Why this 1M setup will earn me 100M (Hypixel SkyBlock)

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that must have been the name of the other person hello yeah i got i gotcha let's go [Music] 41 seconds not the bad ever virus uh-huh congratulations you're not faster than bluebear very good now give me talisman i want that asmin yes there we go done well that was simple uh another rare talisman let's go there we go forceful i'll take that our damage has got to be really good by now it's got to be really good i mean how close are we to the next accessory bag size by the way we're gonna need that soon five thousand ah the minions need to keep going oh wait i got the enchanted redstone recipe i can upgrade the minions that would actually be a pretty good idea oh we pretty much got everything we could there that's fine [Music] there we go enchanting is now at level 17. wow okay that's good actually it's not bad nice they're all tier fives now which is probably the limit i shouldn't do more than that or else i'd be just wasting uh we need to craft six more unique minions for the minion slot i mean we might as well get another minion slot right i mean it's simple and easy we could make a wheat minion with like nothing so let's do that we should test our damage probably see where we're at like i said my goal was to double the health of a zealot because oh wait i should get prosecute oh i can't get prosecute because i need like 25 enchanting which is not gonna happen hello my damage literally didn't even change what the hell oh wait no it did it did because i didn't have a potion active hold on if i have a potion active that should help me out a lot watchers i do 14 000 racist spiders 17 000 damage in hit okay that's pretty good it's not even close though i need 26 000 and my potions are garbage if i had a god pot i could do a lot more like i literally have the most basic like dungeon potion right now and i'm getting 17 000 damage a hit yeah so if we get fairy souls i upgrade my armor again i sell this and i gotta get speed well once i get the god pod i get speed god potions really just like reduce the buried entry to this area in general grind zealots until you get enough money to afford a god pot well the problem is the the end is so toxic like that these people in young dragon armor are just really annoying that being said young dragon armor would be a nice set for me to get actually like grinding zell is just i mean look at this boom 17 000 and we got a combat level all right not bad yeah that's the problem i i need nine or no 11 i need 11 combat levels in order to use that armor that that's not good or is it 10 it's 10 i need 10. wait it's combat 16 for young oh okay that's more reasonable okay so we can do that we just need to get the coins to afford it which honestly would come from getting a summoning eye if i had wise on a set of young dragon armor that might be enough to zelda grind the problem is my damage would probably go down actually compared to the set i'm using now oh where is it right here no way summoning eye oh my i need to sell that right now no freaking way no freaking way okay what do you think chad i'm thinking i'm thinking i think we're gonna need it that's the thing the problem is the damage isn't as good but the speed is better and speed is everything when it comes to grinding eyes people are saying god pop but the problem is if i get a god pot what if i die i lose the potion effects i can't let that happen i need a cookie buff first okay you know what i i i'm going against my better judgment here oh there we go there we go we got it oh god this is exciting chet young dragon boots young dragon armor set we can't use it yet but we're close we're cl we're close we only need like a couple combat levels that's fine we can get that perfect heroic gives 65 intelligence oh yeah we get the plus seven from the gem that was actually really smart what i just did there okay so we have the young dragon armor set we're gonna need to get it on wise though that's the problem wise yes all right it's unwise that was so lucky so now we should get speed and intelligence from this um so 125 so 400 500 intelligence from that and i have the gemstone on the aote and it has the transmission tuners do fairy souls i mean well now that i have that young dragon armor set with the wise reforge on it it would make a lot of sense to have that during the fairy souls so i can use my aote so how about this i should make my goal to um to get a high enough combat level so i can actually use that set right that makes sense and i can enchant this with growth and prod so let's do that as well so growth so we need to get our combat up we need xp to enchant the armor i mean uh yeah so we're gonna do both of those things the same time so i guess after we get the young dragon armor set up then it's time to get fairy souls and then hopefully what we can do is once we get set up to the point where we can still one tap the zealots with the young dragon armor that's when we try to like get as many summoning eyes as we can to afford gear that's good enough to make sure that once um you know derpy becomes mayor that we still you know can do it it's gonna be scary honestly we're we're gonna need to progress really freaking fast in the next week i mean we've already i mean having a full young dragon armor set and an aote and a fel sword and the fel sword does a lot of damage like i mean i have like a pretty decent amount of talismans as well i mean it's not bad then again it is for nine hours so like i'm hoping by now it would be like nine um i kind of want to average a million coins an hour in net worth and we are not even close to that we're more like if i had to guess hey check sky crypt i i think it's gonna probably end up being like i don't know if i had to guess like five mil probably net worth by now so we're still averaging half a million coins an hour which is not good we need to do better than that i think it's okay if we invest all of our coins into this uh zealot system because our setup because once i get like one summoning i pays for all of it you know [Music] salads for combat no no no no we almost have a setup that's like 10 times more efficient at getting summoning eyes than what we have now we just got super lucky i can't believe i got a summoning eyebrow that was stupid oh that wasn't cool all right so let's get to combat 16 then i guess uh we'll kill the enderman at the bottom of this not the zealots that should get us there yeah all right let's do it once we get this uh y set or this wise young dragon armor set we should be good to go [Music] are you a fan of the nfl if so explain no oh yeah there is combat xp boost potions man the more you think about it the more cookie buff and a god pot just seems necessary like you get 20 more skill xp just from the the cookie yeah we we need to get like two summoning eyes spend that money on a booster cookie and then we need to get a god potion and then we are gonna be off to the freaking races yeah there's gonna be no way h during derpy so i have to buy everything beforehand so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna be super heavy on the amount i play in the first few days and super heavy on the amount i spend too like i'm not gonna be hoarding coins like if i need something or think that i'm gonna need something i'm gonna buy it and then during derpy it's just gonna be nothing but getting coins and then like by the end of it i'm just gonna liquidate everything i'd have to sell it directly to somebody though for the market values which is gonna be interesting hello so what is it are you going to end this stream at any point during the week yes i i'm still going to reset it every 12 hours so um actually we're getting fairly close to when i would have to restart the stream tell us 20 damage so are you non-stop going or or what i'm confused i thought you were gonna stream for like maybe six seven hours well how would i get a hundred million a week then at that pace well i don't know well one thing i've noticed is that if i actually get to the point where i can get like one summoning eye an hour i could end this in like i could literally end this in like three days oh yeah because so many guys are like broken expensive right now yeah so i'm going to i might i might yeah it's going to be like the classic the good old days man so like out of a 12-hour recording like i'm just gonna like i'm gonna like time-lapse like 11. well you're just gonna it's probably just gonna cut well most of it's gonna get cut i would imagine yeah well if anything that makes it easier because it's fine originally right when i just tweeted about it i was just like yeah it'd be a nice way to get us ahead yeah originally it was like oh god we need something now instantly please and that was a month ago when we were desperate and that was a month ago now it's now it's kind of just chill now it's just good content because of the because because of the science yeah there's honestly just a couple wins coming up for us which is honestly a good change of pace if you get 100mm in four days what would you do after that i just like tweeted simon and be like now what double or nothing imagine that would be though that would be terrible that would be the most stressful moment the solo focused on progression but this is focusing on money i guess but the thing that lemon taught me is that like money can equal progression if you use minions in hyper capitals no yeah yeah it can money is kind of everything that's why the inflation is so bad is because everyone knows that now there is no like there is no like oh man i got a grind forging well you kind of have to grind forward well foraging is the one skill you don't have you don't have to like you don't have to well getting the fortune 30 is not very painful like 30 is like good yeah you could do forging yeah better than not doing it at all well it'd be better just to do jerry boxes at that point it would be but still it's still a thing like money gets you pretty much everything in the game 100. oh yeah obviously that's the biggest imbalance in this game is how broken the economy is how much money are you at now according to chat i'm at net worth like seven mil oh it's for the profiles net worth well i'm gonna have to liquidate email in the bank i'm gonna have to it's gonna have to be 100 mil in the bank by the time the challenge is over okay so i'm gonna have to liquidate everything unless i'm really efficient which might happen i'm not sure chad's asking if i'm tired like bro you don't even know i do this i this is my tuesday all right and i also got combat 16. i can wear the armor let's see how it is oh that health though that effective max health though 6 000 oh my chance is only 55 percent oh god my speed is almost 300 though that's good that's really good and i have enough mana to teleport 10 times before i run out oh that's nice look at this beauty now i just need to get my crit chance up now how much crit wait nice how much do you get from a god potion with critical like how much crit chance do you get because i'm at 55 right now it's 20 crit chance from a god pot yeah so we're going to figure something out here well the thing is if i had a god potion i would get so much speed once i get a god potion my speed's going to be 400 even if i'm only wearing like half young dragon armor so i probably could figure something out anyways um we did it i can wear the armor now so i guess very soul time oh god thank you the time lapse oh no i talked to an npc by accident and it's playing the outro music i'm not leaving [Music] wait [Music]
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 89,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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