Yielded Vessels: The Cost of Being Anointed

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[Music] hello this is david diego hernandez and you're watching spirit church here on the encounter tv network what does it take to walk in the anointing how can you become a vessel of god's holy spirit's power we're going to be looking at the biblical symbolism of the anointing oil and then from that symbolism we're going to glean truths that will help you to walk in god's power but first stephen makta zuma's here with me he's going to lead you in some very anointed worship and then we're getting right into this message here stephen makta zuma [Music] it was my crossing ball so i could live in the freedom you died for and now my life is yours and i will sing of your goodness forevermore worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name [Music] it was my cross you wore so i could live in the freedom you died for [Music] and now my life is yours and i will sing of your goodness forevermore worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] jesus you deserve praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus [Music] you deserve the praise [Music] so let's begin by first looking to the scripture to see how the anointing oil was made the anointing oil is a type or a shadow of the holy spirit's power in the old testament in the old testament the oil was the shadow in the new testament the holy spirit is revealed as the substance so let's go now to exodus 30 and we're going to read beginning at verse number 22. then the lord said to moses collect choice spices twelve and a half pounds of pure myrrh six and a quarter pound of fragrant cinnamon six and a quarter pounds of fragrant calamus and twelve and a half pounds of cassia as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel also get one gallon of olive oil let a skilled incense maker blend these ingredients to make a holy anointing now in the old testament anointing oil was used in a ceremony where someone who was appointed by god as a prophet would anoint someone else who was being anointed or appointed by god to another position kings were anointed priests were anointed prophets were anointed they even anointed certain articles in the tabernacle whatever was anointed was set aside for god's use it was made holy it was made pure so that anointing oil once it came upon something that signified that god had set that something or someone aside for his purposes but looking now to this portion of scripture we see that there were various things used in the anointing oil and in that symbolism i believe we can find truths that will help us to walk in god's holy spirit's power i want to remind you again the old testament the oil was the shadow in the new testament the holy spirit is revealed as the substance acts chapter 10 verse 38 says this and you know that god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power then jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him so first we see that they used myrrh and myrrh was a gum that exudes from the bark of a shrub or a small tree it was used for medicinal purposes for purification and for embalming it had a purifying effect that's the main takeaway from myrrh myrrh had a purifying effect which obviously indicates to us that if we want to walk in god's power we must live a life of purity purity is so key to walking in the anointing some imagine that they can live their lives without purity and they try to make up what they lack in purity with charisma with talent with eloquence and they have to make up in the flesh what they lack in the spirit because they are not walking pure before god ephesians chapter 5 verses 1 through 4 says this follow god's example therefore as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love just as christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to god but among you there must not even be a hint of sexual immorality or of any kind of impurity or of greed because these are improper for god's holy people nor should there be obscenity foolish talk or coarse joking which are out of place but rather thanksgiving the purity within your life will affect the flow of god's power through your life the power upon you is directly proportionate to the level of purity you're walking in impurity doesn't keep the holy spirit from having power or doesn't keep the holy spirit from living within you there are some who have the holy spirit within them and they're struggling with sin but what impurity does is it keeps the holy spirit from being able to allow his power to flow through your life now we know that we ought not to live in sin we know that we ought not to grieve the holy spirit we know that god put his holy spirit in us to help us to live holy but beyond that when we fail to walk in purity we actually begin to affect those around us and we affect the lives of those who should have been influenced by god's power moving through us but they weren't influenced because we instead chose impurity don't let there be even a hint of impurity you must choose to draw a line and say i'm not going to live the way i used to i'm not going to allow my thoughts to go where they used to go i am going to choose to live a life that is holy before god that i might walk in power before man that god might use me as an influence that god might use me as a vessel to affect change in the lives of those i meet and love purity is key next we see used as an ingredient cinnamon now cinnamon obviously is known for its sweetness so i want to show you something very interesting here in acts chapter 8 beginning at verse number 15 we'll read we'll start reading at verse number 15. acts 8 there's an interesting story that takes place here because when i talk about sweetness i could talk about kindness and gentleness and meekness those are all wonderful things and they are also key to walking in god's power in fact one of the keys to jesus's healing ministry was his compassion for the sick one of the keys to longevity in the healing ministry or in any ministry really is compassion for those to whom you are ministering look at this acts chapter 8 verses 15 i'll read down to verse 24. as soon as they arrived they prayed for these new believers to receive the holy spirit the holy spirit had not yet come upon any of them for they had only been baptized in the name of the lord jesus then peter and john laid their hands upon these believers and they received the holy spirit when simon saw that the spirit was given when the apostles laid their hands on people he offered them money to buy this power verse 19 let me have this power too he exclaimed so that when i lay my hands on people they will receive the holy spirit but peter replied may your money be destroyed with you for thinking god's gift can be bought you can have no part in this for your heart is not right with god repent of your wickedness and perhaps the lord will forgive your evil thoughts for i can see that you are full of bitter jealousy and are held captive by sin verse 24 he says pray to the lord for me simon exclaimed that these terrible things you said won't happen to me interesting here very interesting because i could teach on bitterness being unforgiveness that's true i could teach on bitterness being a lack of kindness in your life and that's true and forgiving others and walking in kindness and mercy compassion as i said our keys to the anointing but you notice here that peter rebuked simon the sorcerer because he saw in him bitterness and that bitterness and that jealousy manifested themselves as competition and ambition he saw the apostles laying hands on others and when he saw that the apostles had power that he didn't have he became jealous of them and tried to buy the holy spirit's power the truth of the matter is that if you're going to walk in the anointing you cannot treat other ministries and ministers as your competition if you're going to walk in the anointing you cannot live in jealousy toward other believers in fact you can't live in jealousy toward others period when you walk in the anointing you have to realize that power is not given to you that you might be elevated that power is given to you that you might elevate god's message that you might become someone who impacts lives around you that power is given to set people free not to make you important not to satisfy your ego not to make you competitive in the ministry market as some might call it god rejects bitterness god will not use the jealous competitive ambitious individual now it's one thing to fight these motives because there are problems with the flesh that we will deal with for the rest of our lives and for some that is this insecurity that is this competitive ambitious spirit but you must work with the holy spirit to put into check to put into subjection those aspects of your worldly nature that try to manifest in ministry it's very key that you walk with the sweetness of the spirit and avoid competition jealousy ambition and ego number three we see calamus or cain now this was an oriental plant called the sweet flag and they would take this plant and they would grind it into powder and that powder would become what they would use to help create perfume in luke chapter 7 we see down at verse number 36 luke chapter 7 we see a very moving event one of the pharisees asked jesus to have dinner with him so jesus went to his home and sat down to eat when a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume then she knelt behind him at his feet weeping her tears fell on his feet and she wiped them off with her hair then she kept kissing his feet and putting perfume on them what do we see here when this woman who was forgiven of great sin broke open that alabaster box and the perfume came forth what was that that was the fragrance of worship number three a lifestyle of worship is a key to walking in the anointing i'm talking about about both obedience and singing unto the lord the bible says this in second corinthians chapter 2 verse 15. our lives are like a christ-like fragrance rising up to god but this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing worship marks you worship makes your life distinct worship attracts the glory to your life worship attracts heaven to your life when you live a lifestyle of worship both singing aloud and singing his praises and walking in devoted obedience because worship is a song and worship is a lifestyle when you walk in a lifestyle of both of those things song and obedience there's something powerful that happens there is something very powerful about a song there is something very powerful about a lifestyle of obedience when you live in such a way you attract the atmosphere of heaven into your life so number one myrrh represents holiness number two cinnamon represents sweetness and that is of course the lack of ambition competition ego then there's calamus which is cain which represents fragrance or worship next we see kessia and the branches of the cassia herb would hold moisture and they would go deep into the ground the cassia plant would grow by by bodies of water like a river and the roots would go deep and those roots would hold moisture therefore kessia represents the process i'll show you why psalm chapter 1 verses 1-3 all the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with sinners or join in with mockers but they delight in the law of the lord meditating on it day and night they are like trees planted along the riverbank bearing fruit each season their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do when you're planted by the river of the spirit of god by living a life of devotion in his word by living a lifestyle of prayer by living a lifestyle of process then your roots go deep and like the cassia branch or the cassia herb you absorb that moisture of spiritual waters those roots that go deep only go deep when you allow yourself to be subject to the process too many people try to bypass the process one of the great things about the generation in which we live is that anybody can have a voice online anyone can have a platform at any moment one of the sad things about the generation in which we live is that anyone at any moment can have a platform online and because anyone can have a platform at any time anyone can skip the process now you may imagine that by rushing through the process that you're moving the timeline along faster in fact when you rush your process in the long run you slow yourself down because the process can only take place when you've decided to lay your life down and you stop squirming on that altar that's the funny thing sometimes we'll lay something on the altar and instead of letting it die it squirms well get on the cross say lord i'm picking up my cross i'm going to follow you we get on the cross but we don't stay on the cross we come right off that thing and the problem we're living that way is that you may imagine that you're moving things along quickly you you want to start preaching right away you want to start doing things publicly right away and this really applies to all believers not just those who want public ministry we want to rush god's process because we think that we're saving time but the rushing of the process will slow you down like nothing else nothing will slow you down like rushing the process because it just delays the inevitable eventually you're going to have to wait it through eventually you're going to have to go through the process eventually you're going to have to submit yourself to the work that god is doing in your life and if you keep delaying that moment then by the time you reach it you will have wasted so much time that it would have been better had you just surrendered to the process to begin with so let your roots go deep live a lifestyle of devotion you know when roots go deep they go to where it's cold they go to where it's dark roots go where no one can see them roots go where no one else is the place where roots grow is dark isolated and unnoticed and overlooked but let your roots go down deep let god process you let god work in you let god shape your character let him teach you let him prepare you in the wilderness before he brings you onto the scene let god process you process is a key to the anointing finally we see the olive oil now i know you've heard it said that olives are crushed and this is true but think about what has to happen to the olive before it is crushed it has to be shaken from the tree first it's shaken then it's crushed when it's shaken it's taken from the familiar when it's shaken it's taken from that which it relies upon when it's shaken it's taken from that which it probably thinks is its source that's you maybe you're going through some shaking right now maybe you're being disconnected maybe you're being removed maybe everything you rely upon is shifting around you and you don't know what the clear direction forward is good because when you are being shaken from the familiar you are being prepared for greatness remember that please when you are being shaken from the familiar you are being prepared for greatness first there is a shaking and then there is a crushing first god will take you from that tree first god will will take you he'll shake you from that place that you you relied upon that thing that you thought was your source that relationship that you thought you needed that ministry that you thought you needed right now god will shake you from the source that you relied upon and then he'll crush you in a good way you know in order to get the oil out of the olive they have to crush the olive but if there is no oil in the olive then the crushing was done in vain only the spirit filled produce god's power under pressure you could take some non-believer put them under the same crushing and what would come out of them would be completely different but the spirit-filled the truly spirit-filled when they go through the crushing it produces oil what is in you don't let this season be wasted if god is shaking you and crushing you and processing you don't let the season be wasted let the oil come forth not those things of the flesh do you realize that when you live in the flesh you're you're lacking the preparation for those dark seasons if you live in the flesh and then you enter a dark season you wasted that season because you didn't produce oil but if you live a spirit-filled life then when you walk into that dark season and god crushes you power's produced and that really is the key salvation is free but the anointing will cost you everything god produces the anointing we must live to protect the anointing i want to show you something back in the book of exodus skilled incense maker blend these ingredients to make a holy anointing oil god is that skilled incense maker god is the one who can pull these ingredients together in your life and produce power he's the potter we're the clay we're the olive he's the incense maker let him pull together the ingredients in your life let him do his work but if he is going to produce that power we have to give him something with which he can work we have to give him the myrrh we must live holy we have to give him the cinnamon we must keep our hearts from impure ambitions and competition we must give him the calamus that's the offering of worship through obedience and song we must give him the cassia by allowing ourselves to be processed we must give him the olive oil by letting him shake us and crush us trust him with that give him the broken pieces of that process and let him pull together all of those ingredients to bring forth the power of the holy spirit in you and through you father i pray right now in this moment you would begin to speak to that one watching father show them what you're doing in this season and help them to surrender to your process lord that they might be used by you that you might produce fresh oil from their lives fresh oil i i really sense this word is for someone the crushing is for fresh oil the fresh oil is for the greater season i'm going to say that again the crushing is for fresh oil the fresh oil is for the greater season that's for someone watching me right now father let it be done and lord i pray you heal every disease every sickness bring deliverance from every addiction and bondage let that anointing flow right now in the name of jesus we pray i want you to say it because you believe it say amen well that is it for the lesson i want to welcome now the new members of spirit church there you are up on the screen we love you we are praying for you i always say that because i always mean it if you'd like information on how you can join the spirit family go right now davidhernandezministries.com spirit church join this online community of almost 15 000 members that's 15 000 people a part of this online church join us today by going to david hernandez ministries.com spirit church when you go to that page you'll scroll down just a little bit you'll see a form there fill that out it's absolutely free and then you're a member of the online church and you'll begin getting our online services via email and now to your comments and these comments come from last week's teaching what if the holy spirit left the earth and that is a troubling question and it's a hypothetical question because he doesn't leave the believer so it's a hypothetical question and it's a hypothetical question that i posed with the aim of helping us to appreciate the work of the holy spirit in our lives because all too often we take him for granted so if you want a new level of appreciation for the person of the holy spirit i suggest you go back and watch what if the holy spirit left the earth it's going to be a teaching that will really get you thinking again it's a hypothetical but it's something that will really get you thinking and appreciating the holy spirit on greater levels and while you're at it if you're watching on youtube be sure to subscribe click the notification bell so that you can receive notices of all of our content follow us on facebook instagram all over the platforms wherever you're watching from make sure you follow and connect now again here are the comments from what if the holy spirit left the earth if you'd like me to potentially read your comments on next week's edition of spirit church then go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section right now the first comment comes from sonja van niekerk who writes what a great reminder of the wonderful work the holy spirit is doing and amen to the prayer father please help us appreciate acknowledge and honor the holy spirit for everything he is doing on earth santi jayaraman writes thank you brother david for your guidance i came across your ministry when i wanted to know more about the holy spirit i have learned a lot and have been very inspired thank you brother and god bless well santi that is a mandate of this ministry when the lord spoke to me he made it very clear he said i've called you to introduce my holy spirit to your generation and this channel is the holy spirit's channel it's all his he runs it and that's why you sense that connection with him after receiving the content martha rooster writes thank you sir for your powerful message god bless both you and steve your ministry is one of my favorite pages on youtube and i am always eager for each new video martha that's very encouraging and yes we certainly do appreciate and love the worship ministry of mr stephen moctezuma and the final comment comes from janet rousey who writes excellent teacher for today so pleased and blessed to be able to support this ministry well janet thank you for your support and thank you for helping us continue doing what we're doing i have one message for you don't turn the video off i want to encourage you with this thought remember this together we can do more than we could ever do alone really think about that because i want you to get that in your spirit together we can do more than we could ever do alone if we try to do this on our own we won't be as effective as doing it together you have to realize that when you support this ministry you are joining your support not just with us not just with us here at the studio but you're joining your support with thousands of other believers around the world who on a monthly basis donate and you joining forces with them has much greater impact than any of us can have on our own so i want to encourage you today if you appreciate the videos then this is the time to support when you become a monthly supporter of this ministry you support the videos which we give away for free the live streams which we allow access to for free you support the events which we never charge registration for and you support the holy spirit school which is absolutely free and is helping to raise spiritual leaders all around the world and god is using all of these ministries greatly not only that but when you invest in this ministry with your donation you're helping us to win souls to build and edify and encourage believers we see people filled with the holy spirit we see people delivered from demons and addictions it's making a difference this is working so i'm going to ask you become a monthly supporter if you'll sign up to become a partner for think about this just 10 a month 10 a month we spend more what do we spend ten dollars on think about all the things you spent ten dollars on this month and then ask yourself why wouldn't i put that into a ministry that's making impact all around the world so if you become a partner with us at ten dollars or more a month you will receive access to the monthly zoom calls that stephen octazuma and i do with our partners you'll get event seat reservations you'll get the monthly email update that's exclusive for our partners you'll get a 10 discount on all ministry apparel and we have some new merch coming out soon on top of that we'll send you a beautiful dove lapel pin that you can wear to show your support of this ministry at the 30 a month level or more you're going to get all of those wonderful benefits plus you get to choose a book from our book catalog i'll sign it send it to you as my thank you gift and that will be your initiation into your monthly partnership at the 100 level you're gonna get all of those wonderful benefits plus we will double your discount and you'll receive four books not one you'll get all four of the books and of course all partners get event seat reservations at all of our ministry events which typically pack out so it's great think about this guys so you're going to help create all that content which you can enjoy yourself for free and people around the world can enjoy for free you're going to help us change lives through people being saved healed delivered filled with the holy spirit and on top of that you're gonna get all of those benefits i'm telling you there's no better way to spend monthly so become a partner today if god's not leading you to do that or it's not in your ability to do that then consider a one-time gift today to help this ministry continue to go and grow and make impact all around the world just go right now david hernandez ministries dot com slash partner to become a monthly ministry partner check the website for the latest partnership program or you can go make a one-time donation by going to david hernandez ministries.com donate whatever you do do it right now let the lord lead you and be a part of what we're doing all around the world remember together we can do more than we could ever do alone and that is it for this edition of spirit church until next time remember nothing is impossible with god thank you for watching encounter tv don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell also help us spread the gospel of jesus christ in the power of the holy spirit make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 42,219
Rating: 4.9671421 out of 5
Keywords: anointing, what is the anointing, anointing of the holy spirit, how to activate the anointing, activate the anointing, access the anointing, anointing of god, god's anointing, anointing oil, call of god, god's calling on your life, what is god calling me to do, jesus christ, god called you, god chose you, oil of anointing, what does it mean to be anointed, god's plan for my life, holy spirit sermons, anointing sermons, sermons on the anointing, what is anointing oil made of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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