Prayers To Change The Atmosphere Of Your Home | KEEP THIS PLAYING OVER & OVER | Blessed Prayers

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at this moment in time i want to encourage you to stand with me agree with me as we pray for our families saints i want you to know that the devil he's after the home he wants to destroy the family and especially the christian family the devil doesn't want godly homes that are unified by the love of jesus christ he doesn't want homes whereby husbands love their wives as christ loved the church he doesn't want homes whereby wives respect and honor their husbands and he certainly doesn't want homes where children are obedient and act honorably towards their parents however the devil he does not have the final say he does not have the final say over our homes our families or indeed our children we need to look to jesus christ i love that in acts 16 verse 31 the bible states and they said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household that's what we all should be praying for not just that we might be saved as individuals but that our households will be saved remember my family lord that's my prayer remember my children remember my household saints only jesus christ can save us and so it's to him that we should submit and surrender the word household it's defined as those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family there should be togetherness in a household there should be oneness in a household remember that acts 16 verse 31 said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household and then if you read joshua 24 15 the bible says but if serving the lord seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your ancestors served before the euphrates or the gods of the amorites and whose land you are living but as for me and my household we will serve the lord so today what will your household stand for who will it stand to serve i've started to pray and declare and commit my family into god's hands on a regular basis often i find that my prayer points are about my home i pray that this house would have the presence of god reside in it so mightily that the devil in hell would never come near my doorstep my prayer is that this house would hold a spirit of oneness and unity among all who reside here that this house would hold a sweet spirit of forgiveness in jesus name i pray that this house holds the word of god as its ruling authority [Music] i pray that this house holds the name of jesus christ to be the name above all names and so saints let us pray over our families and over our households let's pray that our homes be places where the love of god resides where the presence of the lord resides let's pray that the walls of our homes be painted with the blood of jesus christ so that no evil no plague no pestilence will befall us and most importantly let's pray that our homes will be the place where the name of jesus christ is honored feared and reverenced now let us pray father god in agreement with every person listening right now we pray for our families we pray for our children we pray for our marriages cover us king jesus fight for us lord god i ask that you would intervene in all our affairs may the holy spirit move into our homes and bring about a revival a change in our hearts our prayer lord is that you would make yourself known to us let us see your hand working in our families father wherever there is disturbance bring peace jesus where there is dysfunction bring order lord your word in ephesians 4 verse 31 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice help us lord to put these things away help us to be a family unit that is obedient to your word should there be any anger that is festering in our homes should there be any unforgiveness father let your living waters flow lord let them flow over our homes and bring a sweet spirit of unity and togetherness open the hearts of every family member every father every mother every son and daughter open our hearts and revive us lord quicken our spirits so that we may long and chase after you as a family god let no member in our families be lukewarm but rather may we as individuals and as a collective unit lord may we burn for you convict our hearts god and draw us to repentance every child who is currently acting in rebellion we pray that you would touch their heart and crush any spirit that is not from you in the name of jesus we pray for every husband may they be obedient to your word and love their wives as christ loves the church we pray for every wife right now may they respect their husband as instructed by the word of god in this home i declare that we will serve the lord in this home i rebuke every idol that attempts to gain our affection our attention or our adoration i declared that there is only one king in this home there is only one name in this home and that is jesus christ father help us as a family not to be indoctrinated by the many teachings of this world help us not to be influenced by the teachings of this world but rather that we may hold on to the biblical definition of a godly family may we hold on to the word of god lord teach us to meditate and to dwell on your word as a family psalm 133 verse 1 says how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity god it's only by your grace that we can live together in unity we can only live and walk in agreement by your grace and mercy father and so once again in agreement with each person listening we pray that you would bring unity into our families bring unity and love into our households i pray that the atmosphere in our homes may be pleasing to you let there be no foul spirits no foul words and no foul actions that chase your presence away but instead lord help us to be diligent in fostering an atmosphere of praise each and every day god help us to be diligent in creating an atmosphere of thanksgiving each and every day be blessed and be glorified in this home lord jesus thank you for hearing our hearts cry [Music] in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can he ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head up high man of god the battle is not yours but it is the lord's this fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look closely at luke chapter 4. when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord i encourage you not to entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from your word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than any goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power and love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be within me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories [Music] all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised one of the easiest traps to fall into as a believer is becoming too comfortable it's a dangerous thing to find yourself in a comfortable place a place where you are neither hot or cold a place where there is no real fire no real spark for the things of god where you've got no appetite no hunger no real desire to chase after the lord it's a dangerous thing to be satisfied and it's also a dangerous thing to become accustomed to god's blessings and begin to take them for granted and so i encourage you to let your prayer be lord let me never become lukewarm let me never become a comfortable christian but may your fire burn brightly within my heart [Music] saint of god i would like to encourage you to never fail to be thankful failing to give thanks to the lord is a sign of an unrepented heart [Music] when was the last time you prioritized giving thanks to the lord and there are obvious things that we should be thankful for like our health the fact that we have a bed to sleep on food in your stomach electricity and shelter these are basic things but things that we often take for granted but if you just speak to someone who doesn't have shelter speak to someone who doesn't have food to eat it's only when you see how others are living that you will realize how blessed you are so when was the last time you genuinely were grateful for the lord's love john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life consider just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed how can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude [Music] the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love so when was the last time that you simply thanked the lord for his goodness when did you last praise the lord that you have a sound mind that you have ears that hear and eyes that see that's all the goodness of the lord that we should not take for granted [Music] yes you might have pain in your body but you can still move and you can still walk this is god's goodness good health is a gift from the lord some people have food but their health doesn't allow them to eat freely some people have money but that money can't restore their health some people have what you may consider to be the perfect job but that perfect job doesn't provide them with peace of mind so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful [Music] first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good help me not to be envious of others and i pray that envy or covetousness or greed will never be found in my heart lord give me a heart that is content and filled with gratitude a heart that will never overlook the blessings that you have given me [Music] lord i thank you for your protection i don't know what each day holds but i do know that the protection you offer me is divine [Music] i have little to no power to protect myself each and every day and it's by your grace and by your mercy that i am safely kept each day [Music] you have protected me consistently you lord have ensured that no harm or danger will come to me and that's something i am thankful for your word says in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one i praise you for this promise king jesus you are faithful to establish me you have been faithful all throughout my life and you have guarded me against the evil one and i praise you lord jesus because you have guarded me against attacks that i knew about and even those i didn't know about your word in deuteronomy 31 verse 6 says be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will never leave you or forsake you father i praise you for such a promise a promise that regardless of what may happen you will never leave me nor forsake me and although i may be hard-pressed on every side i am not crushed because jesus christ has promised to never leave me or forsake me though i may be perplexed i am not in despair even if i'm persecuted i am not forsaken by you lord jesus [Music] because you are a god who keeps your word you keep your promises and even if life may strike me down i am thankful and i am assured by your word that i will not be destroyed lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful and i am even more thankful for your unfailing love i pray lord jesus that i may never become too comfortable in my relationship with you [Music] may i never become a believer who is lukewarm but instead may the holy spirit continuously convict me and pull at my heart so that i will realize that i have a need a hunger and a thirst for you jesus christ one where i am never satisfied but continuously i am chasing more and more of you lord more and more of your presence more and more of your love more and more of an experience with you i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus [Music] there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you [Music] lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control [Music] let my life represent who i stand for and that is you matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen at this moment in time i want to encourage you to stand with me agree with me as we pray for our families saints i want you to know that the devil he's after the home he wants to destroy the family and especially the christian family the devil doesn't want godly homes that are unified by the love of jesus christ he doesn't want homes whereby husbands love their wives as christ loved the church [Music] he doesn't want homes whereby wives respect and honor their husbands and he certainly doesn't want homes where children are obedient and act honorably towards their parents however the devil he does not have the final say he does not have the final say over our homes our families or indeed our children we need to look to jesus christ [Music] i love that in acts 16 verse 31 the bible states and they said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household that's what we all should be praying for not just that we might be saved as individuals but that our households will be saved remember my family lord that's my prayer remember my children remember my household saints only jesus christ can save us and so it's to him that we should submit and surrender the word household it's defined as those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family there should be togetherness in a household there should be oneness in a household remember that acts 16 verse 31 said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household and then if you read joshua 24 verse 15 the bible says but if serving the lord seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your ancestors served before the euphrates or the gods of the amorites and whose land you are living but as for me and my household we will serve the lord so today what will your household stand for who will it stand to serve i've started to pray and declare and commit my family into god's hands on a regular basis [Music] often i find that my prayer points are about my home i pray that this house would have the presence of god reside in it so mightily that the devil in hell would never come near my doorstep my prayer is that this house would hold a spirit of oneness and unity among all who reside here that this house would hold a sweet spirit of forgiveness in jesus name i pray that this house holds the word of god as its ruling authority i pray that this house holds the name of jesus christ to be the name above all names and so saints let us pray over our families and over our households let's pray that our homes be places where the love of god resides where the presence of the lord resides let's pray that the walls of our homes be painted with the blood of jesus christ so that no evil no plague no pestilence will befall us and most importantly let's pray that our homes will be the place where the name of jesus christ is honored feared and reverenced now let us pray father god in agreement with every person listening right now we pray for our families we pray for our children we pray for our marriages cover us king jesus fight for us lord god i ask that you would intervene in all our affairs may the holy spirit move into our homes and bring about a revival a change in our hearts our prayer lord is that you would make yourself known to us let us see your hand working in our families father wherever there is disturbance bring peace jesus where there is dysfunction bring order lord your word in ephesians 4 verse 31 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice help us lord to put these things away help us to be a family unit that is obedient to your word should there be any anger that is festering in our homes should there be any unforgiveness father let your living waters flow lord let them flow over our homes and bring a sweet spirit of unity and togetherness open the hearts of every family member every father every mother every son and daughter open our hearts and revive us lord quicken our spirits so that we may long and chase after you as a family god let no member in our families be lukewarm but rather may we as individuals and as a collective unit lord may we burn for you convict our hearts god and draw us to repentance every child who is currently acting in rebellion we pray that you would touch their heart and crush any spirit that is not from you in the name of jesus we pray for every husband may they be obedient to your word and love their wives as christ loves the church we pray for every wife right now may they respect their husband as instructed by the word of god in this home i declare that we will serve the lord in this home i rebuke every idol that attempts to gain our affection our attention or our adoration i declare that there is only one king in this home there is only one name in this home and that is jesus christ father help us as a family not to be indoctrinated by the many teachings of this world help us not to be influenced by the teachings of this world but rather that we may hold on to the biblical definition of a godly family may we hold on to the word of god lord teach us to meditate and to dwell on your word as a family psalm 133 verse 1 says how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity god it's only by your grace that we can live together in unity we can only live and walk in agreement by your grace and mercy father and so once again in agreement with each person listening we pray that you would bring unity into our families bring unity and love into our households i pray that the atmosphere in our homes may be pleasing to you let there be no foul spirits no foul words and no foul actions that chase your presence away but instead lord help us to be diligent in fostering an atmosphere of praise each and every day god help us to be diligent in creating an atmosphere of thanksgiving each and every day be blessed and be glorified in this home lord jesus thank you for hearing our hearts cry in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and beliefs so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can he ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head up high man of god the battle is not yours but it is the lord's this fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look closely at luke chapter 4. when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord i encourage you not to entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from your word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than any goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power and love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be within me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you [Music] forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord [Music] lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised one of the easiest traps to fall into as a believer is becoming too comfortable [Music] it's a dangerous thing to find yourself in a comfortable place a place where you are neither hot or cold a place where there is no real fire no real spark for the things of god where you've got no appetite no hunger no real desire to chase after the lord it's a dangerous thing to be satisfied and it's also a dangerous thing to become accustomed to god's blessings and begin to take them for granted and so i encourage you to let your prayer be lord let me never become lukewarm let me never become a comfortable christian but may your fire burn brightly within my heart [Music] saint of god i would like to encourage you to never fail to be thankful failing to give thanks to the lord is a sign of an unrepented heart when was the last time you prioritized giving thanks to the lord and there are obvious things that we should be thankful for like our health the fact that we have a bed to sleep on food in your stomach electricity and shelter these are basic things but things that we often take for granted but if you just speak to someone who doesn't have shelter speak to someone who doesn't have food to eat [Music] it's only when you see how others are living that you will realize how blessed you are so when was the last time you genuinely were grateful for the lord's love john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life consider just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed how can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love so when was the last time that you simply thanked the lord for his goodness when did you last praise the lord that you have a sound mind that you have ears that hear and eyes that see that's all the goodness of the lord that we should not take for granted yes you might have pain in your body but you can still move and you can still walk this is god's goodness good health is a gift from the lord some people have food but their health doesn't allow them to eat freely [Music] some people have money but that money can't restore their health some people have what you may consider to be the perfect job but that perfect job doesn't provide them with peace of mind so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful [Music] first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good help me not to be envious of others and i pray that envy or covetousness or greed will never be found in my heart lord give me a heart that is content and filled with gratitude a heart that will never overlook the blessings that you have given me lord i thank you for your protection i don't know what each day holds but i do know that the protection you offer me is divine i have little to no power to protect myself each and every day and it's by your grace and by your mercy that i am safely kept each day you have protected me consistently you lord have ensured that no harm or danger will come to me and that's something i am thankful for your word says in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one i praise you for this promise king jesus you are faithful to establish me you have been faithful all throughout my life and you have guarded me against the evil one and i praise you lord jesus because you have guarded me against attacks that i knew about and even those i didn't know about your word in deuteronomy 31 verse 6 says be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will never leave you or forsake you father i praise you for such a promise a promise that regardless of what may happen you will never leave me nor forsake me and although i may be hard-pressed on every side i am not crushed because jesus christ has promised to never leave me or forsake me though i may be perplexed i am not in despair even if i'm persecuted i am not forsaken by you lord jesus because you are a god who keeps your word you keep your promises and even if life may strike me down [Music] i am thankful and i am assured by your word that i will not be destroyed lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful and i am even more thankful for your unfailing love [Music] i pray lord jesus that i may never become too comfortable in my relationship with you may i never become a believer who is lukewarm but instead may the holy spirit continuously convict me and pull at my heart so that i will realize that i have a need a hunger and a thirst for you jesus christ one where i am never satisfied but continuously i am chasing more and more of you lord more and more of your presence more and more of your love more and more of an experience with you i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen [Music] our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord [Music] i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control let my life represent who i stand for and that is you matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ [Music] i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness [Music] i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen [Music] at this moment in time i want to encourage you to stand with me agree with me as we pray for our families saints i want you to know that the devil he's after the home he wants to destroy the family and especially the christian family the devil doesn't want godly homes that are unified by the love of jesus christ he doesn't want homes whereby husbands love their wives as christ loved the church he doesn't want homes whereby wives respect and honor their husbands and he certainly doesn't want homes where children are obedient and act honorably towards their parents however the devil he does not have the final say he does not have the final say over our homes our families or indeed our children we need to look to jesus christ i love that in acts 16 verse 31 the bible states and they said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household that's what we all should be praying for not just that we might be saved as individuals but that our households will be saved remember my family lord that's my prayer remember my children remember my household saints only jesus christ can save us and so it's to him that we should submit and surrender the word household it's defined as those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family there should be togetherness in a household there should be oneness in a household remember that acts 16 verse 31 said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household and then if you read joshua 24 verse 15 the bible says but if serving the lord seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your ancestors served before the euphrates or the gods of the amorites and whose land you are living but as for me and my household we will serve the lord so today what will your household stand for who will it stand to serve i've started to pray and declare and commit my family into god's hands on a regular basis [Music] often i find that my prayer points are about my home i pray that this house would have the presence of god reside in it so mightily that the devil in hell would never come near my doorstep my prayer is that this house would hold a spirit of oneness and unity among all who reside here that this house would hold a sweet spirit of forgiveness in jesus name i pray that this house holds the word of god as its ruling authority i pray that this house holds the name of jesus christ to be the name above all names and so saints let us pray over our families and over our households let's pray that our homes be places where the love of god resides where the presence of the lord resides let's pray that the walls of our homes be painted with the blood of jesus christ so that no evil no plague no pestilence will befall us and most importantly let's pray that our homes will be the place where the name of jesus christ is honored feared and reverenced now let us pray father god in agreement with every person listening right now we pray for our families we pray for our children we pray for our marriages cover us king jesus fight for us lord god i ask that you would intervene in all our affairs may the holy spirit move into our homes and bring about a revival a change in our hearts our prayer lord is that you would make yourself known to us let us see your hand working in our families father wherever there is disturbance bring peace jesus where there is dysfunction bring order lord your word in ephesians 4 verse 31 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice help us lord to put these things away help us to be a family unit that is obedient to your word should there be any anger that is festering in our homes should there be any unforgiveness father let your living waters flow lord let them flow over our homes and bring a sweet spirit of unity and togetherness open the hearts of every family member every father every mother every son and daughter open our hearts and revive us lord quicken our spirits so that we may long and chase after you as a family [Music] god let no member in our families be lukewarm but rather may we as individuals and as a collective unit lord may we burn for you convict our hearts god and draw us to repentance every child who is currently acting in rebellion we pray that you would touch their heart and crush any spirit that is not from you in the name of jesus we pray for every husband may they be obedient to your word and love their wives as christ loves the church we pray for every wife right now may they respect their husband as instructed by the word of god in this home i declare that we will serve the lord in this home i rebuke every idol that attempts to gain our affection our attention or our adoration i declare that there is only one king in this home there is only one name in this home and that is jesus christ father help us as a family not to be indoctrinated by the many teachings of this world help us not to be influenced by the teachings of this world but rather that we may hold on to the biblical definition of a godly family may we hold on to the word of god lord teach us to meditate and to dwell on your word as a family psalm 133 verse 1 says how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity god it's only by your grace that we can live together in unity we can only live and walk in agreement by your grace and mercy father and so once again in agreement with each person listening we pray that you would bring unity into our families bring unity and love into our households i pray that the atmosphere in our homes may be pleasing to you let there be no foul spirits no foul words and no foul actions that chase your presence away but instead lord help us to be diligent in fostering an atmosphere of praise each and every day god help us to be diligent in creating an atmosphere of thanksgiving each and every day be blessed and be glorified in this home lord jesus thank you for hearing our hearts cry in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can he ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head up high man of god the battle is not yours but it is the lord's this fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look closely at luke chapter 4. when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord i encourage you not to entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from your word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than any goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power and love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be within me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy [Music] the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore [Music] chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised [Music] one of the easiest traps to fall into as a believer is becoming too comfortable it's a dangerous thing to find yourself in a comfortable place a place where you are neither hot or cold a place where there is no real fire no real spark for the things of god where you've got no appetite no hunger no real desire to chase after the lord it's a dangerous thing to be satisfied and it's also a dangerous thing to become accustomed to god's blessings and begin to take them for granted and so i encourage you to let your prayer be lord let me never become lukewarm let me never become a comfortable christian but may your fire burn brightly within my heart saint of god i would like to encourage you to never fail to be thankful failing to give thanks to the lord is a sign of an unrepented heart when was the last time you prioritized giving thanks to the lord and there are obvious things that we should be thankful for like our health the fact that we have a bed to sleep on food in your stomach electricity and shelter these are basic things but things that we often take for granted but if you just speak to someone who doesn't have shelter speak to someone who doesn't have food to eat it's only when you see how others are living that you will realize how blessed you are so when was the last time you genuinely were grateful for the lord's love john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life consider just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed how can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love so when was the last time that you simply thanked the lord for his goodness when did you last praise the lord that you have a sound mind that you have ears that hear and eyes that see that's all the goodness of the lord that we should not take for granted yes you might have pain in your body but you can still move and you can still walk this is god's goodness good health is a gift from the lord some people have food but their health doesn't allow them to eat freely some people have money but that money can't restore their health some people have what you may consider to be the perfect job but that perfect job doesn't provide them with peace of mind so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good [Music] help me not to be envious of others and i pray that envy or covetousness or greed will never be found in my heart lord give me a heart that is content and filled with gratitude a heart that will never overlook the blessings that you have given me lord i thank you for your protection i don't know what each day holds but i do know that the protection you offer me is divine [Music] i have little to no power to protect myself each and every day and it's by your grace and by your mercy that i am safely kept each day you have protected me consistently you lord have ensured that no harm or danger will come to me and that's something i am thankful for your word says in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one i praise you for this promise king jesus you are faithful to establish me you have been faithful all throughout my life and you have guarded me against the evil one and i praise you lord jesus because you have guarded me against attacks that i knew about and even those i didn't know about your word in deuteronomy 31 verse 6 says be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will never leave you or forsake you father i praise you for such a promise a promise that regardless of what may happen you will never leave me nor forsake me and although i may be hard-pressed on every side i am not crushed because jesus christ has promised to never leave me or forsake me though i may be perplexed i am not in despair even if i am persecuted i am not forsaken by you lord jesus because you are a god who keeps your word you keep your promises and even if life may strike me down i am thankful and i am assured by your word that i will not be destroyed lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful and i am even more thankful for your unfailing love i pray lord jesus that i may never become too comfortable in my relationship with you may i never become a believer who is lukewarm but instead may the holy spirit continuously convict me and pull at my heart so that i will realize that i have a need a hunger and a thirst for you jesus christ one where i am never satisfied but continuously i am chasing more and more of you lord more and more of your presence more and more of your love more and more of an experience with you i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray [Music] amen our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control let my life represent who i stand for and that is you matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility [Music] holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen [Music] at this moment in time i want to encourage you to stand with me agree with me as we pray for our families saints i want you to know that the devil he's after the home he wants to destroy the family and especially the christian family the devil doesn't want godly homes that are unified by the love of jesus christ he doesn't want homes whereby husbands love their wives as christ loved the church he doesn't want homes whereby wives respect and honor their husbands and he certainly doesn't want homes where children are obedient and act honorably towards their parents however the devil he does not have the final say he does not have the final say over our homes our families or indeed our children we need to look to jesus christ i love that in acts 16 31 the bible states and they said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household that's what we all should be praying for not just that we might be saved as individuals but that our households will be saved remember my family lord that's my prayer remember my children remember my household saints only jesus christ can save us and so it's to him that we should submit and surrender the word household it's defined as those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family there should be togetherness in a household there should be oneness in a household remember that acts 16 verse 31 said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household and then if you read joshua 24 verse 15 the bible says but if serving the lord seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your ancestors served before the euphrates or the gods of the amorites and whose land you are living but as for me and my household we will serve the lord so today what will your household stand for who will it stand to serve i've started to pray and declare and commit my family into god's hands on a regular basis often i find that my prayer points are about my home i pray that this house would have the presence of god reside in it so mightily that the devil in hell would never come near my doorstep my prayer is that this house would hold a spirit of oneness and unity among all who reside here that this house would hold a sweet spirit of forgiveness in jesus name i pray that this house holds the word of god as its ruling authority i pray that this house holds the name of jesus christ to be the name above all names and so saints let us pray over our families and over our households let's pray that our homes be places where the love of god resides where the presence of the lord resides let's pray that the walls of our homes be painted with the blood of jesus christ so that no evil no plague no pestilence will befall us and most importantly let's pray that our homes will be the place where the name of jesus christ is honored feared and reverenced now let us pray father god in agreement with every person listening right now we pray for our families we pray for our children we pray for our marriages cover us king jesus fight for us lord god i ask that you would intervene in all our affairs may the holy spirit move into our homes and bring about a revival a change in our hearts our prayer lord is that you would make yourself known to us let us see your hand working in our families father wherever there is disturbance bring peace jesus where there is dysfunction bring order lord your word in ephesians 4 verse 31 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice help us lord to put these things away help us to be a family unit that is obedient to your word should there be any anger that is festering in our homes should there be any unforgiveness father let your living waters flow lord let them flow over our homes and bring a sweet spirit of unity and togetherness open the hearts of every family member every father every mother every son and daughter open our hearts and revive us lord quicken our spirits so that we may long and chase after you as a family god let no member in our families be lukewarm but rather may we as individuals and as a collective unit lord may we burn for you convict our hearts god and draw us to repentance every child who is currently acting in rebellion we pray that you would touch their heart and crush any spirit that is not from you in the name of jesus we pray for every husband may they be obedient to your word and love their wives as christ loves the church we pray for every wife right now may they respect their husband as instructed by the word of god in this home i declare that we will serve the lord in this home i rebuke every idol that attempts to gain our affection our attention or our adoration i declare that there is only one king in this home there is only one name in this home and that is jesus christ father help us as a family not to be indoctrinated by the many teachings of this world help us not to be influenced by the teachings of this world but rather that we may hold on to the biblical definition of a godly family may we hold on to the word of god lord teach us to meditate and to dwell on your word as a family psalm 133 verse 1 says how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity god it's only by your grace that we can live together in unity we can only live and walk in agreement by your grace and mercy father and so once again in agreement with each person listening we pray that you would bring unity into our families bring unity and love into our households i pray that the atmosphere in our homes may be pleasing to you let there be no foul spirits no foul words and no foul actions that chase your presence away but instead lord help us to be diligent in fostering an atmosphere of praise each and every day god help us to be diligent in creating an atmosphere of thanksgiving each and every day be blessed and be glorified in this home lord jesus thank you for hearing our hearts cry in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can he ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head up high man of god the battle is not yours but it is the lord's this fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look closely at luke chapter 4. when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord i encourage you not to entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from your word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than any goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power and love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be within me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised [Music] one of the easiest traps to fall into as a believer is becoming too comfortable it's a dangerous thing to find yourself in a comfortable place a place where you are neither hot or cold a place where there is no real fire no real spark for the things of god where you've got no appetite no hunger no real desire to chase after the lord it's a dangerous thing to be satisfied and it's also a dangerous thing to become accustomed to god's blessings and begin to take them for granted and so i encourage you to let your prayer be lord let me never become lukewarm let me never become a comfortable christian but may your fire burn brightly within my heart saint of god i would like to encourage you to never fail to be thankful failing to give thanks to the lord is a sign of an unrepented heart when was the last time you prioritized giving thanks to the lord and there are obvious things that we should be thankful for like our health the fact that we have a bed to sleep on food in your stomach electricity and shelter these are basic things but things that we often take for granted but if you just speak to someone who doesn't have shelter speak to someone who doesn't have food to eat it's only when you see how others are living that you will realize how blessed you are so when was the last time you genuinely were grateful for the lord's love john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is [Music] because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed how can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love so when was the last time that you simply thanked the lord for his goodness when did you last praise the lord that you have a sound mind that you have ears that hear and eyes that see that's all the goodness of the lord that we should not take for granted yes you might have pain in your body but you can still move and you can still walk this is god's goodness good health is a gift from the lord some people have food but their health doesn't allow them to eat freely some people have money but that money can't restore their health some people have what you may consider to be the perfect job but that perfect job doesn't provide them with peace of mind so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body [Music] all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good help me not to be envious of others and i pray that envy or covetousness or greed will never be found in my heart lord give me a heart that is content and filled with gratitude a heart that will never overlook the blessings that you have given me lord i thank you for your protection i don't know what each day holds but i do know that the protection you offer me is divine i have little to no power to protect myself each and every day and it's by your grace and by your mercy that i am safely kept each day you have protected me consistently you lord have ensured that no harm or danger will come to me and that's something i am thankful for your word says in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one i praise you for this promise king jesus you are faithful to establish me you have been faithful all throughout my life and you have guarded me against the evil one and i praise you lord jesus because you have guarded me against attacks that i knew about and even those i didn't know about [Music] your word in deuteronomy 31 verse 6 says be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will never leave you or forsake you [Music] father i praise you for such a promise a promise that regardless of what may happen you will never leave me nor forsake me and although i may be hard-pressed on every side i am not crushed because jesus christ has promised to never leave me or forsake me though i may be perplexed i am not in despair even if i am persecuted i am not forsaken by you lord jesus because you are a god who keeps your word you keep your promises and even if life may strike me down i am thankful and i am assured by your word that i will not be destroyed lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful and i am even more thankful for your unfailing love i pray lord jesus that i may never become too comfortable in my relationship with you may i never become a believer who is lukewarm but instead may the holy spirit continuously convict me and pull at my heart so that i will realize that i have a need a hunger and a thirst for you jesus christ [Laughter] one where i am never satisfied but continuously i am chasing more and more of you lord more and more of your presence more and more of your love more and more of an experience with you i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord [Music] i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus [Music] there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me [Music] no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control let my life represent who i stand for and that is you matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility [Music] holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen at this moment in time i want to encourage you to stand with me agree with me as we pray for our families saints i want you to know that the devil he's after the home he wants to destroy the family and especially the christian family the devil doesn't want godly homes that are unified by the love of jesus christ he doesn't want homes whereby husbands love their wives as christ loved the church he doesn't want homes whereby wives respect and honor their husbands and he certainly doesn't want homes where children are obedient and act honorably towards their parents however the devil he does not have the final say he does not have the final say over our homes our families or indeed our children we need to look to jesus christ [Music] i love that in acts 16 verse 31 the bible states and they said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household that's what we all should be praying for not just that we might be saved as individuals but that our households will be saved remember my family lord that's my prayer remember my children remember my household saints only jesus christ can save us and so it's to him that we should submit and surrender the word household it's defined as those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family there should be togetherness in a household there should be oneness in a household remember that acts 16 verse 31 said believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household and then if you read joshua 24 verse 15 the bible says but if serving the lord seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your ancestors served before the euphrates or the gods of the amorites and whose land you are living but as for me and my household we will serve the lord so today what will your household stand for who will it stand to serve i've started to pray and declare and commit my family into god's hands on a regular basis [Music] often i find that my prayer points are about my home i pray that this house would have the presence of god reside in it so mightily that the devil in hell would never come near my doorstep my prayer is that this house would hold a spirit of oneness and unity among all who reside here that this house would hold a sweet spirit of forgiveness in jesus name i pray that this house holds the word of god as its ruling authority i pray that this house holds the name of jesus christ to be the name above all names and so saints let us pray over our families and over our households let's pray that our homes be places where the love of god resides where the presence of the lord resides let's pray that the walls of our homes be painted with the blood of jesus christ so that no evil no plague no pestilence will be fallen and most importantly let's pray that our homes will be the place where the name of jesus christ is honored feared and reverenced now let us pray father god in agreement with every person listening right now we pray for our families we pray for our children we pray for our marriages cover us king jesus fight for us lord god i ask that you would intervene in all our affairs may the holy spirit move into our homes and bring about a revival a change in our hearts our prayer lord is that you would make yourself known to us let us see your hand working in our families father wherever there is disturbance bring peace jesus where there is dysfunction bring order lord your word in ephesians 4 verse 31 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice help us lord to put these things away help us to be a family unit that is obedient to your word should there be any anger that is festering in our homes should there be any unforgiveness father let your living waters flow lord let them flow over our homes and bring a sweet spirit of unity and togetherness open the hearts of every family member every father every mother every son and daughter open our hearts and revive us lord quicken our spirits so that we may long and chase after you as a family god let no member in our families be lukewarm but rather may we as individuals and as a collective unit lord may we burn for you convict our hearts god and draw us to repentance every child who is currently acting in rebellion we pray that you would touch their heart and crush any spirit that is not from you in the name of jesus we pray for every husband may they be obedient to your word and love their wives as christ loves the church we pray for every wife right now may they respect their husband as instructed by the word of god in this home i declare that we will serve the lord in this home i rebuke every idol that attempts to gain our affection our attention or our adoration i declare that there is only one king in this home there is only one name in this home and that is jesus christ father help us as a family not to be indoctrinated by the many teachings of this world help us not to be influenced by the teachings of this world but rather that we may hold on to the biblical definition of a godly family may we hold on to the word of god lord teach us to meditate and to dwell on your word as a family psalm 133 verse 1 says how good and pleasant it is when god's people live together in unity god it's only by your grace that we can live together in unity we can only live and walk in agreement by your grace and mercy father and so once again in agreement with each person listening we pray that you would bring unity into our families bring unity and love into our households i pray that the atmosphere in our homes may be pleasing to you let there be no foul spirits no foul words and no foul actions that chase your presence away but instead lord help us to be diligent in fostering an atmosphere of praise each and every day god help us to be diligent in creating an atmosphere of thanksgiving each and every day be blessed and be glorified in this home lord jesus thank you for hearing our hearts cry in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and beliefs so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can he ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head up high man of god the battle is not yours but it is the lord's this fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look closely at luke chapter 4 when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12. saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord [Music] i encourage you not to entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come out against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from your word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than any goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power and love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be within me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore [Music] [Laughter] so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised [Music] one of the easiest traps to fall into as a believer is becoming too comfortable it's a dangerous thing to find yourself in a comfortable place a place where you are neither hot or cold a place where there is no real fire no real spark for the things of god where you've got no appetite no hunger no real desire to chase after the lord it's a dangerous thing to be satisfied and it's also a dangerous thing to become accustomed to god's blessings and begin to take them for granted and so i encourage you to let your prayer be lord let me never become lukewarm let me never become a comfortable christian but may your fire burn brightly within my heart saint of god i would like to encourage you to never fail to be thankful failing to give thanks to the lord is a sign of an unrepented heart when was the last time you prioritized giving thanks to the lord and there are obvious things that we should be thankful for like our health the fact that we have a bed to sleep on food in your stomach electricity and shelter these are basic things but things that we often take for granted but if you just speak to someone who doesn't have shelter speak to someone who doesn't have food to eat it's only when you see how others are living that you will realize how blessed you are so when was the last time you genuinely were grateful for the lord's love john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life [Music] and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life consider just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed [Music] how can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude [Music] the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love so when was the last time that you simply thanked the lord for his goodness when did you last praise the lord that you have a sound mind that you have ears that hear and eyes that see that's all the goodness of the lord that we should not take for granted [Music] yes you might have pain in your body but you can still move and you can still walk this is god's goodness good health is a gift from the lord some people have food but their health doesn't allow them to eat freely some people have money but that money can't restore their health some people have what you may consider to be the perfect job but that perfect job doesn't provide them with peace of mind so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful [Music] first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies [Music] you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good help me not to be envious of others and i pray that envy or covetousness or greed will never be found in my heart lord give me a heart that is content and filled with gratitude a heart that will never overlook the blessings that you have given me i thank you for your protection i don't know what each day holds but i do know that the protection you offer me is divine [Music] i have little to no power to protect myself each and every day and it's by your grace and by your mercy that i am safely kept each day you have protected me consistently you lord have ensured that no harm or danger will come to me and that's something i am thankful for your word says in 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one i praise you for this promise king jesus you are faithful to establish me you have been faithful all throughout my life and you have guarded me against the evil one and i praise you lord jesus because you have guarded me against attacks that i knew about and even those i didn't know about [Music] your word in deuteronomy 31 verse 6 says be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will never leave you or forsake you father i praise you for such a promise a promise that regardless of what may happen you will never leave me nor forsake me and although i may be hard-pressed on every side [Music] i am not crushed because jesus christ has promised to never leave me or forsake me [Music] though i may be perplexed i am not in despair even if i'm persecuted i am not forsaken by you lord jesus because you are a god who keeps your word you keep your promises and even if life may strike me down i am thankful and i am assured by your word that i will not be destroyed lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me [Music] i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful and i am even more thankful for your unfailing love i pray lord jesus that i may never become too comfortable in my relationship with you may i never become a believer who is lukewarm but instead may the holy spirit continuously convict me and pull at my heart so that i will realize that i have a need a hunger and a thirst for you jesus christ [Music] one where i am never satisfied but continuously i am chasing more and more of you lord more and more of your presence more and more of your love more and more of an experience with you i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray [Music] amen our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord [Music] i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus [Laughter] there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control let my life represent who i stand for and that is you [Music] matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important [Music] it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility [Laughter] holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 160,229
Rating: 4.8954844 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: gSd73wc9b3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 17sec (11657 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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