monsters what level is my pet uh it's 61. how can i buy one like level 100 uh how much does that cost what what am i doing wrong filter it is on epic i guess there just aren't many uh level 100 under men there is this one it's mythic okay there's this one for 58 million coins it's level 100 it's mythic so if i use this i'm gonna take less damage i'm gonna spawn the boss faster hmm should i do this chat i think i can get 58 million coins i have a secret stash of coins if i'm ever desperate for money i know where to go just buy level 100 rare there aren't any i'll do it but i can always sell it back hopefully my stash is enough you should know exactly what i'm talking about okay how much is that that's 49 ml plus the 30 ml i have should be enough right i can always sell it back it's fine give me i do basically the same damage as baby eddie but way more than a wolf also it takes less skills to spawn than a wolf and i'm almost going to spawn the boss why am i spawning the boss here this is a scuffed location bruh i want to spawn it in like a super flat area because i want to focus on the boss and nothing else it goes nothing i guess it goes everything because i spent all my money on this dude i'm taking basically the same damage as i did with the baby eddie actually even less i think oh my god stupid fly hacker found me again on the bright side at least they're not hitting the enderman oh no no no no no oh we don't have my uh overflux anymore okay i'm gonna have to chill on the uh the ability of this thing where is the uh beacon beacon beacon where that was that was fair there is a cure for everything formal i don't care i'm just i'm mad he bought a weapon oh my you're right i hate this why did i do this why did i do this to myself and you go i can't use it i didn't use it once so never mind i can't use that i forgot wait there's one thing i can do slight recipes layer there is one thing that makes me invulnerable this becoming vulnerable for five seconds but can deal damage helps you damage for two seconds afterwards it costs 350 mana oh that is expensive yeah i can't craft this i guess i'm just gonna have to keep dying to stupid beacons all right gamers hopefully this is the time that i don't get that stupid fly hacker above me and who knows maybe the boss doesn't eat the beacon into the fourth dimension i need to fly not to quite my jump yo chad this genuinely is possible i just need things to flow in the right direction and i can defeat the tier four and the man boss haha that was too close i really need to stop saying it's possible because as soon as i say that something goes wrong wait where's beacon beacon beacon out of here it's health health regeneration some mana thank you very cool that is not that was my beacon they can throw beacons in that phase okay that's good to know where is it behind me okay thank you badland very cool things are looking good i have over a minute left oh okay that's gonna be sassy can i do a million 100 million damage in under a minute can i where is it where's the beacon didn't get highlighted cool very cool believe in the dream wait beacon beacon oh no i don't have enough damage it's gonna be spawn it's gonna despawn ah [Music] it's gone it's gone no only 30 million left i hate this game [Music] why chat why [Music] why unfortunately i was unable to kill it as you just saw i got extremely close and got it down to 30 million hp but then it despawned the main problem is i simply did not do enough damage and for that i need the warden helmet there is no way around that after that boss i genuinely believed i could do it after all i only needed to do an extra 30 million damage the stream went on for another hour of me trying to defeat the tier 4 with many different strategies but none of them worked but even though i failed at killing it i would not consider this a complete failure in fact i consider this video a massive success because i made it to enderman slayer level 6 and i got my hands on the atom split katana thanks to this thing the tier 3 enderman boss which terrified me last video is now a walk in the park but all of these upgrades did not come cheap i only have 3.5 million coins remaining and knowing how cursed i am when it comes to rng i am not going to get the warden heart with that and even if i do it's nowhere near enough to craft the helmet long story short that's a grind for a different day thank you so much for watching gamers and thank you to my channel members [Music] and i'll see you later peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Intrests
Views: 115,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hypixel, Intrests, funny, hypixel skyblock dungeons, how to, losing, winning, money, necron armor, aots hypixel, getting good at hypixel skyblock, endgame, midgame, combat grind, Enderman slayer, juju bow, Voidgloom seraph, final destination armor, bazaar only, Aatrox, slayer, enderman slayer 6, auto slayer, atomsplit, katana, mythic sword, mythic enderman, stream, stream highlights, grinding, grind, skyblock, maddox
Id: 74lxB1u5uRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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