Encounter Service Live From Orange, CA | 6/27/21

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this message tonight i'm going to minister to you is something that i believe that will become foundational to your spiritual life we live in a time of great compromise of great deception and of a great falling away even in the church yes even in the church the enemy has assaulted the body of christ with deception and there are people whose roots don't go deep and because their roots don't go deep when trials come when opposition comes when the world threatens their faith they're gone lord don't let that be me paul the apostle said lest i become myself a castaway paul wrote that what you're going to hear tonight is something the holy spirit wants you to hear take very seriously the word of god take very seriously the word of god for if you are not rooted in the word of god you are easy pray for deception and so i want to minister a word tonight in my prayer is that this message will stoke the fires of your love for jesus that you would be so passionately in love with jesus that you would carry what the martyrs carried that you would carry such a love that no request is too much no sacrifice too great no command is too difficult i pray that your love for jesus would be a mighty force that would overcome even yourself god help us to be people who love jesus more than anything else what does romans 5 5 say the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost there's no one on earth who loves jesus more than the holy spirit loves jesus and it's my prayer that the same love with which the holy spirit loves jesus would be our love too that everything in us would be for him my goal today is to agitate your holy jealousy that you might say lord i want to know you more i don't want to be on the outer circle lord i want to be on the inner circle jesus loves us all equally i want you to know that believer jesus loves each and every one of us equally but he can only trust you in proportion to your obedience it's one thing to say jesus loves me it's another thing to say jesus trusts me you want to walk in his power you want to carry the glory on your life you want to be a mighty weapon in the hand of the father with which he brings destruction to the kingdom of darkness then he has to be able to trust you with his power in life your passion for the lord does not have to ebb and flow i think all too often we buy into church culture myths cliches and we say things like well i'm on my backsliding face saying i'm in my backsliding phase as a christian is like saying i'm in my cheating phase as a spouse there's no such thing as the cheating phase there's no such thing as a period where you can go and do whatever you want to break that covenant no when i'm redeemed by the blood of jesus i'm in covenant with him i want nothing and no one else to move me from that place i want to know him and i see in philippians 3 10 this verse and when i see it everything in me burns to have what the writer is talking about in philippians 3 10 that i may know him that i may know god that i may know him and the power of his resurrection you have to know him before you know his power and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death this is the mystery of the fellowship of his sufferings you know jesus has an inner circle much like i pray you have an inner circle you're not going to announce on facebook some of the things you would only tell your spouse some of you do and we call that drama but that's a different sermon for a different time but you're not going to announce to the world those things about you that are only known through intimacy the way you think the way you feel your insecurities your hurts your worries those are things you reserve for those who know you intimately and let me tell you something though we may not like to hear it jesus is the same way i have my inner circle there are things i will tell certain people there are things i will trust with certain people but if i were to announce it you would say huh he's got issues and that's true of everyone you see there are invitations that jesus has given to the church invitations that jesus has given to the world really if you can just follow him he draws you deeper and deeper into his heart in john 1 39 we see that jesus says come and see and this is his first invitation come and see this is where the sinner becomes a saint this is where the one with the broken marriage the one with the broken body the one with a fractured mind can come to him and see that jesus is the deliverer that jesus is the healer that jesus is the savior but this is where many people get stuck and for the rest of their lives they go from deliverance to deliverance all the while never really surrendering to jesus they go from experience to experience while never maturing in their faith they want to come and see and they want to get just close enough to be comforted not close enough to be challenged i want to come and see the miracles and that's wonderful i want him to restore my marriage and he'll do it but jesus sends out another cry another invitation that we see in john 1 43 just a few verses later this is where jesus says come follow me now this is the change of direction in your life and for some of us this is actually a better situation than we had before which is why it's so easy to follow jesus when you're a new convert because it's not that difficult to give up darkness for light but it is difficult to give up self for him when i first get saved you mean jesus will take away my addiction you bet you mean jesus will heal my body absolutely jesus will restore my marriage yes he's a miracle-working god come and see but at some point he will say to you come and follow me and this is the point where we change directions now becomes a little inconvenient but at the beginning this is much easier than it is toward the end because we still are in that infant stage yeah i'll give up my drug addiction for your joy yeah i'll give up my confusion for your peace absolutely following him will bless you but at some point following him will confront your selfishness it's then that he says to you after saying come and see lord thank you for touching my body thank you for touching my life after he says come follow there is the challenge that arises because as we follow jesus along that path we begin to recognize that there are things in our lives that contradict his will too many in the church are preaching how to build your dreams how to build your life how to get everything that you want accomplished and they give you 12 steps to this and that and they're trying to teach you how to build what god told you to crucify [Applause] the promise of the gospel is not come follow me and i'll make all your dreams come true it's come follow me and you're gonna crucify that will he says come follow me and as he says come follow me along that path there are some things that we find as obstacles and we begin to hesitate and there comes a point where after he says come follow me he gives to you the third invitation come and deny yourself everyone wants to hear come and see some love the come follow me very few celebrate when he tells you to deny yourself because it's never anything that's going to be easy for you denying yourself means just that denying yourself your desires what you want matthew 16 24-27 says then said jesus unto his disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it for what does it profit a man he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul or what will the man give in exchange for his soul for the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels and then he shall reward every man according to his works this is the death of self so many are saying fill me holy spirit and he's saying right back i can't because you're full of yourself they say take my life lord by that they don't mean take my life what they mean is make it better we talk about breakthrough and breakthrough in church lingo today is simply code for the day i never have another struggle again but those who will respond to that call to come and deny yourself we'll hear that fourth and final call matthew 25 21 his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness one of these days you're going to hear those words [Applause] and i want to stand before him knowing that i gave it all i'll tell you when your concern will not be based in the things of this world and you look into those eyes of fire all that will matter to you in that moment is what you did for him you see the crowds come and see it's one group they come to see the miracles they come to hear the message there are spectators in every crowd who simply out of curiosity want to catch a glimpse of what people say is happening but amongst the crowd are people who will never draw closer to him they hear about the miracles they want the experience but they don't want the sacrifice john 2 24-25 this is what the bible says about jesus's thoughts about the crowds listen to what it says but jesus didn't trust them because he knew all about people no one needed to tell him about human nature for he knew what was in each person's heart come and see that's the crowd and there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with coming to jesus with an issue or a problem i ministered a message which will be released soon on the fact that god wants to give you signs we've been taught that it's immature un-spiritual doubtful selfish to ask god for signs because we quote that scripture a wicked and adulterous nation demand generation demands a sign but jesus was talking to pharisees there and he was very specifically challenging the fact that they had hard hearts but all throughout the scripture god wants to give signs to people come follow me is what he says to the next group now if you're in the crowd you're following jesus at a distance you're there and you're close enough to get a miracle not so close to be challenged and we follow him amongst the crowds thank you for what you're giving to me we eat the bread that he multiplied we receive his healing touch we watch his power we stand in awe and then if we follow the next command if we respond to the next invitation we move in even closer and there we see the 72 disciples jesus says come follow me now consider the fact that there was people among that group who didn't necessarily follow jesus for jesus think about the fact that even among the 12 there was a betrayer among them named judas i think it's safe to say that among the 72 not everyone was sincerely following him i'm sure there were some among the 72 who loved jesus but if even the 12 had a betrayer among them it's safe to assume the 72 was filled also with those who were insincere these are the people who pursue the power of god with no love for the presence of god all gifts no glory they can demonstrate his power but they don't walk in his presence what does god say to those who do this depart from me i never knew you now guys hear me when i say everyone who begins in ministry that loves jesus begins with sincerity if they love jesus one of my greatest fears is that i would become a performer instead of god's servant and if you don't think it could happen to you you're in danger you think it's easy to stand on a platform that reaches hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people and not have a little issue with pride let me tell you there's such a thing and i'm not saying this literally there's a phrase that we hear going around these days it's a new phrase so it's probably from tick tock but they say some people are possessed by the clout demons people who follow jesus not so that he can use them but so that they can use him do you know what the message translation says when it comes to that text in matthew 7. depart from me you workers of lawlessness and then it says this all you did was use me to make yourselves important god help us in this day and age of influencer culture hear me now servant of god preachers are servants not celebrities called to go and be among the people we're called to go lay hands on the sick we're called to go to those who are demon-possessed if people can't reach you it's because you're not called you're in a career and you need to repent of your pride if people can't come to you if people can't be served by you if you care more about crowds than you do about people find something else to do competing for likes and wanting the platform i rebuked that spirit in the name of jesus [Applause] this generation is turning turning into simon the sorcerer let me buy this power that when i lay hands too the holy spirit might flow through me what did the apostles say to him they said you have you're bitter with jealousy and these preachers who get into ministry to compete instead of soul winning they're on the wrong track guard your heart servant of god lest you two become corrupt by this influencer culture you can't pay a registration fee go to a conference and then come out with the anointing [Applause] you can't buy an online e-course on how to do this or how to do that pay that money download the material fill it out pass the test and then walk away anointed of god the power of the holy ghost is found only in the presence of the holy ghost i've been in the back rooms the green rooms ambitious hungry self-centered people jockeying for position trying to get to the top passing out their ministry cards like business cards you're not called to a new level of favor just because you took a selfie with the famous preacher you're not called of god just because you're good at marketing and can garner a following online you're not called of god just because you bought the camera equipment can i just be real with you tonight [Applause] the problem is the internet has given the ability for anyone to have a platform and so what's happening is many preachers men and women are skipping the process because they have immediate access to a platform that's the 72. come and follow okay i'll follow you so long as it benefits me i'll follow it just the distance so i can carry your power but i don't want to carry your cross i'll follow you so that my gifts can be stirred and people can be wowed at how i'm being used but i don't want to get so close as to actually be called to do something that will inconvenience me the question is are you using the lord or is the lord using you that's what it means to be stuck in the group called the 72 you can do what jesus did but that doesn't mean you know him come and see that's the crowds come and follow me that's the 72 come deny yourself that's the 12. now this is where jesus begins to really challenge the selfishness in you when i first started in ministry i remember lying on the floor for hours and i would pray this prayer with such passion i would say god there's a little selfishness in me please don't promote me until you kill that [Applause] here's the problem you can cast out demons but you can't cast out the flesh the flesh doesn't come and go the flesh shrinks and grows and you have to keep the flesh subjected and weak you have to keep it there because if you don't it will overpower you if you don't it will take from you if you don't it will pollute what god is doing in you god crucify those things i prayed lord let my hands be your hands heal through them lord let my feet be your feet take me where you want me to go let my ears be your ears let me hear your voice with such clarity that if you whisper in the spirit i can hear you loud and clear father let my eyes be your eyes i want to see things people in situations the way you see them let my mouth be your mouth i want to speak the truth even when it offends even when it makes me when people start to dislike me cancel culture rearing its ugly head you can't cancel the gospel [Applause] and once you've denied yourself there's this point that comes where he says come and share come and share come and share in my happiness come and share in our reward to share in his reward you must first be willing to share in his suffering think about the fact that it was only the three peter james and john who went with jesus to various places when jesus went to raise jairus's daughter from the dead it was peter james and john that entered the room with him and he threw everyone else out because he trusted them to be there for that moment when jesus ascended to the mountaintop and he was transfigured in the fullness of his glory and he was seen with moses and elijah the disciples who were there caught a glimpse of him his image changed and he began to beam with light it was peter james and john who saw him on the mountaintop transfigured they come back down from the mountain and what do they find they find other disciples trying to cast the devil out of a boy if you're ever having trouble casting out devils it's one of two things either it's the kind that only comes out through prayer and fasting or you yourself are not being a person of prayer if it takes you hours to cast out demons it's likely because you're only spending minutes in prayer when you should be spending just seconds casting out devils because you're spending hours in prayer no one can fight the holy spirit like that so these disciples are trying we can't get it out of them and then jesus comes down from the mountain and drives that spirit right out only those who have been with jesus on the mountaintop can cast out devils in the valley valley problems require mountaintop solutions but who was welcomed up there was peter james and john peter james and john were the ones who were welcome to the mountaintop do you know where else peter james and john were welcomed in the garden moments before jesus would be taken away to experience the anguish of the cross do you realize friend that jesus was sweating drops of blood saying to his father if it's possible let this cup passed from me it wasn't just the physical pain of the cross it wasn't just the fact that they were going to drive nails to his hands it wasn't just the fact that they were going to put nails in his feet it wasn't just the whipping and the beating the crown of thorns it wasn't just the sense of suffocating that he feared it was more than physical pain that anguished him do you realize that when he was on that cross he said two startling things that people often overlook my god my god why have you forsaken me god the father turning his all-knowing eyes away from the sun and father into your hands i commit my spirit the holy ghost left him too and there on that cross in the anguish of that physical pain he experienced the culmination of all of our guilt all of the loneliness he felt it all in one moment but he carried it not just for you but for every man and woman who had lived or ever would live in a single moment forsaken by god he received the fullness of the wrath of god that cup was the cup of god's wrath poured out onto his son no wonder he sweat drops of blood and who did he bring peter james and john and he says to them could you pray with me just one hour think about the fact that jesus the son of god asked them be with me in this moment you want you want me i saw you on the mountain you're the son of the living god i saw your glory i saw you open the eyes of the blind jesus you raised the dead and you are asking me wait with me watch with me that i may know him in the fellowship of his suffering there comes a point when he will call you to these places in luke 8 18 jesus says that if you use well what he's told you more will be given and he was speaking specifically in luke 8 18. you look at the context he's talking about revelation of who he is he reveals himself jesus the son of god invites you to know him when i first started in ministry and believe it or not it's almost been 20 years i started young when i was 13 preaching all over the world [Music] i was only released to share this a few years ago in fact when we first started these meetings the lord called me and i remember one night i'm seeking him in prayer you know when you have those moments where you could the only word i can use is his presence there's just a sweetness to it you know what i'm talking about you you you can't explain that there's just a sweetness to him you don't want to be anywhere else you don't want to be with anyone else you just want to abide and i'm praying and suddenly i'm caught up in something whether it was a dream or a vision i don't know and i don't say that to sound like paul the apostle i admit i say that because i don't know if i fell asleep or not a dream or vision i don't know [Music] all i know is i saw a room filled with light so much light it was difficult to make out the details i saw only outlines of things as i walked into this room filled with light i saw before me an enormous throne and sitting on that throne i saw the outline of a man now you've heard people tell you you know a vision is from god when you sense nothing but peace that's not true it's a nice church cliche but it's not true approaching this throne i began to feel a heaviness a weight a pain and the closer i got to this figure the more i could hear this man was weeping i could hear him weeping and the holy spirit allowed me to feel just a slight heaviness just a small sample of what he was feeling and i began to weep and i began to shake a heavy burden i can't explain it and i asked the lord what is this what am i feeling why do i feel such sorrow such anguish [Music] and the holy spirit told me he's weeping for his children you want to know why i preached the gospel with such passion [Music] you want to know where this fire comes from it's because for every soul that is one to him it's a tear being wiped from his face [Music] fellowship of his suffering you want to know why i come alive when we see souls being won it's because i know that my heavenly father is rejoicing you share in his suffering and he'll say to you come and share in your master's happiness i want to share in your happiness if that's you lift your hands pray in the holy ghost right now ask him right now to make you worthy ask her to make you worthy to share in his sufferings lord we want to be close to you jesus we want to know you you online write it in the comment section say i want to know you just write it it's so simple i want to know you i want to know you i want to know you tell them i want to know you [Music] jesus in this moment please no more people moving around if it's an emergency i won't call you out but please just for a moment everybody praying in the holy ghost [Music] let them draw you there are those little things those little things you must release doubts hesitations let it go give it to him tell him he can have you lift your hands and say jesus [Music] you can have me take my life and use it for your glory and your [Music] amen everyone standing to your feet please [Music] hands lifted eyes closed hands lifted eyes closed you watching online just begin to worship with us the presence of the holy spirit is here just once more please pray in the holy ghost all across this room pray in the holy ghost [Music] wow [Music] lord i believe lord i believe [Music] all things are possible lord i believe tell them lord i believe lord i believe all things are possible lord i am [Music] all things are possible all things are possible lord i believe and lord i believe and lord i believe all things are possible just lift your hands now just say those words say lord i believe jesus oh just begin to worship him now forget about whatever is going on around you forget about your sickness forget about your pain whatever your request is just lay it aside just for a moment [Music] in just a minute or two i know by the holy spirit that power that you felt moved to this room so many times so faithfully is about to rush across this room and right to where you're watching right to where you're watching just begin to love him now just begin to worship him now we love you jesus you are lord you are god marvelous magnificent beautiful and heavenly larger than life you're larger than life we give ourselves to you we give ourselves to you something's happening here church jesus call upon the name of jesus just call upon the name of jesus whatever your need the miracle just call upon the name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah we are [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's a cry of worship [Music] [Music] holy spirit welcome him now holy spirit [Music] jesus once more steve the holy spirit is here's what i want you to do now by faith because the presence of the holy spirit is here you in this room and you watching online place your hand wherever the pain is in your body place your hand on wherever the sickness is located you do not need me to lay hands on you i'm not your healer there's only one who can make you whole tonight and his name is jesus and the holy spirit is revealing him to many of you place your hand on your sickness now and i'm gonna pray a simple prayer of faith and if you by faith will ask him only believe only believe all things are possible it's so simple you don't need to beg him you don't need to give an offering you don't need to enact a certain posture freely we have received so freely we give his power is present to make you completely whole as i pray the simple prayer of faith simply receive it by faith now as your moment your moments away from your pain coming to an end your moments away and your suffering will be no more because jesus is here so jesus son of the living god these are your children and lord they are children of the covenant for your word declares that you bore our sorrows you took our grief upon you lord we know that by your stripes we are healed we thank you for the blood lord and we announce to every demonic being to every spirit of infirmity you have lost your power in this place because in this place jesus is lord you foul spirit of infirmity i by the power of the spirit step on your neck in the name of jesus and i declare that you have to right now let god's people go [Music] in the name of jesus be made whole now in the name of jesus receive the promise receive the benefits of the shed blood of jesus i rebuke arthritis it goes right now in the name of jesus cancer you devil of cancer you go in the name of jesus i come against diabetes i come against heart disease i come against problems with the bones and with the tendons and with the muscles and with the brain tumors go skin disease go in the name of jesus come out of that wheelchair in the name of the one whom i serve i command strength to come upon your legs right now in the name of jesus let go of that walker cast aside that crutch begin to move by faith and step into the river of healing we the people of god declare that by your stripes we are healed lift your hands and ask him to heal your church the power of [Music] [Applause] your god in the name of jesus sickness sickness we thank you lord that you make us [Music] reach out to him [Music] [Applause] thank you lord thank [Music] [Applause] now what i want you to do is by faith i want you to begin to test yourself that's right you've got to move if there was a problem with your legs begin to move your legs up and down you're going to find the pain is gone if you had growth or tumors anywhere check for the tumor now the power of god has touched you check your hearing check your eyes check your skin check your back check your shoulder begin to move out in faith right now and you're gonna find the power of god has made you whole if that was you if the lord has healed you would you just wave at me right now look at all these miracles all across the room [Music] look at that do it again wave nice and big nice and big if the lord healed you look at all these people okay now i need to ask you a favor and some of you are a little shy and i understand and that's okay but i want to challenge you because when the lord does something for us we mustn't be selfish and keep it to ourselves we must for the sake of our brothers and sisters testify of the goodness of god if the lord healed you tonight that means you just waved at me if that was you waving at me come out of your seat right now come on come on come on come on and come line up right over here come out of your seat come out of your seat if you were waving come out of your seat come on come on come on and stand right over here and let's give the lord a big shout of praise as those come to testify if the lord healed you don't hesitate don't worry you're going to come and testify and experience the power look at all these people church that were healed by god's power [Applause] and you online i want you to do something simple for me you online just write i am healed i am healed those three simple words write it online so that i can see and give the testimonies now there's a slight delay there so that'll be a while before those come in the rest of you go ahead and take your seat just for a moment i want to see what the lord did how many of you are looking forward to seeing what god did in these people's lives a beautiful rich presence of the lord here a beautiful and rich presence of the lord you deserve the glory ishmael steve you deserve the glory let's just play it gentlemen you know why we play that right now because he and he alone deserves the glory for every life that is touched only jesus only jesus love it man i love it david come here for a second just you bring david on the platform [Music] you deserve the glory and the honor whoa stand them right there pat come with them [Music] as we bless your holy name you deserve the glory left your hands david and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you [Applause] [Music] there is no one else like [Music] do you hear what i said i can trust you my friend get ready to start seeing miracles breaking out can you sense him right now what are you sensing i just feel just uh it's the wind it's just the wind that just keeps hitting me he's here he's here i'm getting the responses now richard says i am healed be still and know says i am healed um borge forgive me if i'm not pronouncing that but says i'm healed matteo i'm healed elisa i am healed maurice i'm healed irene i am healed island i am healed marsha i am healed priscilla and may and sal and cassandra and armeko and brittany and look look look i'm healed i'm healed i'm healed i'm healed on hill and to jesus belongs all the glory wow okay reuben what happened over here you gotta have anna here for a couple of years now has had constant pain in her stomach that would just come and go sharp pain she said it it's like a stomach ulcer and she said today she was worshiping she said she just felt the pain dramatically leave like that and how long were you dealing with that just on and off for like years it would go and come and how bad was the pain it was bad because it's just real like irritable like you can feel it like up against my stomach so what happened as you're worshiping as always worshiping i just begin to lift my hands and receive the word of god that you know god is hearing him in this place and that he was able to help me and just instantly it was it was gone it was gone [Applause] did you feel the lord touch you yes what did it feel like it just i just felt like his print do more and more sometimes they go all the way to the edge and you make me nervous we had one lady come she flew back her shoes came off bring her hair but those look like they're nice and tight on them jesus name will you all pray in the holy ghost just for a second candy baby [Music] jesus we love you jesus we honor you what happened with this gentleman you gotta have phil here for two months now has had this pain in his left shoulder and arm because of an incident he was in he said he uh this was two months ago now he said he had limited mobility he wasn't able to lift his arm move his shoulder properly he said today the pain went away so how far were you able to go before where would it stop because of the pain um it just uh it was like it was just like a weight on there like that you know was it painful it was like i felt like something tore or something in my oh my goodness and how long have you been suffering with this two months and how high can you go now show people [Music] [Applause] [Music] what did you feel when he touched you i didn't feel anything physical the pain just left i was just trying to believe you know i was just saying i gotta believe i gotta believe i love that simple faith you see that simple faith only believe lift your hands sir now that you can close your eyes lift your hands [Music] jesus jesus [Music] stretch your hands toward this man [Music] keep praying for him church father manifest your power touch my brother in the name of jesus that's the power of god that's the power of god whoa [Music] reuben what happened he's in there for a second let him marinate in that this is alda for a couple of weeks now has had constant body aches and pain and her shoulder as well she said she thinks it's due to stress she says so much that it causes her to have a dizziness and she said today she came believing for her miracle she said she said she feels no more pain she said she felt the peace of god come upon her the peace of god is coming to your home as well pick her up you see why i had you pray in tongues there's a flow that comes peace of god is coming to your home it's been your prayer he says you've been warring in the heavenlies you've been warring in the heavenlies and today not only does god bring peace to your home and healing to your body but he brings to life activates a prophetic gift that's coming on you now thank you in the name of jesus that's the power of god on her guys can we give jesus a hand of praise ruben what's going on do you have kb here she said she got in an accident a couple months ago from exercising to where she fell and she injured her neck and she said today she came believing for a miracle she said there's she has mobility now in her neck she's able to move now how bad was the pain uh about 10 out of what out of i know you meant it was high the neck pain and my ankle pain it'd been three or four months already i couldn't heal it now i feel so much better thank you thank god it's right you're saying it was pretty tough yes was it like having that issue well i wish it go away every day i've been praying to god but i thank god i feel his power on you what are you feeling right now [Music] what do you feel it what's it like [Music] shingle i like uh you know like somebody touches me you know what i mean i can feel that it's his power on you lord touch this woman let this pain never ever ever come back in the name of jesus [Applause] in the name of jesus [Music] reuben what happened think i have theresa here four months now has had pain in her stomach she said it's been like this uneasiness due to stress she said every moment it's like something's moving and she said today god touched her she said she just felt the pain leave off her body as she was worshiping that's so awesome what he did for you isn't he wonderful he's awesome you know this is the presence of jesus here lord touch her i pray that's his power come on what are you feeling on you right now blessed we serve a wonderful jesus a wonderful dream help them up can you just sense it tonight really like heavy on the road what do you think guys you got you guys want god to use you the same way come up here real quick get all all of these guys these five are say one two three four five six bring them up here patrick help her up please quickly now guys stand right here and face the people come forward a little bit stand shoulder to shoulder guys that's the presence of the holy ghost you feel you feel that it's strong here tonight lift your hands guys everybody stretch your hands toward them let's pray god uses their lives in such a way that nations are shaken come on everybody pray in the holy ghost for them [Applause] father let there be an impartation tonight let there be a strong impartation that comes upon them just plain ishmael we are standing on holy ground playing play and playing everybody keep praying in the holy ghost father and your fire come on them in a fresh way [Applause] there's power here guys there's [Music] [Applause] church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's strong here it's strong here it's strong here pick him up guys [Applause] father let your fire come upon him and let him never be the same again in jesus name [Applause] everybody lift your voices keep praying [Music] and i know that there are angels sing at [Music] [Applause] let church praise jesus now that's the glory of god my friends [Applause] he wants more [Applause] you know what i love i love that you love his presence he's like give me more give me more give me more lord make him a preacher of the gospel i pray in the name of jesus lift your hands my brother make him a preacher of the gospel in the name of jesus close your eyes lift your hands everyone keep praying in the holy ghost [Music] it's annoying it's a deep noise he's going to make you a preacher he's going to make you a preacher get this guy up here quick quick quick quick pick him up pick him up i love the presence of the holy ghost i see you going overseas the lord's already spoken it to you hold them up help them out matt the lord's already spoken unto you for god says i will raise you as a mighty voice and when you speak chains shall fall off i hear the holy spirit saying a generation awaits a generation awaits a generation [Applause] [Music] that's his power here wow pick him up anoint this mouth lord don't be afraid to open your mouth and prophesy don't be afraid to open your mouth and prophesy [Applause] give me your hands for these hands we'll lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover and with the word when you speak messages demons will manifest and people will go free [Applause] wow leave them here reuben what happened did i have paul here the gentleman from earlier with stage four cancer he was the one yes sir ever since he was in service since that moment you called him he said he felt this pressure on his body because of the cancer has caused his pain on his life i rebuke jesus i rebuke it in the name of jesus i rebuke it in the name of come on jesus take authority over that cancer right now in the name of jesus i pray strength come back to your body right now [Applause] jesus now what are you feeling what are you feeling what are you feeling no pain no more i've been having all constant pain all the time even right here the pressure just left even cancer has to bow at the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ruben what's going on here you gotta have cecilia here for a year now has had pelvic pain right there it spread from her body from her right to her left she said today she was believing for a miracle she said when you began to tell the people to pray she said she had the faith to touch her body and in that moment she received her healing she said the pain left her body and jesus touched your body jesus touched my body what are you feeling on you right now that's the power of god you're shaking this is the anointing of the holy ghost lord i pray you make her whole and make her family whole too in jesus name hey reuben no more bring him up bring him up and just right here in this spot is fine i sense a shift in here just right here is fine this spot don't walk them over what happened here this is felipe he said he's had for three years now has had breathing issues and also has had pain in his foot he said today there's no more pain what were your breathing issues like so i've had sinus inflammation for the last four years and then um just post nasal drip and seasonal allergies how do you know you're healed uh i just so i actually was waiting in line and i just felt it like opening up and clearing up and like the mucus was flushing down and then like i don't feel heaviness on my right foot anymore what was wrong with your right foot i just been experiencing um heaviness on my foot like on and off um i i wouldn't say it was a spring or anything like that because i wasn't limping but it was um yeah i was definitely just feeling heavy and to jesus belongs all the glory that jesus belongs all the glory now those of you watching online this same power that's present here can go right through that lens and touch you where you are father in the name of jesus i pray your healing virtue flow touch each one lord let your healing virtue make them whole in jesus name and the church said you know it's revival when i have to step up step over a bunch of people now before you go we're not closing the service so don't worry in a moment i'm going to switch gears now bring her up to testify get her story in a moment i'm going to switch gears and i'm gonna release some prophetic voices here tonight who are gonna i told them just prophesy over as many people as you possibly can and so they're gonna release words of the lord we're gonna hear this testimony first and then i'm gonna do something else and then we'll move right on to that so you watching online stay tuned i've already instructed the prophets to make sure to include our online audience and if they forget about you i won't i'll say time to give a word to someone online so don't worry you keep watching now is the time even to share maybe you're not subscribed to our channel subscribe this is the holy spirit's channel he can do whatever he wants to do with it and this is such a precious move of god this is such a precious move of god guys this is not common this is not common this is special this is something he's doing that's special what happened reuben uh this is adena i couldn't get her testimony she said she's ready to tell you what happened you can stand right there there's really nowhere else here what was wrong with you uh-huh and how about now how about now isaac lift your hands touch this woman i pray pardon she says she she wants the power because i want the power i want the power well just lift stop looking stop don't do a tip stop looking at me close your eyes and look to jesus look to jesus it's his touch i can tell you this more often than not when they're looking at me they're not going to receive and the reason is sometimes they're waiting for you to do something it's nothing i can do it's his power but the moment you just look to jesus the power of god touches you so let's let's let's clear these people off of the platform here that's a whole ministry into itself [Music] the guy in the sweater who's leaving hold on bring him back come here for a second you know god really did something in you tonight i'm not just saying this to say it i really see a strong anointing on you i really see a strong anointing on you [Applause] as i was having you caught the lord told me he said this is someone who spends time in the secret place the lord told me that and as i was preaching you're saying lord i want you to trust me lord i want you to trust me says in the next six months get ready there's going to be a breakthrough i think you're in ministry already something tells me you're already being used of god but something that god's going to do in the next six months my brother what's your name then something in the next six months is going to break open and there's gonna be doors and opportunities for you and that was it that's all the lord wanted me to say myself heavy here tonight so get ready for round two in a few minutes wow those of you watching online and those of you here in person i need to ask you to do something i want to read a portion of scripture to you and our ministry needs your partnership you know jesus said in mark 10 after having his interaction with the rich young ruler speaking to his disciples he says something quite powerful because i assure you already right off the bat that's jesus saying this if you were to see jesus standing there in physical form right there before you mean you could reach out and touch the robe i don't know if he'd wear a robe today to be honest with you i see jesus in jeans and like a t-shirt when he's relaxing with the disciples when he's preaching i think he would wear a suit that's just me who knows but what if you could you could reach out today and and and touch his t-shirt and he's standing in front of you and you know it's him because you can sense his presence and you know it's him because he knows all things about you and he leans over and he says i assure you i assure you there's no higher authority there's there's no greater there's no greater strength behind a promise it's jesus himself saying i assure you i got you you know i trust a lot of people or who are around me at least they say they're going to do something i believe them if jesus says he's going to do something i believe him above all he said this i assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters some of you your family turned on you when you followed jesus some of you you've given up material things for the sake of the gospel some of you your parents disowned you when you said you'd become a christian your friends abandoned you it says or children [Music] some of you because your children aren't serving the lord there's tension in the home jesus said i assure you you give up property or houses or brothers or sisters or mothers or fathers for my sake and for the sake of the gospel watch this you will receive now say now you will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses a hundred times as many brothers a hundred times as many sisters and mothers and fathers family members hundred times as many children a hundred times as many properties along with persecution you're not completely off the hook but then he says this and and in the world to come that person will have eternal life you know what the king james version says it says you'll receive 100 fold both in this life and the next meaning jesus himself is promising that whatever you do for the gospel you're going to get back in this life and the next and the next i remember one time when you know when i first started preaching the ministry finances were like this like a roller coaster so some months i was celebrating other months i was interceding interceding all the time but you know sometimes you intercede more than in other seasons i remember there was this this this season in my life where where where jess and i had just got married were a couple i still didn't have a consistent pay you know today thank god things are stable i can count on income and during this season it wasn't like that it was just kind of planning for every every day we just kind of had to adjust okay we'll pay this bill in two weeks and this one we're here do we need water do we need electricity you know things like that and so i'm praying because our rent is due and we're short by a thousand dollars it's a lot to be short behind that's not a joke especially for me at that time that was like a lot of money and i remember just giving it to the lord i said lord i'm going to give it to you and i thought i could do one of two things i can stay home it was a monday night because it was a like a men's meeting a men's discipleship where the men gather and hear the word and so i could have i had two choices i could stay home and worry and fret and try to plan and you know i would use different skill sets to earn money i would i would you know i would ghostwrite some of the books you guys read by some of the people you like i wrote their books you don't even know it they call me a ghost writer in other words they give me the concept i write their book and that's what i would do but not everyone needs a book written all the time sometimes i would do different things like that to earn money and i was like i can stay at home i can plan and plan and plan and try to make this happen or i'm going to go to church and i'm just going to worship the lord and trust that he'll get it to me by tomorrow i go to that service and wouldn't you know it they took up an offering i i i can't tell you how many times i've sat in a service clenching my fist saying lord but this is this is the last of it and the lord says just do it so i'm sitting in the service i don't remember what i gave it wasn't a lot but it was a lot to me and so i'm leaving and the holy spirit tells me i'm going to take care of it i'm going to take care of it i'm going to take care of it i was i left that service not defeated i was like encouraged i'm like he's going to meet the need right now i don't know how i don't know which way he's going to do it i don't know who he's going to use but god is going to meet this need and i'm walking out of the church service through the lobby leaving the building i'm like lord i'm leaving is there somebody here they're speaking to it was like a very slow i can't go in the parking lot now lord but i'm in the lobby and i see my different brothers were shaking hands saying hello and wouldn't you know it a woman at a men's meeting comes to the lobby doing this frantically looking around she's like sweating and then she sees me she was oh she runs up to me she said i had to come here tonight and i had to see you tonight that i don't know why but god told me to give this and i just can't it's like it's pressing on me and i can't not do it she gave me a check church it was in the amount of a thousand dollars and the wreck was paid [Music] [Applause] today you see this ministry for what it is and it's no longer believing for a few thousand it's it's a multi-million dollar organization it takes millions and millions of dollars to keep this ministry going and growing strong but you know what you're looking at today what you see online when you see it on tv or wherever you watch the events around the world i'm just telling you it's quite simple everything you see today in the ministry came about simply one step of faith at a time one step of faith at a time you see when you give to the gospel god takes notice of that and no matter what your struggle is he'll meet the need he will meet the need he said i assure you so what i want to challenge you to do church is help this ministry meet its needs for the sake of the gospel i'm not promising that if you give us 77 that in 30 days you'll be debt free i'm not saying so a special 2021 seed and you're gonna get 20 21 vision i don't even know if that's good no gimmicks no manipulation it's simple for every dollar you put in this ministry we will steward that dollar to maximize its efficiency to spread the gospel period and so i challenge you some of you in this place tonight can do more than others keep in mind that whatever is left over from this month we take our surplus every month and we apply it to the new studio project which is a multi-million dollar project we need extravagant givers who believe in this ministry who stand behind what we're doing who want to help us win souls to give extravagantly and for every single one of us that's going to be different but give in proportion to how god has blessed you and the surplus that comes in this month to our ministry we will apply a percentage toward that studio project but we need your help we must tell the world that jesus saves we have to do it so you watching online you can give on youtube via the super chat but it's even better to go to davidhernandezministries.com donate i'm going to challenge you to do a gift of 25 a gift of 50 some can do 100 some can do a thousand some can do even more than that and we ask you to do it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus for his glory you're going to see some information come on the screens in just a moment and that information is going to tell you even here how you can give but ushers let's go ahead and begin to distribute those offering envelopes you're going to take an envelope pass it down if you need an envelope that means you're giving either by check or cash you can also give bike debit and credit card but the the slides up here that we're going to see mr lay if we can get them to put those up right here you can use these slides this information you can go to david hernandez ministries.com donate and that's how you can give digitally we talk about wanting revival we talk about wanting a move of god well you're in one now you're in one now now it's time to support what god is doing what we have is special and precious and it's very rare to see something exactly like this this is a move of the holy ghost so those of you online again david hernandezministries.com donate go there now i will see your names coming in if you're giving while we're live those of you in person you can do it from your phone by likewise going to davidhernandezministries.com if you're writing a check make it payable to david hernandez ministries and if you're using the envelope please hear me now if you're giving with the envelope make sure you fill out all of the information name address email phone number all of it and this is gonna go toward the kingdom we're partnering together to see souls saved we're partnering together to destroy the works of the devil and i know that there are people giving online all over the world and i want you to know here you in this place we don't take for granted what you're doing we know that as you give you're doing so from your hard work you're doing so as a sacrifice and we thank you for that we do not take that lightly everything that's given will go toward the gospel everything that you sow we're going to maximize so one more time those of you online go to davidhernandezministries.com donate it will take you no more than two or three minutes and then after that you can come right back to the live stream we're not going anywhere two or three minutes go online sow something do something for the kingdom of god and invest in the gospel invest in souls with us you do that today and help us some of you could do a monthly partnership in fact there are many of you who are partner with us monthly how many monthly partners do we have in this place look at this it's because of that monthly support that we're able to continue doing what we do so thank you to those who are giving we don't take it lightly i want you to understand that this is from your heart you may be giving through the ministry but you're giving to jesus this is only through the ministry but to jesus in a moment i'm going to pray i can already see felipe delsa cindy rony adriana rachel and i see kimball and so many names coming in some of them here some of them online we thank you for your support i see the super chat on youtube thank you sonya and thank you uh plzr that's your channel name god bless you cali thank you for your giving it's coming in from all over the world and this is so beautiful because morgan whitlow our dear friend it's because people believe in the gospel we're joining our resources together and we're saying lord i trust you that you've assured me that whatever i give you will return to me hundred-fold hundred-fold i'm gonna need just another minute or two to fill out the envelope i think we're good go ahead and raise that envelope if you're giving if you gave online just put your hand in the air father in the name of jesus i thank you for your people who are giving i thank you for their generous support of this ministry and i pray lord that you would bless them for this bring promotions bring finances from every which way well they may not know how you're going to make a way but you make a way where there seems to be no way and i pray that every dream that's of you every goal that's of you every business every ministry every home that's represented in today's giving that you would bless them exceedingly abundantly above all that they could ask or imagine but let them look back and say i remember the day when i struggled and today i celebrate that i'm walking in god's abundance let them know that abundance let them know that favor in the name of jesus we pray and all who agreed said amen the buckets are going to pass around as we're doing that let's get those chairs up on the platform please patrick and pat you stick with me and they're going to get the chairs up and we're going to bring in the prophetic voices here in just a moment by that i mean people who are going to prophesy not like a singing group that sounds like a singing group huh the prophetic voices you online stick around i'm gonna make sure they keep hitting the online community too so here's how it's gonna go i'm gonna sit with them right over here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna do like a popcorn style prophecy what i mean by that is i don't mean to disrespect the prophetic ministry but i told them i want to maximize how many people we prophesy over so what i'm going to have them do is 30 to 60 seconds boom boom boom and they're going to keep switching off so while one is prophesying the other one's gonna be scanning the crowd and seeing who who's next and they're just gonna have you stand up once they ask you to stand up stand up they'll give you the word and then go rejoicing in what god has said get ready guys get ready get ready get ready you're gonna be awesome okay i'm gonna keep i'm gonna keep all this with me patrick i want to keep my chinese book with me only because i'm excited about it but you could take everything else you could have my ipad i want the chinese book all right would you please um help me welcome to the platform two very anointed prophetic people well we'll wait for the buckets to pass and we'll bring them up i'll tell you a little bit about them uh two very anointed prophetic people we won't have time to interview them or go into the details but tim i'm sure we have their information at the lower third okay so if you want information on their ministry you can re-watch the stream and they're either a social media platform or their website will be right there at the bottom of the screen so that you can go and connect with their ministries which i highly recommend that you do um two very very not just accurate profits but pure profits accuracy is great purity is better and so they're accurate they're pure they love jesus and they're here to minister the word of the lord first help me welcome to the platform prophet robert sanchez also please welcome along with them pastor angela vargas or prophetess angela vargas come join me now prophet rob it's your first time doing this with us and angela you're a veteran now you've done i think this is your third one with us we almost had raw nunes with us he wasn't able to make this one but i'm gonna start bringing in like i said i like to do this maybe quarterly or once every six months i think we need the prophetic ministry here so everyone just take a moment just ask the lord to speak to you father let there be hunger in this room you online ask the lord to speak to you lord we thank you for your presence your power and your glory in jesus name so what i'm going to be doing i'm going to be looking at my phone but nobody judge me okay i'm not like just texting what i'm doing is i'm i'm keeping track of the online community kind of watching the reaction and seeing how they're going and then from there um i'll also communicate with you guys but so if i'm on my phone i honor the prophetic and i'm not just being like a church brat and staying on my phone okay so prophet rob just let's start it off find someone and begin to release the word of the lord perfect this lovely young lady in the front row with the gray will you please stand grey blue this is what i heard the spirit of the lord say you might feel slightly out of place but ages but a number the lord says you're young in heart and filled with spirit you are a word of life and a carrier of glory you are a mother to many and what you do is you raise a people to a higher place with great love i heard the spirit of the lord say your love is infectious and it begins to drive away fear and remove doubt and destroy insecurity and bring forth life the lord says continue onward because you will see a generation rise up and move in signs wonders miracles and power because of the great love that drips from your mouth i release this into your spirit says the lord young lady right here in the front could you stand you yes the lord said this is a new day of worship worship is coming to you there was a season not far from now that you was dry and you was pushing and you was pushing against the door but the lord said today i unleash and i open the door he said you shall walk in divine providence and the lord said daughter you shall see my glory in your worship he says where i'm at is in worship he said this last week has been hard for you to just enter in into the church building but he said today you would look no longer behind you but you will look in front of you you will see the destiny that i call you to and you will be a worshiper in this next season of breakthrough the next season of breakthrough hallelujah there's a young lady third row white with black hair where you stand third row in white you're looking over your shoulder please stand please dad right there yes you no third row this is yes you i heard the spirit of god say these words get ready this is your crossover and stay over season this will not be a season where you'll go through and come back it's a season where you'll go and stand i heard the spirit of the lord say these words i'm going to give you the power to stand strong in the midst of wins and oppositions you will not one be one that teeters nor falls but you will be one that will stand upright for the righteous are like a palm tree and i hear the spirit of the lord say the righteousness that i placed in you is going to cause those that have lost their sight to find their way i will cause you to be like zacchaeus and rise up and look from above and speak words of life and hope into a people from a clear perspective when you come down you will speak the word of the word of love and the word of life and those in whom you prayed for will be suddenly changed my hand is upon you and my hand will use you to bring your family unto salvation for my spirit has heard your cry and i've answered your prayers this day says the spirit of the lord the lady and with the black shirt on i heard the lord the one that drove from san diego i i know i knew it the lord said you're the one they drove afar he said i'm gonna catch your family and i'ma catch them up he said it's been a cry you was driving on the way and you say lord i need a word from you my family is lost but he said i am foul he said today is a day a divine catch i would catch them by the horns and bring them to the altar the lord said never stop praying believe today is the day of belief that i shall set the captive free i hear i hear the spirit of the lord wanting to speak to a gentleman by the name of jonathan walker you're online jonathan this is what i heard the spirit of god say he says there has been many things that have caused you to be let down but i am here to tell you being let down was not a difficult or a disappointment he said it was the right thing that needed to take place when saul was trying to kill david his wife released him down from the window his down was a place of escape i hear the spirit of god say jonathan the letdown that you experienced in this last season was really the route of your escape the system of saul that is trying to destroy you is going to fall but your name is the gift of god and he said and the gift of god in you is going to cause you to rise above it be not afraid nor dismayed know that my hand is mightily upon you to bring you through and to the other side for surely my graces and vision rejoice for you're not the herd you're the strong and you will conquer says the spirit of grace there's a lady that was online by the name of yujala i think she's in pakistan i heard the lord say that even today as you was ministering there was people coming in from different backgrounds of religion the lord said i will cause all nation unto me and every tongue shall proclaim that i am lord the lord said continue to proclaim the goodness of me continue to preach and continue to call the word of the lord to be upon pakistan i'm going to cause a region to be turned around i'm going to cause a people and a generation to fall to the name of jesus he says i will call them to come to me and i will cause the stripping to come he said that land shall be called blessed that land shall know my name that i am lord he said continue to preach the gospel they will hear the word of the lord hallelujah hallelujah in front of me right there the lady in the greenish next to the lady and white will you stand you know the in the green is yes this is what i heard the spirit of the lord say he says this is your overcoming moment but the lord says you have felt like you have been in the wilderness and you've seen it as a low place but remember what it says in the book of matthew chapter 4 he says jesus was led up into the wilderness the lord said what you saw as a low place is really a high place and it's the place where you learn how to talk back to the adversary it's where you learn to open your mouth and speak you grew up under a place where you were sh and told to be quiet but the lord says i'm putting a sass in you and you will begin to talk back and you will bring down strongholds and you'll cross over into everything that i promise for this is the day of breakthrough rejoice where your prayers have been heard and my spirit has uh is leading you to a higher place victory is yours rejoice rejoice rejoice says the spirit of god the lady with the white jacket on right here you're right here yes you stand the lord said you're going to be a mother to the motherless he said you would be one that embraced women he said you was called even as a young age to embrace he said you have the mother in nature and he said you would cause women to come to him i saw you in the service just doing um doing uh evangelist digios was giving the message i saw you was crying and weeping and the lord said daughter you will weep at the throne for women he said you will call them by name and they will come in one by one he said i'm calling you to a mother to the motherless he said daughter never deny the call on your life i even see you preaching i don't know do you do some kind of women ministry or preach or whatever but the lord said you're going to begin to gather them around you and you're going to mother the nature in them and he said you're gonna push them forward and they would know their identity he said open your mouth and proclaim the goodness of my spirit and watch and see you shall see my glory in the clouds come upon them hallelujah there's a lady straight out in front of me she looks like she's wearing black looks like she has stretchy pants and and tennis shoes on with a bony tail in her hair ponytail yes please stand this is what i heard the spirit of the lord said you came with a spirit of expectation you came believing not only to receive but to hear what heaven is saying i heard the spirit of the lord say daughter i have been waking you up between the hours of two and four in the morning it's because i want you to cry out and say speak lord your servant hears for this is your set season to hear the instructions of the heaven because i'm about to turn your family around this is a catalyst season and i'm going to use you as a unique fire to cause those that have been stagnant to boil and to ascend the word of the lord is this is your ascending season this is the catalystic season that you will cause your family to rise up out of infirmity out of pain out of disappointment and to become the strong he says you are a messenger even as peter and john came to the man that was lame they said rise up and walk your family will rise up and walk through the gates and be miraculously saved by the fire that i placed within your belly to set them at liberty rejoice says the spirit of god young lady all the way from the back young lady with the afro all the way in the back yes you you yeah you look back stand up you yes you from the age of nine years old to the age of where you uh i see like round 30 you were always spoken to down there was always word came to crush you there was generational curses that came to bring you to a darkness that was worse came to humiliate you but i come today and decree and declare the word of the lord you are more than a conqueror you are called and chosen by god you have the fire god inside of you to break changes and cut down lineages the lord said this is the day that i will cause your liturgy to be blessed he said daughter you would not look back and you would not speak words that will cause illness and cause sickness over your life but the lord said today i come to touch your body and cause healing and power over you he said you will be one that calls your family to declare the goodness of me every generation will be broken and every curse will be broken off of you heavy curse this gentleman he's shaking his leg in the blue will you rise this is what i heard the spirit of god say he said this is your moment you have needed not only a touch of your body but you've needed freedom of your heart the lord says i will raise you up and i will make you a father to your family for there has been many disappointments in your children but i'm about to turn the heart of your family back unto you the lord says these words continue to press onward and upward and you will see those that have been struggling suddenly have a heart change and their hearts will turn affectionately towards you for i am a god that heals and i'm going to make you a father that runs towards them and as you run towards them you're going to fall on their neck and kiss them and embrace them and equip them with the message of the gospel my power comes to save your generation at liberty young man right here you you the cameraman you i heard the lord say silence the voice in your head he said you keep trying to figure out and i'm called to this place the lord said i'm gonna cause the doors to open for you one by one he said there's decision that you're trying to make and you're trying to answer but he said i'm god i'm the god of peace and i'm the god of all knowing he said i'm gonna position you in the right place at the right time he said you're trying to gather things to figure out is it me is it is it god is it you and the lord said it is me calling you to the forefront you've been in the back too long but he said i'm gonna provide i heard you say lord if you would just provide i will go the lord said i'm gonna open the door for you he said i'm gonna open the door but i silence the noise that's in your head and i bring peace and comfort to you today hallelujah hallelujah there is a i believe it's yari spelled with an n this is what i heard the spirit of god say daughter i have called you to be a word of revival a message of hope a spirit of life everywhere you go out of your belly will flow rivers of living water the lord says you are very evangelistic everywhere you go you testify and share of the great work in which christ is done in your life i hear the spirit of god say you are moving in the realm of the spirit of prophecy the bible says revelation 19 10 the testimony of christ jesus is the spirit of prophecy everywhere you go lives will be touched hearts will be changed and many will be saved as you share the testimony of christ everywhere you go you are a kairos moment you are a suddenly bringing the revelation of christ to life and many will be saved continue to preach continue to open your mouth and testify and see the world around you get transformed for i've anointed you for this purpose walk in it and see the lost be found says the spirit of god i heard the name robert i heard a name robert the lord said that robert come out where you're hiding come out of the hiding place come out he said ready or not here i come i come knock at your door not once but twice but i come again and he said today's son i bring you out of the place of frustration into a brighter day he said you found yourself in a place of depression and anxiety but today i bring you to a place of fulfillment and great joy he said the world had pulled on you but today i draw you close to my throne room he said today i break the shackles and the change of despair off of your life and bring you to a place of freedom i don't know who robert is i don't know if it's a robert watson or robert sending him but i keep hearing robert robert hallelujah you know that's my name but i'm just messing with you this young man in the grave front row will you just stand i heard the spirit of the lord say i am called you to be a joseph not only a dreamer of dreams but the lord says a man that has been called by god to obtain wealth he says the joseph anointing is not just to dream but it's to interpret you are going to begin to move not just in dreams but the word of wisdom the word of wisdom is different than the word of knowledge because wisdom reveals a thing excuse me the word of knowledge reveals the thing but the word of wisdom brings a solution to a problem god says you're going to be used as a solution to many problems you will find yourself in second kings chapter 2 and the bible says in verse 19 the men of the city said to elijah the situation of the city is pleasant as my lord sees but the water is bad and the ground is buried and a man of god said bring me a new ball and put salt in it and the man went to the source of the problem and cast the salt in god says you're the salt that i'm throwing into the difficult place but you're gonna cause that which is dead to come to life that which was producing death and barrenness to bring forth life you're a messenger of life you are a word of wisdom that will be spoken to many and you will bring solutions to problems and businesses and businessmen and you will cause them to rise to another level the prophetic level the prophetic anointing is going to level up in your life not only with dreams but with visions and then suddenly out of your belly the word of the lord will fountain and what you speak will be true believe it step into it release it and watch me move in your life miraculously says the spirit of god ah evangelist diego i last time i was here i remember telling you that i saw asia pulling on you did not even realize that today that it was translated into uh into a book i want to remind you of the word of the lord the lord said that not only the book will go to asia but i will send you there and i will cause things to happen there the lord said buildings and buildings upon buildings shall come to you he said you will hold conferences in other parts of the world and the lord say son i will unveil the unfolding all the lord said as your house is being built i will cause things to be built in the realm of the spirit the lord said don't forget that i'm building a greater it's like a a a bigger it's like a facility but it's holding thousands of people to come to to to be filled with the holy spirit it's like a big conference room it's double double the size and the lord said you're going to begin to buy property after property because i'm going to expand the lord said they're going to be people that come to link up with you you're going to have other sons that come under you he said you will be one that released the prophetic gift and the anointing of the holy ghost of the holy spirit in them and they were flourished i see people coming along i s but pardon me i see a building upon building like architect you sing around going to different places building campuses crazy crazy crazy right where you are patrick there's a lady with her hands in her hair right just come towards me towards me towards me she's wearing glasses right there will you stand this is what i heard the spirit of god say he says you're in the season of jacob when jacob was in a season he began to run and there has been a run away from but the lord says i'm about to bring you to a certain place which means a place of intercession the lord says daughter have i not brought you to a place of intercession have i not brought you to a place of prayer he says it's your time to lay your head upon the rock and behold i'm going to give you a dream but this dream is not of an end it's a new beginning the lord says your difficult place is going to become the gateway of heaven the lord says look again at what you saw is impossible look again as what you thought was difficult it's actually the gateway to heaven when i give you this dream suddenly you're going to expand you're going to see from a greater perspective and know that i am with you not only am i with you i am with your family and your seed seed i'm about to touch the generations and set them at liberty i set forth my word to deliver them this is a day of breakthrough says the spirit of the lord i said the word [Music] [Applause] the lady with the glasses on right here up toward the end with a at right here with the peach i mean i can't hardly see you yes could you please stand the season of frustration the lord is driving it out right now lift your hands the season of frustration the lord is driving out right now tears of joy tears of miracle are falling from your face the lord say daughter i saw you sitting on your couch you were asking god lord could you work the situation out it's too hard to bear in the lord say daughter i come today i come today to bring hope to you i come to pour the veil off of your eyes to see to see clear the lord said today of all the longings in your heart for your husband your family he said i bring healing to you right now i bring restoration to you right now because i would touch his heart now what caused him to be whole he said not one would be lost but they will all be found he said i'm the created miracle god that miracle is just for you today wow [Music] jesus this couple this pastoral couple will you two stand in the front row i heard the lord say great things come in small packages and he says right now it might seem like you you it might seem like the facility you're in is small but great things are about to come he says it's been a season where everything has been withheld but the word of the lord is going forth and the word of the lord is breakthrough i heard the spirit of god saying i'm about to break through move you into a new building i'm about to move you into a new place i'm about to stretch out your duct tape your pet your tent page and move you into a new realm the lord says get ready there is going to be a slight city ship but in the shifting of the city you're going to reach more community and you're going to minister to more people than you thought possible the lord says i have called you to be a man of success but the greatest success is going to be this you're going to take a people that are downcast broken lost and sorrowful but like david you're going to take those that are in dead dis desperate and full of sorrow and you're going to make them the mighty men of god get ready says the lord you're going to raise up a company of sons that are going to hear the cry that come out of the out of the crying of a longing king who says oh how your how your servant desires the waters of the wells of bethlehem and the three mighty men will break through and bring you the offering i hear the spirit of god say get ready when these men break through and give up to you your heart's desire the hearts cry you'll pour it out unto the lord the lord says what makes you mighty is your willingness to give unto me to anoint the head of a king that i might bring a movement amongst your company get ready your house is expanding the city is changing there is a reformation taking place great things come in small packages and i heard the lord say daughter of zion you are a great worshiper and a great intercessor you are a tremendous dreamer and the dreams that are coming out of you are of expansion and growth you're seeing things change into a new place god says get ready what you drink will come by by this next year you will begin to see by august all the glorious fruit that comes did i promise it i set it in motion rejoice rejoice rejoice says the spirit of god now you you don't know them you've never met them i'm glad you have it these are my friends david and malia i just went to go preach for you when was it about a month ago and i went there specifically to help them raise the funds for their new facility so everything i'm telling i know them personally everything you're saying is dead on the lady on the end right here with the striped jacket on [Music] yes you're a woman that brings joy everywhere you go laughter smile even now she's smiling people wants to be around you even when things are not going good you're still smiling the lord said you bring joy you bring hope you bring such a freshness to people around you the lord said in the next season i'm going to cause some things to happen for you i'm going to cause a hannah blessing to be in front of you the lord said i'm going to position you in your job i'm going to cause promotion to come to you you say i've been stepped over and stepped around but the lord said daughter i'm gonna favor you in the job he said i'm gonna send finances your way and i'm gonna overwhelm you with my very goodness he said this is a season where i'm gonna cause massive breakthrough because you let your light shine everywhere you go everywhere you walk and he said you show the world how good i am and i'm about to show you how good i am to you and your house hallelujah there's a lady that looks like she's wearing a jean jacket with blonde hair combed over to the side right here about five rows yes your hands on you stand right there no no no yep stand perfect this is when i heard the spirit of god he said everything is about to drop into place for where i'm taking you next this last season everything seemed to be you've been catching the light right as it's turning yellow to the red and you're like i don't know if i should go i hear the spirit of the lord say just because it's yellow it means slow proceed with caution i heard the spirit of god say do not be afraid to accelerate in this season you have been one that has tended to move towards caution but i hear the spirit of the lord say this is your take it by force season you are a warrior in prayer you are a word that makes a difference and god says this is the season where the light is suddenly changing it may have been yellow and it should be red but i'm turning it green the lord says i'm causing the lap card to get out of the way and it's your time to accelerate the lord says not only will you accelerate you will begin to see the favor and the blessing upon those in whom you touch the spirit of prophecy is is deep within your heart and it's deep within your mouth and when you open up and share scriptures you're revealing the goodness of god i heard the spirit of the lord say the goodness of god that comes out of your mouth will lead many unto repentance the word of the lord to you is bring many into the kingdom for this is the hour of salvation be not afraid to share to testify and to speak what i've deposited in your heart so many will be transformed use your words to bring life to a situation use your words to end the storm and bring forth victory into the lives of those in whom you love i set it in motion rejoice this day says the spirit of the lord [Music] vanessa stand up vanessa right here said the last season you have laid some things down to run after the lord said as you ran after the prophet and you asked could i get in these classes and god would you provide and the lord said did i not provide for you he said in the midnight hour i'm gonna open your ears to hear i'm gonna open your heart to hear i'm gonna open your mind to receive the lord say daughter today i come in the service and i come to whisper to you that this is the day and the moment that i will show my goodness and i will put your steps in order for you the lord said get ready in the next season of your life i will cause your schooling to progress i will cause you to excel and accelerate he said not only in school but in finances he said you will be a giver you will be sowing and sowing and so on that you will reap a great harvest he said daughter did not not tell you that i will gather up your mother and your father and i will cause him to come back to a place of worship they will worship with you they will sing with you i will cause my daughters and my son to come in oneness if i would save one in the house i would save the entire house he said your season of breakthrough your season of breakthrough is in front of you in front of you hallelujah before before we continue here i see some people hesitating as they're on their way out so we what we're going to do is we're going to keep going but i'm going to officially dismiss if you absolutely need to go all i ask is that not everybody leave all at once because then it's kind of distracting so if you have to go just kind of trickle out watch the room make sure that not everyone's leaving at once but we're gonna keep going here tonight because i know there's that most of you will stay because you're hungry for it but i know there's also people in here you have work tomorrow and you're wondering if you're going to get called out or something like that so don't all go at once but just trickle out god bless you well there's somebody online and your name is mary alanis and this is what i heard the spirit of god say mary mary let your heart not be contrary the day of things coming against you and making you feel like you're losing ground is over for the lord said did i not call you to step out of the boat like i did unto peter and he says and because i called you i won't let you fail you may feel like you're sinking but i will raise you up and i will give you the power to endure the lord says this is the season to stand strong knowing that i will bring you through for i will begin to build a faith and a confidence in you where you will not look back but you will look ahead for the day of feeling overwhelmed to the day of feeling like you can't it comes to an end for surely you are not going to sink you're going to rise the spirit of the lord says i'm putting a fresh anointing upon your head and i am causing you to ascend even as david was anointed the bible says he was anointed and he moved forward from that day i hear the spirit of the lord say this is your day to move forward and the word forward in the hebrew simply is a word that means to be lifted up and over god says not only are you going through you're going over and you're coming into the place that i promised for everything that stood against you is now over a new season has begun rejoice for the promise is manifesting tonight says the lord the lady with the red shirt on you right here yes you there's such a gift of writing inside of you to bring things to light the lord said i'm gonna give you eyes to see i'm gonna give you it's like you have eyes and and senses to see things in the realm of the spirit the lord said i'm gonna begin to unlock the very thing that you're seeing the lord said you've been dreaming and dreaming how this thing gonna unfold but the lord said daughter i'm gonna bring you to a place of entrepreneurship i see like entrepreneurship businesses look the lord open businesses up for you and the lord said he's gonna unveil and unfold you're gonna be writing things and translating things and and bringing them to a different language in different cultures and different things but the lord said because i gifted you not with one gift but many talents and the lord said i'm going to begin to multiply them because you have a heart of a servant and he said the greatest in the kingdom is the servant he said daughter you're called to be a servant and i'm gonna unveil the very gift that who you are you're gonna begin to serve others through i don't know just writing things and translating things and doing things outside of the box i just it's just weird weird stuff but how i see it crazy there's a young lady in the brown first row far right will you stand yes this is what i heard the spirit of god say he says the day of being so closed and closely guarded is over there is a season because of disappointment you built a wall to protect yourself but what the wall has done is now kept you out for what you desire and i heard the spirit of the lord say like the walls of jericho i'm about to cause them to be compacted and fall flat these walls will now become a bridge in which you will cross over the lord says you'll cross over into new relationships new lands new territories and in these places you will see yourself excel the lord says this is your get in the game season you were a checker that was put on the side for a season but i brought you back into the game crown side up with greater mobility and a greater wisdom and understanding the day of hurt pain and disappointment is over the day of new beginnings is here cross over into all that i promise for surely you will not fail but you will rejoice in the joy that i have given you it's a brand new season says the lord [Music] this gentleman in the yellow this is what i heard the spirit of god say you're wearing the bass pro bro yeah he didn't even hear me hey brother this is what i heard the spirit of god say he says this is your season to catch a big one he says this is your season to land it this is the season to see the net of god begin to bring forth the harvest he says you are a voice of evangelism a word of encouragement you are a strong hand to those that are weak and you will cause them to rise to another level i'm about to put my message on your tongue and when you open your mouth your mouth will drip like honey and the lord says and you will cause the countenance of those that are downcast to suddenly be brightened and be strong you are a word of strength the word of hope you are a voice of evangelism that will bring many into my kingdom open your mouth and drip honey open your mouth and prophesy and see many lives healed delivered and set free i set it in motion for you at another level this day says the spirit of god the guy with the black shirt on right here in the middle yes you could you please stand today is the day of overflow for your life the lord said i'm gonna begin to mend the bridges together i'm gonna cause the overflow to be upon you the lord said it's been a season where you needed rest and he's gonna call rest to come upon you you say i'm tired i'm tired i just need to rest and the lord said you're gonna enter into a season of my rest he said an overflow he said son you have worked and worked but you haven't felt rest but he said the day and even tonight you're going to sleep well you're going to lay and you're going to wake up in the morning refresh and the lord say son you're gonna know that i visit you i came to you and you said i need you to restore some things in my life and this the lord said i heard you when you even spoke them not only i'm gonna give you rest but i'm gonna restore everything that was lost everything that was taken away and i will cause you to come to a place of plenty and more i see the lord overwhelming you and fullness of rest hallelujah let's let's if we can also there's a couple people there's several people actually lots of people watching online i was going online next matter of fact there is a priscilla pinto priscilla this is what i heard the spirit of god say for surely my goodness and mercy shall come upon you for this last season everything has been seemingly frustrating and difficult there has been a place where you feel like it's hard to serve god in the dimension in which you called like peter your heart has been downcast but the lord says listen for the crow of the rooster for the rooster crowing is the sound of a new day the lord says o daughter of zion when you hear the rooster cry or crow you won't understand that a brand new day has come everything that stood before you will now fall before you everything that resisted you will now be removed from you you will step into the newness of life and great joy will be your portion i release this into your spirit listen for the sound of the trumpet of a new day and when you hear it rejoice and step into the place that i promise says the spirit of god okay this gentleman in the flowered shirt front row when i first looked at you yes can i when i first looked at you this is what i heard the spirit of god say he says your outward strength is visible but he says the inward uh the inward heart is amazing he says many people don't know that you are a gentle man most people don't know that you are marked with kindness and i saw you like a snickers bar you're sweet to the taste and you leave an imprint on those who grab hold of you he says and when people break you they see an ooey gooey side of you but by the natural when they look they should not see but when they taste they will say it is good god says there is a goodness that is leaving an imprint there is a mark that's coming on you and this mark will be given unto a generation and they will be smeared with my goodness you will deliver them out of the pits you will remove them from drugs and violence and you will set them at liberty the lord says you have a passion for people that are hurting and living in the street life for those that are in violent places filled with darkness you are a hand that will go into them and pull them out for you will find yourself in the book of psalms for the word of god says i will deliver a people out of the mighty pit set their feet upon the rock and establish their ways god says you are a voice that is foundational and you'll establish the ways of god to cause a people to prosper and to ascend to another level rejoice for this is the season where i'll send you the company that will become the mighty in my name says the spirit of god the young man right here in the front yes you could you stand i'm looking at you you look like a young man that would be a a person like youtuber that that would do pranks on on youtube and and do different kinds of different kinds of thing because the lord have created you uniquely many times you've been passed by set aside but the lord said today i come today to remind you of a call he said you will cause young men to gather and come to a place of a new generation he said you will be one that caused evangelism to come out of your mouth and draw young men to me the lord said inside of you there's a preacher anointing over you he said but you found yourself in the place of the wilderness he said today come out of the place of dryness and walk into the place of freshness the lord said not only you're going to walk into a place of freshness but i see you going on youtube i see you making your own youtube videos and causing success to come to you the lord say son put it into action and watch and see that i called your hand to be blessed he said i will put creative ideas inside of you he said even when you were passed by i saw you i saw you working on the web i saw you coming up with creative ideas i saw you putting things in motion and you said i don't know if i want to do that but the lord said son go back and do it because i'm going to cause your hand to be blessed i'm going to cause the fruit to come to you and i'm going to multiply i'm going to multiply it hallelujah online there is a mark romano i hear the spirit of the lord say the bell of liberty is about to go off in your territory i'm gonna release a sound that's going to bring forth a liberation to those in whom you love for the spirit of the lord says there is a sound of revival a sound of liberation the bible says where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty god says where you go you carry a kairos presence the suddenlies of god will manifest get ready to lay hands on a people that are in need and liberty will come get ready to speak a word to those that are bound and liberty will come for surely i will cause you to be an outstretched hand in a spoken word that will cause people's life to be propelled out of darkness into the glorious light for surely i've anointed you for this purpose rejoice for my hand is upon you says the spirit of god says sarah a sarah is a sarah in here or sarah i heard sarah this is what i heard i heard of sarah the lord said your name means your name means blessing and the lord says sarah the season that seems overwhelming the lord said i bring you to a place of blessing i bring you out of this place but it seems frustration and darkness been surrounded all around you but he said i bring you to a place of goodness my face shines upon you my eyes gaze on you and he said today that i'm gonna bring you into a new day a new day of my anointing a new day of fresh fire the lord said you've been in a place where your bones but i hear like a rattling sound a rattling sound of the bones coming together he said your bones was dry but now they come alive he said get up and pick up he said begin to walk and walk and begin to speak and prophesize life to your dry bones and cause them to come alive cause them to come alive so before prophet rob before you continue i want to say to those of you watching online we still love you and we pray that the anointing that's present here will touch you right there where you are in your home can we just take a moment to pray for those online father in the name of jesus touch each one i pray according to their faith and i pray lord that your presence and power would be evident in their homes in the name of jesus we pray you're watching online and you haven't subscribed yet make sure that you subscribe and click that notification about when you do so that you can receive notices whenever we release new content you'll be saying are they going to give me a word we have to close it on the online thing there's some as i said we have to usually close the online before we close the actual service for many reasons but i do want to say to you you're important to us and we love you and this is why i work so hard to involve you but you want to stay connected with us make sure you are subscribed because that's how you're going to receive notices when we go live that's how you're going to know when we release new content and god is going to bless your life to encounter tv i just know it you're not watching this by accident so click that subscribe button click that notification bell and until next time remember nothing is impossible with god god bless [Music] you [Music] the weapon may be formed but it won't prosper when the darkness falls it won't prevail [Music] cause the god i serve knows only how to triumph my god will never fail my god will never fail i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 35,064
Rating: 4.9472966 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, steven moctezuma, live church service, online church service, holy spirit, encounter tv, david diga hernandez sermons, steven moctezuma worship, david diga hernandez service, california church, church in california, spirit filled church, spirit church, spirit church online, impartation live, socal outpouring, encounter tv service, sermons
Id: okQ7C9Iq4Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 30sec (8190 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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