The Accidental 400mg Edible

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As if thereโ€™s anything close to 400mg in those shitty Chinese fake packages.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mbluna ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was funny lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mr-Meff ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm a dumbass. Ted's last name is Nivison, not Nvision.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/curiouspeach26 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm sorry but how is this guy even coherent in those little clips if he has physical symptoms?

He's also full of colors, I would guess he'd be chalk white if he actually got "the chills". I call BS.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/riodoro1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
is it just pure pain now that's what you hate to hear goodness gravy I've got a story for you guys today listen in the pursuit of life sometimes we run into bumps along the road the bumps vary in size and severity sometimes it's a little tiny pebble in the road and sometimes it's a giant [ __ ] boulder like for instance if you were hiking and you got hit by a giant [ __ ] boulder we're doing our best alright and sometimes things don't work out the way we would we would prefer today is one of those little interesting conundrums that we run into every now and then in our lives and it happened to me I ran into a bit of an issue so sit back relax and let's talk about how I once accidentally drugged myself with the largest edible I've ever eaten last February for all the coronavirus garbage happened I traveled to Los Angeles for spring break and one of the things that I had to do was I had to sign a [ __ ] ton of posters for u2's there was probably more than three thousand posters that I had to sign and the posters were being kept at the house at The Misfits YouTube group were staying at in LA Carson was there Schlacht was there Cooper's there we were all just trying to like sign all of these posters as fast as we could because there's so many of them and it was take us it was taking us literally hours to do at this point there was maybe about five or six people in the house at this time and that's because at that point the whole main misfits crew had gone out to dinner somewhere I don't know if you know this about the misfits in general but they smoked a lot of weed every trip they do they probably spent a couple thousand dollars on weed okay they smoked the mary-jane they do the weed in order to make the process of signing these posters go a little bit smoother I had smoked like half a joint of weed so I was already decently high because I hadn't smoked in a while either sign in a way crossing my eyes Dodd might ease however my personal reaction to weed is that I get the munchies I get the munchies pretty hard I smoked a little bit of the mare Lona and then I say oh I'm gonna eat an entire sleeve of club crackers with no cheese because gluttony I originally planned to go to dinner with my girlfriend and her father so I was trying to wean off of the hi and just kind of sign the posters and wait until it kind of wore off and then I would go and do that one of the things that they had at this house was they had a giant counter in which a bunch of snacks were all laid out there was chips there was more chips there was I think pizza I don't [ __ ] remember as I look across this horizon of bountiful snacks I see a nerds rope and my monkey brain is like oh and I'm thinking to myself man I remember nerds rope I haven't had nerds rope and [ __ ] forever dude I'm thinking back to my childhood where we would go to a campground in Maine and I would wattle on down to the snack shack and grab myself a nerds rub and before eating it considering its potential applications as nunchucks or trying to tie a knot with it but then realizing I'm a kid I don't know how to tie knots and my prefrontal lobe won't even be done cooking for another 20 years so what's even the point give me a slush puppy give me a Game Boy SP let's [ __ ] it up but lord have mercy did I learn in this moment I no longer was a child but a man a man who experiences consequence in the worst way possible so I'm signing more posters you know I'm cruisin I'm having a great time all right nerds rope tastes a bit strange but that could also be my perception that I have of being already high and it's kind of you've ever been high before it kind of messes with your perception of taste a little bit it was like drinking a diet coke versus a normal coke where there's like you know there's something there there's something there but I don't fully process why it tastes different so I finished the Nerds rope and then I go to have another nerds rope because I'm high and have the munchies as I'm biting into the next nerds rope one of the misfits guys says Ted don't eat those those are edibles hmm sorry I said I'm back I must uh I must have heard you wrong um scusi yeah Ted that's inedible so I say no [ __ ] way how much was it he says I think I think it might be like 60 milligrams what 60 milligrams to give you context the largest edible I'd had up until this point in my life was 20 milligrams so of course I asked are you sure one of the guys walks over to the counter and picks up the package of the Nerds rope and with the most you are [ __ ] face I've ever seen in a person he says it's actually 400 milligrams now remember I've already freaked out when I heard that it was a 50 milligram edible and I've just been told that it is actually eight times that amount so you may be asking yourself Ted how the [ __ ] did you not know that that was inedible and that's a good question let's start with the packaging that's the packaging it uses the same packaging as the actual branded Nerds rope it's got a thing that says Terran share as if it's just a normal candy in hindsight that's very much so implying for a good reason that you really should be sharing it and not eating it entirely on your own if you're not really paying attention and it's been like eight years since you had a nerds rope this is pretty easy to mistake for a nerds rope in addition to that there was a very specific and deceptive way that everything was laid out as snacks in the misfits house and I'll just let swagger CIL's explain that for me there was a very reasonable way like we set it up because the Nerds rope was inedible it's a 400 milligram edible and he didn't read the packaging but we have on that bench it's a big-ass bench it's snacks and food chips Pringles gummy bears all that [ __ ] munchies and then there's weed food which is edibles in between that and the weed which makes sense like a spectrum dangerous that's the thing is that it would make more sense to kind of put the weed food away so that you don't confuse confuse you've ever been in a car crash even if it's not your fault there's a certain feeling after it immediately happens it's this mind racing feeling when you have absolutely no idea what to do but you also know that something has to be done or you're [ __ ] aka panic so at this point I begin to freak for three reasons first of all I didn't know if I was personally prepared mentally to get as high as I was about to get second of all I had made plans for dinner with my girlfriend and her father that night and I definitely won't be making it and I'm pretty sure she's gonna be a little bit pissed and the third reason I hadn't smoked weed in two months which meant that my tolerance was rock-bottom I like to explain this with what I like to call the skyscraper analogy right here we have the tolerant skyscraper which represents my tolerance to marijuana let's just say that whenever I smoke weed I started the ground floor in the lobby if my taunts were higher then maybe I'd go a couple stories up to the mid-level apartments that's where all the stoner kids from high school hang out and they're all pretty high up there but it's nothing really to be worried about you're probably couch locked but you'll be fine with my tolerance at zero though I knew in my heart and my soul that I was going all the way up to cheech and Chong's [ __ ] penthouse as an unwilling and unexpected guest for an undetermined amount of time as things stand right now I don't even live in the building I'm from out of town and I sometimes commute into the city oh it's a Friday night oh we should go we should go get drinks in the city that's the that's what I'm operating on I know that I'm on a timer most edibles take about 45 minutes to an hour before they kick in but I know that I've taken this edible about 10 to 15 minutes prior which means math I've got about 45 minutes before this edible hits me and I died although other things can affect this such as being on an empty stomach which I was my first thought was that I need to make myself throw up because if I can get rid of as much of this edible as possible I could potentially mitigate the level of inebriation that I was about to experience so I stumble over to the bathroom and I start to gag and I'm trying to make myself throw up but I've never made myself throw up before I don't know how to do it so the next step is that I got Carson on his phone looking up how to's on wikiHow on how to make myself throw up and then Cooper's in the kitchen and he's making cups of saltwater for me to chug because apparently if you chug saltwater it helps with the throwing up process I'm not sure how true that was it just ended up with me just throwing up a bunch of pinkish salt water so I can't speak for its effectiveness but there you go and I'm pretty sure since the Nerds rope was sort of a candy sugar based food it was really easy for my stomach to digest it really fast so I'm pretty sure if I hadn't thrown it up within maybe five minutes there really wasn't that much that I could do from there so by the time I was done throwing up some food that we had ordered earlier arrived and Cooper basically advised me that the best thing that I could really do for myself would be to just fill my now completely empty stomach from this point on all I could really do was buckle up strap in and get ready for the [ __ ] high of a lifetime god bless my soul [Music] so I'm gonna give you guys a walkthrough of what this high was like it wasn't fun I also have some video footage that Cooper took so link to his channel in the in the description once I kind of came to terms with the fact that I was gonna have to ride out this high no matter what I decided to give myself a home base just somewhere where I could ground myself and not really need to worry about moving around or anything I found myself a nice armchair and I sat myself down there and prepared for the ride of a lifetime the first thing that happening was a classic weed symptom which is cottonmouth which is when your mouth gets really really dry so I was pretty much just constantly drinking water I remember starting to get colder and The Misfits they had a room where they just had a bunch of extra merch laid out where they could just give that to friends and stuff while they were in LA and I kind of just walked in there and just threw on one of the sweatshirts and then just went back to my home base and sat down and I was wondering for myself if that cold symptom that I was experiencing was real I did research on the symptoms that I was experiencing and this was something that actually happens informally it's referred to as weed chills the THC literally lowered my internal body temperature so I actually was getting cold another thing that happened and I think this also might have been a symptom of being cold but I started getting shaky and it's really funny the way that I described that when I was high and I actually have video footage of that right here welcome back it's gotten worse friends we are it's been about 45 minutes since last and bad okay I think you need another stick of butter I feel like my entire body feels like rubber bands pretty much after that point was when things started to get um they started to get bad the shaking was also the reason why in the video you can see me clasping my hands together because I was literally like shaking so much that I had to hold my hands together really tightly and keep my body really tight and close so I could be in like a comfortable state and then I get into what is called the painful zone or the first level of weed hell pretty much any position that I was sitting in felt painful don't do too much weed I was in the pain hotel and I was its only guest any surface that I touched whether it be the arms of my chair putting my hands on my knees anything like that just felt bad and what I think I would attribute that to is just being so high my sense of touch was just so elevated that my brain was just overloaded or something most of the time I was just trying to like breathe deeply and kind of maintain my composure but whenever Cooper would turn the camera on me and he would start recording I would sort of like try to elevate my attitude and try to seem as cheery as possible because I didn't really want to seem like an idiot hi stoner on camera you know at a certain point I had to move my home base because it was too disorienting to be sitting straight up I had to go and get [ __ ] horizontal baby I pretty much had to make a mental agreement with myself just to survive is it just pure pain now that's what you hate to hear it was during this time of unbearable dizziness that my good friend Schleck decided to use a [ __ ] handheld massager on me I'm just getting the lactic acid fun I just want to get the juices I just want to get the juices flowing if you please organism do you see my attitude there I wonder why I wouldn't like that a rapidly moving massager if you want a lesson on what not to do to someone when they're high that really takes the cake eventually the fateful moment happens I had a weed barf I honestly think it was really just because of how dizzy I was getting from being high and luckily for me I had a whole sandwich about an hour ago I literally had to run across the entire room and just run into the bathroom and throw up after I threw up though that's pretty much where the high took the downturn now it was cleansing I had it was a cleansing barf yeah it was uh it was detoxifying I went to go eat some skittles but without even knowing I was on camera I went around to people and not trusting my own ability to determine this I asked them if the skittles were edibles or not I ate the Edible at about 6:30 p.m. that day and I stayed awake all the way until about 4:00 a.m. that night I woke up at about 9:00 a.m. and I was still very high but I was definitely a manageable amount of hi what struck me though was I was high for the entire next day I went to bed that night hi so in total after eating a 400 milligram edible I was high for about you know 26 hours if there's one thing you guys shouldn't take away from this is like any anti weed sentiment from this video I think weed is a perfectly healthy drug to use recreationally but we'd like everything else follows the rule that too much of anything is definitely a bad thing obviously only consume weed in a state in which it's legal and if you're of age I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know if you want more stories from my life I don't really know how many stories I have to tell this is like the second one I've ever told on this channel but I hope you learned a thing or two and if there's one thing you should take away from this it's this weed is for sinners and I'm going to help [Music] ped accidentally took 400 milligrams of edible
Channel: Ted Nivison
Views: 3,497,253
Rating: 4.9659624 out of 5
Keywords: The Accidental 400mg Edible, The, Accidental, 400mg, Edible, Ted, Nivison, Story, Funny Story, Storytime, TedNivison, Ted Nivison
Id: G70-Bp6kHGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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