How to Disarm a Gunman

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welcome to MMA Serge today I'm gonna teach you guys had to saw him someone with a handgun alright so before you practice had this arm someone with a handgun don't use a real handgun get yourself one of these fake ones they usually come in bright colors most martial arts training supplies stores ten to fifteen dollars definitely worth it worth investing in just good to have also if you're training in public this doesn't look real so here's your gun sir so he puts a gun at me so it's more to just the getting the gun stuff I have to find my position I have to not make any moves that make him shoot me I have to stand here and whoa hey don't shoot me please don't shoot me stuff like that yeah I don't want to make it I don't want to make him think I'm gonna disarm it I want to make him think that this is gonna be a clean robbery hey whatever you need man just let me know you know life's too short I can't you know I got people I got dog and a cat like stuff like that so once you get him thinking that way that's your time to react the way I'm gonna react is he's holding the gun at me with his right hand so I'm gonna use my left hand and I'm gonna grab the barrel but you see the gun is still facing my myface so right when I go to grab my head is gonna come off the center line so there's a line here that imaginarily that that's where the gun would shoot me so I get off the line as I grab the barrel my free hand comes in with some sort of karate chop to the wrist the hand area cuz I'm gonna look to get his hand to turn face him want to turn the face and I keep would turn him that's what scares the guy when the gun starts pointing back at yourself the guy might let go and you get yourself the gun back peek the left side of the gun check your safety make sure it's on make sure the safety is off so you can actually if you have to shoot this assailant you can so again so I'm here he's holding the gun at me I'm gonna grab the barrel hold it nice and tight my other hand is gonna hit the wrist head drops off to the side and I get the gun back just like that so when you're practicing don't put your finger through the hole because you might get your finger broken so in practice mode keep your finger along the side of the gun for safety if I come here let's say the guy grabs tries uses free hand stick with the same motion turning it towards them pulling it down out and up and you'll be safe alright so that's what to do when the guy's holding the gun with one hand but I've been trained with firearms and I'm usually trained to use two hands it's a stronger position it's it's just a little more I can be a little more accurate so this might have you might have someone with two hands at you so similar rules apply get the head off the center line but instead of me bashing the wrist cuz that that might not get the gun away I want to grab either the top of the gun the top of his wrist you know somewhere up here I'm gonna grab and I'm gonna turn upwards and towards him down out and around so again so I'm here hey guy I don't shoot with the yellow gun I grab so you see what's happened I I want to get him at his wrists area and get this gun off the site if I have to jump off to the side that's fine you know while we're struggling for the gun stomps groin strikes kicks head butts and I like this snap down turn it back towards him once I think the gun is away from the guy hard step out so here I think the gun is about to be mine I make distance immediately so I'm close to him hard step out and I move and I move and I circle on the ground on the ground guy stuff like that in this situation where someone's trying to rob you give you all your money if sometimes it's easier to give the guy the wallet and end it right there instead of fighting them but sometimes you know that the guy even if you give him your wallet you might look a shot you might you know you might be in danger so the great tactic is when the guy pulls a gun on you even if he doesn't say what he wants get him talking sometimes I'll be like what can I do what do you need what do you need you wallow that's that's a great time to it diverts his attention off of his gun he's thinking he doesn't know if you gonna give in to or not so once I go to hand to him it's a great time as soon as the the wallet hits his hand step off and make your face just like that because what essentially I'm doing is I'm taking away one of his fight hands so put the gun with me here's the wallet see that's that's one fight hand gone now went from you know the second when the guy has two hands on the gun it's a little harder to get the gun away so hand in the wallet brings me right to my single hold where I can get my gun back so it makes it a lot easier for you also diverse the guy's attention when he's thinking about the wallet he might not be thinking about pulling the trigger a lot of guys are really money hungry so they see the wall they start thinking about their gonna do with the money what they're gonna you know how much money is in the wallet that they they start thinking about not killing you and what's in the wall it's a really good time to to save yourself also you know this is self-defense you want you want to practice you know get a friend get a partner and go over the situation because these are dangerous situations you want to be able to react fast accurately and you don't you want to be thinking you want to be here you got a big you got to make that decision to yourself am I gonna get a shot do I have to save myself BAM and I'm out alright so that was your basic defense when someone pulls a gun on you with one hand in two hands we're gonna have a lot more of these self-defense videos what to do against multiple attackers what do you against other weapons whip doing different positions with guns and just all-around self-defense so leave me some suggestions let me know what you want to see and we'll do it I'm the squid this is enemy surge be safe
Channel: mahalodotcom
Views: 4,659,949
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Id: JiJodvco5GU
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Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat May 24 2014
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