The Basics of Gun Handling | Shooting Tips from SIG SAUER Academy

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if we start with stance for instance I think folks get too hung up on stance and again its objective based so if I'm teaching the SWAT guy who needs to be moving where is his stance well there's no stance because he's moving and for the basic shooter stances relative to what the task is so as far as stance your stance looks good right now you're standing up without falling over check so you got balance and then we look for stability all right and when we say stability what we're looking for is stability of the muzzle on the target so however you can stand without falling over and stabilize the muslim' the target go back to that first one I talked about yep who cares how you're standing I really don't care I don't care if your feet are shoulder-width apart I don't care if there's one foot back I don't care if you point your toes out I don't care if your stand on one foot really doesn't matter to us as long as the result downrange is what you want who cares so with stance stand normal and comfortably and put a gun in your hand and hold up in front of you so you see the sights now the only other attribute we'd may talk that we may talk about occasionally as far as stance is concerned is mobility having the ability to go mobile if I need to sure so having a stance that sets myself up for mobility which we get into as we as we progress in our shooting careers but basically balances standing up on over stability having the ability to stabilize the muzzle on the target how are you doing that I don't really care and none of our guys do as far as grips concerned are we looking for a full grip on the gun now obviously at the basic level for shooters who have never or not even shooted people have never picked up a handgun in their life obviously we have to tell them how to hold the gun and we keep that pretty simple as well and I can certainly go over that with you if you'd like okay why don't we talk about this sure absolutely so I'll start with this Sig Sauer p226 and you can see that that's clearly clear and safe and and unloaded so with this a single action so it's all locked in [ __ ] type of gun so with grip what we're going over is take the gun in your dominant hand so I'm right-handed I'm a right-handed shooter so as I grip the gun in my diamond Hamm come in right in behind the gun and what I'm looking for is kind of a fit type of thing make sure the gun fits me first of all so I'm just looking for a straight line down the slide of the gun down in my hand I'm looking for these three fingers to be vertically stacked right here finger straight forward off the trigger and I'm trying to get as high in the grip as possible okay so we encourage folks to get their hand up as high in the gun as possible so they're nice and close to that boar access line so the guns not flopping around their hand too much and then on the other side of the gun we're looking to do is close up that space we typically on a Sig for instance but we don't really care what you shoot on sig for instance we'll use that takedown lever as a reference point for your thumb right up there forefinger step and just bring it in here and we close up that gap right in the back so we've got good circumference all the way around the gun and as far as how much pressure on the gun we typically say something like a firm handshake or if you were striking a nail with a hammer something about like that get the job done don't squeeze it so hard that you can't move it yeah it's the squeeze the juice out of it yeah exactly yeah pretty simple all right you know we talked about stabilizing the muzzle on the target obviously we will go over sights are our thoughts on like three dot sights on a pistol or somewhat unique I don't really care what the back one's doing or I don't care about necessarily how much space you have on each side and even across the top we're pretty much at the beginner level and everybody to be honest with you say hey you see that white down on the front of your sight yep check okay why don't you put that white dot where you want the bullet to go okay and keep it there as still as you can obviously we're humans and we move and we breathe and this blood thorn flowing through our veins so we're going to move a little bit so we kind of float that dot up there and put our finger on the trigger and try to move the trigger without disturbing that dot too much that's really about it I think any more than that and we convolute stuff and folks get confused so good grip keep your muzzle pointed down on the target keep it stable yeah we should trigger without disturbing the sights yeah and like and again we're setting up yourself up for success so like you just use the word squeeze the trigger you typically won't hear our saying that we'll say move the trigger or work the trigger we think squeeze we think think that move yeah move move I don't I don't want the people to do that on the gun I want them yeah I want them to isolate the trigger and move the trigger without disturbing anything if they squeeze it they tend to milk it and move it all over the place so okay you know yeah it's real slick real simple we've gone over the fundamentals so why don't you pick it up treatment brand new shooter I'm okay I stay at the academy all right let's take some shots downrange and maybe you can help me get better sure that sounds great let's do it okay good so we've got a clear and safe grunt go ahead point your gun now range yeah and just like to slide to the rear take on your magazine okay damn son so you slide forward you just keep it unloaded son your sideboard okay all right just hold the gun up on target and you got a nice red fiber-optic side up there so put the dot where you want to go all right and you know I our goal here is just to hit a specific place on the target right all right I would really relax yourself our goal out here like right now you're not shooting a competition so you're not expected to haul across the range and we're not going to be doing a movement and this guy's certainly not shooting Becca so I'd recommend to relax no you're just standing there talking to me just kind of like this I would stay just like that bring the gun up to your land sight relax your shoulders objective base right now you're not moving you're not in a competition you're not flying around the range so relax yeah so that looks good all right so you're standing up without falling over you see your red dot right all right put the red put the red dot we want the shot to go place your finger on the trigger and move that trigger with um that dot too much good I think that's pretty much does it right there it's about it pretty simple all right so one foot behind my back and holding the guns like this this is probably not ideal so putting that 1 inch square right now with my gun upside down standing on one foot what I just proved by just what I did is I just proved that the point I was making earlier it doesn't matter I just hit the center of a 1 inch square without even thinking about too much on one foot holding the gun upside down with my finger so where did that feel you
Channel: National Shooting Sports Foundation | NSSF
Views: 937,681
Rating: 4.8482823 out of 5
Keywords: Range, Trigger, sig, #NSSF, Grip, Muzzle, how-to, SIG P226, sig sauer academy, Handgun training, gun handling, Improve Accuracy, P226, Sig, Handgun Tip, nssf, Pistol, SIG Sauer, firearms training, gun, Shooting Drill, .40 S&W, Shooting Sport (Sport), new shooter, National Shooting Sports Foundation (Award Winner), 9mm, .357 SIG, Tips, Firearm (Sports Equipment), Stance, Adam Painchaud, #LetsGoShooting
Id: r6Nv74nvEWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 17 2014
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