Are You Ready for Jesus' Return?

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hello this is david digger hernandez and this is steven moctezuma and i'm so happy to be with you today we're going to be talking about the return of the lord i want you to share this because i truly believe that the signs all around us are pointing to the return of christ get ready jesus is coming soon and in this season we ought to be busy expanding the kingdom of god and seeking his glory here in the earth i truly believe that the power of god is moving across the world such as we've never seen before and there is a great sweeping in of souls so i'm going to be ministering this word today we've got a couple of surprises for you on the broadcast today i'm going to minister this word on the return of christ the end of days of course we're going to be listening to some worship from steven mock to zuma i have a special guest who's going to join me for a few minutes stick around to see who that is and then as always we're going to be taking your questions toward the end of the broadcast but one of the things i really enjoy about viral revival is that we can spend time together in the word and i think steve does a great job of interjecting your comments and questions even as i'm teaching so i'm not just going to be talking at you here this is going to be a time where you can comment you can put questions in your comments and questions may appear during the actual teaching so see this as all of us gather together maybe in a living room or something we're just gathering as believers getting into the word and believing god for a move of the spirit this is the holy spirit's livestream and what we mean by that is that the holy spirit has control his power moves people are healed people are delivered the presence of the holy spirit rests on these live streams and we're so glad to be a part of it now let us know where you're watching from i see many of you logged on right now let us know your name your location so that we can give you a little bit of a shout out here gail mcverry is watching from north carolina i see emily larimore who wrote absolutely yes i'm sure that was an affirmation to something that i was saying and they're very excited about emily one of our regular viewers thank you for joining us as always holy spirit ministries is here who says yes amen we also have our good friend pam mays watching from california hello hello as well as nini our good friend nini and we have joanne from all the way from toronto canada berenice gomez says blessings blessings from ferris texas we have hillary watching from alberta canada george moore says sorry i didn't know this started yet that's okay george we're just happy you're joining us right now our good friend michael is watching from austin texas tennessee thomas says i have that feeling of virtual gathering i like that comment virtually because that's basically what it is paul said we're i'm with you in spirit so it's possible to be with someone in spirit even though you're not in that physical location and when we're united in the spirit we're coming together so this is gathering in spirit as i like to say we have our friend stephanie watching all the way from lebanon lebanon lebanon is joining us wow hillary and michael are watching from alberta canada we have brandy watching from fresno and we also have michelle watching from sc bobby is watching us all the way from bolivia we have trenda watching from nm michael sanchez joining us from austin texas we have janine watching from california krista john aztec new mexico there's something there right there isn't there like that all right tell them why you like that i am actually part aztec if you guys didn't know that that's a fun fact for those who didn't know we also have dahlia watching from illinois welcome dahlia and susanna zaffar is watching from united kingdom awesome we also have mara watching from canada as well l.j han says howdy from texas lee watching from saint louis paula from kenya we also have eric watching from washington caroline from london united kingdom sean also watching from washington dc and then i see de enza is watching us from honolulu hawaii so god bless all of you watching around the world as i said it's important that you like comment and share when you like the video when you comment on the video when you share this video you're helping us to spread the word all around the world that's something you can do for free right now so you can't comment too much comment comment comment amen hallelujah praise the lord agree disagree it doesn't matter as long as you're commenting and engaging with this content you're helping us to get this algorithm moving in our direction so as we said a couple surprises for you today i do want to talk to you about the final days about the coming of our lord jesus i know this is going to be an inspirational and a sobering message so be inspiring and sobering so that it will help us to focus on that which really matters to live in light of eternity now before we do get into any of this i do have a couple of announcements concerning upcoming events now listen carefully because your city or state may be on this list i'll read you the full list and then i'll talk about a few of them in detail april 16th we're going to be having uh the zoom healing service actually let me just list a few places before tim starts with those lower thirds we're coming to orlando florida north cal northern california colorado georgia north carolina and we're adding more states and countries as things begin to open up which is really good so focusing back now on some of the more fast approaching events the zoom healing service is going to take place on friday april 16th this is going to be a powerful time friday april 16th this will be an evening of worship the word miracles we're going to believe for god to strengthen your faith and i'm believing that people are going to be healed in their homes while the power of god comes across on their tv screens and on their phones and on their computers because one of the benefits of doing a online only healing service is that i can really focus on ministering to you directly now when we do those live events and those live events are wonderful the ones that we do all around the world i have to kind of focus my attention between people watching online and the people attending in person but with the zoom healing service what really really is special is that i'm ministering healing to the camera steve's ministering and worship to the camera the whole time we're focused on you the viewer and you can join from anywhere in the world it doesn't matter what country you're from what state you're from it doesn't matter what time zone you're watching in you can join us and this is going to be a powerful time again that's the zoom healing service taking place on april 16th join from anywhere in the world it's absolutely free i think we have a thousand who can get on the zoom right and that filled up last time for the e-course that we did we will fill up the spaces a thousand people can watch on zoom and then the rest can log on to youtube and i believe we're also gonna be broadcasting on facebook we're gonna give facebook another chance there make sure they don't beat us down in the algorithm there and then we're going to be in southern california on april 25th now on april 25th i want to believe god that there will be baptisms with the holy spirit that people will receive the evidence of speaking in tongues come it's going to be a wonderful time be refreshed in the presence and the power of the holy spirit we've been seeing just a tremendous move of the holy spirit in orange california in orange county and in southern california really right and so these meetings are powerful the worship is dynamic the word we go in depth there are miracles there are healings people get delivered from demonic powers it's just a move of the holy spirit so make sure you get down on april 25th if you have to drive in from another state if you have to fly in from another country it's worth coming down to be there in person again that's april 25th that's a sunday evening do not miss it mark it down on your calendar right now save it and say in faith i'm going to come and i'm going to be a part of that again we're going to be believing god for healing for deliverance the word will be ministered steve's going to worship it's going to be an all-around powerful time but there's going to be a special emphasis on people receiving the baptism with the holy spirit and that's what i'm going to be teaching on and the final event announcement we'll do on this broadcast those of you in orlando florida really in all of florida get ready because on may 15th and 16th we will be hosting revival services it's a two night service so again that's may 15th and 16th this is going to be a saturday night and a sunday night cancel whatever you have to cancel but get down to these services if you have plans on saturday night cancel them you have plans on sunday night cancel them we only come to florida about once a year right so everything that's in florida you can do that whenever you're in florida i mean everything around you in florida is going to be there when we leave but we're going to come we come once a year just about to orlando so this is your opportunity to be a part of what the holy spirit is doing in these meetings and i'm believing god is going to do something very special in those meetings the same as always guys the power of the holy spirit people being healed come and experience the presence and the power of the holy spirit like never before cancel your saturday night obligations cancel your sunday night obligations i promise you you won't regret doing that again anything that's going on in orlando we'll be in orlando when we leave but we come about once a year to this region so make sure you're a part of it talk to your pastor say hey pastor can we get a release to go to these we have a lot of people in orlando who go to other churches who are saying we're going to skip out our pastor's letting us skip out on that service just since you're in town for that one sunday it's not going to harm anything come down for that one sunday talk to your pastor say hey pastor can we get a release to go down to that service and we know that the pastors will release you i'm sure they'll be glad for you to experience that but it's going to be a powerful time again may 15th and 16th by faith do what you can make sure you are there and that is it for the event announcements you excited about those i'm very excited there's a lot of things going on so we want you guys to be a part of it remember to keep update with us on our app we have an app and i encourage you guys to download it and make sure you get that as soon as you can so events for information on any of these events all of these events are free check that list see the full event schedule events well i'm going to come back with a guest in just a moment but before we bring in our guest who's going to minister here for a few minutes you know these guest spots are becoming a favorite because you never know who's gonna pop in and share for a few minutes but i'm gonna bring in a guest right now he's a very powerful prophetic minister he's gonna minister about five or ten minutes and then after his um his devotional is what we're calling it after his devotional i'm going to hop back on here and i'm going to teach on the last days the return of christ you don't want to miss any of this again q a coming up prayer coming up it's going to be a wonderful time the holy spirit's going to move but for now if you've struggled or wondered about your spiritual gift if you've needed direction and guidance in discovering what that spiritual gift is we've put put together something very very special for you check this out and we're going to come right back did you know that the holy spirit has given you a spiritual gift the bible says a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other that's first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 the bible is clear every believer has something to contribute to the body of christ however many believers are confused or unaware of what their spiritual gifts are if you are praying about or wondering about what spiritual gift god has given to you then i invite you to take the spiritual gifts test available at it's absolutely free and it will only take a few minutes while only the holy spirit can ultimately confirm your gift to you you can use our test as a helpful resource in fact you can choose from three of the biblically based tests that we offer the spiritual gifts test will assess your power gift as written about in first corinthians 12. the leadership gifts test will assess your leadership gift as written about in ephesians 4. the service gifts test will assess your service gift as written about in romans 12 and 1st corinthians 12. again it's 100 free and you can get started right now by going to so make sure that you check that out again if you've been praying about what your spiritual gift might be though i can't tell you through a test exactly what the holy spirit is going to reveal it will at least get you praying in the right direction i know it will be a blessing to you well i have with me right now a good friend of mine mr prophet rob sanchez i'm so glad we ran into each other today so to speak we actually were together at a lunch for the destiny image authors so for those who don't know what destiny images if you've read carriers of the glory praying in the holy spirit encountering the holy spirit in every book of the bible then you know what destiny image is destiny image is the publisher that i'm with they publish all of the books that i write and they have a new author now my good friend prophet rob sanchez you're releasing a book with them that's coming out soon but we were there together at this lunch and just fellowshipping with other authors and other ministers it was a really good time and you rode back with me and now you are here at the studio i said hey you got to come on at least give us a few minutes of your time to do this devotional well absolutely first and foremost thank you it was awesome i mean this luncheon came in suddenly and we were here i was so glad to find out that you were there and as we hung and fellowship you know what an opportunity to just come and fellowship with not only you but your online crowd and be a part of what god is doing in the now well if you guys haven't seen it yet make sure you go and watch my interview with prophet rob he was on encounter tv we were looking at the schedule like six months ago you were with us and so we got to do another official interview soon but in the meantime my friend release the word that's on your heart that god put in your spirit and you can talk to them it is all yours all right what i want to do is i really want to encourage many of you the bible says in revelation 19 and 10 worship god the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy today there are so many people that are being overwhelmed with negativity many of you have hung around people that have spoken negative words into your life well i want to remind you that when you receive a prophetic word it should come in the form of edification exhortation and comfort but i want to remind you how powerful your testimony is see the word testimony when you study it from the greek is martuya which means evidence given when you experience god it's evidence it's proof and no one can take that from you and so what i want to do is i want to show you in scripture how a man overcame a difficult circumstance by grabbing hold of his testimony of course i want to talk to you for just a moment about a man by the name of david david is sent by his father to the battlefront and he comes to get a report of how his brothers fair in battle in the moment he arrives there is a philistine giant standing up presenting himself there's always a word of negativity that wants to contradict the truth of what god wants to accomplish within a person's life and so this philistine stands up and he's challenging a nation give me a man to fight everyone is fearful and afraid when david comes on the scene what does david do he begins to open his mouth i want to encourage you that when you have a word it'll give you the power to open your mouth it'll give you the power to testify it'll give you the power to enter into the cause when you understand the word cause you'll understand that it's a hebrew word called dibar this word is so powerful because it means you have a spoken word by god written in your heart when david comes before the commander he says what shall be done for the man who takes away the reproach of israel and kills this philistine and immediately the commander begins to speak and says that the king will give his daughter great riches and his father's house exemption now watch how powerful this is as david is rising up with a willingness to fight what happens his brother eliab shows up on the scene and he begins to speak words of negativity words of condemnation and he says these words to david david in your insolence and your pride have you come to see this noisy battle and whom have you left those few inconspicuous sheep with can i tell you what david does david speaks to his brother with boldness when you have a word of the lord in your heart it'll give you the power to speak up and speak out david says these words what have i done now eliab is there not a cause when david said these words he was saying to his brother do you not have a word spoken by god in your heart that gives you boldness and confidence see when you don't have a word by god you will be a man that can operate with an excuse can i tell you what the word excuse means it means to exit the cause today there's many people that aren't willing to enter into a fight because they have no purpose no cause but watch what david does he turns from him i'm here to tell you that when you have a testimony given by god it gives you the power to turn away from foolishness and nonsense and towards turn towards those who can promote you david says to the commander what will be done for the man who kills this philistine and takes away the reproach david is now set before king saul and king saul looks at david and what does he do he says these words king saul looks at david and says you're not able here's another negative word but this is what david does he hears these words and responds with his testimony and he says your servant used to tend his father's sheep and when a lion and a bear came in and took one of the lambs from my father's flock he said i ran after it i caught it i struck it and killed it your servant has both defeated a lion and a bear and this uncircumcised philistine shall be like one of them when saul recognized he could not deter the faith in david he said these words go and the lord be with you we know what saul does next he puts on the armor david says this armor is untested and he takes it off and david does something powerful he goes and picks up his story stick can i tell you that he goes and picks up the shepherd's staff and on that staff is the testimony of everything that god had done it's the testimony of how he has slew the lion and how he had slewed the bear he knew that god delivered them from the paul of the lion and the bear and god would deliver them from the philistine i want to encourage you today that if you have a spoken word by god all you have to do is pick it up when david picked up his staff he picked up revelation 19 and 10. worship god the testimony of jesus christ is the spirit of prophecy we know what he did he goes and he slays the giant i'm here to tell you that one word from god will give you the power to slay your enemy beautiful beautiful word my friend and i'm glad you're here you didn't ask me to do this but my team and i are prepared to do it and i wanted to do this but we have a graphic that we want to show of your book that's coming out when is the release date for this book the release date is may the 18th which is a tuesday and the title of the book discovering and releasing your prophetic voice so discovering and releasing your prophetic voice by prophet rob sanchez this is a brand new book it's also with destiny image i was mentioning destiny image earlier he's on the same publisher as i am and i wrote the forward to this because i read it i loved it and i know that you'll love it too this is going to be a manual if you feel called to the prophetic ministry or you feel as though god has somehow placed a degree of prophetic ministry in you this is a powerful book you can find more information at prophet rob sanchez dot com you can leave your email address with their ministry they have a little email collection page there and they'll send information on the book as soon as it's released it's coming out we're just weeks away now and it's been a long journey hasn't it putting this book out man this book has taken about two years to come to publication why i think the first reason was it first was rejected and then suddenly it was accepted it i think everything falls into what we call god's perfect timing i think i was a little ahead of the curve and i think god brought it right to the perfect moment to release into the atmosphere now and then you got an interview coming up you're going to be with sid roth you've got an interview with that program how did that go i'll tell you what that interview with sid roth was amazing i'll tell you what the last thing that i remember is i went and i sat on a set i know you've been there and you understand this feeling and immediately nerves jitters hit you and he says these words he says rob do you remember the last thing that i said to you on the phone and i said yeah no dead time and he goes nope that was the first thing that i said and then he said these words have fun and when he said that it kind of brought this and immediately we stepped into it and the presence of god fell the goodness of god began to minister and before i knew it it was all done and it was just a joyful experience and i heard a lot of good reports back from because we're like i said we're on the same publisher and i hear back from the same people we work with they were telling me that uh sid roth's team they were just in love with what happened there so i know they're looking forward you're looking forward to that interview so the interview's coming out the book is coming out god's opening up major doors for your ministry and can i just say i think it is well deserved i'm excited to see it because you've been such a tremendous steward of the prophetic gift on your life never compromising it never trying to take a step ahead where god didn't want you to go and it's just so awesome to see all of that diligence all of that good stewardship coming into fruitfulness not that you weren't fruitful before but this is like a new level coming to your ministry and so i'm excited for you my friend thank you for joining me here on viral revival i appreciate you now we're going to worship with mr stephen mock the zuma and then we're going to come back i'm going to teach this lesson on the return of jesus as i said it's going to shake us up just a little bit i think that's good sometimes to be shaken up sometimes and i think that now we need to think soberly we need to think with clarity we need people who have discernment we need people who are grounded in the word and i want to show you how to become that person but let's worship now the first song you're going to hear is called holy holy holy just release everything to the lord let your faith soar to new heights as we worship god right now holy holy lord god almighty [Music] our song shall rise to thee holy holy holy merciful and [Music] blessed trinity [Music] holy holy [Music] holy lord god [Music] our song shall rise to thee holy holy [Music] holy [Music] [Music] message blessed trinity [Music] [Music] [Music] god with us god for us nothing can come against no one can stand between us god with god for us nothing can come against no one can stand between us [Music] god with us god for us nothing can come against no one can stand between us god with us god forbid nothing can come against no one can stand between us god for us nothing can come against no one can stand between us god with us god for us nothing can come against no one can stand between us [Music] where there was death you brought life along where there was fear you brought courage when i was afraid you were with me and you lifted me up you lifted me up where there was death you brought life along [Music] where there was fear you brought courage when i was afraid you were with me and you lifted me up you lifted me up you lifted me up you're lifting me up god with us nothing can come against no one can stand between us god with us god force nothing can come against no one can stand between us [Music] and love you and love you i love you my lord i love you and love you i love you my lord [Music] [Music] my lord [Music] i love you i love you i love you my lord [Music] i praise you i praise you i praise you my lord [Music] i praise you i praise you i praise you my lord i praise you i praise you i praise you my lord i praise you i praise you i praise you my lord [Music] we serve a good god we serve a good god think about his mercy think about his grace think about how every morning his mercies are new and his mercies aren't just new every morning they're new every moment so i want you right now now that we've worshipped now that we've set our hearts on the things of god i want you to focus in and i want you to let this word speak to you because this is a word for now we need to be rooted in the word of god we need to have our foundations laid with the truth of god's word lest we fall away hear me now lest we fall away i don't want to be one of those who falls away and i know you don't want to be that either so let's get in the word and let's pray and let's ask the holy spirit to be with us to anoint this message to anoint our time together holy spirit we pray in the name of jesus that your presence would grace us that your presence would be felt and known holy spirit you're the teacher teach us help us to receive the truths that are communicated through your word help us to receive that which you want us to receive we surrender our hearts we surrender our minds we surrender our ears our eyes we surrender our attention i want you to say that to him say holy spirit you can have my attention say it to him and i want you to mean it say holy spirit you can have my attention we honor you we bless you lord be with us now in jesus name we pray and i want you to say it because you believe it say amen so we're going to be in matthew 24 and we're going to be looking at the words of jesus concerning the last days now concerning the last days there is a lot of confusion around this topic there are movies and books that have created paradigms and mindsets in certain portions of the church that really cause a lot more confusion than help and so what i want to help us do today is simplify our eschatology we need to simplify our eschatology because when you try to start getting into mapping things out and knowing what happens where you end up with debates and questions that really lead to nowhere and that don't ultimately matter so for example there's this question of pre-trib mid-trib post-trib i like to say i'm pan-trib in that it all pans out in the end and everything's going to work out for our good no matter what so some say well is jesus coming is the rapture going to happen before the tribulation is the rapture going to happen in the middle or after and really when you think about it god allows us to experience some degree of suffering here and now on the earth i'm not saying that that means therefore that god is going to allow us to go through the tribulation there are many schools of thoughts but what i'm saying is ultimately we know that no matter what happens god has given us the strength to endure that which we will face and so our confidence is in our trust in the lord our confidence is that he is good that he is just and that he's never abandoned us and that he's never put us in circumstances that he was not able to grace us for and so i want you to understand that whatever the complications whatever the issues whatever you're worried about or whatever you're confused about you can find simple understanding concerning the end times in the in the straightforward words of jesus so whatever you do with revelation whatever you do with the book of daniel whatever you do with some of the prophetic texts in some of the prophets of old whatever you do with prophecies surrounding israel or prophecies surrounding the nations of the world whatever you do with that you can centralize it all you can ground it all on the words of jesus and so if you get a clear portion of scripture that tells you plainly certain things and what you want to do is you want to take the unclear portions of scripture and interpret the unclear portions of scripture through the absolutely clear portions of scripture see what some people like to do is pick one or two verses that seem to match something regarding prophecy or something regarding the modern day and they say there that's a prophecy so let's hang everything we have on that and build around that no that creates confusion then you end up with questions that lead to answers that don't matter then you end up with confusion that causes people to question whether or not the bible is accurate then you end up with debates that become heated and cause divisions that ultimately in eternity aren't going to matter this is why we have to come to the clear teachings of scripture i know there's a lot of stuff out there and i know there's a lot of interesting things out there one of the things that is a temptation for preachers and i'm just going to be real with you right now one of the temptations for preachers is to preach the sensational because it get click it gets clicks and views they preach the sensational they preach the things that sound interesting but are all just speculation i mean i could preach a whole sermon if i wanted to on ufos and aliens and i'm sure that would interest a lot of people we get a lot of clicks and views but ultimately what does it do for my spiritual life what does it do for my faith and is there anything really that clear in scripture about it i can talk about the mark of the beast and i can talk about all of the signs of the antichrist who is the antichrist honestly who cares i'm just gonna be real with you why because all i need to know is who i'm following all i need to know is what jesus is teaching and so yes there is that temptation preachers to go into these topics and they're interesting and i'm not saying we should never cover them maybe i'll do a little bit of a small teaching maybe on a moment of truth on those but i'm saying we mustn't obsess about these things that don't ultimately cause us to grow spiritually don't ultimately cause us to grow closer to jesus and don't ultimately advance the kingdom of god so yes study these matters yes have an opinion on these matters yes read books on these matters yes it's interesting by all means have at it but at the end of the day we mustn't obsess over these things and we mustn't cause our lives to be built around these things that ultimately give us no clear answers and leave us paranoid wondering about the future questioning everything that we know and debating with each other it doesn't bear any fruit and so what i want to do today is i want to give you a teaching on the end times that's very clear very straightforward that's very useful for your everyday life and i figured that the best text to use for this is matthew 24 and again let me emphasize i am not saying that there's anything wrong with talking about the mark of the beast i am not saying that there's anything wrong with talking about these interesting subjects like i said maybe i'll do something on those one days but to to base your entire belief to to centralize your faith to cause that to be your foundation my goodness that's not a very good foundation especially when there are unclear things so in the bible we have certain prophetic texts that people debate over that people wonder what their meanings are that people discuss and that's okay but we have to take those unclear verses and plant them in found them upon clear teachings so matthew 24 is the best in my opinion in all my study of scripture having read genesis to revelation genesis to revelation genesis to revelation over and over and over and over again i have found that the clearest most straightforward teaching on the last days is found in matthew 24. all the other stuff is great and maybe you can take pieces of those and use matthew 24 as your timeline and you could take from revelation you can take from daniel you can take from the prophetic text from old testament prophets and you can lay them down and line them up with what matthew 24 is saying but please do not build entire schools of thought around scriptures that are apocalyptic in their imagery and unclear in their application they're meant to be understood in certain contexts but they're not meant to become the central pivot point for our lives to form our entire paradigms and to shape the way that we live they give us insight but they shouldn't become our obsession paula writes in the comments my confidence is that i trust in the lord in everything that i do as well as erica writes i agree many people are obsessed when it comes when when it comes to when jesus will come they're obsessed with that and they're obsessed with conspiracy theories right right conspiracy theories get clicks i'll tell you this just plainly guys and so if we're not careful we can start to obsess about things that just don't matter they don't matter and so this is why i'm going to get into matthew 24 now having said all that let's go to matthew 24 and you're going to see just how clear this is i mean the disciples you're going to see right now they had a straightforward conversation about jesus and they asked him three questions and he answers it straight up okay matthew 24 let's start at verse one i'll read verses one through five and then we'll have some commentary here matthew 24 i'm reading out of the new living translation for those of you who are asking and i use the new living translation because it's a fine balance between readability and accuracy so as jesus was leaving the temple grounds his disciples pointed out to him the various temple buildings but he responded do you see all these buildings i tell you the truth they will be completely demolished not one stone will be left on top of another later jesus sat on the mount of olives his disciples came to him privately and said tell us when will all this happen that's the first question what will be the sign or what sign will signal your return that's the second question and the end of the world so i'll read verses 4 and 5 and we'll come back and comment on verse 3. jesus told them don't let anyone mislead you for many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah they will deceive many okay let's go back to verse three for a second the disciples asked him two questions really but there are three questions total because their second question was twofold so tell us when will all this happen so basically the destruction of the temples what sign will signal your return when are you coming back how will we know and then third what sign will signal the end of the world so when will the temple be destroyed when are you coming back and when will the end of the world be well so three questions they asked him and it was a very direct a line of questioning now jesus begins his answer and we're gonna go explore all of matthew 24 or most of matthew 24 and you'll find that jesus gives in detail a very clear answer to their questions so he says okay first and foremost don't let anyone mislead you this is verse 4 now verse 5 says for many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah they will deceive many so here already right through verses one through five we see one of the first indications that his return is near the end of the world is near and that the destruction of the temple is near he is telling them that there will come false messiahs people claiming to be the lord people claiming to be god's sent one god's anointed one now here when he talks about claiming i am the messiah this the greek translation actually means i am an anointed one so this isn't just talking about people who come on the scene claiming to be jesus or claiming to be the son of god fulfilling bible prophecy this is also speaking of those who would come to the earth claiming or who would be revealed in the earth claiming that they're anointed in other words false prophets false teachers false preachers this is one of the first indications of his coming verse six and you will hear of wars and threats of wars but don't panic yes these things must take place but then he says something key but the end won't follow immediately so another sign that we see of his return is that there will be wars and threats of wars or as the king james version puts it rumors of wars in other words there are going to be political stirrings shaking of the nations tension between sovereignties tension between powers nations will go against nations leaders will rise against leaders and so in this season we're seeing a lot of that now he says something important as i pointed out but the end won't follow immediately he says in other words this isn't the sign he's simply giving us an indication of the kinds of patterns that will lead up to his return so in other words there are are layers to this there are phases to this it's not like once you hear of wars and rumors of wars that you should go out saying okay he's going to come back now rather what he's saying is he's painting a picture i should say he's painting a picture for us of what the lead-up will look like how things will begin to fall into place and one of the lead-ups is wars and rumors of wars in other words unrest between nations powers and sovereignties there will be tension there will be leaders filled with pride neither one of them wanting to back down there will be threats of wars there will be actual wars there will be civil unrest there will be lack of peace it will be a time of calamity these wars will begin to intensify now some people talk about nuclear war some people talk about us wiping ourselves out i don't think that's going to be the case because what it got promised to noah he said that as long as as long as the earth remains there's going to be there's going to be harvest there's going to be seed time and harvest it's all going to stay it's all going to be well that was part of the the covenant god made with noah but that's how that ties in with noah's a whole different thing regardless there will be this lead up there will be this intensification of conflict and things will begin to fall apart on the political spectrum and this is a sign that things are ramping up but he says but the end won't follow immediately so we have people running around real pyramid oh there's a war that's it and then even even an emphasis in bible prophecy where they'll go into you know ezekiel or some of the old prophets and they'll say see when this nation goes to war with this nation that's the triggering event no jesus just said the end won't follow immediately so don't try to base the end of the world on which nation goes to war with another nation because then you get into the whole i mean my goodness you start getting into really really deep rabbit holes where they're like well this nation modern day is this nation and this nation modern day is this nation and so this nation represents that nation this president represents that king and this power used to be the province of this province and that used to be called that and so what's actually happening here is a fulfillment of ezekiel this and there's issues with that miss blue writes in the comments i almost got lost on the subject at one point in my life and lived in fear i thank god for snatching me out of that before i got swept away right and again there's nothing wrong with studying these things and i have nothing against you know eschatology and being a part of what god is doing in that regard and studying to show myself approved there's no issue i have with that and so please don't hear what i'm not saying i'm simply warning against extremism i'm warning against delving into this and becoming obsessed with this consumed by this and as she just commented made fearful by this so then you're starting to you you got like your map up and you're drawing all the pieces together and suddenly you know nations begin to represent other nations and there's all these different issues that begin to arise and that becomes an issue because now there's confusion now you're saying well this modern day represents that nation and that nation represents that and questions arise and confusion arises and debates arise when all jesus is saying all he's saying is look there's going to be some political unrest there are going to be issues there are going to be conflicts and this isn't the telltale sign this isn't the end-all sign this is simply an indication that something else is coming so be liberated from that mindset please but again i want to say this and i'm going to say this again and again and again throughout this broadcast because i want to make sure nobody is hearing what i'm not saying study it what nation goes to war against what nation who is the antichrist what is the mark of the beast by all means study these things but don't become so obsessed to where you become gripped in fear and begin to doubt your salvation just because you don't think you have the right eschatology the key to salvation is not having correct eschatology the key to salvation is putting your trust in jesus and please don't forget that okay so let's go down let's read verses seven and eight here nation will go to war against nation and kingdom against kingdom we covered that there will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world verse 8 but all this is only the first of the birth pains with more to come so here we see some other signs famines and earthquakes what's happening here the earth itself is beginning to shift there is this groaning so the first sign he gives us is false prophets false messiahs false anointed ones the second sign he gives us is wars and rumors of wars but then he says but the end is not yet the third sign that he gives us here is the fact that there will be famines and earthquakes so the first one was individuals claiming that they were the messiah or that they were anointed when they weren't the second sign is groups going to war the third sign has to do with the earth itself crying out for god's creation to manifest itself for god's sons to manifest themselves the earth itself responding to the timeline of christ's return the earth begins to shake famines begin to take place and we see a shift in the planet something begins to happen to the planet hear me now because this right here is sobering for sure something begins to happen to the planet where it begins to react negatively where it begins to shake and tremble where it no longer produces food like it produced food something happens to the ecosystem but even this terrifyingly enough is only an indication of what's more to come verse 8 says but all this is only the first of the birth pains with more to come now this next verse is really really going to wake you up and i want you to hear this verse 9 then you will be arrested persecuted and killed you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers now let me clarify something here you've heard it said well we shouldn't complain about persecution in america because in the other parts of the world they're being killed that's real persecution and therefore we shouldn't complain about it that's not true that's not biblical notice here that there's a distinction being made between the three arrested persecuted and killed you can be persecuted without being killed the distinction is made right there in verse 9 you can be persecuted without being killed when somebody insults you because you're a christian that's persecution and don't let anybody tell you oh well we're not being killed so stop complaining no that's persecution right the government trying to silence the church that's persecution and you've heard people say things like well we shouldn't stand up to that or we shouldn't respond to that because it's an insult to the martyrs because they died and we're just being persecuted through censorship and through people calling us names and to people rejecting us from society but no i would say just the opposite of that it's an insult to the martyrs to not respond properly to that because they responded to the persecution of being killed surely we should be able to come against the persecution of being silenced and censored and criticized so criticism is a form of persecution being being being spoken against is a form of persecution it may sound spiritual it may sound virtuous to say well i'm not going to complain about it because i'm not being killed no persecution is persecution now there are degrees of persecution but that doesn't mean that being censored being talked evil about that being rejected from society that doesn't mean that's not persecution that is a form of persecution maybe not as intense as being killed but it is persecution so you will be arrested that's a promise from jesus here's jesus has promised you you've heard of the promises i'll never leave you nor forsake you my burden is light all of these promises here's the promise he made you'll be arrested you'll be persecuted you'll be killed you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers get ready the day is coming they're going to label christians terrorists you don't think it could happen there's a lot of things this this last year that happened that nobody thought would ever happen and one of those things that will come we will be called terrorists wow i was having lunch with someone today who told me that they posted a an ad of a bracelet that they had right and the bracelet all it was was a it was a bracelet that said jesus and had a cross on it and this social media giant pulled it down because they said it was harmful content harmful content they wouldn't run the ad because of a bracelet that said jesus and had a cross on it my goodness if that's not persecution then then if you don't think that's persecution you got to wake up that's a form of persecution and there's coming a day where even just me saying what i'm saying right now will be considered hateful to say that jesus is the only way they'll say well what are you saying about all the other religions hate speech and that's what it's going to be under look at hate speech who gets to decide what that is right and so we have to be careful that we don't become apathetic toward what we're seeing this is coming it's happening now it's in motion i believe god can bring a revival i believe god can turn the tide i believe we can see a sweeping end of souls i believe god can give the church influence in fact that's what god wants to give the church god wants to give the church dominion power and influence in the earth we have this idea to where over time the church just loses influence until we dwindle down and then jesus comes and we're safe no that's not how it works it's the opposite and i'm going to show you that in just a moment but really it's about expanding the kingdom even in the face of that persecution so let's not be an insult to those who are killed for the gospel let's stand up to this kind of persecution that's taking place now if they could stand in those times surely we can stand in these times alexandria writes the aim is to focus on christ alone and all will follow the holy spirit will teach you and show you what is necessary first peter 4 14 says if ye be reproached for the name of christ happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of god resteth upon you and their part he on your on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified so persecution brings glory persecution brings glory and we should rejoice in that think about in acts chapter 7 verses 54-60 when they were questioning and accusing stephen his face began to glow like an angel why because he was being persecuted insult is persecution rejection is persecution being pushed out of society is a form of persecution being killed is a form of persecution and this is one of the things that will come moving on down now to verse 10 this one concerns me because i think we're seeing this one too verse 10 and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other okay listen to how he words this here because this is very important and many will turn away from me and then betray and hate each other guys he's talking about the body of christ if you're turning away from jesus it means you were with him at one point and if he says they'll hate each other he's talking about brothers and sisters in christ hating each other this ought to wake us up because we are seeing believers divide over politics hate each other over politics we're seeing believers divide over denominational disagreements over doctrines that are peripheral and not primary over doctrines like well you believe in healing i don't let's divide you believe in prosperity i don't let's divide you believe in speaking in tongues i don't let's divide and we're we're dividing over things that ultimately we can we can unite over because there is more that unites us than what divides us you and i have christ in common but what is coming and what is now here is this great falling away you've heard of people deconstructing their faith you'll know them you'll know them because when they're asked a difficult question that's culturally unacceptable to reply to in the biblical sense they cower you'll know them because in interviews they'll say things like well i can't really say it's not up to me that's up to god they'll say things like well i don't really want to comment on that i need to know their story first hypocrites pharisees they're falling away why because they they have no foundation in the word there is a movement now i believe this there's coming a movement where they're going to attack the inerrancy of the word that's what's coming next the the attack on the bible is coming next the bible is next mark my words they're going to come after the word and the word will be removed from bookstores the word will be removed from online platforms the word will be removed from homes and it will be considered hate speech it will be considered it will be considered violence because ever since we started labeling speech as violence there's been a shift right and now they can say you're gonna you're violent because of what you're saying from the scripture and that is coming that is coming and we have to be ready for it what are we what are we going to do in that time we have to love people we have to demonstrate god's power through praying for healing casting out devils we have to be there to give an answer for the hope that is within us we have to be ready for this but there will be a falling away first timothy 4 1 says now the holy spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons guys did you hear that teachings that come from demons some of these doctrines that are beginning to emerge are demonic i heard the other day some so-called christian get on a social media platform and he said that jesus was racist wow i mean that's society today society anything they don't like they label as racist but but he said that jesus was had racism in his heart and he had to repent of his own racism that's what this guy said and he twisted scripture to try to prove that point doctrine of a devil i'll tell you who gave that guy that doctrine it was a demon who he invited into his life and he's that's not a believer that's not a true christian but we are seeing these doctrines of demons permeate this world and we have to be ready we have to stand on the word no compromise you guys i'm making that commitment to you right now if they come to cancel me i'm not going to stop preaching it i'd rather be cancelled by man than canceled by god and he's ultimately the one who cancels so i'm going to stay true to this word will you will you stand when the times become difficult will you stand firm on the word of god or are we going to compromise and cower in the face of what culture says is acceptable and not acceptable i don't know about you but i want to be able to stand before god with no shame in my heart and say i didn't deny you before men i don't want to stand up before him and find that i denied him what a terrifying thought there's this falling away and it's already begun continuing now how's the chat doing they're doing really well um i like this comment here this comment says that's why we need to be in the word of god and memorize god's word daily absolutely absolutely in fact in some countries where they're persecuted where they're imprisoned and killed for their faith they actually as a group will memorize they'll commit to memorizing different portions of scripture so that when they come together they all quote it and have the whole bible amazing that's amazing so let's go now to verse 11 and many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people verse 12 sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold sin i mean we see that the multiplication of sin you want to know the real virus in the earth today it's sin sin makes people fearful cowards and sin makes people deceived sin keeps people bound in deception in darkness they can't they can't figure their way out of anything it's the multiplication of sin of perversion and it's rampant in the world today verse 13 but the one who endures to the end will be saved and the good news right here this is the this is the key point and the good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come so in other words we've got to flip our paradigm as i said we have it in our minds that in the last days that christians are going to be this retreating remnant who remains just barely making it by right no no no no it's time to take back the media it's time to take back education it's time to take back political spheres it's time to take back the church's rightful place it's time to take back the kingdom and the dominion power that god has given to us how do we do that we preach the gospel jesus said here and the good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come in other words the end is not based upon all of the signs that we're seeing around us stop being a doomsday sayer stop being doom and gloom stop being fearful stop hiding under a rock and saying lord when are you coming when are you coming when are you coming no jesus said look all these things yeah they're going to happen and that's an indication that i'm coming soon he said but these sign that the end is coming will be the spreading of the gospel which means that before the return of the lord there will be another great revival i don't care who you heard it from this is what jesus says i don't care who told you god's done with the nations this is what jesus said i don't care who's told you that it's doom and gloom and it's all over there's no turning back it's just everything's going to downgrade and degrade from here no jesus himself told us that all of those signs are not the indications of the final moments they're indications of indications but they themselves are not the final sign what he says is the final sign is that the gospel of the kingdom of the kingdom that's dominion that's power that's authority he's saying that gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth and then the end will come in other words in the end we win jesus said that in the last days perilous times would come but he never said that in the last days the gospel would lose its power preach the gospel expand the kingdom don't hide under a rock stop hiding under a rock and waiting for the sky to fall get out there and expand the kingdom get out there and exercise your authority get out there and do what god has called you to do this is the problem every time things in the world start to look bleak the church goes oh it's time to hide and wait for jesus no when things start to look bleak it's a sign that god is poisoning us for revival and that he is giving us that dominion power and authority you and i have been entrusted with the power of god and you and i are the ones who will carry the glory of god to the nations of the world amen amen and i love this comment here uh it says no matter what we do we must focus on the lord and especially nowadays spread the gospel as much as we possibly can to every single person we know because we win right because we have the power because we have the authority because we have dominion i don't care what happens in the world you don't think god can turn it around they were saying the same thing in the 70s just before the jesus people movement oh it's it society's done the moral decline has gone too far people are too confused the government has too much power oh woe is all of us i am so tired of the doom and gloom i'm so tired and and here's the problem people think you're telling the truth just because you're saying something negative that's that's that's been the mindset of people oh he he was really mean about what he said so he must be speaking i like that guy he doesn't sugarcoat it he's really mean so he's telling the truth just because someone's mean when they say something and just because someone is saying something negative doesn't mean it's automatically the truth jesus himself and there is no higher authority jesus himself said that the true sign of the end times the true sign that it's all coming to an end is that the kingdom message is spread what's the kingdom message that's our power and dominion and authority we must expand during this time we must grow during this time we must win more souls during this time there will be a turnaround and then the end will come so all of those signs yes they're true wars rumors of wars famines earthquakes false prophets falling away deception rampant doctrines of devils all of that will happen but in the midst of that there's also a spreading of the kingdom of god and you and i get to be a part of that so do i believe jesus is coming back yes do i believe that things will get worse absolutely but that doesn't mean it's reason to throw your hands up and say well we're defeated it's when things get worse that the gospel shines brightest and when things seem to be on the final decline that god gives us the grace to see the kingdom spread so stop hiding under a rock come on and start preaching jesus stop cowering in fear and going oh my goodness what's happening in this world oh my goodness what's happening in the world no we have the victory i'm seated in heavenly places at the right hand of god in christ jesus all power all authority on heaven on earth has been given unto him and he imparts that to me i'm one with christ i walk in him no longer i live but christ lives in me and he rules over all he is the king of kings and the lord of lords the earth is his footstool god is in control and what you're looking at now is not the final result because god's will shall be accomplished in the earth all he's looking for is obedient partners who will say i'm not afraid of what the enemy has i'm not afraid of culture i'm not afraid of what people will say i'm not afraid of being arrested killed persecuted i will go i will preach the gospel i will declare jesus and god will reward that the gospel is not going to lose its power just because things get darker out there there is coming a move of god and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise because jesus himself has said it and what jesus says is final wow wow that's like a mic drop right there that's v if i could i would but this is attached to the table and i love what holy spirit ministry says spoil alert we win i love it spoiler alert we win if you read the end of the book we win and jesus lord okay so um let me see yvonne all power not some power why should i be afraid i love it exactly look around the world every generation has said oh that's it we're done no this is not gonna happen it's not gonna happen and i know that because of the word of god the word of god tells me yes things will get worse i'm conceding that but i'm saying that just because things get worse doesn't mean that we go hiding under rocks and say well we're done now no that's when it's time to get to work because there are ebbs and flows to it and eventually it culminates into the return of christ and he will come he will split that sky wide open we will go join him in the air we will come back and rule and reign with him when that is who knows these are the signs are the indications yes but even in those indicative times even in those dark times even in that decline we must act and in acting we participate in kingdom expansion father in jesus name i pray for every believer watching this now and i ask you lord to strengthen them to give them courage to give them grace lord that they would not hide under rocks anymore but that they would stand boldly in the authority you've given us lord that they would not dismay that they would not be discouraged by the look of the darkness spreading around the world but that they would be inspired to shine all the brighter knowing that in the end you win you're the victorious one you're the great warrior you're the captain of the lord's armies you're the lord of lords the king of kings the authority above all authorities you are sovereign over all and we thank you lord that in you and any and especially in these times we have the victory and i pray you impart that boldness in your your children lord give them boldness like never before i rebuke all fear i rebuke all discouragement i rebuke all doubt in the name of the one whom i serve lord let deliverance come let healing come let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven in the name of jesus we pray i want you to say it because you believe it say amen well we're going to worship stick around i want to talk to you we're going to answer some of your questions i'll answer questions on the end times the holy spirit spiritual gifts spiritual warfare you name it we're going to talk about it and we're going to be taking your questions right after this let's worship now with above all we'll be right back [Music] above all nature and all creative things [Music] above all wisdom and all the ways you were here before the world began above all kingdoms above all thrones above all wonders the world has ever known [Music] above all wealth and treasures of [Music] [Music] like a rose [Music] and thought of me [Music] above all [Music] crucified laid behind [Music] trampled on the [Music] and thought of me above all [Music] and thought of me above all [Music] there's no place i'd rather be when you're singing over me i just wanna be here with you i'm lost in this mystery i'm found in your love for me i just wanna be here with you there's no place i'd rather be when you're singing over me i just wanna be here with you [Music] i'm lost in this mystery [Music] i'm found in your love for me [Music] i just wanna be here with you [Music] oh [Music] so let all that i am be consumed with who you the are of your presence what more could i ask for so little that i am be consumed with who you are oh the glory of your presence what more could i ask for so little that i am be consumed with who you are oh the glory of your presence what more could i ask for [Music] so [Music] i just wanna be here with you there's no place i'd rather be you're singing over me [Music] i just wanna be here with you so we're going to be taking your questions right now interacting with you i'm already seeing some of the comments uh deborah mott says watching you on youtube love you all keep up the good work and then david i called your church no one got back with me uh is the church closed um don't call the church we attend because it's a separate ministry we just attend there with our families you want to get in touch with the ministry make sure you go to our ministry website or call 888-740-1110 now i want to share something with you guys a very important update i'm going to show you something and it's going to be really i think inspiring to see many of you know that right now we are working on something called project etv project etv in short is an expansion of our studio presence and by expanding our studio presence we expand our capability to produce programs not just for our ministry but for several other ministries as well and so in expanding our reach through studio broadcast centers we're also building out data centers and we're making deals with third-party servers so that we can create our own video platform and not have to worry so much about censorship not that we worry in the first place but not have to deal i should say so much with censorship so many of you know we are right now in the middle of a fundraiser for raising funds for project etv our goal is to raise 20 million dollars to build out a brand new facility ministry headquarters and data center over in austin texas now we're going to keep the studio in california we are going to keep a television studio in california we're also expanding to texas so this is not necessarily a transition this is an expansion there are many phases to this project but we've broken them down into three main phases phase one we want to build a temporary studio location in austin texas so that we have a base that we can work out of as we raise the rest of the funds number two we want to finish raising the funds the 20 million dollars we can do that together nothing's impossible with god the money will come in mark my words everybody keeps giving everybody keeps pledging we have some major backers who are also considering very large amounts who i'm working on in the behind the scenes okay so that's number two we want to raise the funds number three we want to finish building this project when we build this out it's going to have a couple of studios it's going to have a music room it's going to have a headquarters for the ministry operations we want to build what's called the revival history museum and very importantly we want to build a data center so that we can host our own videos on our platform so that in the case that youtube ever takes us down our facebook or so forth that we still have all of the videos saved that you can access onto a server so the plan is to have those all stored on a server in the event that one day that we're taken down we can activate that as its own server in the meantime we want to use a third-party server to help host our own video platform i say all of that to say this we've made a very small step forward and it's good news i'm going to show you a photo here right now take a look at this this is a picture of the outside of a building that will house the temporary studio location we're going to use this location right here to begin hosting weekly meetings to begin producing all of our content to act as that place that's going to hold those hard drives that's going to store all of our videos it's not going to act as a channel yet that's in the event that somebody kicks us off the platform so this is the location it's in a beautiful location right next to a school quiet clean easily accessible and that is the location this next photo here is the team and i all of us are looking around and planning and we're building and we're casting the vision we need to raise the support to finish this temporary studio out and i need your help so tim you can keep scrolling through those photos so they can kind of get an idea total we're going to be renting out about 9 600 square feet doesn't look big from the pictures because of the angles we took it from but we're renting upstairs and downstairs this is going to be a place as i said we can hold weekly meetings this will serve as our base in austin while we get to work on raising the rest of the funds so we are excited about this this is a small step it's not done some people look at this and say oh they got their building no this is a small step but we still have a long way to go but this is a very important step this is our base this is where we're starting from we need to raise this 20 million guys and we need to do it in a timely manner so that you know inflation doesn't affect us so the the market doesn't change too much because right now we're basing that 20 million dollar amount on the market now we're leaving some room for inflation over the next year or so but we need to raise this in soon before the market fluctuates so much to where our number won't even matter anymore and this what you're looking at the pictures that you saw there that is the temporary location so again three phases please hear me on this this is very important phase one get a temporary transitional studio in texas to act as the base phase two finish raising the full amount and phase three build the big vision the big plan for information on this and to give you can go right now to david hernandez ministries dot com slash expand this is where the offering is going today david hernandezm expand if you give at david hernandez expand it'll go right toward the studio project guys our goal is to raise the first million in the next three months so we need people to consider the larger amounts if you own a business we have business owners who are considering amounts in fifty thousand one hundred thousand we need you to consider those kinds of amounts we've had there was a couple who came to us and said look we're planning things with our home we sold this house we moved this around we're taking this out of savings and there's a couple that's pledging fifty thousand dollars they're not rich but they're taking that out of some of their resources so that the gospel can go forward so we need you guys to begin to really ask the lord what you can sacrifice it's going to take all of us doing everything we can whether you're giving 25 100 000 or giving a million dollars we need everybody on board so if you're watching this and god has blessed you with great wealth help us do this great thing for god help us build something out that's going to get us ahead of the tech censorship that's happening all across the world right now help us build something that can be used not just for our ministry but for ministries who can come in and be trained and produce other content help us expand this thing to reach millions more people reach more souls reach more people who need healing reach more believers who are discouraged reach more believers who need the baptism with the holy spirit let's raise a mighty army let's join hands and link hearts and put our resources together for the cause of christ and so you can go again david hernandez ministries dot com slash expand and give right now you can see the progress of the project you can see the various phases and i know that god is going to do this but we need partners now partners supporters friends if you've been waiting you've been praying possibly about helping with something now is the time to act now is the time to do something i know that 20 million seems like a large number and it is but all of us together i think we have over a million and a half followers and supporters around the world i mean all of us pulling together we can finish that off rather quickly i mean even here on youtube i mean that's a quarter million supporters a quarter million supporters you if each supporter just gave a hundred on average i mean i think that would put us there that would put us right at the goal that we need to be so what i need from you right now is you to ask the holy spirit how can i get involved how can i help what can i sacrifice and then sow that into this project over the next two months we need people to begin to really drop those larger seeds and together we'll be able to raise this support again this is just the first phase of many the whole phase is going to be complete once we've raised the full 20 million and once we've built out the full studio but for now we need help establishing that base we're going to take some resources from that larger amount it's already been planned ahead of time and we're going to take some resources from that larger amount and put it toward this temporary base now you may say well i don't want to give this something that's temporary here's the good news most of the resources will go in to things that can move with us if we should need to move to a larger building to finish out this project so be a part of it it's a it's a it's a it's a big vision but all of us together can do it i want to thank carrie reed who just became a monthly partner i want to thank jennifer brown who just gave a very generous donation toward project etv i want to thank nancy church who just gave a one-time gift tiffany mcallister thank you for your one-time gift ronald taylor thank you for your one-time gift pam and galen mace thank you for your generous one-time gift i want to thank jason diaz thank you for your one-time gift there's so many names coming up maria beau just gave toward project etv i see donghan just gave to what project etv and names are pouring in steve you got some too yes over on youtube super chat i want to go ahead and thank ireneblesstv i want to thank shofar call i also want to thank miss blue annette sergio sanchez ministries fearless christian and marsha so guys you can go to expand give something today or if you're planning on doing a larger amount go back talk to your spouse pray about it say what can we do to move this project along this is something the church needs guys we have to take the media back from the world we have to take it back and it's time to do it now i i'm not talking about surviving i'm talking about thriving i'm talking about being in a place of power authority and dominion that's what we're called to do so help us take the media help us take this back help us reach the soul of the next generation and help us do it right now again david expand look at the different phases the first phase is this temporary studio once we're there we're going to continue fundraising until we finish raising the full amount then we can buy out the property and expand it so there's a really good plan in place if you're confused about the plan go read it on the website or just simply trust this that there's a plan to ultimately build this big studio but we need to do it in baby steps so that it's actually doable i want to thank tency soju who just gave a very generous one-time gift over on the etv studio project so again project etv again guys david hernandez expand it will take you no more than two or three minutes to give that gift help us reach this goal it's everybody coming together everybody's sacrificing everybody doing their best to ultimately make this come to pass and it will come to pass thank you for being a part of it thank you for helping us do this i'll continue to read your names as they come in but for now stephen let's get some q a going all right before we jump into the q a i just want to go ahead and thank rosa parra via youtube super chat thank you so much so if you guys have questions go ahead and leave them in the comments section right now and i will try my best to read them also i want to thank maria uh gave via youtube super chat as well okay so uh earlier in the broadcast you were talking about the end times and this question popped up and this question was from joanne so joanne wanted to know what about the ones who have never heard the gospel when the end times arrive is there such a thing think about what romans chapter 1 says the bible clearly says in romans 1 that god makes himself known even his invisible attributes through creation and the conscience what about those who've never heard the gospel i don't think there exists such a person right you see people aren't sent to hell because they've never heard the gospel they're sent to hell because they've sinned and they know in their hearts when they're sinning because of their conscience it's kind of like saying what about all the prisoners who didn't know about that special program that can get them out early on parole well they committed the crime that got them in there in the first place it was a kindness that there was a program for parole in the same way god has given us the grace of the gospel and escaping the wrath of god through salvation in christ jesus their sin is what causes them to come under penalty but their conscious conscience is what told them that what they were doing was wrong so it's not like god is just judging them based on nothing those who haven't heard the gospel i don't really know there's such a person in the sense that everyone knows that what they're doing is wrong when they do it and god judges us based on that now whether or not they got the information to be rescued from it that's where the debate comes in but i will say that god is just and he's perfectly within his justice his just limits to punish someone for their sin even if they haven't heard about escaping the wrath through salvation in christ jesus he's still perfectly just because again they don't go to hell because they didn't hear the gospel they go to hell because they sinned against god and their conscience and so once we put that into perspective i think it clarifies the premise of the question at least and we thank you for that question and this next question comes from my friend adam loves god and he asked me any album update steve yes yes yes just this week i've been talking with the team and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be re-recording all of the songs that we uh wrote originally uh in december and what we're going to do is we're going to re-listen to them we're going to get inspired again because if you guys don't know when you write music it's good to step away for a little time get your mind refreshed refocused so that's what we've been doing these past couple months but now we're getting back into the gear and we're getting back into uh inspiration from the holy spirit so there's a lot of things coming and i'm very excited and just to let you guys know again things are starting to move with the album i pray i pray i pray that you guys will love it and enjoy it and remember it's it's all about god and that's what i want this album to be so that's just a quick update on the music side of it so just keep us in prayer guys we love you and thank you for that i want to thank maria makato who just gave a generous one-time gift over there on project etv thank you guys it's everybody pulling together who will do this i want to thank lidus ortiz who also gave to project etv thank you so much for your support i want to thank monsi ramdas who gave a very very generous gift on project etv you guys all of you together are helping to move this along and it all makes a big difference so thank you thank you guys so much so we're gonna go ahead and move to another question here this question comes from our friend micah micah wanted to know why is it that people in foreign countries feel persecution to the extreme such as death why not here in america because it's a different system of government when you get a system of government that becomes communist in nature or fascist in nature that's what basically happens the state takes the place of god so here in america we're slowly getting there because people have given up god and now the government has become their new savior which is why people depend upon the government for things like their safety and their health and their you know their financial well-being they depend upon the government thinking that's the government's job when the bible teaches that it's personal responsibility that actually brings these things about uh so once you replace god and you make government your savior then government wants no other gods before it and so it starts to strike down anything else that could form a crowd or have influence and that would be christianity so they stomp out christianity because if christianity were to thrive in some of these nations it would literally lead to the overthrow of the government because people would realize we don't need this government as our savior wow wow that's an interesting uh interesting question and a great answer thank you so much so this next question is going to come from our friend mary and mary wants to know if is a prophet considered false if they prophesy about the end days and give certain months where things will happen and it doesn't come to pass well that's a big question i'd have to know the prophet remember this a wrong prophet is not a false prophet look at the narrative in the book of acts when paul the apostle was going off to rome the holy spirit told paul go to rome and then the holy spirit told another prophet don't go to rome right so there was a bit of a mixed signal there one of them wasn't hearing god properly yet the bible still called him a prophet so there are examples in the scripture i think of when king david approached the prophet nathan and said hey i want to build this temple nathan says go and do all that's in your heart that was a false prophecy but the bible still calls nathan a prophet so there are examples in scripture i could give you of a prophet saying something that god didn't say and later correcting it or actually never correcting it but still being called a prophet so a wrong prophet is not a false prophet now i would actually categorize someone like that as a false teacher rather than a false prophet because they're teaching something that really is directly contradicting what jesus himself said namely that no one knows the day or the hour so if you have someone teaching something contrary to what jesus taught they're not necessarily a false prophet but they are a false teacher alrighty so this next question is going to come from our friend beth beth wanted to know this is an interesting question here okay do you believe the mark of the beast is a literal mark to buy and sell or is it a spiritual market yes it's a literal mark to buy and sell i don't think you could buy and sell necessarily with the spiritual mark unless it was some type of creed that you profess but one thing you can be certain of it's not going to be like oh no i accidentally got the mark of the beast the bible makes it very clear that in order to gain this mark there has to be a direct specific intentional allegiance given to the antichrist so it's not something that you're going to accidentally stumble upon or something that's going to be subtle or something that's going to come in that you didn't know was the mark of the beast it's going to be very very direct and it's going to require that you bow down and worship the antichrist so it's not just in receiving some stamp on your hand that you become what they would say reprobate but it's in the worshipping of the pledging allegiance to the antichrist that you seal your fate as one who is forever bound by that system and bound to the antichrist so yes it's a literal mark because it's for buying and selling some have hypothesized that it's a microchip some have hypothesized that it's a vaccine but whatever the case it's going to be a very specific very known thing that when i get the mark i'm actually bowing to the antichrist i'm pledging my allegiance i'm worshiping that system and i knowingly commit to them over christ it's not going to be something that sneaks up on you like if the doctor you know against your wishes vaccinates you that oh my goodness they sealed my fate no has nothing to do with that right um by the way we're not saved by exterior expressions like that i mean the whole central theme of the gospel is that it has nothing to do with your works but everything to do with faith so i doubt that the inverse of that would have to do with your actual actions that you take that permanently would seal your fate i think it again is a heart issue so it's not that getting the mark is what sealed your fate it's that because your fate was sealed by your own decision and hardening of your heart that you decided to get the mark so it's the opposite and we thank you for that question this next question comes from mellow it mellow it wanted to know for brother steve would you willingly do a cover of the song wrap me in your arms thank you so much so if i believe you're talking about rabbi and your arms wrapping in your arms that's an interesting song he just did the cover for you right now so that answers your question it's funny because that song i remember when i was younger we used to sing it in church and i remember filming the presence of the holy spirit when i sang that for a season in my life that was a really big song so i actually do have a massive list of songs and i know there was another song that was mentioned so i do see the comments i do see the songs they are in the uh barrel as you say so just waiting to release some fire releases sir that song wrapped me in your arms i remember it made an impression on me because there was a pastor friend of mine who lost his daughter his daughter died and i think it was just probably a month later that he was preaching well at a church i went to go support him because it was a difficult time for his family so i went to support him and you gotta imagine this this man just lost his daughter about a month before he's standing up there he finished preaching and he just starts singing that song well and when he started singing that song the glory of god manifested in that room and that he was literally just crying out wrapping me in your arms so when you said that song that's what came to my head it's a beautiful song so thank you for that question okay we're gonna go ahead and move on to another question here this question comes from our friend jonah jonah wants to know when you first experienced someone that was healed through your ministry what were you feeling inside at that very moment shocked excited in disbelief going oh my goodness this works i remember just this elation and i tried to this day to keep my heart in a place that every miracle i see is just as exciting as the first one i saw so that's a commitment i try to make to the lord and it's mostly his commitment to me to keep my heart in that place um but yeah i remember it was just this yeah i was elated to to see that that must have been a really interesting moment all right so we're going to move on to another question here this question comes from our good friend nini nini wanted to know does the bible say anything about our clothes being left behind during the rapture i've seen many movies and wondered if that would actually happen oh my goodness i've seen the same movies yeah we just settled we grew up watching those movies please annini great question this is a message to everybody who ever studies eschatology please don't get your eschatology from movies and books i mean i understand sometimes they're based on the studies but i think that because they're in popular movies we kind of just accept oh that must be what the bible teaches when no not even close um will our clothes be left behind um i don't know i don't know and i don't care [Music] but nene nini knows this well enough to know i'm joking but but in all seriousness no i don't think i i don't know i have no idea uh but but interesting question nonetheless very very interesting i've often wondered that myself all right i do want to thank some people here ronald milales just gave a one-time gift sergio sanchez gave a one-time gift and paula gorilla also gave a one-time gift thank you all for your generous support i also want to thank cecilia from youtube super chat they gave thank you so very much okay let's do two more and then we're gonna say good evening to all of you all right this next question comes from erica erica want to know do you recommend any strong spiritual women to follow and study catherine coleman amy simple mcpherson tim get a wide shot real quick i'm gonna get right here on the shelf we were just talking about this um i know that if i left my seat doing that tim would have been freaked out this is a book called basilia schlink a book by silly schlink called my all for him i highly recommend this book i read it and it completely changed the way i viewed prayer so prayer our relationship with the lord so uh my all for him by basilia schlink so catherine coleman amy simple mcpherson basilia schlink uh corey ten boom let me see who else could i recommend that we were talking about a woman today at lunch there was a there's a revival historian we were having lunch with and she wrote a book on a woman who who was an unknown but that made a big impact i wish i remember the name to that one um let me think here i mean it's funny when you you know all the people you study but then when someone oh maria woodworth-etter is another good one britain name another good one i know you guys got a list in your head too i mentioned amy amy simple mcpherson catherine coleman maria woodward pardon uh madame jean guian yeah she she's she's also um a great um writer and again basilia schlink would be another good one so those are some great ministries you should check out awesome okay final question final question all right this question comes from our friend james why is there little to no evidence of jesus speaking in tongues because he didn't speak in tongues but just because jesus didn't speak in tongues doesn't mean we shouldn't think about the fact that speaking in tongues is used to help supplement your prayer life jesus didn't need supplement for his prayer life his prayers were perfect jesus didn't pray in tongues for the same reason that jesus doesn't have a testimony of having been saved from sin he was perfect so just because jesus didn't pray in tongues doesn't mean it's something that we shouldn't do i mean apply the same logic to something as basic as repenting of your sins well jesus never repented of his sins so maybe we shouldn't well because jesus didn't have any sins well jesus never prayed in tongues jesus didn't need to jesus had perfect prayer language because he was directly connected with the father not one bit inhibited by sin or the sin nature he was completely perfect perfection so he didn't need it but great question i'm going to read one more name michael soto thank you so much for your generous support and now i'm going to pass this along with steve any final words for our friends as always guys thank you so much for tuning in we love you keep on praying for us we'll continue to pray for you guys we'll see you soon don't forget april 16th we're having that zoom healing service just a few days away now and then april 25th we're going to be in southern california believing for the baptism with the holy spirit and fire to touch your life in a fresh way and then may 15th and 16th we're going to be in orlando florida that's two nights cancel whatever you must to be a part of those two evenings for more information on any of our events go to slash and that is it for this edition of viral revival the holy spirit's live stream until next time remember nothing is impossible with god [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 46,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesus christ 2nd coming, return of jesus, jesus returning to earth, when will jesus come back to earth, when is jesus coming back, what will happen when god comes back, salvation, how to be saved, what is salvation, who is jesus christ, date when jesus comes back, what does the bible say about jesus return, what happens when jesus comes back, rapture, end times event, rapture in the bible, what will happen during the rapture, faith, how to have faith in jesus, sermons on faith
Id: 34XVMkC_Fv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 27sec (6567 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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