AIMING IS USELESS! 3 Secrets To Great Shooting | Rob Leatham 6x IPSC World Champion!

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I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye.

I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind.

I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/iamnot_batman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 05 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 05 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] Strucker comes in and first thing they tell you to do is focus on the site squeeze the trigger pin the trigger to the rear only release the trigger and try to relax as a rule the first thing you should learn how to do is pull the trigger without moving the gun you don't even need to load the gun you don't need a target you need to be able to fire the gun without altering the attitude and the direction the guns point until you can do that aiming is meaningless think about it if you're shooting a shot your focus on that front side you're looking at that front sight you're looking looking looking looking here so now I'm gonna shoot now and you jerk the gun six inches long 8 inches low it didn't matter if you aim to begin with so it's pointless to focus on aiming until fire controls in place okay so the host thing I teach a new shooter is always the same thing first off it's safety keep the gun pointing the right way all that kind of crap at that point we turn into now listen what I need you to do is hold the gun firmly and I put their hands on the gun it's from how I want them to grip it I don't even need him to bring it up to eye level I tell them hold the gun right there cycle good now pull the trigger click nothing moves click nothing moves click nothing moves because they're not aiming so they don't care about aiming they're not letting the process of aiming affect their shooting is the deploying the trigger that's ok no extend the gun point the gun at the target don't care about the sights yet and pull the trigger click click click so now we're gonna shoot some shots and I don't care where you hit we're gonna shoot some shots now a live fire and almost immediately guy will sit there and immediately start shooting and he'll aim aim aim and I'll say stop you're aiming I don't need you aiming you're gonna hit the damn target at 3 or 4 or 5 yards without aiming so don't worry about it you can't miss from lack of aiming at that distance you'll miss by moving the gun out of alignment by jerking flinch and push and pulling it it's not jerking the trigger either I hate it when people blame everything on not seeing the sight and jerk and jerking the trigger just shoot fast you're going to jerk the trigger so learn how to jerk the trigger without moving the gun it's that simple it's just not easy to do so fundamentally if you're trying to teach somebody that this is one of the new Springfield's new osp's kind of shot at the national so the guy that does this motion right here sights everything looks good and then they say I'm gonna shoot now it won't matter if the dot was where I wanted it or not because I moved it eight or ten or twelve inches when I moved it so what I got to do is forget about aiming point the gun out the target and bleep learn how to do this motion right here okay so now even though I'm poorly aimed the shots going to go where it was directed and now aiming will matter so here's what it looks like live fire so you put on here if you do everything right you put the dot on the target and you pull the trigger okay at that point I'm not trying to see a perfect clear dot in this case it's a dot not iron sights I'm not trying to make the dot motionless I'm not trying to fixate all my conscious thought under that aiming point it's about thirty percent on the on the visual and the rest of it is all on feeling the trigger because if I can move the trigger without moving the gun I'm gonna have a good shot now shooting is really simple guys it's not necessarily easy but there are only three things that you have to do hold the gun really tight okay don't try to relax hold the gun tight point the gun at the target where you want to hit it and pull the trigger as fast as you can without moving that's it that's all the secrets to shooting and if you do it right well that's not necessarily easy it is very simple I'm holding the gun as tight as I can locking the gun the dots in the target pull the trigger and I just keep pulling the trigger now you come look at the target you're fairly confident this is gonna look like it's supposed to well I mean it's gonna be the dot moved about this much when I was shooting so if you look at the target where are the shots going to be in that area now I could shoot it faster and I can also shoot them more accurately but the first thing isn't learning this precision slow fire crap the hardest thing to do is take somebody who you forced them to to focus on slow fire and precision and said now just do it fast because you don't do the same things for precision that you do the concept is and its fault it's false is that you do the same thing shooting faster you do shooting accurately it's not true the process of pulling the trigger is different when you're shooting fast than when you're shooting accurately now can I pull the trigger slow yeah of course I can but the process is based on the ability to hold the gun so the most important part is not aiming it is pulling the trigger without moving the gun it has little to do with the trigger it has more to do with gripping and how you hold the gun and how motionless you can make the gun all right so I'm Rob Latham from Springfield Armory and thanks for watching FUNKER tactical [Music] hey guys by the way be looking for something big from Springfield Armory we're announcing it on November 1st anything you can tell us about it now I did I did I would have I get fired and I really love my job thanks Rob [Music]
Channel: Funker Tactical - Fight Training Videos
Views: 6,220,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funker Tactical, Springfield Armory, The Saint, Rob Leatham, Training, Shooting, Best Shooter in the world, aim, grip, trigger, pull, handgun, pistol, martial arts
Id: li0rGtXh23I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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