What Cereal is the Worst?

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/KatAttack99 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Big lion

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_Big_Lion_ 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
cereal it's the world's oldest breakfast food and the one with the richest history you might recall the Oregon Trail hmm settlers who were traveling on the Oregon Trail invented cereal in order to survive the treacherous journey had there not been cereal they would have all been dead cereal is the lifeline of this country everybody knows it if we lose cereal we lose Capitol Hill honey bunches boom life boom cocoa puffs boom I recently asked you guys on Instagram what the worst cereals that you've ever had is Harris and I we've both eaten a lot of cereal in our time on this planet one could call us experts in the craft us cereal connoisseurs we'll be trying out the worst cereals in the world this is a scientific study and without further ado let's munch on some breakfast goods munch on this crunch babies [Music] behold a glorious assembly of cereals whoa we've got some American cereals and we've got some international cereals so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna start with the American cereals and then move on to the International cereals work our way out we're gonna rate these cereals from zero to five stock Ricky's the famous ethics philosopher if the cereal is really terrible it'll get a zero out of five saul kripke Ziff the cereals banging for the buck it's gonna get five out of five Saul Kripke so let's do this thing baby Twinkies cereal sometimes science goes too far and we're gonna figure that out science went too far the first time when the made regular Twinkies and we realized that no one should eat them ever on the back it says the snack cake golden child is now a cereal Ted you're a snack cake doctor focusing on snack cake I'm focusing on the word usage of golden child there's their little babies for us it's already too much it's got a really intense smell I'm scared that's good an interesting balance between crunch and soft I don't like that initial the way it hits me on the tongue the initial hit strange strange I'm getting notes of shitty carnival candy honestly is that the sugar content that's keeping me coming back I would say the crunch factor is pretty good but I'm a little bit suspicious about the flavor I'm gonna give this a one point five out of five Kripke you're being quite generous to either deal we were doing decimals it's a won Kripke [Music] Kellogg's unicorn cereal this one I had to order get it shipped him who orders cereal online and gets it shipped to their house it's like I'm hoping that this tastes like a really unicorn what I'm thinking at least for the topping of this cereal is it somebody murdered a unicorn and they took its horn and they took a cheese grater and they sort of just went yeah it's kind of real dark real quick Cheers I already like it more than the Twinkies no no the loops give it a little bit more airiness to it I'm getting a little bit of an Asian flavor umami yeah as the legends tell unicorns are from the northern parts of Thailand everyone knows that I know well keep up oh no just a ripoff it's pretty much fruit loot cereal but they package it as a unicorn flavoring it's advertising there on the box there to be unicorn horn shavings on there and honestly I didn't get that sort of keratin like crunch that I would have expected from a horn I don't feel eternal bliss my life has stayed remotely the same and for that I'm pissed for false advertising I'm gonna give that a point five out of five crypt keys Wow I'm pissed incredible rating in this moment I strictly have to go with what's given to me and that right there is the flavor is the texture is that sensation on the tongue solid one-point-five creepy [Music] Jolly Ranchers cereal okay remember Jolly Ranchers are sour aren't they yeah so what I want from this one is a sour flavor is that the way you really want to wake up you want a sour crunch let's jump right into it the smell test whoa I don't know if this is placebo or not it does smell a little bit like Jolly Ranchers though the ranchers have rapping on them have you ever smelled the Jolly Rancher before though with the rapper you're telling me that you take a Jolly Rancher you put it up to your nose and you smell it man we all have our convictions and some of us don't that's deep they're smooth or as concerning they might have some like lit like what's weird about this cereal is that it kind of does taste like Jolly Ranchers and that's a big problem because I don't know what witchcraft is going on here but they seem to have actually done it a little bit the aftertaste is you know it settles it settles into a jolly rancher aftertaste exactly while the flavor is there and it is accurate this isn't something I'm gonna be coming back to all the time you know so for that reason I'm gonna give this a 2 out of 5 kripp keys you know Ted I'm right there with you I'm have to say a 2 out of 5 cookies this coating is a slippery when wet and it's awfully concerning why that is so honeyBun cereal you're a big fan of honey buns oh I love my honey buns so let's try this out smells almost exactly the same as the Twinkie cereal you were right on that one shape looks kind of like my grandmother this looks like your grandmother I'm just as concerned as you are is that a problem for the honey buns or for your grandma it's hard to tell at this point yeah tastes like Cookie Crisp the cinnamon creeps in on you at the end you know what I like about this one it's getting soft quickly how many of this at three crypt keys I must remain to my gut and it's telling me 2.5 cookies we tease a lot of people don't like weenies already here we go I feel like an athlete I feel strong I feel like Serena Williams it tastes a little bit like bark sort of a soil II aspect to the flavor there's a little dirty 10% 90% corn flakes 2.5 [ __ ] keys yeah I'm gonna have to go with you on that one I think it I'd say Wheaties would get us across the Oregon Trail [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is an anime serial anime serial also known as shopkins Apple strawberry cutie O's what's the best thing to put in a donut your teeth time to joke it's a Q&A that ones seriously they get brighter in the milk I have a film over my tongue already this cereal kind of pisses me off do tell me 1.5 kripp keys you're quick on the gun there I'm also going to say 1 point 5 rupees sorry shopkins what even is shopkins a [ __ ] company blueberry eggo waffle cereal who doesn't like aegyo not racists obviously that was the answer Ted good texture I'm having a good time I'm having a good time I don't know any gripes with this cereal the crunch good the flavor mm-hmm tasty I'm gonna give it a three point one Krispies three Krispies drumstick cereal cone cereal pieces ice cream flavored scoops and cocoa nuggets alright here we go healthy scoop of almond interesting it's given me a mix of experiences ok I'm getting some golden grams but I'm also getting some cocoa puffs see we all know that mixing cereals of sacrilege but this drumstick combination here is doing a pretty good job I would say they blend quite well together going against the grain that has been set in the industry a little bit everybody knows that the cereal industry is cutthroat however I'm a bit disappointed in the ice cream flavored scoops having little to no flavor I'm gonna give it a 2.8 Kripke's and chocolate right so solid 3.5 creepies [Music] we all know the original Captain Crunch can sweep the nation with his big moustache and his stupid hat now you've got cotton candy Cap'n Crunch why is the captain running a carnival that remains to be seen potentially money laundering scheme let's jump right into it I'm confused I'm confused too it's got some cotton candy do it but like to krupke's I'm gonna do like a 1:9 kripp Keys Grape Nuts cereal you may remember Grape Nuts from when I made meatloaf it works as a freakin great read comes in recipes but how does it perform as a cereal great nut cereal just sinks to the bottom of the bowl it has little to no buoyancy to it it is literally just a bunch of crumbs in a box it's like chewing gravel the mouthfeel is not a feel at all it's a fight yeah honestly I feel like I'm eating kibble portrait and there's an aftertaste for them too it's like what's going on there what's up what hello aftertaste get out of my face aftertaste 5m5 cookies no 2.5 cookies give it like a 1/5 Kripke the quality of life is so low maybe shark cereal is this supposed to taste like a baby shark what about it is baby shark really overall pretty confused it has a a bio section for each of this of the Sharks talked about in the song such as William baby sharks best friend I did not know that there was lore here we go this is just the unicorn cereal all over again damn this [ __ ] cereal I'm giving this a [ __ ] point five out of five crypt keys one crap game oops all berries here's the thing I just thought it was funny because it said oops all berries as if there's an implied mistake here but as a form of protest we will also not be eating this cereal because [ __ ] the berries you ever been to the grocery store and you saw that weird religious bread Ezekiel bread it's the bread that is also doubling as a Bible they made a cereal I got this imported from wherever the [ __ ] [ __ ] the middle of Wyoming this biblical cereal is truly the staff of life for making a lot of truth claims out here here we go what does your Bible smell like that this is just like bigger Grape Nuts I'm ready to repent with this cereal oh god I like it more than the Grape Nuts no I like it worse than the great nut it's like eating the handful of grain I'm gonna give this one a point eight crypt keys flag on the field sir there was no foul the only foul was to God Ted geez 0.8 what are you talking about there's at least a 1.43 crypt use three crypt keys oh I'll suck up to God that's you [Music] banana cream frosted flakes spam I ordered this online for $20 I have never seen anything like this No smells like banana you need to do more than that [ __ ] oh no oh no what have they done what is this oh you know what I'm tasting right now I'm tasting a banana Laffy Taffy aftertaste on frosted flakes that's disgusting there's a laughing taffy but hey nobody laughing here this is just this is this is the bastard child of Willy Wonka and Tony the Tiger this is a point five [ __ ] case as salad one point five cookies sour patch kids cereal definitely not about the same size as real sour patch kids they literally what the [ __ ] bro that smells like sour patch kids kind of these are like sour patch kids but they're way smaller what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no way I don't know way I don't want to be a part of this anymore they dead ass did that they literally put sour sugar on the [ __ ] cereal I can't believe that they actually did that this is probably gonna be the closest thing that actually eating sour patch kids as a cereal that's so bad that's the worst cereal I've ever had Xero's cookies and they thought it would work this cereal gets a 0 out of 5 crib keys the literal definition of a zero out of five creepies I can't believe that they actually went ahead of me a sour cereal are they [ __ ] stupid no wonder I needed to order this [Music] from Canada banana bread shreddies I don't really know what to expect with this we had a banana thing earlier and it was jack [ __ ] I don't know is this really as bad as I think it is just so banana for no reason ah no I can't no I can't it's too bad you know what the problem is all these cereals are trying to be something and that's the problem with cereal nowadays they're always there they're a bunch of [ __ ] posers I can taste like licorice really really bad cereal just not not good at all really terrible I gotta say all the bad ones came at the end they're all stacked four maybe even five geez why do you just lie why are you lying what are you talking about one whole crafty I'm gonna give it a point to Kripke I forget what anything good tastes like anymore [Music] from Australia weet-bix from at least 99% Australian ingredients it looks like a big cracker but you can see that it's in a bowl with milk yeah but look how big that [ __ ] is it says Aussie kids are weet-bix kids what the [ __ ] aha crackers crackers - biscuits - hole best kids maybe it does look like paper mache I think we need to break it up maybe with our spoon it really absorbs the milk things like Wheaties but it just like more shredded it's just got some sort of musty general taste and presence though I'd give it a 2 and a half for what's going on here if I'm trying to have like a semi healthy breakfast I'd give it a 2 and a half it's just not cereal 5 out of 5 cookies I mean looking back I'd probably say honey bun egg oh and Wheaties the Cinnabon the ago and then drumstick alright thank you guys so much for joining us on this journey of tasting different cereals I hope you learned something about what cereals to avoid specifically sour patch kids cereal that [ __ ] is ranked our ratings are a hundred percent true you can try to argue in the comments with them but I mean we're kind of experts so [ __ ] off make sure to subscribe to the channel make sure to LIKE the video and follow me on all the other social medias I'm on don't do not please please please [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ted Nivison
Views: 1,902,078
Rating: 4.9717779 out of 5
Keywords: What Cereal is the Worst, What, Cereal, Is, The, Worst?, What Cereal is The Worst?, Taste Test, Taste, Test, Sour Patch Kids Cereal, Sour Patch Kids, Twinkies Cereal, Twinkies, Frosted Flakes, Ted Nivison, Ted, Nivison, Ted Nivison Milk, Milk, Cursed, Cursed Cereal, nivision
Id: POVtPDn1k18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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