The Bizarre LEAD RIBBON Slug - We test it!

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[Music] this weird and wonderful project begins with a package that arrived on my door that at first i thought was some sort of crude bomb my mind quickly raced as i looked at this object sitting on the front porch of my house it seemed to be maybe a mountain dew bottle with a gray pipe like item inside and for some reason it had a tongue depressor attached by a rubber band around the neck after staring at this thing for a couple minutes i realized it was just a package from the world famous sop with camel toe inside this unusual package that the post office is probably still talking about were two of these sheets of pure lead it's very thin at only 25 000 of an inch thick on the longest side they measure 12 inches it was up to me to figure out how to make these into a 12 gauge projectile challenge accepted using a paper cutter i cut these into strips measuring 12 inches by three quarters of an inch wide after a lot of trial and error i found that a aaa battery was the perfect diameter for my mandrel to roll these things up the outside diameter of the finished projectile must be the right diameter after all i found the lead sheeting extremely easy to work with it was kind of like working with a strip of rubber the finished slug is just a simple cylinder shape a roll of lead sheeting nothing holding it together no glue no solder or anything it is precisely the right diameter to fit into a sabo the sabo just fills the space between the projectile and the barrel it allows engagement with the rifling without the projectile actually contacting the barrel the precision didn't stop there i set out to make these one ounce and i think i nailed it hopefully that gives you an idea how seriously i took this project well you know this is serious if you're wearing a lab coat it's got to be pure science welcome back top later folks jeff and officer greg out here recently back from vacation and i'd like to thank toph later viewer richie t for really uh taking care of mrs og and i over in hawaii a long time viewer of the show so uh definitely you got to meet a viewer got to meet a viewer and i never i guess i never go anywhere well that's true you got to go somewhere to meet viewers because they're not going to be in your front lawn and if they were that would be a little creepy so yeah we went to hawaii met up with a tough fighter mouse fan and uh he was the coolest guy showed us all around the disappointed meeting is you know yeah it's like it's these youtubers it's just like kind of it's like normal people you know right it's like meeting uh meeting your favorite band and all of a sudden you're like oh he's shorter than i thought he has acne oh he's got bad breath he can't actually sing everything's got to be auto-tuned so we're out here today for science and we brought you some rounds that were sent in by sop with camel toe i almost can't even say that let's stop with camo go ahead and process that one for a minute stop with camel toe sent in some lead ribbons very thinly uh cut a strip of ribbons that jeff has rolled into some i guess you'd call them slugs we're gonna test them out today there's some loosely rolled ones there's some plugged ones we've rolled them one way we've rolled them the other i'll explain those details all right because cut this out no no no no that's all right but i i'll get into the details and explain all that because there's four different types yeah so this lead ribbon experiment we're gonna we're gonna see if everything comes apart in mid-air or if it flies downrange and and actually sticks together and becomes a worthwhile projectile you could make it home with your lead ribbon experiment by the way lead ribbon experiment was a name of a band i had in the 80s we were a thrash jazz band and we played mostly in chernobyl and west virginia so it kind of broke up over creative differences but let's get on with this lead ribbon experiment before we bore you to death unique to this projectile is that it can be loaded in two different ways and we'll be testing it in both orientations for the first series of tests we'll be using these yellow ones the arrow just indicates the direction they'll be spinning as they travel through the rifling it'll be really interesting to see what effect centrifugal or if you prefer centripetal force will have on this projectile will that cause it to unroll as it flies through the air or will it be more like throwing a roll of toilet paper through the air where just this slip stream causes it to unroll well let's begin the test and find out [Music] test one yellow plane okay whenever you're ready you're aiming at the eye the big eye there on the whatever that thing is locked oh okay gotcha that's a uh that's a spotted flair's left you don't want to run into the striped one okay yeah that's a bad time i'm ready here we go whoa 10 10.91 here we go whoa in test number one we see sabo separation almost immediately after it passes the chronograph this is the reason the chronograph is placed so close to the barrel at 1091 feet per second this is traveling at a subsonic speed when it leaves the barrel it appeared to unravel almost completely by the time it hit the target with all that drag it really lost a lot of velocity in that distance and surprisingly the accuracy wasn't horrible here you can see that it definitely did not hit in a in a cylindrical fashion it definitely came unrolled and sliced through here in a big giant that is pretty nasty i must say that's what uh let's say about six inches test two yellow plane at the ballistic gummy bear science says purest i'm ready 12 30. we're now at a supersonic velocity of 1230 feet per second at the barrel and despite that the slug behaved much like it did at a subsonic speed by the time it reached the ballistic gel target at only 10 yards it had almost completely unraveled and still had a lot of velocity left while we did see a tremendous amount of energy transfer the penetration of the ballistic gel was actually quite superficial the ballistic gel gummy bear had a pretty substantial gash across its face small amounts of lead were left inside of it the ribbon of lead only penetrated about an inch into the gel there's absolutely no penetration through the gel okay same type again full rifling did we mention it was full rifle we haven't mentioned that it is fully rifled okay that's good to know somebody will always ask what choker you're using fully now these tests wouldn't be honest if we didn't show you some of the less accurate shots and when i reviewed the footage i was kind of surprised any of these were accurate at all for the next couple tests we're using the same yellow slug but filled with hot glue i really thought that the lead was soft enough that we'd have a lot of problems with the just the cylinder collapsing on itself when fired but we really didn't see that in the previous test but you do have to be prepared for potential problems i [Laughter] the solid core did help with how the ribbon unfurled it really didn't help with the accuracy very much and with enough tries greg eventually hit the water jug as you can see the point of impact was very unpredictable but we'd rather bore you with the facts than to bs you with omissions [Music] and now for the rest of the test we'll be using the blue ones which are wound in the other direction will that have any effect on our tests i bet you forgot about these didn't you okay i'm ready 1160 ready here we go 1160. now even though this one was wound in the opposite direction we thought maybe it would hold it together but it really didn't it acted exactly like the yellow ones and it's certainly appearing that rather than accuracy it's a matter of luck whether or not you can hit the target with these things the next question is is it the rifling the spin of the slug that's causing these to unfurl good thing we have a way to find out okay let's see what happens out of a smoothbore we're just kind of we don't know what what to use you know you got to try everything all these variables what about a smoothbore maybe the spin is causing it to unfurl and what are we shooting at down there is that that's that's an actual uh is that adam savage's actual skull yes it is wow i didn't even know he died oh okay sorry adam 10 62 oh wow what a difference having no spin makes to this projectile shot at a subsonic velocity we really don't have to worry about the effects a supersonic shock wave has on the projectile it just kind of behaves like any other subsonic projectile now it did seem to begin to start unfurling by the time it reached the target at 10 yards so in a way it is kind of behaving like that proverbial toilet paper roll thrown through the air hey is that adam savage not really sure where the glasses went that we shot but uh no look at these things so the little uh spool of lead ribbon i guess stayed together this time and apparently i i it mostly stayed again it might have been a little flap hanging out there hit our adam savage skull right square in the eyes i guess because it zapped his glasses and took this uh sheet of kevlar down to the ground and this is what i found inside a big old giant lump of lead only captured a hole one eye looks like but here's the interesting part that lead cylinder that roll of lead squished itself into a big old thing that's very similar a little bit lighter but very similar to a standard old lead slug yeah that's what we find you can almost see look at the the rolls in there just crushed itself in but smoothbore tended to not unfurl that thing then huh but i thought i thought rifling made everything better rifling does make everything better yeah that's that according to the internet right yeah well smoothbore worked for this stuff it kept it all in one piece and but that's that's one shot we can't judge him by one shot yeah we had signs because we had some really wacky wick mixed results even to rifling too well then i know what we'll do let's try another one jeff that's a good idea all right then that still won't prove anything but maybe maybe you guys should have strapped it down and i can't believe og is touching lead and every other complaint on the internet those people who talk about touching lead have apparently never loaded a 10 22 magazine before i'd swallow this thing right now if i already hadn't already had lunch smoothbore again now it's time for accuracy tests huh okay i'm ready here we go on the blue tape 11 19. 11 19. in the second test through the smoothbore we had nearly identical results again we saw the flap of lead hanging out there and i think at even further distances that would extend even more i give greg all these goofy rounds and he's able to do stuff like that gives danny and brian let's give him a hand jeff jeff saves the accurate ones for danny and brianna [Laughter] the ones that are made out of leaves or toilet paper tobacco or something all right let's uh lay doug down here we saw this big nice gaping hole in a brand new t-shirt brand new 1995 t-shirt doug you're not gonna want to watch this we've given him some anesthetic in the form of jagermeister look at this so there's our slug and our gluey glue core oh the glue held up that's the glue what was the glue stick yeah hot glue just filled up didn't it turned out we really didn't need that but that little tail again turned itself mostly into a big old giant lead projectile again accurate right yeah crazy accurate even if it turns sideways it still goes where you want it yeah that's that's kind of what i call the natural orientation it wants to fly at where it's balanced and the aerodynamics are just right they prefer it is like flying sideways sometimes like and that's the way bullets will want to fly yeah without spin sideways not they don't necessarily tumble okay still smoothbore either prove it works or doesn't even at the little where that little writing whatever you wrote on there well i had to label it it's bats not okay so that's appropriate yep okay let's see if they can hit it we're at 10 yards still yep okay i'm ready here we go in test number three with the smoothbore we had even better results this time the slug didn't unfurl at all now even though the slug is flying sideways it is flying in a stable manner in that orientation and the accuracy was very good and that folks is kind of the essence of the you make it wii market series that we have on this channel folks send us unusual things and we try to engineer them to work and work accurately the slug hit right on the words bat snot it hits sideways you can kind of tell right there a little rectangle shape but i thought rifling made everything better it does it does make some things better but not everything except peanut butter and jelly and rocky road ice cream okay however this is what we found slammed into the kevlar vest look at this thing you can see all of its layers there where this whole cylinder of lead ribbon crushed itself on the kevlar that's the one i had the arrow drawn on you'll see that in the video so you know which side is forward well it was just trying to show which direction the rifling is going to be turning it and actually here's what's cool so i'll show you first before we unfold it you can see all this little layers there and there but check this out kind of like a smashed up roll of like a smashed up roll of duct tape you can open this thing up look at that okay we're right in the middle of a tornado man people in oklahoma are familiar with those okay look at that very cool yeah i think we can keep all 12 inches yeah i think people get the idea i think you see where this is going right up until the end i'm ready let fight here we go here we go it's probably safe to say that having a big flap of lead flying out there in the wind doesn't help the accuracy very much but that could be fixed by just wrapping the thing with electrical tape we found little shards of the lead projectile jammed into the lead plate and you can see compared to like what a normal slug does we didn't expect much no and our lowered expectations were met yes i hope you hopefully all are hopefully your lowered expectations are met too because uh we don't we also don't promise much and don't expect much but it did make a nice little interesting crater there yeah very uh if you saw that you wouldn't know what the hell hit it no you wouldn't nor would you know what this is you stumble across this on the road and you're like what is this [ __ ] i just stubbed my toe on this big thing here i'm gonna pick it up and try it in a soda machine and see if i can get a drink all right well i hope you end up ended up liking this we tried it from a rifled barrel and smoothbore we found out that smoothbore was kind of the way to go these are some very interesting projectiles never tried anything like that it's very one of the weirdest ones you know and i i had a lot of things going in my mind what would happen and almost none of them you know you know happened so we'd like to thank stop with temp camel toe i still can't see we still can't see it it's two hours later we'd like to say thank uh sap with camel toe for sending those in and uh that was a good experiment it was it's i never even thought of doing that and anything that after all these years can like uh raise a question in our minds before we shoot it and impress us afterwards is always good i know i'm really happy with the results it was all over the place we had mixed results some were accurate some were they were just goofy yeah but uh so we hoped you guys liked it this was real science you can tell by the jacket so um you know put it over on the science channel or you have any uh anything else to say like i heard you have a channel now oh i did i started a channel it's called og's danger show if you haven't already stumbled across it by now go check out og's dangerous show link in the description hopefully down here and uh we have some fun things going over there i'm working on another video right now having returned from vacation so we'll get back to the normal fair and offend plenty of other people over on that channel too so all right we appreciate you guys sticking around and until next video
Views: 2,309,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supersonic science, you make it we mach it, slow motion camera, mythbusters, 12ga slug, taofledermaus, smartereveryday, lead balloon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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