What They Saw in Heaven Will Give You Chills

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BG: Many prophetic voices, including myself, are all prophesying that we are in the greatest awakening of believers in the history of the world, and I am so excited, friends, about this show. Becky Albert and I are going to share with you a powerful encounter that we had in the land of revival of Wales. And so stay tuned for this episode because it is going to greatly impact your life. [Music] >> Arise and stand up. Discover today how to reset your life and how to overcome the schemes of the enemy and his demonic army through prophetic Kingdom strategies. Together we will become the influencers God has called us to be; and see our families, cities, regions and nations transformed. Walk into a fresh encounter with the Lord and see victorious answers to prayer today on Reigning In Life with Becca Greenwood. BG: I want to welcome you, friends, to today's show; and I would like to introduce you to my dear friend, Becky Albert. She is a powerful woman of God; powerful intercessor prophet. She has an incredible testimony. She teaches, she trains in prophecy, prophetic intersession. Her ministry is Armies Arising; and I have to be honest; I get the privilege of traveling with her, and she and I together, to nations of the world. We have been on many Kingdom adventures together, many great adventures. I think the one we're going to talk about today is probably our favorite. BA: It is. BG: I mean, all of them are so amazing. But friends, what we're going to talk about with you today, we're going to bring you into a beautiful, glorious encounter that we had with Jesus in the land of Wales. BA: The land of revival. BG: The land of revival and awakening, even where the-the-the revival, the Azusa Street Revival came out of. And there was a gentleman very involved in those revivals by the name of Rees Howells. And he was a powerful intercessor. He prayed in World War Two, friends, and literally, Winston Churchill credits his intercession and the intercession of his intercessors that were with him at a Bible college in Wales; He credits all of them that the Nazi structure in World War Two was defeated. And also they changed history for Israel- 1948, 1967- The Lord had been speaking to them about what needed to happen in Israel and they saw it years in advance and prophetically prayed until the history was made. So history-making intercession occurred at this location: Bible College of Wales; which is where the Lord spoke - Jesus spoke to Rees and said to him, "Establish this Bible college where you can intercede for the nations of the world. You can intercede for awakening and revival, and you can train." He could train students BA: Yes. to go to the nations with that revival anointing. And Becky, I know the same for you; I was reading the book written about him, Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb. And I was reading this book in 1993 [laugh]. There's the giggle. I'm just saying- and it radically, like it did for you when you read it. So many intercessors and prophets and prophetic intercessors say when they read about his life, Rees Howells: Intercessor; that it so changed their lives. And I was taken in this journey when I was reading the story of his life from that book about- and I began to have encounters with Jesus. I saw Him repeatedly in my dreams and just had beautiful encounters where He specifically was saying, "I am calling you as a prophet. I am calling you is a prophetic intercessor to the nations." And that's really what sealed the deal of everything that Greg and I are doing in the nations of the world. And Becky, for you, the same thing. What was it like when you read that book? BA: It challenged me to BG: Yes. such a degree that I thought, "Man I am I even saved?" [laugh] BG: It's one of those, right? BA: It's one of those books. BG: I don't know. I got pray a lot better. I am not praying good enough, right? BA: No, it truly challenges you. BG: But it's a beautiful challenge. BA: It's a beautiful challenge and it takes you to a place of surrender. that you just haven't been before. BG: Just deep surrender and you feel revival. You feel the anointing of revival on the message. BA: Absolutely. BG: So the Lord spoke to a group of us that we were to go to the Bible College of Wales. BA: Yes, He did. And we were to pray in the chapel [laugh] BA: Where they prayed. BG: where they prayed and shaped history of the nations of the world. BA: Right. BG: And we said- BA: We said, "Yes." BG: And as God supernaturally does, friends; He supernaturally does when you say, "yes", He causes all the right doors to open; which He did for us- incredibly supernatural BA: That is such favor. BG: Favor, favor. And we were welcomed in to pray in the chapel BA: I'm saying- BG: at the Bible College of Wales. So we want to take you on the journey with us of what happened. So the first day that we were in that Bible College of Wales, that chapel- BA: We just began with worship. BG: Yeah. BA: We just were so honored to be there. BG: Yes. They said we could be there at 8:30 and we're there at 8:20 waiting for the door to open. BA: Oh, we just found such favor and we, Becca, I think it's important to say we were expectant. BG: We came expecting. BA: We didn't know what God was going to do, but we knew He had called us there. BG: Right. So we just came very childlike. BA: Yes. BG: And here we are, Lord. BA: Yes. BG: And so they opened the door; we worshiped - glorious worship with Anthony. BA: Oh, my goodness. BG: And deep. Now, friends, we're not talking shallow; deep, deep place of surrender. BA: Yes, the yucky-cry surrender; the ugly cry surrender I call it BG: For about four and a half to five hours. BA: Right. BG: Anthony actually says it's longer because he was playing at the keyboard the whole time and surrendering himself, BA: Laying down everything. BG: And we were all in this beautiful, holy place with the Lord. BA: Yes. BG: But friends we're talking surrender of - Lord, we give You everything. BA: It was intense. BG: Lord, we give you our lives. BA: Yes, to the point of giving our life. BG: To the point of giving our lives. BA: Right. BG: Deep, deep, beautiful, holy place of surrender that we would not ever want to move away from; shrink back from ever. So then we come back the next day and wow; not only was it our team, but even one of the intercessors that used to pray with Rees's son, Samuel, Brian was with us - whoo - And he was part of that history-making intercession for Israel BA: Right BG: in the 1960's.. And when we came and we started to worship and pray that day, the Lord begin to speak to us about the nation of Israel which is really what jumpstarted us into this supernatural encounter of literally, friends, Heaven and Earth becoming one. And us encountering Heaven and Earth becoming one. So come back and join us for this next portion of the show, because we are really going to dive in to how Heaven and Earth became one and we got to see and experience Jesus face-to-face. [Music] [Music] [Music] >> Becca Greenwood is a minister and prophet, best selling author and a professor at Wagner University. Based in Colorado, she travels extensively around the world teaching on deliverance, prophecy, spiritual warfare, leadership and personal transformation. She and her husband, Greg, lead the Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network, a prayer organization mobilizing an army of prayer warriors to stand and possess the land. For the past 30 years, she has assembled and led prophetic intercession and spiritual warfare prayer journeys to over 45 nations, resulting in transformational breakthrough within spheres of government and the marketplace. With a passion to spread the Gospel and see the glory of God impact the world, her hearts cry has become, "Lord, give me the nations." Through her ministry, books, online teaching and schools, Becca will equip you to possess your land and come into personal wholeness and freedom. To join Becca, go to ReigningInLifeTV.com and check out all of her resources. check out all of her resources. [Music] BG: So we're going to continue the testimony of what happened that day in the chapel at the Bible College of Wales. So Brian was with us and one of our team members saw a vision. BA: Right. BG: And she saw a large BA: Giant key. BG: giant key, yes. And she said and it's like something's locked up, locked up and we need to unlock it. And so and so she said, "Now, guys, I'm going to look funny," BA: Right BG: And she said, "But I need to go over and grab it and I need to turn it. So I'm going to have to jump like I'm turning a giant key." And she said - and we're like, "Well, we travel nations together. We've done a lot of prophetic acts together. We're like, You're worried about that? - looking silly with this group, right?" So I said, "Go ahead and do it." And she did. Whoo BA: Wow. And she grabbed this key she was seeing and she said "It has something to do with Israel." And she walks over and she grabs it and she jumps through the air in this prophetic act. And when she did, this glory portal, this just opened in that chapel. And remember, out of Brian- BA: Such prayer, BG: that groan of intercession that just rose up out of this deep well, I mean, and it was like your every hair on your body was just standing on end. And we caught the wave with him. BA: We did. We were on holy ground and we knew it. BG:Very holy. BA: So Becca, after Deb had turned the key, then I had an open vision and I saw the Lord come into the room- Jesus come into the room. And He was - by this point we were on our faces. BG: Right. And even before that- BA: Yeah BG: we begin to cry out for the nations. What happened before we even got on the floor , BA: I forgot about that part BG: was we could hear the sound of intersession, in the walls of all of those years; we could hear it. BA: Yeah BG: We could hear Rees's voice. We could hear the voice of the students. We could hear Samuel. We heard it and we began to ride the wave and pick up in the intersession, like, where they left off. BA: We were just crying out, nations. BG: Nations, nations, Israel, Russia, China, Wales, Britain, Africa, Singapore, the United States. I mean, we were soaring in Syria. Japan - anyway. Oh, it's coming back. But literally we were soaring in the nations; in the Spirit in the nations, God's glory broke out so tangibly that students left the classroom; staff would go to the cafeteria to eat, remember? And they couldn't even stay. They were rushing into the chapel to be in the Lord's presence. BA: Yes. BG: So at that point, we get down and we're on a floor where - Right - face down and we're in that circle. BA: Yes. BG: And we begin to say, "Lord, we covenant with you. BA: Yes. BG: for the nations." And we begin to shout out loud, "Do it again, God, do it again!" Cry out for the nations. So six of us are in this covenant, holding hands, face down on the floor. BA: Yeah. BG: And then BA: And then Jesus comes. BG: Jesus comes into BA: Because we've said to Him, "We're covenanting with You." BG: We made covenant. BA: We did and we didn't do that lightly. So He goes around the room and He's laying a mantle of nations on each one of our backs. And then the angel comes and she pours out the golden oil; And that's when Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth became one. BG: And we don't know language to describe this other than - instead of tipping the bowl of intercession, we were in the bowl. I don't know how else to. and - in that moment, we all begin to have encounters. Jesus was in the room - um - and I'll tell my encounter, you tell yours. At that point, I saw Jesus and we were in Heaven; Heaven and Earth were one. So-so Jesus and the great cloud of witnesses; we were all one. And I saw Jesus. BA: You did. And I saw Rees Howells. BA: Yes. BG: And I saw Peter Wagner. who is our spiritual mentor and father. And we weren't looking for this, so this - remember, Becky, it was just all so supernatural; we didn't conjure this. It was just - and I heard these words like I would hear - they are words of encouragement and destiny, like I would hear from Peter when he was alive. And I heard, "Good job, darling. You came to Wales and now you have finished receiving the fullness of the mantle for the nations." And, at that point, I was ugly crying. BA: Ugly, crying. BG: But gone - just - we weren't gone; we were all one. BA: We were one. I've never had an encounter like - I mean, Heaven came to us. BA: Yes. That's how I would describe it as well, Becca. BG: Heaven came into that chapel. And your encounter - BA: My encounter was with my grandmother, who was a circuit- riding preacher during World War Two. All the men went to war and granny rode a mule and went and preached the Gospel. But, you know, women were very suppressed in her generation. And so in my encounter, she came to me and she handed me a baton and she said, "I'm passing the baton to you, baby. Will you say all the words I never got to say? Will you?" And so I said, "Yes," because I have a voice. BG: You have a voice. And you said, "Yes." BA: We were just so undone - I don't know how to describe it. Like you said, Becca, there are no words, but Heaven and Earth became one. And we were caught up in the in the realm of eternity. BG: That's right. We were in eternity. We were we were in eternity. And everyone on our team, I mean, encounters in life- transforming, altering moments. And remember, Becky, we were in timelessness. BG: Timeless. We were there half - half a day. And you kind of come out of that. And we weren't really even fully telling each other yet because it was so corporate, but yet, so individual at the same time. And so we all hadn't said yet, we saw Jesus. I saw Peter and Rees. You saw your grandmother. BA: Right BG: I mean, all the other team members were having those encounters as well with very significant personal encounters. But it was also corporate preparing us. So we left and one of the students noticed an object in the room and she walks over and she picks it up. And it was in the center of the circle. Wow. I'm just saying - BA: Right where we had been. BG: Where we had been and she walks over - and I have it here - and she picks up an object. BA: Yes. BG: Now, we have been walking barefoot in this chapel. We have been face-down in intercession in this chapel. It's just a four - it's a room with four walls and blue carpet; that's it. BA: Right. BG: And she went over and she picked up an object. And as she picked it up; it's a key. And it's a two-sided, just a little key. And on both sides of the key, it has a crown and it has the word, "Master," which is very significant. And so they then contact us and say, "Did you guys lose a key?" You want to make sure you're not in the flesh, right? So everybody that was in the chapel, everybody at the college, "Is this key yours?" And so when we return, we're going to finish the testimony of the key and we're going to release the impartation of revival and awakening to you. [Music] [Music] >> In Defeating Strongholds of the Mind , Becca Greenwood shares her personal experiences of walking with the Lord as He led her through a spiritual journey of overcoming personal strongholds in both her thought, life and emotions. BG: You know, the Lord has an awesome Kingdom identity for each of us, and He wants us to walk a life of freedom and victory. You have a Kingdom identity, and the Bible is full of scriptural promises of Kingdom identity. And some of you watching, you have a prophetic destiny that's been spoken into your life. And so the Lord wants us not only to know our identity, but to overcome strongholds so we can step fully into the identity that He has called us to walk in. >>This book will teach you how you too can walk in personal freedom and victory and into your Kingdom calling and destiny. [Music] BG: So, Becky, as we were saying, right, that no one, this key belong to nobody; it - no one had ever even seen it. BA: Exactly. BG: And when one of the faculty that works at the Bible College talked to another gentleman who had helped with maintenance at the campus, he said, "Well, do you know what a master key does?" [laugh] And she said, "No." And he said, "Well, a master key goes into what was locked up and it resets and it realigns; so what has been closed and locked up can now be opened again. So we know that we know. BA: We know that we know. BG: We know that we know that we know - BA: Yes. that this key was left as a sign and a wonder. It's a key from Heaven that was left as a sign and a wonder to us, but also to all believers. BA: Exactly. BG: That this era of great awakening to this era of Great Awakening that we have all been prophesying and believing and interceding into, decreeing out in the land of revival. BA: Yes. BG: Where it had been locked up, God led us in that prophetic act of unlocking and that glory that came ignited revival BA: It did. BG: in each of us. BA: It certainly did. BG: And, friends, what is so beautiful about this is that when, as believers - what is - what does this key mean? A master key, see, it says in Matthew 16, when Jesus, when Yeshua was speaking to His disciples, what did He say to them, Becky? "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom"- all who believe in Yeshua And - and all- all believers, body of believers that all who believe in Him, that He gives us keys to the Kingdom. And what is so beautiful about this in Jewish culture, Jesus knew what He was saying because in that time, in culture, if you handed, Becky, if I handed this over - go ahead, girl, take that key. If I hand a key over to you, it didn't mean you were house-sitting. It didn't mean you were watering the plants and feeding the animals while I'm out of town. In Jewish culture, if you gave keys over to someone, to your kingdom, to your home, it meant that you had the full authority as if you are the master of the house yourself. BA: That's right. So master key is a sign from Heaven. And what is so beautiful is Israel, that key that Deb saw at the beginning, right? And she goes and she turns it; she says it has something to do with Israel. And after that, is all of a sudden when the embassy in the U .S. moved into Jerusalem, and other embassies began to honor Israel from other nations; Guatemala, there's continued discussions. Becky, I have been in meetings in Israel now with governmental leaders of other nations who will be aligning their embassies in Israel, moving them into Jerusalem. BA: Go God. BG: And so, guys, not only is this even for Israel, but this is a sign and a wonder that this awakening that we've all been believing and praying for; and let's be candid, Becky, Since this moment, BA: Yes, ma'am. BG: and that encounter in Heaven and Earth becoming one, And we covenanted with the Lord and we surrendered. BA: We did. BG: Would you 100% be able to say you consider yourself living in a great awakening and revival since that moment? BA: Absolutely, Ican. Everything changed. BG: Everything. BA: Everything changed. BG: Everything changed. So we want to pray for each of you. We want to release this impartation. So I want you to just put your hands up, friends to receive from Jesus. So, Lord, right now, we pray for all who are watching this show; and Lord, we release the impartation of glory. Lord, we release - that You will go through these airwaves, Lord, and that that revival anointing, the holiness moment with you, Lord, that it will be awakened in each person. And so, Lord, right now together, Becky and I released this blessing. Lord, awaken the glory in each of them that they will encounter You, Yeshua, in a way that changes everything in their spiritual walk with You. God bless you, friends. [Music]
Channel: ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Views: 16,004
Rating: 4.925631 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, faith, Holy Spirit, Becca Greenwood, Jesus, Reigning in Life, Rebecca Greenwood, angels, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network, glory, Heaven, Heaven encounters, Heaven experiences, Becky Albert
Id: GSX7Dhmqy4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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