How to Be Free from Bitterness and Unforgiveness

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father in the name of jesus the lord we thank you for your word i thank you for this wonderful group who we refer to as our spirit family thank you for knitting our hearts together thank you for making us as one with one another as we are one with you thank you father for this community of people who love the holy spirit of people who love your word and i pray today lord that as your word goes forth that you would deal with us i want you to tell him that say lord deal with me lord deal with us deeply remove those things that ought not to be there help us to love help us to forgive help us to find healing in your presence and in your word and in your truth we pray this in the unmatched name of jesus and i want you to say because you believe it say amen okay getting into the message now i want to first show you some signs that you may be dealing with bitterness now full disclosure here these signs that i'm about to give you are not necessarily biblically based specifically you will find them in principle backed by scripture but what i'm about to show you signs to help you identify the bitterness in your own heart these things are actually found in people who are bitter and i know this from seeing bitterness work in the hearts of people who i love and know so this comes from experience things i've observed about people who deal with bitterness so take a listen here i'm going to give you this list i'm going to show you some ways you can identify bitterness in your own heart and as you do prayerfully listen to this ask the lord to reveal to you how you might be dealing with bitterness or unforgiveness because sometimes we we tuck things away deep within our heart and we pretend that it's not there and we hope that god doesn't see it but god sees everything okay so the first sign here and maybe steve you've seen some of these too and if you can think of any steve feel free to throw those in and you in the chat if you can think of any uh feel free to throw in other signs too okay here's a sign that you may be dealing with bitterness number one you're highly judgmental cynical critical no one can do anything right you attend church and all you do is nitpick at all of those things that you don't like the lights are too bright the music is too loud the sermon is too short the sermon is too long the pastor didn't talk enough about this or the pastor talked too much about that the people took my seat i don't like the way they greeted me i don't like the color of the building i don't like the way that pastors dress all of these things come usually from a bitter heart number two you're very defensive whenever the topic of bitterness and unforgiveness comes up we like to throw out our exceptions it's interesting to me how personal people take my public comments sometimes so sometimes i'll put something out there for example i'll publicly say we need to release people from unforgiveness and rather than just letting it be or saying amen people who are bitter will actually comment well hold on wait a minute you don't know my story what if or what if i went through this this this and this or you didn't know what type of relationship i was in or you didn't know my story and they will take it so personal even though it's a public comment really not addressed that anyone in particular they'll take it right to heart and immediately begin to defend their bitterness and thus reveal their bitterness so people who are bitter are very defensive another sign that you may be bitter is that you replay the hurt in your mind again and again and again and you allow it to anger you you allow it to upset your emotions and stir your mind again over and over and over again you replay the memory of the hurt another sign that you may be dealing with bitterness is that you constantly feel this compulsion to retell the story of how you were hurt now it's one thing to go to someone who you love and trust who's a close friend or family member maybe a spiritual brother or sister and you go to them and you explain to them how you were hurt you tell them the story they pray with you you open up to them that's one thing it's another thing entirely to live your whole life with this deep compulsion to where you feel this need to constantly retell the story of how you were hurt to constantly tell everyone how difficult you have it every single conversation you look for a way to work it in every time there's people gathering and fellowshipping you try to steer the discussion to the point where you'll be able to share with everybody just how hurt you are another sign that you may be dealing with bitterness is that you have this need or you think you need people to side with you so that they see your enemy in the same light that you do in other words i'm angry at this person i don't like this person and therefore i'm going to try to get everyone else to see this person the way i see them so you may see someone as being really mean or really impatient or you may not like the way that someone operates so rather than just let that be if you deal with bitterness you have to rally others around you you have to get others to agree with you look at that person and likewise say oh yeah that person is mean or that person is that or i agree with you that person could use some work in this area in their character the reality is we all could use work on our character we all could be more like jesus in one way or another but when you're bitter you want everyone to agree with you about that person about that church about that pastor about that denomination about that group of people about that family we want people to see from our perspective because really in getting others to see people from our perspective we feel vindicated and we get a false sense of justice we get satisfaction in knowing that others likewise are saying oh you know what i agree with you i see that too but really what's actually happening in most cases is a the person probably doesn't actually agree with you they probably are just saying that so you stop telling them the story again and again and again and b it's also possible that you're simply polluting their minds against the people who you hate against the people who you hold anger toward and it's possible that they never would have come to that conclusion had it not been for your slander so people who are bitter have this need or they think they have a need for people to side with them so that those people see their enemy in the same light that they do you know you're possibly suffering from bitterness if you find it difficult to trust people now this one's this one's a bit explosive because people in general don't trust people but i dare say that many people without even realizing it are dealing with the consequences of hurt are dealing with the consequences of a certain pain that they didn't even realize they were carrying in other words someone offended them someone hurt them someone did something to them someone didn't do something that they were supposed to do they spoke a word that maybe found a root or found a place to have root in their heart and so those words spoken those actions taken or not taken whatever it may have been whatever the circumstance now the person has this bitterness and they find it difficult to trust other people come on i'm amazed at how many believers make the excuses for why they're not in church i'm amazed at how many believers make excuses for why they don't attend a fellowship of believers i love our gatherings this is a wonderful community if you ask me this is the best community online and i say that of course i'm a little bit biased because i love you so much but i believe that i believe there's no other community like ours biblically grounded spirit-filled power substance the presence of the holy spirit i believe god is in this community but this can't replace your church attendance wow this can't replace the personal in-person gathering of the saints i'm amazed at how many believers make up excuses for why they're not in church and they throw out all these things well i can't find one or there there's too much there's too many problems with the one i was going to her and they nitpick all the while not realizing that they're actually not in church because they were hurt at the last place they went and now they're on such heavy guard that there's no way they're going to step foot into another church another issue that arises from bitterness this is another sign that you may be dealing with bitterness is the offender can do no right i find it amazing how many people let the first impression dominate themselves for the rest of their lives so they'll allow their first impression or a bad impression of an individual to dominate their thoughts about that person for the rest of their lives this is a sign that someone is deeply deeply hurt i'm going to give you i'm going to give you some insight right now hear me now when somebody makes up their mind about people on first impressions alone and it's easy to get on their bad side that individual has some hurt that needs to be healed that individual is very very broken in other words everything's fine they say one thing and now they kind of like mark them in their mind okay i don't like that one they tell their friends we don't like that one they tell their spouse we don't like that one they tell their children we don't like that one they tell their bible study group oh we don't like that one why because one issue happened one comment one little interaction they didn't like and suddenly now they're against them their mind has changed about that person and they want everybody to have that same mindset about that person that is not only is that manipulation that's a sign of brokenness that's a sign of hurt to where now this person can do no right in your eyes no matter how kind they are to you no matter how many times they apologize to you no matter how many times they try to make things right it doesn't matter you did that one thing so i'm gonna put you in my my jail it's like an offense jail you a family i put you in that little jail and you live there the rest of your life and no matter what you do you're always in that jail and that is a sign of bitterness a more obvious sign of bitterness is that you wish calamity upon your offender you hope something bad happens to them you hope they face their consequences as some might put it today a lot of what we call justice is actually just revenge i think god he doesn't give us justice you realize that if god gave everybody justice we'd all be in hell let me say that again i thank god he doesn't give us all justice if god gave us all justice we'd all be in hell i thank god that he instead gave us mercy so again just to recap again these are not biblical necessarily you're not going to find these in chapter n and verse you'll find them in biblical principles and in everyday experience but this is just a small introduction so ways to identify bitterness in your heart highly judgmental very defensive you replay the hurt you retell the story you need people to side with you and see your so-called enemy in the same light that you do you find it difficult to trust people the offender can do no right you put them in that little prison you mark them they're the one that i don't like and you tell everyone around you we don't like that one you try to push them out of your life in a very negative way that is a sign of offense you wish calamity upon the offender that's an even deeper form of offense and many people actually even allow their hearts to get to that place to where they're wishing calamity upon their offender uh paula chavez says yes amen gloria chang says wow i see uh carol says i don't even want justice that's a great place to stand um i'm seeing a lot of comments coming in how many of you so far are being challenged by this if you're being challenged just type the word amen okay some things you should know about bitterness bitterness number one is a root bitterness is a root hebrews 12 15 says and i'm reading out of the new living translation look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of god watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you corrupting many do you realize that the bible describes bitterness as a root roots are the growth system of something so bitterness is not just trouble in and of itself bitterness is the root system for all sorts of evil and calamity in your heart and in your life bitterness is itself a growth system bitterness produces things bitterness causes things bitterness has symptoms deadly spiritually lethal symptoms even the bible talks about bitterness corrupting the body causing the bones to waste away causing aches and pains bitterness is a troublesome root other things come out of it when you allow bitterness to take hold of your heart when you allow bitterness a place to grow even just to a little offense then what begins to sprout up in your life are signs of the flesh your flesh begins to gain control your flesh gains an advantage over you because you've allowed bitterness to take root in your heart so this is very deceptive of the enemy and the way bitterness works is very very subtle sometimes i mean it can be something so so so simple maybe you run into someone who's very very tired that day and they say something that just doesn't sit right with you or maybe they greet you in a very cold manner that's an open door for bitterness maybe somebody says that someone said something about you so it's not exactly you hearing it from them but you're hearing it from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from them and by the time it reaches you it's been so distorted as to not even be true yet you embrace it you accept it you believe it for what just because you heard it that's an open door for bitterness say someone makes a commitment to you and doesn't keep that commitment that's an open door for bitterness let's say you place expectations on someone you expect something from someone at a certain time at a certain place at a certain event and those expectations just aren't met that's an open door for bitterness or your pastor says something you don't like or a youtuber says something you don't agree with or a worship team doesn't allow you to be on it or maybe someone in the workplace they get a promotion and you don't someone gets blessed with something you've been praying for for a long time and they come right in and they take that blessing so it seems that's an open door for bitterness in big ways and in little ways there are open doors to bitterness in our hearts and we must guard our hearts lest that root of bitterness begin to take hold in us number two bitterness and anger are partners this is key here ephesians 4 31 and in just a moment later on in the i should say in a few minutes later on in this message i'm going to show you how to prevent bitterness in the first place how to get rid of bitterness and i'm going to show you from the scripture how to never be offended in the first place that's even a better place to live but let's go back to number two here bitterness and anger are partners ephesians 4 31 get rid of all bitterness now remember bitterness is the root look what sprouts up as a result of bitterness watch this this is so powerful what the scripture gives us insight on get rid of all bitterness what sprouts up rage anger harsh words and slander as well as all types of evil behavior do you realize that when you're bitter there's a quiet anger to your mood when you walk into a room you just fill the air with this discomfort that people can sense when you're bitter even sometimes you make jokes hear me now even sometimes you make jokes they're actually criticisms and insults and you try to describe them as jokes and they're really hidden subtle jabs that you put in there those are harsh words you try to hurt the person but you don't want to look like the bad guys so you make it look like you're joking and you stab at their heart and you strike them with your harsh words get rid of all bitterness rage anger harsh words and slander oh that's a big one slander is an expression of anger slander is an expression of anger when i carry bitterness towards someone in my heart my mouth will produce slander toward that person you want to know who you're bitter against who are you talking bad about who are you talking bad about whoever you talk bad about your bitter against bitterness produces rage anger harsh words and slander all types of evil behavior number three bitterness pollutes your spiritual life james 3 7-11 says this people contain all kinds of animals birds reptiles and fish but no one can tame the tongue it is restless and evil full of deadly poison sometimes it praises our lord and father and sometimes i love this contrast sometimes it praises our lord and father and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of god so sunday morning you could be worshiping praising god and before you leave that church building you've already said words about somebody who was created in the image of god because of the bitterness in your heart verse 10 and so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the mouth surely my brothers and sisters that is not right does the spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water does a fig tree produce olives or a grape vine produce figs no and you can't draw fresh water from a salty spring bitterness begins to pollute your spiritual life and it begins to disrupt your development and christ-like character bitterness wants to hang on to the offense why because it's seeking revenge and calling it justice wow bitterness doesn't want to believe anything good about the person who offended them bitterness sees everything as a negative now there was such a thing called um what was it uh ar technology steve right were you at the was that were you the one i was showing that to yeah the the um it was like a uh like an app that can you explain it it's hard for me to explain so as far as like the ar technology how it projects on things yeah yeah so what we were talking about the i believe it was maybe a few weeks ago or maybe a week ago he was talking about ar technology and how that you can put something on and become uh the whole world can change obviously it's like virtual reality almost and it could be done like through the phone yeah it could be done through the phone you take a photo and it could you can see a t-rex or something on the other side i was not there that was the app we so like we were in pompeii right right i think that's where we first started using it and i took like my camera out and i was able to project through my lens on camera this t-rex come come out onto the actual field that we were in so if you've ever seen ar technology it's called it's augmented reality in other words it projects a certain digital reality overlaid on the actual real world and so this there's a lot of promise in this technology as far as applications of entertainment and so forth even in the medical field but i thought what a great example that is of how bitterness works you see when we're bitter against someone it's like we have that augmented reality placed upon actual reality so we hold the bitterness in our hearts and the bitterness in our hearts begins to produce this image and overlay it on people not just on the people we're bitter against but it begins to also overlay that reality on everyone and everything else and it even comes back on your own image of yourself it even comes back to hurt how you see yourself so bitterness sees everything through that filter that negative filter the bitterness causes you to want that individual to feel guilty you don't want them to enjoy their life you don't want them to be able to move on you don't want them to be blessed you don't you may not even want them to be saved that's how far bitterness can go sometimes to where now you're hoping that everything that they enjoy is taken from them you're hoping that the full wrath of god comes upon them you're hoping that they're punished you're hoping that they're stripped of all blessings you're hoping that they never get a promotion they never have a happy marriage you're hoping that their children fail in everything that they do you're hoping they never have financial increase so on and so forth why because of this negative way of seeing the people against whom we hold bitterness and life itself it causes you to want to play shame think about that now how familiar does that sound because the bible calls someone the accuser and it's not jesus do you know who the accuser is in scripture the accuser is the enemy it's the devil and when you accuse you're taking on the nature of satan this is heavy stuff you guys need to hear this the bible makes it very clear that the enemy the devil is the accuser bitterness turns you into an accuser rather than an advocate bitterness causes you to want people to experience shame rather than forgiveness even what good they do is twisted by bitterness now i'm gonna give you a bit of truth here in this phrase and i want you to actually remember this phrase if you can it's not your experience but how you interpret your experience that most often leads to bitterness i must say it again it's not your experience but how you interpret your experience that most often leads to bitterness one more time it's not your experience but how you interpret your experience that most often leads to bitterness now of course there are those things that people do to us that cause us to be hurt and offended and they're obvious things like there there's sexual um assault there's molestation there's murder there's a physical abuse there's emotional abuse there is there is such a thing as harsh words people speak them against you and they intentionally try to tear you down now these things of course are going to offend you these things of course are very real problems that can break someone down and so i'm not saying those don't exist but more often than not this is true it's not your experience but how you interpret your experience that most often leads to bitterness so it's not necessarily that the person is trying to hurt you it's not necessarily that the person has evil intentions towards you and it's not even necessarily that you're seeing things the way that they actually are rather it's that because of the hurt of the past you're now seeing everything through that lens so no matter who does what your mind is always going to search for the negative way or the negative way it could be interpreted and that's what you live in and that becomes your augmented reality wow wow your your projected reality overlaid on actual reality that's how bitterness pollutes your spiritual life and it's in fact so deadly that it begins to pollute the way you see god you start to think god is against you you start to see yourself as a victim hear me now you start to see yourself as a victim nothing i ever do amounts to anything god never does it for me why haven't i received my miracle yet well i've been praying and nothing good ever happens or comes my way that is a result of hurt and hurt produces bitterness bitterness produces this negative way of seeing things very important number four so so far we have number one bitterness is a root in other words it produces things in your life number two bitterness and anger are partners number three bitterness pollutes your spiritual life number four please hear me now this is so key bitterness disrupts your friendships proverbs 17 9 says love prospers when a fault is forgiven but dwelling on it separates close friends there's so much truth here let me read that again because listen to what the scripture's saying love prospers when a fault is forgiven but dwelling on it separates close friends do you know what a good marriage is a good marriage is the union between two really good forgivers one of the things i'm thankful for is that i married a woman who has the gift of forgiveness if it's a spiritual gift she's got it i promise you and one of the things jess and i have really worked on in our marriage is to make sure that we're not keeping a list or a record of wrongs so you notice the bible says love prospers when a fault is forgiven and in first corinthians 13 it says love keeps no record of wrong or love keeps no list of having been wronged some people they treat their relationships in a way that they keep a list you did this i'm putting it down you did more good things this week than you did bad things for me so i'm going to balance it out and you're still my friend and that is not the way to approach it do you realize everyone will let you down at some point just the reality your spouse will let you down your parents will let you down your children will let you down your friends will let you down and get this you're going to let people down too now you may say oh no i'm always there for others i'm always there for others well i promise you that if you were to ask everyone around you you'd eventually find something that you did that maybe you didn't even realize you did that offended someone else so we're all going to offend someone and we're all going to be offended but love prospers when a fault is forgiven dwelling on it separates close friends you ever do that where somebody says something and instead of just letting it go you let it simmer in your mind you pace back and forth maybe you write something on facebook tempted to put it out there and kind of hint at them isn't it funny when people do this or you start to allow that bitterness to warp the way you see the individual well i now i see your true colors i always found that interesting you could have a decade-long friendship you could have friends for years and years and years or a happy marriage for years and years and years and then when bitterness starts to set in suddenly you start to say things like well now i see your true colors or maybe you go to a church for several years and they've done well things are going good the worship is great the pastor preaches wonderful sermons the fellowship is like family getting together and you're enjoying your new church family and then all of a sudden one thing happens and you say ah well that was a bad church anyway oh now i see their true colors i see how they really are they show me the actual way that they are and in thinking like this what you're actually doing is destroying valuable relationships because you're expecting perfection out of people instead of giving them grace and so the bible says dwelling on it separates close friends when you dwell on a thing when you focus your mind on that thing when you when you choose to not let that go you're holding it and in holding it it begins to eat away at you instead of just releasing them from it stop keeping lists of ways that people have hurt you stop keeping score on your friends on your spouse on your family stop holding things against people and instead release them love prospers when a fault is forgiven but dwelling on it separates close friends you want to know why you have to jump from friendship to friendship and you have no friendships that last for several years and i'm not saying this is everybody but certainly this is someone watching somebody watching this has trouble keeping close friends somebody watching this has issues with staying planted in the church somebody watching this has issues with every pastor they've ever loved some of you might be offended at what i'm saying today and say well i'm not listening to david dieger hernandez anymore why because bitterness and you watch this pattern in your life where you begin to trust people again you befriend them you connect with them and then you set all of these expectations really really high in a way of protecting yourself so that when they violate those impossible expectations now you're free to release them you realize that's the self-defense mechanism that looking for perfection in people is a self-defense mechanism that you're waiting for the one flaw so that you can get out of there why because you don't want to get too close to be hurt people will hurt you that's just a fact of life but when you live according to the spirit instead of letting that bitterness tear apart your friendships you choose instead to love them you choose instead to bring them closer through the act of forgiveness steve how's the chat doing well the chat is on fire my goodness there there are so many comments i'm trying to keep up with um they're all agreeing saying amen there's fire emojis going left and right there's 100 emojis going left and right people are receiving i think this is such a deep deep topic that is just perfect for for today and perfect for them right now because they're all agreeing and they they they see it i mean that's beautiful to know that people are responding to the message i'm seeing a bunch of amens james george bitterness adds to the trust deficit yes that's a very very good point george uh james george i appreciate that um atoya says i self sabotage i'm learning to love yeah guys these are these are issues of the heart and i'm so glad that you're open to the word of god because we're going to take care of this today you're going to be free let me tell you something you can be free from this i want to i want to talk to you first about how bitterness can disrupt your relationship with god and then i'm going to show you what the scripture says about how to cure bitterness so so far we see that bitterness is a root that bitterness and anger are partners that bitterness pollutes your spiritual life that bitterness disrupts your friendships number five bitterness disrupts your relationship with god watch this mark 11 25 says but when you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins too i like to say that forgiveness is a river it has to be flowing to be working if you're receiving god's forgiveness but never releasing it the waters become stagnant and if you're never receiving god's forgiveness then there's nothing to release to others you have to both receive god's forgiveness and release god's forgiveness in order to benefit from the river of forgiveness some of us wait for the perfect apology from someone we have it set up in our minds like a movie maybe it's going to be raining and they're going to knock on the door and they're going to say can i come in and talk i need to tell you something you know i realize that after all these years me saying this or me doing this or me not saying this or me not saying that really hurt you and i want you to know i'm so sorry and i want you to know that from now on things are going to be different and then you're going to magically see a change in me that's what some of us actually picture that they're going to feel the pain of what they've done to us that they're going to finally release us from this prison of the hurt that they've caused and the offense that they created in our hearts and we're waiting for that day we're waiting for them to go over the list in our heads and apologize for each item on that list we're waiting for the reconnection we're waiting for them to reach out we're waiting for them to offer an apology that would make any hollywood movie great you want to know the reality most people probably don't even know they offended you most people probably don't even know you're angry with them most people probably have no clue that you have something in your heart towards them but i'll tell you who does know your heavenly father when you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins too you guys it disrupts your prayer life it disrupts the flow of god's forgiveness in your life stop waiting for the perfect apology and instead choose to be a perfect forgiver and say that again stop waiting for the perfect apology and instead choose to be the perfect forgiver and that's not easy to do and that's easier definitely said than done but that's not to say that this isn't possible you can be released from this prison that you've allowed to hold you so i want to talk to you about this cure for bitterness how do you get rid of bitterness again i want to emphasize this before i read the scripture here it's very simple getting rid of unforgiveness and bitterness is very very very simple but just because something is simple doesn't mean it's easy for example staying on budget is simple make sure that your outgo doesn't exceed your income simple but not easy want to stay healthy very simple eat the right food get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly simple but definitely not easy you want to be spiritually fit read the word every day morning and night if you can be in prayer every day live holy simple but not necessarily easy in the same way forgiving people is so so so so simple but not at all easy because to forgive someone is to release them from the punishment that you want to come upon them to forgive someone is to release them from ever giving you that apology that you wanted that's difficult because we want that apology in some cases we want them to be punished that's why i said what i said at the top of the broadcast that often what we call justice today isn't justice it's revenge and i'm thankful that god didn't give us all justice because if he gave us all justice we'd all be in hell thank god he gave us grace not justice ephesians 4 32 says instead be kind to each other tenderhearted forgiving one another just as god through christ has forgiven you i like to say forgive faster than they can apologize don't wait for the apology forgive faster than they can apologize so instead be kind to each other what does that mean it means what it means treat each other with kindness tenderhearted that means you're inclined to be tender toward them you're inclined to show them kindness you're inclined to be gentle toward them you know sometimes we have this list in our heads of people who we like and people who we dislike those are the ones i like those are the ones i dislike the people we like oh we treat them with such kindness and tenderness the people we dislike oh those are the ones i'm a little harsh with i'm a little short with bible says instead be kind to each other that's every believer tenderhearted i'm inclined to be kind to you forgiving one another now here's the real challenge forgiving one another just as god through christ has forgiven you how has god done it he chose to do it he suffered to forgive you really think about that jesus literally suffered to forgive you sometimes in order to forgive you have to pick up your cross there is a part in suffering when you forgive there is a part of you that will suffer when you release someone sometimes there is suffering in forgiveness father forgive them for they know not what they do sometimes people do know what they're doing to us but that doesn't mean we don't release them matthew 18 21-22 then peter came to him and asked lord how often should i forgive someone who sins against me seven times verse 22 no not seven times jesus replied but seventy times seven seventy times seven why what does that mean that means if somebody sins against you seven times you forgive them even more seventy times seven that means you forgive them multiple times for each offense you forgive them multiple times for each offense do you realize that it's not always the offense that causes us to be hurt because sometimes we get hurt the person offends us we forgive them we move on and then the memory of what they did to us reoffends us this is so deep because many of us miss this truth this is why jesus talked about multiple points of forgiveness when someone offends you because sometimes you forgive them not for what they did but for the memory of what they did 70 times seven sometimes the memory will reoffend you and i think we mistake the memory of offense for suffering with unforgiveness because we say well i did forgive him how come it keeps popping back up again because the memory is still there and you're going to have to choose every day to forgive them for what they did for what they didn't do for what they said for failing to meet your expectations whatever it was you have to forgive them there are no exceptions to this hear me now please there are no exceptions forgiving just as god through christ has forgiven you how has god forgiven us he's forgiven us completely there's nothing we've done that he won't forgive you must be the same way you say but but but they did this but but but this was so horrible but but you don't know that doesn't matter and i know that may sound insensitive that's not my goal but it truly doesn't matter anything that anyone could have done to us doesn't even come close to comparing to what we've done to god to what we did to jesus culture today will tell you they'll actually attack me for saying that david you shouldn't say that you don't know what people have gone through but i'm not trying to be culturally correct i'm trying to be biblically correct you realize when we got saved we became dead how can you offend a dead man how can a dead woman hold the fence you can't we must forgive no matter what it was there are no you are not the exception to that rule what they did to you is not the exception i know this is harsh but some of us need to hear this because we've excused our unforgiveness thinking that because what they did to us was so bad that somehow we're released from this command no no matter what they did you need to forgive them period period and that's very clear in the scripture now having said that you must understand that forgiveness is a choice not an emotion because the memory will reoffend you every day you may remember it several times throughout the day and you have to choose to instead of dwelling on it instead of holding on to it instead of hoping that they pay instead of speaking evil against them instead of seeking revenge you just choose to lord i release this to you and sometimes it's as simple as that prayer you may still feel from it you may still have some hurt from it but in choosing to respond to the issue instead of just letting it fester within you you avoid the bondage of bitterness and i thank god that he's given us a way out which is his grace let god forgive them through you let god forgive them through you come on release those individuals release those people let god forgive them through you forgive faster than they can apologize we must choose to do this and i want to really hammer this point in because again that memory will keep coming up and you may have to choose every time that memory pops up to choose to forgive them again and then again and then again and then again and then again and guess what as time goes on though it's always simple as time goes on it will get easier and easier and easier and easier like a spiritual muscle you're exercising lifting that weight becomes easier and easier listen to this this is something i wrote i believe under the inspiration of the holy spirit not to say it's equivalent of scripture or anything like that but i believe the holy spirit pressed these truths on my heart bitterness seeks revenge forgiveness seeks reconciliation bitterness lives in the past forgiveness frees you to dream about the future bitterness says because they owe me forgiveness says because i owe god wow wow bitterness pushes guilt forgiveness lifts burdens bitterness seeks to prove a point forgiveness lets it go bitterness accuses forgiveness covers in a moment i want to tell you how to prevent bitterness and what to do when others are bitter with you but first steve i want to check in with the chat yeah so the chat is completely agreeing and i just told the chat right now if you guys want to write these down and share it later on your instagram feed or twitter whatever you want these are some really really amazing quotes so continue to like share and comment and like i said the chat is so fast i can't even keep up with you guys you guys are amazing so we also have i want to say a few things too i like this comment here take take your happiness stop it in your tracks forgiveness i can't forgiveness lets it go forgiveness covers man you guys are on fire i see so many people i'm watching the comments and i'm wondering how you're even keeping them they're flying by they're going by the chat is going crazy right now i love it i love it well guys keep the comments coming and if you're new to this channel make sure you subscribe to us because we constantly really i'm not done with the message i'm going to tell you how to how to prevent bitterness in the first place and what to do when others are bitter with you but make sure you're subscribed we constantly release new content on the holy spirit prayer spiritual warfare i think we're at now 325 000 subscribers we're going for a million so join the spirit family subscribe today click that notification bell when you do and make sure that you click it for all notifications so that you can be notified when we release new content and also you'll be a part of these wonderful live streams again we call them affectionately our spirit family no community like you guys we so appreciate you so i'm gonna go now into the word again and let me actually check out where you guys are um you guys are now at 488 likes on this video if you get to a thousand likes and make sure they like them guys anybody joining us if you get to a thousand likes i'm gonna i'm gonna show you real quick these i'm gonna send you carriers of the glory the english version as well as the chinese version even if you don't read chinese it's a nice gift to have and you'll actually receive the first ever signed copy of the chinese version i'll even write that in there that it's the first signed copy and that we're going to give away to someone in the chat if you reach a thousand likes so let's get that going and you have to reach 1000 likes before we go off the air otherwise it doesn't uh well it counts but it doesn't count toward the giveaway love you guys okay how to prevent bitterness in the first place i'm going to show you something from the scripture here colossians 3 13 says make allowance for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you remember the lord forgave you so you must forgive others make allowance for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you remember the lord forgave you so you must forgive others what does that mean to make allowance for each other's faults well i look at it like budgeting financially speaking if you want to keep your finances stable you have to budget for every single dollar every month at the beginning of the month i know exactly what my expenses will be down to even what exactly we're going to use for spending exactly how much we're putting in savings i keep track of all the bills i know what bills come out on what dates and down to the penny what those bills will cost if i don't know i overestimate so that we save when they hit instead of losing when those bills hit and what i actually like to do is i leave a little bit of a cushion i leave an allowance just in case something goes a little over there's enough money to cover it so if the cable bill is ninety nine dollars then i make sure to budget 125 dollars if i think i'm gonna spend two hundred dollars on gas for the week or the month then i'll put 250 300 as a budget for the gas for the month if i think that we're going to spend x amount of dollars on groceries i'll usually add 20 30 percent to that and so forth and so on so in doing that i'm making allowance for any trouble that i may run into in the future in the same way we must with each other make allowance for each other's faults let me just clue you in on a heavy revelation here from the holy spirit your friends are going to offend you your church family is going to offend you i am going to offend you your pastor is going to offend you your parents will offend you your children especially in their teen years will offend you my staff and i are going to offend each other just a fact of life the question is what will you do when the offense comes what will you do when the hurt comes are you going to hold it against them or are you going to have already made allowance now i want to say this to you please remember this forgiveness is not something necessarily that i do after i've been hurt forgiveness is the state of my heart before the offense ever comes i want to say that again forgiveness is not something that i do after i've been hurt forgiveness is the state of my heart before the offense ever comes forgive to give before to give before it occurs for give now i don't mean that you should there's somebody watching me right now you're carrying these things and you've been carrying them for a long time and you know when when you when you get an injury on on your hand or wherever i i the other day got got a little cut it was a small tiny cut that i didn't even know i had i didn't know i had it till somebody gave me hand sanitizer and then started burning and i look i go oh my goodness the the cut is so small but it stings so bad somebody gave me hand sanitizer say here put this on and i put it on real quick and then my my it was my thumb it started burning and i look and i could see this tiny little cut that i didn't even realize was there do you realize that most injuries spiritually speaking don't really even hurt that bad until you try to clean them come on it's when you try to clean the wound that the pain comes so some of us we've been hurt we carry this deep offense within our hearts and we don't want anybody to touch that area and so in order to receive that healing we have to allow somebody to come we have to allow the lord to touch that area that's why whenever you hear messages on forgiveness you just excuse it you say well you don't know what happened to me or well that's easy for you to say or well you don't know the story that's bitterness talking that's defense because you don't want to open up that wound to the lord it's never going to come for you until you choose to let it go that's that's the sad reality this is why most people who struggle with this for so many years aren't free it's not because the sermon didn't give them the information it's not because the prayer didn't work it's not because the holy spirit doesn't have the power it's because they choose to hang on to what god wants them to let go of and so i challenge you today it's time to let go of the hurt no more excuses no more saying well well well if i try i might not be able to do it so i'm just going to hang on to it or oh i've prayed this prayer before so i'm just not gonna do it or you don't know what they did to me so i'm just not gonna do it no today's the day i love you enough to tell you the truth it's time to let it go it's time to stop living in that memory hasn't it taken your joy for long enough come on hasn't it robbed you of relationships long enough hasn't it disrupted your prayer life long enough hasn't it kept you out of church long enough it's time god loves you please hear me god loves you too much to leave you in that pain to leave you in that loneliness god loves you too much to keep you in that place he's calling you now i know it's hard and i know you've kept these things closed off for so many years and i know you've gripped them tightly not wanting to ever be hurt again but it's time to give it to jesus mom it's time to place it in his hand it's time to let him fix you up to heal you healing begins at forgiveness see we think that that we're going to be healed and then we'll forgive no no no no healing begins after forgiveness it's time to let it go it's time to let it go i'm going to pray with you and then i want to show you what to do if others are bitter with you father i thank you for releasing us from all bitterness from every root of hurt and offense help us to forgive i want you to release it to him now that's the power of god some of you are sensing that's the power of god i want you to even as a public confession type it in the comments i release it just write that in the comments i release it those three words i release it and whatever it is whoever it is give it to jesus father i thank you that you're healing all hearts father i thank you that you're uprooting bitterness we honor and we bless your name let him have it let him take it and holy spirit i pray you begin to heal heal those who are walking in a fence heal those who are wounded i pray in the name of jesus i want you to say it because you believe it say amen well guys i'm going to teach a little more here and then then i'm sure we'll get into the the q and a portion of this message what to do if others are bitter with you this is a big one matthew 5 23-24 says so if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you leave your sacrifice there at the altar go and be reconciled to that person then come and offer your sacrifice to god again that's matthew 5 23-24 leave your sacrifice there at the altar notice the scripture here says so if you're presenting a sacrifice at the altar and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you this doesn't say you remember you have something against someone else this scripture says you remember that someone has something against you that means you hold some responsibility if you've offended someone now i understand that some people are difficult they're a little immature they look for every little thing to be offended you don't have to constantly appease that but the scripture does say in romans 12 18 do all that you can to live in peace with everyone my philosophy is this and i think it's biblical my philosophy is that that little irritation with people's nitpickiness is worth relationship for me i would rather jump through a few hoops with difficult people than to sever a relationship that i know god put together i'd rather deal with a difficult person and sometimes it's the most difficult people who end up being your best friends because you you you opened something in them you were there for them you you helped them come out of that prison and sometimes people do have these prisons up and this difficulty around them it's their way of wanting to protect themselves they like to be unlikable because it protects them from other people but if you can somehow get beyond that well you've won a brother you've won a sister so the bible does say it's on you to go to them go to them you go to them not wait for them to come to you and tell them that you're say hey i'm offended with you don't do that you go to the person and you say hey i think i offended you i'm sorry i always make it a point to apologize and i think we should make that as christians our philosophy don't just shrug your shoulders and go i don't know if they got hurt well maybe they were offended or maybe they seemed a little bothered at that no no don't just shrug that off that's not what jesus would do you go to your brother you go to your sister and you say hey did i offend you and you know when you do that your apology seems much more sincere than when they confront you see when they confront you and say this is how you've hurt me they might think you're just apologizing because you want to get them off your back but when you go to them and you seek out reconciliation they think to themselves wow here's someone who actually cares about me in what ways are you hurting people in what ways are you mistreating people there are so many things that we do that could possibly offend people and i'm not saying live in this hyper paranoid state constantly wondering did i hurt you did i hurt you did i hurt you to hurt you no i'm simply saying be aware of other people be aware of how what you do offends them now there's a balance to this because it's not possible for you to make them forgive you you may go and apologize to someone and they don't hold you know they hold it in their heart they never let it go i had this issue i won't say any i never say any names or anything like that so there was this pastor who just made it i mean he was a very difficult person to deal with like constantly looking for ways to argue with me constantly looking for ways to have confrontation and it was very i gave this guy a lot of grace like over the years again and again and again and it would seem that every time i apologized that one apology would branch out into 10 things well now here's the 10 things i want you to apologize for and each apology just opened the door for demands for more apologies and you know i i did everything i could like i said i gave this person a lot of grace i apologized several times even when i wasn't in the wrong i did everything i could to save that relationship i can say honest before god i did everything i could but at some point i had to just sever it because it was so unhealthy it was borderline abusive it was manipulative behavior and i realized okay i can't i can't do this i can't i can't sacrifice my sanity and my peace to try to please someone who doesn't want to be appeased they don't want reconciliation they want confrontation because they gain satisfaction in being right some people are like that some people just gain satisfaction in winning the argument and being on the top and dominating other people and so they'll try to get many apologies out of you again and again and again and again all the while no apology you could ever make will ever reconcile the relationship and there is a point at which you have to pull away and step away from people but this doesn't mean even that the door is closed to those individuals this just means that until they change that behavior reconciliation just isn't possible don't fall for that manipulation some people manipulate you remember this just because someone is hurt doesn't mean they are right just become just because someone is hurt doesn't mean they are right now we have to be very careful about this because sometimes your spouse sometimes your pastor sometimes someone to whom you feel you should show loyalty will come to you and say this hurt me and sometimes those are valid things other times they try to use the guilt of you having hurt them to manipulate you into doing what they want you to do please hear this this is so key that you get this sometimes they will use the manipulation of you having hurt them they'll make you feel that guilt and they will use the guilt to manipulate you into doing what they want you to do wow so you hurt me and you did this this and this you're like oh i'm sorry i won't have and they go okay well now do this and they want to shift everything they wanna they wanna they wanna bring you under that control and if you don't live under their control they act hurt with you oh someone needs to hear this today no man this is witchcraft guys they they will they will they will keep you living in guilt you hurt me you hurt me you hurt me and and what happens is they use that hurt to try to control you and they use the manipulation to keep you under that control and instead of letting you just be they they try to they want to control you like a puppet and each string that's attached to you is a point of guilt because if you feel bad enough you'll bend over backwards to do what they want you to do oh this is something that people do then they give you the silent treatment then they start then they start with the the talking you know the talking behind your back and then they do these things guys come from one place it's spiritual manipulation spiritual manipulation some of you are living in homes you you live in a household i really sense somebody's watching me right now you live in a household nobody else really pulls their weight financially you do all the work they treat you like their little slave and when you try to go and find some independence they use they pull the family card well your family you're supposed to be here and help us all the while they live in laziness you need to get out of that house you need to get some people out of your house you need to stop living under the manipulation of people and you know who does it the most sadly is family um family does it the most because they put they pull that family card blood is thicker than water no one's ever gonna love you like your family you know that's not even true that's not even true ask cain and abel i mean that wasn't loyalty that wasn't that wasn't love just because someone is blood related to you doesn't mean they're loyal to you doesn't mean you owe them loyalty blood alone does not produce loyalty it's love it's sacrifice it's selflessness be there for the people who are there for you bend for the people who bend for you compromise for the people who compromise for you i'm not talking about holiness i'm talking about on agreements don't live under the manipulation of others who try to control you with guilt you hurt me and therefore i'm right it's not the case just because someone is hurt doesn't mean they are right now sometimes we know we've hurt someone and sometimes we don't but we must be open to apologizing i don't i can't tell you how many times i've had people come up to me and say you know you really offended me with this so you really hurt me with that and i i be i'll be honest i'll say i don't even know who you are they're like oh well years ago we met and did it and i'm like oh yeah i was probably really tired that probably was it you didn't smile well i was probably exhausted when you found me or saw me i don't know and so you know i try to be cordial in every single interaction but sometimes people just catch you at a bad moment there's been times where i'm arguing in an argument with a with a staff member where things going wrong behind the scenes and someone right then wants to come up and hey are you so and so like yes but give me just a moment just one second please i need to go you know fix this issue and people don't know people are people are human i say all that to say that sometimes i know i've hurt someone and sometimes i don't but always be ready to offer an apology even if it's petty guys even if it's petty and if it becomes a repeat pattern watch out for that manipulation steve i want to check in with our chat now so yeah i got a lot of the chat responding uh to the points that you've been making i think a lot of the people are agreeing and they they really do uh i mean this fire like again this chat is on fire i can't even keep up but they agree completely 100 and i think this topic and this point is so so deep and so so good because some people don't know how to handle that situation some people don't realize that they're even under something like that but bitterness my goodness this this topic like i said is just the chat is lighting up with comments and likes and it's amazing it's like we're 60 there 600 likes and i know people come in and out so guys you have to keep telling the chat has to keep telling people so you see about seven six seven hundred people watching but you don't realize about a hundred of those shuffle in and out so we drop a hundred then another hundred come in there's really about whenever you see a live stream number usually a smaller percentage are actually watching consistently so make sure you're getting people to like the video because that's how you're going to trigger this giveaway in the meantime i do want to share another portion of scripture with you before we get into the q a so stick with us here just for a moment go to mark chapter 10 mark chapter 10 i'm going to read verses 29-31 now remember that this is jesus talking here mark chapter 10 i'm going to read verses 29-31 and again we're going to get to the q a right after this yes jesus replied and i assure you i love those words i assure you that's jesus talking by the way the context here in math in mark chapter 10 this is the story of the rich young ruler where jesus calls a man to follow him because of his great riches he went away sorrowful instead of turning his life toward the lord so jesus offers this man an opportunity come follow me come join me i'm sure that's what would have happened had he not been held back by his riches and because he was so in love with money because he was so in love with this world he missed an opportunity to follow jesus's ministry well jesus was physically here on the earth think about that oh what you and i would give for that moment what you and i would do to stand in his shoes knowing what we know now now today i'm sure he regrets it wherever he is he regrets it he regrets it i guarantee you thousands of years have passed what did he gain nothing what did that mean nothing what was that moment nothing he turned from the lord because he was so in love with riches now jesus says to disciple to the disciples after this interaction with the rich young ruler the disciples come to him talking about rich people and jesus says yes and i assure you so this is coming from the highest authority jesus himself is saying i assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property for my sake and for the good news will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses brothers sisters mothers children and property along with persecution so we can't accuse jesus of the prosperity gospel here because he says you're going to get all those things plus persecution he throws that in as a bonus if you will along with persecution and in the world to come that person will have eternal life another version says that you'll receive a hundred fold both in this life and the next so that's coming from jesus now i recall a moment where i was a little bit nervous about one of the needs that the ministry had and the holy spirit assured me i'm going to take care of that ministry need don't worry your finances will be met now i believed the holy spirit but still a part of me worried there was some doubt in my heart and so even though the holy spirit told me very clearly i'm going to take care of the need i still struggled in my heart i was a little nervous i was constantly waiting okay lord when is it going to happen when's it going to happen when's it going to happen and then a gentleman comes he writes a check to the ministry it covered the need that we had and as soon as i had that check in my hand i breathed a sigh of relief now wait a minute the holy spirit convicted me there because he told me the holy spirit told me he says when you trust in my voice as much as you trust in a man's signature then you know you have faith in other words i had more faith in that man's signature than i did in the holy spirit's voice and i was heavily convicted for that we often talk about faith lord i trust you lord i love you lord lord i believe you lord i'm i'm going to follow you lord i'm abandoning all you when it comes down to our finances we're so easily swayed we become fearful we we tighten up we say no no i can't let this go this this is mine or no wait wait wait lord maybe god doesn't want this from me we try to spiritualize our lack of faith by saying well you know i got to use wisdom oh i got to save it for this or for that seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then all these things shall be added unto you jesus himself said i assure you jesus is saying that to you these words apply to you jesus is saying i assure you whatever you give up you're going to receive a hundred fold in this life and in the world to come you're going to have a reward trust the words of jesus step out in faith today and so a gift into this ministry so a gift of 25 will you do that right now a gift of 25 dollars you can do that by using the youtube super chat or you can go to david hernandez donate the information is right there at the bottom of the screen if you go to donate it'll take you no more than a minute or two max three minutes to give a gift we accept all currencies from countries all around the world you can give to apple pay through google pay through paypal give a gift of 25 dollars and if you can do a gift of 50. do a gift of a hundred somebody watching right now you can do a gift of a thousand there's even someone else watching right now you can do more than a thousand you can do a significant gift into this ministry right now help support the live streams help support the media help support the events that we do all around the world and that we give away for free we never charge for an event we don't charge for these live streams we don't charge for the content that we release we don't even charge for the holy spirit school which is an online school where people can be trained in the word of god and we don't charge for that it's all partner supported so if you believe in this ministry and you want to stand with us and you want to be a part of what god is doing spirit family i'm asking you for your help i'm asking you to join hands with us in the caring of the gospel to the nations of the world i'm seeing the gifts come in from all over the world i will actually see your name if you give before we go off the air i'll be able to see your name right here on my phone of course your gift will still count if you're watching the replay but if you give while we're live i'll see the donations come in the patrick family just gave a very donation a very very um generous donation to the ministry so thank you to the patrick family javier toran thank you so much for your support i also see marita beau our dear friend giving to the ministry uh steve will be on the super chat in just a moment recite a vega gave a one-time gift at donate go right now don't don't wait for for the flesh to kick in sometimes we do that we kind of debate back and forth maybe someone else will do it no this is for you to respond to you're a part of the spirit family you receive from the word today and you're being blessed by the ministry you believe in what we're doing you want to help us win more souls jump on board step out in faith see what god will do what you make happen for others god will make happen for you so if you feel fearful about the future don't god is your source god will supply all you have to do is release just release and trust in him give a gift of twenty five dollars give a gift of fifty dollars give a gift of a hundred there's someone watching who could do a thousand there's someone else watching who can do more go and support the ministry again david hernandez donate or you can give via the super chat all sorts of ways to give from all around the world and if you can partner with us monthly it makes all the difference in the world when you partner with us monthly at ten dollars or more a month you get access to the partner zoom calls you get um you get a special email update that we send out with access to the partner zoom call and sometimes there's extra content in there for the partners and supporters but every partner gets one of these right here this is a world changers uh this is a world changers pin i'm going to actually straighten this out there we go i believe in doing all things with excellence even straightening the pin right there i'm going to put this up here so it's easier for you brit there we go world changers pin this is something that our partners have and they wear to show their support of the gospel if you become a monthly supporter we're going to send this to you you can wear this to the events or really anywhere reuben puts it on his backpack it's just our little way of saying thank you look guys some of you support netflix some of you support itunes some of you support all sorts of other stuff some of you go to starbucks i know starbucks drinks on average like five dollars come on give up two cups of coffee a month give up something for the gospel and if you don't have to give up something great you're blessed go and just support the ministry hey thank you to darny hollywood who just became a monthly supporter thank you megan for your one-time gift thank you yeleni for your one-time gift thank you tinsey thomas for your one-time gift thank you nancy church thank you also to joseph adai and so many other names coming in steve we got the super chat as well so over on youtube super chat this is going to be a good one i have gloria chang gave i have nebulous gave i have marsha marsha i also have carol we thank you so much morgan we thank you rosa parra thank you so much and the super chat like i said is lighting up there's so many more people that it's taking me a minute on my side to load we also have uh norita that gave thank you so so very much over on youtube super chat and again guys we so appreciate your support all of it goes toward the gospel it's it's such an important thing that the people of god partner together in doing this so you may think oh it's just my one gift no no you don't realize that in enjoining your gift with all the others who are giving right now you're really making a huge impact together so that's very very important i'm going to get in the q a right now steve's going to prep some questions before i do just a reminder july 9th 10th and 11th we're going to be in northern california july 9th and 10th will be fremont california july 11th will be hayward california the 9th and 10th in fremont friday and saturday will be miracle services the sunday night in hayward is going to be a miracle service we're going to pray for the sick there's going to be worship but i'm going to more heavily focus on the teaching it's going to be a spiritual warfare seminar july 25th we're going to be in orange california for our monthly miracle service we are going to pray over pictures of your loved ones who you want to see come to the cross this is very very key you want to see them come to jesus bring their photos it's a point of contact a point of faith we're going to pray over that and believe that your household will be saved in the name of jesus and on top of that i'll be teaching on how to win your loved ones to the lord so again july 9th 10th and 11th we'll be in northern california and then on july 25th we will be in southern california check david hernandez events for information on all of our upcoming events as steve's prepping those questions i'm going to thank matu smith patty romo carmen and kate and kenisha and brianna and i also see judith thank you judith you're such a blessing pam and galen mays are dear friends by the way britain's right here in front of me he's doing a great job you want to come wave at your mom real quick britain come say hi to your mom i don't mean to embarrass you but you have to say hi to your mom prove that we're feeding you okay see we're feeding him he's good he's well taken care of and then i also want to thank bruinberg thank you so much for your gift uh claudia wente thank you thank you thank you again david donate okay we're going to do something a little bit different steve's going to be watching that chat for your questions reuben is going to put a chat in there on the chat he's going to put the information for how you can access us on zoom now please hear me go to zoom once you ask your question jump on over on youtube help us with our numbers by the way you guys are at 700 likes and remember a thousand likes triggers that giveaway so that we're going to send it off to books carriers of the glory in english and carriers of the glory in chinese so make sure you're doing that again we're at 702 likes so reuben go ahead and drop that right now reuben is dropping in the chat he's dropping the zoom links so not everyone jump over there because i don't want to kill our live stream over here on youtube but a few of you jump on there if you have a good question um it's not for prayer requests not we're gonna i'm gonna pray before we go steve and britain don't let me end before i pray again that's important so i'm going to pray before we go so this is not for prayer request this is for theological questions bible questions ask me a question on the holy spirit ask me a question on spiritual warfare on prayer on any of those subjects or maybe something that i covered today ask about the ministry ask about stephen whatever you'd like jump on over to zoom it's special open lines q and a they're dropping those right now the zoom links and while you guys jump over on zoom go ahead steve and show me what you got on the question you got it so this first question and again i'm looking at the youtube chat here so again if you want to get your question answered drop it right now let's spam this chat with your questions and i will see them as many as i can so this first question comes from our friend emily larimore emily wanted to know what do you do when you know someone who has bitterness and uses it as manipulation but won't admit it at some point you're gonna have to cut them off i know that's sad to say but at some point you have to cut them off and this doesn't mean permanently there have been several people in my life who i've had to distance myself from when they went through a season of bitterness this is not to say that we leave people in their darkest times but some people want help others want attention if they actually want your help stick with them and it will be difficult helping people who suffer with bitterness no doubt but then there's also those who just want attention they don't want solutions they don't want help they don't want to change and they continue to manipulate you make you feel guilty they continue to tear you down some point you have to put some distance between you and them now if it's a spouse i wouldn't recommend putting certain barriers on that relationship because you know you obviously want to reconcile that marriage and that's a relationship you have to fight to keep and stay connected to that person but even in a marriage there are at least some emotional boundaries like for example if your spouse is highly manipulative don't give them control over your mood don't let them don't let them speak a few words and tear you down to where you're sad all of a sudden and it's weighing on you the whole day if you do that they know they have that power and they're going to keep using that power on you don't let them control when you're happy when they're in a good mood you're in a good mood when they're in a bad mood you're in a bad mood now it's one thing to feel hurt when those are hurting and it's one thing to feel happiness when those are happy but it's another thing entirely for them to use that to control us to get their way don't let them have control over your emotions you keep control over your emotions and if they're going through a difficult time have compassion hurt with them but don't let them manipulate you to the point where just because they're not getting their way they make you feel just down and sad and weighted don't give them that power that's not a power not even your spouse should have you are in control of your emotions you are in control of your mood don't give them that power keep a level head keep grounded in the word of god stay true to the scripture know that jesus loves you and he's the source of your joy and peace and then from there if someone's hurting and they're genuinely going through something hurt with them that's okay to hurt with them if they're joyful be joyful with them but don't let them use your happiness and your your your sorrow as a means to control you don't let them have that we thank you for that question before we jump into the next one here as reuben is getting set up over there as well i think go right ahead sorry kaya san just put something in the comment section there it just it just disappeared right there kaya san said something so powerful i'm going to try to find it on my screen here have emotional intelligence respond not react this is actually something i say in my home all the time something a philosophy jess and i have don't react respond when you react to something it's instant it's reflexive it's not thought out when you respond to something you're being methodical with the way you're reacting to it so reaction is a natural without any thought something that happens and and a response is something that you you you think out you plan you're intentional sorry steve go ahead i want to thank custom dove over on youtube super chat thank you so much as well as wait what was the name of that person custom dove custom dove what a perfect name for someone who watches this channel this really is the holy spirit's channel and this really is the spirit family people who love the holy spirit and the word of god and we thank you for that as well as mama key as well as unceti thank you guys so much and there's more super chats i'll thank but if you want to go ahead and get into another question or if i want to ready jasmine garcia thank you jasmine i want to thank i'm going to try to say this correctly okango who also gave a one-time gift thank you to maha jane ramos who became a monthly ministry partner yuliera jetho also became a monthly ministry partner i believe they're from canada carol watts gave a generous one-time gift thank you carol for that one-time gift we so appreciate you and let's now get into the q a all right did you want to take one from zoom or you want to go on youtube good question um i think we should go to zoom real quick all right do we have anybody on zoom okay who's the first one nordia reuben says your name is nordia we're going to take your colleagues hi welcome hi good night um i am roman's mother and so my son has been introduced um been telling me about you all right so my question that i have for you is that um i have been a christian um been a child of god stuff i've been a child of god for the past 13 years and i have been facing with a lot of things and i have been fast and i've been praying but it's very hard to figure some things out so one other thing that i realized mostly is that my life has been heavily oppressed financially um even last night i had a dream and i could see like um there were groups of people surrounding my finances wanting me to go into deep poverty and i would i don't know how so i know to pray because i'm praying about it but how do i get relieved entirely from oppressive forces wanting me to fall into financial poverty thank you for that question i think it's an important one and this right here i'm going to answer your question but but but please understand i'm working from a foundation of scripture number one it is not biblical to say and this is not an attack on you by any means this is something that i teach often so please understand that um i hope i'm coming across respectful toward you and your circumstance but this will help you maybe shift your thinking in this area number one it's not biblical to say that a christian can be oppressed number two it's not biblical to say that a christian can be cursed you cannot curse what god has called blessed this is some of the danger of some of the spiritual warfare teaching that christians believe and it produces fruits that are not in keeping with the truth of the word of god in fact some of these spiritual warfare teachings come from religious thinking i don't know about you but when i look at scripture i see that jesus was against religious teachings when the true power is flowing it stirs up religious spirits and that's why people are so resistant to the truth of the word of god sometimes in your specific case you're talking about financial oppression now first of all the old testament concept of financial curse you know we read the book of malachi is not the same thing as the new testament concepts of money okay so in the old testament that curse that came upon people who didn't give was from god himself now who among us is so anointed that we can cast out god not possible so this notion that finances can be cursed at least for the believer is not a biblical notion at all and if it is a biblical notion that we have to be completely consistent in saying that the curse comes directly from god and not from some demonic being which god doesn't do that to believers rather what the scripture teaches is that god will meet the needs of the believer and the unbeliever the rain falls on the just and the unjust like the scripture says jesus talked about the fact that you know he talked about not sowing and still receiving he talked about the lilies of the field they don't toil yet they're clothed in splendor that not even solomon knew so we have to have a biblical framework to work from if we're going to answer this question so having established that what then is it that you're facing well you're probably very stressed about finances you probably believe that your finances are oppressed and that stress and that belief are producing the dream and the dream is reinforcing the belief in the oppression and the stress and so you get caught in this cycle of confirmation bias in other words i believe there's a curse so i have a dream about the curse and then the dream about the curse enforces my belief about the curse and it just keeps going and going and going and going you're blessed you're blessed and highly favored instead what the scripture talks about when it when it's when it mentions financial blessing take second corinthians chapter nine it's very clear that in giving generously to the gospel we're positioning ourselves for blessing but the scripture also talks about wise stewardship of your money so some people are givers but they're not good stewards and so they're giving but their stewardship is bleeding them out and some people are really good stewards but they're not great givers yeah they may be stable but that abundant blessing that comes from giving isn't upon them so it's going to come from both financial stewardship and faith-filled generosity and then the consistency of those two together will produce financial blessings so what you probably need to do is sit down go over your finances go line upon line as the scripture says go line up online look at your expenses look at your income you may need to adjust your lifestyle to meet that level of comfort you may have to lower your standard of living in order that you might free up some cash this is a mistake i feel like dave ramsey now this is a mistake a lot of people make is they they they don't know how to free up their cash your monthly income is your one of your greatest assets for at least being able to have a position in being able to gain wealth some people they they they they make if they make 5 000 a month their expenses are at 5 000 a month and they keep it there and so every month they're stressed and if they get a raise to seven thousand well now their expenses go to seven they get a more expensive house a more expensive apartment or they add a car no no no try to keep that gap as wide as possible between your expenses and your income so that there's free cash every single month that you're pouring into your savings now you're not going to get rich by saving money that doesn't happen but what you do now is you have extra cash each month extra cash each year to cover unexpected circumstances and at the same time to invest in a business idea to invest in some project that you're doing to invest in something that could ultimately return more money so when you cut your finances down to the wire and when you barely have enough left over each month you're actually making it very difficult to pull yourself out of whatever state you're in financially so good stewardship faithful generosity faithfulness in both of those and keeping a good look at your books that's going to bring you right out of that and as you follow that watch that pattern it will work there's no oppression there's no curse you can't curse what god has blessed especially if you're a giver so from there it's a matter of stewardship faith-filled giving and faithfulness in the two look at your money go down the line and i promise you if you adjust your standard of living and you pull things from here and there really look at what you need and don't need there's going to be some free cash that actually accumulates over time and you use that to invest in certain things that's how i do it you know not not all of my income comes from the check that i get from the ministry i get a salary from the ministry yes but i save a lot of that excess income my wife and i keep a very clear budget every month and every month we have extra money we put that either into savings or we say what can we do with this and i'll put it into an idea or maybe i have some friends who own businesses sometimes i'll invest in their businesses and it returns back to me and then i just repeat that and it starts to accumulate upon itself and exponentially so anyway i hope that that how i know this is you know money is spiritual people think you know why he's talking about money money is spiritual and it's important that we understand spiritual principles so i hope that answered your question reuben who else do we have coming on nicholas welcome to viral revival hi pastor david hi god bless you what's your question my friend i have been wondering i know that you have speaking about very nice i'm sorry can you speak up a little and a little more clearly please yes uh my question is how can you deal with bitterness about yourself know about others um when you feel i mean this self examination that we were you were talking and all these things is good when you know that is directed at someone else but it's about yourself i don't know no it's a great question it's a great question and i'm glad you brought it up that's actually a point i didn't even really get to cover excellent question what do you do when you aim how do you deal with shame bitterness towards self is shame you you don't like yourself there's there's anger towards yourself frustration with yourself it comes in realizing the truth that the grace of god applies to you as well sometimes we work ourselves into a frenzy and we freak ourselves out because we have all of these ideas floating around our heads ideas like well god's done with me or you know the grace of god applies to them but not to me or god can forgive that but he can't forgive what i did and so these notions ultimately are unfruitful in our lives and we have to be rid of them we have to cast down those imaginations anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of god must be brought down and we must choose instead to believe the word of god so in your specific case you're talking about bitterness against self unforgiveness against self it comes in knowing the word and believing the word and choosing to believe the word instead of the lies of the enemy recognize that the grace of god applies to you as well god's forgiveness applies to you in the same way that it would apply to anybody else so make sure that you recognize first the lie expose that lie and then pull out a truth from the scripture to confront that lie and you'll be set free from that shame reuben who else do we have edward welcome to viral revival what's your question my friend uh hello hello david um i want to make sure you can hear me right i can hear you loud and clear okay that's perfect um well uh first off god god willing uh i and i and i asked for your place for that uh i'm gonna be preaching tomorrow on the church oh wow and um that would be my first time oh that's awesome yeah and uh what well last week i'm gonna get to a question don't get me wrong well last week um i was talking to a preacher and i and i wanted i wanted to uh i was explaining to her that uh that i want to make sure to get prepared to get prepared for when i become an evangelist which i believe is what god has called me and uh and she gave me two words i'm sorry three words you are ready and uh and i and i and i asked myself uh okay the question is um uh when and how do i start and tomorrow and my tomorrow's preaching might be the answer now then um my my question is how what would you advise me what what what would be your advice to go to go from there and to you know i mean i don't what do you mean okay um okay uh the question is um after my first preaching and after hearing hearing hear hearing the creature said that i'm ready what were your advice what would you advise me to go to go from here as far as preparation for your sermon tomorrow um well well i'm well try phrasing the question in a different way maybe that'll help me out okay uh what what what would you invite me to go um um to go to go from to go from there as as i as i as i go forward that that i made that that i may be ready to be continuing to preach in the future oh that's the next so you want to know how to continue in the path of your calling right right something like that right okay well i'll try to answer it as best i could forgive me um sometimes um i don't understand every question i i do apologize for that but um i'm going to answer it as best i can what i what i understand you saying is or asking is that you want to know how to best prepare for faithfulness and to continue on and how do you keep this momentum going and so forth um first of all that first portion you mentioned i'm not sure how all that ties in with the question um so i'm not able to address that but i will say that if somebody wants to continue in their calling with god they need to continue just to do the basics i think sometimes we make the mistake of believing that there's some secret recipe to the anointing or there's some hidden mystery that we don't know about ministry and the call of god that may be something that the greats have discovered that we just don't know no matter how much we search the scriptures and the reality is that it all comes down to the basics it all comes down to a love for jesus all true ministry is an overflow of your love for jesus if it's not an overflow of your love for jesus it's not ministry it's it's a career it's charity it's organizational work it's volunteer work unless it's born of a love for jesus it is not ministry and this is something we have to really be sold on because if we move from this point then everything that we do will become polluted with self we must be rooted in this truth all true ministry is founded upon a love for jesus from that come things like a prayer life a devotion to the word of god personal holiness which is so key and such now of course in devotion to the word of god we must know the word of god we must study the word of god we must be in the word daily if you don't know the word you have no business being in a pulpit we must have a prayer life if you're not in daily prayer you have no business being in the pulpit there are areas of holiness standards that we need to meet now not everyone's going to live perfect nobody lives perfect and we all fail in some points but it's that striving for holiness and meeting a certain criteria that we see in the book of timothy that we find our qualification for ministry so long as you're doing these basic things and you're keeping that core the core then there's no stopping the call of god in your life i mean i could i could give you preaching tips broadcast tips social media tips organizational tips but all of that is secondary to the priority which is your love for jesus and so long as you maintain that simplicity and you never get distracted from that you'll never waver god bless you next question reuben versailles welcome to viral revival hi david god bless you god bless you um i just had a question um it's a little bit off topic but it kind of like relates um okay what you do like for example for a person that deals with like a lot of ocd or just a bunch of unwanted blasphemous thoughts um i like i don't want to be angry all the time but they make me super super angry every single day so now keep keep her on the line because i'm gonna i'm gonna this is gonna be more of a conversation so i'm gonna ask you to stay on the line continue i didn't mean to interrupt i just didn't want them to to mute you after your question go ahead yeah no that's okay um like what can you suggest i can do to like i guess guard my heart when it's a it's a constant thing every single day and i try myself to like say you know what i'm gonna try to be joyful today i'm not trying not to deal with it but they just don't leave like the thoughts are still there no matter how like i'm not saying that they're always gonna be there my faith is doing god like i know they're gonna leave at some point but for now what do i do now like it's making me very better it's constant judgmental thoughts that i don't even know where they come from and bitter just towards bitter toward god toward other people bitter toward who no like it's just random random blasphemous thoughts against god that's how it started and then i i started i started noticing that i'm starting to become very very like angry like every single day like everything irritates me because they're just there and they don't leave right now now are you are you a born-again believer yes i mean i i i gave my life to christ like uh a year and a half ago and something similar like this was happening to me before that's that's what make me um come to christ but then it started again okay i'm a little bit confused like reuben still keep her unmuted so so precise am i saying you're right bursida yes okay bersaida let me tell you first and foremost that as a believer you have the holy ghost i know you know this here but sometimes these truths they get lost upon us in in the sense of filling them right we we don't always feel the truth we know the truth we don't always feel the truth that's the challenge here now these thoughts that come into your mind i want you to understand because i used to deal heavily with things like this i want you to understand first and foremost that you are not demon-possessed you are not demon oppressed this is not some demonic being forcing you to do these things and i'll tell you how we know that number one we know that demon possession is not some mild case you may hear some people say things like oh well they didn't know they had a demon that's not possible demonic possession is a very very severe case you and i could not be having this conversation if it was demon possession i promise you uh number two the fact that you are exercising your will so freely to be on this broadcast and talk to me about this it shows you have the spirit of god so let's make let's get that straight you're a child of god you have the holy spirit you've got the power of god the love of god i'm sorry that's okay yes go ahead with terms i was saying you have the child of god you have the power you're a child of god you have the power of god you have the anointing of god you're positioned in him now these thoughts that come to the mind because they come to your mind and you reject them that's proof to you that you also have the exercise of free will in the mind so these thoughts that come to you you almost got to play like ping-pong with them because when a thought comes and burrows itself in the mind that thought begins to gain influence over our other thought patterns as well as our emotions so think of it like a game of ping pong whatsoever is lovely is it lovely i gotta knock that thing out whatsoever is true is it true out whatsoever is of a good report is it of a good report nope okay then out you'll never be able to control what thoughts come to your mind nor can anybody control what thoughts come to the mind i can't control what thoughts come to my mind nobody here can control what thoughts come to their mind nobody watching online right now can control what thoughts come to their mind but they can control what thoughts they meditate on and it's in that meditation that we see those thoughts gain power over us now with you brosida because of it's because it's kind of mixed with ocd one of the biggest challenges for you is going to be the obsession over the thought itself so when someone has ocd it's not just the thought coming into their head it's the thought coming into their head the worry that they can't control the thought the wondering if they can control the thought the wondering if more thoughts are going to come along with it the worry about how long this is going to stay in my head the worry about the consequences of having this thought you see we start to assess the assessment of the assessment of the thought and so we start to study this thought in every which way this angle so instead of allowing your mind to study it now you're not studying the thought to try to dwell on it you're trying to defeat that thought not realizing that it's actually the analysis of that thought that's making it gain power over you in the first place so that worry of oh my goodness is this going to stop it's going to produce more like people who worry about having night terrors that constant worry about having a night terror guess what it's going to produce more night terrors and if they believe that they've been set free from night terrors guess what the night terrors are going to stop so as it goes with ocd though there are some other aspects to this i'm sure you're more familiar with this is one of the basic principles i can give them is to not obsess about having the thoughts themselves you're so worried about having the thoughts that it's actually paving the way for you to have more thoughts like that god does not hold you accountable for the thoughts that pop into your head he holds us accountable for the thoughts we choose for the thoughts that we choose to meditate upon and once you realize this truth that i look i can't control every thought that comes to my mind nor can anybody you're driving down the street a lot a lot of men can tell you this driving down the street they see a billboard there's a thought now they couldn't control what thought came to their mind but we can control whether we dwell on it or not so you're not in trouble with god because something popped into your head because something reminded you of something can i just ask how how what how perfect i'm just i'm just trying to get like a better understand because i know you've always spoken about that you've had ocd before so they seem to be literally like i don't need to exaggerate but literally rapid fire how do i not meditate on that thing just and that that how to is is probably the question that gets put most to be on this um it would be the same thing you know trying to describe to somebody how how do you hear how do you see it it's just something that you you begin to naturally learn as you attempt to practice it so it may be clumsy in the beginning and it may not be as potent as you want it to be in the beginning but once you've accepted i can control my thoughts then that muscle begins to be strength right now that muscle of controlling the thoughts it's it's it's tired it's tired because you're just boom boom boom boom boom boom boom being bombarded by it you're mentally exhausted and it is mentally exhausting when you deal with stuff like that so realize first like i said this this will help realize number one that that you can't control what comes to your mind you can only control what stays in your mind once you've released yourself from that you can focus all your energy on what stays in your mind rather than worrying about the consequences of these things that just pop into your head and so that's number one number two the perspective of the battle is off you're choosing to focus on the battle with these thoughts right here so like if i say don't think of the number seven too late you and everyone else just thought of the number seven so by focusing on the battle itself oh my goodness all these thoughts what do i do about them you're never gonna get out of it that way instead rather the bible doesn't say don't think about these things it says think on these things fill your mind with other things wow and that will strengthen your ability to resist the things that ought not to be there does that make sense yes and i know even hearing this you're like okay i get it and it can almost seem like a little like okay got some work ahead of me and maybe even a little discouraging because you may say well i tried that before but here's the thing i used to say that i go through the cycles of it i already tried that i already tried that and then i would say okay but have i tried it every day for a year yet probably not and so so keep going you're gonna you're gonna get breakthrough it's gonna happen as the spirit strengthens and the flesh gets shrunk you're gonna have breakthrough and just just have peace knowing that god understands what you're going through and that he's not he's not he's not angry with you because of this these i'm sure there's things in your past that led you to this that brought this about but but there's freedom in knowing the truth and that truth will set you free once you know you don't have to fight that battle that's not yours to fight just focus on other things not i'm not saying try not to focus on those thoughts i'm saying choose to focus on other things it's a very different thing steve you know i have uh i wanted to add on to that i mean this is such an interesting thing because what you're speaking of i know a lot of us have dealt with it and something i'm trying to do as well and i'm i'm the same you know situation sometimes thoughts come to my mind what i try to do is memorize as many scripture as i possibly can to combat that thought so when that thought comes you already have a scripture loaded ready to go and say nope wait a minute this scripture says otherwise and so i think that's something you can start applying today and i think again i'm i'm in the same boat as you you know sometimes like i said these things come but i know when you have scripture when you have that backing of the lord and and just everything about his word you can get through it and so what deega is saying is so so true i mean the bible says thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee perfect peace that's the promise and recita you're gonna get that i promise you it may seem like a long uphill battle but there's going to be a day you look back and you're going to say i used to struggle with this but today i'm set free why how by the power of the word amen by the power of the word fill your mind with the word and there won't be room for those other things i want to thank alpha lobby who gave a generous one-time gift i'd also like to thank melanie gallano who gave a generous one-time gift over at donate ruben who else do we have ramon welcome to viral revival what's your question my friend i think they're having oh there he is okay i've been watching you for a while no about once no oh god bless you once more then and i just have this like passion to receive what you have on you right now that anointed that gift of healing that thing why because when i go out to evangelize because i was thought to be an evangelist and so when i go to evangelize i just want to prove that christ is the only lord by those miracles and deliverance that's awesome my friend i'm happy to hear that that you have this passion to be used of god so so what what's your question what do you pray for me to receive that anointing oh absolutely we're gonna we're gonna pray definitely we always close in prayer so i'll definitely pray toward the end of the broadcast i'm going to pray for everyone do you have a specific question in this area or something like that oh yes how do i increase in the gift of healing excellence so strengthening the spiritual gifts whatever strengthens my spirit strengthens the things that come from my spirit the gift of healing is a spiritual gift we see that in first corinthians chapter 12. so as i strengthen my spirit whatever comes about as a result of my spirit will always be strengthened when my spirit is strengthened so that is how you strengthen the spiritual gifts how you strengthen your prayer life how you strengthen your knowledge of the word how you strengthen the gift of prophecy even it all comes from growing the spirit growing the spirit comes by the holy spirit when you walk according to the holy spirit so it really comes down to these basic things and this goes back to my point that i was making earlier i think we imagine sometimes that people have these hidden secrets right so people come to our healing services and they'll watch all the people get healed at the services and they'll come up to me after what's the key what's the secret they just love jesus they're like no no but what's what is it like really like they think i'm gonna give them like a regimen okay on mondays you fast for three hours and then on tuesdays you read a thousand healing scriptures and then wednesdays and this is important on wednesdays make sure that you're facing north when you pray with the anointing bottle in your hands you know like there's going to be all these little things and and the bible gives us everything we need to walk in the anointing you have an anointing you're anointed of god you have a spiritual gift it's so so so simple everything that is spiritual is always simple whatever is religious is always complex so when you increase in the anointing really all you're doing is surrendering to what god has already given to you you can't get more of the anointing the anointing's in you you can't get more of the holy spirit the holy spirit's in you you can't get more power all of god's power is in you it's a matter now of surrendering to that which god has already deposited in you and living that out in everyday life how do you do that love jesus that love for jesus will produce a devotion to the word a lifestyle of holiness and repentance and a lifestyle of prayer those three things you do those three things read the word of god every day morning and night pray as often as you can as much as you can and number three live a lifestyle of holiness and repentance and i say and repentance because sometimes we slip up and instead of letting things go too far in one direction you pull it back and say lord cast me not away from your presence even though new testament doesn't speak of that of course that's just quoting from the psalms the sentiment is there i don't want anything that diminishes your influence in my life is what we're saying to him so those three things that really is it guys there's there's no other secrets there's no other secrets now i could talk about how to set an atmosphere for healing i could talk about how to stir up a spiritual gift i could talk about how to stir up the anointing these are all they're nuanced but they're basically the same thing but it's not going to matter if you're not doing the basics do the basics everything else will come there's no shortcuts to the platforms and to ministries you just love jesus trust god he'll take you where you need to go who else do we have mr vargas yvette welcome to viral revival the holy spirit's live stream what is your question yes awesome thank you so much um thank you for this ministry to everybody i was wondering two main things um first one is how do you stay on fire like i've gone through seasons where it's like wow we're out we're so passionate you know i used to drive uber and minister to people and i had good success and i i mean it's been really weird my journey i've only been a believer for 10 years wait can i ask you a question real quick i have to interrupt were you the one who drove steve and i did you ever drive me and steve before in chicago i don't know we had an uber we've had a couple run-ins with uber drivers who watch encounter tv never mind i'm sorry it might not be you go ahead maybe i hope it was me i hope i did a good job um but i think i just struggle a lot with sometimes just staying on fire i go sometimes through rejection so i mean i'm the first saved in my family and i'm still the only spirit-filled believer um and i get a lot of attacks sometimes even to the point that it's tormenting very discouraging to stay in my faith and even when i do try to i've tried like three different communities and i've just really struggled to be accepted so i mean i have i've not always been a believer i know through that journey even though god can use us you know he uses us when we're healing or when we're broken i think i've just struggled a lot to stay encouraged and then to even manifest what i believe the lord has called me to do which to me sometimes i'm like how can this be real lord because it just seems like everything is always against me um so i think i don't know if that's like a test to be spiritually rejected sometimes i don't know i just struggle with that and that rejection is oftentimes what makes me just lose wind again i'll just stop reading the word and i don't know you know that's really it i just i don't want to lose it i want to manifest what i feel that i've been told multiple times over and over but this season just feels really hard so i don't i don't want to always struggle with this i don't want it to always be a battle that i have to come back to i just want to get it done you know and keep momentum well that's a good ambition to have certainly the ebb and flow of our lives doesn't have to include an ebb and flow in our love for jesus there can be a consistent love for the lord that we have all the days of our life and it never has to fade it never has to fade what i'm hearing and forgive me if i'm not answering the question directly is i think that it comes down to being refreshed by the lord himself you know you turn off this this bright light that's in my face that tim sticks in my face you you take away this microphone i'm looking i'm facing the other side of the studio our studio has two sets in it one here is the viral revival set straight across from me is the main set that most of you see you know moment of truth the teachings i'm looking at it right now there's lights there's cameras it's really elaborate in here shut off the lights take away the cameras turn off my microphone remove the crowds that come to the service remove this wonderful chat with our spirit family what do i have you see if i didn't have that personal connection with the lord i promise you this thing this machine that is ministry would have a long time ago crushed me into a million tiny pieces it's only the love for jesus and it comes back to this again that keeps you going you know mary and martha both saw the same thing in jesus i think we make a mistake as preachers when we say that mary saw something that martha missed no martha and mary both saw the same thing jesus goes into their home martha is busy cooking and cleaning and preparing for jesus mary just sits there relaxing with the lord fellowshipping with him martha gets flustered and upset she says lord aren't you gonna tell mary to help me i mean i'm doing all this work and she's just sitting there talking to you and he says martha martha martha you're so worried about all these little things but mary has found that one thing that truly matters and it will never be taken away from her what's the scripture telling us there the scripture is telling us very clearly that mary understood fellowship martha understood performance and when you do it for jesus and him alone it's impossible to lose that fire when you walk in that sacrifice when you live in such a way that honors the lord and only the lord and you're not looking for man's approval you know i i i can be honest with you that's still a point that i struggle with not that i'm afraid of people's opinions i've i've not been afraid of people's opinions for a long time but the flesh will still try to pull you to please people it will you don't think it's tempting to throw up some click bait here on the youtube channel get in on some of the talk of the modern day and see how many views we can get maybe put out a video on some of the political things going on maybe put out a video on some pop culture things no can't do that why it just pollutes what god is doing would we get more views sure now if i was moved by views then the moment there would be a dip in views there goes my passion for the ministry if i am motivated by subscribers if we lost our youtube channel well there goes my passion for the lord but our passion for ministry our passions for the things of the lord should come from that secret place i do it for one phrase and one phrase only well done my good and faithful servant that's the day i'm living toward take away the lights take away the cameras take away the stages take away the crowds take away the audience it all fades i'm living for that one day you want to keep the fire burning keep surrendering to the lord himself keep giving him something to burn walk in obedience daily do it for your love for jesus and that fire will never go out keep him the center okay mr vargas oh by the way chat you guys are doing an amazing job by keeping the comments coming in what i need you to do is keep the comments coming but at the same time you guys are very close there's 839 likes on this video if we get to a thousand likes before the end of the broadcast i'm gonna give away sorry britain i don't mean to blur it that's not the glory that is the uh that's the high gloss cover um this is carriers of the glory in english and carriers of the glory now in chinese i'm gonna sign these and give these away to someone who left a comment so if you get it to a thousand likes that's gonna trigger the giveaway guys and even if you don't read chinese you will have the first copy of the chinese book signed i've never signed any of these i was practicing i was trying to learn how to sign my name in chinese that didn't work out so well it wouldn't have looked all that great had i tried um but anyway that's what we're doing guys so we're almost there we got 851. you're not that far make sure you do that so what the way it's gonna work is we reach a thousand likes and then after we get to a thousand likes we're gonna pick someone from the comment section so keep the comments coming take a moment light up the comment section emojis amens whatever you want even if you don't like me say you don't like me just put a comment as long as you're commenting it helps okay mr vargas the next question comes from susan welcome to viral revival the holy spirit's live stream what is your question maybe she's speaking to us in the spirit who are we moving on to ruben kate no no no no oh there she is i mean i'm sorry about that she made it that was quick yeah no we we almost ruben ruben uh reuben's quick he just kind of moves on to the next one so susan welcome god bless you hi thank you thank you um this is my first time on your program um only got introduced to you all just about a week ago or that's you know going through youtube and i come across you and listen to your programs i thought it was quite interesting however tonight first time live uh i want to ask two questions one is about forgiveness okay this time it's about surrendering okay what happened is i know you the bible says to forgive 70 times seven but when you're being heard constantly every day you know you're going through this and there are times when you feel okay i'm going to give up and it just keeps coming back and coming back and then you also say it's a surrender but yes if you are surrendering but you still feel as though you have to get in there to fight for yourself you know what i mean you don't totally give up you don't yes i trust boy yes i believe in god but yet you believe that you have to get in there to fight the battle for yourself that's not what i'm saying so um i would i would i would i would say i would say don't go based off of fillings for sure um you said something so key there you said i feel like i have to fight for myself now if by fighting for yourself you mean having self-respect preserving your dignity and not allowing people to abuse you then i agree with you we shouldn't allow people to take our dignity and abuse us repeatedly that's not what the scripture is talking about when it says to forgive 70 times 7 but if by fight for yourself you mean that you want to hang on to these things then of course no the battle is not yours the battle belongs to the lord is what the scripture says surrendering is simple surrendering is not a feeling remember this surrender to the holy spirit is not a feeling surrender to the holy spirit is obedience to the word of god and the voice of god it's that simple and when we choose to obey god we walk in the freedom and the liberty that he has for us even as it pertains to forgiveness yes we should forgive 70 times seven yes we should forgive as the memory comes up and no it's not ours to fight we give it to the lord we may feel like we have to this is where faith comes in trust and obey the only way to be happy in jesus is to trust and obey okay mr vargas who do we have all right kate you're up on viva revival the holy spirit's live stream welcome hi david um thank you for the teachings tonight it really really touched me um my question is um the bitterness thing that you were thinking about it feels like you were talking about me because um for the past i would say almost six years now that's the thing i've been going through with my my mother and my family so it's like um i would say even before i got married sometime i would hide myself in my room cry over certain things but when i go and ask her exactly thing that i have done to wrong hey she said i haven't done anything but sit um but still you can i can see that there's a wall between me and her which it wasn't like that so since i have asked for forgiveness even my uncles my pastor my pastors pastas are coming but still she has built that wall you know so what i've told myself now is just you know give it to god and just move on with my life so with this how should i you know move on because once a while it keep on it will hit me and then i'll sometimes grieve over it or you know have you know like um pain over it or you know so like sometimes i don't know what to do well that's a tough one because it can be very heartbreaking when we want to reconcile with someone but they build up walls and don't want to reconcile with us that's this frustration with relationships is that not everyone's always going to be on board with what you want to do in the relationship romans chapter 12 verse 18. i'll read it in the king james version for you because i think it applies specifically to this instance if it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men in other words if it's possible and as much as is in your control live peacefully with all men you know there's been people who've held bitterness against me and i work hard to try to regain that brother or that sister i work hard to try to reconcile the relationship and sometimes there's just nothing you can do maybe they don't like a stance that you took or maybe they don't like a direction that you're taking in life and there's all sorts of different things that can cause bitterness but what i've learned to do is my interactions with them say more about me than they do about them so even if this person is being cold toward you they're cutting you off you have to let that person go because if you try to hang on to it as if it's something that you can control you're going to lose yourself in the chaos of that disconnect and if you try your best to hang on and control it actually causes the opposite reaction when you pull on people who don't want to be close to you it causes them to pull back this is something that not a lot of people recognize about relationships and sometimes the people who like to fix everything we pull on people who don't want to be pulled on and in our pooling we're actually pushing them further away and that need to control everything causes us to as they pull away more for us to pull them closer to us and so as we pull harder they pull harder and it causes this effect to where they distance themselves more and more and more the more we try to pull on them the best thing you can do when someone is willing to disconnect from you is to let them disconnect let them disconnect you did what you had to do you apologized you forgave you reconciled maybe you took them out for lunch you bought them a gift you did what you knew to do and nothing worked at that point and again i'm not speaking about marriage here there are different dynamics for marriage at that point that's when it's time to say hey okay i gotta i gotta let this go for my own health for my own sanity i need to make sure that i am living yes according to the scripture and as much as lieth in me i'm working on that but that's it i can't go beyond what i can't control i can't go beyond what lies with me and so after it's done on my part then i leave it in their hands and i leave it in god's hands and that's hard to hear i know i know i know that's so hard to hear i know what it feels like to have people disconnect from you know i had a friend disconnect from me because he changed his theology and he went into kind of this um like calvinist you know that that side of the fence and i was willing to connect i said hey i'll connect i still love you and eventually he turned on me telling me well no you're a heretic you're leading people to hell you're this this net and disconnected from me now i never spoke evil of this person i didn't i didn't um you know try to harm them in any way and they likewise never tried to harm me but they just were angry with me just for who i was and what i represented but i said i can't bend on this i said i believe in speaking in tongues i believe in laying hands on the sick i believe in casting out devils i believe the spiritual gifts are still active today can't convince me otherwise it's in the word now it wasn't until years later like two years had gone by that this friend finally looped back around realizing they probably were a little too harsh as far as the doctrines go today we're like this again very very close now he's very much in the calvinist well i shouldn't even say calvinist it's probably the wrong term he's in the you know the john macarthur camp and we love john mcarthur i think he does great commentaries so you know he's in that camp i'm in this camp and we're really close friends our families have dinner with one another our daughters play together they they come over often we go over often we're very very close some of our closest friends in the world why because for a season i just said okay if you have to disconnect disconnect and god brought it back full circle now had i gone in there and been all bitter and started attacking him and it would it would have never been reconciled i would have sabotaged it but i let go prayed and god brought it full circle so stay encouraged i don't think it's completely over but there is a time to let go mr vargas the next question gracie the next question comes from gracie gracie welcome to viral revival of the holy spirit's live stream what is your question let's give them a moment because sometimes it takes a while to load on zoom button come across your screen gracie we're calling unto you and now you should probably move on who else do we have reuben tinsey tinsey thomas tinsey thomas our good friend welcome tincy hi thanks a lot for the session i recently the last sundays if i took this particular unforgiveness thing with my sunday school students and i told them that i am also struggling with this daily because at times we are into situations with people who at times hurt us daily even without knowing yeah that happens all the time and they don't even realize that they're hurting us so so tinty what would be your your question in this area your specific question so in that way i got the answer that i need to keep forgiving like for forgiving the memory itself i got that that was a big revelation but the question here is that i have wronged someone in a way which i can't talk to them openly about i want their forgiveness i feel that that is keep in the in my life still that unforgiveness from like i need to ask for the forgiveness but i don't know how to approach them because i can't literally say it to them now keep keep tinsey on because i gotta i gotta ask tinsey a question and tinsey anytime i interrupt someone guys please realize i'm not trying to be rude i just we have a system here and tinsey would have been muted had had i not had had i not interrupted so tinsey let me let me ask you something just yes or no are you still in relationship or connected in any way to this person yes are you experiencing negativity in your relationship or are you guys pretty close are you pretty close is this person does this person in any way hold any anything against you or are things good just belief wise we hold it's a different belief they don't believe in that level of powerful testimonies and healing and all they don't believe in that so other than a difference of doctrine you guys are pretty good friends yeah she's my sister okay well then i mean if that's the case you may be feeling a sense of misplaced guilt sometimes we work up things in our head and we go there's been times where i've gone to apologize to people and they're like what are you talking about and i'm like oh weren't you offended they're like no i didn't i don't care and it wasn't even an issue so you know it's um it could be that i would say just go talk just sit him down sit her down and say hey i want to talk to you i feel like i hurt you i want to apologize did this hurt you you may be surprised and she may say that never offended me or i didn't even think about that and you'll be pleasantly surprised so go and do that because your conscience is bugging you i would go and talk to this person go talk to your sister reconcile and i really do believe that the lord is going to do work now here's here's what i want to say to those of you watching you've heard the message today and we're still going to answer more questions we're not done yet so but i just want to pause for a moment and tell you this you know there are some phone calls you might have to make now guys chat i'm talking to you spirit family talking to you after this broadcast you may have to send a text or two you may have to send an email a facebook you may you may have to go unblock some people from online you may have to unblock some people on the phone as much as is in your power and you may go apologize and they not forgive you they may may never apologize to you but you should still forgive them you may not get the response out of the people that you want but that doesn't mean that you don't show that love how you respond to them is what demonstrates your character don't worry about how people are gonna respond to your apology or how people are going to respond to your request for an apology don't worry about that you worry about how you're responding and the lord will bless you for it okay reuben we'll take another question now kathleen yes can you hear me i can hear you loud and clear what's your question kathleen thank you um thank you brother david for not singing and um i was wondering if um sometimes it's just not it's difficult often times to do my devotional and praying because sometimes when i go to the lord it feels like it is an obligation and not like a love something like that better david sometimes um if i don't do my devotional for an hour or so so much like that is it's gonna guilt trip me and i have to skip my class i have to skip my chores i have to skip my works and not that to spend time with the lord with another hour and another so and it's frustrating sometimes brother david and um how do you do devotion with love and zeal for the lord brother david well first of all it always begins as a discipline and it sounds to me honestly and and forgive me if i'm making a huge assumption but i can hear the worry and the strain in your voice it sounds to me like you're overthinking this thing like way too much you know when i spend time with my jessica i don't sit down with her and go jess i'm going to sit with you for an hour and 20 minutes we're going to talk and we're going to discuss and then from there we're going to go and we're going to you know go get ice cream we're gonna go walk down the park i don't i don't do that to her when i spend time with jess i just spend time with jess i we hang out we have fun she's not looking at her watch going it better be at least two hours no we just we spend the time together that we can so i think part of the key to not looking at it like an obligation is to stop keeping track of the time stop keeping track of how many you know what percentage of my day was devoted and how much scripture did i read just make a connection with god that's all it is daily contact is the key and you can go from there i'm going to read some of the comments here uh stephen montezuma says almost there guys what do you think oh you're talking about the um like thousand likes there we're at 937 likes which is amazing 937 likes you guys are awesome remember you get to a thousand likes and we're going to give away a couple of books here chinese version of carriers of the glory and carriers of the glory in english okay i see uh carlos lascaux says come on we can do this roseanne is putting those are those those are flowers i thought those were um roses sharoon patrick we are so close and then vanessa says that's awesome uh sunshine says 937 likes you guys are commenting so fast i don't even know if i can keep lions they're flying in i could see why you're having so much trouble there steve uh so ellen says thank you and fire and tears and then i see someone putting a squirt gun and saying spiritual snipers i don't know what that means but it looks interesting and then i see ellen tears and fire and hands and doves and tears and my goodness you guys are amazing okay best advice to those christians who are struggling with emotions fillings in their walk with god don't go by feelings go by faith that would be my best advice uh carlos uh repeated the question there i see real with those beautiful nine symbols of the holy spirit emojis uh solo how do you know if you let me scroll back there yeah they're going in so fast oh how do you know if you're really praying in tongues if you said it's mostly you and do you have to be baptized to receive the holy spirit um that's several questions there let's start with how do you and it's gone but how do you know you're really praying in tongues i'll answer that one um it's by faith you know by faith first corinthians 14 14 when i pray in tongues my spirit is praying and so that's a faith language that's a language of the holy spirit when i pray in tongues i'm allowing the holy spirit to say what he wants to say through my voice okay melvin i do have a question please but they didn't leave it so it's up it's gone uh rhea campbell's 36 more uh enya do you uh i'm gonna catch her here over here so i on on this part i can't change it or i can't hold it but over here on my laptop i can anya says do you have to be do you have to ask to be filled with the holy spirit again and again okay great question the infilling of the holy spirit again and again think about the fact that the 72 disciples and the 12 disciples all had the holy spirit because they were casting out demons preaching the gospel and praying for the sick jesus breathes on these disciples in john chapter 20 saying receive the holy spirit they received the holy spirit these same disciples have to wait until acts chapter 2 to receive the holy spirit they receive the holy spirit that same group of believers peter and john among them also have to wait until acts chapter 4 to receive the holy spirit again and it says after the holy spirit came upon them they started preaching with boldness when they were already preaching with boldness this is the many infillings of the holy spirit not that you can receive the holy spirit more than once because the scripture makes it clear especially in romans chapter 8 verse 9 that you can't be a child of god without the holy spirit ephesians makes it clear also that he's the seal of salvation so therefore when you are saved you receive the person of the holy spirit but there are many fillings of the holy spirit externally what do i mean by that john 7 38 jesus said out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water meaning the baptism with the holy spirit isn't rained from above rather it's a flood from within so the receiving of the holy spirit or the receiving of the baptism with the holy spirit isn't the receiving of the holy spirit it's the releasing of the holy spirit i receive him at salvation i release him when i'm baptized with the holy spirit so that influence ebbs and flows the holy spirit doesn't leave me but his influence over my life can become stronger or weaker depending upon how i'm living and responding to his voice in the word now ephesians 5 18 says be not drunk with wine instead meaning this is my choice this is a command this is something i choose to do be filled with the holy spirit that phrase in ephesians 5 18 be filled literally means to continually be filled not like water in a cup but like wind in a sail therefore i continually allow the holy spirit to have influence over my life not to receive him again and again but to release him to have influence into the different areas of my life again and again britain i think that would actually be a great highlight answering that question that was very short and succinct so let's get that going 9.74 on the likes you guys are awesome uh carlo laskowski let's keep swimming let's keep swimming that's interesting and then um we see him i have a question can i have the holy spirit book sure and then i see can i see let me see here we got um kathleen k with the dumps and then let me see gloria chang um uh reuben do we have one actually this is too fast i can't even keep up with the chat this is amazing um can we do we have anyone from zoom yes angela welcome to vivo revival we're gonna ask you to unmute please ask your question hi brother david i'm from the philippines well god bless and i would like to ask oh god bless you more too and i just really want to thank you and your ministry because it's just such been a big help like i've really grown um since i started um watching your videos and the holy spirit has even been more um like really i've been really been more sensitive and closer to the holy spirit and i just really want to ask about the spiritual realm i've really seen some stuff especially with my mind's eye on like about snakes and here at home i just like really see stuff on the corners of the house and just like it's trying to get to me and to our family and i couldn't move when i sleep at night are you talking about sleep paralysis yeah kind of like that so are are you familiar with the term sleep paralysis yeah yeah so but like it's kind of i'm sorry no go ahead it's kind of what yeah yeah kind of like bothering me at times but what i think about sleeper aisle is this is just you can't like you can't um move but what experiences i see stuff well well that happens and i try to um say jesus name but i can't like i can't pronounce it you know it's interesting to me that when i i i cause i teach this in my spiritual warfare seminars that demonic beings cannot physically attack the believers saved through vicarious means such as sickness or the demonized individual who might go in and say harm someone so demons can't affect the believer physically except vicariously meaning through other means second hand like sickness which is a reality in our world already and through someone who is demonized so if somebody goes in like for example at columbine there was a godly young woman who was killed in that attack obviously she was harmed physically but that was vicariously through the shooters at columbine now as it pertains to sleep paralysis i find it interesting that the only example that anyone can ever give of a christian being assaulted physically is pretty much described in the exact same way every single time so a lot of people don't know is that your body actually paralyzes itself every single night when you go to sleep and so sleep paralysis or the experience of sleep paralysis happens when we become conscious before that paralysis has worn off now in those moments we become frightened we become worried and we may start to project onto the room what we think it is so people who think it's aliens see aliens people who think it's demons see demons people who think it's a snake demon sea snake demons and so forth and so on but we're always going to project with our mind's eye onto that reality when we're half asleep half awake and paralyzed in the physical body so this may be demonic influence that you're seeing so let's be clear there this could be demonic influence that you see but that doesn't mean that it's a demon holding you down and i want to make that clear distinction in fact not only can you not say jesus when you're experiencing sleep paralysis you can't say anything when you're experiencing sleep paralysis the way you get out of sleep paralysis at least in the practical sense is to be conscious of your breathing why because your breathing is both conscious and subconscious your body breathes while you're asleep subconsciously and you can also at any point take over your breath and breathe consciously so it's voluntary and involuntary that's the function of breathing it's both now when you're experiencing sleep paralysis the moment you go from involuntary breathing to voluntary breathing meaning you control it your body triggers that signal that tells you i'm awake and so you come out of the sleep paralysis it works every time at least for me now if you're experiencing demonic visions while you're experiencing sleep paralysis again let me emphasize it's not that the demon is physically holding you down and the only word you can't say is jesus rather it's that you are experiencing a physical thing called sleep paralysis while at the same time possibly sing into the demonic realm because you're half asleep half awake but it can't touch you physically demons can't harm you physically so you're not possessed you're not oppressed you're not cursed but perhaps in that dream-wake state you are seeing some influence there the way you get rid of demonic influence is very very simple you establish the influence of the holy spirit in that home through prayer and through worship and you have ultimate authority it's not even a fight for the holy spirit like sand castles dissolving under the influence of a mighty ocean wave so demonic darkness dissolves under the light of the holy spirit and that's another one there brit okay um 996 likes i'm gonna end it right now i'm just kidding right right when it goes to 996 i'm kidding i wouldn't do that to you guys in fact i've been kind of extending it hoping to give you guys a better chance here 995 someone took a like away was this something i said oh it's back okay or maybe they were mad about the sleep paralysis thing they're like i don't believe that and they they left it okay so i'm seeing the comments coming let me see the comments are coming in like crazy we're here at nine you did it chat you hit a thousand likes that's incredible look it for every 1 000 people who support us there's two who don't like us there are more for us than there are are against us those two people who disliked it are full of bitterness no i'm just kidding they need to hear the message again well congrats everybody you guys did it i only i only held out for about only been talking for three hours to be honest i wanted to give this away so i figured we would maybe next time i'll go for 500 500 go for a half no we'll do a thousand every time that'll be the goal each time hey don't forget guys um subscribe if you're watching us on youtube uh make sure you're subscribed we get a lot of great content thanks to jv lanouza for becoming a monthly partner thank you to so kim who gave a one-time gift thank you to brianne or brian b-r-a-y-a-n interesting brian vazquez who gave a generous one-time gift we so appreciate you i think someone up there in the super chat um yeah paulini fan um gave a super chat uh someone said i was i was scammed by a con man out of tens of thousands of dollars i struggled to forgive but the harsh reality of my financial woe is still a reality what should i do oof that is tough i had a friend who was scammed out of like six hundred thousand dollars he it was tough on him yeah that's not easy i'm gonna tell you that right now that is not an easy thing to deal with uh pauline fan but what you can rest in knowing is that god will vindicate you and that he will provide that's all i can tell you on that and i'm sorry to hear about that situation i see so many comments coming guys let's just spam the chat let's spam the chat in celebration i want to see emojis i want to see symbols of the holy spirit i want to see your location i want to see whatever you got let's just go crazy on this and don't forget to share this live stream everybody this is the spirit family look at the spirit family go look at you guys you guys you amaze me every single time and this is why i love love love gathering don't forget every single wednesday night we are gathering together in spirit spirit family subscribe subscribe subscribe there's a tongue twister subscribe subscribe subscribe do it right now click the notification bell when you do we love you all i think that's going to do it for this edition of revival keep the comments coming because that's how you're going to win reuben um why don't you go on over to the the chat over there on encounter tv um go ahead everybody reuben's going to pick it now i'm going to wait another minute or so um pick the winner within the next two minutes so chat chat chat chat chat spam the comments and the more comments you put the more likely you are to get picked by mr rubin vargas steve anything you want to say before we pick a winner i just want to say guys it's been such an honor and a pleasure to be with you here in the chat and as well as the live stream it was a lot of fun today my goodness i could not even keep up with all of your comments and all of your uh just interesting little emojis we love it here we appreciate you guys so so much and always remember we love you so much thank you okay mr vargas um okay reuben just text me the winner okay now keep in mind let me say this before i say the winner because you have to be watching when we announce you if this person doesn't claim it right now we're going to pick a different winner so the winner of both books both carriers of the glory and it's high gloss don't worry brits it's okay and it's high gloss format this is the one right here that's the big one the chinese version of carriers of the glory wow now again i'm gonna sign this one it'll be the first signed copy of carriers of the glory ever i'm having trouble with my monitor i never really know which way to turn the book the signed copy of the chinese version of carriers of the glory and the book winner is the book winner for this edition of revival i think we should do this more often too yeah i think that'll be the goal every time we hit a thousand likes before the end of the stream we'll go ahead and do that the winner of carriers of the glory in english version and chinese signed sent to you shipping and handling covered absolutely free the winner is someone who is watching right now someone who is commenting drumroll someone who wants the books their initials are their initials are jp jjp jp first name for the j oh last name is with the p interesting i i think i i think i should say that the the winner now no i think i you know what i think so i think i should say the winner now jessica and i didn't pick you because you have my wife's name remember it's it's reuben that picked jessica le pena is the winner jessica lopez you won carriers of the glory english and chinese jessica lapena i see the comments right there jessica lapena you are the winner and i see that she's watching right this moment when i'm announcing it and you will be sent the chinese version of carriers of the glory i'm going to put this little thing back on i'm going to sign it live right here on the set so as i sign it i'm going to write in the book here we go jessica lapinya i'm writing to jessica and can we congratulate her in the chat here this is the first signed copy of the chinese version of this book thanks for your support and then i'll sign it and there it is right there i feel like when when the president signs like something into like a bill and i show the different people there you go awesome awesome to jessica this is the first signed copy of the chinese version of this book thanks for your support and we're going to send that off to you jessica congratulations don't forget guys subscribe subscribe subscribe click the notification bell when you do make sure you're a part of these live streams every single wednesday night at 6 pm wasn't this awesome we're gonna do this again next week next week's gonna be amazing guys i'm talking about spiritual warfare myths it's going to stir up a lot of religious spirits we'll see you then until then remember nothing is impossible with god
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 40,978
Rating: 4.96416 out of 5
Keywords: forgiveness, prayer for bitterness and resentment, prayer to be set free from bitterness and unforgiveness, how to forgive, holding bitterness and unforgiveness leads to death, unforgiveness, unforgiveness and bitterness, prayer for bitterness and anger, prayer for bitterness and forgiveness, how to be free from bitterness, how to get rid of bitterness, how to forgive someone, how to forgive someone who hurt you, bitterness prayer, prayer for bitterness, healing from unforgiveness
Id: wS3ggxQNzWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 16sec (9376 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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