How to Win Your Loved Ones to the Lord - 3 KEYS | Encounter Service | LIVE from Orange, CA

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how to win your loved ones to jesus and i'm going to give you three simple keys those of you watching online remember continue to comment like share comment like and share and i'm actually going to be able to see your comments coming in right here on my phone i can see you all wow there's a lot of you watching god bless you all how to win your loved ones to jesus it's important first to realize that salvation is a work of the holy spirit only the holy spirit can open the heart of the sinner we can do the practical only god can do the supernatural we can sometimes and we have to sometimes do the difficult and then god comes in and does the impossible when the holy spirit moves someone to receive salvation when the holy spirit begins to draw them to the cross it is then that they have the free will to choose whether or not they respond to that drawing but only the holy spirit can draw them in john chapter 16 i'm going to read verses 7 through 11 where the scripture says john 16 7-11 but in fact it is best for you that i go away because if i don't the advocate won't come if i do go away then i will send him to you and watch this verse 8 and when he comes he will convict the world of its sin and of god's righteousness and of the coming judgment stop there look up at me we think sometimes that conviction is simply the sensation or the feeling of guilt that overbearing sense that i've done something wrong in a way it can be but you must remember that conviction is simply a deeply held deeply felt deeply rooted belief so when the holy spirit convicts someone of their sin he's not just making them feel guilty he's convincing them he's putting in them the belief the knowing the inner witness that what i'm doing is wrong verse number eight we'll read it again and when he comes he will convict the world of its sin and of god's righteousness and of the coming judgment the world's sin is that it refuses to believe in me righteousness is available because i go to the father and you will see me no more judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged the first thing you must understand when believing for your loved ones to come to the cross is that you are neither the savior nor the spirit you are not the savior and you are not the holy spirit witnessing to a loved one is not just nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging them what you're actually doing when you nag them and get on their case about all the little things that are wrong with their behavior is you're causing them to harden their heart because when someone hears the truth they can respond in one of two ways either they can respond to that in repentance or they can harden their heart turning away from what you said now please don't hear what i'm not saying i am not saying to you that you must never call out sin for sin i'm not saying to you that you must never tell someone when they're living in a way that god does not approve of what i'm simply saying is that once you've preached that truth it's only the holy spirit who can drive that truth to the depths of the heart second peter 3 9 says the lord isn't really being slow about his promise as some people think no he is being patient for your sake he does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent god desires the salvation of the lost take comfort in knowing this truth god loves your children more than you love your children god loves your grandchild more than you love your grandchild god loves your spouse more than you love your spouse god loves your family member your friend your co-worker your acquaintance more than you love them and in knowing this we take comfort because i think sometimes we carry this burden on ourselves and it destroys pollutes and burdens our spiritual capacities in taking on things that we ought not to carry we become burdened and someone's lack of repentance begins to destroy our faith begins to pollute our soul begins to bring discouragement and frustration and what begins to happen at that point is you go from being free in the spirit to taking on the responsibility for the lack of repentance and you become hard of heart you become angry and moody i've seen this happen several times in the cases of parents believing for their children to come to the cross because they feel such a heavy responsibility and in some instances the parents raised the child in the way the child should have gone in other instances the parents didn't play out such a godly example in their home so they carry the guilt of the person not having received christ and so what begins to happen is we start to carry burdens that we're never ours to carry god cannot handle the situation if you won't give it to him some of you are so consumed with guilt so consumed with frustration you so desire that your loved one comes to the cross that you're trying to play both the savior and the spirit they do you're trying remember this remember this remember this and if they don't give their life to the lord you feel guilt you feel burdened so it is truly in knowing this truth that only god can save them and it's in knowing that god loves them more than we do that we find comfort because not only does god love them more than we love them he's more capable of saving them than we are capable his hand is not too short that it cannot save sometimes we bring things to him thinking that he's not aware of the situation he knows more about what's going on inside of them than you do the bible declares in acts 2 36-37 that all the house of israel therefore know for certain that god has made him both lord and christ this jesus whom you crucified so this is the preaching of the gospel then in verse 37 we see the response to that preaching where the bible says now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and said to peter and the rest of the apostles brothers what shall we do so let that burden lift from you i've used this example before but when i do a prayer line when praying for the sick i notice patterns in human behavior most people when they come for prayer their hands are lifted eyes are closed just worshiping jesus and then some people are just like this looking at me following me as i move across the platform you know i i don't pray for those people because they're so wrapped up in their own emotions that it's impossible for their faith to break through and so you lay hands on them and you're praying for them even if god began to work in their bodies they're so full of doubt that they're just going to focus on what he didn't do i've seen it before i'll never forget this one lady she was in a brace she had swelling and tumors on her legs all the tumors gone swelling gone she took off the brace able to move her knee i said what did the lord do for you she says well um my ankle still kind of has this soreness focused on what what he didn't do why because they're so wrapped up in themselves they're they're they're they're trying to connect with god through desperation rather than faith now desperation as i've said before is a great initiator a terrible sustainer we present the gospel the holy spirit persuades as i said we do the natural god does the supernatural we preach he convicts the gospel is not a product and you are not a salesman or a saleswoman it is not up to us to persuade it's up to the holy spirit to permeate the heart and do the work as only he can so those of you believing for your loved ones you need to do an assessment an honest assessment of yourself are you allowing your emotions and your doubt to cause you to carry burdens that aren't yours is it a true spirit inspired burden for the loss or is it you trying to play the savior trying to play the holy spirit trying to control behavior and only you can know that but at least we can be rid of that burden this does not mean that we don't care this does not mean that we don't persist this does not mean that we don't pray this simply means that we understand that ultimately it's between them and god and to try to interfere in any other way will cause you inner turmoil and cause them to harden their hearts again and i want to emphasize this very clearly especially because in the age of youtube people will take clips and say here's what he said and leave out the full context it's important that we preach the gospel which is key number one declaration so no one can say that i said not to preach the gospel number one declaration now you've heard it said preach the gospel and if necessary use words nonsense the gospel is a declaration of words the gospel is both a demonstration and a declaration but if you're not declaring anything how are they supposed to know what you're demonstrating and i think sometimes we say things like this to excuse ourselves from the responsibility that we've been given to preach the gospel not to invite people to church not to get them to be a part of a club not to invite them to embrace some social construct for their life or a culture that we've been brought up and rather we've been called to declare that jesus saves from sin and hell and that he's the only way to the father all of us have been called to preach all of us have been called to declare the truth we have a responsibility to preach the gospel so number one you want to live when your loved ones to the lord you must preach the gospel isaiah 58 1 says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sins now whenever you begin to preach on sin and whenever you begin to call out things that should not be the first thing that the world will tell you is jesus said judge not lest he be judged you're not supposed to call that out and i may be jumping a little bit ahead on my notes here but this thought applies at this point too you've heard people say you're turning people off from the gospel it's not your preaching against sin that turns people off from the gospel it's their love for sin you hear people today complaining about the church all the church is so full of flaws all the church has much repentance to do and this has nothing to do with the fact that the church is flawed as much as they say it is but everything to do with the fact that society is changing and they become upset when we call sin sin woe to that generation who caused evil good and good evil woe to that generation who won't hear the preaching of the truth woe to that generation who hardens their heart against the preaching of the gospel you and i have been given a mandate to cry aloud despair not and to lift up our voices like trumpets first corinthians 9 16 for though i preached the gospel i have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me yea woe is unto me if i preach not the gospel one of the signs that you've truly met jesus is that you want others to meet him too one of the signs that you've truly had an encounter with the holy spirit is that you want others to have an encounter with the holy spirit if you've truly been touched by the fire of the holy ghost then there's going to be a fire of evangelism that gets set deep down within your spirit if you truly have had contact with the presence of god then you're gonna begin to have your heart break for what breaks god's heart you're gonna get a burden for the loss when was the last time you shared the gospel when was the last time you declared that jesus saves ezekiel 13 18-19 this is the lord speaking when i say unto the wicked thou shalt surely die and thou givest him not warning nor speaketh to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will i require at thine hand yet if thou warn the wicked and he turn not from his wickedness nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquity but thou has delivered thy soul in other words we have a responsibility to preach the gospel every day over a hundred and fifty thousand people pass into eternity many of them without christ and every day you and i pass by wandering souls people aimlessly drifting through life with no purpose bound by the chains of sin bound by addiction bound by demonic power bound by lies and deception and we have the truth that can set them free woe is me if i preach not the gospel you have to declare the truth we've seen a marvelous light we've been invited to the family of god yet we keep our mouths closed we fear them calling us bigots we fear that they may accuse us of being narrow-minded we worry that they might cancel us people of god in the early church days they didn't cancel them they killed them can we hold back a great light within us and because of ego we hide it i wonder i wonder if the one who holds backs in such a way can truly say that they actually met him we've been given the privilege the honor to declare the gospel it is the greatest announcement in all of human history when jesus came to this earth it was the dawning of a new era it was the good news that we were told to shout upon the rooftops god announcing to the world that salvation comes to his son it is the unifying message but we are all dead in sin and we can all live in christ every generation every culture every race jesus was god's gift to the world you and i have been stewards of that message how are you stewarding that truth preach the gospel number one is declaration lift your hands and say holy spirit help me do it number two supplication now there is a spiritual element to soul winning as i was saying at the beginning of the message the holy spirit is the one who opens the heart of the sinner and we must understand that there is warfare involved when we're trying to win souls you ever notice if you've gone to our services that we do abroad that i'll have the people of god praying internally as i'm sharing the gospel message all these guys know these gentlemen know pam you know it's what i have everyone do and what happens is in these services by the way these are different what we do here in southern california is a monthly meeting for christians but we also travel around the world and do evangelistic services where the gospel is preached and in those services as i'm ministering the gospel i ask the believers to pray in the holy spirit because it's a spiritual dynamic i say pray within your mind and in your heart because it's a spiritual dynamic that needs to be adjusted there is a spiritual atmosphere that must be established i'll never forget when i was flying into colorado springs colorado i was going to go do a service there i remember the plane touched the ground and as soon as i stepped off the airplane and into the walkway i sensed this spiritual activity i could sense darkness all around me later i found that this was a center for witchcraft colorado springs colorado there is a lot of witchcraft centered there in fact even driving through once they pointed it out to me as we're driving through the town i could see in windows demonic symbols occultic imagery which is in warlocks doing what they do and i'll never forget that at that service there was this heaviness over the people as they walked in now as you know i teach christians cannot be possessed oppressed owned or cursed and hopefully you're siding with scripture on that one i know there's a lot of preaching that says otherwise but but we must side with the scripture but that doesn't mean that we can't be affected by spiritual warfare there's something to be said of the atmosphere now you who live with those who are not born again can set a spiritual atmosphere in that home i was reading an article about how some of these billionaires want to go to mars and terraform it you want to colonize it i thought what a scary thing like you get sent to a different planet and you're never coming back again because you can get there but we can't bring you back kind of a thing and it's almost like dying because you leave the earth and you're gone and so they want to terraform mars i don't know how possible it is i don't know much about it other than the fact that they said that in order to make it to where we could live on mars they have to begin to terraform and change the atmosphere we have to make the air breathable we have to make sure there's a magnetic field keeping out radiation we have to make sure that all the conditions are properly met that the temperature is just so before they can establish a territory they must establish an atmosphere my question to you is is your home a territory of heaven we had a woman come to one of our services she brought her ex-husbands was it a sweater steve she just came in face and pray over his sweater he said okay in the name of jesus she took the sweater back to him god broke his drug addiction and he became a born-again believer daniel 10 watch this this is powerful daniel 10 12-14 then he said don't be afraid daniel since the day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your god your request has been heard in heaven i have come in to answer your prayer but for 21 days the spirit prince of the kingdom of persia blocked my way then michael one of the archangels came to help me and i left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of persia now i am here to explain what will happen to your people in the future for this vision concerns a time yet to come here we see that though that was prayer activity there was also some spiritual dynamic at play this is why i pray and i have been praying since i was 13 years old for god to shake california god to shake the nations of the world you don't realize when you're planted in a place you carry the atmosphere of heaven with you you are a terraformer causing the earthly atmosphere the demonic atmosphere to become a heavenly atmosphere and when heaven is established god's power begins to move whatever god wields we can pray now let me make a distinction here you've heard the name it claim it blab it grab it speak it and it's yours call it into existence manifest it and i say why would i want to pray to the universe when i can pray to the one who formed the universe why would i want to call on some lesser power and this teaching has even come into some parts of the church where anything you speak it's going to come into existence i've come up against it in the prayer lines where i'll pray for someone and say let's believe for your healing they say amen i say what's wrong with you they say nothing is wrong with me i said so why are you in the prayer line oh my eye pray for my eye okay what's wrong with your eye nothing is wrong with my eye and it's like back and forth with this trying to figure out what they need prayer for faith does not deny reality it changes it and so i'm not talking about this god started the earth we stewed it god created the earth we cultivate it god calls things into existence we call things into order so if all of us had the power to just speak things into existence we have we'd have a real problem with inflation because many of you would be filling your bank accounts we'd have lanes of freeways especially in california everyone would call into existence their own lane in the highway some people you know might be dead you might call them out of existence we could call things and it just happens like that it would be chaos but we don't have it like that the believer gets their power in their declaration not from what they will but from what god wills this means that if god wields it i can pray for it praying for salvation is biblical and therefore it is powerful you see you can't just preach to someone and leave it at that if they don't return or come to christ when you preach the gospel you must water the seeds of the gospel with prayer romans 10 1 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved their paul is saying that he is praying for the salvation of a people first john 5 14 says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us according to his will well god is willing that none should perish so because god has wield that i can pray that you can pray for your loved ones to come to christ when i pray for my lost loved ones i say lord let them find no pleasure in their sin lord let their alcohol make them vomit lord let their drugs just lose all appeal lord bring them the right people at the right time with the right words lord protect them from ungodly influence lord do whatever it takes to break through their stubbornness lord help them to not harden their hearts holy spirit don't let up go after them and stay on them until they come to the cross that's the kind of prayer you can pray matthew 7 7 ask seek knock because though they may be stubborn though they may be running from god there is power when you pray and the authority of god think about the fact that as you pray there is power going forth breaking the influence of the enemy over them you see you may not see that and sometimes when you're praying for them and preaching to them you may see no development in them it may look like they're rejecting everything that you're saying it may seem as though they're never going to respond and it may even seem that they're getting further and further from the cross but you don't know what the holy spirit is working on you don't know how god is speaking to them through dreams you don't know how god is sending them prophets in the middle of their workday you don't know how the holy spirit is convicting their heart you don't know how the holy spirit is turning their mind you don't know the wrestling that goes on inside of them when they try to lie down and go to sleep at night the holy spirit is more persistent than they are sinful he's more loving than they are stubborn and the holy spirit will win but you got to keep praying don't stop keep on asking keep on seeking keep on knocking say lord i'm not going to stop i'm going to keep praying it why because it's your will and i declare it in the name of jesus pray over your son he's going to be a man of god pray over your daughter she's going to be a woman of god pray over your loved ones your family members that one day they're going to be standing right next to me worshiping the living god one day they're going to be serving in the church one day that's going to be a pastor one day that's going to be an evangelist one day she's going to be a prophet one day he's going to be an apostle we declare that there's the fivefold ministry the spiritual gifts there are people that god is raising who've yet to be saved and it's the power of prayer that does it in praying we're entrusting the work to the holy spirit number one declaration number two supplication that's prayer number three demonstration practice what you preach under this point demonstration there are three things you can demonstrate number one declaration that's preaching the gospel number two and this one is is a very important one because i think we sometimes forget to pray we forget to give it to god it's supplication and number three is demonstration and there are three things we demonstrate you demonstrate faith practice please hear me practice what you preach they're watching you don't come to church praying in tongues and then go home cussing at your wife don't complain about how perverted the world is becoming and then download pornography at two in the morning don't talk about how the world needs to change and everyone is losing their minds and then you demonstrate fear and you demonstrate selfishness and you demonstrate a lack of love now let me be very clear here because i think sometimes we misunderstand our role in living holy it is not our hypocrisy or our harshness or our presentation or our presentation style that turns people off you hear this all the time i don't go to church because hypocrites now they may say that but it's actually not your hypocrisy that turns people off from the gospel it's their love for sin first corinthians 1 18 says the message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction but we who are being saved know it is the very power of god john 3 19 and the judgment is based on this fact god's light came into the world but people loved the darkness more than the light for their actions were evil what the world really means when they call the church hypocrites is that we don't condone their sin for the most part now this does not mean that your hypocrisy can't become an excuse we have a responsibility to live holy lives refuse to become the excuse for someone to not believe the gospel oh wonderful love of god are you demonstrating that love oh i've been forgiven of sin are you extending that same grace one of the most powerful things that i ever witnessed was the testimony of my parents i can tell you for a fact that my dad a preacher the same man on the stage who preached was the same man i knew in the home people would always come to me and say is your dad really like that and i could say with confidence yes all of his children are in ministry all of his children are living godly lives that's a testimony of how they lived refuse to become the excuse for someone to not believe the gospel let's not add to their unbelief with our hypocrisy because they look at your life and they say well if you don't really believe it why should i luke 11 33-36 no one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket instead a lamp is placed on a stand where its light can be seen by all who enter the house your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body when your eye is healthy your whole body is filled with light but when it is unhealthy your body is filled with darkness make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness if you are filled with light with no dark corners watch this watch this if you are filled with light with no dark corners then your whole life will be radiant as though a floodlight were filling you with light the effectiveness of your evangelism is increased when your purity is increased let your life be a witness a light that people can see that is a true believer someone who truly loves the lord someone who truly knows god the second thing we must demonstrate is love now the bible says in luke 19 10 for the son of man came to seek and save those who are lost jesus gained a reputation for fellowshipping with people who were deemed as lesser members of society now though jesus shared in fellowship he never once shared in sin but we believers cannot quarantine the gospel i think sometimes we cut off the world from the gospel because we're so afraid of being contaminated by the world we think that if we get too close to someone maybe their demons might jump onto us what a religious way to think indeed the same way the pharisees said i can't touch or help that man who's on the side of the road because if i touch them i become unclean and they step over him and go along their way that's the same mindset that says well i don't want to catch that demonic influence or i don't want to be associated with them what did jesus do jesus was called the friend of sinners now don't go to places of temptation matthew 6 13 i believe tells us to pray lead us not into temptation the prayer should be lead us not into temptation not lord help me when i put myself in temptation and some of you know you have ungodly influences in your life that you need to cut off because they are in fact contaminating you and causing you to drift from your heavenly father but what i'm saying is that we must know the balance to completely cut off people is to quarantine the gospel but to completely dive into their lifestyle is to contaminate the soul this is why we must be led of the spirit in our demonstration of love there was a friend of mine years ago who backslid and when i say backs that i mean he had a crisis of faith he had traveled with me for years preached even at some of the conferences i preached at but i remember seeing little things that i knew could become big problems and i would talk to him about it and over the years his heart began to harden i recall sitting with him in his apartment as he began to weep saying i'm losing my faith i don't believe i don't believe and it scares me he came to the place where he thought none of this was real to go from spirit filled and preaching and living righteously to that it's a long way down it's a fall and i remember for years for years he had turned away from everything that god had called him to i mean full on into the world and i stood connected with this gentleman and this is not me bragging on me believe me this is the work of the holy spirit and it's something we can all do but remember i purposed in my heart i'm not gonna i'm not gonna just let this one go i'll call him i would go fellowship i had people tell me you know i saw you and he was drinking a beer right in front of you i said but i wasn't nor was i tempted to with fellowship call i kid you not once a week a phone call how you doing my friend how's everything and it wasn't just that influence that did it because there were others who were doing the same praying for him and loving him he came back got radically saved completely turned from sin and now is more stable more spirit-filled if there is such a thing and more focused on the lord than ever before and he asked me this he said what did you see in me said he said he said what did you see in me because he we were looking back at old photos in fact he would come with me to tbn sometimes drunk people don't people don't like this this is real guys he would get drunk and i would say just come with me anyway just stay around me he'd be on set watching me drunk as i was preaching on tbn in fact he would mess with some of the stuck-up pastors in the green room he actually pretended to be a pastor of a mega church had them all around him as he's telling him about his big church i'm like no come on man we got to get you out of here and one of the one you you know just a side note in the green room there's always these guys trying to one-up each other well i have five thousand well i have this and one of the guys trader he goes excuse me i'm talking and i was just like okay now we gotta get you out of here he killed all that ego in the back for sure and we're looking back at old photos we just so happen to have a photo of us on set and he said what did you see in me he says because he was looking at he says i was drunk i was broke i i was selfish just kind of pointing out all these things i said i saw who you really were i saw my friend i saw something deep down in you that i didn't want to let die when you demonstrate love when you demonstrate god's unrelenting love you become an instrument not not not not accusation look sometimes there comes a point where they know what you stand for they know what the gospel is they know what they're doing is wrong there comes a point where you got to love them through it not embracing the sin you stand for righteousness but in loving that person sing beyond the mistakes and allowing the love of god to flow through you don't you see how wonderfully kind tolerant and patient god is with you does this mean nothing to you this is romans 2 4 can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin wow his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin and finally we are to demonstrate power first corinthians 2 4 and my message and my preaching were very plain rather than using clever and persuasive speeches i relied only on the power of the holy spirit i just got done preaching in a harsh neighborhood i don't remember exactly where and if you look at me you know that i'm not exactly someone who could probably defend myself very effectively so i'm at this gas station i'm filling up my car it was it was a chevy terrible on mileage and i'm just watching all the money go into this thing i was done preaching i'm there i was dressed like nice because i just got done preaching but i'm in the middle of a very harsh neighborhood filling up my car and i just wanted to get out of there and so i look over as i'm filling up my car and i see this this man who looked like he was a gangster bald head tattoos socks way up to here the shorts i think he was wearing like flip-flops or something just had this very harsh way about him not very warm and welcoming at all and the holy spirit spoke to me you should have seen it i look at him and the holy spirit's boldness comes on me sir you he goes what i said stop running from the call of god he took off running the other direction i kid you not so you got to picture this there's me this gangster i'm chasing him to the parking lot of the gas station i said sir stop running from the call of god and he's he's like trying to get away from me now finally i said stop i want to talk to you he's already shaking and crying under the power of god i said the lord sent me here today to you that there's a problem with your left knee you injured it severely god's healing you know i said give me your hands he put his hands up i grabbed him he said oh blank he starts shaking under the power of god like like he said he felt like electricity he literally is doing this cussing at me saying what is that i said that's the power of god i said the lord sent me to you today sir i said and and right now you don't even belong in this state you're running from family in another state who's trying to kill you he began to weep so here i am standing in the middle of this harsh neighborhood in this parking lot with the guy who could probably kill me and he's standing there crying like a child weeping and shaking and he gave his heart to jesus right there in that gas station i promise you that had nothing to do with me i was terrified and i wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible but when the power of the holy ghost shows up there's no argument that can be made against it it's his power so number one declaration you have to open your mouth and preach the truth number two supplication and number three demonstration we demonstrate love love of the spirit we demonstrate our faith by living holy lives and we demonstrate his power by obedience and radically surrendering to him now i'm going to do something patrick let's get this out of the way i'm gonna keep this so i can communicate with those you online we're gonna believe for your loved ones to get saved yeah and then get me get me two chairs please steve would you join me down here and actually get me get me three chairs pastor david would you come now i'm gonna ask that please nobody moving around we will in just a moment but nobody leaving or moving around this is this is a holy moment here patrick's going to bring those and this is pastor david my friend who pastors here in southern california just right here please thank you now i instructed many of you how many you brought those pictures i told you to bring and i'm going to keep this here because i want to see those you online this is this is nothing fancy okay this is just a demonstration of faith my sister right here come up here yeah you come would you hand that to me please who is this it's my uncle this is your uncle what's his name alfonso is he here in the u.s no i is he in mexico benice belize when i looked at him i i thought he's not from the us he's he's he's another place and there's a there's a there's there's someone here that you're praying for now this is the picture of her uncle and you want him to be saved now i don't bring these photos up for anything necessarily how shall i put this i don't believe in religion i don't believe in protocols and unless it's established by the spirit of course but you don't have to have these photos for your loved ones to be saved but you know why i have them bring their pictures so simple i have them bring their photos so that when i pray i move with compassion when i look at their faces and in praying with compassion we pray united with the holy spirit you may be seated we're going to pray so those of you who have these photos you may come and just place them on the altar all you don't have to put them in a pile i want to try to see their faces come and place them on the altar you watching online what i want you to do is begin to type the name of your loved one in the comment section just type their name their first and last name [Music] look at this steve [Music] now try not to cover each other's photos but find as much space as you can there's plenty of space over here too pam is laying it out thank you pam let me see her photo what's your name nicole [Music] now that i've seen our face i'm gonna have it right here when i pray i know you're tired and i know you've been carrying that burden but we're going to give it to the lord tonight and he's going to set her free who's this your son yeah look at this guys this is your dad they're showing me all for those of you watching online wondering what's happening they're showing me on their phones their photos of their loved ones and i'm looking look at david look at this online rob brown laurie bernhardt javier saw cheryl grayson maybe look at all these names tina kim amanda rivera look at that steve it's flooding in flooding in once you place the photos up you can go back to your seat well i'll take a look at those god bless you i see i see i see her i see him i see god bless you god bless you i see it it's your family god bless you i see who's that your dad yeah who is that your dad 90. he looks really good for 90. i see god bless you your son i see him i see him show them to pastor david and steve too the rest of you you don't have to bring something like i said i just i like to see the faces so when i'm praying i see them god bless you god bless you that's your family god bless you god bless you i see it christine let me see hers who's this your son your brother and she's putting those down you can just help her do that reuben he'll do it for you now who's this your dad and your stepmom he'll be 90. [Music] now the rest of you remain seated i want everyone to stretch your hands forward begin to pray in the holy ghost [Music] begin to pray in the holy ghost [Music] come on church lift your voices you online pray in the holy ghost i see them jesus so pastor david i'm gonna have you pray for these families and steve i'm gonna have you pray you can pray and then i'm gonna pray but the whole time i want you praying in the holy ghost you online keep putting the names here's what i want those of you watching online continue to pray for the comments as you see them come in pastor david amen father i just pray right now in the name of jesus over these pictures lord god i see a lot of fathers husbands i see a lot of men here god i pray over this right now lord god that these men will become the man that you call them to be lord that those that brought up these pictures lord god use them to be an influence in their life lord god to be an influence lord god i pray for those who are hurting for those that are up here today lord god that your grace be sufficient for them lord god help them and sustain them god i know that they're hurting their heart is hurting for these families for these loved ones that are up here lord and i pray god for that you would soften their hearts soften their ears soften their minds to receive you lord to receive the holy spirit right now wherever they may be in this world or god wherever they may be lord god that you would soften their hearts right now father that they would put down the bottle they would put down the joint boy gotta they would stop running away from the duty that you placed on god the purpose god i believe that you've made him on purpose and with the purpose florida and as jacob was saying tonight lord god that they are running away from the call and we're there all our lord and i pray lord let these lord god that brought these pictures up but continue to be an influenza to continue to shine their lives regatta to be the salt of the earth orga to be anti-culture lord god to be influenced so upon these people here tonight lord god and jesus so i look at these photos what i want to do right now is i want to sing a song with your faith because i see these photos i see your loved ones and i want to sing a song to them and stand in the gap with me as i sing a song turn your eyes in his wonderful face and the things [Music] [Music] can you join me as we sing together [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you see these faces lord people god not just pictures lord love once lord sons daughters mothers grandparents father i pray right now god that they would feel your presence god though they may not know you lord i pray that jesus they would begin to know you a sweet wind father wherever they may be of the holy spirit and they would have them look up [Music] father and they would be touched by you so we're going to sing this one more time over them can we all sing it together for these people we say turn your eyes turn your eyes your love once sing it sing it over there look [Music] [Music] will [Music] is [Music] so father in the name of jesus we declare that every soul that is represented here every name that's being declared in this atmosphere every name written in that comment section [Music] we declare that every plan of hell is canceled over your life in jesus name [Music] [Applause] jesus you declared that you came to destroy the works of the devil and so lord i pray that in each one of these lies you would destroy those works we break drug addiction in the name of jesus we break alcohol addiction in the name of jesus we break the power of identity confusion we break the power of sin over their lives and we declare you will serve the lord you will be redeemed holy spirit i pray even now go and meet each one of these bring the right people in their paths disrupt their day if you have to the lord we thank you that nothing shall separate us neither height nor death nor things present nor things to come nothing can separate us from your love we thank you lord that every home will know salvation and we believe it we declare it in the mighty name of jesus and the church said amen can you by faith give god a shout of victory for these who are coming to the cross come on church if you believe they're coming to the cross i want you to praise them like you believe it i want you to praise them that it's already done i want you to praise them that every addiction's already broken you're turning it around lord you're turning it around lord you're turning it around lord and everyone who agreed shouted almighty [Music] amen as we leave these up here please please be seated if i may have this one more time and ishmael stay with me this is why we do what we do as i said i'm going to minister to the sick in just a moment but this is why we do what we do souls always simple the bible says i'll read it again luke 19 10. and before i read this i want to ask you this question you don't have to answer it verbally right now ponder it what does jesus want we always come to him with our requests and that's okay lord please this lord please that and he's never turned us away has he he's never turned us away he's never held back from us what does he want for the son of man came to seek and to save who those who were lost think about the fact that he left the comforts of heaven the luxury of heaven the splendor of heaven the honor of heaven to come to earth why he left the perfection of heaven and not only did he trade a throne not only did he trade influence not only did he trade that honor and that glory you know in heaven he's worshiped 24 7. great angelic hosts crying out praising him honoring him not only did he give that up he came to seek and save the lost how did he do that he came and he embraced the cross he came to embrace a cross hebrews 12 2 i sense a strong presence of the lord right now we do this by keeping our eyes on jesus the champion who initiates and perfects our faith why because of the joy awaiting him he endured the cross disregarding its shame now he is seated in the place of honor beside god's throne for the joy set before him he endured the cross coming from heaven to earth why for the joy set before him for the joy set before him look at these faces [Music] for the joy set before him i imagine that each one of these faces flash through his mind for the joy set before him that's why we do what we do jesus deserves to reap the reward of his suffering reconciliation the saving of souls [Music] that's the joy set before him why do you think my team and i constantly create so we can be popular now ask anyone who knows me i prefer being in small spaces with just a few people anything beyond that makes me antsy why do we do our live streams why do we have that school in zimbabwe that we built why do we do these events around the world do you think that if it wasn't for the saving of souls or lives being transformed that we would even do this i don't even like to fly i can't stand it do you think i trade precious moments with my daughter and my wife days on end for just the lights and the cameras no my joy is his joy my purpose is his purpose it's why we're building the studio in texas it's why we're building our own video platform because youtube censors us why do we want to get through the censorship for the joy for the joy looking online i see so many names that's the joy i don't know about you church but i want to do something that moves his heart i don't want to get to heaven and find that i could have done just a little more to save even just one more soul can you we imagine before him and we find if we've just did a little more that there was another soul that would have been saved no i want to do everything i can and so tonight [Music] we need you god's people you who love souls you who love the gospel you who want to stand with us to continue to preach the gospel to build that studio the 20 million dollar project we're going to build it we will build it we will raise the funds and we will build it no doubt in my mind it's going to happen question is will you participate we want to build that video platform we're in talks with people who are creating it why this if i wanted to make money i'd go start my own business but this is for souls so i'm asking you god's people to give not to get i'm not going to sit here and promise you that if you give a big seed that all your problems are going to go away i'm simply saying that when you give you're giving for this that's all that's it souls so ushers please come forward with the envelopes and we're going to hand these out and i need you to stand with us for jesus you may give to the ministry but you're actually giving through the ministry you're giving through the ministry but you're giving to him it's a gift we offer to him to him you online you can go right now to the link that they put up in the comments section david hernandez ministries dot com slash donate in fact you who are here if you don't want to use an envelope can we get those slides up please up on the screen for those who are here thank you gentlemen you who are here in person you don't have to give through envelope you can give by using that information right there you won't even need to fill it out those of you who are giving by envelope please don't write in tongues write very legibly clearly your name your address all the information we need all the information to process and then to contact you if there's any issues you online again i challenge you you're watching david donate we need everybody watching everybody here to give give something that counts give something that will make a difference give something that will enable us to have the resources that we need to go and win souls around the world and again in just a moment we're going to pray for those who need healing but as of right now we need to give to the gospel so the envelopes are being passed out and i see gifts coming in from all around the world thank you natija and tiffany and norman and chenille and roseanne and carmelon alex and ariana and floor and arturo and leyland and grace and carla and marvin and curtis and cecon and gabriela and gifts from the philippines and from nigeria and from japan and from the us elizabeth thank you edith thank you juan stacy sergio evelyn thank you thank you thank you thank you all you're giving online right now it's for the gospel it's for the gospel everything you give today is for the gospel so ask the holy spirit what you should do don't just do what's easy ask them to challenge you for the sake of souls and patrick as they are doing that i'll have you come up and just quickly get these patrick's gonna come collect these and patrick don't throw these out let's keep these photos we'll have our prayer team pam can we send these to joanne so we're actually going to send these to our prayer team and we're not going to stop believing with you thank you patty and nathaniel and cynthia and alexia and david and daniel and danielle and bail and yfon and andrew and tiffany and so many others thank you and if you wanted your photo you can come up and talk to patrick afterwards they're going to collect these and we're going to send these off to pam we're going to give these to you and you're going to give them to joanne joanne i know you're watching let's send different ones to different members of the prayer team now those of you who are giving let me ask you a question does anybody need a little more time to fill out the envelope okay you right here and that's about it okay so as you're filling it out i want everyone to hold up your envelope and if you gave online it's okay hold up your hand well by faith everybody who gave just hold something up father i thank you that you're touching these gifts for your glory and thank you that you're going to use these gifts as a weapon in your hand father to break the power of the enemy to bring forth a great harvest of souls lord thank you for the privilege of giving to your gospel and i pray now you anoint each and every gift and lord bless each one who's giving in the name of jesus may they never ever ever ever know a day of lack lord they give for souls but i pray you bless them too in the name of jesus we pray and all who agreed said
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 28,563
Rating: 4.9742823 out of 5
Keywords: how to be saved, saved, how to get saved, how to be saved by jesus christ, how to be sure you are saved, how to go to heaven, how to be saved according to the bible, how to be born again, how can i be saved, how to know you are saved, how to be saved by god, how to be saved by jesus, i want to be saved, how to be saved from hell, how to be sure you have eternal life, how to be saved and go to heaven, how to know you are really saved, what do i need to know to be saved
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 1sec (4381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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